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Wilto some setbacks in construction, 
the School of Creative Arts will 
remain in its current location until 

Tfte Windsor L&tccrs heked off 
their season with an incredibly 
disappointing loss on home turf this 
past weekend. 


t/Wmdkr studet jfJ had the 
opportunity to explore the parks 
of Windsor and Essex County this 
summer ,; ending at Canadas most 
southern point. 08~» 

flip through this issue of The lance 
for student and residence notes and 
miscellaneous information that 
could help you during your first 
weekta*. 02-* 


New Welcome Centre and Sunset Avenue only mark the beginning 


News Editor 

Late in the 2015 winter term, the 
University of Windsor took prior¬ 
ity on some obstruction projects on 
campus to give the grounds a facelift 

These early projects consisted of cre¬ 
ating a new Welcome Centre on Wy¬ 
andotte Street and the reconstruc¬ 
tion of Sunset Avenue, attempting to 
make open concept areas for both 
the students and employees of the 

The new Welcome Center can be 
seen in the forefront of the grounds 
off of Wyandotte Street where the 
dd parking lot in front of Erie Hall 
was. The glass building features open 
concept ideals on the inside with very 
little dosed spaces and glass encased 
rooms Outside of the building there 
are green spaces for students and 
workers to relax, study and enjoy the 
new addition* 

John Coleman, the director of pub¬ 
lic affairs and communkations at 

the University of Windsor, said the 
university has been very busy during 
the summer and students who are 

returning are going to see some big 
changes around the campus. 

“The new Welcome Centre is at the 

focal point ofWyandotte and Patricia 
and will be the greeting hub of the en¬ 
tire school^ said Colmm "The land¬ 
scaping is just being finished outside 
and were exdfced for people to come 
and visit as the school year starts out" 

Coleman said the bidding is meant 

to be a common ground for students 

faculty and staff to come and hang 


The other big project which took 
place over the summer was foe face¬ 
lift of Sunset Avenue Coleman said 
it is an incredible project and has 
changed the street completely from a 
high-traffic area to a student gather¬ 
ing area 

"There are a lot of cod features such 
as the new square-shaped street limits 
that have a modem look to them, the 
green areas all along the street and, 
what 1 think is foe most unique fea¬ 
ture, are foe newly installed learning 
podsT said Cdemaa “The pods are 
essentially hangout areas where stii- 
dents and faculty can work and hang 

The Sunset project, which is still in¬ 
complete, has a budget of $49 mil¬ 
lion and will continue construction 
into the school year. 

Earlier this year; foe University of 
Windsor was one of five schools 

One of the many new learning pods along Sunset Avenue for students? faculty and staff to enjoy the 

outdoors in* 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

ranked the greenest in North Amo-- 
ka and Coleman said these projects 
are adding to that posona 

Another big oanstniction pro^ 
university is continuing is the integra¬ 
tion of the downtown campus. Stu¬ 
dents are going to see the first part 
open up this M. 

“The Centre for Executive and Pro¬ 
fessional Education downtown will 
have over 500 people moving down 
there including students, faculty and 
staff said Coleman. “There is still 
work being done on the outside but 
you can see staff has moved in on 
foe inside and the building is almost 

Additionally, Coleman said hav¬ 
ing foe social weak programs in the 
downtown sectorwiD be a very good 
foing for the students because foe en- 
vironment will only benefit foe stud¬ 
io of the students there. 

See CAMPUS on page 



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Being a new student on the 
UWindsor campus can be stress¬ 
ful - therds so much information 
bdng thrown to you al once* it 
can be hand to keep track. Thafs 
why our staff at The Lance have 
teamed up with Residence Ser¬ 
vices to make your experience on 
campus super easy! Hip through 
this September 3 issue of The 
Lance, as well as the September 
10 issue, to get all the information 
you need! 


The UWm Card is one of the 
most important things youre go 
ing to have as a residence student 
on campus! Ifc your meal caid, 
your laundry card, and the key to 
your building. The UWin CARD 
Office will be working overtime 
during wdeorne week to get you 
taken care of! The UWin CARD 
office is located in the basement of 
the CAW Student Centro 



ft'youTl be beeping your car with 
you for tiie year; and parking on 
campus, yauTI need to get a cam¬ 
pus parking pass, 

Hnd out more at www.uwindsGr. 


, A 


Sunday: 8:30 am to430 pm in 
die CAW and Vania* Hall 

The Mowing arc in the CAW 
Monday: 9 am to 4pm 
Tuesday: 9 ani to 7 pm 
Wednesday: 9 am to 7 pm 
Thursday: 9 am to 7 pm 
Friday: 9am to4 pm 


They are the foil-time Residence 
Life staff that oversee the opera¬ 
tion and management of the resi¬ 
dence buildings from day to day. 


Sodal Media isa great way to stay 
connect to your residence. Resi¬ 
dence Services can be found on 
Facebook,TWiiter and InstagrairL 

We Tovc to S tips and trrd& of 
living on campus to make sure 
that our students are getting the 
most out of thdr residence expe¬ 



University Offering 300 Part-Time 
Jobs for Students in Financial Need 


News Editor 

Its no secret with tuition, gas, text 
book prices and costs of living on a 
steady rise many students are in need 
of assistance to pay for their educa¬ 

The University of Windsor Work 
Study program provides students 
who need hdp paying for tuition 
with jobs around campus. 

The program is available to domestic 
students who have applied for gov¬ 
ernment assistance but the assistance 
is not enough to cower direct educa¬ 
tional costs, as well as undergradu¬ 
ate international students who prove 
financial need with additional infor¬ 
mation and documentation support¬ 
ing thdr application The program is 
not available for international gradu¬ 
ate students as of now 

The program fills about 300 part- 
time positions available to students 
and claims to help towards both 
financial benefits and skill develop¬ 
ment. All positions pay $12 per hour 

The deadline for application is O CL 
15 artd the Confirmation for Hiring 
form deadline will be extendedtofaa 
31 if employers have open positions. 

The application for domestic and 
international undergraduates started 
on Aug, 1 and will continue to be 
open until Oct 15. Students can kg 
on to myUWINDSOR, dick on 
‘Tinanaal Matters” dim "Search for 
Awards” and follow tile directions 
from there. Domestic students must 
apply to the University of Windsor 
Work Study Program application 

Visit uwindsorxa/awards/work-study-student-information to 
see if and how you can apply for the University of Windsor’s Work 
Study program . 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

and international students must ap- For a full briefing and nrore informs 
ply to the University of Windsor tion on the program, visit uwindsor 
Work Study Program - International ca/awards/ work-study-student-in- 
application. formation* 


* Prove financial need 

- Be m a registered degree program at the University of Windsor 

- Maintain 60 per cent .ofa foil course load, 40 pci cent for students with 
permanent disability and 80 percent for international students in each 

- Be in good academic stan ding 

- Domestic students must have completed OSAP or government aid 

- International students must be in their second to fourth year with 
documented unexpected and ex tent sating financial droimstances 

- Complete a Work Study application and fully and accurately budget 
by Oct 15 

- Undergraduate students must work 5-24 hairs a week, graduate 
students must work at least five hours and average no more than ten 
a week 


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SoCA Over the Summer: What Happened 
and What’s In Store for 2015-16 

The Armouries building located in downtown Windsor is under construction as it will be set to be the 
new home for UWtndsor School of Creative Arts students by summer 2017, 

/Photo by// Hunt Yassine] 

ready, auditions are open to any and 


Arts Editor 

The School of Creative Aits (SoCA) 
underwent some changes and delays 
over the summer months as it pre¬ 
pares for its 48th season. 

What was supposed to be the schools 
final year in the LaBd building has 
turned into the penultimate Students 
in die SoCA program won't be mov¬ 
ing into their downtown location un¬ 
til summer 2017, Initially confirmed 
earlier in the season, one of die causes 
for the delay had been due to the Ar¬ 
mouries buildings dose distance to 
the Windsor-Detroit tunnel, accord¬ 
ing to SoCAs marketing co-ordinator 
Susan McKee, 

'The tunnel board had to approve 
the construction and then they had 
to have these vibration sensors in¬ 
stalled along Freedom Way!’ McKee 
said "‘That took a couple of months 
longer than expected” 

Despite the setback, die school 
doesn't mind staying in thdr current 
digs for a little bit longer However 
therefc some anxiousness in the air 
as die corr^etion of the project will 
lead to numerous partnerships be¬ 
tween SoCA and several downtown 
businesses such as the Windsor Sym¬ 

phony Orchestra and the Art Gallery 

‘Were really’ looking to do more 
things in partnership with arts or¬ 
ganizations in Windsor and Essex 
County!’ McKee said ‘"We always 
have, but were going to be downtown 
so theres going to be more opportu¬ 
nities when wti get there” 

With the 48th season on the horizon* 
die school has prepared a number of 
concerts, exhibitions and workshops 
with the help of a wide variety of spe¬ 
cial guests. One of the events to occur 
in the fall includes an artist talk with 
Dr. Garnet Hertz, a Research Chair in 
Design and Media Arts at Emily Carr 
University in Vancouver In late Oc¬ 
tober, the school will host a concert 
for Project Trio, where artists merge 
aspects within a variety of musical 

‘They’re aE world dass artists indi¬ 
vidual!); but they kind of combine 

classical, rock, new age, you name rtf 

McKee said 

There was also a significant staff 
change during the off months. In 
July the school appointed Dr, Bruce 
Kotowich as the new Director of 
Choirs, Originally from Winnipeg, 
Kotowich was working as a director 
at Lanas College in Iowa before set¬ 

tling into Windsor. 

T really wasn’t looking for a major 
movei' Kotowich said Thtogs were 
going well for me in Iowa, but the 
opportunity to come home was very 
important to me” 

tor is setting up auditions for both the 
University Singers and the Chambers 
Choir With a sign-up sheet at the 

aD university students in the form of 
an elective. Auditions are set tobegin 

during the first week of dasses and 
will be hdd at Kotowidis office. Ulti¬ 
mately he hopes to have the singers at 
top form and suspend them towards 
a national stage. 

This being my first year, Fm in 
support of getting a better grasp of 

university culture, the community 
needs, and to make sure these two 
ensembles are as heahhy as possible! 3 

Kotowich said The students need 
to know that I will be here long term, 
that there* going to be growth* therefe 
going to be opportunities! 1 

The complete schedule of the 48th 
season can be found on the SoCA 


The persistent trauma of p^cma* 
institutionalized racism can be expected 
to lake it foil on anyone. But resilience, 
instead, is flic main tliernc of Azra Daniel 
Francis’s latest book, a raw and deeply 
personal memoir that details his experience 
gt owing up in South Africa, Through uinnettes 
of people, places, and institutions that 
impacted him, Francis’s account of details his 
always being an outsider in his own country, 
And whw he feds no relief from racism and 
nloitetion i)i his adopted country, Canada, 
still lie persists in demanding the dignify and 
equality that is his human right. 
unsettling read, but also a 
testament to the strength of 
people who are oppressed to 
flourish in the face of and in 
resistance to, tremendous 

Initially planned to settle in by next year, students at the School of Creative Arts won't be moving into their 

downtown location until summer 2017, 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

Order the paperback book at 
ww wifesenpressco m/bookstore 

For just 42099 





On move in day, every RA on 
campus wil hast the very first 
floor meeting of the year in your 
floor Iounge/assigned meeting 
area! It is VERY MPORTANT 
that you attend the floor meet¬ 
ings, they are mandatory, and will 
provide you with a lot of informa¬ 
tion that yuull need in the first 
few weeks of your stay with us in 
residence. Your first floor meeting 


Residence Services is happy to 
welcome all of ifs new and return¬ 
ingstudents home to its residence 
building. Our residence life staff 
has bear hard at work and in 
training. Id make this a fantastic 
year for you in residence. If you 
haw something ymit like to see 
or do in rez, fel your RA know! 
Your RA may also have some fun 
activities, snacks, as wdl as give 
you a lot of important informa* 
tioru it is critical lhat you attend! 


'There WILL be fire drills during 
the first few weds of September 
When the akrm sounds, follow 
the actuation plan as listed on 
the back of ymir room door. The 
purpose of a fire drill is to pre¬ 
pare you for an emergency in the 
building Participation in the fire 
drill is MANDATORY 

If you discover a fire in residence, 
sound the alarm by pulling cate 
of the fire akrm pull stations at 
a building exft (activating a false 
alarm can result in fines, and 


If you hear the fire akrm, you 
MUST evacuate the building. If 
you are discovered in residence 
during a fire alarm, before an a! 
dear has been given, you may be 
fined up Do $125* 

When the fire akrm sounds: 

1. Remain calm 

2 Quickly take the time to get a 
sweater/sodcs/and make sure to 
wear shoes. It may be cold out¬ 
side, and depending on the situa¬ 
tion, you may be waiting for some 
time before the building is com- 
pfetdy checked 

3. Check your door If r& cod, 
proceed into the hallway lock 
your door, and exit via die nearest 
emergency exit 

4 Do not wait for your RA or Fire 
Marshall, they may not be home 

5. Do not block exits, proceed 
away from the building, to your 
predetermined meeting place. 

6. Remain outside the building 

until permission to re-enter is 
given by the Fire Department, 
Campus Community Police, or 
Residence Staff 

A fire alarm is considered to be 
an emergency situation, and as a 
result, your room maybeentered 
without knoddpg by the fire de¬ 
partment, campus community 
police, or residence life staff mem¬ 
bers. Treat EVERY ALARM as a 
real fire, unless there are signs 
posted that testing is going to hap- 
pea You can never be too safe! 





1 "Sports EcfffQr 

Also in the works downtown is the 
reconstruction of the old Wind¬ 
sor Amouries and Tunnel Bar-B-Q 
properties as the School of Creative 

Hie current budget for the project is 
$75 million including contributions 
of$15 million from the province and 
S10 million from the city. 

Coleman said transportation will also 
be opened up and new bus schedules 
wifl be released as foe campuses start 
to come together and foe downtown 
buildings open up. 

No matter where you lode on cam¬ 
pus this year, changes are happening 
and we are in foe dead centre of this 

Windsorites to Repel From Caesars 
27th Floor For The Final Year 

Ram Sridhar, Mike Kelly, Kelly Steele and Afshin AH pose on the patio of the 27th floor at Caesars 
Windsor Augustus Tower Aug 25 to promote Drop Zone Windsor ; Oct . 6 L Participants who raise 
$1,500 can belay down Augustus Tower like a “superhero” in an effort to support children with physi¬ 
cal disabilities. 

[Photo by // Brett Hedges] 

‘■Superheroes” walked amongst mor¬ 
tals as the Easter Seals held a kick-off 
event on the 27th floor of Caesars 
Windsor Augustus Tower promot¬ 
ing the buSd up of fundraising for 
Drop Zone as it enters its final year. 

Drop Zone is a national fundraising 
event where individuals and teams 
get to become superheroes for the 
day helping to raise a minimum of 
$1,500 in pledges to support children 
with physical disabilities. 

On Aug, 25 f Easter Seals Ontario 
Ambassadors, Caesars Windsor rep¬ 
resentatives and committee mem¬ 
bers of the Windsor-Essex Drop 
Zone all gathered to the area where 
mdivkhiak or teams who raise the 
minimum amount will be eligible 
to rappel 27-storeys off of Augustus 

Afshin All > the Development Of¬ 
ficer of Easter Seals Windsor-Essex, 
asks a simple question to those who 
are leery of foe once in a lifetime pos¬ 

"Why wouklnt you? Why wouldn't 
you want to rappel off of Caesars 
Windsor and hang out and enjoy 
the Detroit skyline? I& a fun event, 
ife esdting and ifs unique in that not 
a tot of people do this in their spare 
time,” said AJL “Were really exdfced, 
we want more of a draw from par¬ 
ticipants. Last year we raked a total 
of $60,000 in pledges for children of 
Easter Seek. This year we're hoping to 

raises to SBQ.OQtf 

Since 1922, Easter Seals Ontario lias 
helped create a better life for children 
and youth with physical disabilities 
from all ethnic and religious back¬ 
grounds. Heading into the final year 
ofDrop Zone Windsor, Ali hopes the 
people of Windsor-Essex will sup¬ 
port this unique fondnusing event 
before it leaves foe dty far good 

“Because it is a different event and ilk 
for children with physical disabilities 
it makes people want to do it' said 
AL "Ifs more rewarding and you 

know where foe fandraising dollars 



Easter Seals is known as an industry 
leader in providing specialized rec¬ 
reation programs for children with 
physical disabilities at camps, which 
provide opportunities for sodal de¬ 
velopment As wet hearing and mo¬ 
bility equipment devices are provided 
to families in need Almost all Eas¬ 
ter Seats programs and services are 
funded entirely through donations, 
whether it be by individuals, sponsors 
and foundations. 

Ram Sridhar, District Chair for Eas¬ 
ter Seals Ontario, said to reach their 
goal foe event would need approxi¬ 
mately 65 people raising $1,500. As of 
Aug. 25, Sridhar said theywere about 
halfway to their goal but also hopes 
they will surpass it and make it ahuge 

“This is foe one charitable event 
where you're doing something that 
the kids have to face everydayf said 
Sridhar. “They have to face a chal¬ 

lenge everyday. To get somewhere or 
do someth!^ whether it is \ 
an adult or someone able-bodied or 
somebody overeoming a fear In do¬ 
ing this, you fed better about yourself, 
ifs quite a feding." 

Sridhar, a Masters of Economics 
graduate of the University of Wind¬ 
sor in 2003 says seeing the exhilarat¬ 
ed faces erf participants who take the 
plunge down the 27-stories and take 
in all of foe sightlines is an experience 
in itself 

Theres no better vkw in the dty 
than Caesar's Windsor, so anyone 
who participates in this wil have an 
experience that foe vast majority of 
their fellow residents will never have,” 
said Sridhar. They should take ad¬ 
vantage of it, tor sure You get to be a 
superhero for a day; the kids get to be 
a superhero for a lifetime” 

Anyone interested in signing up or 
donating to Drop Zone can do so on 
thedropzone.caAVlndsor or Face- 
book at The Drop Zone. 

Mike KcDy; an Easter Seals Board 
Member, encouraged a specific 
member of the Windsor Lancers ath¬ 
letic staff to do Drop Zone, Athletic 
Director Mike Havey. 

“Havey being the athlete he is, be 
should do it, and wed love to see 
more participants from the Univer¬ 
sity, “ said KeBy. ‘jumping off and 
seeing nothing below your feet is 
kind of nice T have done it and it is 
absolutely exhilarating. Its foe best 
view in North America” 


Local Comedy Gains Tighter 
Foothold Through Competition 

Headliner Nitish Sakhuja concludes the night with his routine at the Border City Comedy Pest Aug 

28 , 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine} 

time soon* 

in the summer which is normally 


Arts Editor 

A comedy scene in Windsor could 
have been declared miniscule at best 
just a few yeare aga But new ifs no¬ 
ticeably gaining momentum as it 
continues to draw in audience mem¬ 
bers whove never been to a show 

“My friend invited me, it was all his 
idea But it was a good show Fd defi¬ 
nitely come badC Orton said 

The second annual Border City 
Comedy Best has left a lingering pres¬ 
ence over the summer as it ended its 
eighth and final week of competition 
on Aug 28 and 29 at the Comedy 
Quarry inside Rodthead Pub. Sixty- 
four stand-up comics joked their way 
through in hopes of winning the top 
ics competed ever die course of eight 
weeks, with each winner clinching a 
spot at the late September finale at the 
Okie Walker/ilk Theatre, 

Tfe like watdung Last Comic Stand¬ 
ing, but in your own backyard" said 
host and Comedy Quarry co-owner 

Comics are given between five and 

six minutes to perform their routine 
in hopes to advance to the next night 
Three comics then advance and are 
given 10 minutes to deliver an act 
which will bring them to the finale 
Theres likely Me doubt as to the ap¬ 
peal of the cash prize, but fur cumk 
fay Gill the opportunity to perform 
is enough. 

"Its not about getting the money but 
getting another spotT Gill said “To¬ 
day is about gelling tomorrow and 
tomorrow I get 10 minutes. When 
youre three years in, a win is just get¬ 
ting on stage.” 

Gill, a second year Law student at 
the University of Windsor, has been 
a stand-up comic for three years. As 
far as prime inspiration goes, he dtes 
a Louis CK performance which left 
quite an impression, enough for him 
to want to try his hand as a comedian 

“He wasn't just saying things to say 
them. He was saying them and Ire 
had a point that hit home, both chi 
the laugh and with the truth of&atT 
QD said 

There were laughs, there were 
groans, and the dub was at near ca¬ 
pacity when the lights dimmed and 
the show began Petadeau said the 

reception for the festival this year was 
similar to the first, with the majority 
of shows selling out With comedy 
nights popping up at a more consis¬ 
tent basis around the city it may be 
safe to assume the emerging local 
scene may not be bowing out any¬ 

'Comedy has come so far in Wind¬ 
sor from having more local showcas¬ 
es to having two dubs that are active. 
Theres lots more comedy coming 
through,” Pdadeau said “Bor die 
festival to draw such a good crowd 

comedy’s really slow season, really 

great to see people coming out and 
supporting it” 

The finale for the competition will 
begin on September 25 and will con- 
dude the following evening, 

UWindsor Students and the Federal Elections 

Upcoming elections captivate postsecondary audiences 


News Editor 

The upcoming federal election lias a 
fot of people arguing, debating and 
posting opinions, campaign ads and 
links to election related propaganda 

The buzz has hit almost ail corners 
of foe social aides in Canada and 
the University of Windsor and other 
postsecondary institutions are no 
exceptions, With a very high portion 
of eligible voters, foe group could be 
a major turning point when it comes 
down to voting day although, many 
say they dorit feel the information 
to make an educated vote is readily’ 

Fourth year btochemistry student, 
Victor Igbokwe said he feels a lot of 
the Canadian candidates are “politi¬ 
cal ninjas'! 

“I would follow the politics more 
closely ifit was better advertised^ said 
Igbokwe. T know more about foe 
American politks because the)’are all 
over the media.” 

Igbokwe said if he had access to a 
pamphlet which broke down foe 
candidates and their platforms he 
would feel more informed and pre¬ 

4f Studenls should be involved in 
politics and feel comfortable doing 
it,” said Igbokwe. “Students are a key 
demographic of the country that a tot 
ofpolides affect but we have no real 

Another UWindsor student in foe 
dramatic arts department Shane 
Morris, said students are the next 
generation and politicians should 
keep them in mind now for their 
own futures. 

“The country is being shifted into 
our hands and we need to continue 
to shape it and form it for years to fol- 
lowT said Monk 

Morris also added politics have to 
wave away from foe “dub” mentality 
they have 

“Show us this is more than just old¬ 
er men trying to fight their batiks 

through young mens lives while liv¬ 
ing liresofluxuryf said Monk “Lead 
undent rule us” 

Morris said his knowledge of this 
years campaigns is based off of the 
more popular candidates Stephen 
Harper, for foe Conservative Party 
and Justin Trudeau, for foe Liberal 

Morris said he believes politics have 
become a popularity contest to see 
who can be elected for another term 
and maintain a “fen base” He said he 
doesn’t want a celebrity to lead Cana¬ 
da blindly as a figurehead, he wants a 
ruler who will walk “through & battle¬ 
field with us” 

"third year psychology UWindsor 
student, Emily McQoskey said stu¬ 
dent involvement in politics is very 

“Students should be involved because 
this ts our future and country that 
we have to live inT said MeGoskey. 
“If the government tries to target the 
larger population of foe generation 

ahead of us and satisfy them, die 
voice of the younger population goes 
unnoticed and they become less in¬ 
terested to politics.” 

McQoskey said politicians should 
try harder to target postsecondary 
students and to do more to inform 
them in general. She said having eas¬ 
ily accessible, point-form informa¬ 
tion would benefit a lot of foe uni¬ 
versity and college age groups, as well 
as make them more confident when 
wanting to gst involved 

“Political involvement isn't a right, 
its a responsibility^ said Mitchell De- 
mais, a fourth year Fblities and Gov¬ 
ernance at Ryerson University. “As 
citizens we're obligated to participate, 
Ks foe price we pay for the franchise” 

Demars said politicians dorit adver¬ 
tise themselves in a way which ap¬ 
peals to the way media is turning over 
to foe internet 

"I think the parties are too reliant 
on traditional mediaT said Demars, 
Nobody watches TV in this genera¬ 


He also said more education in poli¬ 
tics would be good, especially in high 

In high school you study advanced 
math and physics but you just baidy 
scrape the surface of politics, eco¬ 
nomics or sodotogyT said Demars. 
“Most people in our age category 
know very’ little about political the¬ 
ory, foe structure of foe government 
or even bask legal rights and I think it 
really hurts politicization.” 

Students want to be involved in their 
country and in fodr future but also 
want foe tofonration necessary to be 
more accessible. 

If politicians want to gather some 
votes in foe untapped social aides, 
making their platforms accessible 
and understood by foe postseoorad- 
ary institutions would help according 
to Windsor students. 

Formore information chi the upcom¬ 
ing federal elections, visit elections.^ 





Locked out? Need information? 
Home-sick? Need someone to 
talk to? RAs are Panapmfess wnaJ 
staff that live with you in die 
residence buildings. They’re your 
go-to resource for any problems 
you are having in residence, in 
your academics, or in your per¬ 
sonal life TTiey re always able to 
point you in die right direction if 
required There is at lead; one RA 
on duty hum 8pm to 8am, every 
night of the week. If you need to 
get in touch with the RA on duty 
for any reason, simply call your 
buildings RA Dury CeU Phone! 


Each residence building has mail 
(letters) delivered by the Facil¬ 
ity Coordinator for that building 
The mail is then delivered to your 
mailbox in the afternoon. 

If you receive a package in the 
mail, you will receive an email to 
your UWindsor email address in¬ 
dicating where and when you are 
to pids up your package. 

Your Mailing Address at School 

<Your Names- <Your Building 
and Rm # University of Windsor 

401 Sunset Windsor, Ontario, 
Canada N9B3P4 



If theres a facilities issue in 
your room, please let us 
know so that we can take care 

of it Submit a work order 
Online at resi¬ 
dence (Click on “Procedures and 
Forms’! then “Maintenance Work 

The Fad titles Coordinators fol¬ 
low up on these (Hi a daily basis. 
If diem a facilities emergency 
(ie. Major Leak, Blown Breaker, 
Drain Clog etc.) that needs to be 
dealt with quickly, please contact 
the residence office at 519-253- 
3000 ext 3279 during business 
hours, or an RA after hours. 


Shinerama is Canadas largest 
post-secondary school fund-rais¬ 
er, involving students from more 
than 60 universities and colleges. 
The campaign, which begin in 
1964, has raised more than $25 
million to help fond cystic fibrosis 
research and treatment programs. 
The University of Windsor has 
been involved in Shinerama 
since 1968 and has raised over 
$170,000 for the Canadian Cystic 
Fibrosis Foundatioa 

UWindsor's Shine Day is: 

Saturday S e ptember V9th,2015 

Please come out with your floors 
to participate in this incred¬ 
ible day! You will receive a FREE 
breakfast, and FREE Shinerama 
T-shirt! You will get the op¬ 
portunity to see the dty, meet 
new friends, learn skills, and 
collect donations for an incred¬ 
ible cause! You will also receive 
a FREE appreciation lunch! 
We can’t wait to see you there! 


JoAnne Muegge reads from the book ‘Last of the Tyrants’ at the 
Walkerville Artists’ Co-op book fair Aug. 28. 

[Photo by II Hani Yassine} 

Walkerville Artists Co-op 
Hosts its First Book Fair 

The Walkerville Artists Co-op played host to a book fair and open mic show Aug- 28- 

[Photo by U Hani Yassine} 


Arts Editor _ . 

The Walkerville area found itself in 
typically busy feshion over the week¬ 
end with the bdp of the weekly food 
market, but a calmer evening was 
hdd just a stones throwaway 

The Walkerville Artists Co-op hdd 
its first bookfeir and open mic Aug, 
28 consisting of eight local authors 
whove had their work published and 
ready to read From fact to fiction, 
poetry to short story, each author 
went up to speak about their work 
read excerpts, 

Theres some life some death. Some 
sweet and saltyT said author Monique 
Hebert on her book'Profound: A Po¬ 
etic Journey 

The authors' books were available 
for purchase and signing during the 
event as well The night was orga¬ 
nized by Chris Fond, who said this is 
the first of many readings to come. 
She hopes to have at least one more 
by the end of the year. Her book, A 
Poetic Journey! is a reflective piece 
which touches upon her time woik- 
ingwith children. 

“I was a social worker for years so ife 
different things taken from my expe¬ 
rience working with street kklsT said 

With each author taking turns to 
speak, the words were sdf-reffective 
and no subject was off limits. Some 
were mere life moments, while oth¬ 
ers touched on child slavery; mental 
abuse and overcoming personal dif¬ 

ficulties. Amina AbduHe was one of 
the authors present, reading from her 
Book Swimming! which is a collec¬ 
tion of poems sheb written over the 
years on a variety of subjects, 

T really just allowed myself to pick 
anyone that I feh really comfortable 
with and I fdt represented me wdlf 
AbduHe said 

Working as a teacher, AbduHe main¬ 
tains her motivation to write by al¬ 
lowing herself to be influenced with 
what's going on around her, from the 
stories her students teH to the news 
articles she reads. It helps her shape 
a new project and die feds writing is 
the one time where she feds at peace 

"'Being a teacher IYn surrounded by 
so many stories. My students haw 
stories, my colleagues have stories, I 

Tve done is that I imagine myself as 
somebody dseT AbduHe said “We 
all carry our Irisedrrities, we all carry 
things were not sure about, but when 
it comes to writing ifs the only time I 
fed good and it feds right” 

The attendance for the evening was 
smaH, for just over a dozen people 
in aH liad diawn up. But there was a 
connection between those speaking 
the words and those listening in. Ford 
believes spoken word to be deeply 
powerful, and among the most to- 
portant art forms. At the end she 

with whats written and said 

“We write because were passionate 
about a story and we write because 
a story needs to come out, its a great 
way to share whats inside!’ Fold said. 
"What an artist pants an author 

love to read soon the news so what oaints with words” 

w i 

Local author Amina Abdulle speaks about her book 'Swimming* at 
the Walkerville Artists Co-op book fair Aug- 28- 
[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 


Festival Hopes to Show 
Hip-hop’s True Colours 

Deana Botton creates stylized painting with the help of spray paint the Windsor Hip-Hop Music 

Festival held at Atkinson Park Aug 29 L 
[Photo by //Hani Yassine] 


Arts Editor 

When t he word hip-hop comes to 
mind, people naturally think about 
rap music, but for some people like 
event co-coordinator David Jones, its 
a misconception lie would like to see 

“Hip-hop is more of a lifestyle, its a 
culture, its social awareness, a collec¬ 
tive consciousness,” Jones said 

The first ever Windsor Hip-hop Mu¬ 
sic Festival staked its daim al Atkin¬ 
son Baric over the weekend The Aug 
29 event went on from morning to 
evening as people went on stage to 
rap beat box, break-dance and above 
all entertain and educate. The objec¬ 
tive wasft just to have a successful 
shew; but to inform people as to what 
hip-hop means and entails. 

was built on positivity. Back in 
1973 it was peace, love, unity and 
safely having fun, and that s what we 

want to bring it back toT Jones said 

The event wanted to flex hiphops 
mused prowess, as well as how it can 
reach and transcend into a way oflv- 
ing through graffiti art, crafts, fashion 
and a sense of community For DJ 
Needle, whds worked on musk for 
years and also hdped co-ordinate the 
festival, it's nothing short of a radiant 

“I love DJing, and the mixing, scratch¬ 
ing, cutting,’* said Needle “Tha6 
what brings hip hop to me and if you 
listen to some of the old school rap¬ 
pers, they were actually talking about 
good tilings* telling you a story, edu¬ 
cating people on certain things* 

Similarly, for barberTyrone Elliott* its 

simply alt-encompassing 

“Its rock and roll, its everything now. 
Its tiie world’ Elliott said 

Throughout the afternoon, public 
turnout had been small, which may 
have been due to some scattered 

showers throughout the day How¬ 
ever, the ccxjrdinators remained un¬ 
deterred however in delivering what 

they believed to be a successful event 

W A lot of people were either hoping 
or expecting us to fail but we refuse 

to MJ 1 said Jones. ‘Were here, we 
started it the stages and the music 
We succeeded already!” 

Eric Yicao break-dances on stage at the Windsor Hip-Hop Musk Festival at Atkin¬ 
son Park An# 29 . 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine} 

Gra ffiti artist Sintex works on a piece , as part of the Windsor Hip-Hop Music 
Festival at Atkinson Park Aug 29. 

(Photo by // Hani Yassine} 



News Editor 

International students at UWmdsor 
had multiple opportunities this sum¬ 
mer toleam more about the area a lot 
of them are preparing to spend the 
r^oftheir lives in. 

In the latest ‘‘Summer at the Barks” 
trip Aug. 25* students from Interna¬ 
tional Student Centre, the Interna¬ 
tional Student Society, the Volunteer 
International Student Assistance 
and guests visited Canada most 
southern point - Point Peiee. The 
trip, hosted by the LSG included a 
walk through the park, pictures at 
the point and a sense of seeing whai 
Canadas parks have to offer. 

Priyanka jaggi, student president of 
the LS.C and one of the event coordi¬ 
nators, said the Hip was just as much 
about making new friends as it was 
about seeing the park. 

W A lot of people don't know about 
Point Pefee and how it is the south¬ 
ernmost part of Canada* so it’s what 
were here to see and something Fm 
hoping the students will find inter¬ 
esting!* said Jaggi Tfs also a good 
chance to make friends from differ¬ 
ent ethnicities here” 

faggi said they haw been making 
tx^ thiOTght^ut the sunmrer ami t^ 
program itselfhas been gotr^f on for a 
few years- A few of the other visits this 
summer were to Jackson Baric, Wil- 
listead Paric and C^ibway Park 

"The trip is not just for international 
students though and that is some¬ 
thing we are trying to publidzetothe 
dornestic students^ said Jaggi “With 
these trips we are trying to introduce 
international and domestic students. 
Our events and outings are not just 
for international students” 

Jaggi said the LS.C was very happy 
with the turnouts tltroughout the 
summer but she would like to see 
more domestic students getting in¬ 
volved with the activities and making 
friends from new countries, 

Tm really glad I was able to make it 
out and meet new people who are 
now my friends," sad Icha Hassani 
a second year biochemistry student 
and a volunteer for the day from the 
ISC, “Its not the sunniest of days but 

Fm still able to enjoy it with friends, 
new and did” 

Many of the students commented 
on having fun making new friends 
throughout the day and the other 
trips held earlier that summer. 

One student said die had never seen 
foe great lakes before even though 
she is going into her second year of 
schooling at UWindsor - 

Tve heard of the Great Lakes from 
text books and seen pictures of them 
but Fve never gotten to experience 
the lakes in person^ said Ling Luo* a 
human resources student and a vol¬ 
unteer from VISA 

Luo and the other VISA members 
present all agreed the trip was a good 
day for them to come out as a group 
and get to know each other because 
they were going to spend the year 
working together. 

Coordinator of VISA, Amy Bui 
said since it was the last day of the 
park visits and a lot of local students, 
such as hetsd£ haven't been to Point 
Befee let alone the international stu¬ 
dents in the group they decided to 
take full advantage of foe day 

"So far weVe done a marsh walk 
where we got to see a lot of plants 
none of us has ever seen before and 
we did a lot of photo shoots too, defi¬ 
nitely some selfies involvedr said Bui 
“We were also able to speak with the 
guide and learn a tot about the differ¬ 
ent insects and life in the park.” 

Bui said for herself and a lot of stu¬ 
dents present there from other coun¬ 
tries, or even just the city* there are a 
lot of things they would have never 
learned or been exposed to without 
a trip like this available. She sakl the 
country life of Canada and the dty 
life are very contrasting and a lot of 
the students will cherish the trips they 
had here. 

Throughout the day the students saw 
see the sights and the wildlife of Point 
Bdbe, tried out the different excur¬ 
sions around the park and ended 
the day with a ride back to Windsor 

For more infonmtion on the LS,C* 
the LS.S,, VISA or the "Summer at 
the Paries” program check out tbdr 
pages on uwindsotca 

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LS.C president Priyanka faggi and VT.3A member Bhuvnesh Gupta posefor a picture at the point 

of Point Peiee on Aug . 25. 

/Photo by // Caleb Workman} 

Students gather to pose for a group photo near the point on their trip to Point Peiee Aug. 25 

(Photo by // Caleb Workman] 


The Windsor Symphony Orchestra will fee fermgmg a different kind of concert from Sept 23 to 25 

when they collaborate with the Toronto party band Firesound at the Capital theatre. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 


Arts Editor 

The summer heat is beginning to 
cool itself off., with sudents head- 
ing back to school wiiile others are 
headed back to the office, but ulti¬ 
mately everyone is preparing for the 
end of one season and the embrace of 

While some may prefer the summer 
to stay just a little bit longer* them 
will be plenty to look forward in the 
world of theatre once we enter the tall 
With the multiple theatres scattered 
llnoughout the city variety looks to 
be plentiful within the next couple 
of months and beyond The autumn 
will have shows ranging from the 
classic to the unconventional, from 
comedy to tragedy. 

In the middle of September, Korda 
Artistic Productions wiU be perform¬ 
ing a rendition of *Hair The Ameri¬ 
can Tribal Love-Rock Musical* Origi¬ 
nally written by Galt MacDermot, 
the play is a groundbreaking explora¬ 
tion and product of the 1960s hippie 
culture* from the peace movement to 
the heavy use of drugs and sex. Bor 
adult audiences only, the piay wilibe 
going from Sept 17 to Oct 4 at the 

KordaZone Theatre. 

Another production will be occur¬ 
ring within a similar timeframe, but 
the content will be a sure change of 
pace. From Sept 25 to Oct 4* Umver- 
dty Players wiU present Anna in the 
Tropics* at the Essex Hail Theatre. A 
Pulitzer Prize winning adult drama 
from Nito Cruz, the setting finds it¬ 
self in a late 1920s Cuban-American 
cigar factory' Afterwards* UP wilibe 
shifting focus towards comedy when 
they present Nod Cowards 'Blithe 
Spirit* from Oct 23 to Nov. 8. 

While numerous plays are on the ho¬ 
rizon, some theatres will be playing 
host to different shows entirely. On 
Sept 25 and 26, the Okie Walkervilie 
Theatre will be holding the finale to 
the Border City Comedy Best where 
eight stand-up comics wiE com¬ 
pete fora $5000 pool The show will 
serve as a break from the norm, but 
those looking for the norm will have 
l Renf to look forward to when the 
Arts Collective Theatre performs the 
tamed musical at the same location 
between Oct 9 and 25, 

Throughout the month of October, 
the Windsor Symphony Orchestra 
wiE be headlining some exdtingcon- 

certs in the Capitol Theatre.They wiU 
be rolling out ntore teaditfonal works 
such as French Masters on Oct 3 
and Intimate Mozart come Oct 18. 
But its from the 23rd to the 25th 
where Burning Love comes in. The 

WSQ wID crank up the heat upon 
their collaboration with Firesound a 
party band which consists entirely of 
Toronto firefighters who will be mak¬ 
ing their orchestral debut with this 

A more detailed listing of these 
events can be found on the websites 
of the Capitol, KordaZone and Olde 
Walkervilie tfteatres, as well as the 
University Players website. 

Leslie McCurdy performs a song from her show *Lady Ain't Singing No Blues 4 at the Olde Walkervilie 
Theatre Aug. 27, being among the final shows of the summer season. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

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Through die year, our trunk 
rooms are used to store your lug¬ 
gage arud boxes, and anything else 
extra you have—that way they 
aren’t taking space in your 

Our bike rooms are available to 
those students who have brought 
a bike with them to schooL Let 
your RA know that you need to 
sign out a key to the bike room, 
arid they'll be happy to help you 
oul A $10 Bike Room Key De¬ 
posit will be required 

We also have a room dedicated 
to storing your sports equip¬ 
ment {especially hockey) so that 
you don’t have to keep it in your 
bed-room. Please let an RA know 
when you need to get in and out 
of this area of the building. 


The internet connection in resi¬ 
dence is through die University 
Wireless Network. Connect to 
the “UWmdsor Residence” 
wireless network, and use your 
UWin ID and Password to log 
cm Students may purchase an 
internet connection in their room 
through COGECO Cable at their 
own expense. Under NO QR- 
CUMSTANCSES are students 
allowed to set up their own Wire¬ 
less Access Points in Residence 


Lost Your Keys? Report it im¬ 
mediately to your facilities Co¬ 
ordinator: Your cylinder and your 
keys will be replaced at your ex¬ 

Lost Your Student Card? Caned 
your card as soon as you can. To 
replace your student card, viat die 
UWinCard Office in the CAW 
Centre to purchase a new one. 
They will also reprogram your 
card a! this location 

Reminder... never loan out your 


All Residences are locked 24 
hours a day: Students must use 
their student ID card or keys to 
access their buildings- Access 
telephones are located outside the 
front doors (ydtow boxes) ofeach 
residence, where guests can call 
up to gain access to their build- 
the academic year you can host 
your friends when hey visit you 
in residence however please note: 
There are NO GUESTS allowed 
during Windsor Welcome Week! 


The Centre will start 24 hour service on Sun¬ 
day, Sept 6. Here are some important dates 
for the semester 

Sept 7 - Labour Day Centre Open 
Sept 8 - Classes begin 
Oct 9 -18 - Centre closes at 10 pm 
Oct 12 - Thanksgiving, University Closed 
Oct 12 - 6 - Reading week 
Dec. 7 Classes End 
Dec. 10 - 21 - Final exams 
Dec. 23 - Jan, 3 - University closed 

Rehearsals for University Players'production of‘Anna in the Tropics'are underway. The season 
opener will premiere on Sept. 25 at Essex Hall Theatre. From left to right: Callum Gunn, Ilya Ilyas- 
hyk, Marina Gomes, Dani Zimmer, Emerjade Simms, Isaiah Kolundzik, Brian Haight. 

[Photo by // David Courtj 


Arts Editor 

While the University of Windsor is 
still bracing for die first day of dasses 
and a large student commune, itis 
been business as usual for University 

The live theatre program has been 
hard at work over the summer as 
they begin preparations for the 57th 
season. Similar to last year, the 2015- 
2016 yearwill have six shows ranging 
from adult dramas to comedies for 
all ages. According to School of Dra¬ 
matic Art Director Tina Pugjiese, the 
basis on choosing scripts has a lot to 
do with accommodating fourth year 
drama students who are required to 
have two major roles on stage prior to 
graduating Theres also the matter of 
ensuring they receive training under 
a variety of genres, and finally therek 
the appeal to public reception. 

“There!5 always pleasing the public, 
because it is a subscription series and 
so we usually like to haw a comedy 
and we try to get a Canadian piece 
in there every' year” Pugliese said 
“Sometimes that works out, some¬ 
times it doesn’t but we try to stick to 
that criteria." 

The opener for this season will be 
the Pulitzer Prize winning Anna in 
the Tropic^ written by Nik) Cruz. An 
adult themed drama, it tells the dory 
cf workers in a Cuban-American ci¬ 
gar factory in late 1920s Florida. Poet¬ 
ic at its core, characters’ passions draw 
high as they’re ignited by a lector who 
reads the bode Anna Karenina' to 
the mainly illiterate foctory workers. 
The opening is set for September 25 
at Essex Hall Theatre, with director 
and Univereity Players Chair Gordon 
McCall at the hdm 

“Anna In The Tropics’ pulses with 
a Latin beat Its hypnotic language, 
remarkable characters and immer¬ 
sion into the world of the lost cigar 
factories ofYbor Qty is magically in¬ 
tertwined with the great Russian love 
aoryofTolstoy’sdassic Anna Kareni¬ 
na” McCall said in a statement “The 
play floats through the night tike a hot 
summer Tampa breeze and pulls you 
into its Salsa dancer’s heart UWind- 
sor students will love this play!" 

Actors are currently in rehearsals, 
with the costumes and set design fin¬ 
ished and ready for showtime. Pug- 
liese says fire process of getting ev¬ 
erything in order has gone smoothly 
but one of the things she; hoping 
to achieve is not just in delivering a 

successful season, but to draw in a 
younger crowd 

‘One thing we want to stress every 
year is that we want students com¬ 
ing out to watch students,” Pugliese 
said T think itk an unknown for a 
lot of students. What is it that you do 
there? Where is the theatre? How do 
I get there? I& live theatre, which is 
still something flits generation seems 
to be a little detached firm Were on 
screens, were on our phones, were 
on video games, but engaging in a 
live event is a very different experi¬ 

One way Pugliese would like to draw 
in a student-oriented crowd is by 
reaching out to student organizations 
and make deals to see a show and get 
a couple of extra perks along with 
it, such as free pizza. At any rate she 
would kwe more students to embrace 
the theatre and see what the program 
and its students have to ofler. 

"Were working at getting a younger 
audience and so some of the shows 
we have this season reflect that and 
next season even more so,” Pugliese 
said “So we want to get the young 
people in because its a great experi¬ 
ence and these are young people on 
the stage.” 


Men’s Soccer Sweep Guelph, Brock 
In Opening Weekend Action 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor lancers mens soccer 
team started off their their QUA reg¬ 
ular season perfectly; sweeping both 
ffie Gudph Gryphons and Brock 
Badgers on die mad while not sur¬ 
rendering a single goaL 

Windsor controlled much of fhe play 
against Gryphons Aug 29 conquer¬ 
ing majority of the match. In tire 11th 
minute, Lancers first-year player Ja- 
mar Redhead put his first QUA goal 
past the Gryphons goalkeeper to give 
histeama 1-0 lead 

The Lancers were dominating with 
their possession style of play until 
midway through the second half 
when Windsor was dealt a large How 
as fourth year midfielder lack Sargent 
was issued a red card and subse¬ 
quently ejected from the game. 

Lancers head coach Steve Hart said 
it was a challenge playing the final 25 

minutes with only ten men, but was 
very proud ofhis players ability tode- 
fend and ultimately daim the shutout 

“We were taking chances and unfor¬ 
tunately ended up losing a player, we 
had to reorganized* said Hart. 'They 
were all absolutely gassed at the end 
because they put their bodies on the 
line for those three points, Iheywdi 
deserved itkit it was hard playing for 
the last 25 minute with only IGnrenT 

Lancers keeper Kyle Vkirakis 
stopped all eight shots to shutout file 
Gryplions, who are known to be a 
consistently strong program and fin¬ 
ished third in the QUA last season. 

The nact day, Windsor took on the 
Brock Badgers in St Catherines and 
earned a 3-0 victory. Whats more 
impressive? The Lancers did not al¬ 
low a single shot on goal during the 
match, as keeper Vizirakis and com¬ 
pany posted their second shutout of 
the weekend 

It took the Lancers almost the entire 
first half to get on the scoreboard 
against the Badgers thanks to astrong 
effort from Brock keqrer Matthew 
Zaikos. In the first halfs final minute, 
it would be Tony Falkestajn to break 
through the Brock wall of defense 
and give Windsor a i-G. 

Had the game stayed scoreless after 
file first half Hart said it would have 
been a crime. 

"For file last 15 minute of the first 
half we were absolutely pummding 
them and we just couldrit get it irC 
said Hart “ft was like shades of last 
season but in the end we scored” 

In the second half Lancers rookie 
Leighton Speechley-Price made 
his presence felt in the OUA with 
two goals within five minute First 
Speechky-Price converted on a pen¬ 
alty kick after teammate Mike Pfo 
was fouled within the 2(hyard box. 
Speechky-Prices second goal came 
on a rebound in the 55th minute to 
sea! the Lancers victory and cam a to¬ 

tal of six points in the OUA standings. 

Speeehley-Price, a 6*5” forward from 
Lymington, England said it was a 
great team performance on theweek¬ 
end in some very hot conditions. 

“Everyone was grinding at the right 
times, everyone did wd! and we 
managed the game well ft was a 
team effort*' said Speechley-Price: 
“[Against Guelph], we just simply 
outworked them, the) 7 didn't redly 
create anything clear cut when we 
had lOn^andwejustranoumivej 
into the ground” 

Speechley-Price said Brock was a 
more direct team that gave the Lanc¬ 
ers a lot of resistance in the first half 
Once he was entered into the game, 
Speechley-Price said it was the work 
ofhis teammate which allowed him 
to do what he does best, score goak 

"ft was all work from all of the play¬ 
ers, I was just there to finish it off> 
said Speechley-Price: ft Mike Ho did 
well with drawing the penalty and he 

set me up for the next one so I got to 
thank him for that” 

The Lancers head b^k cm the road 
next weekend to free tire McMaster 
Marauders and York lions on Sept 
5 and 6. Speediley-Price admitted he 
doesrft know much about McMaster 
and York, but what he does know is 
that they are tough teams. 

"They are an exceptional bunch of 
players, York especially? said Speech' 
ley-Price ( We are looking forward to 
getting off to a good start, not conced¬ 
ing a goal yet* I think lhafe giving the 
team the bdkfwe might be able to get 
something out of the next games. If 
we can get three points out of six for 
next weekend, then we had a good 
weekmd.Ifwegetaflsix 1 tfaatsJantas- 
tic, obviously w^ll have .something to 
smile about next weekend” 

The Lanoeis soccer terns will finally 
play their home-opener gainst the 
Waterioo Warriors Sept II underfire 
lights at Alumni Rdd 

CJAM’s Top 30 // Albums 

Charts by Murad Erzinclioglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99 A FM 

More Info? earshot-onUnexom & 

* Indicates Canadian Artist 

2 ZARASU I RA* Uncertain Assertions (Self-Released) 

4 RELIC /REL MCCOY* - The 13th Floor (Self-Released) 

6 ALLISON BROWN* - Si itches & Incisions (Self- Released; 

8 YUKON BLONDE* On Blonde (Dine Alone) 

10 THE BACKHOMLS' - Tidalwave {Sell-Released) 

12 FROG EYES* Pickpockets 1 ocket (Paper Bag) 

14 GREGORY PEPPER AND 111$ PROBLEMS' Chorus! Chorus! Chorus! (Fake Four Inc.) 

16 VARIOUS'' - Regeneration Musical? (FeCANE) 

18 MIDDAY SWIM* - Midday Swim (Self-Re]easedJ 

20 WAXWING* - A Bowl of Sixty Taxidermists {Songlines) 

22 MC FURB* - The Poet ( Revolutionary Times) 

24 SHAMIR - RaLcbet (XL Recordings) 

26 THE MYNARIRDS - Lovers Know (Saddle Creek) 

28 ALTERED TAPES - Savant Garde (Self-Released) 

ATTN: Windsor-Detroit Musicians... 
CJAM FM Wants You! 

loin the CIAM Singles Club today and get your music on the 
radio! Submit your fresh new tracks to: 
with the subject line “SINGLES CLUB" monthly and you 
could find yourself at the top our new Local Music Chart! 

More Info 0 

30 VARIOUS • The Alchemist and Oh No Present: Welcome To Los Santos (Mass Appeal) 

19 POSTMAN* - Demo (Seif-Released) 

21 THE BEATDOWN* - Meet Hugo Mudie (Stomp) 

23 LA LUZ - Weirdo Shrine (Hardly Art) 

25 KHIYO - Khiyo (ARC Music) _ 

27 DABY TOURE - Amonafi (Cumbancha) _ 

29 THE JEFF BENEDICT BIG BAND - Holmes (Tapestry)' 

I MIDDLE SISTER - Cries Of The Wild (Self-Released) 

3 MAC DEMARCO* - Another One (Captured^acks) 

5 DELE SOSIMI - You No Fit Touch Am (Wah Wah 45s) 

7 THE SOULJAZZ ORCHESTRA* - Resistance (Do Right! Music) 

9 VINYL WILLIAMS - Into (Company) 

11 YARDLETS* - Good Hangs (White Whale) 

13 lELN DAZE* - Morning World (Paper Bag) 

15 FAKE TEARS* - Nightshifting (Mint) 

17 CALVIN LOVE* - Super Future (Arts & Crafts) 






The Intariatkmal Student Centre 
staff are located in LaurterHaffon 
the second floor They wffl assist 
with student VISA inquiries and 
renewals, job information, coun¬ 
seling and referrals to other agen¬ 


Provides leadership and activ¬ 
ity opportunities to residence 
students, RezArt Rezrecyles, 
RezOutreadx RezSport and The 
Residence and Food Services 
Advisory Board (R&FSAB) are 
just some of the things you can 
become involved in! Watch your 
buildings lobby dining the next 
few weeks to sign up for your 
RezEvents group! 


Please be aware of the Quiet 
Wfa'dtxcrffi tt all r^dence 
b uilding s 

The Qioet Hours Aie 

Sunday-^Thursday: 1 Ijm to 

Friday—Sunday: lam-8am 

Please note that we do have 24 
Hours of courtesy in residence: 
So if someone asks you to quiet 
down a btt, piease be respectful 
and do so. 


There^ a laundry mom in every 
residence building on campus, 
and you have laundry money pre- 
loaded onto yom UWin Card 

To activate your washer/dryer, 
follow the steps below: 

L Swipe your card at the card 
reader machine. 

2, Enter the machine number 

3. When prompted, press enter 
again to start the machine. 


A handy feature allied ^Laundry 
Vkw" F allows your to check how 
long until your laundry is done 
Simpiy type in the worth "Laun¬ 
dry View*' into your internet 
browser, and it wiD be redirected 
to the laundry view page. Select 
your buildings laundry room 
You will be able to monitor, in real 
time, how many machines are 
available, and even set an e-mail 
reminder for the compfetfon of 
your laundry You can also see 
laundry room stats to see when 
the is best time to wash your 

Essex Ravens Blow Out Ottawa to 
Claim Third OVFL Championship 

The Essex Ravens took on the London Mustangs Aug. 8 to gain the 2015 Atom Conference title at 
Alumni Field before advancing to the league championships where they beat the Ottawa Myers Riders 
63-28 the following weekend at the University of Waterloo. 

[Photo by H Jolene Perron] 


Sports Editor 


The Essex Ravens football team won 
their third Ontario Varsity Football 
League championship with a 63-28 
blowout of the Ottawa Myers Riders 
at the University ofWaterloos War¬ 
rior Fiekt 

The game was a renmh of the 2014 
diampionship, which the Riders won 
by a single point The 2015 version 
of the championship game would 
be much different tHowever, as Essex 
scored on their first offensive play a 
70-pJus yard touchdown by Braedon 

The Ravens would take a 28-0 lead in 

the second quarter before aflowmga 
toudidown but o>ntinued to execute 
on offense ledby OVFL all-star quar¬ 
terback Anthony Bontorin and took 
a ^44 lead into halftime: 

Each team scored a pair of touch¬ 
downs in the second halfbut the out¬ 
come was never in jeopardy as Essex 
took heme the OVFL crown with a 
63-28 victory The Riders had won 
the last two league championships 
and held a 32-game winning streak 

[leaded into the 2015 title game, 


Essex players swept player of the 
game honours as Daniel Metcalfe, Ja¬ 
cob Savoni and Braedon Braedo re¬ 
ceiving defensive, offensive and game 

MVF awards, respectively. 

Ravens head coach Glenn Miffs sard 

winning the championship was a 
long time coining after the disap¬ 
pointment of losing by a single point 
in the championship game the year 
prior but added he was extremely 
proud of his teams accomplishment 
and the style they did it ia 

tr We put up 63 points on a pretty 
good football teamr said Mills. “We 
talked about finishing and tonight we 
finished We corrected our mistakes 
fom last year... we talked about op¬ 
portunity; seizing the moment and 
we did that These kids played their 
hearts out and it was fantastic” 




‘ y" 

By: L A. Bonte 



Sports Editor 

ft was a successful twogame set for 
the Windsor Lancers mem basket- 
ball team against the NCAAs Univer¬ 
sity of Indianapolis Greyhounds ai 
the St Denis Centre. 

For the Ilth time, foe Lancers mens 
hoops team hostedan NCAA pro¬ 
gram foraseries of pre-season games, 
this time it was Division Hs U-Indy 
Greyhounds. In two games at the SL 
Denis Centre, the Lancers came away 
victorious with scores of 89^79 and 

The short trip to Canada serves as 
an international trip lor those in die 
NCAA and gives the program an 
additional amount of practice to pre¬ 
pare foilhe upcoming grind of their 

Not only is it an opportunity the 
Lancers relish as a chance to develop 
team chemistry* it is also an oppor¬ 
tunity Windsor interim head coach 
Ryan Steer is using to get his feet wet 
in his first season on the bench for the 

“I think ifsagreat opportunity* I loved 
it as a player” said Steer. "Its great for 
these guys to be able to compare 

Windsor Lancers guard Alex Campbell drives to the hoop against the U-Indy Greyhounds during NCAA/QUA classic action at St 
Denis Centre , Aug. 20. The Lancers beat the Greyhounds in two nith scores of89-79 and 92-86. 

[Photo by ! Kevin Jarrold] 

themselves to these American teams 
and it shows that our program is at 
thelewd of these top division-two and 
division-one schools!* 

gate hot only to have the Greyhounds 
answer back and take a marginal lead 
at the end of die first quarter Down 
by as many as 16 points in die sec¬ 

After just six practices in three days* 
the Lancers played the first of' two 
games hosted atthe St Denis Centre 
Aug 18, Windsor came out of the 

ond quarter* the Lancers fought back 
trimming their deficit to four points* 
After a tight third quarter saw Wind¬ 
sor trim Tnd/s lead to three a 3148 




► W: 519.253.3000 


ext. 3909 

ext. 3905 

explosion in the fourth quarter pro¬ 
pelled the Lancers to take home a 
89-79victory in Steer’s head coaching 

“Us great to get a win” said Steer. “We 
did a lot of great things, when I see 
the guys play with heart and they play 
hard, thafe all I can ask for” 

Windsor was Jed by Alex Camp¬ 
bell with a game-high 23 points and 
eight rebounds while Marko Kovac 
and Mike Rocca dripped in 21 points 
and 17 points, respectively Defen¬ 
sively* Windsor was fed by first year 
Lancer Isiah Osborne* which caught 
the attention of foe veteran Rooca, 

“Isiah adds that length and what he 
did well was rebound the baC said 
Rocca “He played really tough for his 

Osborne, a Windsor native, was 
placed in the starting lineup by Steer 

as weB as Kovac, a felfow Windsorite. 
Kbvac said ftwas a big change for him 
to start the game after the noticeable 
graduation of senior Evan Matthews 
and the departure to pky professional 
basketball overseas by Rotimi Osun- 

"Coach trusted me early so I stepped 
up big,” said Kovac "My teammates 
were very unselfish today, got me 
great looks on the perimeter, great 
shots, all I had to do was make them. 
I fed like were all shooters on this 

t^urne two of the series took place on 
Aug 20 but it was a much tougher 
test against the Greyhounds this time 
around Aj^in* foe Lancers found 
themselves trailing eady but bounced 
bade; to take a 34-30 lead at halftime. 
The second half was a back and forth 
affair as both teams were tied at 76 at 
the end of regulation and overtime 

was required 

A few timely buckets allowed foe 
Lancers to control foe extra period 
and come away with fodr secondvic¬ 
tory over the Greyhouyndvfois time it 
was a 92-86 score* 

Kovac said the pair of wins gives the 
Lancers lots of confidence* especially 
after only seven practices as a team. 

We got some growing pains out of 
the way and we came up big against a 
division two school,” said Kovac "We 
just need to rebound better and our 
rotations need to be quicker. We just 
need to have confklence shooting the 
ball and watch it go ire 

The Lancers will take a break from 
pre-season action until Oct 1 when 
they host Fanshawe Cotkge. OUA 

regular season action kicks off Nov. 4 

against Wilfred Laurier at the St De¬ 

nis Centre 




Windsor Lancers women's soccer player Keely Baggio defends 
against the Guelph Gryphons, Aug. 29 
[Photo by H Gar Fitzgerald] 


juries under their belt, Windsor can 
assess one major area of improve¬ 


Waiksafe is a free service provided 
for all students faculty; employees 
and viators at (he University of 
Windsor, it is a student-staffed 
volunteer program designed to 
hdp people get to their vehicle, 
home, apartment or residence 
on or off campus at night Walk- 
safe was designed to provide ad¬ 
ditional safety to the University 
community in cooperation with 
Campus Community ftdice. 
All you need to do is dill 0 from 
any university phone and ask for 
Waiksafe, or Ext 3504. Wtlksafe 
is available from 6pm - Midnight 
Sunday thought Friday. It is un¬ 
available on Saturdays. 



Emergency telephones have been 
installed on campus to provide 
immediate access to Campus 
Community Police. All tele¬ 
phones are yeBow and blue, and 
mounted on a yellow pok with 
a blue tight on top Emergency 
procedures are written on foe box 


^ A 



In the event of a serious medical 
emergency CALL 911, then con¬ 
tact the RA on duty or your floor 
RA immediately. All Resident 
Assistants and Residence life Co¬ 
ordinators are trained in First Aid 




The WIRC is an elected student 
body within your residence We 
are student leaders that are here to 
be your voice, advocate on your 
behalf, throw AMAZING events 
and programs, and provide op¬ 
portunities for you to enjoy your 
time in residence for the next 8 
months. We will have positions 
open for the 2015-2016 WIRC, 
so be on the look out for our ad¬ 
vertisements on die election. We 
want "YOU to be our residence 
floor ambessadra, building presi- 
dents or a director on the execu¬ 
tive! If you have any questions 
or would like more details, send 
your WIRC president an e-mail 
at wiicpresidc3T( 



Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancers womens soc¬ 
cer team kicked off thdr season with 
a win against Brock and a loss against 

In a rematch of last seasons first- 
round playoff match against the 
Gudph Gryphons, the lancers were 
unabfe to exorrise their demons from 
a 1-O bssin the playoffs, felling victim 
to a breakaway goal in the 87th min ¬ 
ute and suffering the same one-goal 

Lancers head coach Steve Hart said 
the toss was not due to a lack of efibit 
of tell possession, but an inability to 
score on the Gryphons, 

'*We dominated the game, we ted 
more of the possession until the 87th 
minute when they got a breakaway 
right through die middle and scored," 
said Hart Tfe the old adage, you can 
have all the possessions you want 
but if you dont score you dont win 
games. The girls were very upset 

WTtn K!1CraQri€f iTM? BfaFll On 

in the players last year, we were look¬ 
ing fora little bit of revenge “ 

With die loss to Gudph fresh in their 
memories, the Lancers faced off 
against Brock and came away with 
a 2-0 win Windsor fielded a young 
team against the Badgers with up to 
four rookies on the field at anytime 
throughout the match. After not 
playing at all against Gudph, first 
year Lancer Iordan Carr had a strong 
game in her OUA debut, playing a 
foil 90 minutes against Brock. 

Carr said it was nerve-racking play¬ 
ing in her first OUA game but once 
the whistle blew, the nerves went 

'The pace is definitely a change than 
what I played before and it’s fun play¬ 
ing with all the girls and on a whole 
new level ” said Carr. “Gcdph was a 
tough loss but we came back together 

and all played together as a team 
against Brock, foats how we got our 

win because we played really wdl to¬ 

Hart was not short of compliments 
when describing the rookie Can's 
level ofpiay in her first OUA match. 

“She did really wdL she stood out 
like a beacon;’ said Hart “She kept 
her head focused, came in and did 
great 16 an amazing capability for a 
young girl to come in at this level to 
do that so I was very proud of her” 

The Lancers did not wait long to get 
on the scoreboard, as Giulia Batik 
opened the scoring early in the first 
half with an individual effort just 
nine minutes into the match. Rookie 
Cassie Chretien scored her first OUA 
career goal in the 33rd minute and 
pushed Windsors lead to 2-0. Keeper 
Krystin Lawrence earned the Lancets 
shutout in goaL 

Carr said now that the team has two 

ment going forward, their communi¬ 
cation with one another on the pitch. 

"If we keep talking and moving off 
the ball like we were, 16 obviously 
going to come with more ^mes and 
getting to know die team betterf said 
Carr. “Communication will hdp a 

The win gives the Lancers a 1-1 re¬ 
cord on the season heading into a 
pair of games against the McMaster 
Marauders and York lions, Sept 
5 and 6. While the Lancets sport a 
strong team. Hart said the team is stiD 
looking for a final piece to foe puzzle, 
a backup goalkeeper with experience 
Any women interested in this posi¬ 
tion are encouraged to contact Hart 
at 519-903-3558. 

The Lancers home-opener will be 
Sept 11 at Akimni Field against foe 

Tecumseh Thunder Win Sr. Baseball National Championship 


Sports Editor 

The Tecumseh Thunder senior dub 
team had to travel all foe way to Cha¬ 
tham, N.B. for a chance to claim a 
Canadian championship, bra a 4-1 
victory over Quebec Aug 23 made 
up for foe heartbreak of a year prior 
when foe Thunder came iq> short in 
foe title game. 

Thvnder head coach Jamie Kell said 
even though the team they had last 
year was great, they still needed a few 
pieces after coming up short. 

“We had that taste of silver all year? 
said KdL “Right horn our winter 
workouts that was the talk. We tried 
to build the team around our experi¬ 
ence oflast year.” 

With foe national title again car foe 
line, the Thunder would not be de¬ 

Tecumseh started quickly, as catcher 
Eric Cunningham scored in the first 
inning on a wild pitch by Quebec 
starter Francois Lafreniere Mitch 

Delaneys single scored Paul Laman- 
tia in the fourth to make it 2-0. The 

Thunder added two more runs in the 
fifth when Lamantias single scored 

Kevin Mailtoux and Sean Bignall 
came home on another Lafreniere 

wild pitch. 

After dropping foe opening game 

of foe tournament to Quebec 1-0, 
Tecumseh scored 42 runs in file five 

“With foe experience oflast year, we 
knew we couldn’t let foe bats go silent 

In the semi finals, the Thunder were 
12 outs away from elimination. 
Down 1-0 entering foe bottom of the 
fourth inning, Tecumseh exploded 
for 12 runs over the next three in¬ 

nings to rout Fredericton, N.B., 12-2 
and advance to the gold-medal game 

Lamantia, who was named the tour¬ 
naments top hitter, paced foe rally, 
scoring three times and driving in 
five runs, including a grand slam. 
Delaney, who had such a successful 
tournament that he was twice named 
to the all-star team - at first base and 
designated hitter - added three hits 
and two RBIs, as did Ryan Kerstens. 
Thunder shortstop Brandon Gignac 
was also named to the all-tourna¬ 
ment team. 

Gignac was a member ofthe Tecum¬ 
seh Junior team, which won the 21 

and under division Canadian cham¬ 
pionship last seasoa 

“Winning the Senior Canadian 
championship this year was a great 
experience, especially after coming in 
second last year? said Gignac. “Com¬ 
ing up from Juniors is a pretty big 
step, but having more experienced 
guys around made the transition 
easier. Ive played at both levels at the 
Nationals now and you see a lot of 
ex-pros and smarter baseball play¬ 
ers in Senior balL You have to have a 
good approach at every bat, play weC 
defensively every pitch, and play foe 
game the right way? 


Lancers Football Team Falls To 
Mustangs in OUA Opener 


Sports Editor 

It was a rough start to the OUA regu¬ 
lar season for the Windsor Lancers 
football team, as they M to the West¬ 
ern Mustangs 76-7 at Alumni Field 

Lancers head coach Joe DAmore said 
1he loss was not a reflection of the 
kind offcotbaH team Windsor has, 

“Are they a better football team than 
us? Of course they are*’ said DAmore. 
“But are they a 76-7 better football 
team than us* Id like to believe not 
Early on I thought the defense played 
relatively well but offensively, weVe 
got a young group; especially at quar¬ 
terback and we couldn't initiate any 
first downsT 

The visiting Mustangs built a 10-0 
lead just two minutes into the game 
and scored two touchdowns in the 
final minute of the second quarter to 
push their lead to 33-0 at halftime 

'They have one freshmen dressing 
on their roster but other than that 
they're a veteran football team,” said 
DAmore. 'They're running on all 
cylinders and when you’ve got two 
young guys playing quarterback for 
the first time in the OUA, you see the 
jitters and early on we missed some 
throws, had some drops and that puts 
you behind the eight-ban right awayT 

While the Mustangs offense racked 
up over 750 total yards, thdr defense 
held the Lancers to 195 yards and 
also kept the home team off of the 
scoreboard until Tarrence Crawford 
scored Windsor’s lone touchdown at 
2:30 of the fourth quarter. 

Crawford led the Lancm on the 
ground with 73 yards and a TD, 
while kkker Anthony Malandrac- 

cob finished the game with 444 
punting yank Crawford said now 
that Windsor has a game under their 
belt, all of the Lancers can do is lode 
forward to tlieir remaning schedule 

“We have a very young team, a very 
young offenseT said Crawford ‘AD 
we can do is watch the film, see what 
we did wrong and hopefully fix it for 
our next game against Toronto* 

In preparation for a Labour Day 
game against Toronto^ Crawford said 
Windsor s offense simply needs to ex¬ 
ecute at a higher levd 

“We just need to move the ball get 
first downs and score” said Crawford 
“We put our defense on the field a lot 
today so our offense needs to keep 
moving the ball scone, rush the trail 
better, pass the ball better and im¬ 
prove as a team* If we improve as a 
team on offense and defense we’ll be 

For the Mustangs, Alex Taylor led the 
visitors ground attack with 144 yards 

and one touchdown* while receiver 

Matt Uren finished with 104 yards 
and a touchdown 

Lancers rookie safety Spencer Trinier 
had no shortage of playing time or 
production in his OUA debut The 
Herman product recorded a quar¬ 
terback sack, a fumble recovery four 
special tackles and multiple tackles as 
Windsor’s starting safety. In reflection 
on the defenses performance, Trinier 
said they must communicate better 
when adjusting to opposing offenses 

“We got our first test, jumped right 
in headfirst and we played Western 
They are one of the top teams in die 
country let atone the OUAT said 
Trinier, “We see where we match 

Windsor Lancers running back Tarrence Crawford dives for extra yards against the Western Mus¬ 
tangs in OUA football action at Alumni Field r Aug. 30. 

[Photo by / Kevin Jarrold] 

up and we have to fix and what we 
have to make better, they were a bet¬ 
ter team today but 1 don’t think 76-7 

DAmore added that historically 
tlie Lancers liad been a team which 
started off the season well and faded 
towards th e end of the year. 

"We have to look at it thatway*, may¬ 
be we could be a team that struggles 
early and plays better at the end,” said 
DAmore "We’ve stiD got seven more 
games to be successful I think the 
ntoieyousitanddweflon atosslike 

this foe more itfc going to sit with the 
players* Lets see where we made our 
mistakes and get ready 7 for Toronto” 

The Lancers come back home five 

days after battling the Toronto Varsity 
Blues to face the Carieton Ravens at 
Alumni Field, Sept 12 Kick-off is 1 






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News Editor 

Studentswho will be living on residence 
for the 2015-2016 school year moved 
into thdr new homes over the weekend 

The students arrived Sept 6» many with 
thdr Emilies, and bejjm the day by un¬ 
loading their luggage from their vdiides 
and brining it to thdr new rooms ac¬ 
companied by USWA volunteers and 
resident service members. 

'‘Meeting new students is always furC 
said Sivanesaa "'One of the bluest 
things about moving in to residence is 
the community feeling you get" 

Sivanesan said new students and retum- 
ing students can have a hard time open¬ 
ing up to making new friends and being 
part of residence can help with that be¬ 
cause of the amount of people you see 
every day He also said the residence 
staff is very good at supporting students 
and helping them get where they need 
to be in life and in academics. 

“Never make your floor the party floor;” 
said Sivanesan in terms of tips for new 
resident students. “If you ever need any 
hdp make sure to find an RA because 
they are one of the best resources you 
can have 1 

The vice president at studen advocacy 

New resident students of Cartier Hall await their hall meeting Sept 6* 
[Photo by// Caleb Workman] 

Matthew^ Dunlop, said coming into res- 
id ence is a shift both psychologically 
and emotionally; 

"One of the biggest things I would tell 
students to do is smifef said Dunlop. 
“Even though sometimes it is difficult 
to cope with the feet you re not living at 
home, smiling and taking deep breaths 
are going to make the transition a tot 
■ - - ■ ■■ 

easier Every organism in the wodd 
needs air and were no different - well 
lighten up when were nervous.” 

Duntop said opening up to people and 
smiling is the first step to becoming the 
Lancer that is inside everyone on cam¬ 

The students all had mandatory floor 
meetings at £30 pm after they got ac¬ 

quainted in tbdr rooms* roommates 
and building layouts, 

“With living on residence you are a lot 
closer to the facilities and frailties on 
campus,” said Cartier Hall resident assis¬ 
tant academic Chris Swart “Especially 
in Carrier, as well as the other halls, it b 
a very open and respectful community 
and everyone can meet and greet freely 

from different backgrounds and ethnic¬ 
ities and make new friends a very broad 

Foftowing the floor meetings students 
had the ofpttftunity to hear Dt Rachel 
Gtffin talk about sexual assault hdp 
and prevention, which was followed by 
a free pasta dinner for aQ of the resident 

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New Restaurant Looks to Provide 
Students With Hangout Spot 


Mews Editor 

The university has welcomed new own¬ 
ership and taste onto their campus in 
conjunction with the GS& 

Mare Nostrum, a bar and restaurant on 
the comer of Sunset Avenue and Fanch- 
etie Street, is offering a wide selection 
of foods as wefl as their Mediterranean 
specialty including many ghiten free 
and vegan dishes. 

The bar officially opened July 20 and 
is owned by recent university graduate 
Adam El-Dika and Chef Ahmad Sanji* 
who was in culinary school in Lebanon 
for five years. 

“The first thing we decided when we 
opened the restaurant was to make sure 
there is a lot of diversity in the menu," 5 
said El-Dika, “We specialize in Middle 
Eastern dishes, but we also have some 
Italian and Greek pastas as weD as burg¬ 
er and wrap sections on the menu!' 

El-Dika said ever since the dosing of the 
Thirsty Scholar Pub on campus a few 
years ago the school has been missing 
a place where students, jkmfty and staff 
can come har^ out and grab something 
to eat He said he hopes Mare Nostrum 
restaurant can fin that void 

The restaurant has an indoor capacity 
of 71 and also has a patio which can 
hold M* The smaller verne has not off 
put business though, as El-Dika said 
the restaurant has been busier than he 

could have expected - especially since 
the school year had not started yet 

‘Its totally unexpected but this past 
week has been insane and we've literal¬ 
ly filled up every table inside and ouC 
said El-Dika, ‘‘This past Friday we got 
to the point where we had to turn away 
aistomers. Some of them took take-out 
but the amount of people that have been 
coming in is more than we could have 

Mare Nostrum lias been featured on 
GBC their tweets have been seen and 
re-tweeted by the Windsor Econom¬ 
ic Development Group and has been 
partnering with university 1 groups to 
promote the business. El-Dika said 
getting the name out there is one of the 
most important things. 

According to El-Dika, expansion is 
something they have not yet considered 
as it is only the first few wedb of busi¬ 
ness. However they have begun take- 

out and off* campus delivery however on 
top of updatir^ their delivery services to 
be more affordable for students, Mare 
Nostrum is also revampir^ their menu 
to accommodate large groups with 
sharing platters and a few' more menu 

Everything chi the menu is under $10 
except for new sharing platters, which 
will be added to the menu. For more 
information check out their Eacebook 
page and website. 

Adam El-Dika and Ahmad Sanji pose outside of Mare Nostrum , their newly opened restaurant 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

The inside capacity of Mare Nostrum is 71 and the patio capacity is 34 bringing the total capacity of the 

establishment to 105. 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 



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Sports Editor 

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News Editor 


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W- 5 19.253 3000 39D9 

C 539,991,9025 

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UWSA and Pub Club Mark First 
Collaboration With Graffiti Night 


Aits Editor 

For some new and returning students, 
the outdoor movie night in the resi¬ 
dence quad ended the first day ofWind- 
sor Welcome Week in an easy and quiet 
manner Very dose by however, there 
was an ofjpo&ite gathering and atmo¬ 
sphere entirely with this years graffiti 

“Graffiti gives the students an opportu¬ 
nity to kind of leave their own person¬ 
alised mark on eadi other socially 1 said 
UWSA student senator RJ DAguilar, 
who aided in the logistics of the event 

Wdl into the evening a tent was set up 
dose to the CAW Centre where the Pub 
Club Graffiti Night was held Students 


ers, writing anything from their names 
to their numbers on each other, Hew¬ 
ing off steam alter an exhausting day 
of being situated on campus This was 
far from die first time where a graffiti 
nightwas held on campus, but the night 

brought forth a new ediaboratkm be¬ 
tween the UWSA and new downtown 
establishment Pub Guh which opened 
over the summer break This was a way 
for students to simply have fon on top 
of mingling with the student body and 
future classmates, 

‘Students who are new to Windsor, 
new to the school or just coming back* 
a great opportunity for them to get 
to know people around here and cre¬ 
ate new contacts? said Pub Club owner 
Luke McConnell 'The more people 
you know, the more you’re going to en¬ 
hance your school experience." 

The Pub Chib supplied their DJ and 
emcee for Ihe evening* and Craft Heads 
Brewing Company supplied the akohd 


for students to get in was vast* arguably 
covering the front width of DiBioo Hal 
More than 700 people were expected 
to attend* but between the heightened 
campus securities* the hiring of extra 
guards and the presence of multiple 

A student is given the floor as he dances at the PubClub Graffiti Night Sept 6, 
[Photo by il Hani Yassine] 

UWSA members, there was the assur¬ 
ance t f f flurpsu t f being comined 

'Tonight is going to be a blast, and 1 
don t expect there to be any reason to 
believe anyoncs going to have a bad 
time," DAguilar said 

The reception oould lead to further col¬ 

laborations between both the UWSA 

and Pub Club, however nothing is con¬ 
firmed at this time. The Pub Club how¬ 
ever is oommited to hiring on students 
part time so they can pocket a bit encash 
in the midst of their studies, 

"At our spot we hire a lot of university 

and college kids? said Pub Qub manag¬ 
er Corny McConndl Its another way 
for kkb to kind of get to know us, and 
if they were ever looking for a weekend 
job experience, if they need to make 
some extra money on the side, they can 
talk to us? 

Vie first day of Windsor Welcome Week ended with Pub Club Graffiti Night hosted by the t/WSA near the 

CAW Centre Sept 6. 

IPhoto by // Hani Yassine] 



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University Encourages Consent 
with New Sexual Assault Policy 

Dr Rachel Griffin shares herpersonal story to raise awareness 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor has recently 
updated their policy on sexual assault 
and the actions to be taken if it happens 
on campus. 

In light of this* they have started to raise 
awareness on the grounds as early as day 
one, when resident students moved in* 
Through this they hope to avoid any 

According to Dr Rachel Griffin, the 
schoofs new policy will not eliminate 
die problem kit it will help some cases 
of it and also hdp the survivors who go 
through it 

Tm here because of die three billion 
women on this planet right now one* 
third of us will be abused, beatsi or 
raped in their lifetime,'* said Griffin 
‘"That means we could fill up the Rog¬ 
ers Centre in Toronto, with a capadtv of 
54,000 over 18,000 times with women 
who have been akrsed, beaten or forced 
to have sex.” 

with rape and how she thought because 
of her circumstances and who the per¬ 
son who took advantage of her, no one 
would bdieve her or think it was true. 
She said it took her seven years to fi¬ 
nally tdi someone after a sexual assault 

"Ninety-nine percent of the time perpe¬ 
trators of sexual assault are male, how¬ 
ever, adaxwdedging that statistic is not 
mak-bashing rather it is a painful re¬ 
ality of our amtemporary soaeiyf said 
Griffin "I need you to know that most 
men do not hurt women but most men 
know men who do* 

Griffin said her hope for the campus 
and the outside area m for people to 
learn to use their voice when they see 
or hear of any type of abuse on a global 
scale She also encouraged people who 
have been hurt to come forward and let 
someone know they need hdp. 

"Victims of sexual violence deserve to 

be treated with cam with compassion 
and with respect - no exception^” said 
Griffin. "We can choose to understand 
that silence is not an option and words 
are not enough* Action is required” 

Griffin asked the members present to 
create a campus where people are com¬ 
fortable to come forward and talk with¬ 
out worrying of judgement 

Griffin expressed people should want 
“enthusiastic consent" 1 over taking ad¬ 
vantage of someone else. 

Dt Clayton Smith, vice provost and 
dean of student affairs, said the wom¬ 
en who experience sexual violence will 
have it happen before, after or during 
their post-secondary education He said 
the new policy is to hdp avoid or hdp 
with situations during the post-second¬ 
ary experience 

“What if we hdp the bystanders become 
active” said Smith. “We bought m an 
idea from the University ofNew Hamp¬ 
shire stating if we train our students in 
particular.* * to stop these things bom 
happening, it would hdp m deal with 
the statistics of sexual assault” 

Smith said this was done in 2010 and 
they have made decisions to train stu¬ 
dents including running courses in 
several frailties and resident hafls, and 
doing research which he said makes a 

"Last year around this time, we had four 
instances ofsexualviolence on our cam¬ 
pus in the first weekT said Smith. "One 
of the instances resulted in suspending 
a student firm the university on arrival 

Smith said following this a draft policy 
was created and a working group was 
established, which he chairs in, and they 
are pushing it this year Smith said he is 
hoping for the policy to be reviewed and 
completed by the end of this edrcation 

Smith said educating the campus body 
will hdp with the problem and that a 
co ntinuum alongside file policy will 

Students take their seats for the sexual assault prevention meeting at the University of Windsor Sept 6. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

Dr. Griffin presented her story and ways to help prevent sexual assault on and off campus Sept. 6 at the 

University of Windsor. 

[Photo by// Caleb Workman] 

make the campus a safe place. 

"We worked hard in the spring months 
to try and get Dr. Griffin to come and 
speak here** said Smith 

“A lot of people questioned why we 
would have her speak on opening 
day and I tell them because that’s 
the time sexual violence can start” 

Smith said he% very grateful Dr Griffin 
came out and spoke and bdieves it will 
make a difference on campus and out¬ 
side of it 


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Residence Life Hosts 
Outdoor Movie Night 

Sfudente attended the outdoor movie night at the residence quad area Sept 6 as part of Windsor Welcome Week 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

Tts an alternative event to going to tile 


Arts Editor 

The residence move in day, which 
kicked off Windsor Welcome Week 
was done so under an ouieptionaUv 
burning sun With the heat adding on 
to what was an already exhausting day 
for new and returning students, they 
had the importunity to kickback as the 
sun went down and a screen was pro¬ 
jected up. 

Towards the evening, the residence 
quad served as the area to hold the out¬ 
door movie night, which is hdd every 
year during the welcome week for free. 
The night was geared towards first year 
students who wanted to take the chance 
to wind down and relax while watching 
the two films screened: "Mean Girls and 
'Despicable Me 

"We actually locked up what are the top 
movies for people in this age range and 
Mean Girls' was number one. like 

this generation^ The Breakfast Club,” 

HMrnm i I «* Co-ordinator Jae- 

queline MdUsh 

A tew dozen students attended the dou¬ 
ble feature, which Mdlish described as 
a stress-free event where students can 
connect within their communities, as 
the event was free to everyone on or off 
campus. She also emphasized it was a 
different option for those who didn't 

want to attend tiie graffiti party which 
was occurring dose by outside the 
CAW Centre 

tent where tfrerefe the pressure of alcohol 
and stufflike tiiatT Mdlish sakL 'Theres 

definitely a big generation of students 
now that are choosing to not drink and 
don't want to get into that scene* So we 

try to provide as many different options 
as possible so they can stffl have thatwd- 
come week experience' 


Party for Students 

A night of creativity and oldprinter box costumes 


News Editor 

Ihe UWSA hosted an anything but 
dothes party at the party tent outside 
the CAW for Windsor Welcome Week 

The Sept 8 event featured a DJ, bar and 
dance Boor and had a large turnout of 
students having the entrance filled with 
participants of the event throughout 

President of the UWSA Jaydee Tarpeh 
said each event through welcome week 

is very important and this one followed 
through to be a great night as well 

Tfe the second official night event of 
welcome week and we had dirty bingo 
before this fiB up and everyone left to go 
change in betweenT said Tarpeh T love 
seeing first years and everybody always 
has fun and it's looking like were going 
to be at foO capacity through the night” 

Tarpeh was correct with his statement as 

ThepartycanietoaneralaimirKi 1:30 

am and students made thdr way back 
to thdr resident halls or homes across 
Windsor and Essex County 

Tarpeh said he and the rest of the 
UWSA really appreciates aQ the stu¬ 
dents who made it out to the ABC party. 

H Tfs a wriid wedc and w afi had dass^ 
es the next day biff the student support 
for the event was amazingT said Tarpeh 
Tm hoping that it keeps up through the 
rest of the events and thank you to ev¬ 
eryone who has been coming out” 


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Tve already made a lot of-friends on the first day so fines- 

died to see what other new people I will meet throughout 




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Tm looking forward to meet new people from places 



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“iteskfenoe merve-in day has been great. Everyone has been 
reaDy helpful and everything is going smoothly!* 

“Study hard* get right to die books but don't get too bogged 
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haid at iL Most importantly, make sure to make use of aD file 
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T think the best thing to look forward to in resi¬ 
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Arts Editor 

Hot dagp and burden were being 
cooked in the midst of the moving day 
frenzy and it was all fora valiant cause. 

In between the Cartier and Vanier res¬ 
idence buildings die Shinerama bar- 
beque was parked and underway as 
Shine Day finds itself on the horizon. 
Shinerama is the largest post-second¬ 
ary fundraiser in the nation, with over 
60 different colleges and universities as 
acting participants. AD proceeds hum 
the baibeque go towards the UWindsor 
Shinerama campaign* which in turn do¬ 
nates to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

'Cystic fibrosis is die most common fe¬ 
tal genetic disorder affecting young Ca¬ 
nadian^ said organizer Jessica TetreaulL 
"Everything that we da all die money 
we raise is going direedy to binding a 
cure or control, and were getting really 
dose so its a really erafing time to be 
involved with Shinerama” 

Tetneauk said the goal for this years 
UWindsor campaign is $20,000, com¬ 
pared to the near $10,000 raised last 
year Aside from the residence move in 
day, fre harbeque wiD be stationed at 
every night of any UWIndsor test event 
until Shine Day rolls along By then, 
they will head into the dty asking for 
donations, afl while holding car washes, 
singing, dancing, and gaming on top 
of the barbeque. One of die things Te- 
treanlt is gunning for is to have a strong 
presence of LlWindsor students both in 
and out of campus. 

"Residence is really good for coming 
out for Shine Day, the RAs are reaBy 
pumped to bring everyone out,” Te¬ 
treault said ‘"Were trying really liard this 
year to get more than residence students 
out so thafe our goal, to hear everyone 
and get a whole bunch of peopieout this 

Shine Day is set to ocare Sqpt 19 , and 

will go from 9 am. to 4 pjn. 

A volunteer grills hot dogs and burgers to serve as part of the Shinerama harbeque during resident move in 

day Sept 6, 

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News Editor 

Engines revved loud down Walker 
Rood over the weekend as Cystic Fibro¬ 
sis Canada held thdr 12th annual Ride 
of the Breath of life in partnership with 
a local family at Applebees, 

The event, held on Sept 6 in honour of 
Rea*ee Marie Bornn who died in 2001 
due to cystic fibrosis, began at 9 am 
with a $6.99 breakfast and sunups until 
die bikes took off at 10*. 15 am The bik¬ 
ers participating pledged $25 dollars for 
riding and $20 lor passengers. 

One of the ax>rdinators of the event 
in the area and father of Renee, Gene 
Boivin said riding was something they 
took up after their daugjtier iiad died 
and they wanted it to be the attracting 
factor to raise money 

“Its a beautiful day outside - you canft 

beat this weather? said Botvin. “Hope- 

reach our goal.” 

All the bikm gm thdr pledges also re¬ 
ceived a t-shirt for participating. 

One such biker. Tommy Thompson, 
said he really enjoyed getting to know 
the bikers who came out as well as the 
people who run the event 

“fts not agoodday itk a better than good 
dayf Thompsoa “The cause is good 
and the people are here working togeth¬ 
er for a cause that ts going to makea big 

Chapter fund development manager of 
the Essex and Chafoam-Kent region for 
Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Kristin Doug¬ 
las, said they usually get about 100 riders 
at the event 

4 Were hoping for a few more this yratf 
said Douglas, "All the money raised 
todays is going towards cystic fibrosis 
research and treatment in conjunction 
with Cystic Fibrosis Canada.” 

Douglas said they were on track to 
match the amount of riders they had last 
year but were in hopes to receive more. 

President of the Essex and Cha- 
tham-Kent chapter, Anne-Marie Beau- 
soldi, said file research for cystic fibrosis 

in Canada is world nenowrt. 

eristic code 

Local bikers take off for the Ride for the Breath of Life event Sept, 6. 
(Photo by ft Caleb Workman] 

awiareness tor people who may not be 

first, which lias helped in numerous familiar with the disease. 

other diseases,”saidBeausokiL'Canada ^ * , *» . ., m , 

Reausoldi and the volunteers ot the focal 

can be proud that our median age is the 

chapter tor Cystic Fibrosis t^anada said 

hkhestiniheworld” . ..... t . n , 

they would like to thank all of the people 

Beaiisokif said events like this l>dp raise who came out to support the cause and 

money necessary for foe needs of Cys- help raise awareness and they are one 

tk Fibrosis Canada but also hdp raise step closer because of it 

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The volunteers for the Ride for the Breath of Life pose for a picture in front of the Applebees on the corner of 
Division road and Walked Road SepL 6 , From left to right: Bob Fairhurst, Fred Van Beck, Vicki Boivin , Gene 
Boivin , Kristin Douglas, Chelsea Girard , Anne-Maire Beausoleil, Heather Hannigan, Paul Bowsher. 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

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2015 NAB A Championships 
Brings Thousands to Windsor 


Sports Editor 

Windsor sm^d host to thousands of 
Filipinos from across the globe where 
a love of basketball an increased sense 
of camaraderie, unity, culture and corn- 
rnunity pride took centre stage at the 
2015 North American Basketball Tour¬ 

The Windsor Bridgeans took on the 
immense task of organizing the annual 
Labour Day weekend event as almost 
a dozen venues were used to schedule 
neariy 150 teams in five different divi¬ 
sions for the doubJe-eliinination tour¬ 

Windsor Bridgeans is a not for profit, 
Filipino basketball program in Wind¬ 
sor established in 2011 by two brothers* 
Reggie and Russ Salazar who save as 
co-directors alongside Gilbert Gallant 
What first began with only one team, 
now boasts teams in ail five tourmmert 
divisions indudk^ bantam, juvenile. 

open menfe, open ladies and masters. 

Reggie Salazar spoke with gratitude 
when he praised the support of count* 
less hard-workii^ committee membm 
which has allowed the Bridgeans to 
blossom into a basketball organization 
able to host and execute the NABA 
tournament so flawlessly despite the 
event coming to Windsor for foe first 
timesmoe 199L 

'Windsor has set high standards in 
providing our guests with comfortable 
acmmmodattons, improved venues, 
energetic games and hospitality” said 
Salazar ‘We as a group organized for 
over one year, we have made every dfort 
to provide our NABA guests with an ex¬ 
perience that will be truly memorable” 

The name “Bridgearts” was established 
by Gil Panganibaa who also founded 
the North American Basketball As¬ 
sociation. Fanganibaris hometown in 
foe Philippines is connected by bridge 
where he traveled to see his IriendsaaKi 
play basketball Bridgeans was deemed 

for foe Windsor Filipino team 
because the Ambassador bridge in the 
city is a such wefi-known structure and 
is meant to symbolize a road to aspira¬ 

Salazar said besides the athletic compe¬ 
tition, the tournament provides an op¬ 
portunity for people of Filipino descent 
from around the world to meet one 
another and embrace fodr culture and 

“By putting on a showcase like this, it 
shows what Windsor is aB abouC said 
Salazar 'This is definitely a huge com¬ 
munity effort to put this together, being 
at so many different venues, it takes so 
many different individual efforts to 
make this a success'* 

Each year foe NABA tournaments are 
located in different Canadian and US 
dries such asToronto Newmarket, Mis* 
sissauga and Detroit NABA has proven 
to be the largest Filipino invitational 

_ - ml — — Ji 4. _ ■ I n _.f p.- _jrX— A ■ ■ in —j 

WePWnTC! i Rtri tCflt W1 NOTw nlHWi- 

ca, This year, with 143 teams participat¬ 

ing in the tournament representing 26 
dries around the world, hotel accom- 
nKxlations were very scarce foroughout 

To the Filipino community in gener¬ 
al Salazar said foe NABA Labour Day 
tournament is a highlit of foe year for 
some families. 

It means a lot to us to have this event? 
said Salazar. ‘We dorit have many 
events Ifc this but when we do this on a 
yearly basis, it brings everyone together, 
it brings camaraderie, unity and support 
fcrone another” 

The tournaments opening ceremony 
boasted a Miss NABA contest with six 
participants squaring off for foe crown 
of University of Windsor student Ma- 
rissa Bumanlag, who was named Miss 
NABA in 2014 when foe tournament 
was hosted in Glendale Heights, USA 
Marissa co-hosted foe event with her 
brother, CTV reporter Anns Bumanlag 
as owr -T Jtm people 

St Clair SportePlex to kick off theweek¬ 


Tt has been an honour to be miss 
NABA 2014? said Bumanlag Tt is a 
prestigious tide that displays foe ideal 
spokeswoman of foe North American 
Basketball Association, forough true 
Filipina beauty exemplified not just on 
the outside, but through moral charac- 

Bumanlag is majoring in an Honours 
in Political Science degree with a goal to 
become a lawyer after her undergradu¬ 
ate studies are complete Prior to being 
named Mss NABA 2014, Bumanlag 
was a point guard and captain of the 
Windsor Bridgeans Open Ladies team 
in addition to playing for the dubs vol¬ 
leyball team. 

The 2016 NABA tournament will be 
hosted in New York Gty during Labour 

Day weekend to c on ti nue the Filipino 

tradition dbaskefoall culture and love. 

gpT ig 

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Remembering the 
Horrors of Wes Craven 


Arts Editor 

Wes Graved filmography is not the 
most distinguished. Nobody can doubt 
the dassdcs under his bek, but they ar¬ 
rived too far in between to call him a 
consistent filmmaker. So when news 
broke ofhis death on August 30th, initial 
reaction was fairly passive. But perhaps 
ifc a rather cold thing to say, even if he 
was never one of my favourite directors* 
For upon further examination, credit 
must be given where ife due 

Films are lovely works of art, but theres 
something special when it comes to the 
honor genre Then& a levd of crafts' 
manship and technique required to 
make an eflbctivdy unsettling expe¬ 
rience. At times you even need a bit of 
resourcefulness and panache, where 

you know the material you have can be 
made into something goldea This no¬ 
tion could be why the genre is mainly 
void of quality and instead oversftiflfod 
with lazy efforts. A good honor film 
released now could constitute as a great 
one given the apparent drought So with 
the loss of Wes Craven, honor is in a 
state of honor as it tidy lost one of its 
leading figures. 

Hera a fun feet Prior to Gravers feature 
dd^ he was working asapom director 
under a series of difiereot aliases. It was 
in 1972 when he made his mark with 
Tire Last House on the Left Filmed 
with a budget of less toan $90,000, the 
film ended up being censored in many 
countries due to its graphic depiction of 
violence and sexual assault 1 wasahor- 
rar film absent ofa monster or some un¬ 
known entity as a villain. The monsters 

were escaped convicts and hardened 
killers, and the film showcased a degree 
ofvidence, which is deeplyunsetftingto 
this day due to how real it fdt and how it 
has the potential in beingareality While 
the film now is rather jarring due to its 
musical score, it stiD succeeds in bring¬ 
ing a chill down the spine of the viewer 

Twelve years later, Craven brought what 
is undoubtedly his most popular film: 
A Nightmare on Elm Street! On top 
of having the audacity to give a young 
Johnny Depp an awfully Woody fete, the 
film femously messed around with the 
perceptions and expectations of its an- 
dioice. ft did so in a highly imaginative 
way As Freddy Kruger terrorized chfl- 
dren by killing them in their dreams, the 
film blurred the line between wh^ was 
real and what wasn’t Craven also con¬ 

ceived a highly distinct villain in Kruga- 
himself by providing him a personali¬ 
ty, which was remarkably captured by 
Robert Engjunds performance 

Then oddly enough. 12 years after 
TTightman* he made what was arguably 
his last great film with ‘Saeam During 
the greater half of the 1990s, the honor 
genre was looking to be on its death¬ 
bed sentenced to an eternity of obscu¬ 
rity via direa-to-video B-movies. With 
■Scream there came a dever take on the 
genre as the films characters came with 
knowledge of honor films. They at¬ 
tempted to use the knowledge to escape 
toe tenor caused by the villain Ghost- 
face, ft was a gamble, which paid off as 
horror found an unlikely companion 
in comedy It hdped revive the genre, 
whkh was so dose on its way out toe 
door by seamlessly merging biting satire 

with a tense slasher fikk 

Ife hard to say where toe genre would 
be today had it not been for Cravens 
involvement Perhaps there may have 
been a lack of audience subveraon, and 
i is possible the envelope for violence 
wouldn't have been pushed to the same 
extent At any rate, bis contribution is 

Hes not without some stinkers of 
course. The sequels to “Scream never 
readied toe same kvd of quality as the 
original. There was an ift-foted misfire 
m Vampire in Brooklyn and ‘My Soul 
to 'Bke* was )ust plain awful Bur when 
he was on point, be delivered an expert- 
ence very few fitmimkers could match, 
whkh is why hell live on through his 
wodc for years to come 

i 1 MAC DEMARCO 1 * - Another One (Captured Tracks) 

3 MOKA ONLY* - Magickal Weirdness (Urbnet) 

5 ZARASUTRA* - Uncertain Assertions (Self-Released) 

7 JEFF HEALEY 1 * - The Best of the Stony Plain Years (Stony Plain) 

9 FROG EYES* * Pickpockets Locket (Paper Bag) 

11 THE SOUUAZZ ORCHESTRA* - Resistance (Do Right! Music) 

13 VARIOUS - Linear Labs: Los Angeles (Linear Labs) 

15 EL TEN ELEVEN - Fast Forward (Fake Record Label) 

17 TIA MCGRAFF* - Crazy Beautiful (Bandana) 

19 FAKE TEARS* - Nightshifting (Mint) 

21 WAXWING* - A Bowl of Sixty Taxidermists (Songlines) 

23 CALVIN LOVE* - Super Future (Arts & Crafts) 

25 METZ*-O (Sub Pop) 

27 RAIN OVER ST. AMBROSE* - Still Waking Up (Acadian Embassy) 

29 CATHOLIC GIRLS* - Psychic Woman (Shake!) 

AiAMi- -r- ~ 


Charts by Murad Erzinclioglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 FM 

More Into? & 

* Indicates Canadian Artist 

2 MIDDLE SISTER* - Cries Of The Wild (Self-Released) 

4 BOMBA ESTER EG - Ainancer (Sony) 

6 DESTROYER* Poison Season (Merge) 

8 SOLID BROWN* Our Rich Heritage (Sell-Released) 

10 THE MIGHTY SWELLS” - The Mighty Swells (Self-Released) 

1 2 TEEN DAZE 4 - Morning World (Paper Bag) 

14 BEACH HOUSE - Depression Cherry (Sub Pop) 

18 NEU TRAL STATES/LFTTLE LOVERS - Trmrism/Come on lune (Self-Released) 

20 ARIANE MdFFATT* - 22h22 (Simone) 

22 t.ES JUPFS” - Some Kind of Family (Head In The Sand) 

24 TOUGH AGE" -1 Get The Feeling Central (Mint) 

26 THE BEAT DOWN* - Meet Hugo Mudte (Stomp) 

28 MATTHEW STEVENS - Woodwork (Crystal Math Music) 

30 DAVE MONKS* - All Signs Point to Yes (Dine Alone) 


Lancers Soccer Primed for Home Opener 
After Tough Test Against Canada’s Best 

Windsor lancers Cas&e Chretien defends against a MeMaster Marauders forward in OVA soccer action m 

Hamilton Sept 5. The Lancers fell 1-0 to the Marauders * 

[Photo by// Fraser Caldwell} 

Windsor Lancers Mike Pio pushes the ball up the pitch against the McMaster Marauders, Sept 5 in OVA 
soccer action in Hamilton* The Lancers fell 2-1 to the Marauders for their first loss of the year . 

[Photo by // Fraser Caldwell} 

West could win on any given daf/ 


Sports Editor 

Afiera tough stretch of four matches on 
die road to be^n the regular season* the 
Lancers soccer program is calling for 
large crowds during ife homeHspener 
weekend against the Waterloo Warriors 
and Laurier Golden Hawks, 

A pair of home games is just what title 
Lancers need after a pair of weekend 
mad trips yielded mixed results. This 
past weekend* the Lancer womens soc¬ 
cer team dropped both g^mes on their 
road trip to the McMaster Marauders 
and York lions* while die mens team 
came away with a sense of lost oppor¬ 
tunity after a 2-i loss to the 2015 CIS 
national runner-up Marauders and a 
2-2 draw against the 2015 QS national 
champions, the Lions, 

Sept 5 the women dropped a tight !-0 
loss to the Marauders before felling 2-1 
to York Sept 6. The women are now 
1-3 heading into thdr first set of home 
games next weekend 

Lancers head coach Stew Hart said al¬ 
though the women have played wdl in 
stretches over the first four matches* it is 
consistency that the team is stiD hoping 
to achieve, 

"Wdre still trying to figure ii ouC said 

fkut "We draft deserve to oome away 

fiom these games wife no points in the 
standing! On another d^> we could 
have gottm better results.” 

Against the Marauders* fee two teams 
looked even in the opening half as each 
was able to craft its for share of scoring 
opportunities Windsor's best scoring 
chance of fee half came in fee 31st min¬ 
ute,when Lancer midfielder Pattens Ste¬ 
phens heavy shot just soared wide offee 
home sicfesfar post 

Nine minutes later, it was the hosts who 
found the gatnds evening tally as Maila 
Gaiboni netted the pmek lone goal by 
chestk^ down a bouncing ball in the 
boot* tumii^ and firing a well-placed 
shot into the top comer of the Wind¬ 
sor net Thai would be the only goal 
of match as the Marauders came away 
wifea 1-G victory. 

Hart said Windsor s start was much too 
slow to keep up wife McMaster, who is 
a top program in the OUA. 

“This is a benchmark ^me because 
they are always up there,” said Hart “We 
made a lot of rookie mistakes in the first 
halfbut made our halflime adjustments 
and played much better in the second 

On Sunday the first half saw fee Lions 
control fee pace of the game by domi¬ 
nating fee possession of fee ML The 
Windsor women regrouped at halftime 
and came out stronger in the final for¬ 
ty-five minute. 

In fee 54th minute in fee second half 
the Lancers opened the scoring wife a 
tally poked by York goalkeeper Taylor 
Giant after a de&nsbre breakdown that 
led to an odd-man advantage in the di¬ 
rection of Yoiks net, ultimately leading 
to fee opening goal by Lacey Marooux 

Yorks Nour Ghoneim scored the equal¬ 
izer in the 62nd minitfe ate York drew 
a a>ntruversial foul inside the 20-yard 

box. Ghoorim stepped up and placed 
fee ball into the right hand comer of 
fee net, which was just out of the reach 
of sprawling Windsor keeper Krystin 

York freshman Kiyani Johnson came on 
in the second half to score the Lions go- 
ahead goal in fee 72nd minute to take 
fee lead for good Windsor pressed late 
for fee equalizer but was unable to capi¬ 
talize on their opportunities. 

Hart said the teams character during fee 
loss was admirable, but fee youth of fee 
team was evident in the pair of weekend 

,v We had four or five rookies at a time on 
fee ptech, which is great progress for the 
program," said Hart "We were attacking 
teams while we were down but we don’t 
want to hit our peak one week and go 
through ^ valley fee next Consistency is 
what we want to see and feat is our job 
as coaches,” 

The mens team was able to escape wife 
one point aver fee weekend against two 
of the top four ranked teams in Cana¬ 
da, Windsor is now 2-1-1 on the season 
as they head into their first home games 
of2015 againstWfoterioo 

A^inst the Marauders, Windsor start¬ 
ed vey skw and that resulted in a 2-0 
deficit at halftime against fee Na4 

ranked team in fee CIS. 

“We played awful in the first half said 
Hart “The men knew how we felt as 
coacheswhenwe spoke to them at half¬ 
time In the second half we were unable 
totie it up even though we were all over 
them for the last 10 to 15 minutes!' 

In fee end, it was too Me, too late as ly- 
owuna Jumbo scored in fee 84fe min¬ 
ute to cut fee deficit in haifbutWindsor 
would score no more, Ming 2-1 and 
dropping fedr first game of the OUA 
regular season. 

The next day saw Windsor matched 
up against die defending CIS nation¬ 
al champions from York. Both teams 
played an aggressive style coupled with 
crisp ball movement, solid defensive 
strategy and stout goalkeepmgbut each 
side tallied a goal to make the score 1-1 
at halftime 

The Lions opened the scoring in the 
35th minute when Matt Stinson re¬ 
ceived a toudi pass just outside the 
20-yard box which Stinson capitalized 
on and shot past Windsor goalkeeper 
Kyle Vizirakk In the 42nd minute fee 
Lancers attacked fee Lions midfield and 
launched a deep shot that was totally 
saved but a large rebound allowed the 
Lancers to capitalize when Leighton 
Speechky-Price teqpped the batt in for 
bis third goal of the season 

Windsor took a 2-1 lead in fe e 70fe on 
some fency footwork and finishing abil¬ 
ity from Pio to set u^ 
finish Goalkeeper Vizirakis stood on 
his head againstYork, making save after 
save during the waning minutes of the 
match but he and the Lancers defence 
couldn’t withstand the pressure of the 
Lions offence as they allowed the tying 
goal by )arek Whiteman with less than 
two minutes remaining. 

Despite fee quality of the opponent. 
Hart was candid in thoughts about tying 
fee defending national champions. 

Tve never felt so sick after tying YodC 
said Hart “And to be mad about tying 
fee national champions speaks about 
our program and where it has oome 
Both trams battled but we canoniykxk 

Hart said the result against York has 

prompted rival coaches to acquire film 
of fee match to try and copy Windsor^ 

“They're all asking me how we have 
done if said Hart “This just proves that 
we don't need to be scared of anybody. 
Any of the top four teams in the OUA 

Windsor will play their first home 
games of fee season this coming week- 
aid when they host the Waterloo War- 
riots and Laurier Golden Hawks. The 
Yfenkxs come to town Sept I I while 
fee Hawks head down the 401 Sept 13. 


Video Game Review - Metal 

Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 


Arts Editor 








PS4, XBO, PC, PS3, X360 

Those whoVe delved in their fair share 
of video games have probably heard of 
Metal Gear Solid either by passing or 
through firsthand experience. Its in- 
ventive, convoluted, and downright in¬ 
sane at times. Yet it has managed to be 
an oddly profound military saga and a 
stunning action/stealfo series ever since 
its traiHazing 199$ debut. 

With ‘Metal Gear Solid V; The Phan¬ 
tom creator Hkfeo Kbjima m un- 

^^-^Sfotedly maridng it as the series* swan 
sting. One would think therdfl be some 

amount of deviations Phantom Pain 
makes from die series' game play and 
narrative tropes brings a title which 
stands tall on its own while still retaining 
the essence of the series, 

The nooks and crannies of the Metal 
Gear story would require its own index. 
Those who go in blind will be lost as to 
who the characters are, and will fell to 
understand the context of numerous 
plot points. In the simplest of terms, it 
tells the final chapter of legendary mer¬ 
cenary Big Boss and how his quest for 
revenge leads to his steep moral dedine, 
bringing the saga to full duck This 
journey towards revenge leads you to 
building a private army so you can strike 
back against the organization known as 

Pleasure From the Pain 

Cipher From die tense hour long pro¬ 
logue to foe mature sifojed: matter being 
portrayed, it carries a much darker tone 
than its predecessors. 

Earlier enHies in the series were heavy 
on semantics, with game play consist¬ 
ing of linear sequences which gave you 
plenty of tools to outsmart your ene¬ 
mies. The audio/visual presentation 
for every tide has been top notch The 
Phantom Pain is no exception as die 
gamdi FGXengtoe faaroaringtedmkal 

But this entry deviates bom the formula 
in several ways. Instead of reliance on 
cut-scenes, foe narrative largely rests in 
conversations recorded between key 
characters. More recording become 
available the further you progress in foe 
story, but the choice otTistening fells into 
foe player. Instead of tightly structured 
game play jxjtire given a sandbox to 
play in as youl be going hack and forth 
between foe desert in Soviet-ocoped 
Afghanistan and foe African savannah. 
You undergo a great wealth of missions 
and operations, and more importantly 
youre given carte blanche in bow you 
WWBIl * " ■ W I,, B * 

Lets say you stumble upon a fortress 
crawling with Soviet troops. You re to 
find and extract a prisoner. You can go 
far a completely stealthy approach, us¬ 
ing nothing but a tranquilizer gun as 
you carefaUy mark your enemies and 
pinpoint the prisons focatiorL Or you 
could take the opposite route and go 
in blazing, moving fest with everyone 
knowir^ your location Better yet, why 
not raise havoc without anybody know¬ 
ing you're there? Cali in an air strike to 
create a diversion cm one end while you 
sneak and extract from the other. Or 
ym could always just pick off the troops 
from a far out vanl^e point, all while 
listening to Hall and Oates' ‘Maneater* 
Tlebd Yeff from Billy kid or several 

other 80s trad© which are located across 

the game world via cassette tapes, 

are wekumed e vsn 

if certain missions may encourage one 
over another. Enemies are intellig en t 
enough to pose as a legitimate threat 
during sneaking sections, keeping you 
on your toes. But with enough skill and 
foe right tools, they can be exploited 
through comk and unconventional 
methods. What makes the sandbox 
design admirable is bow it doesn't be¬ 
come bogged down with half-baked 
side activities which tend to plague most 
open world gimes, Ihe world is used 
as a driving force to deeply enhance the 
aetion/steafth game play which is and 
always has been a series hallmark, 

AD of what you do on foe fidd con¬ 
tributes towards building your Mother 
Base The people you extract, the mon¬ 

ey you make from missions and foe 
resources you obtain during missions, 
They all go towards further developing 

your base into a M-iledged militaiy 
complex, complete with numerous de¬ 
partments Ks also a way to develop vast 
amounts of weapons and equipment, 
as well as further enhance foe soldiers 
you have under your command These 
devetopments directly contribute to foe 
core game {day as they lead to more op¬ 
tions in how you pursue later misacms 
Periodically visting the base itself is also 
an important factor as it maintains staff 
morale as weB as Big Boss'own physical 
and mental state. The game is successful 
in making you actually fed like the fead- 

erofa top private military form 

While not without some minor flaws, 
theyre dwarfed by the. p within 
the core action/steaMi game play and 
foe comprehensive grand design which 
supports it Itmmiages tobeccFnristentiy 
exciting, and an inherently personal ex¬ 
perience which demands to be played 
The Phantom Pain gives you a near un¬ 
precedented amount to woric with, and 
foe best thing about it is how ife all uti¬ 
lized fells into foe player's hands. They 
are able to dictate foe pace of the game 
play and the narrative. No two expert- 
axes wiB ever be the same, malting it 
compulsively playable. 

Movie Review - Mad Max: Fury 

Summer’s ‘Maddest’ Movie 


News Editor 

This summer brought some major hits 
to thebig screen but one stood out tome 
more than any other 

'Mad Max: Fury Boa d> the Austra¬ 
lian-based post-apocalyptic sd-fi, began 
screening eariy this summer on May 
15 and took a lot of old fens and new¬ 
comers to the series by surprise. The 
hgh-octane feature had an aH-star cast, 
a beautiful setting and a deeper than 
apparent plot which told a new and dd 

Director of the original trilogy ended in 

1985, George Miller, again took re^ns 
of the new project Replacing the orig¬ 
inal Max, Mel Gibson, was actor Tom 
Hardy Hardy a man <rf few words in 
the film* portrays the perfect Max with 
a deeper sense of emotion portrayed 
throughferial features, grants and flash¬ 

The film starts ctf with Max bemgc^ 
tured by cuft members of the War Boys 
led by Immortan foe played by Hugh 
Klesys-Byme After being tied up and 
treated as a human Wood-sac far foe 
War Boys, Max escapes and teams up 
with a group of unlikely castaways in¬ 
cluding Imperator Furiosa played by 
Charfee Iheran, and five of Immortan 

Joes wives. 

Together they attempt to escape on the 
Wfer Rig! which is a custom designed 
death truck, used to transport oil and 
commit mass homicide Together, with 
a very unirusting mood set towards one 
another, the group heads out to find a 
land tabled to be fit for sustainir^ life: 

"Mad Max! Fury Road tefls the story erf 
a madman sentenced to fear nothing 
other than his past, himself and getting 
boo dose to others. The muted Hardy 
portrays an attitude of sdf-sustainability 
and brakenness, Through quick flash* 
backs, we see glimpses of Maxs life and 
how it b to be believed he became the 

way he was. 

Mix the psychotic killer in with a War 
Bo^s leader, Immortan foes wives and a 
War Boy loyal, you get acrew as crazy as 
foe protagonist 

The fast-pace and comedy in the movk 
keep you on edge for foe fiil two hours. 
With no breathing breaks, foe film at¬ 
tacks you with violence car chases and 
awesome vehicles only foe Mad Max 

team could offer. 

When I first watched the film, I was on 
edge foe wbde time either laughing or 
dealing with constant exotemerrt; sad* 
ness and other mixed emotions. 

The film, although not far the feint of 
hart, offers everything a good movie 
should have and more. It is one of the 
bestfilms released rn a long time. 


What’s in Store for UWindsor 
Campus Sports This Year 

Women’s Soccer 

Hie Lancer womoi soccer program 
looks to continue their strong perfor¬ 
mance from 2014 The women hosted 
a home playoff game after finishing the 
season with an 8-7-1 record to place 
fourth overall in the OUA West A 
heartbreaking oma-tiraelossto 
in the 6m round has left the l.ancers 
hungry for continued success in the teg¬ 
ular aiKl postseason* 

Windsor brings in a strong group of 
focal recruits which I.ancen» director of 
soccer operations and head coach Steve 
Hart hopes will make an immediate im¬ 
pact on the fidd Four members of tbs 
LaSalle Stampers join the Hue and gold 
including midfielder Paiten Stephens as 
wdl as defenders Keelv Baggio, Jordan 
Carr and Daiuelh Vafente. 

Tecumsehs Brittany CM from the 
Michigan Gators will pin the Lancers 
in the backfidd, while Kristin Mdoof 
the Bastade Kkkm will play midfield 
Additional recruits include Toronto® 
Jcnysas Gordon and transfer Lacey 
Marcotix from Notre Dame College in 

In addition to these esoting reouifcs,the 
Lancer women return veterans Laura 
Lecce and Meg Roberts to anchor the 
bade and will be rdkd on heavily Along 
with these key comributcHs»QuIkBari- 
fe, Cam Qrovskiand Tess Roberts in the 
mid field and Krystin Lawrence in net, 
the Lancers will prove to be a difficult 
challenge to anyone in the league 

After a disappointing L-0 loss to the 
Guelph Gryphons in thdr opening 
march, the women nfoounded and took 
a 2-0 win against the Brock Badgers 
The not weekend, the women would 
be unable to come away with a point 
against the McMaster Marauders or 
York lions despite a strong effort 

"‘On another day, we could have gptet 
better results with the effort we put in 
against McMaster and YorkT said Hart 
iBut these are benchmark games be¬ 
cause those programs are always up at 
the top of the OUA and to be the best, 
youVe got to beat the best." 

The Waterloo VtoTiors come to town 
for Windsors home-opener match at 
Alumni Rdd Sept II and the women 
will kick-off the night with thdr match 
at 6 pm before battling the Lanrier 
Golden Hawks Sept 13 to an afternoon 
mat* 1 at 1 pm 

Men’s Soccer 

The Lancer men are exdted to start 
what looks like a promising year after an 

intense training camp and preseason. 
After posting an 8-7-1 record in 2014 
the Lancers will look to improve on 
those numbers and make a push to be 
at the top of the OUA 

With a strong incoming class led by re¬ 
cruits Noah Ffo, Jamar Redhead* Ldgh- 
ton James Speechfey-Price, and Marcus 
Diloreto, head coach Steve Hartbdteves 
tiiey are capable of improving on last 
years fifth place finish 

"We have some exciting talent m the 
roster this season,'' said Hart "We per¬ 
formed extremely well m our recent 
pre-season road trip and game against 
Ciodaro, giving a very mature and orga¬ 
nized performance, and I am confident 
we can have a successful year” 

The key to the Lancers success this sea¬ 
son will be die contribution of captain 
and OUA all-star Tack Sargent, as the 
fourth year midfiekier brings a great 
deal of strength and leadership both on 
and off the field Along with Sargent, 
the Lancers will depend on fifth year 
forward Mike Bo and second year raid- 
fiddar Chris ALYoussef to hdp build 
the foundation of the tom alongside 
fourth year forward fyuwum Jumbo 
and defensemen Tony Bdkenstajn and 

Harts recruiting dass has proved to be 
successful so for as Redhead provided 
the lone goal in a season opening win 
against the Gudph Gryphons while 
Speechley-Price scored twice in a 3-0 
win over the Brock Badgers. 

litis past weekend, the men took on 
the McMaster Marauders and York 
lions, both of which were in the 2014 
CIS national finals. A sfoppy T first half re¬ 
sulted in a 2 -0 deficit at the break but an 
improved effort in the second allowed 
fiie Lancers to get one goal back in the 
84lh minute, but were unable to get file 
equalizer The next day the Lancers 
trailed 1-0 before Speediley- Price put 
home his third goal of the season in the 
42nd and veteran Mike Pk> gave Wind¬ 
sor file lead in the 70th minute on an 
individual effort 

ft looked as though Windsor would 
come away with a victory over the na¬ 
tional champions but in the waning 
minutes of the second halt the im¬ 
mense pressure the lions put on the 
Lancers would lead to the game-tying 
goal despite some big save from keeper 
Kyle Vjzirakts. 

Hart said the fed his team was upset 
about only tying last years national 
cliampion speaks volumes about where 
the program has come from and where 
thdr potential 

Tve never felt so skk after tying YodC 
said Hart 1 bdievr the top four in the 
OUA could win any division in the 
country and were right there" 

'Fhe soccer program hosts their 
home-opener Sept 11 against the 
Waterloo Warriore under the lights at 
Alumni Fidd at 8:15 pm before the 
Laitrter Golden Hawks come to town* 
Sept 13 for a Sunday afternoon match 


TheLancm aim to improve on the 2014 
season, which saw them finish with a 
5-3 oor^rence mark and in fourth place 
in the GUA standings. A quarter-final 
playoff exit for the third straight year, 
suffered at the hands of the Ottawa Gee 
Gees, has left Windsor hungry for both 
regular season and playoff success. 

Lancers head coach Joe DAraore said 
this is file fastest and most athletic team 
the program has ever had 

have a lot ot new feces, but bring back 
a large group of veteran plsyerc to key 
poritionsT said DAmore K We have to 
continue to grow as a focibai (Earn and 
I fed if some young guys step up early 
we could have a diot to compete with 

The graduation of key veterans Austin 
Kdinedy, Evan Pszczonak and Dylan 
Whitfield has left some holes to fill in 
fire line-up but graduation also brings 
opportunity for others who believe thdr 
time has arrived 

Although the Lancers lost all-star quar¬ 
terback Kennedy, offensively Wind¬ 
sor has two solid quarterback options 
in Casey Wright and rodoe Dam Putt 
who will lode to move the ball on the 
ground as they have a strong pair of 
choices in the running back position 

Fourth year minting bade Tanenoe 
Crawford fed the Lancers in mshingin 
2014 with 477 yards in just six games 
played, The Windsor, Oct native aver 
<^ed 795 ysmds per pie and finished 
the year with three touchdowns, while 
third year running back Beau Lumley 
led the Hue and gold in all-purpose 
yards In 2014 with 929 - 463 rushing, 
326 receiving ■ and had three touch¬ 
downs in seven games played 

Now in his fifth season as head coach, 
DAmore has brought in another solid 
reovuting dass including a number of 
standout players from the local Wtnd- 
sor-Essex area, local recruits indude 
safety Spencer Trinter return man Jay- 
don Gauthier and running back Mar¬ 
cus Kentner, who all come from the 

highly succ&sful WE Herman high 
school program. This recruiting com¬ 
bined with the retom of a strong group 
ofveteians has the Lancos entering the 
2015 season with a sense of optimism 
and eKdtemenL 

"Wfth a good core ofveterarK aid some 
newcomers that are going to contribute 
immediately, we fed like we can com¬ 
pete with every team in the OUA and 
be in a position to have a great season,” 

The Lancers face off against the Car- 
feton Ravens in their third regular sea¬ 
son game, Sept 12 at Alumni Held 
Kick-off is 1 pm 

Mens Basketball 

The Lancets mem basketball team is 
looking to make strides after an exerting 
201445 season saw them place second 
in the OUA and sixth in Canada 

Head coach Chris Oliver has taken sd> 
batied for 2015-16 season and will wrxk 

wf^i nrofessloTwJ teams and ha4(rtbdl 

training academies around the world 
while a key member of Windsors 2005 
OUA championship team has stepped 
in to take ova- interim head coaching 

Former Lancers captain and OUA all- 
star Ryan Steer, a Windsor native, wifl 
take over for Oliver for the year in his 
absence and so fer has led the blue and 
gold to apair of impressive victories over 
NCAA Division D opponent, the Uni¬ 
versity of Indianapolis Greyhounds 

This is file eleventh consecutive year 
that the Lancers have, brought in an 
NCAA team from south of the border 
for kite-summer action at the University 

4 was excited to get started and see 
how our group comes together In the 
preseasonr said Steer "Wew got a solid 
nucleus of veterans returning along with 
some talented recruits. This was a great 
opportunity to see where we are at early 
on against a quality opponent from the 


In a pair of games at the St Denis Centre 
Aug. iSand^thelanceisusedalotof 
grit and determination to grind out an 
89-79 over the Greyhounds. Two days 
later, Windsor would use a late push 
to force overtime before contidMng 
the tempo in the final segment to take 
home a 82-86 victory 

Windsor has earned preseason victories 
over an NCAA Division I opponent 
in each of the last four years, induding 
last summers impressive 89-74 vic¬ 
tory over the Indiana Puidne at Fort 

Wkyne Mastodons, Prior to that, they 
also earned non-conference wins over 
Oakland Univei^, University of South 
Alabama and The Gtadd 

“We are grateful about the opportunity 
to measure ouradves against another 
NCAA opponent and to be able to once 

to our campus and community^ said 

The Lancers are coming off a tremen- 
dous 2014-15 season that saw th^n 
capture their sixth OUA West regular 
season title in the last ten years while 
also earning a berth at the CIS national 
championship tournament Windsor 
finished with a 15-5 conference record 
and went on to playoff wins against five 
Toronto Varsity Blues and McMaster 
Marauders before claiming the OUA 
silver medal at file Wilson Cup Final 
Four in Ottawa. *Ihe Lancers season 
highlights included a pair of victories 
over No l Carieton and Na 2 Ottawa, 
the only school in the country to dosa 

At the 2015 OS national champion¬ 
ships in Toronto, the Lancers M in the 
opening round to the host school Ryer- 
son Rams, who eventually placed third 
at file tournament for a national bronze 
medaL Windsor bounced bade to defeat 
the Bishops Gaiters before eventually 
feDk^ to the Saskatchewan Huskies in 
an otherwise meaningless game. 

Coach Steer's squad wffl be led by a trio 
of veterans with big game experience in¬ 
duding forward Alex Campbell, guard 
Mike Rocca and sharp shooter Mitch 
FarrdL Farrell was named an OUA 
all-star last season after averting 13d 
points per gime to go along with 48 re¬ 
bounds per contest. 

The Lancer lineup will also feature a 
number of talented incoming recruits 
induding local standout Mah Os¬ 
borne, Londons Mr Basketball Micah 
Kirubel and Michigan big man Pim 

Gsbome is a 6*5 guard who was a 
WECSAA first team dty afi-star at Ken¬ 
nedy Collegiate this past year and a fi- 
nalist for Windsors Mr Basketball as the 
top player in the aty Kinibei played at 
Sir Frederick Bunting in London where 
file 6*1 guard was named Londons Mr 
Basketball this past season while Hurk¬ 
mans Is a 6’9 power forward who played 
his high school basketball at Lake Orion 
High Schod in Michigan. 

Windsor will continue thdr preseason 
schedule with tournaments in Saskatch¬ 
ewan and St Catherines before kicking 
off the regular season at home against 
the Laurier Golden Hawks Nov 4 


UWindsor Free Pasta Night 

With the Windsor Welcome Week underway .; new and returning students began moving into their resi¬ 
dences $epL6 and toured around the campus , Being something which was sure to take some energy out 
of them, the university's catering services were prepared as they served free pasta at Wmclare C in Vani- 
er Hall Students came in droves> grabbing themselves a plate and some water handed out by caterers. 
Some ate while staying cool indoors while others made use of the benches and tables outside, mixing and 
mingling towards the first day of classes on Sept 8, 

[Photo by // Hani Yassirtef 

Menchies Cups For Kids 

Menchies Frozen Yogurt on Dougall Avenue helped raise money for children with asthma on Sept 5 and 

6 by donating off of every purchase. 

Flyers were distributed via Lung Association Canada and when customers presented them it donated 
$1 off of their purchase. This was the 2nd annual Cups for Kids and manager Katrina Johnson said the 

weekend had gone great , 

“Its for a great cause and raising money for kids is always a good thing,” said Johnson. 

Pictured from left to rigid: Nat Shamoon, Katrina Johnson , Jenara Bravo 
(Photo by // Caleb Workman} 

To 'ERG A 


Sports Editor 

If a career in environmental sciences or 
simply an interest in the subject spins 
your intellectual wheds, saying 'YES' 
may be the best thing for your future 

The Essex Region Conservation Au¬ 
thority started the te YES Team” or Youth 
Engagement Strategy Team several 
years ago as a means for ERCA to en¬ 
gage and connect with area youth, 

Caroline Biribaner is the Outreach 
Coordinator for ERCA and said while 
the YES Team has main goals to allow 
members to network.learn and mentor 
it also builds invaluable leadership skills. 

"We knew youth can have a significant 
positive impact on their communities 
and in the environmental arena,” said 
Biribaner 4< We wanted to invdve them 
in this process, so the YES Team was 

Membership m the YES Team is for 15- 

29 year okis and allows any school 

students, university and college students 
to take join, Biribaner said the increas¬ 
ing interest by youth in Wmdsor-Essex 
County 7 coupled with the coordination 
efforts by ERCA staffand otha-resourc¬ 
es has resulted in countless interaction 
with area youth over the years. 

“It encourages youth to engage others^ 
said Biribauer. * *YESTeam members are 
given the opportunity to take hands-on 
action to improve our local environ¬ 
ment and are encouraged to leverage 
their sodal networks to do the same,” 

Taryn Azzopardi is a fourth year Envi¬ 
ronmental Science student and joined 
YES to meet others in the community 
who have the same interests, Azzopmh 
added YES lets her embrace the out¬ 
doors while allowing her to make con¬ 
nections in this specific career field, 

“Being on the YES Team has given us 

some cool exclusive opportunities to 
leam more about things the groups 
members are specifically interested inT 
said Azzopardi “These indude go¬ 
ing tree planting, native pollinator gar¬ 
den maintenance and dean ups> as well 
as organizing Earth Day activities with 


Azzopardi said the group has gone 
on private owl prowls as wdl as visit¬ 
ed Devonwood Conservation Area to 
leam about the native species of trees. 
Most recently the YES Team went on 
an outing to Fighting island which is an 
islet in the Detroit River owned by BASF 

It lias fadlitated some awesome learn¬ 
ing opportunities for us based on what 
our members would like to leam more 
about said Azzopardi. ‘“These are spe¬ 
cial opportunities for our members that 
provide a great opportunity for learn¬ 
ing outside the dassroom and gives us 
hands-on experience which allows us to 
make connections in our communities,” 

Tite YES Team is not actually based oui 

of the University ofWindsor; akhot^h 

many ofts members are current, past or 
prospective students. 

The group oammunicates primar¬ 
ily via a Facebooic group page and 
emails. Group meetings and activities 
are primarily coordinated through 
ERCA and Biribaner, although team 
members are always encouraged to 
bring forth ideas and new members 
who are interested in improving the fo¬ 
cal environment 

41 Youth have such a keen interest in our 
environment, we are always looking for 
new members,” said Biribauaf! is a 
privilege and an honour for me to work 
with these young people. They have 
such energy I love woriting with item” 

To get more information or to sign up 
for the YES Team, visit Essex Region 
Coaservatioo Authority Youth Engage¬ 
ment Strategy Team on Eacefaook. 






m _ 


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Sports Editor 

A rivalry almost as old as the Ontar¬ 
io Hockey League became new once 
again as the Windsor Spitfires beat the 
Hint Firebirds in odiibition actba 

Spitfires centie Logan Brown scored his 
second goal of the preseason on a three- 
way passing play late in the third period 
and Cristiano DOarinto scored into 
an empty net to seal a 4-2 Spitfires win 
in rookie goaftender Michaud DiPtetrofe 
first career abearance 

It was first year Spitfires coach Rocky 
Thompsons fim win behind the bench 
in Windsor and said it was important 
tor Ibe team and fen base to see a victory 
after a 4-2 loss to the Oshawa Generals 
the previous night 

“There was more passion in our game, 
more of a kind of bite” 1 said Thompson. 
*We were ready to stand up for eadi 
other which was nice and were ready to 
do what it took to win the game tonight 
We made some gpod plays late ~. It wasa 
kind of gutsy so it was nice to see” 

A crowd of 3,585 took in the preseason 
aflairSepL 6y for the Firebirds first visitto 
Windsor, who moved to Flint in the off¬ 
season after a long tenure as the Plym¬ 
outh Whalers. The Spitfires-Whalers 
rivalry was not forgotten at Gompu- 
ware Arena but rather rekindled, as 
both teams each scored in a last-paced 

first period with plenty ofphysicaiity. 

After Firebird forward Cullen Mercer 
opened die scoring with a backhand 
shot over the shoulder of Spitfires start¬ 
er Michael DiPietro, it was Windsors 
Daniil Verity took Cde Carter^ feed 
from behind the Firebirds net and 
scored quickly to even the score at 1-1 
after 2D minutes. 

The Spitfires killed a two-minute five- 
on-three power pky opportunity for the 
Firebirds eariy in the second period Tile 
penalty kill unit was perfect on the day, 
thwarting all four Hint man-advantag¬ 
es. Thompson said the Spitfires special 
teams had very little preparation head¬ 
ing into the game but adjusted wdl the 
verbal commands fora Windsor assis¬ 
tant coach Trevor Letowski 

"We haven’t reaBy had time to practice 
special teams at afl ~ but the guys adapt¬ 
ed nkety’saidThompsoa "You have to 
have video to show players what their 
routes are but now we have that video 
But it was good to see them kill it off 
Mikey (DiPietro) played good as wdT 

Windsor would take a 2-1 lead in the 
final minute of the second period when 
Luke Kirwan beat Firebirds goaltender 
Zack Bowman glove side on a one-tim¬ 
er after a strong individual effort from 
DiGiadnto forced a turnover deep in 
FliM territory. 

Flints Jacob Collins made the score 
2-2 nine minutes into the third period, 
scoring on a broken pky and a no-look 

Windsor Spitfires Logan Stanley and Logan Brown celebrate Browns game-winning goal with 1:40 left in the 
third period of preseason action against the Flint Firebirds at the WFCU Centre, Sept . 6. Windsor went on to 

win 4-2. 

[Photo by / Kevin Jarrald] 

pass fom teammate Wifl Bitten With 
under two minutes remaining, Hayden 
McCool entered die Firebird zone and 
passed across the ice to Logan Stanley 
who placed the puck right on Browns 
stick and in to the net for the game-win- 

DtGtarintas empty-net goal just over a 

minute later rounded out the scoring 
and gave the Spitfires a 4-2 victory. 

The Spitfires will hit the road for their 
diiid of five preseason games Sept 16 
against the Niagara Ice Do^ at the 
First Meridian Centre before returning 
Windsor to host the Samia Stir^; Sept 
17 in a home-and-home set culminat¬ 

ing in the preseason finale at RBC Cen¬ 
tre Sept 19* 

"The Spitfires open the OHL regular 
season Sept 24 at home against the Erie 
Otters at the WFCU Centro Puck drop 
is 7:05 pm 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancers find themselves 
in an 0-2 hole to begin the QUA regular 
season after a one-point loss to the To¬ 
ronto Varaty Blues on Labour Day 

Windsor^ 8-7 setback at Varsity Centre 
featured no touchcfowns and was the 
fust time the Blues had defeated the 
Lancm since 2QGL Now Windsor will 
look for their first win of the year when 
the Carieton Ravens visit the Lancers 
at Alumni Field Sept 12 with a 1 pm 

T thought the guys pkyed better than 
a^inst Western but we just need to 
move forward," said Lancers head coach 
Joe DAmore. "Were 0-2, dials the real¬ 
ity of it We have a really good team in 
Carieton coming in, they're young but 
are pkying better and better every year 
so were going to have to pky a real good 

DAmore said the game against the 
Blues was a tale of two halves - the first 
of which saw the Lancers pky wdl and 
show offensive progression while the 
second only saw the team struggle to 

move the ball and watch a 6-3 halftime 
lead turn into an 8-7 loss. 

“In the first half we had over250 yank of 
offence, we ran the ball really wdl, com¬ 
pleted some passes and did some thin^ 
that we likeT said DAmore We stalled 
in the second halt we saw some of our 
yotflh again making mental mistakes 
and not making the right reads at file 
quarterback position We had receivers 
running the wrong routes, making bad 
deriskms and we only had 70 yards of 
offense in the second half 

Fourth year running back Tkreoce 
Crawford kd the Lancers with 105 
rushing yards on 15 carries and 38 yards 
reoeivii^ Quarterback Casey Wright 
finished the game connecting on 15- 
for-27 passes for 126 yards and one in¬ 
terception in his first foil game asWind¬ 
sor's starter. 

First year running bade Jtydon Gauth¬ 
ier tallied 107 all purpose yards on 13 
carries, five receptions and one kkkoff 

A combination of two field goals and 
a safety equalled up the dghi points 
allowed by Windsors defensive unit 
against Toronto but DAmore said it will 

need another strong defensive showing 
against the Ravens, who are very afiifetic 
offensively and have one of the best re¬ 
ceivers in the OUA in Nate Behar. 

“I thought the defense did wdl by only 
giving up eight points because when 
you do that, you usually have a chance 
to winT said DAmore “AH in all they are 
going to have to come out and play a real 
strong game against Cadetem” 

DAmore said the offense wifl need to 
continue to progress and have the abil- 
ity to score multiple toudidowns to stay 
within striking distance 

“Weneed to finda way to play fourqmr- 
ters on the offensive side of the ball and 
try to find some answers,* said DAmore 
T think ift important that this game is at 
home, I think & important for the kids 
to want to redeem themselves from our 
last home game" 

Carieton is H to start the third year of 
the program^ resurgence in 2013. After 
a 34-24 loss to the Queens Gad in week 
one and a 57-0 bfowout of the Waterloo 
Warriors in thete home-opener at MNP 

Lancets fifth year senior defensive back 

Windsor Lancers running back Jaydon Gauthier eludes a Varsity Blues 
defender in OUA football action in Toronto Sept ?. 

[Photo by / Matt Azevedo] 

Kuunloo Shot believes i& time for the to one less point than our offense!’ said 
Wlndsordefensetohdpoutthdryouxig Elliot. ’That is our job and we do our 
offense by forcing more turnovers but job by misting Coach Donovan Carter s 

added it may now be necessary to take system but now if we can create tum- 
it one step further and try to score points avmandaflowtheof^^ 

vdien|tyen the chance. tunities to pundi it into the end-zone it 

*Evety week the pl^ will help our oSense and defense feed 

and there, but our goal as a defense is set eff of eada other s momentum mOTe I 
instonewhkh is to hold the other team diinkftcanbethedifld^ 

What 1 ’m wearing does not mean yes’ 


News Editor 

Take Back the Night is an initiative 
against the abuse of woman and chil¬ 
dren in tiieir communities which has 
been happening for 40 yearn 

grotip also had some chants, musk: 
and a special appearance from the cast 
of Rent to be performed at The Oide 
Walkerviile Theatre this October, The 
event ran from until 10 pm and saw 
around 120 people participate in the 

Woman who have been taken advan¬ 
tage of or supporting those who have, 
along with children and male allies 
gathered for a late night march around 
downtown Windsor Sept 19. The 

Chair of the Take Bark the Night plan¬ 
ning committee Katie Nanson said the 
march around Windsor symbolizes not 
all woman fed safe during the night in 
the dty, but everyone deserves ta 

Many performances, including song and dance, were held throughout 
the night before heading out to march Sept. 19 at the Take Back the 

Night event 

{Photo by//Caleb Workman} 

Volunteers led chants for participants to be involved with and taught them before the march into the city 

Sept 19. 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman} 

This is an oj^ortunity for everyone 
to march and represent that right,” said 
Nansoa ‘Mending an event like this 
can be the first step for people to start 
feeling safer in the community a qui¬ 
et issue and this can hdp raise awareness 
and make people fed saferf 

Nanson said 67 per cent of individuals 
will know of someone who is involved 
in a violent act and she finds that num¬ 
ber very staggering. 

‘Almost everyone knows of someone 
who has been abused or taken ad¬ 
vantage of just in Windsor and Esses 
CountyT said Nansoa “Most of it we 
dork ever hear about either. Only about 
10 per cent is ever pubfidzed' 1 

Nanson said the new bystander initia¬ 
tive happening in Windsor is great and 
it will encourage people to stand up and 
hdp our when violent acis occur 

Male ally Patrick Hansor said he is very 
supportive of the Take Back the Night 
event as something that helps raise con¬ 
scious to the issue. 

"Any kind of violence is a very horri¬ 
ble fixing;' said Hansor "We have to do 
something about it and tonight is kind 
of the first step for many who have been 
violated or could possibly be in danger 
one day!' 








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Smile Cookie Campaign Supports 
Two Local Organizations 


Arts Editor 

Windsors community is looking Id 
show just how tar one smile can gp. 

From Sept. 14 to 20, Tim Hortons car¬ 
ried out thdr Smile Cookie Campaign 
for the year within many regions across 
the country. The simple act of purchas¬ 
ing a chocolate chunk cookie from any 
participating store has turned into a 
diaritable effort On die load scale, it's 
aimed towards the Maryvale Adoles¬ 
cent and Family Services as wdi as the 
John McGivney Childrens Centre. 

'This kind of campaign raises aware¬ 
ness nmiarkablyr said Maryvale pro- 
grain director Janet Orchard *Tfs such 
an endorsement from Tun Hortons 
which is such a wonderful community 
a>ntributon But what's so wonderful 
about the Smile Cookie Campaign is 
that the money comes from people in 
Windsor-Essex buying those cookies!' 

Hus is the third year Maryvale has been 

among tne incai cnosen 

for ihe campaign, raising over $60,000 
from the previous yeac Beiqs a place 
which focuses on the menial well being 
and educational value for youth in the 
region. Orchard said the support will 
allow the centre to serve anywhere be¬ 
tween 75 and 100 more young people 
in thdr patient services. For the John 
McGivney Childrens Centre however, 
this is the 6m time theyve been chosen 
for the campaign and the response was 
nothing short of ecstatic 

"Were having a lot of fun with it We ve 
got cookies all over the place, were look¬ 
ing for photo qjportunitiesr said Laurie 

Tim Hart otis' Smile Cookie Campaign occurred from Sept . 14 to 20 in participating stores across Canada, Locally, the campaign helped support 
the Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services a# weU as the fahtt McGivney Childrens Centre, 

lPhoto hy //Fiani Yassincj 

Lessard, John McGivneys director of The building was at risk of dosing its 
dknt services, ‘‘Cute fun things to do daycare program, but they hope the 
todrowcnirappredto campaign will gamer enough funds to 

to arale^rera about the program. it afloat on top of using it to aid 

towards additional resources, such as 
Serving over 2*600 children in the com- pbyground equipment and computer 
munityjohn McGivney mainly obtains access, Lessard is thankful for tte do¬ 
its funding through various ministries, nations and she ultimaisdy hopes the 

eampa^n provides some heightened needs day in and day out, and they live 
awareness on top of support here in your ne^hhorhoods and need 

“Funding is a continuing pressure. Fve your help and your Mowsh^? and your 

bem here for over 35 years, Tve watched ^ rfpul ^ 

the squeeze and eligibility for families 

become continuaBy restrictive," Lessaid ^ great for that, but it also heips us meet 

said These families Jive with these needs we oouldnt otherwise.” 



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Arts Editor 

Students fora abroad kraking for work 
will have an easier time doing so with 
fe help ofa new initiative: 

Service Canada came to the interna- 
tional Student Centre Sept 17 to make 

a temporary Sodai Insurance Number 
(SIN) dime Since June of last year* full- 
time international students have been 
eligible to work in Canada and obtain 
a SIR Initially they had to go aD the 
way downtown with their passport and 

study documents to gain the number, 
however this process expedites the step 
and makes things convenient for stu¬ 
dents like Haiti ZayaL 

my schedule,” Zayaf said Tm trying to 
fit my schedule and find a part-time job 
but I haven't had the time to go around” 

A Service Canada agent was present 
durir^ the process and was overseeing 
operations in the dink which ran from 
10 am to 3 pm Hundreds of students 
atimded the centre. While the wart 
could have been shorter by going to 
City Hall Square, international Student 
Advisor Enrique Chacon hopes this 
saves as a bit of wake-up call for Service 

“To teU you the truth they would proba¬ 
bly get it taster downtown because there 
are many officers, so they probably 
woukkft have to wait as k>ng£’ Chacon 
said "But they can wait in comfy chairs 
watch TV; and make friends wMe they 
wait 16 important for (he Service Can¬ 
ada office to realize how many interna¬ 
tional students we have!' 

The IAC will hold another SIN dink on 
Oct 27 during the same timeframe 

[Photo by// Rani Yassmef 


News Editor 

After David Suzuki came to the Uni* 
versify of Windsor Sept 14 to talk to 
the students about young people voting 
and how they should vote in relations to 
concerns of the environment, his wends 
continue to resonate with students on 
campus * the few who were at file event, 

Hie room* baniy foil, directly reflected 
federal involvement in the 18 to 25 age 
group as only 39 per cent of eligible 
youth voters were involved in the 2011 
federal election. 

University of Windsor Students' Alli¬ 
ance vice president of student advocacy 
Matthew Dunlop said the message he 
came to speak about very good points 
which students should care about in¬ 

volving the health and sustainability of 
Canadds environment 

“We need to be able to have recognition 
that those points are key to u$ surviving 
generations upon generations from now 
instead oflookmg at the short terra' said 
Dunlop. “Whoever is elected in the up¬ 
coming federal election is going to start 
malting polities and they're going to 
start speaking on bAalf of Canada" 

Dunfop said it is importantwe take part 
in wrting so we can have someone we 
agree with making tese potties rather 
than someone we dorit agree with, 

“Wkh one month to vote, the UWSA 
is preparii^ a couple of different cam¬ 
paign strategies*' said Dunlop. 'One of 
them is to have a candidates debate on 
Monday October 8 from 6 pm to 8 

Dunlop said outside efforts have really 
been pushing to get students involved 
and shewing interest in what they have 
to say which he said is definitely goir^ to 
help student turnout 

T think there will be a shift in the minds 
of all students,” said Dunlop, “Tha6 
what we're hoping for, even just an inch, 

Duniop said short term students can gtt 
involved in UEfect, whkh is the UWSA 
campaign for the federal elections and 
long term students can join the UWSA 
advocacy committee which helps run 
and hold emits with different cam¬ 
paigns and make a movement in the 
student body. 

One thiiti year environmental science 
student who attended the assembly, 
Grace Eons, said shes been an envi¬ 

ronmental activist for a while and is 
currently the president of UWindsor 

“Were a student organization on cam¬ 
pus who b focused on makii^ our cam¬ 
pus as well as the whole Windsor com - 
manky more sustainable,” said Enn& 
“We go to grade schools and we teach 
them about fcMng the environment and 
we also do a lot of collections” 

Going along with 5uzuk&, message 
Enos said she is hoping to see more stu¬ 
dents go out and vote and be interested 
in their country and environmenL 

“Vtere given the awesome opportuni¬ 
ty on October 19 to change things and 
help Canada out and make our future 
better” sakl Enn& 1 would just encour¬ 
age everybody to go out put a vote in 
and make an educated detiaonT 

She said the group is working to a lot of 
conimunify park and shordine dean* 
ups and encourages everyone to get in¬ 
volved wkh the gnxip a 
Windsor community dean and healthy. 

"I think & great were promoting the 
elections this yeaif said UWSA pres¬ 
ident Jaydee larpeh. “Wfe had a few 
students come out, not as much as we 
wouldhave liked, but the quality of con¬ 
versation and feedback was very good 
whkh is just as important!* 

Tarpeh said it doesn't matter who or 
what the discussion of the election is 
about* its matters that the discusaon is 
happening and students are getting in¬ 

4 // SEPTEMBER 24 2015 « UWiNDSOftlANCECA 


Arts Editor 

In lieu of Phog Lounge receiving acco¬ 
lades from the likes of GBC for being 
an exceptional venue for live mime, one 
could say there was an indined interest 
towards the seventh annual Phog PhesL 
Yet the event was actually dose id not 
even happening this year 

"The deadline baskaBy came up way 
quieter than antidpMed Its just been 
administrative difficult to achieve," 
said organizer and Phog Lounge owner 
Tom Luder. 

Between the numerous shows taper 
sets up in and out of his establishment, 
his time to organize Phog Phest was 
dwindling. Essentially he credits Ste¬ 
phen Hargreaves for making this yean 
festival a reality when he came on board 
as a oo-oiganizer As music festivab of 
this size usually consist of elaborate and 
thorough pbnnir^ the duo had a na¬ 
tive amount oftime to waste in ensuring 
the tents and equipment would be set 
up so the bands they had booked would 
be able to play: 

“Usually when you're hooking an event 
of this size, and you want to get some 
big acts from around the country and 
around America as wdL you start 
bookij^ about six months in advance,” 
Hargreaves said "We started putting 
together the entire thing 30 days be¬ 
fore the festival which is an incredible 
amount ofwork to do” 

Despite tire initial worry, the show did 
go on as Phog Phest 7 was underway 
Sept 19 from eariy afternoon to late 
evening. This year brought the festivities 
back outside, this time with multiple 
food vendors posted up within Phog 

Lourdes parking lot 

There then was of course, the events key 
aspect the music This year placed an 
emphasis on quality over quantity. Last 
years festival sported 40 bands in the 
Capitd Theatre compared to the nine 
who arrived this year. But within those 
nine were prolific touring bands, all of 
whkh were given a gracious amount 
of time to perform thdr sets. Be it Win- 
terskep the Juno Award winning indie 
rockband out in Halifec, or the hip-hop 
artists who form Grand Analog based 
out of Winnipeg, While there was a 
sharp decrease in band numbers, vari¬ 
ety has maintained 

Windsor talent was also represented 
through bands Better Weather and 
Middle Sister, but with RAM Festival 
on the horizon, Luder wanted to focus 
more on outside talent since the up¬ 
coming event will be heavy on local 

'We just saw a redundancy ludersaki 

"Hus iskinda gonna be happening with 

FAM so put the emphasis on strong 
tourir^ bands, because people wanted 
that for a foretime” 

Hundreds upon hundreds attended the 
evert during the set timeframe with 
Wintersleep capping off the night, it 
ended up being cut a couple of hours 
short due to dty curfew; but an alter 
party commenced immediately inside 
Phog Lounge, concluding the festival 
seventh year While nothing is con¬ 
firmed as of this time, theres Me doubt 
in the festival returning for its eighth 
year to further embody the essence of 
the small but potent venue iti basedon. 

"ffs been expected to do it every year, 
and its a break even event for usT Luder 
said ‘We do it because & a celebration 
of what we do all year*’ 

The alternate country group The Sadies perform at Phog Phest 7 Sept 


[Photo by//Haiti Yassine] 

The alternate country group The Sadies perform at Phog Phest 7 Sept 19 . 
[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

The [uno Award winning Wintersleep cap off the night at Phog Phest 7 Sept 19. 
[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

The luno Award winning Wintersleep cap off the night at Phog Phest 7 Sept 19. 
[Photo by //Hani Yassine] 



Sports Editor 

Over 30 people participated toacharita- 
We cause- one stride at a time -to raise 
awareness on poverty worldwide and in 
our own communities. 

Hie UWindsordub Engineers Without 
Borders raised overSl,OCX)attheir annu¬ 
al Run To End Poverty between Dieppe 
Cardens and the Odette Sculpture Psik 
on Riverside Drive West Sept 19. An 
eight kilometer course was mapped out 
where participants were encouraged 
to bik^ run or walk at their own pace 
with water and rest stops along the way 
and poverty statistics viable to those 
who stored to read them. 

Jennifer Hesser is the coordinator of the 
Run to End Poverty and said she was 
very happy with the turnout, whkh ran 
under a beautiful Saturday afternoon 
sunshine after showers had scattered 
the area earner to the morning. Hesser 
said die funds raised al the event will go 
to EWE'S overseas ventures educating 
African rural communities about sus¬ 

Tm really glad with all of the work we 
have done,” .said Hesser Tfe a bit of a 
commitment to run dght kilometers 
and so Tm really glad everyone came 
out today They did their best and ev¬ 
eryone did a great Job fundraising. We 
out from all over the city of Windsor so 
we’re Just happy to get the word out We 
had an tofonnatjon booth at Devon- 
shire Mall which he^ed us get over 30 
people sign up this year so hopefully 

nest year we can get more runners too? 

Hesser, 22, is currently puraiii^ her 
Masters Degree to Social Work at 
UWiodsor and said she regrets not 
being involved with the group earikr 
during her education as EWR helps lo¬ 
cal students get entrenched in the local 

"1 think itfc really important for univer¬ 
sity-aged people to understand, even 
if they are not from Windsor, that the 
local community needs to pull together 
on issues such as poverty said Hess¬ 
er “Poverty is something that can af¬ 
fect anybody at anytime of their life, it 
doesn’t discriminated' 

The unfortunate reality is that the aver¬ 
age family in Windsor-Essex might be 
a Job loss, wage decrease or illness away 
from living in poverty Over 91,000 
Windsor residents make less than 
$20,000 a year and ^profflmatdy 48 
million people to Canada are currerdy 
living in poverty 

Hesser said the event was a unique way 
to promote a cold hard feet which too 

manyof thosewho live amongrt us have 

pfe aware that tt is an issue and ft is defi¬ 
nitely an issue with the high unemptoy- 
ment rate and even Just talking about it 
is something you can da” said Hessen 
"feu don't have to donate your money 
but you can donate your time and that is 
somethtog everyone can do” 

Patrick Pomerieau-Penon was the first 
person to finish the eight kilometers and 
said the fects he learned about poverty 
throughout foe day really opened his 

Edward Tang, Denise Mirza, Mayce Mirza, Marcel Lariviere and Patrick Pomerleau - Perron all pose at the 
Windsor riverfront after completing the Run to End Poverty\ an eight kilometre race organized by UWind 

sor's Engineers Wlfhonf Borders to educate the community on worldwide and local poverty , 

ey^ to what is gotog cm around foe dfcy FtiyricaftyFom^^ arvdabeaitoM^acetodotheim 

been a years since he had ran a M an foe riverfront!’ said Pbmerteau-Per- 

ron “ft has definitely motivated me,” 

and forougfrout Canada 

T couldrit bdkve the turnout, this 
was really wdl organized^ said Pomer- 
leau-Penoa a It has motivated me to 
be more involved in the community 
personally On a sodal kvd this was a 
great way to get out and meet new peo¬ 
ple and try to hdp those in need at foe 
same time,” 

eight kilometers while running cross 
country in high school and admitted 
he had to take a break to the middle of 
the course but continued shortly after 
He even went back through the dicuit 
afterward to he^ frfends cross foe finish 

T had a great time it was a beautiful day 

To find out what is bdng done and what 
you can do to reduce poverty to Wind- 
sor-Essex, visit pafowaytopoterftklca or 
find Pathway to Potential on Twitter @ 
pathwayrep and Facdxx&com/pafo- 

“Feed Your Body and Mind” Provides 
Tips For A Healthy Future 


Sports Editor 

Students of all walks of life were wel¬ 
comed with open arms in the Ambas¬ 
sador Auditorium of foe CAW Student 
Goitre for a presentation about person¬ 
al wellness and how to manage success 
in university 

The mentorship program Connecting- 
^Success was back at it again hosting 
"Feed Your Body and MtocT'Sept. 17 for 
a Welcome Week event geared towards 
first generation students, but open to all, 
about the transition from high school to 
university and how to manage academ¬ 
ics as wefi as poscrialwdlnc^ To 
off a yoga dass was given after the pre¬ 
sentation as a way to teach students an 
altmiate method of relieving stress, 

A first gener^ion student is someone 

whose parents did not attend high 
school or university. Connecttog4Suc- 
cess pairs first generation students with 
a mentor to their program as a guide to 
answer questions or hefp them to any 
way to transition to university Sydney 
Murray is the program coordinator of 
Connecttog4Success and said personal 
wellness is often one of the biggest pri¬ 
orities first generation students forget 
about when entering university 

"They think its all about academics and 
doir^ wdl but personal wellness is just 
as important as academic wefinessT said 
Murray “So were trying to combine the 
two so that students know ifc okay to 
take some time atone for some yoga or 
some healthy eating because that is just 
as toiportantfoan getting thatA-phis on 
that paper” 

Usa Boyer is a program mentor to the 
program which means she has two stu¬ 

dents assigned to her as mentees. Boyer 
believes it is good far first-year students 
to general to have foe opportunity to 
meet one another and share thdr sim¬ 
ilarities at an event such as “Reed Your 
Body and Mind*! 

"[This isj an opportunity to meet each 
other, perhaps find someone in the 
same program,” said Boyer Just so they 
know they are not just that one person 
in the lecture hall who doesrit know 
whati goii^ on, everyone else is kind of 
to foe same boat when they go to uni- 

Beyer said her role asamentor leaves her 
satisfied knowing she has helped some¬ 
one get through first year As a double 
major to English and French studies, it 
gives her incentive to organize her own 
goals while toiplementfog structure to 
someone who is experiencing post-sec- 
ondary education for the first time 

1 think its good for the first year stu¬ 
dents to have some guidance,” said Boy¬ 
er. “Personally I didn't know anybody 
when I came here and I didntknow that 
ly I just had to find my own waylb have 
somebody there to tdf you what not to 
do, how to study, how to succeed, how 
to avoid procrastination, how to man¬ 
age stress - those are invaluable, they 
definftdy would have made a big differ¬ 
ence to someone who didn’t have itT 

One offoe students who took advantage 
of “Feed Your Body and Mtod” b Sheik 
Buga la, a first generation student origi¬ 
nally from Uganda who came to Can¬ 
ada to 2010 for one year of h^h school 
before heading off to the University of 
Windsor to study nursing Bugala ad¬ 
mitted foe did not know much about 
university life but said the he^> of her 
mentor to answer any of her questions 

really hdped her get forou^i first year* 

**l only lud one year of die Canadian 
education system but when you get here 
itfc much different than what they make 
it out to be,” said Bugak 

Now to her final year, Bugala mentors 
two fellow muring students and said 
through Connecfing4Succe^ she has 
learned how to navigate ttuou^i those 
times when foe has needed to talk to 
someone or needed help studying for 

“I didn’t know what to expect, 1 didn’t 
know how to react,” said Bugala. [But 
through mentoring! I happened to get 
to know what university fife is all about, 
how to manage your time, learning 
study tips, what things help you to gain 
foe most out of university and what to 
avoid because they may get you in trou¬ 
ble 1 ' 

. ♦ * . ♦ 


Armani 120 student volunteers received free hotdogs and entertain - 

ment on the University of Windsor Campus following Shine Day Sept. Students stand on a street corner with signs ettcoumging Windsorites to participate in their car wash for 

19. cystic fibrosis on Shine Day Sept 19, 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] [Photo by // Caleb Workman] 


News Editor 

An on-campus movement geared to¬ 
wards raising funds for cystic fibros^ 
had their biggest day of the year over 
the weekend and is confident about this 
years contribution to the cause. 

Shinerama has been raising funds on 
campus foroughout the first few weeks 
of school and held their annual Shine 
Day Sept l9whei^studemvofonieers 

and Shinerama leaders spent the day 
across town at different locations col¬ 
lecting donations in stores, on the street 
and across the dty as well as hdd a few 
car washes across the dty including one 
near the University in the parking lot of 
Qglios Market on Wyandotte Street 

fessiea Tetreault the University of 
Windsors Shinerama coordinator for 
foe 2015-2016 campaign, said she got 

fundraising mil but as soon as she got 
involved foe learned more about cystic 
fibrosis and wanted to be more hands 
on in foe process, volunteering 

“Shine Day is the biggest fundraiser in 
the whole campaign," said Tetreault 
<e We had students across foe dty asking 
for donations, singing and dancing and 
making lots of noise about the cause” 

AH foe money raised is going towards 

“Were working towards a cure control 
for cystic fibrosis,” said TetreaulL Us 
very important for the immunity as 
a whole to give back on days like todaj? 

Tetreault said there are a lot of people 
in Windsor and Essex County who are 
affected by cystk fibrosis and she said it 
was important to get the University in¬ 
volved because of the amount of people 
there and foe abfiity to make a difference 
through the students, staff and faculty 

Windsor has the only 24-hour cystic 

fibrosis centre in Canada and Tetreault 
said a kit of the fonds will be coming 
right back into foe community 

Following the days fundraising foe 
volunteer team of around 120 students 
came back So the university's campus 
for a barbeque, musk and games to re¬ 
lax after their weak done over foe past 

For more information on Shinerama at 
foe University visit their Facebook page 
UWindsor Shinerama. 

involved because foe was original- Cystic Fibrosis Canada and will be used 
ly involved in be in a leadership and towards research and care. 

For more comics and animations visit 




By; L A. Bont6 


Fast Food Delivered Faster 


Arts Editor 

Those whove been a indent long 
enough have likely ordered food to be 
delivered to them at least once But with 
there being a thin variety as to what 
you can order through this method, 
one start up company which began on 
campus, is looking broaden the deliver)- 

For the past two months, OmniNoms 
has been trying to establish itself as a 
true third-part delivery service. Where 
last food restaurants such as McDon¬ 
alds and Subway dorit have services of 
their own, OmniNoms aims to pkk 
up the slack by delivering those meals 
straight to your home. 

“Wert simply going through the 
drive-thru like a regular customer; our 
drivers arcT said QmniNbms co-found¬ 
er Stove Hann “The driver goes and 
picks it up as if ifs tiieks, so therek no 
markup on McDonalds' side The/re 
buying it at a completely regular price* 

No partnoship is required between die 
deliver}' service and the restaurants it 
may retrieve the food from. By making 
an order on the OmniNoms website, 
a delivery driver will pick the food up 
hum the restaurant, bring it to the cus¬ 
tomer and charge them the regular price 
for the meal on top of a $6 delivery fee 
With the service being geared towards 
students, Harm finds time to be major 
laaors in making the business pkk up 

'look at the most successful start-up 
companies right now is ones that save 
people time, whkh is the most valuable 
resource” Harm said 'Tfou can find a 
way to save peoples time and they find 
value in that, which means they're wilT 
ing to spend moneyT 

Hann said only four drivers are current¬ 
ly employed and admits there hasn't 
been a major increase in profits since 
the start ofthe school yean As iffc still get¬ 
ting te feet off the gnain^ 
is attempt*^ to market mainly through 
word of mouth and it has had positive 

JU //Ml 


* fc"'H 


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ants online 

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«rowserfronciblse ^enus and checkout* 1, We send a fast anc 
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OmniNoms is a third party delivery service geared towards students, where drivers can bring fast food rigltt 

to your doorstep, # 

[Photo by// Hani YassiheJ 

reception through soda] media. The “StiMtentsdohtfol^ getting drivers ready to go when cus- 

biggest trial so far has been trying tooo- uk,sotryii^topred^ tomefsarereadytogo, Hannsaid 

inode with student schedules in order fts is nearly impossible So our biggest More informatfon cot the s 

to further maximize profits. challenge isrilt so much expanding but found on the OmniNoms website. 

Charts by Murad Erzincuoglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 FM 

More Info? & 

* Indicates Canadian Artist 

1 MIDDLE SISTER" - Cries Of The Wild (Self-Released) 

mtESOIf Ttllt Willi 

2 ARIANE MOFFATP - 22h22 (Simone) 

| 3 MAC DEMARCO* - Another One (Captured Tracks)] 

J 5 THE GOOD LIFE • Everybody s Coming Down (Saddle Creek) 

6 GHOSTFACE KILL AH & ADRIAN YOUNGEr Twelve Reasons 1b Die H (linear Eat*) 

7 BEACH HOUSE - Depression Cherry (Sub Pop) | 

12 GREY LANDS* - Right Arm (Paper Rag) 

13 LULA ALL STARS’ - Salsa De La Buena! (Lulaworlds) 

14 LA IUZ - Weirdo Shrine (Hardly Art) 

16 THE HOT MOMS - Temptress (Self Released) 


]H.- Mercy Mercy Mercy (Blu- 

18 STEPH COPELAND' - Public Panic (Self-Released) 

1 19 US. GIRLS - Half Free (4AD) 


20 PARALLELS’ - Civilization EP tMAPLj 

121 TEEN DAZE* - Morning World (Paper Bag) 


22 RACOON BANDI T - Close Your Eyes (Self-Released) 

23 TIA MCGRAFF* - Crazy Beautiful (Bandana) 

24 SULTANS OF STRING’ • Subcont mental Drift (Sell-Released) 

2ft OVERNIGHT* • Carry Me Home (Self-Released) 

I 27 DANIEL j. MEYER 11 - Summer In Canada (Jackye) 

23 BA FI LES la Di Da D( (Warp) 

29 TAME IMPALA - Currents (Interscope) 

3 u GANGRENE (THE ALCHEMIST & OH NO) - You Disgust Me (Mass Appeal) 


ATTN: Windsor-Detroit Musicians... 
CJAM FM Wants Ynu! 

Join the C1AM Singles Club today and get your music on the 
radio! Submit your fresh new tracks to: 
with the subject line “SINGLES CLUB” monthly and you 
could find yourself at the top our new Local Music Chart! 

More Info @ 



The Lance Contributor 

Ottawa Street has been luring shop- 
pers, foodies and enthusiasts for over 
100 years. Less than a couple of miles 
from Windsors historic river front, Ot¬ 
tawa Street offers an amazing variety of 
shops from upscale fashion boutiques 
to antique storey restaurants, bars and 
other services. Beautifully designed and 
well-kept, one can stiD see the character 
of this magical street for even after 100 
years the street has not lost its charm 
although the recent popularity of ihe 
downtown area has overshadowed die 
allure of this majestic street 

Ebine Weeks, local historian, shared 
some interesting feds about the amaz¬ 
ing Ottawa Street She eq>tained Tep- 
permans, a store of economy furniture 
and appliances started on Ottawa Street 
in 1925. Shortly after followed Freeds 
whkh was begun by one Sam Freed and 
generation after generation has been an 
integral part of the character of Ottawa 

“I have been on Ottawa Street alt my 
life" said second-generation owner Ger¬ 
ald Freed 1 got my first paycheck in 
1945,25 cents an hour and that sound- 

• ■ 

The store, now known as Freeds of 

On the 100th anniversary, Uptown 
Ottawa Street Business Improvement 
Association had some big plans to cel¬ 
ebrate this momentous milestone The 
association decided to take this oppor¬ 
tunity to its fullest potential and give 
feee-WV to the whole area. 

"Vte are beautifying the noghborhood 
even more,” said chairperson of uptown 
Ottawa Street BXAJeffery Wood *We 
have new banners coming out shortly* 
ffe time for us to rebrand the area up 
to where it was and bring the nostalgia 

A highlight ofthe event perhaps was the 
“100 Years of Fashion” show on the eve¬ 
ning of Sept 18, acting as the kkk-oflffor 
the two-day event Theshow took place 
in a covered Lanspeary Park arena, tak¬ 
ing the audience through a journey of 
a century foil of fashion. The fashion 
show was a true effort to honor the un¬ 
sung contribution of Ottawa Street to 
the local fashion scene and the show' 
was attended by hundreds of people* 

Cystic Fforosb of Canada was the 
charity of choke, with part of the fash¬ 
ion show proceeds going towards the 
research and treatment far the chil¬ 
dren who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis, 
Anne-Marie Beausddl, President of 
Essoc-Kent Chapter was present at the 
show on the behalf of Cystic Fibrosis 

‘Ottawa Street has been around forever 
as a grass roots part ofWindsor history? 
said Beausddl"We arevery pleased that 
theoq^nizmg committee chose us to be 
a part of this wonderful celebration^ 

The St Clair College Fashion Design 
program and Marvel School of Beauty 
were just a few of the voluntea- partid - 
pants of the show. 

Windsor, takes up the whole Hock from 
Lincoln to Gladstone and b still a fam¬ 
ily owned business and run by Sams 
grandsons Ari Freed and Dan Orman* 

Shannon McCaftum, a second^gener- 
stion business owner on Ottawa Street, 

said she sees some positive signs of 

“We had highs and tows,” said MeCal- 

lum* 4 T see a boom right now, businesses 


are filling in, new and dd type ofbusi- 
nesses. A tot of services are now on the 
street So ingoing in a positive way I see 
a tot of people wandering around which 
b always good that shows thb event has 
become successful" 

On Sept 19 from 11 am to 4 pirn, Ot¬ 
tawa Street from Windermere Road to 
Pierre Ave was blocked to local traffic 
for the celebration festivities. The event 
drew hundreds of people to the area 
Food trucks, face painting kiosks and 
petting zoo were the major attractions. 
Jangles the Magic Clown was the most 
popular among all the street entertain¬ 
ers. Children of ail ages were lined up to 
get animal balloons oftheir choke: 

The edebration wrapped up that eve¬ 
ning with exceptional live performance 
of Greatest Flits Live, ft was a free con- 
cert for everyone over 19 years of age 
The band precisely performed note-for- 
note hits of the 60s, 70s and 80s, 

The event was definitely a success, 
whidi hdped bring people from dif¬ 
ferent parts of the dty to foe area and 
exposed them to unique assets of thb 
remarkable street In coming years we 
don’t know how thb inspiring street will 
transform but we know for sure it will 
remain a vast source of interest and joy 






Arts Editor 



The Lance Contributor 

Theres a great emphasis on wEddir^s 
to mate them the best they can be and 
truly a day to remember Some can be 
excited to pul it together, while others 
could find it stressful fortunately a twi> 
day event was open to solve most of the 
wedding woes. 

From Sept 16 to 17, the Caboto Club 
hdd the 24th annual Fall Wedding 
EvenL With more than 450 couples reg¬ 
istered to appear, over 100 vendors were 
present to offer an immense variety of 
services to make the day extra special 

of the only bridal boutiques that does 
not charge my customers foralterattons, 
and thats a big bonus*" Ernesto said. 
“Bui we need to do that because we're 
out in Leamington and we need to give 
girls the incentive to go out there.” 

The even! also featured spedfk theme 
looms and fashion shows which oc¬ 
curred on both days. While it was a way 
for some couples to do the bulk of their 
shopping, other couples were there for 
merely a few extras. Couples like Jordan 
Charfebois and HoBy Ferguson for ex¬ 
ample, have been engaged since Christ¬ 
mas of last year and have been forming 
their plans ever since. Having already 
gotten the tag aspects out of the way like 
choosing a venue and a DJ. they found 
the event experience to be impersonal 
to a degree, but aifoyed the aesthetics it 
had to offer. 

“You can go from booth to booth and 
plan your entire wedding here,” said co¬ 
ordinator Nancy Oampana, “A wedding 
show brings the businesses within a cer¬ 
tain region all together under one roof 
to make it convenient for the shopper” 

Some of the services included vkfeog- 

raphy honeymoon planning, music a l 
talent, lighting coordination and dress 
alteration companies such as Maria 
Ernestos, Owner of the boutique Here 
Comes the Bride in Leamington, Ernes¬ 
to orders her dresses and performs her 
alterations free of charge, which can be 
fooked at as a business advantage, 

“My boutique is special because fm one 

'Theres an dement thats off-putting, 
with everybody competing against one 
another for your attention; 1 Charfebois 

T really like looking at the deoor that 
they had set up” Ferguson said "The lit- 
tle station, sedng bow they bid out their 

tables and all the good stuff and flipping 

through bodes and seeing different 
designers. I really liked that aspect of it” 

The MI event was one plentiful in op¬ 
tions, However the main event is just a 
few months away with Wedding Ex¬ 
travaganza 2016. It will cover two floors 
of the Caboto Club on top of being a 
weekend event and will begin Jan. 16, 

We’ll help you s ’M ■'; >. 
and look good tool 




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Women’s Hockey Kicks Off Preseason 
With East-West Invitational 


Sports Editor 

Wfomeris hockey flit the ice at South 
Windsor Arena for a pair of batiks 
against Canadian university omipeti- 
tion to begin die 2015 season 

Head coach Jim Hunter and the Wind¬ 
sor Lancets womens hockey team 
played host to the Ottawa Gee-Gees 
and Manitoba Bison over the weekend 
in the East-West Invitational tourna¬ 
ment Over the course of two games* 
Windsor went 1-1 with a 4-2 win over 
the Gee-Gees and suffered a 5*2 loss to 
the Bbons Sept 19. 

'The Gee-Gees defeated the Bisons 4- 2 
to kick offthe tournament Friday night 
at South Windsor in abatifeofmter-pro- 
vindal fcesu Windsor took a 4-2 victory 
over Ottawa die nod afternoon but had 
a short turnaround betwam contests as 
they hosted the Bisons at 1030 Sunday 
morning, Windsor started off where 
they left off from the day before and 
took a2-G lead earfy in ftie contest but 
would surrender five unanswered goals 
in a 5-2 defeat. 

Hunter said he was happy with the 
execution of Windsors offensive and 
defensive systems in the first portion of 

‘1 thought against Ottawa we played 

a real stior^; garnet said Hunter *%Ve 

knew we were going to be tired coming 
back and playing al 1030 am and fm 
sure Manitoba was too but we battled 
hard for three periods. We found the 
answers we were looking ibr out of these 
exhibition games and thats what we try 
to do in these games," 

With a roster turnover of seven new 
players in the Lancers lineup, Hunter 

said his new players simply cannot play 
like rookies, 

*Tf they re going to come in and play ev¬ 
eryday, they have to play like a veteran? 
said Hunter. "But we have rookies who 
are doing that and that is tough to da 
You have girh coming in at 17 years old 
and they are playing against 22 and 23 
year-old women. For them to step in 
and play like veterans is a big thing and 
thatsa bright spot for us," 

fillian Rops and Erinn Noseworthy will 
take over the leadership role after the 
graduation of six seniors from Wind¬ 
sors 2014-15 rostei; a group whose 
experience hdped the Lancets to a iifth- 
place finish in the competitive OUA 
with a 14-64 record in regular season 


Lancers axajrtain Hops said the East- 
West Invitational was a good start to the 
season but the team knows where they 
need to improve. 

"Were still learning our systems but 
where we are at right now is a good 
start? said Hops. "We all battled togeth¬ 
er and tfiafs what it takes to win in this 
league, Manitoba was a big tom but we 
stuck with it" 

Hops said the beginning of the year is 
tough because so many players have 
come from different systems but can al¬ 
ready sec progression among the teams 


tt Tbey are coming along great, corning 
here they are loaded with different sys¬ 
tems but it takes time," said Bops, "We 
have done a lot of team building exer¬ 
cises and it seems like we are coming 
together and thats my goal as captain, 
to bring a fiumily vibe so everyone feds 
wdcome and comfortable with one an¬ 

Brsons and Lancer collided during East-West Invitational tournament action at South Windsor Arena, 
Sept . 20. The Manitoba Bisons scored five unanswered goals to take a 5-2 victory koine. 

/Photo by // Kevin larrohdj 

two experienced, respected athletes who 
will provide valuable leadership to the 
young players 

"You can't get two better people than 
that, they do a great job and they will be 
great leaders for sure,* said Hunter "We 
know we have a lot of jgrowing to do but 
from what we see now is that they are 
going to be able to handle that growth" 

Id and Ingrid Sandven will share the 
Lancers crease duties this year with both 
seeing action over the weekend Hunter 
said file pair will need to show progress 
but it will be assessed one step a time, 

“Weve only been on the ke for a week 
and the strides we've made in a week 
are positive? said Hunter. "This team is 
going to have to contest and battle and 

goal this weekend was the type of goal 
we want to score this season and we’ve 
got some ideas now fix - our other sys¬ 
tems that might make us better? 

The Lancers women kick off the regular 
season on the road against the Western 
Mustangs Oct 8 in London and will 
play their first game at home Oct 24 at 
4 pm against the Toronto Varsity Blues, 

Movie Review: Fantastic Four 

A remake made thinking, Well, we can always do another remake . > 


News Editor 

The director of alternative style films 
such as ‘Chronicle’ has pul out the big¬ 
gest superhero flop ever this summer 

Director Josh Trank released 'Fantastic 
Four' to theatres Aug, 7 and fm very 
glad I did not pay to go to theatres to 
watch what HI call the worst superhero 
movie ever 

With no distinct action scenes, no char¬ 
acter development and file kitdiering 
of the greatest Marvel villain, the movie 
had me wanting out of my own house 
to get away from it 

Tfiis was the first movie ever in which, 
fiiroughout the whole movie, I had no 
care for what was happening next even 
as a major Marvel fen* 

The movie starts off with a very long 
intro about two kids, Reed Richaiw 
(Miles Teller) and Ben Grimm {Jamte 
Bdl), beoomiiig best friends making a 
device to transport items somewhere 
- they durit know ^actiy where - and 
be able to bring it back. With this comes 

my first complaint of the movie - If 
you’re going to make a crowd buy into 
lake science, at least sell it with fake sci¬ 

A! no point did the mtwk even attempt 
to explain why or how this was dona 
It showed a lot of formulas and com¬ 
puters, but the tack of information, not 
to add die actors didn't even appear to 
be any bit intelligent in character, was 
a complete turnoff to make me care or 
show interest 

It then goes seven years into the fofcure 
where Reed goes off to recreate his de¬ 
vice with a random group of young sci¬ 
entists. He meets up with Johnny Storm 
(Mkhad R, Jordan), Susan Storm (Kate 
Mam) and Victor Von Doom (Toby 
KebbeilV They instantly all become 
friends with no development of why 
they should care about one another, 
they all just magkaBy get afong. 

They finally create the teleportation 
device, which, oh, by the way, doesn’t 
teleport you somewhere on the world 
it teleports you to an alternate universe* 
and Von Doom gets duck there Every¬ 

one else, on the other hand, gels tele¬ 
ported back with powers and the ship 
blows up. 

Reed got stretchy for no apparent rea¬ 
son, Sue becomes invisible because, 
even though she didrit go die was in 
the lab when they returned and was 
hit by some power surge* Johnny was 
on fire when returning and now he 
controls it and Ben got hit with a Sot of 
rocks, sou . now hefe a rock peraxi- 

Immedktdy as they are retuned and 
held in study' labs, the movie fast for¬ 
wards to a point where they know how 
to control their powers now* save Reed 
who escaped and ran away 

Everyone becomes upset with Reed 
and the American national defens¬ 
es b^jn using Ben* Johnny and Sue for 
worldwide strategic missions. 

Sue, a master of patterns - quite the title 
- finds Reed and they bring him bade to 
create a new machine to find resourc¬ 
es from this akernative planet in order 
to fijd the new one, because it worked 
so well the first tune 

When a group, not including our he- 
roes; goes back* Von Doom is still alive 
and is taken back to the real world after 
they completely abort the mission to 
find new energy there as of now 

Victor Von Doom, or Dr. Doom, is 
supposed to be the most dangerous, 
smart and lethal force in the Marvd 
Universe, but somewhere along the 
line in filming* the costume and make¬ 
up design decided it was a good idea 
to make him look like an awful 1980s 
horror film monster and go with it To 
add to it* Trank thought it was good to 
have him walk around in a darkened 
kb adding to the awful 80s theme 

Von Doom kills a bunch of people, he 
returns to the alternate universe once 
more and the four chase after him 

In the first 'action scene of the movie, 
not much action haoDens. Von Doomis 

trying to pull cars and trees - there may 
have been more but tiiat is what was 
filmed - into the alternate universe for 
no explained reason throi^h a magical 
portal he can make which is also unex- 

The fighting was a sad excuse* the vi¬ 
suals where comparable to the original 
Star Wars Sims and i really didn't care 
if tiie movie would have killed everyone 
off because I had no attachment what¬ 

Fantastic Four proved to be a movie 
for no one There was no concefrt, sto¬ 
ry-telling or interesting characters in it 
I didn't Laugh* I didrit say coot to any 
parts and I did not want to finish the 
movie after being only three minutes in. 

HI giw the movie aone out of five for at 

least Irvine to make a movie 


Power lifting For A Powerful Cause 


Sports Editor 

Pumping imn to pump up the fund¬ 
raising effort on cancer treatment and 

That is what local power lifting gym 
Empire Musde is hoping to accomplish 
when it hosts a diarity dead lift compe¬ 
tition Oct 31 with all of proceeds going 
to the International Dragon Boats for 
the Cure 

Andrew Hedges is the owner of Wind¬ 
sors only power Ming gym, Empire 
Musde and said he witoes to expose the 
sport of power lifting and ifs potential 
health benefits to those who partake 
but hopes by pairing with International 
Dragon Boats for the Cure, they can re- 
ally give back to the community in toe 
unique way fitness cm 

hopefully these competitions give 
ine an opportunity to participate in 
the community and get involved," said 

Earlier in the year, Empire Musde host¬ 
ed the Bill Maden Memorial Bench 
Press Contest for ALS and Hedges is 

h i ppin g the deail lift compe¬ 

tition can have an even bigger turnout 

"The reception for the bench press 
contest was really strong* said Hedges, 
"The man who it was named after was 
a local guy who was an ALS-suferer 

who passed away unfortunately a few 
months ago but itk great to have some¬ 
thing like that in his memory, Fm ex - 
pectii^ to have an even better turnout 
this time for the dead M contest 

Hedges opened Empire Musde heal¬ 
ed at 925 Crswfofd Ave in February 
of 2015 and is expecting the same core 
group of individuals from previous con¬ 
tests to return and lift Oct 31. Hedges 
is hopeful that through various social 
networks, word of mouth and sdf-pro- 
naotion the numbo - of participants and 
toe funds raised will increase, A S25 rec¬ 
ommended donation is the only' entry 1 
fee. The rules of toe competition will be 
explained at 12 pm. with lifting begin¬ 
ning at 1 pun. 

The competition is open to anyone 
who is interested to partake and has 
a judged system based on the weight 
lilted relative to the participants 1 body 
weight- That way, someone who is new 
to toe sport or who onlyweighs a certain 
amount can come and be able to com¬ 
pete against someone who might wdgh 
much more and be a lot stronger, 

'^specially because it is a diarity event, 
we wanted to keep it very open,* said 
Hedges. T wanted k to be accessible for 

people who are new to toe sport of pow¬ 
er lifting or even just interested to be able 
to come out, fed competitive and not 
fed like they're going to get blown out of 
the water by guys who have been doing 
it for a long time 1 

Empire Muscle gym member Rob Sapardanis performs a deadlift in preperation for the International Drag¬ 
on Boats for the Cure Deadlift Competition, Oct , if at the 925 Crawford Are powerlifting gym. 

[Photo by // Brett Hedges) 

As weight training or resistance train¬ 
ing is becoming more and more pop¬ 
ular to the general public, Hedges said 
it is thanks to recent reports touting ifs 
benefits as compared to other methods 
of training. Anyone looking for more 
information on toe event or on Em¬ 
pire Musde can simply visit www,em- 


fitness has meant doing Cardiol l re¬ 
ally think that is a misconceptionr said 
Hedges. “Recently a lot of research and 
results have come out and it& starting 
to indicate that waght-braining or re¬ 

sistance training is a better way to train. 
So I think exposing people to that kind 

at ttmrng is one at the most valuable 

things I can do for my community. The 
more people 1 can educate and spread 
toe knowledge to and hdp show peo¬ 
ple this is die best way to improve foerr 
health and their lives, the better 

Video Game Review: Conker’s Bad Fur Day 

Still Cute, Cuddly and Filthy as Ever— 14 Years Eater 


Arts Editor 







N64. XBOX 360 

Upon making its debut on the N64, 
‘Conkers Bad Fur Day 1 was initially set 
tube a light and cutesy aflkir. Conker the 
Squirrel who first appeared as a playable 
character in Dsddy Kong Raring was 
supposed to be a figure mainly direct¬ 
ed towards children in the same vein 
as 'Banjo-Kazooie It easily could have 
been another one of those platformers 
where you wandered around a vibrant 
world, grabbing oodles of collectables 
and performing a series of heroic ac- 
tions as you head towards the finish line. 

Bad Fur Day keeps the world, but only 
as a form of deception. For this is a story 
about a squirrel who starts iris day with 
an intense hangover foitowing a night at 
a pub and ends toe day as the king of file 

Almost 1 5 years after its release, Bad Fur 
Day remains one ofa kind 

The game moves at a pretty straightfor¬ 
ward pace since ifis essentially a story 
driven experience But the narrative 
leads to pretty seating and hilarious 
moments as itfc successfullyweavedwith 
challenging platforming and action se¬ 
quences, What really makes the game 
work is the ingenuity of the context-sen¬ 
sitive mechanic By simply pressing one 
button it allows Conker to put away his 
default weapon* being a pan, so 
be can successfully tackle a situation un¬ 
der his present diaimstances. It could 
be using a slingshot to take down a few 
bugs or turning into an anvil to make a 
heavy drop towards a new location. Its 
an atypical mechanic as toe adventure 
you mbark on is hardly typical itsdf 

Theres no princess to save, no great evil 
to stop. Is really just Conker tryingtoget 
home and encountering a variety of ex¬ 
periences along the way. From the sec¬ 
ond you move Conker and have to deal 
with sluggish control due to how hang¬ 
over lie ts, you get five sense its charming 
art design and family-friendly music is 
nothing more than a dirty trick This is 
a game where some of toe acts include 
guiding bees to a big-breasted sunflow¬ 
er* fighting against an opera-singing poo 
monster by throwing toilet paper in ifs 
mouth, and embarking in a war against 
an army of evil teddy bears, Your only 
two collectables in the game are choco¬ 
late for your healto and odd hard cadii as 
the sde form of progresskm Ym could 
certainly aigue by taking this direction, 
the content in the game is feiriy thin. 
The game after all can be docked any¬ 
where between eight and 12 hours. But 
the quality of each chapter makes this a 
very fulfilling adventure. 

The humour in the game could be 
considered juvmile. The characters are 
shamelessly potty-mouthed and the 

game certainly isn’t below a fort joke 
here and a difly one there. But its also 
deverfv filled with multiple movie ref¬ 
erences from something as on the nose 
as recreating scenes from "Savftig Private 
Ryan or The Matrix^ to subtle allusions 
towards "Blue Velvet The opening of 
the game itself is a dear homage to A 
Clockwork Orange and throughout it 
takes several cues from a variety of clas¬ 
sic films winch help enrich the story and 
its universe. It also manages to play on 
tropes of its own medium by sometimes 
malting Conker become self-aware of 
toe fact he; the lead character in a video 

Then therek Conker himself While 
he may be portrayed as a womanizing 
drunkard of a squard the character 

Tlieres also a happy-goTucky ted you 
get from the character regirdless of the 
situation, which makes plying as him 
truly delightful Perhaps even to the 
point where you wish had have made 
more video game appearances. 

The game was to have a sequel whkh 
unfortunately became cancelled during 
devekpmenL Conker is a character de- 
serving of another chapter as his legacy 
is almost entirely within Bad Fur Day 
But perhaps there have been worse fetes, 
as the game stiU manages to be a very re- 
freshing experience despite te age. Now¬ 
adays, developers would think twice in 
making a game and stuffing with such 
erode content But Bad Ftir Day does it 
without shame and in spades While age 
has caughtup to it in obvious fidds suda 

design and voice work helps him be- as graphics, sound and control it re- 
come a lovable adorable looking drunk, maimanadvenfeirew^ vrorthhavinc. 


Lancers Thump Thunderbirds 
In OUA Soccer Sweep 

Windsor Lancers midfielder Lyowuna lumbo pushes the ball up the field against the Algoma Thunderbirds 
during OVA soccer action at Alumni Field, Sept. 20. Windsor beat Atgoma in both matches over the week¬ 
end coming away with 6-0 and 8-0 victories and six points to move into first place in the OUA West division 

standings with a 6-1-1 record L 
/Photo by // Kevin Jarraldj _ 


Sports Editor 

The Lancers soccer program moved 
up the OUA standing as they 
swept away the AJgoma Thuraferbirds 
in aH four matches this past weekend on 
home turf 

The top-ten nationally ranked Lanc¬ 
er mens soccer team continued their 
strong play over the weekend to earn 
a pair of shut-out victories over the 
visiting Thundeibii^ from Sauk Ste 
Marie Sept 19 and 20 while the wom¬ 
en evened their regular season record 
with consecutive shutout victories and 
scored i7goals against the visits 

Windsors men defeated Algoma 6D 
Saturday and 8-0 Sunday to hold sole 
possession of first place in the OUA 
West division with a 6-1-1 record Kyle 
Vbiiatas earned the shut-out in both 
matches and has a league-leading six 
shutouts in the regular season. 

Vizirakis said it was important the 
Lancers were able to gain six points on 
the weekend as the team will now go on 
the road to batik the Westm Mustang 
for a midweek OUA rivalry ^meander 
the lights at TD V&jterhouse Sept 23, 
Three days later the Lancers will host the 
YoikIicmsatAlunmiFi^lS^-26 in a 
rematch ofa 2-2 draw between the duhs 
in a hot showdown three weeks prior in 

"Six points is what we needed headed 
into a big week against Western and 
York" said Vizirakis "This week we 
worked on a lot of set pieces as wei as 
attacking and defending the ball in set 
pieces and it worked out wdL We took 
our chances and were structured realty 

On Saturday Noah Pio gave the Lancers 
a quick 2-0 lead less than five minutes 
into the game, scoring both goals just 
G37 seconds apart 

A^oma hdd die Lancets off the board 

until the second halfbut after the break 
Windsor would go on a four-goal burst 
to earn the dedstwe win. Jamar Redhead 
scored Windsor^ third goal in the 54th 
minute whik Stefan Grigorakis, Lyuwu- 
na Jumbo and Damon Johnson would 
each score agod in the final 20 minutes 
to make it a 6-0 derision 

The Lancers would be no kinder to 
their guests the next afternoon as they 
used a balance attack, scoring four goals 
in each halfto sweep the weekend series 
in a resounding 8-0 victory. Windsor 
put 24 shots toward Algomas goal and 
moved the ball at will 

Mike Pfo Redhead Brendan feel¬ 
ing and Le^hton Speechky-Prke all 
scored goals in the opening half to go 
up 4-0 at the break while Jumbo scored 
a pair of goals whik Noah added a sin¬ 
gle in a three-goal weekend for both 
players. Jumbo scored a pair of goals 
whik Bo added a single in a three-goal 
weekend for both players. Grigorakis 
scored in the 88th minute to round out 
the merik highest scoring game of the 

Vizirakis believes that Windsor execut¬ 
ed wdl on the weekend with 14 goals as 


"Going forward we have a lot of oonfi- 
dence in our strikers and our forwards 
so hopefully they can bring that against 
Western*" said Vcarakis. "We need to 
take care of our bodies and go into our 
walkthrough Tuesday and see what 
changes we need to make Wednesday 
we need to go on the road and get three 

The Lancer womens soccer team also 
swept the visitors from Algoma in tfadr 
weekend set by defeating the Thun¬ 
derbirds 1(M) on Saturday afternoon 
followed by a 7-0 wm Sunday. With the 
victories the Lancers are now 4-4 on 
the season and are tied for fourth place 
overall in the OUA West division 

A strong second half Saturday led to the 
Lancers lopsided wire Windsor led 3-0 
at halftime before knocking in seven 

goals in the final 45 minutes to take the 
three goals in a 12 minute time span 
while Baxa Feurth and rookie Jenysis 
Gordon each scored two. Lone Lancer 
tallies came from Uteey Marooux* Am¬ 
ber Hoskins, ainlkcmimMartia 

Marcoux said it was good to be able 
to utilize aB of Windsors lineup and 
change the dynamic to see how every¬ 
one works together 

"Gur main goal was to try and disperse 
the ball and I think we did a really good 
job of that” said Marooux. “ft was an 
overall good weekend for u& We need¬ 
ed these two wins to bump us up in toe 
standings, ft's cruda! because we tooka 
couple of losses early in the season and 
we needed to move on and go forward 
each week." 

In game two of the weekend double- 
header Chretien once again found the 
bade of the net on multiple occasions. 
The second year forward seemed another 
two gpals to bring her weekend total to 
five, while Cara Grovski also knocked 
in two Singles came from Gordon, 
Marlin & Paiten vStephens, Second year 
goaftender Krystin Lawrence earned 
file shutout in net for both games. 

Solidified as the Lancers starting goal¬ 
keeper, Lawrence said she wanted to use 
the weekend to improve on her outlet 
passes to defenders and midfielders in 
an attempt to improve Windsors tran¬ 
sition play far when they face more stiff 
competition later in the season 

"I didht get many shots but I just had 
to stay patient and be their for support 
and moving the ball up to the defence," 

said Lawrence T embrace that role and 
I need to work on it so hopefully I can 
progress each game As a unit we have 
some work to do stiD but once we get to 
that point we know we can play at were 
going to be unstoppable We just need 
to rest and be prepared for eadi match 
down the stretch? 

Both Thunderbftd teams remain win¬ 
less on the season but never wavered in 
their effort against the Lancers* register- 
ing two ydlow caids in the second half 
in the mens game both teams compet¬ 
ing respectfully up untfito^ 
at Alumni Bdd 

OUA soccer action in London against 
the Mustangs Sept 23 begins at 6 pm 
at TD Waterhouse Stadium They will 
return home against York Sept 26 with 
the soccer festivities begin at 1 pm 

University Bookstore Improves Buyback Policies 


News Editor 

The UWkidsor bookstore has imple¬ 
mented new b 

ing one that wiD guarantee maximum 
money bade 

The new policy allows students to reg¬ 
ister their books bou^it from the store 
online with the ability to indicate when 
you will want to sdl it back 

"This is great for almost all titles in the 

stored said Martin Deck, the bookstore 
manager '"Unfortunately sometimes 
books are replaced by newer editions 
butwewill let you know if that comes up 
as soon as possible. Otherwise students 
for the book as soon as we know; 1 

Deck said a lot students do peer to peer 
book sdling but this will give students 
who draft an alternative way to return 
books get some money bade 

'VVeve bought bade one and a halftimes 

more books back this year than the last 
and students are getting better prices 
now; 1 said Deck "We’re obviously filling 
the need for people to get the best prices 
bade for their books.” 

Deck said the most theyH ever pay for 
a sellback b 50 per cent of the original 
lining price, but It depends on the bode 

He said they are in partnership with two 
other companies to send out and receive 
books from so there is usually always a 
need for whatever books students want 


"Another brand new thing that we 
have started to do, but there are only 
ten titles on the list so ter, is guaranteed 
buybacksT said Deck. “There are cer¬ 
tain titles around the store that have a 
tag saying the guaranteed price we will 
payback and we’ve never been able to 
do that” 

The books that offer this mu£ be re¬ 
turned on the listed date or dse students 
will lose out on the money promised on 

the tag 

Its definitely something well be look¬ 
ing to expand on in the bookstore,” said 

The bookstore is also advertising other 
methods of saving for students includ¬ 
ing free shippir^, used book sales and 
price matching 

Fra more information on the new pol¬ 
icies or other bookstore options, visit 


Unmuting the Silenced 
in Windsor’s Poetry Scene 


Arts Editor 


Believe if or not, Windsor has a vibrant 
artistic community, even if its arguably 
ladng an identity crisis in trying to re¬ 
tain its status as die nations automotive 
capital theres a more creative focus at¬ 
tempting to be cultivated. Be it throi^h 
musk, visual arts and perhaps as of re¬ 
cent poetry 

Now, there has always been a poetry 
scene in Windsor, If you attended Phog 
Lounge anytime within the past few 
years, you may have experienced or at 
least heard of TOAST Open Mic Poet¬ 
ry an event continually anti passionate¬ 
ly hosted by poet Benny Alexander. In 
living others a platform where they can 
truly express without prejudice, it played 
a big part in forming a poetry scene in 
the dty but it was one still scattered and 

So what better way to give some focus 
and voice than with a little contest? 

Over die past few months, Phog Louise 
has been host to another poetry event 
the Windsor Poetry Slam Started by 
Marc Smith in 1984 Chicago, slam po¬ 
etry is competitive poetry fts one based 
on a numbered scale and one where the 
performance can matter just as much, 
if not more th an the w ords being per¬ 
formed. Organized by Matt Loeb, the 
objective was simple bu3d a team and 
give Windsor its own platform. 

“I want to be able to bring Windsor into 
a national dialogue fea& happening,” 

The rules were simple: pods were to 
present original work with no props 
or costumes. The presentation would 
be scored by three judges and over the 
course of a couple of rounds, the scores 
would be averaged in order to deter¬ 
mine a victor. The first round erf com¬ 
petitions occurred June 24 where poets 
competed for humble cash prizes, but 
more importantly a spot in the finals, 

which occurred Sept 20. 

Attendees were also usually treated to a 
featured poet, one of which being An¬ 
dre Prefonlaine who is currently based 
in Toronto With numerous accolades 
under his bdl, including being a two- 
time Underground Slam Champion 
of Canada, he admires the competitive 
spirit behind the artistry, but also em¬ 
phasizing it goes beyond 

‘Its exciting, theres a sense of vibrancy 
to it Theres no expectation that you sit 
down and stay quid. You rabble rouse; 
you try to sway the judges and believing 
that what you sawwas the best thing on 
EarthT Prefontaine said ‘The poetry is 
the point, not the points. Were here to 
shareour stray as a cofieetjve, aaimmu- 

Bods like Jason Ross, who ended up 
being one of five pods representing the 
Windsor Poetry Slam, weren't appealed 
to the competition and more so looked 
at it as a way to share. He said anytime 
he performs he portrays a font man 
persona, and while competition doesn't 
drive him, he still goes on stage entirely 
out of want 

1 wasn't interest in competing initial!); 
but I realized if I want to participate, 1 
have toT Ross said “At an early age I got 
into punk rode and thrash metal and as 
a teenager ihe only thing I coul d relate to 
or haw an interest in were lyrics. 

Naturally a debate would be indined to¬ 
wards whether or not art is something, 
whkh should be judged by a supposed¬ 
ly arbitrary number. But some kick at 
it as a form of motivation to pump out 
stronger, fresher work. 

“Even though we talk about how arbi¬ 
trary it is giving points for art, leaving 
a form in which you can congratulate 
or give people accolades for their art 
inspires them and encourages them 
to make C said finalist Adriane Clip- 

1 get more nervous at 9am than I do 
at TOAST, because it puis that added 

Benny Alexander* who also hosts the TOAST Open Mic, performs at the Windsor Poetry Slam finals Sept 


lPhoto by // Ham Yassine] 

. ml 

"But I fed that its good because it makes 

me put out things that I think are higher 

The finals on Sept 20 were subjected 
to a packed audience, something rath¬ 
er uncommon for a Windsor poetry 
event Judges were exceptionally critical 
throughout the night, but a handful of 
poets were able to win them over wdl 
enough tooffidallydinch a spot into the 
Windsor Poetry Slam. The five mem¬ 
bers to date are Adriane Qipperion, 
Samantha Badaoa, Courtney Gifford, 
Jordan Legg and Jason Ross. By the end 
crftt all Matt Loefo was nothin short of 

i iMiife 1 aafcr i u Y\ w rifr 

a strong, good team tfiat looks like, 

sounds like and is Windsotf Loeb said. 
"If we don't make it to Saskatoon, I know 
were gonna fidd the team that b both 
competitive and proud and uniquely 
Windsor in Winnipeg in 2016** 

With the team formed, a new journey 
is initiated Loeb wanted the team to 
attend this yearSs Canadian Festival of 
Spoken Word in Saskatoon* But due to 
a lack of fends, they may have to push 
for 2016 when fee festival finds itsdf in 
Winnipeg The steps now are to secure 
binding through more events, seek 
private sponsors and raise funds via 
the Windsor Poetry Slams GoFundMe 

mai k ibflka step at a long dcooss 
in givingWindsor a unified poetic voice 

by representing it on a national scale, 
IheyTJ just have to keep to the gplden 
rule: it’s fee poetry, not fee points. 

'‘Regardless of our own critique towards 
fee piece itsdf the individual has a space 
feat is bdng held for them to growf Pre- 
fontaine said “Unless of course its radst, 

homophobic, nufogynistic and all feat 
I always encourage them to comeback, 
because its wife feat senseofencourage¬ 
ment that community spawns, and that 
is the essence of slam poetry, to unmute 
what exists but has yet to find a platform 
to speak out on? 

Organizer Matt loeb stands on stage with all the finalists at Phog lounge Sept . 20. 

[Photo by H Hatti YassimJ 

Jason Ross performs at the Windsor Poetry Slam finals Sept. 20, 
[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 



WiUistead Manor 
Hosts University 
Players Lunch Discussion 


Arts Editor 

With torir 57th season drawing doser 
by the day, peopk mingled during a 
luncheon, which was centered on the 
upcoming production irnn University 

A Le&Talk Theatre lunch and discus¬ 
sion was held at WiUistead Manor Sept 
16. Those who attended were subjected 
to a fee lunch and a session with direc¬ 
tor Gordon McCall and set designer 
David Court as they spoke about the 
presentation of their latest play, Anna 
in the Tropics! which is set to pramere 
this week. 

“People can ask them questions about 
what they present,” said UP Marketing 
and Box-office Coordinator Anna Gal- 
ka. Tfe usually very entertaining, lively 
Very interesting the tiling that they 

Anna in the Tbopic^ written by Nib 
Cni 2 is an adult drama which takes 
place in a bte 1920s Cuban- American 
dgar factory The University Players 
reps use the discussion to provide in¬ 
sight as to what kind of research was 
done to make the production a reality. 
These discussions can range fiom the 
background of the plays material, to the 
look and design of the costumes and the 

sets. As it technically serves as a method 
to further promote die play ticket sales 
are baking to be on an incline over the 
past couple of weeks. 

It starts to get really busy now with the 
ticket sales," Galka said “Were starting 
to see the phone calk coming in more 
frequently and a bt more e-mails and 
more purchases online, so ife really 
starting to increase exponentially at this 

With the actors rehearsing since Aug. 
20 , Galka says the company is excited 
to present the season opener, whkh will 
have its premiere Sejrt. 25 at die Essex 
Hall Theatre, 

Graduate Student Society 
Holds Annual BBQ 

G.S.S. president Jfiekhar lime Basith was the master of ceremonies 
at the annual G.S.S. barbequeSept 16 the Sunset Avenue student 

arm .. 

The event hosted by the G.S.S. had musk , prizes > guest speakers and 
food prepared by Mare Nostrum. 

“hi been a fantastic day because of the huge turnout weve had " 
said Basith a beautiful day and we have great food. You can't 

expect better than that £ 

University of Windsor president, Alan Wildeman , dean of students, 
Clayton Smith , and NDP member Brian Masse all made appear¬ 
ances and wished the students good tuck in their graduate studies. 

(Photo by// Caleb Workman j 

A handful of Windsor Lancers varsity 
teams took part to their opening com- 
petitions of the preseason, all away from 
the comforts of home. Here is a run¬ 
down ofhow those teams did while they 
were away 


Bead coach Gary Maitoy and the Lanc¬ 
ers cross emmtry team traveled stateside 
Sept 18 to lake part m the Spartan Invi- 
talionaJ meet hosted by .fvlkfiigan Stale 
Univeistys Forest Akers Gdf Qub in 
Past T antin g, MT 

Despite wet aaiditlcm Windsor had a 
strong showing at the meet whkh com¬ 
prised of mostly NCAA Division one 
programs such as Grand Valley State, 
Bowing Green and Illinois to name a 

"Course coiiditians were soggy from a 
nKHningddngeardft was very liumkC 
said Malby "This resulted in slower 
than averse times far all co n.yetitoftT 

On the womerfc sx4tikmeter race dr* 
cuit, Wmdsofk fastest runner wasveter- 
an Stdanie Smith, who finished with a 
lime of 21:48 far ninth overall outof3I8 
individual competitors. Teammate Alie 
Baris placed 29th with a time of 23:14 
while the trio of Alison Robinson, Syd¬ 
ney Hawkins and Chdsea Vtseffi com* 
pteted the course with times of 2457, 
2459 and 2521 for84,85 and 95th place, respedivdy 

Overall the women finished iflth out 
of 2B teams at the meet with 302 points 

In tie mens eight kilometer race, tile 
Lancers were ted by Paul Janikwdri 
who finished the nee in 19th place 
white accruing a time of25*33, Andrew 
Nebd crossed the finish line to 35th 
place just 40 seconds afro- Janikowda 
with a time of 26:13. Taybr McArtfa^ 
Shawn Master and Matt Hall rounded 
out the Lancers run in 46> 57 and 68th 
overall finshing within 30 seconds of 
ore another with times of 26:41,2657 
and 27:11, 

Out of 21 college teams, the Lancers 
nmh team took seventh overall with 
221 points. In the CIS* Windsors mens 
team is currently ranked third after a 
fifth place finish at national champion- 
ships year to SL Johns* Newfound¬ 

Next weekend, the Lancers travel to 
Load m for the Western International 
Med at Thames Valley Golf Course 
Sqrt. 26, The Lancers cross country 
team will once again host the Windsor 
Open at Malden Park on Oct 17 to 
their final tnneup meet prior the OUA 
Champfofefaips toWaterloo Oct 3L 

Mens Hockey 

The defending bronze medallists to 
OUA mem hockey took part to their 
openir^ tournament of the year a£ toe 
annual Steel Blade Classic to St C&h- 

Head coach Kevin Hamlin and the 
Lancers mem hockey team finished 0-2 
on toe weekend after Ming to the host 
Badgers in front of a crowd of 1,700 at 
the Seymour-Hannah Sports Complex 

Sept 18 before getting doubted-up by 
the Gudph Gryphons 4-2 the next 

The Badgers won their fifth consec¬ 
utive preseason tournament tide 4-3 
to overtime after the Gryphons came 
from behind to tied the game with only 
13 seconds remaining to the third peri¬ 
od Brock finished the three-team tour¬ 
nament 343. 

The Lancers will compete to the up- 
owning East-West Invitational tourna¬ 
ment hosted by the Western Mustangs 
to London Windsor will batik two 
OUA East division foes beginning Sep* 
24 against the Nippissing Lakers and 
Sept 25 against the Concordia Stingers, 

The men are coming oft" another im¬ 
pressive campaign in 2014-15, finishing 
first overall in the OUA with a 22-4-1 
record and earned an Ontario bronze 
medal en route to their second straight 
trip to the CIS National Championship 
tournament to Halifax, NS 

Gudph swept the Lancm to the 2014- 
15 OUA Wat championship series but 
Windsor would defeat the McGill Red- 
men2-i in overtime to theOUA bronze 
medal game to advance to the national 

Windsor opens up OUA regular season 
play Oct 7 against the defending OUA 
West champion Gryphons at South 
Windsor Arena. 

Women’s Volleyball 

Director of volleyball operations and 
womens head coach Hodgson had an 

opportunity to see his squad to action 
for the first time in 2015-16 as toe Lanc¬ 
ers traveled to Madonna University to 
Livonia, ML for the Julie Martin Me¬ 
morial Classic tournament The Lanc¬ 
ers squared off to todr preseason debut 
agatost the host Crusaders Sept 18 and 
the Saint Xavkr Cottars from Chicago, 
1L Sept 19 at toe Activities Compter 

In the opener toe Lancerc came out fiat 
against toe hosts, getting swept to three 
sets with scores of 2$41*25-10 and 26* 

The Crusaders kicked off the tourna¬ 
ment by attacking early and oftea tak¬ 
ing a 14-7 kad which they did not give 
up, winning toe opening set 25-1L The 
second started off much like the first as 
Madonna took a 15-5 lead and knifed 
the Lancers attack and wtontog the sec¬ 
ond set with a similar 25-10 score 

Windsor began toe third set with ag¬ 
gression and held multiple leads of up 
to four points before the Crusaders tkd 
up the match at 22-22. The hosts and 
Lancers would trade points until Wind¬ 
sor 24-23 <m^ to 

a service error and afbw Madonna to 
score the last three points and taking a 
26-24 score sweeping the match 34). 

Shannon Dean led the 1 aiders with six 
kills to the match while Lauren Stirling 
had 10 ofWiiKhorii 36 digs. 

The next morning Windsor would bet* 
fie the Cougars from Saint Xavier and 
take the opening set 25-21 before diop- 
ping toe final three with scores of 25-13* 
25*22 and25-23 subsequently losing the 


The Cougars controlled a balanced at¬ 
tack to the four set preseason tilt, with 
three hitters finishing the match with 
douHe-digjt k8k Saint Xaviers serving 
caused toe Lancers multiple problems 
throughout toe contest, acaiimilatiiig 
15 aces to help seal the final two sets to 

Windsor^ Jade Zteharth finished with a 
team-high six kills agfinst the Cougars, 
Emily Durand had 12 digs and Stirlir^ 
accumulated 13 assists, spreading toe 
Lancers offense around white compet¬ 
ingagainst strong American opponents. 

Stirling is a fifth-year senior setter who 
has spent toe past four years with Brock 
Badgers vdteyba! program, being 
named an OUA Ail-Star setter twice 
in her career. What really drew her to 
Windsor was toe opportunity to pfay 
out her final year of eligibility to the 
OUA as weS as the chance to finish her 
Master’s Dqpee in Sport Manager from 
the Depaitm^tf ofHuman Kinetics 

T really respect what Coach Hodman 
has done with the program during bus 
time there;" said Stirling. 1 hope that the 
experiences Tw gained toroughout my 
Iasi four seasons can hdp us to make a 
strong push in toe OUA this year" 

The Lancers wffl kick off toe season on 
toe road Oct 23 when they take on the 
Western Mustangs to London atod open 
the home portion of their season lat¬ 
er that week when Windsor hosts the 
Erode Badgers Get 25. First serve is 1 


Gee-Gees Keep Lancers Waiting 
For First Gridiron Victory 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancets football team is 
still looking for their first win of the reg¬ 
ular season after 

ital and coming away empty-handed 

The Lancets dropped a 52-24 decision 
to the Ottawa Gee-Gees Sept 19 in 
Ottawa and with the toss the lancers 
will took to defeat the Tanner tiolden 
Hawks during their home-coming for 
their first taste of victory in 2015. 

“We knew going in we were going to 
have to score some points in order to 
compete,” said DAmore “They have 
a pretty’ high-octane offense but we 
thought we did some good things mov¬ 
ing the fbotbalL Early on in the game 
we had some opportunities to get some 
points on the board and get some con¬ 
fidence but for whatever reason we just 
stalled on some drives.” 

The first quarter saw the Lancers trail 

1 &3 thanks to a 31 -yard field goal from 

Hugh Paulin but the second quarter 
would yidd no points for Windsor 

‘The second quarter gpt away from u$T 
said DAmore “We liad a couple oppor¬ 
tunities and we didn't make the most of 
it They went down the field, lift some 
big plans and they scored a coi^k of 
quick touchdowns and then the game 
got away from usT 

The GeeGees led the Lancers 57*3 at 
half but Windsor would gain some life 
btetn the contest, scoring 21 oftheir24 
points in the fourth quarter* 

Tn the second half, we hung around 
for a bit, got some stops on defense but 
tt was little momentum killers that re¬ 
ally put us behind the eight-ball!’ said 
DAmore ''Penalties at wrong times, 
dropped passes on second down, tilings 
like that!' 

The Lancers finished with 457 total 
offensive yards including 115 on the 
pound for their liighesi offensive out¬ 
put of the season. Windsor running 
back Terrance Crawford contributed 
with two rushing touchdowns in the 
fourth quarter from three and one- 

yards out respectively. 

A 75-yard touchdown reception by 
Gilbert Stewart on the final play of the 
game brought his team-high total to 139 
receiving yards as part of quarterback 
Liam Pulls 24-forA t performance. The 
first year quarterback finished the game 
with d/6 yarete and one touantown 

Windsor Lancers defensive back Kuinton Elliot prepares to tackle an Ottawa Gee-Gees ball carrier during 
OVA football action in Ottawa ; Sept. 19. The Gee-Gees defeated Windsor 5 2-24 to improve to 2-1 while the 

Lancers fell to 0-4. 

[Photo by// Richard Whittaker] 

DAmore said Putt would absolutely be “Its going to be a tough challenge but I 
Windsors starting quarterback against think each week we seem to get better 
Laurier SepL 26. The Lancers will now and better!’ said DAmore, “Hopefully 

battle with the Golden Hawks, who find a win.” 

regulation so its always a good battle” 
said DAmore. ir WGve played pretty tight 
over tlie last four years and were going 

to their homeconfing which w played 

“We had almost 500 yards of offense 
and our young quarterback showed a 
lot of promise, getting better each wedC 
said DAmore “That's positive. 24 points 
is the most weve scored this year and 
we seem to play better and better each 

boast last seasons leading rusher in the 
QUA* Dillon Campbell who nearly to¬ 
talled 1 *500yards on the ground 

DAmore said the Lancers defence will 
have to focus on stopping the run first 
and foremost and focus on Lauriefs 

Windsor has had a fiarc for the dramatic 
against Laurier in DAmorcs tenure with 
the program and this year will be no dif¬ 

“The last fewyeais our games have been 

in a couple years ago and its a crazy 
atmospiiere so its going to be a tough 
challenge for us.” 

Windsor returns home for Alumni 
Weekend Oct 3 when they host die 


passing attack afterward 

won in overtime or in the last minute of McMaster Marauders at 1 pm 

Movie Review: Black Mass 


The Lance Contributor 

Crime dramas are one of my favour¬ 
ite genres in dnema. There is a certain 
track record of excellence expected 
to come associated with these types 
of movies. Horn The Godfather to 
Goodfellas! fiom "Beat * 1 to The Depart¬ 
ed! almost every decade has a definitive 
crime film. With Scott Cooper's new 
film ’Blade Mass! we might have found 
the one for this decade. 

Sporting excellent performances from 
almost evi^y big name on screen, 'Black 
Mass' is a finely layered bfopc which rips 
at your collar for attention and doesn't let 
go until die credits roH 

Eariybuzzoutofthe filmslimited release 
liad critics calling this a rebirth for folui- 

ny Deppfe eareenWhile I would argue 
his career didn't entirely need one, the 
statement could not be truer, Depp has 
always gone for the more out of the ordi¬ 
nary character* one which requires him 
to go over the top in die role without ac¬ 
tually overacting. Here we see him dig 
in and disappear behind the character as 
usual, tadding the refe in a modi mote 
natur al and organic fashion. 

Depp plays notorious Boston criminal 
kingpin James White/ Bulger, a man 
who up until his arrest m 2011, was #2 
on the FBFs Ten Most Wanted Crimi¬ 
nals list *Black Mass' demonstrates how 
an alliance wfth the FBI allowed Bulger 
to become one of the most notorious 
criminals in the US* 

This alliance was initiated by newly 
appointed FBI Agent John Connolly, 

played by Jod Edgarton, who grew if? in 

South Beaton with the Bulger brothers; 


James and Senator Billy Bulger* played 
by Benedict Cumberbtfdt Connollys 
intention was to use James as a pro¬ 
tected informant to provide the FBI 
information regarding foe wliereabouts 
and activities of the Patriarca organized 
crime family based out of Bostons north 
end This information sharing between 
foe two parte allowed for Bulger's as¬ 
sent to power. 

Depp has not been this phenomenal in 
alongwhik. Equal parts chilling, creepy 
and utterly engrossing, Depp has quick¬ 
ly become a frontrunner for this years 
Best Actor Oscar award The makeup 
work certainly contributes to this* but he 
is unrecognizable in this role. Mesmer¬ 
izing is a word audiences will be floating 
around for the weeks to come. 

Edgarton equally does a great Job as 
John Connolly. Perhaps possessing the 
greatest Boston accent of this cast, Ed- 
garton balances the weight of a man 
who believes he is to become a home¬ 
town hero. All while expressing the 
subtle doubts, which creep in as the 
successful results begin to dwindle and 
those around him see the deception hes 
been wheeling in the name of justice 

The true faults of the film lie with its 
traditional af^roadi to dnematogr^hy 
and the lade of opportunity ter the fihrfc 
female performers. Dakota Johnson, 
Juno Temple and Marine Nkholson 

respectively all get their opportunity to 
shine in their roles and they aD rise to the 
occasion* Unfcrtunatdy their scenes are 
never more than 5 minutes tong and we 
are left lipping for more of an adubitiorc 
!n terms of shot presentation* its just not 
anything special yet foe performances 
more than make up for this slight failure, 

'Black Mass' is an excellent example of 
how to successfully make both a crime 
drama and biopie 1 provides Johnny 
Deppwith arofebecanmorethan make 
his own* and makes it look easy Keep mi 
eye out for this film come Oscar season, 
as it’s sure to make some noise 



Arts Editor 

The Odette community recently 
showed theyie not always about getting 
down to business. 

it was a suitably hot day when the 
Odette Camivai went underway in 
the field outside of the Schod of Busi¬ 
ness, Whether you wanted to play ski 
bail, play in a boundng castle or just 
eat some cotton candy there was a lit¬ 
tle something for everyone during the 
event This is the second year the Odette 
School has held the carnival* but un¬ 
like last year they held it outside of fee 
UWindsor Welcome Week in hopes to 
draw in mote people 

‘"We felt it was better instead of putting 
it with orientation, to get biggs: mass¬ 
es, more people imohedT sakT Caret 
Duggal, VP d~ Finance for the Odette 
Commerce Society: "We don't just want 

Two students wrestle in sumo suits at the Odette Carnival Sept. 16, 
lPhoto by// Hani Yassine} 

to target first years, we want to target ev¬ 
eryone, because everyone is part of the 
Odette community” 

Despite the attempt however, the con¬ 
struction. which lingers, on California 

to an extent The area is still blocked 
off and is arguably one of the primary 
mules towards Odette, leading to stu¬ 
dents technically only have one path to 
enter tile camivai area 

wevebeen told multiple times that nil be 
done next week, ifll be done next week. 
Then two weeks later, here it is and we’re 
not even dose to being finished” 

Attendance fered wdl however despite 

be more concentrated due to the sin¬ 
gular path students Stave to take to get 
into the building until the construction 

dears, Duggal ultimately hopes for the 

camivai to be a way for students to so¬ 

on campus. 

’It gives everyone an opportunity to 
meet all of the dubs, and the different 
issuesT Duggal said ‘Tt gives them an 
opportunity to join. Just a lot <rf oppor- 

Avenue may have stunted attendance “Itfc been difficult,” Duggal said “I mean the setback. Duggal finds commune to aalize and know ofthe different options trinities realty? 

A student plays a round of ski ball at the Odette Carnival Sept. 16. Andrew Meingast makes some cotton candy for a student at the Odette Carnival Sept 

{Photoby//Ham Yassine} 16.{Photoby//Hani Yassme} 




Students introduced to their 
Wmdsor Wes/ federal Election 
caftduiat&s at a aitididtii&s drixtfe 
in Ambassador auditorium by the 

tnvs/i, Q9 

The Welcome Centre held its official 
grand opening during Ahunni 
weekend and was named after as 
largest dmttr. 


Tht Windsor SpHfms ionttnu* 
pernxmig thrmigh whal 15 shaping up 
W Isr a verypmnmtng smson, defeating 
of a pair of Wen Drvmoti rmb thu 

wrfrnd \ 3 ~> 

A last minute weraw? rtbxstttent 
didn't surprtss the attendance to 
Border Ctiys Downtown Fight Out 
tost week. 

17 ~* 


Tht following shows a screen cup of a Facebook past made by Matthew 
Dunlap, UWSA vice-president of student advocacy ; shortly after Rajiv 
"Soui Train* Srvancsans nameplate was removed from his office Oct L 
[Photo special to The Lance} 

the professional and personal aspects 


News Editor 

The UWSA Board has suggested resig¬ 
nation of the vice president of student 
services due to the breaching of a bylaw 

The decision was made to suggest re¬ 
lease of Rajiv ‘"Sod-Train” Sivanesan at 
the last UWSA board meeting OcL L 
Thiswas due to the breaching ofUWSA 
bylaw 105.03 (d) which states ‘The of¬ 
fice of a Director or i^ecutive shall be 
vacated immediate If a Director or 
Executive is absent fioni three (3) con¬ 
secutive Board meeting which will be 
deemed to constitute that Director or 
Executives resignation*' 

Sivanesan said his first missed meeting 

he was reprinting the University of 
Windsor at Canadian Organization of 
Campus Activities events. The first was 
a national conference in Edmonton, Al¬ 
berta and the second a regonalmeetk^ 

**Wh& had happened for the third 
meeting was die president messaged 

me asking if I was able to call in and I 
told him I wasn’t because my phone 
was about to die? said Sivanesan, “I get 
home, charged my phone and mes¬ 
saged him back and asked if I could 
join the meeting to which he replied ‘ we 
can't do anything novtf even though the 
meeting was still in session.” 

According to Sivanesan, the UWSA 
president told him by the time he had 

"From my understanding of what the 
UWSA lawyer had said prior to die oc¬ 
currence was that this should not count 
towards a missed meetii^; because of the 
proceedings of the last meeting where 1 
made an attempt to attmd the meeting 

kft to the board of directors whether or 
not to follow the lawyer$ advice,.. I was 
informed after the decision that there 
was nothing that could be done, which 
obviously meant the board decided I 
had missed all three meetings and I was 
deemed to constitute resignation.” 

The final derision was made in a min¬ 

utes meeting whidh Sivanesan said he 
asked to leave because he was not com¬ 
fortable being in front of the board as 
they discussed his rnipfoymenL 

President of the UWSA, Jaydee Tarpeh, 
said in the matter of concern toey want¬ 
ed to hold everyone to the same stan¬ 
dards by giving a fair assessment of the 
situation and treating it as such. Be said 
the point was to stay on track with the 

work and we had a great time working 
with himr said Tarpeh, "Were toe first 
executive team working fully under the 
current bylaw structure so were after 
something like this, were going to take 
another look at it and possibly make 
some revisions.” 

Tarpeh said its unfortunate this hap¬ 
pened but the board decided to take the 
bylaws in practice seriously and address 
with the situation in its standards, 

Sivanesan said the hugest thing for him 
following the matter is to remain as pn> 
fessiona] as possible in the proceeding 
and to try to figure out what to do on a 
personal leveL He said he has separated 

and he has no bad blood with members 
of toe UWSA 

He said he wishes the best to toe organi¬ 
zation, to toe executive team and to toe 

foil-time staff as wd] as the board in toe 

Tarpeh said the bylaws will be opened 
up and looked at for possible revisions 
in the near future. 

was due to an ei^fineering conference 
he was at 

The next two meetings Sivanesan said 

bm procedure was not fotfowed wito re 
gaids to how I phoned in on the UWSA 
skfeT said Sivanesan “The decision was 

his rommuni cations available it was too 

late to do anything 

I; ' 1 




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Farmer’s Market Brings 
Healthier Choices to Campus 


News Editor 

Produce, baked goods and all sorts of 
food is available Thursdays again this 
year for students to purchase at die 
UWindsor farmer s market 

Local businesses from the area came 
out to provide students with a healthier 
<bake Oct 1 for the first time in 2015 
outside of the CAW Student Centre, 
The market will be visidng every Thurs¬ 
day from 12 pm to 4 pm on main 
campus until Nov. 5. 

Lina Chaker, a student at the univmfiy 
and volunteer cooniinaior of the event, 
said along with die produce they also 
have special items for sale like honey 
from the county and Mennonite baked 

Tfc die first day we ve been open and 

its been going really well," said Chok¬ 
er "Were doing a student engagement 
portion this year where students will 
have die opportunity to win coupons 
every week* 

Chaker said they were giving away $2 
and $5 coupons dial day to students 
who got involved with the photo booth 
they had set up outside. She said the stu¬ 
dent activities will change every week, 
tis more than just a market and students 

should come out for the community 
experience and get involved with a dif- 


ferent type of shopping 

"Were seeing a lot of business as well 
as the other booths here," said Cynthia 
Bouchard, who was running Bouchard 
Gardens, a booth M of produce her 
and her family cultivated hercelf or from 
other focal farmers. *Wdre excited to be 
here again this year, the students have 
been very receptive to the idea of the 

Bouchard said their booth wi ll be bade 
every Thursday and the/re very happy 
to see students, staff and frailty out to 
support focaL 

Its good to see students, especially the 
ones living on residence, have a healthy 
choice o£ food instead of just buying 
easy-to-make junk food,” said Bouch¬ 
ard “They dorit have to worry about 
getting a ride or taking the busses be¬ 
cause we are aUe to come to them on 

The axsdinators and booth owners all 
said they would like to thank everyone 
who is coming out and supporting the 
focal businesses and are looking for¬ 
ward to seeing them throughout the rest 
of the season 

The University of Windsor's Farmers Market wilt be visiting every Thursday until Nov . 5 outside of the CAW 
Student Centre full offresh produce , baked goods and other healthy foods for students . 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

Cynthia Bouchard and her son Rob Bouchard work quickly to keep up with customers at their produce 

booth at the Farmer's Market on Oct L 
[Photo by It Caleb Workman) 



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Exhibition on Global Development Makes Pit 
Stop on Campus to Spread Social Awareness 


Lance Contributor 

A custom-built truck traveling around 
the country stopped on the UWindsor 
campus this past weekend to showcase 
a number of art pieces, activities, world 
maps and quizzes with the purpose 
being to teach students and the public 
about global issues, 

“Together: an exhibition on global de¬ 
velopment? 1 opened its doors for the 
students at the University Gel 2 and 3. 
Housed in a custom- built truck, the ex¬ 
hibition has been traveling across Cana¬ 
da for 2 years visiting various campuses 
like the University of Toronto. Universi¬ 
ty of Carleton and now the University 
of Windsor for the Alumni Weekend 

‘The goal of the exhibition is to cele¬ 
brate Canadas contribution to global 
development and projects that are done 

ail over the world so that we can make it 
a better place and try to reach as many 

The custom-built truck travelling across Canada features exhibits like this one, focusing on global issues, illustrated through photos, interactive 

displays and more. 

[Photo by If Rohan Khanna] 

people as possible to spread awareness,” 
said Stephanie Larocque, the Tour 
Manager for the mobile exhibitioa “We 
target elementary schools, high schools 
and universities so that students can vol¬ 
unteer for projects around the world” 

Funded by the Canadian Government, 
Department of Foreign Affairs and 
Trade and Development Canada, the 
portable exhibition was an idea origi¬ 

nated by the Aga Khan foundation, a 
private non-profit international agency 
which deals with issues like poverty, il¬ 
literacy and health concerns in Africa, 
Middle East and South and Central 

The truck was filled with various activi¬ 
ties such as interactive worid maps and 
quizzes to test general knowledge. All of 
these elements added to die ambience 

of the unique design of the exhibit Var¬ 
ious photographs, screens and cultural 
artifacts were also showcased for the 
visitors to see 

“The design for the exhibit took dght 
months which involved illustrations, 
concept art, fabrications said Tbtiy 
Amato, the president of MRA, experi¬ 
ential toms and equipment, who collab¬ 
orated with the Aga Khan Foundation 

to realize this exhihitioa “Our key is to 
make everything mobile, so that every¬ 
thing we build travels. We want filings 
to be interactive so that people can re¬ 
member it and adding a lot of visuals 
and textures matters” 

Amato said with technology so vibrant 
and sound in this age* we are exposed to 
the internet and other forms of media 
to get information* Ihe challenge arises 

when we are confused in following one 
valid source; Exhibits like 'Together” aid 
people in taking up active roles to make 
huge differences for the world and com¬ 
bat social issues and make the world de¬ 
void of suffering. 

For more information regardir^ To¬ 
gether and the Aga Khan Foundation 
Canada (AKFC), visit akfcca/together 

Students were able to see, touch and interact with the numerous displays inside of the Stephanie Larocque, tour manager of the exhibition, was able to take students through 
travelling truck when it came to the UWindsor campus Oct 2 and 3 . the travelling exhibit on campus Oct 2 and 3, 

[Photo by/i Rohan Khanna] 

[Photo by // Rohan Khanna] 


Campus Workshop Aims to 
Fight Poverty and Injustice 


Arts Editor 

Students looking to aid in the tight 
gainst poverty may have found a start¬ 
ing point during a one-day workshop. 

From9a.m. to4pjn Oct 2, the poverty 
reduction stratify Pathway to Potential 
presented “Charity is Good, Justice is 
Better” at the Wtndare Room in Valu¬ 
er Hal About 50 students attended the 
event where they partidpated in ways 
to lend support to combating poverty 
through campus initiatives. 1 was also 
a way for students to be educated and 
possibly act upon further injustices 
within the community and beyond, 
from living wage standards to missing 
and murdered indigenous women. Es- 

together, and critically look at wliat were 
doing and how we can do betteif said 
event avorganizer Sam Hale. 

According to Pathway to Potential Di¬ 
rector Adam Vasey 75,000 residents in 
Windsor find themselves living below 
the low income measure, otherwise 
known as the poverty line. He believes 
between the student body within cam¬ 
pus and the community at large, more 
can be done to lessen the steep poverty 

"What Ive noticed is that a lot of times 
the perception of poverty whether it's 
on campus or in the broader communi- 
ty, is that its something that might ejtista 
Me downtown, but Ws ra£ really a hftifc: 
problem," Vasey said 

Tammy Murray speaks at the “Charity is Good, Justice is Better” workshop at the Wittdare Room Oct. 2 

/Photo by // Hani Yassin ej 

time may be next to none, this level of involvernmt, and wouldn’t necessarily tions in getting involved with anti-pov- 

sentkDy; Pathway aims to make more 
permanent repairs to the outstanding 
issues presented 

"We thought it would be great to have 

One of the ways Pathway to Potential 
approaches students in a post-second¬ 
ary environment is by providing credits 
in assisting with poverty reduction ef- 

bargaining provides the incentive for 
students to volunteer aR while Pathway 
obtains stronger numbers to enhance 
their actions in reducing poverty. Ide- 

rule out added incentives, 

“The key is to make it easier for them 
to be involved with these initiatives 
and maybe its through creative ways of 

erty work; 1 Vasey said “For students 
who are really interested in social Justice, 
and l believe there are many of them 
out there there is a place for you in the 

both the campus and community come forts, Where a students amount of free ally Vasey would still like more student making sure we provide more credit op- Windsor-Essex community! 7 

Job Fair Sets up Shop 
in Devonshire Mall 

Outside o f Hudsons Bay surrounded by numerous stores within Devonshire Mail, over 100 seekers had 
their resumes at hand for the job fair held Oct L Locals attended with the hopes of applying and land¬ 
ing a position within one of the various manufacturing and customer service jobs available at the fair: 
Interviews were also being conducted on the spot at a first come, first serve basis in order to expedite the 

potential mass hiring process ; 

[Photo by // Haiti YassineJ 


The persistent trauma of extreme, 
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Through vignettes of people, places, and insti¬ 
tutions that impacted him, Francis's account of 
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THE WRONG MCE is m unsettling 
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Order the paperback book at 

For just $20.99 


Open House Bids Farewell 
to Dean of Science 


Arts Editor 

University staff and fomlty members 
found themselves under one roof to 
wish one <rftheirc^goodfodconher 
future endeavors. 

Effective at the end of September, Dr 
Marfys Koschinsky stepped down as the 
Dean of Science as her second and final 
term came to its conclusion at the Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor As a result, an open 
house was held at Kaizman Lounge 
Sept 29 where colleagues bid her safe 
journey towards her new position as a 
scientific and executive director at the 
Robarts Research Institute located in 

“It just kind of seemed to marry all of 
my passions for administration and also 
for research? Kosdiiraky said 

Koschinsky leaves a legacy of being the 
university's first female dean within the 
Faculty of Science, But she also leaves 
a series of contributions towards the 

t and expansion of various 

programs within the school Having 
never lived in southwestern Ontar¬ 
io prior to Windsor, one of the things 
Koschinsky will come to miss is the 
community and the warm embrace it 
provided her 

"Windsor I think sometimes can be a 
little down on itself, but this is a wonder¬ 
ful oomiminity full of very, very special 
people? Koschinsky said "I became 
modi more embedded in this commu¬ 
nity than 1 had previously in the King¬ 
ton community? 

The open house in Kalzman Lounge 
spanned for two hours. While the rainy 
weather was making for a troublesome 
commune within campus, it didn’t pre¬ 
vent numerous faculty members from 
arriving to gfre her a proper farewell 

“She really supported Its research mis- 
skm and had soane great things in that 
area, but shas also created a sense of 
community in the faculty that goes 
broader than file faculty group you're 
here today? said Vke-Prcrvost 

Former Dean of Science Dr : Marlys Koschinsky speaks with faculty and staff members , as part of her fare¬ 
well open house at Katzman Lounge Sept. 29. 

[Photo by f/Ham Yassine} 

and Dean of Students Clayton Smith is, and thafs a legacy she leaves behind students and educators which will tian- 

think thats a huge piece of who she She leaves a community of scholars, stendhertime? 

UWindsor Public Affairs 

Director Launches New Book 


Arts Editor 

Students and faculty alike wanderii^ 
about the Campus Bookstore may want 
to keqp an eye out for work written by 
one erf UWkidsors own faculty mem- 

On Sept 30, the newly open Welcome 
Centre hosted a book launch of 'Dear 
Internet; its Me, Avery! The b<x>k is a fic¬ 
tion piece written by Jennifer Ammos- 
cato, who works at the university as the 
director of public aflairs and communi¬ 
cation Being the first book of a five-part 
series, the story revolves around how a 
woman aims to cope with her personal 
and marital issues, ail while combatinga 
resonating internet addiction 

1 think predominately society today 
that rather than going out we just like 
to look at our phones or look on our 
iPad and thats who Avery is? Ammosr 
cato said "The whole point of it is how 
Avery begins to deal with that through 
her own instincts and own experiences, 

and detaches herself from her internet 

With the book, Ammoscato hopes to 
illuminate sodety s current ndiance on 
technology and how people have al¬ 
lowed fftemsdves to be less cautious of 
the information they digest from the in¬ 
ternet The first book took three years to 
write according to Ammoscala While 
she initially had a demographic set to¬ 
wards women who are currently expe¬ 
riencing or have experienced hardships, 
she bdieves the book will strike a chord 
with both men and women, and within 
a variety of age groups, 

"I wanted a book that would resonate 
with anybody wbos been in a really 
difficult situation, particularly women 
whbve gone through rough times like 
divorce? Ammoscato said “I think 
theres some things tliat will resonate on 
a human level that are somewhat not 
really restricted by age. We can have re¬ 
lationship challenge early on from our 


U of W Makes Mark on Charity Week, 
Raising Funds for Islamic Relief Centrepiece 

Volunteers Manjot Singh, Sheila Bagala and Sana Huda pose for a picture at their post for Charity Week 
2015 Oct 2 where they sold baked goods, collected donations and spread information and awareness . 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

onediarityweeLoonx To see how you 


News Editor 

Hie lWindsor Orphan Sponsorship 
Program took part in Charity Week this 
past week and raised money for Islamic 

The initiative began in 2004 and to date 
has raised over S3 million for different 
projects across the Eastern Hemisphere. 
Charity Week started in 2010 and the 
university has been an active participant 
along with 17 other universities across 
Canada since 2013* 

Renad Hamatiix the media director 
for the sponsorship program, said the 
week was much better than last year 
and Windsor is always a top earner, hav- 
ing raised more than $6,000 last year* 

“Its all run as a nonprofit organization 
and all money raised goes direct 
phans and needy children,” said Hamat- 
to % lot of foe money goes to children 
in Syria, Palestine and Bangladesh as 
wdl as refugees from Syria.” 

Last year Canadian universities raised 
over $38,000 to add to foe grand total 
of over $736,000 raised worldwide. Ac¬ 
cording to Hamatto the projected num¬ 
bers look to be bigger this yean 

The Charity Week online annual report 
stoles eight rainwater towers were to be 
built from last years funds, giving ova: 
4JQ0O children access to dean water 

“Therefc a lot erf children around the 
world these days who really do need 
hdp and its something that anyone on 
campus can get involved with no matter 
howbus^T said Hamate “This initiative 
was something I could volunteer for 
with my schedule and I fed the work I 
do is very important 

Hamatto said students slxafid get in¬ 
volved with charily week one way or 
another because it really does make a 
difference to people around the world. 

'It takes a lot of time but ife worth it 
when you can see die differences you 
make” said Hamate ‘To see everyones 
efforts and time come together and be¬ 

ing one erf the top universities is really 

As of Oct X the University of Windsor 

was ranked number two aaoss Canada 

for money raised for the 2015 Charity 
Week according to Hamatto. 

For more information on Charity Week 
and to see their annual reports visit 

can get involved in Windsor visit foe 

UWindsor Orphan Sponsorship Pro¬ 
gram page on Facebook 

Walkerville Brewery Sells Out 
Tickets for Oktoberfest Event 


News Editor 

The Walkerville Brewery hdd its Ok- 
tobeffest Brats and Beers Oktoberfest 
event this past week and they said they 
were more than happy with the out¬ 

The sokt-out night of 150 tickets fea¬ 
tured the brewery's German-style beer, 
German brats and pretzels and German 
folk musk performed by the band Har- 
mony Everyone who purchased a ticket 
was provided a complimentary brand¬ 
ed stein and the first round on house. 

“WeVe done this event on a lower scale 
years prior but this year we deddedtogo 
all out and have it during foe worldwide 
celebration of beer - Oktobertest” said 
event organizer Natalie Lahoud *Tts a 
really cool themed ni^n and it gives 

people from the community a chance to 
come out and have funT 

Lahoud said she saw a mix of regulars 
and first timers come through the door 
and the event itself surpassed all ©epee- 
tations they had 

a We had amazing response for the 
event,” said Lahoud “We just want to 
thank everyone who has come out and 
to encourage people to drink local We 
have a lot of good breweries in foe area 
and we want people to give us a try and 
enjoy what we have to offer” 

Walkerville Brewery's website daims 
they follow the same ideology once 
used by Hiram Walker himself using 
unpasteurized single batches, no artifi¬ 
cial preservatives, flavours or colour in 
their beer. 

Blanye Caron, brew master, said he stud¬ 
ied in Germany and to have this event 
and haw people try his German-styled 
beer was a great feeling 

“Our in house l^er is actually an Gkto- 
beriest style of beer so the event is very 
fitting for Walkerville,” said Caron. Tm 
here as a participant tonight so Fm really 
getting to enjoy myself The beer is great, 
the food is really good and Fm kwing 
the German musk and decorations to¬ 

According to thdr website, “Hiram 
Walker set out to brew the purest lager 
in Canada.. T and with this event they 
tried to prove it With all of Walker- 
viM brews on tap and on sale, it made 
an Oktoberfest for Windsor and Essex 
County to enjoy 

Walkerville beer was cheap and on tap all night at the Walkerville 
Brewery's Brats and Beers Oktoberfest event on Oct * 3. 

{Photo by // Caleb Workman] 


University Heroes Step Up 
and Out for Their Community 


News Editor 

Even the greatest of villains have poten¬ 
tial tobecome heroes and the University 
dents for a Day of Action. 

The Higher Education Reaching Out 
Project takes university students out for 
the day to become heroes for their com¬ 
munity by collecting non-perishable 
food forlocal food backs, Windsor gath¬ 
ered over 100 residence and communal 
students to try and make adi&rence for 
those in need 

Jacqueline Mdlish, residence life coor¬ 
dinator, said the project has been going 
on for many years helping to build a re¬ 
lationship between university students 
and the community, 

f %Ve think its important for students to 
have an opportunity to give back to the 
community that gives them so muchT 

said MeBish. "last year we collected 
16,000 pounds erf food and our goal is 
always to match or top that numbetf 

The day started with 10 a_m registration 
and students took the bus out to South 
Windsor where they were split into 
groups to coSect cans firm areas who 
received ftyen about their walkthrough 
prior to the day After die areas are fin¬ 
ished, the students received a compli¬ 
mentary lunch for their efforts, 

*We also go out to the iinmipfoyment 
centre, whkh b the hub of all the food 
banks, to show the students and teach 
them about what their efforts go to¬ 
wards,” said Mdlbh. "They unload ail 
tlie food there and they foam all the 
amazing things they do for people in 

Volunteer Kyle Stewart said he came out 
because he believes this is a good cause 
and gives him the chance to give bade 
for all he has received in life 

“My personal goal is to do my part to get 
everything we can that will hdpT said 
Stewart T really think this could make a 

difference in the community and l hope 

everyone realizes the potential from if their heroes to prove themsdves to their difference they can make with some- received and the leadership said theday 

The University of Windsor took aB of community and educate them on what thing like a can drive The message was wasasucoesa 

Students receive prepared bags . which were distributed throughout the community in the weeks prior to the 

Hero Day of Action event Oct 4, 

Established German Artists Speak 
to LeBel Students and Faculty 


Arts Editor 

Students, staff and fatuity at the School 
of Creative Arts were recently treated to 
a couple of guest artiste from across the 

Part of the SoCA Presents speaker se¬ 
ries, German artiste Fdke Kobberiing 
and Nib Ame Kassens spoke to both 
students and faculty at the LeBd build¬ 
ing Oct L Upon speaking of working 
within public and private spheres, the 
artiste made a pit stop at the School of 
Creative Arte before they began exten¬ 
sive work on their rollaborative project 
in Detroit 

1 know Fdke Kobberiing, and she totd 
me shewas gping to be in Detroit work¬ 
ing on a collaborative projeet and Sculp¬ 
ture X and so it was an opportunity to 
invite them hereto do an artist talk,” said 
SoCA technician Kiki Athanassiadis. 

Kobberiing is primariiy a visual artist 
who attends to incorporate urban 
architecture with community in¬ 

volvement, while Kassens houses his 
strengths within theoretical procedure 
and stage direction The duo came to¬ 
gether in hopes to paint a vivid picture 
of the motor dty from its significant 
declines to its apparent resuigenee, in 
which theyl also be working with stu¬ 
dents at Wayne State University. 

“We wanted to do a project in Detroit* 
and for Detroit and with the people in 
Detroit” Kassens said “On one hand, its 
a dty where possibilities shrink because 
people move away and shops dose and 
so on. Its a dty on die other hand thats 
having a lot of things going on right 

The key theme to their project is trans¬ 
portation wfthin Detroit, whether by 
bus, cab or transit line. The pair hopes to 
use this aspect to engage the communi¬ 
ty by using them to convey a story about 
those who reside in the dty and hew 
they find themsdves going from point 
A to B in their daily commune 

"Welgetin contact with the people who 
actually live there and get to know their 
stories, and how they fed oonnected to 

Students andfaculty at the School of Creative Arts listen to an artist talk Oct. 1 by Folke Kobberiing and 
Nils Ame Kassens who work together to paint a vivid picture of the motor city during a project in Detroit/ 

[Photo by//Han't Yassine) 

some qxoal places and the story be- ing together the students from there^ idled work on Oct 10. The university^ 

hind the place,” Kobberiing said. "Its not and seeing the dty with different eyes," research group In/Terminus will be 

only that we get to know the city. It's also ' hostingabustourOct 9, which will visit 

maybe about communication, bringing project will commence from Oct Kobberiing and Nils’ project as well as 

together the students from here, bring- 6 to 9, with a presentation of the fin- other Detroit galleries. 


Third Annual Marijuana March Celebrates 
Cannabis and Encourages Voter Turnout 

Participants embrace the Windsor Marijuana March and Cannabis Culture Fest which was held at City 

Hall Park Oct 3 . 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

drug to anybody within it However, the be nker, but ft just got worse as 

event was dampened quite literally by went,” said co-orgaxiizer Jon Pdadeaa 
the consistent downpour, wbidh caused “But ifs not bad, we still managed to 

have over a hundred people here.” 


Arts Editor 

There are varying reasons for why peo¬ 
ple smoke marijuana, be it a way to en¬ 
joy youraeft a way to take the edge oft 
or if youre like Katherine Meyers, it can 
evoke some creativity. 

1 smoke for my mafoif Meyers said 
“My major is interior architecture and I 
smoke because it hdps me get creative’ 1 

Over ar City Hall Fade, the third annual 
Marijuana March and Cannabis Cul¬ 
ture Pest cm Oct 3 served as a distinct 
focal effort where people are free to light 
in puhik and smoke to their hearfo con¬ 
tent The underlying objective however 
has always been to push for the legal¬ 
ization of the prohibited plant, and with 
the Canadian Federal Election drawing 
closer and closer, support lias become 
amplified as a result of it being nwte a 
political issue. 

‘Since the legalization is an election is¬ 
sue this year with each party taking a 
very distinctive stance with ft the idea 
is to kind of encourage voter turnout in 
ouryouthsas weft' said event organizer 
and Endless Heights owner Akx New¬ 

man. *1 find its very ally that a simple 
plant is iflegal when you consider all the 
other laws, and I find it to be such an 
odd political issue, and thats what really 
drives me to finsT 

Possession charges and penalties for 
marijuana have increased exponen¬ 
tially with the hdp of Stephen Harper's 
Conservative government According 
to a recent CBC report, marijuana pos¬ 
session is reported by police once every 
nine minute across the nation, with the 
severity of the penalties all depending 
on specific regions. If elected, the Lib¬ 
eral government, led by Justin Trudeau, 
pledges to legalize marijuana, further in¬ 
dining siipport^ to exercise their r^ht 
to vote* 

rt I think more than anything its a good 
sign that you have a federal leader tak¬ 
ing the risk of saying that, and opening 
up dial discussion; * 1 Newman said “Be¬ 
cause obviously prohibition has foiled 
thafo what the results are saying” 

Over 100 people attended the third 
annual festival. Similar to last year, the 
event hosted some focal musical andpo- 
etie talent, chi top of eniarrii^ the rules 
of staying in the park and not selling the 

event partiefoants to bust out umbrellas 

"We looked it up and it was supposed to 

The march commenced at 430 pm, 
mainly keeping to the same route as last 

year. Despite the rain, the spirit and re¬ 
solve of the participants remained until 
the end of the march. As to whether or 
not this attitude will carry over to the 
voting booth remains to be seen when 
thedection arrives Oct 19. 

Soup Event Heightens Entrepreneurial Awareness 

Patricia Fell of the Windsor Feminist Theatre pitches her proposal at the Windsor Soup Oct 4 , 

[Photo by// Hani Yassine} 


Arts Editor 

For local businesses, arguably one of foe 
hugest hurdles they tend to face is the 
ability to secure binding for additional 
resources and finding ways to collabo¬ 
rate with the community at forge. This is 
where an event like Windsor Soup aims 
to make those aspects dick together 

“This gives us a chance to talk together 
said Melissa Miner, program director 
of the Downtown Musk Initiative. Tm 
always looking for ways to odlaborafe 
with community and often it involves 
me going out and finding someone, but 
here were under one big space and hear 
what each other does.” 

Part of the Odette Commerce Society, 
Enactus hdd thdrWindsor Soup event 
atWalkervifie Brewery OctA Being one 
of the six primary projects the group 
hosts within the community rough¬ 
ly 100 people came to mix, mingfe and 
listen to focal entrepreneurs’ pitch why 
they may need and deserve additional 
funding to enhance thdr sa-vkes. 

“A couple businesses that have won in 
the past have been bdping youth, peo¬ 
ple who have been helping mental ill¬ 
ness* a fotofbusinesses who do that and 
need the moneyT said project manager 
Simrato Singh. 

Attendees pay $5 at the door and are 
welcome to have soup as they listen to 
the pitches from various entrepreneurs. 
The magk number of the night was 
four. Four focal businesses were eah 
given four minutes to pitch their pro¬ 
posals, followed by answering four out¬ 
standing questions which came from 
the audience, who also played as voters. 
Tire one with the most votes wins all the 
money made at the door, which is then 
doubled by the P and L Odette Charita¬ 
ble Foundation. Among the businesses 
participating were the Downtown Mu¬ 
sk Initiative and the Windsor Feminist 
Theatre, who aimed to commission a 
play based on missing and murdered 
indigenous women. 

“When you look at U81 aboriginal 
women that are murdered and missirg 
over the course of the past 20 years or sq 
you carit deny that we really need to pay 
attention to this issue nowf said Patri¬ 
cia Fell, artistic director of the Windsor 
Feminist Theatre. “Already fve spoken 
with those who didn't know anything 
about this, and now they da” 

The organization taBying up the most 
votes were the last to present The 
Windsor Soup Mkrogrant prize was 
awarded to Enviiodrone^ which essen¬ 
tially is a commercial drone able to per- 
form a variety of services from survey¬ 

ing land sites to protecting wMifo The 
money earned will be directed towards 
foe effort in conserving the spedes of 
sea turtles. 

The event is prone to sound response, 
partly due to Enactus Windsor's dear- 

cut objective in bringing the commu¬ 
nity together and helping the dty grow 
towards greater lengths Singh feds 
some focal businesses simply do not get 
enough recognition, and hopes an event 
such as this one gives them a real plat¬ 
form to stand on. 

“This event isrft reaDy common to 
Wmdsor Windsor is a very small com* 
munity kind of a little afraid of ttoangeT 
Singh said “What we want in our com¬ 
munity is to see entrepreneurial action 
and entrepreneurshfo as a viable career 


Windsor West Candidates Have Open 
Debate for U of W Students 


News Editor 

MP candidates from the Windsor West 
region came to the University of Wind¬ 
sor fer a student 

The Oct 5 debate featured student 
submitted questions and topics written 
before the event, as wdl as some written 
during the event for the second half of 
the debate. The parties represented at 
the debate were the Conservatives with 
Henry Lau, the Liberals with Dave Sun- 
din* foeNDF with Brian Masse and the 
MamsL Leninists with Margaret Villa- 

The first half of the debate had six ques¬ 
tions including issues about healthcare* 
employment and cross-border relations 

but the question with the most student 

response was those of foiition concerns. 

Party candidates from Windsor West came to the University of Windsor for a debate. 

From left ; Henry Lau (Conservatives), Dave Stmditt (Liberals), Brian Masse (NDPh Margaret Villamizer (Marxist-Leninist) 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

The quest™ was what each party 
would do about tuition fees and interest, 
and how they would change it for stu¬ 
dents if elected ire 

First to answer was re-elect candidate 
Masse who said he was proud of the 
work hes done to eliminate the interest 
on student bans. 

"There should not be a single cent of 
interest on student bans,” said Masse: 
"We will move to din unate that because 
it is a in terms of your skill set you 
get out of the university [they are] an in¬ 
vestment into our community and why 
should the banks be making money off 
your back like they made off minewhen 

I paid off my $17*000 which is nothing 
compared to what you have now!’ 

The crowd responded with very ada¬ 
mant dapping and Masse went on to 
say he will work on eliminating ATM 
and credit card fees which he feels area 
scamwhen that money could be used to 
be put bade into our economy 

Next to answer was Villamizer who said 
education from primary to postsecond- 
ary is a right and must be given aconsti¬ 
tutional guarantee 

h cannot be done to make the rich 
richer and the poor poorer as it is done 

todayf said Villamizer* in terms of the 
education system To modernize soci¬ 
ety the aim coeducation must be to give 
rise to the kind of creativity that human 
kind requires." 

Lan answered the question next by 
talking about his three daughters - two 
which are going through school and 
one of them who has graduated 

Lau saH ifhe is elected he wiD be the first 
one to advocate for alfoiriabffity in toe 
post-secondary journey 

He also said the system of education is 
a very good one according to his party 

and not too much interference could be 
bad He said the main concern should 
be creating more jobs in Windsor to 
hdp students pay off their debts. 

Last to have a word was Sundin who 
said the issue was very near to him be¬ 
cause he recently graduated and has a lot 
of debt to pay offhimsdf 

M 16 not toe banks profiting in many 
cases its the Canadian government 
profiting from the backs of Canadian 
students and &a& wrong* said Sundin. 
Tf we're looking at the M potential of 
Canadian society theres a role to play of 

citizens moving forward” 

Sundin said he believes the Liberal gov- 
anment hasa great plan to lower tuition 
costs and to make it easier for middle 
and lower Hass fa milies to send their 
children to university and college. 

He brought up the announcement the 
Liberals had made that day that full time 
students will receive $3,000 in grant 

AH parties answered more questions 
following a break and mingled with the 
students one-on-one. 

Federal elections will be held on Oct 19. 



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Arts Editor 

curved, sleek and h^hty nKxianjzed 
in its design* with no comers and mul¬ 
tiple route of access tor students and 
faculty alike. 

This is the Welcome Centre, the first 
step of the unwersitys so-called mas¬ 
ter plan in revamping the campus and 
expanding its influence. The building 
opened during the start of the semesto; 
but it didn't have its grand opening until 
Oct 2. It was then where many faculty, 
alumni and putdie figures gathered, 
from UWmdsor President Alan Wilde- 
man to Mayor Drew Dilkens. With a 
360-degree vkv % which oversees the 
campus, on top of housing numerous 
administrative efforts, the architectural 
marvel is set to be the UWmdsor gate¬ 

“When we invite people to come vis¬ 
it the University of Windsor, if they 
come with their parents, this is the first 
place we want than to comeT President 
Wikieman said 

Some of the services within the Wel¬ 
come Centre indude Student Admis¬ 
sions and Reauftmeii!, Alumni and 
Donor Records as wdl as Public Affairs 
and Cbmmuntoafiori It can also serve 
as a place where students can hold 
events, or even see it as a quiet work¬ 
place. The buiidirg is decorated with 
art and university gear, courtesy of the 
Campus Itookstore. Above all how¬ 
ever, the campus culture and history is 
embedded within due to the hdpofthe 
heritage wall exclusive to the building. 
As the university finds itself increasing 

ment projects occurrir^ throughout the 
dty, die Welcome Centre aims to keep 
filings as unified aspossible. 

‘The Welcome Centre m part of file 
ov erall Uandbrniation of the University 
of Windsor. We see what's happening 
downtown, we see whats happening 
on campus,” Mayor Dilkms said "‘Cer¬ 
tainly having one full component where 
people can to be welcome at the uni¬ 
versity to register, haw a home for fund¬ 
raising and community in one place I 
think makes a lot of sense." 

On top of the grand opening, the cen¬ 
tre also unveiled its official name As a 
result of a $2 million donation towards 
the university the building has been 
promptly tilled the Stephen and Vida 
Adams Welcome Centre Both Stephen 
and Vkki Adams grew up in Windsor 
and iiave a lengthy association within 
the university which essentially inclined 
them to make the donatioa Having 
graduated from the university with 
both a bachelors and masters degree in 
political science back in 1969 and 1970, 
Stephen Adams deeply credits the uni¬ 
versity for the pivotal moments in his 

younger years. 

'The university rtsdf welcomed Vida 
and I into its community’ and provid¬ 
ed an environment and culture that 
allowed us to be developed into more 
productive and confident bnlmduakr 
Adams said 

As to how students are currently re¬ 
sponding to the building remains to be 
seen, but the visual appeal and symbolic 
nature leads to hope the Welcome Cen¬ 
tre will be just as advertised and carry a 
welcoming atmosphere. 

in scope with the numerous develop¬ 



fn+* “•< - J. .‘V, i Sm ' i ..Mh^ll 

WHt MWWfa tu 

'fcn aiiucitof A A^neroar. w4« 

vCmdscrt .©wtintfl. 

mj |jii aaiB; 


Stephen Adams * whom the Welcome Centre is named after along with his wife Vicki Adams as thanks for 
their significant donation to the construction of the budding, speaks at the grand opening Oct. 2, 

lPhoto by // Hani Yassine] 

The University of Windsor's Welcome Centre had its grand opening Oct 2 * announcing the official title for 
the building to be The Stephen and Vie&i Adatns Welcome Centre* 

[Photo by //Hani Yassine] 

Mayor Drew Dilkens speaks at the grand opening of the Stephen and Vicki Adams Welcome Centre Oct 2 , 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 



Arts Editor 

With October marking National Breast 
Cancer Awareness month, an over¬ 
whelming amount of pink has taken 
overWindsors waterfront 

The QBC Run tor the One oc¬ 
curred Oct 4 in more than 60 regions 
across the country. Establishing itself al¬ 
most as a tradition, this is the !9thyear 
of the Windsor run at the ftiverfront 
Festival Plaza. While the fundraising, 
support and overall awareness of the 
disease grows stronger, the objective 
has always remained the same, elimi¬ 
nate breast cancer, which according to 
the Canadian Cancer Society's website 
b “the most common cancer among 
Canadian women [excluding non-mel¬ 
anoma skin cancers]. It is the second 
leading cause of death from cancer in 
Canadian women. Breast canoer can 
also occur in men, but it is not com¬ 

'Cancer seems like a pretty scary, life 
taking thing” sad participant Matthew 
Hart, “ft kills a lot of people and makes 
a lot of people hurt on the inside, and it 
can cause a lot of mourning and it can 
cause a tot of pain” 

Over LOGO people participated in this 
years event Whether it was the 5K 
run or the 1K walk, spirits were high as 
support was shown towards those diag¬ 
nosed with breast cancer, who also took 
part in the run. 

Tts great to see afl the survivors and all 
die support,” said MklieUe Voth, who 

was initially diagnosed in January 2010, 
but has since been cancer free. al¬ 
ways encouraging... knowing that we’re 
still pursuing new medicines and work- 
ing towards a cure.” 

According to volunteer run director 
Shayia Barirer-Klaok^ this years fund- 
raising is on pace to surpass the years 
prior. Last year garnered $175,000 in 
fundraising throughout October. This 
year raised $ 145,000afone from die run, 
and with more donations en route for 
the remainder of the month, a succes¬ 
sion is looking to be imminent All pro¬ 
ceeds go towards the Canadian Breast 
Cancer Foundation, which is actively 
looking for a cure on top of enhancing 
treatment for those whbve been diag- 
raised with breast cancer. 

“We have a few less participants, but 
were actually on pace to raise more than 
what weve done, so that just means that 
the people that have come bade wmked 
harder to raise more funds than in the 
past which is amazing to seeT Kbczko 
said 'Weve seen a huge decrease in 
mortality rates, so that just teOs us with 

Participants begin the tK walk at the Windsor Hun far the Cure event Out, 4, 
(Photo by // tiani Yauinef 

malting in the technology and such, are 
aDowing women to be detected sooner” 

With the fundraising hitting stride and 
contributing towards further medi¬ 
cal treatment, the run saved as a true 
community event as those who came 
out showed emotional support for one 
another. While a cure has yet to arrive, 
theres every reason to believe those who 

With the breast cancer survivor* in front, participant* pot* for a photo at the Windsor Hun for a Cure 
M event at the Riverfront Festival Plaza Oct\ 4 . 

participated will keep coming back until J^SSSSS 

they enter a lulure without breast cancer. ... 

Numerous survivors of breast cancer take the stage to be commemorated at the Riverfront Festival Plaza 

Oct. 4. 

IPhoto by II Hani Yassinej 


Women’s Soccer Suffers 
Sixth Single-Goal Loss 

Windsor Lancer Jaclyn Farad challenges an Algoma defender during early season OUA soccer action at 
Alumni Field l This past weekend the Lancers surrendered a tiebreaking goal in the 87th minute in a 2-1 loss 

to the McMaster Marauders at home Oct , X 
[Photo by ft Kevin far raid j 

X>ur first game of the season was 


Sports Editor 

ft would prove to be another afternoon 
of frustration for the Lancer womerfc 
soccer team against the McMaster Ma¬ 
rauders this weekend at Alumni Fidd 

Windsor allowed a tie-breakup goal 
to McMasters Jessie Baber in the 87th 
minute and dropped a 2-1 derision to 
the Marauders failing to seventh place 
now in the OUA West division with a 
4-7 record 

Lancers director of soccer operations 
Steve Hart said it was disappointing to 
see the women M by one goal onoe 
again because they work so hard but 
added hed like to see more out of his 
veterans as the season oomesto a dose 

"We settled on the right formation but 
now we have to settle on getting the 
right people in the right seatsT said Hart 
‘The rookies are doing weB but some 
of the veterans need to figore out whafs 
going on and start leading a bit better” 

Fitst-year player Paiten Stephens said 
the teams six losses by one goal on the 
season are frustrating but il shows them 
they dearly haven't gotten to where they 

*We all want to win really bad but we 
always lose by oneT said Stephens, TVe 
have definitely improved, especially in 
our training, weve become more in¬ 
tense in our training but now I think 
we need to work even harder ft is like a 
sliver; we are so dose to beating almost 
every team in this league” 

In the first half both teams looked slug¬ 

gish and were unable to produce many 
quality passes in succession McMaster 
had one solid diance for a goal kte in 
the first half Mien Maris Bremner, was 
one-on-one with Lancers goalie Krystin 
Lawrence but was only able to push the 
shot wide 

After heading into halftime scoreless* * 
McMaster would open the scoring just 
31 seconds into the second half Faber 
took a shot that was deflected by Law¬ 
rence but the ball landed atTaylor Lam¬ 
berts feet who thmshm the into 

back of the net Windsor would have to 
wait nearly 30 minutes for an equalizing 
goaf which came off a free kick from 
Beeca Fuerth and Stephens would head 
file ball and redirect it into the back of 
the net to tie the gamei 

As the game entered in final minutes of 
regulation, both teams amped up the 
pressure, pushing for the winning goal 
In foe 87th minute, a shot from inside 
the 18-yard box by Marauders Baba- got 
through Windsor defense and into the 
back of the net to put toe Marauders on 
top for good 

As the final whistle of the match blew, 
Windsor succumbed to forir sixth loss 
of the 2015-16 season by a mere one 

Stephens bdfeves teamchemistry is not 
the issue with the womera soccer team 
as the veterans have been quick to help 
rookies learn the rope^ 

“We all get along and play wdl together, 
our veterans hdp us out a .lot tooT said 
Stephens. “But if we need to be put in 
place, we are put into place by our vets 

and they lead the team.” 

Heading into a weekend set against the 
Guelph Gryphons and Brock Badgers 
at Alumni Field, Stephens said it is a 
chance for Windsor to redeem them¬ 
selves for two early losses to the OUA 
West division foes. 

OUA games? said Stephens, “We are a 
completdydifienmltearrL We have im¬ 
proved so much and I dorit think the 
rest of toe league knows what is coming 
because they haven’t seal us hit our po¬ 

tential yet” 

Windsor home matches over toe up¬ 
coming weekend will yield very little rest 
between for the Lancers, as theywiB bat- 
tfe against Gudph Oct 9 at 6 pm while 
their match toe next day against Brock 
kicks off at 1pm 

Play Review: Hair 


Lance Contributor 

A rich and exuberant voice of a “trix? 
tries to find meaning of life in die time 
of wan 

The Kbrdaaone theatre was filled with 
unparalleled energy and a colour¬ 
ful ambience on a cold Oct 3 night 
TLABR: The MuskaT was a toowstop- 
per aft foe way to the erxLSrt during toe 
1960s hippie culture and sexual revolu¬ 
tion when toe Vietnam War was at full 
swing, the drama centers on toe lives of 
Gaude, his friend Berger, their room¬ 
mate Sheik and their friends living in 

New York City Becauseof toe pressures 
of his family to join the army and serve 
a conservative America, Qaude has to 
choose between his friends or go off to 
war and fight in the trendies, thus sac¬ 
rificing his patifistic ideologies in thae- 
process. These bunch of people protest 
war and sing in unison the power ofkwe 
and peace and exemplifying their voice 
by rebdling a gain st their families and 
the society. 

Spanning across two acts, the play man¬ 
ages to engross the audience through 
foot tapping musicals like * Aquarius," 
“I Believe in LoveT “Electric Blues 1 ’ and 

more All the characters are wdl enacted 
by the actors, whether it be the remorse 
of Claude when he has to walk the thin 
line between friendship and honor, or 
the sensations of the tribe when they 
vent out their aspirations regarding liv¬ 
ing inaworld bereft of violence and suf¬ 
fering, all the while tryir^ to find them- 
sdves and expiring thdr sexuality 

The energy of the actors is intense and 
you can fed it pass through toe audi¬ 
ence, Every character gets their screen 
time, which helps in adding a depth to 
their psyche and impart to the audience 
their motives. The serif* is concise and 

wdl laid out allows the actors do a com¬ 
mendable job of pulling the spectators 
into the mind of the characters, The 
lighting, the stage, the hippie costume 
designs and most importantly the mu¬ 
sk provideatexiure to foe play Both the 
actors and their costumes compliment 
each other and not one dement over¬ 
powers the other Juggling between mu¬ 
sic and dialogues, toe slogans of protests 
filled theair with anger, excitement and 

happiness, tweaking free from the dog¬ 
mas of a conventional society 

Theatre gives the audience toe capacity 
to be immersed in the drama, which is 
an experience of its own unlike watdi- 
ing a movie This is only posable when 
all filings am tied together efficiently 
'HAIR: The MnstcaT does just that ft 
is crazy it is wild, and it is extravagant 
at best 


Spitfires Blowout Spirit, Drop 

Rival Knights In OT 

Windsor Spitfire Christian Fischer brings the puck up ice against the Saginaw Spirit at the WFCU Centre Oct J. Seven different scorers ted the 

Spitfires to a 7-1 victory over the Spirit 
[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

Vilaidi scored his second goal of the 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires defeated a pair 
of West division rivals this past week 
and continue to play at a high levd early 
in the 2015-16 OHL regular season. 

Logan Browrte breakaway goal 17 sec¬ 
onds into overtime made the Spitfires 
a winner over the London Knights in a 
6-5 thriller at Budwdser Gardens Oct 2, 
after Windsor trounced thevisiting Sag¬ 
inaw Spirit 7-1 in front of 5*500 fens at 
theWFCU Centre the night prior 

Against file Spirit, Michael DiPsetro 
stopped 28 shots and Windsor saw sev ¬ 
en different players hit the score sheet 
in a 7-1 blowout of the stateside visitors 
from Saginaw; ML Spitfires head coach 
Rocky Ttiompson said it was fen game 
to watch his players work for a faB 60 

Tm happy for the fens here, it was a 
fun night* said Thompson TXtr guys 
played extremely hand from the first 
feoeoffon We had to kill a tot of penal¬ 
ties but DiPktra was outstanding again 
when we needed him Saginaw could 
liavt closed the gap on us but he stood 
tal weathered the storm and allowed 
us to get bade on board and hit some of 
our shots as the game progressed which 
allowed us to put the game out of reach.” 

Spitfires rookie Gabriel Vikrdi scored 
the first goal of his OHL career just 22 1 
into the first period on a breakaway 
beating Spirit goalie Evan Cormkron a 

Cristiano DiGiacinto was given a gift 
later in the first when Saginaw’s clearing 
attempt ricocheted off the end glass and 
floated out in front of the net which he 
promptly smacked out of the air for his 
first goal of 2015-16. Jesse Harwell of the 
Spirit scored eady in the second period 
to cutWindsor^ kad in halfbut the Spit- 
fins would grt gods fkmli^ 
Anthony Stefeno, Bradley Latour, Aar¬ 
on Luchuk and Jalai Chatfiekl to win 

Vilaidi said scoring seven goals was not 
exactly in Windsors game plan but its 
hard for the team net to sane with four 

strong forward lines, 

"We all have different roles on our team 
and we all accept those roles and that is 
huger said Vilardi ‘‘Not just on the ice 
l^mthedressing room, but it all comes 

The noU night, it was the first of eight 
regular season contests between the 
Knights and Spitfires this year and the 
two rival dubs did not disappoint Vilar¬ 
di opened the scoring just 5:41 into the 
first period when Hayden McCool hit 
the rookie with a pass as he art to the slot 
and deflected the puck past K3n^ goal- 
tender Tyier Parsons. London would re 
spond less than a minute later to tie the 
game at one, but McCod would score 
the first of three Spitfires pbyerpfey 
goals in the game from a rebound on 
Bruwm low diot After the first period 
Windsor led 2-1 until five minutes into 
the second when ihe Knights would get 
a powerplay goal from captain Mitch 
Mamer to the tie the game again. 

game when he played gjve-and^o with 
Aaron Luchuk and snapped a shot over 
the shoulder of Parsons on another 
powerplay to give Windsor a 3-2 lead 
Chatfield would push that toad to two 
goals soon after as lie blasted a slapshot 
from inside the feceoff aide through 
Parsons* making the scare 4-2 headed 
into the third 

Ihe Knights would rally to the tie file 
game when Christian Dvorak and 
Aaron Berisha scared three minutes 
apart midway through the thini period, 
meanwhile* Windsor would get another 
powerp^ opportunity when Londoife 
Max Jones took a stashing penaky and 
scored when Mikhail Sergache/s wrist 
shot found ife way through a McCod 
screen and past Parsons With S3 sec¬ 
onds left in regulation* London Knights 
goaktender was pulled for an extra at¬ 
tacker allowing Berisha to score and 
forcing overtime. 

Three-on-three overtime would prove 
to be quick and painless however as 
Brown poked die puck past a London 
defender; sped down the ice and beat 
Parsons on the backhand to put the 
game to bed just 17 seconds into the 
extra frame and earn Windsor a 6-5 vic¬ 
tory in front of over 9,000 fens. 

Windsors Dan Beaudoin registered lus 
first career OHL assist against London 
and said it fek good to win in such a 
tough environment such as Budwdser 

“They have a great fen base and thdr 
powerplay was lethal," said Beaudoin. 
Tfe hard for us to take eight penalties 
and try to keep it dose or at toast beep 
our toad It was a huge character win, we 
didn’t stop fighting, we didn't quit and 
fiiat is what you need early in the season 
because that will hdp cany you." 

Thomson said the Spitfires had a great 
week of practice coming into the week¬ 
end and he had controlled optimism 

leading up puck drop. 

“Our guys really' ramped it up in our 
three practices, as the week progressed 
our systems started to tighten upr said 
Thomson “We were able to implement 
our systeim right away and it translated 
onto the ice which was nice" 

Brown added two assists along wfth hfe 
overtime winner for a team-high three 
points while Spitfires gualtender Mi- 
chad Giugovaz stopped 37 shots in Ms 
first start against life former team Giu- 
govaz, 20, was acquired by Spitfires gen¬ 
eral manager Warren Rydid from the 
Knights on Sept 22 for a seventh-round 
draft pick in 2017. 

The Spitfires are now 3-0-1 on the year 
and sit one point behind (he Sauk Sto 
Marie Greyhounds in the OHI& West 
division Next to battle the Spitfires are 
the Peterborough Pries who are cur¬ 
rently 2-0-2 and make thdr fone ap¬ 
pearance at the WFCU Centoe Oct 8 
with a 705 pm puck drop, 


Men’s Hockey Ends Preseason 
With Penn State Road Trip 

Windsor Lancer Dylan Denomme puts a shot on goal against the Laurier Golden Hawks in QUA presea¬ 
son action at South Windsor arena Sept . SO, The Lancers open regular season action this week, hosting the 
Guelph Gryphons Oct 7 and Waterloo Warriors Oct, 10. Puck drop for both games is schedule for 7:30 p.m, 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

fleeting in the first of his two goals on 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer men® hockey 
team packed their hags and headed to 
Efemisyivania this weekend for a pre¬ 
season contest with file NCAA Big Ten 
conference program 

Head coach Kevin Hamlin and the 
mens team took part in “The Interna¬ 
tional Game 1 against the Penn State 
Nittany Parks in University Park, PA 
Oct. 4, After storming out and taking 
a 2-0 lead midway through the second 
period, the Mttany lions sooted five un¬ 
answered goals, firing 57 total shoes on 
Windsors god, 42 erf'which came in the 
last two periods. 

Hamlin said going to Penn State and 
balding an NCAA Big Ten team is all 
part of the process otlxiildingthe Lanc¬ 
ers hockey program to be when? it wants 
lobe in the future. 

“lis never about whai our program is 

today id about down the road," said 
Hamlin "ft was exciting, we went to the 
football game the day before and it was 
a peal team builder for the guys and it 
was nice to get away on a bus trip, ft was 
a real good experience for our players” 

Windsor stalled the Penn State offense 
early and took full advantage on a pair of 
chances to take a two-goal lead. Dyke 
Denomme diced through the P5U de¬ 

fense on a short-handed opportunity 
and wristed a shot past goaltender Matt 
Skoff for the games opening goal just 
8:40 into the contest 

In the second period it was again De- 
nomme who kick-started the offence by 
winning a blue line feoeoff and Kenny 
Bradford took the loose puck and fired 
it past Skofiffoum the right aide tor a 2-0 
lead six minutes into the frame 

From there however, ft was all Penn 

Curtis Loik took a loose puck at his own 
blue line, raced through the Windsor 
defense and backhanded a shot past 
first year goaltender Richard Blake 
into the top sbdf to cut the deficit in 
half with 8:25 kft in the period At that 
point, Hamlin pulled Blake in favour for 
fourth year goalie Mkhad Doan but the 
Nittany lions would not yield 

David Goodwin pulled Penn State even 
scoring a audal goal with just 8,6 sec¬ 
onds reniaining in the second period 
Vince Ptedrie fined on net and Goodwin 
tapped it home as the two teams went 
into the second intermission knotted at 
two apiece 

The third period belonged to the Nftta- 
ny Lions who outshot the Lancers 57-23 
for the game and 42-15 in the last two 

Glen produced the game-winner, de- 

a shot from Connor Variey just four 
rrtimftes into the period Glen later dou- 

Ptedriek shot from the point with 629 
remaining to cement the game Tommy 
Olczyk put his stamp on the game by 
intercepting a Lancer pass in the neutral 
zone and firir^ in to an empty net for the 
short-handed goal only 51 seconds shy 
of th e final hom. 

Pienn State goaftender SkofF had nine 
saves in 2920, while Eamon McAdam 

had 12 saves in his 30:40, Both Penn 
State and Windsor were unsuccessful 
in their power pky conversions finish- 

Doan finished the games with 22 and 
29 saves respectively foe the Windsor 
net minders. 

Lancers goaitending coach Ferry Wil¬ 
son said both Windsor keepers are very 
aimpetitive and they arc in good stand¬ 
ing in the crease this seasoa Wilson 
believes the biggest thb^s the team got 
out eft' the game was an increased spirit 

of competition to see what the nod level 
is like. 

"With our guys they were showing that 
they can play very weC said Wilson. 
"They're both different types of goalies 
so it's fun and exciting at the same tune,” 

The Lancers will now host the Guelph 
Gryphons in the OUA regular season 
opening j^me at South Windsor arena 
Oct 7, Three days kier, the Waterloo 
Warriors visit Windsor for a date with 
the Lancers Oct 10 wifii puck-drop for 
both games scheduled for 730 pm 

Hed his goal output when he tipped trig 0-6 and 0-4 respectively Blake and 

Videogame Review: Journey 


Lance Contributor 








Originally released hack in 2012* “Jour- 
neyf an indie video game, was recently 
launched for the Fkystafion 4, upgrad¬ 
ed with all the bdk and whistles you 
would come to expect foam a next-gen 
remaster During its initial release it won 
all the accolades for its compelling visual 
style and narration and this time around 

it does just that but with sharper visuals 
and upgraded textures, ft is even more 
stunning than before In this age of vid¬ 
eogames where titles like Tall of Duty! “ 
"Destiny” and ‘Grand Theft Auto” 
dominate the market Journey' lias man¬ 
aged to create a niche of its owa ft pro- 
yokes a sense of philosophy of our own 
progression towards our final goaL 

You play as a mysterious robed figure 
stranded in the vast expanses of a des¬ 
ert, with a mountain homing on the 
horizon, whkh is your ultimate desti¬ 
nation. A scarf trails behind you and 
your ability to jump and soar is limited 
by its length. As the game progresses 
your scarf grows and so does your skill 
to glide further You journey through 

snowy mountains engulfed in strong 
winds, deserts that shine like gold 
bathed in the warm rays of die sun and 
dark passageways strewn with rem¬ 
nants of an old dvilizatioa While you 
are progressing through such diverse lo¬ 
cales, you come across things like magi¬ 
cal runes, pieces of doth and flock of rib 
bons that provide energy' to your scarf 
in order to soar. En route to the moun- 
taintop we face monsters guarding the 
ancient edifices and they cm damage 
your scarf if approached, and the harsh 
windy mountain terrain also steals your 
ability to jump. Also as you progress you 
come across another silent robed figure 
like yourself who can either accompany 
you on your travels or do its own thing 

in the world That companion is actual¬ 
ly someone else playing online and can 
join you as structured by the game. All 
these game play dements are cohesively 
constnicted together to give an immer¬ 
sive experience to the player 

Since there is a lack of dialogue and vio¬ 
lence in file game, the subtle orchestral 
score in the background ami file ambi¬ 
ent sounds of the world manages to en¬ 
hance the narrative aspects of the game 
The control scheme does not have a 
steep learning curve and can be gasped 
quickly because of its simplistic nature. 

Ibis mechanical component is quickly 
explained as you start oft 

“Journey” is a story driven experience. 
Words cannot even describe how artis¬ 
tically stimulating it is. Without fire in- 
dusion of violence, it manages to pull all 
the heartstrings and is embedded with 
pliilosopliical connotations as per the 
perceptions of the player, ft is an emo¬ 
tional ride that will be talked about for 
years to come and delving back into ifi> 
world time and time again will come as 
no surprise for those who experience ft 


Lancers Road Recap - Men’s Basketball, 
Cross Country and Volleyball 


Sports Editor 

Mens Basketball 

Head coach Ryan Steer and the mens 
basketball team continued their presea¬ 
son over one month after last compet¬ 
ing against the University of Indiaiiap- 
olis Greyhounds in the OUA/NCAA 
TipofF Classic in a pair of games at the 
St Denis Centre Aug. JSaiid 20. 

This past week die Panshawe Falcons 
irom London met the Lancets in Cha¬ 
tham for a neutral site exhibition game 
as the)* begin anodier season in the 
OCAA. ft was a good opportunity for 
each of Windsor eight first-year players 
to get playing time under their belts as 
the group looks forward in an always 
tough schedule playing in the OUA 
West division. 

The Lancers trounced the Falcons 96^64 
and will next host the Lantern Lions 
from Samk followed by competing in a 
pair of tournaments before opening up 
OUA regular season contests against the 
Laurier Golden Hawks at the St Denis 
Centre Nov 4 

At the Graham Shootout tournament in 
Saskatoon, SfC Windsor will battle the 

Regina Cougar, Saskatchewan Huskies 
and Concordia Stingers on consecutive 
nights between Oct IS and 17, The 
following week, the men will once ajpio 
hit the road for a date in St Catharines 
at foe RBC Brock Classic where they 
will foce foe Lakehead Thunderwclves, 
UQAM Citandins and host Brock Bad¬ 
gers to end the tournament Oct 25. 


One week after winning two gold med¬ 
als at foe Western Imtiatiord, head 
coach Gary MaGoy and the Windsor 
lancers cross country team travelled to 
Wtterioo to compete in the Don Mills 

The womens side ran a six-kifometro 
course and Windsors Stefente Smith 
continued where foe left off from her 
gold medal performance at Western 
with a silver medal finish* just six sec¬ 
onds behind Laurentiaris Katie Winner, 
completing foe course in 2133 with a 
pace of 335 per kilometre out of 96 in¬ 
dividual runners* Eight other women 
raced for foe lancers, with Alison Rob¬ 
inson finishing !7fo in a time of 2330, 
Chdsea Visdii was the teams next high¬ 
est finisher, placing 29th in 2433. Over¬ 
all, the Windsor women finifoed fourth 
out of ten teams with 116 total points. 

On the mem lO-Satometre course, 
Windsor^ Ntek Falk crossed the finish 
line first overall with a time of 3227 or 
just 3:15 per kilometre rm 

14 other runners would cross foe finish 
line for the Lancers as they took home 
foe meets overall team title with 55 
points, three paints less than foe host 
Waterloo Warriors, Out of 121 individ¬ 
ual finifoet^ Windsor runner made up 
10 per cent of'the field Jordan Coflbon, 
Janikowski and Corey Bellemore 
finifoed foe course at the same time 
and finished in succession from !3fo 
to 15th Other 1 irncers scores induded 
Matt Hall and Andrew Nebd 

Windsor will now travel to the suite of 
Washington over Ihankaghing week¬ 
end to compete in the Viking Invita¬ 
tional hosted by Western Washington 
University. The following week foe 
Lancers cross country program will 
host theWindsor Open at Malden Park 
in foe final OUA qualifying meet before 
the conference dwnptonfoips back in 
Waterloo OcL 3L 

Women’s and Men's Volleyball 

The Lancers voOeybaft program went 
on the road for a pair of preseason tour¬ 
naments in the provincial and national 
capital this past weekend 

The womeris team led by head coach 
and director of volleyball operations 
Lucas Hodgson went up to Ottawa and 
competed against the host Gee-Gees, 
Sherbrooke Vert et Oi; St Maryi Hus¬ 
kies and Memorial Seahawks. Wind¬ 
sor lost (T2 to the Gee-Gees to open 
the tournament with scores of 21-25 
and 15-25. Shortly after, foe Seahawks 
showed Windsor no mercy, defeating 
them in two sets, scores yielding 22-25 
and 17-25 scores. 

The next morning, the Lancers dropped 
their final match of pool play in a pair 
of tightly contested sets to Sherbrooke^ 
falling by scores of 21-25 and 19-25, In 
foe tournaments consolation semifinal 
later that day, Windsor would defeat the 
Huskies in a three-set sweep advancing 
foe Lancers to the consolation finals 
where they would ultimately M to Me¬ 
morial once ag^im This time the Lanc¬ 
ers ^would hang tough but unable to take 
a lead late in the match, frilling in scores 
of 18-25,23-25 and 24-26, finishing the 
tournament sixth out of eight teams. 

The mem team took part in foe Hum¬ 
ber Cup tournament and battled Saint 
Jerome, foe York Lions and Humber 
Hawks of foe OCAA in pool play 
Windsor was forced to a fifth set aj^iinst 
the Geanfcs of Saint Jerome but ultimate¬ 

ly won the fifth and deciding set and 
foe matoh 3-2. The next day the Lanc¬ 
ers took on the Lions in rematch of the 
2014-15 OUA bronze medal match. 
York would win the march in straight 
sets and Windsor kicked to rebound 
against foe host Hawks. 

After two closely contested set* were 
won by foe Lancers, die Hawks de¬ 
fense folded as Windsor dosed out foe 
march with a 25-14 victory The win set 
up a match with the Western Mustangs 
where both teams battled throughout 
an entertaining matdi but the Mustangs 
would eventually advance to foe tourna¬ 
ments gold medal game after a four-set 

Windsor played foe Toronto Varsity 
Blues for third place that afternoon and 
split the opening two sets but would 
subsequently fell to the Blues, putting an 
end to the varsityvolleybaD preseason. 

The men will now waft until OcL 23 
for their regular season opener on the 
road against foe [ions af Tail Macken¬ 
zie Gym and then tiavdling to battle the 
Npssing Lakers the next day in North 
Bay: Tire men open thehome portion of 
their schedule Nov 11 against the Alus- 
tangs at foe SL Denis Centre. First serve 
is scheduled for 7 pm 

Charts by Murad Erzinclioglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 FM 

More Into? & 

Indicates Canadian Artist 

1 VARIOUS * Daptone Gold II (Daptone) 
[ 3 STEPH COPELAND* - Publi^ani^Sel^d^^O 

4 GOODNIGHT, SUNRISE* * Deal With it (Sdf-Re eased) 

I 5 MAC DEMARCO* - Another One {Captured Tracks) 

6 TAME JMPALA - Currents {InterseopeJ 

I 7 TEEN DAZE* - Morning World (Paper Bag) 

H MAUNO* - Rough Master (Self-Released) 

I 9 COEUR DE PIRATE* - Roses (Dare To Care) 

10 T1A MCGRAFF* - Craw Beautiful (Bandana) 

11 FAKE TEARS* - Nightshiiting (Mint) 

12 A RIAN E MOEFATT* - 12\i22 (Simone) 

13 BEACH HOUSE - Depression Cherry (Sub Pop) 

14 MIDDLE SISTER' - Cries OfThc Wild (Self-Released) 

15 TARA KANNANGARA* - Some Version Of The Truth (Self-Released) 

In METRIC’ ■ Pagans in Vegas (Ullivei '.sal) 

17 NO MUSEUMS* - The Malcontents (Self-Released) 

18 ONLY A VISITOR* Temporary Tower (Self- Released) 

19 BORN RUFFIANS* - Ruff (Paper Bag) 

20 TELSTAR DRUGS’ - Sonatiw (Egg Paper Factory) 

21 THE HELLBOUND HEPCATS* - TUm Me Inside Out (Stomp) 

>2 ARTHUR COME AU - Prospare (P572) 

23 ELECTROHOME* - The Dreams That StuftTs Made Of (Self-Released) 

24 PARALLELS’ - Civilization EP (MAPL) 

25 DESTROYER* - Poison Season (Merge) 

26 GREY LANDS* - Right Ann (Paper Bag) 

27 SHE SERPENT* - She Serpent (Self-Released) 

28 LA L.UZ - Weirdo Shrine (Hardly Art) 

29 BATTLES - La Di Da Pi (Warp) 

30 I QW - Ones And Sixes ( Sub Pop 


ATTN: Windsor-Detroit Musicians... 
CIAM FM Wants Yon! 

Join the CIAM Singles Club today and get your music or the 
radio! Submit your fresh new tracks to: 
with the subject line "SINGLES CLUB” monthly and you 
could find yourself at the top our new Local Music Chart! 

More Info 0 


Family Fun Galore at Windsor 

Spitfires FanFest 2015 


Sports Editor 

Hockey fens young and old got to share 
in the excitement of a new season, get 
feee-tofece interaction with their fa¬ 
vourite players and get a peek behind 
the scenes of the home of the Windso r 
Spitfires when the dub hosted FanFest 
2015 at the WFCU Centre this past 

FanFest 2015 featured face painting, 
dressing room tours and bouncy cas¬ 
tles, Spitfires coordinator of communi¬ 
ty relations Fdida Krautner said what 
made FanFest 2015 file biggest and best 
yet was the chance to meet the Spitfires 
fece-to-fece, win tickets* enjoy free food 
and a family fun atmosphere. 

Alter a 7-1 victory ova- Saginaw at the 
WFCU Centre Oct 1 there was no 
shortage of statement amongst the 
team and the fen base alike. 

Tt was an awesome turnout, the fens 
were amazing with their support’* said 
Krautner “With the win in London Fri- 
day too* it was a really good atmo^bere 
here The players were really into it and 
it went from there 

Sammy, Gabriel and Tristan Russo pose alongside Windsor Spitfires rookie centre Gabriel Vilardi at FanFest 2015 Oct . 3 at the WFCU Centre 

where fans got an up-close look at the Spitfires and their facilities while enjoying an afternoon of family fun. 

[Photo by // Brett Hedges} 

Krautner said the timing for FanFest 
2015 could not have been better as the 
Spitfires are riding the momentum ofa 
5-0-1 start to the QHL regular season 
Spitfire season ticket holders were al¬ 
lowed into Fan Fest free of charge while 
the general public was kindly' asked for 
a tw-doflar donation to the Windsor 
Spitfire Foundation 

“The funds wifi stay local and will help 
non-profit organizations throughout 
Windsor Essex County;* said Krautner 

First year head coadi Rocky Thompson 

was in attendance to give tours of the 
Spitfires dressing room and gives fens 
the inside scoop on day-to-day oper¬ 
ations in the business of major junior 
hodcey Krautner said it gave the fens 
the ability to get face-to-fece interactions 
with players and coaches* which builds 
an important connection. 

Dan Semande and his femily got to en¬ 
joy an afternoon of ball hockey for his 
son Nathan, a sixth grade St Angela 
student while Me sister Ashlynn got a 

cotourful butterfly painted on her face, 

Semande also won tickets to an upcom ¬ 
ing Spitfires game and said Windsor 
fens are kicky to have an opportunity 

T was really surprised, they hadalotof 
stuff there,” said Semande. Tt was cod 
to see the dressing rooms and see what 
really goes on behind the scenes and for 
die amount of things that go on with 
this organization, these kind of things 
are what make them stand out and gives 

them a tighter bond with thecommuni- 
ty. fts not very often you get to see them 
offthe ice and get to talk tothem just like 
one of the guys*” 

Nathan got to show off his skills against 
some Spitfires in ball hockey action and 
the young man did not lack ainfidenoe 
or scoring ability 

Tt was really fun because I got to pby 
wfth some of die Spitfires* I scored a 
couple goals on Logan Brown," Nathan 
said 'Me and my friends went on the 

bouncy casde and I had fun with my 
aster tooT 

Eight-monto-cikl baby brother Jackson 
guarded the femily sUoller during his 
EanFest2015 adventure, too busy en- 
joying an afimioon rap when asked for 

Tfe a good team, ife going to be a lot of 
fun year, “ said Krautner* 'Our atmo¬ 
sphere against Saginaw was amazing 
with our friends and you could see that 
here too. ft was just a tot of fiin 

Spitfires rookie goaltender Mike DiPietro shows off his painted face from Windsor FanFest Ashlynn Semande* 6 f smiles while baby brother fackson, eight months, takes a nap 

2015 where Windsor players and coaches gave fans personal tours to of the team's home at during the Windsor Spitfire FanFest 2015 * 

the WFCU Centre and took part in the afternoon of fun, [Photo by // Brett Hedges} 

[Photo by // Brett Hedges] 


Downtown Fight Club Scores 
Big Win for Border City Boxing 


Sports Editor 

Boxing vm the main attraction in 
downtown Windsor last Friday night, 
with the dt/s most popular nightclub 
filling in at the 11th hour to host the 
event when the original location was 
quickly sold just a day prior 

Windsors own Border City Boxing 
Club hosted the first Downtown Fight 
Club event erf ifs land at the Boom 
Boom Room night dub Oct 1 The 
original venue was supposed to be The 
Loop Entertaimitent Complex but the 
building was sold late in the evening on 
Oct l.Borcter City (roach and event co¬ 
ordinator AmyTunks said the change of 
venue was a surprise but it did not put 
the boxing dub In a pinch. 

“A tot of our fighters have been training 
for a long time for this and it's good to 
have backup venues because thirds like 
this happen,” said Tbnks, *Tt was an awe¬ 
some nigta we sold a tot of tickets and 
the fights were amazing. Everybody got 
a ringside seat due to the smaller venue 
and were very proud of all ofour fight- 

TUnks said this event hdped bring box¬ 
ing literally to the middle of the com¬ 
munity and helped further increase the 
dubs already heavy presence in Wiral- 

"We are not just a boxing dub, we are 
a family said Tunis, "Border City has 
been around for a vary long time and 
we ail give back to the community We 
want to get more events like this in the 
downtown core and 1 think this nigh! 
was the first step because it was so suc¬ 

Local fighter Randi Fields was hoping to 
use the boxing card as another oppor¬ 
tunity to gain more experience in her 
young career but her opponent would 
unfortunately come into the fight al¬ 
most 13 pounds overweight Despite 
Fields effort to bulk up in the upcom¬ 
ing hours, the heavy weigh-in forced 
the boxir^ officials to caned the fight 
Instead afa match, trainer Manuel AHa- 
ro simply demonstrated some of Fields 
impressive punching arsenal to those in 
attendance at Boom Boom Room but 
did not waver in his attitude about the 
went as a whole. 

“Tire show was spalaoiat said Affine. 
“We demonstrated with Randi because 
unfortunately her fight fdl through and 
sometimes that happens in fighting, But 
were ready to go and shes been through 
a nice training camp and shell be fight¬ 
ing soon in Windsor again _ As for the 
show this past weekend it was loud 
there were lots of people and a tot ofex- 

One woman Field locks up to for moti¬ 
vation is none other than Border Citys 
Jeannine Garetde; a six-time world-box¬ 
ing champion* Alter a long and distin¬ 
guished amateur career, Garside made 
her presence fdt as a professional, win¬ 
ning the W1BA Super Bantamweight 
Worid Tide in just her fourth pro bouL 
Garside soon became worid champion 
of WIBF, WBC and WBO since she 
traveled to Stuttgart, Germany and de¬ 
feated Ina Meozer July 3,2010. 

Garside began boxii^ at the Bonier City 
Basing Qub where Margaret Skbroff 
and Josh Canty have trained her since 
2001. In 2015, Garside was inducted 
into the International Womens Boxing 

Glu&fMtdiFi^l4md trmm &U&iud Alfaro pose after a boxing exhibitional the 

Boom Boom Room in downtown Windsor. The night club became a sports venue for the night and did not 
disappoint , providing entertainment for over 200 hundred fans. 

[Photo by // Brett Hedges] 

IMofFame. When shewas introduced 
to the masses, Garside received a large 
ovation a>ngratulatingher on being en¬ 
shrined amongst the best in the sport's 
history woridwide. Garside believed the 
Downtown Fight Gub not only helped 
promote boxing in Windsor but hopes 
it can help the sport a8 around 

“Tonight the atmosphere spoke for it- 
sdf said Garside, Tt is just awesome to 
see these kind of things happening The 
people love it and I hope they want to 
see more of iC 

Garside said many people believe the 
sport ofboxing inspires negative activity 
does not 

“Boxing inspires all kinds of people to 
become motivated and to become dis¬ 
ciplined;' said Garside. “For this to be 
able to take places it took a tot erf people. 
It is not because anyone is making any 
money or anything, the reason why 
there was so modi persistence to make 
sure it still took place is because a! of 
these coaches know these kids have 

worked so hard and it means everything 
to them to get these fights inT 

Garside hopes the Downtown Fight 
Chib can help boxing in Windsor grow 
even more and more people will be¬ 
come excited about it once again. 

“For me, it never left me, I love boxing 
its part of my soul but it’s been quiet cm 
the front for boxingT said Gaiskte. “1 
just hope people want to see more and 
we can progress in the future. Fm just so 
grateful everyone pulled together and 
these kids got to show what they can da" 

Film Review - The Martian 


The Lance Contributor 

When I say director Ridley Scott has 
truly outdone himself with his newest 
film, "The Martian;' I do not say it light¬ 
ly—because he has done truly excellent 
work with this film. 

Based on a novel of the same name by 
Andy War, "The Martian” dhronides 
the over 500-day ordeal of astronaut 
Mark Watney (Malt Damon) after he 

is unexpectedly and brutally stranded 
on Mars when an intense storm brews 
in the planets amiospherc, leaving his 
crew no choke but to abandon him and 
evacuate the plane! immediate With 
no means of communication, Me food, 
and few supplies, the botanist-astronaut 
must figure out a way to last four years 
on a desert planet—the minimum 
amount of time it would take NASA to 
send him a rescue shuttle 

The plot is a roller coaster from start to 
finish, with aperfect amount ofoomedk 
relief an intense moments of suspense 
when everything Wows up in Watneys 
fiice—literally—more than once Al¬ 
though maybe a little bit predictable, 
the plot is no less enjoyable, in my opin- 
toa The writing is fentastiq NASA was 
heavily consulted with during the mov¬ 
ies development to ensure die utmost 
accuracy with the science behind the 

actors’ lines. On top of that, the one- 
matography is just beautilufi the effects 
are perfection, and I daresay I haverit 
heard a soundtrack complementing a 
movie this we! since I saw “Guardians 
of the Galaxy” (Maybe its a space movie 

Oh, and if you can help it try not to took 
up the cast there are about a lialf-doz- 
en actor cameos whkh I found to be a 
pleasant surprise. 

In what I think may just be the perfor¬ 
mance of Matt Damons career, I actual¬ 
ly can’t wait to see this movie again. 




Marauders Sink Lancers Football 
In Alumni Weekend Loss 

Windsor Lancers receiver David McDuffie hauls in a reception during OVA football action against the 
McMaster Marauders at Alumni Field Oct 3. McMaster defeated Windsor 44-19 . The Lancers will have a 
bye week before travelling to battle the Guelph Gryphons OcL 17* 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarroldj 

drive, rushing two yards into the end fourth, Windsors offense faced a third- 
zone to cut the McMaster lead to 18. and-two torn their own 31-yard line 
Hi «»#! SB* again act *Sfll Head cmch TtAmore rolled the Ace 


Sports Editor 

The defending Yates Cup champions 
proved to be too powerful for the Wind¬ 
sor Lancers football team as they fefi to 
the seventh-ranked McMaster Maraud¬ 
ers on home soil while UWindsor cele¬ 
brated Alumni Weekend 

The Lancers opened the scoring with an 
early field goal but would surrender four 
consecutive touchdowns and trail the 
defending OUA champions 35-10 at 
iialftime. Windsor outscored McMas¬ 
ter 9-0 in the third quarter to the cut the 
deficit to 16 points but would score no 

With the toss Windsor Ms to 1-5 on the 
season while the Marauders improved 
to 4-L on the year and are now tied 
with Queens for third place in the OUA 

I ancers head coach Joe DAmore said 
the team played better in the second 
half against the defending conference 
champions and in certain aspects are 
playing better football as theyoungoore 
gain valuable game experience in an al¬ 
ways-tough OUA conference 

,# We locked like a really good football 
team in the third quarter, we made 
some stops,” said DAmore “The prob¬ 
lem is we aren’t capitalizing. We had a 
chance to score in the third but dropped 
die ball in the end atm Then we got 
the ball back but missed the fidd goal 
If we score a touchdown there, we are 
only down 12 and you are kind of in the 
ball game but we didn't score. We hung 
around for a bit and then they scored 
their final tcajchcfown and final really 

put it away* 

Rookie quarterback Liam Putt led the 
Lancers oifense with 165 passing yards* 
one touchdown pass and no intercept 
tkm Putt also finished the game as the 
teams lead rusher with 65 yank Kicker 
Anthony MaJandniccoto finished the 
game with 276 punting yards along with 
a 37 yard fidd goal while David McDuf¬ 
fie totaled 85 punt and kick return yards 
to go along with 69 yards receiving. De¬ 
fensively, Tank Bonas had nine total 
tackles while Matt Gayer finished the 
game with seven 

DAmore said inconsistency happens 
with a young team led by a young quar¬ 
terback like Putt but there are things he 
and the team can be better at and youth 
does not affect them, 

1 jam is getting comfortable and he is 
making a lot of plays with his feetf said 
DAmore “But at the same time I think 
we are not helping him in some of our 
positions that are veteran. Sometimes 
ym need to make some plays for him 
and build his confidence up but when 
he makes four guys miss, whips it down 
the fidd and we don't catch tt, we are not 
hdpir^ him on the offensive skk of the 
ball We are pretty veteran everywhere 
dse except at quarterback and I think 
right now h^ doing a tot and we're not 
bailing him out” 

Windsor got on the board first with 
MalandruoxAds 37-yaid fidd goal, but 
the Lancer-lead did not last lor^ as Mc- 
Masters Wayne Moore found the end 
zone three minutes later on a one-yard 
run to takea 7-3 lead 

Down 28-3 late in the second quarter, 
Tarrence Crawford finished a Lancets 

before the quarter ended to Me a 35-10 
lead heading into halftime 

After McDuffies drop in the end zone 
and Malandruccolds missed 34-yard 
fidd goal attempt early in the third, the 
Lancers spedal teams unit took down 
the McMaster punter at the 21-yard line. 
Nate CfHaltoran caught a 17-yard pass 
from Putt for a Windsor touchdown* 
taking a short pass and faufldosdng a de¬ 
fender who stood between him and the 
end zone Windsors defense forced a 
Marauders conceded safety two posses¬ 
sions later in the third to cut the deficit 
to 16. 

With seven minutes remaining in the 

in hopes of a third-down conversion 
ODntinuing the drive but Putt would 
be sacked back at the 26-yaid on file 
next snap and turnover possession on 
downs. Two plays later, Marauders 
quarterback Asher Hastings completed 
his fourth touchdown pass of the game 
to Max Cameron and put the game out 
of reach. A fumble on Windsors next 
possesion forced a conceded safety to 
round out the games scoring. 

Lancets defensive back Austin Crumb 
admitted some menial lapses on defen¬ 
sive assignments among the secondary 
led to Hastings four touchdowns and 
374 yards passing but said it is not for 

a lack of effort amongst his teammatesL 

' Were trying to do too much, were giv¬ 
ing too much effort, so we just need to 
focus on our jobsT said Crumb 

Windsor will now have a bye and will 
next compete on die road against the 
fifth-ranked Guelph Gryphons at 
Alumni Stadium OcL 17. 

"During die bye week we are going to 
practice as if there is a game [this week] 
and stay focused;' said Crumb “We 
have to come out with fire and try to win 
out for die rest of the season to make 
playoffs and thatswhat we want to do so 
we just have to come out hard* * 1 

The Lancers round out the regular sea¬ 
son with a battle against the winfess Wa¬ 
terloo Warriors at Alumni Field Oct 24 

Newly Formed Border Services Group 
Co-Chaired by UWindsor Professor 


Arts Editor 

The Border Issues Working Group, 
just recently formed in September, has 
a UWindsor professor partly helming 
the effort 

Professor Bill Anderson, the director of 
the university's Cross Border Institute is 
also servfog as the co-chair to the Bor¬ 

der Issues Working Group. A coalition 
of the Cross Border Institute, the Coun¬ 
cil of the Great Lakes region and the 
CAN/ AM Border Trade Alliance, the 
Working Group is to serve as a consul¬ 
tant towards the impfrovementofborder 
services at the Ambassador Bridge and 
DeiroitAVindsor tunneL 

‘¥s just getting started We haven’t even 
had our first meeting yet, but we will be 

essentially pulling the members of this 
regional group to find out what issues 
they would like us to work omT Ander¬ 
son said “My tendency is tokeep trying 
to make a lot oflitfie incremental chang¬ 
es to deal wifii problems at fe 

Andersons duties primarily involve 
acting as a liaison on the Canadian side 
of the border, addressing issues from 
maintenance to legalities. The position 

also involves finding ways to streamline 
the trade processes which occur fre¬ 
quently on the bridge. He will also play 
a part in ensuring trade traffic is evenly 
proportioned once the construction of 
the Gordie Howe International Bridge 
is completed in the coming years. 

As for student invdvement toward bor¬ 
der services goes, Anderson said while 
the opportunity existed in the past, the 

prospects of it happening now are slim 
to none due to the heightened security. 

“Unfortunately because of the feet there* 
more security involved and there* also 
the carrying of firearms by border ser¬ 
vice agents, i& not passible anymore to 
just sort of casually have students on a 
part-time bass,” Anderson said. ’There 
isn't that opportunity' that there used to 
be in the past" 


Lancers Exact Revenge Over 
Marauders In Physical Win 

justed a few things." 

Windsor Lancers Kyle Ruggaber works the ball up the pitch against the McMaster Marauders in early OUA 
regular season soccer action in Hamilton. This past weekend the Lancers defeated the Marauders 2-1 at 
Alumni Field to remain in first place in the OVA West division. 

(Photo by II Fraser Caldwell] 

As tiie final whistle sounded, the lane- win and we have more coming up. TTiis 

ers held on to ean i their seventh straight j, going to be the year, if ever, that Wind- 

■ IIS I 1 l ■■ l 1-4 j-1 — - —-- • * * « — ■ - 

victory and second consecutive win 
over a CIS Top Ten team. 

sor wins sorodhir^. From what Pve 


Sports Editor 

Another marquee mem soccer match¬ 
up at Alumni Fidd yielded another 
positive result for the home team as 
the Lancers earned a 2-1 win over the 
McMaster Marauders in OUA regular 
season play this past weekend 

In a rematch of Windsors tone loss of 
the season* a 2-1 setback in eariy Sep¬ 
tember, the Lancers needed to finish the 
final ten minutes of the match with 1.0 
men after Tony Falkestajn received his 
second ydtow card of the matdi and 
was subsequently sent off the pitch. 

With the victory over the sev¬ 
enth-ranked Marauders, the fifth- 
ranked Lancers remain in first place in 
the OUA West division at 9-1-1 for 28 
points while McMaster Ml to 8-3 and 
the idle, third-ranked York lions re¬ 
main 7-1-2 

Lancers director of soccer operations 
Steve Hart said the high-energy match 
was what Windsor expected mming jo 
and now head into an important pair oi 
weekend matches against the Guelph 
Gryphons and Brock Badgers at Alum¬ 
ni Field Oct 9 and 10, 

“McMaster came in off of a good win 
against Western and we hid a day off 
but we practiced hard in the rain af¬ 
ter the football game Saturday!* said 
Hart t( We were out here for two hours, 
worked out, watched video and we ad¬ 

Some great passing early in the pmeept 
Windsor on the board first with Leigh¬ 
ton Speechley-Priee finding the back 
of the net in the eighth minute off of a 
strong individual play fiom Chris AI- 
Youssef. The Lancers 1 strong formation 
throughout the half allowed them to 
control the game and hold die one-goal 
lead heading into the second halt 

Hart bdkrved the score could have been 
mudi larger at halftime had the Lancers 
capitalized on more scoring opportuni¬ 

*1 thought for sure we were more than 
valued for one at halt I was a bit disap¬ 
pointed it wasn’t three or fcmf sakJ Hart 
‘When we talked to them at halftime* 
we knew they were going come in here 
and make it a rough game in the second 

Windsor extended their lead just two 
minutes into the second half when 
rookie Noah Pk> pulled three Marauder 
defends and their goalie out of the net 
and squeezed a pass to Speechky-Priee 
who tapped it into the open net lor his 
second of the game and 10th of the sea¬ 

McMaster got on the board 10 minutes 
later when a scramble in front of the 
Lancer net allowed Stefan Shultz to gd 
the ball past Lancer goaJtender Kyle Vi- 
zirakis, ending his shutout streak at six 
and a half matches or very dfose to 600 
minutes without surrenderirgagoaL 

The final ten minutes proved to be a 
challenge for both teams as four yeflow 

cards and a red card were handed out 
over the waning minutes of regulation 
and injury time but the Lancers used 
thar experience of playing a man down 
early in the season Id their advantage. 
After EaBtestajn was sent off Windsor 
adjusted to a four-four-one formation 
and parked a0 30 defenders in front of 
thdr god and disrupted any McMaster 
attempts for an equalizer. 

Speedily Price said the character and 
togetherness of the team allowed them 
to pull through yet again in a tight 

if we keep doing that, there is no rea¬ 
son why we can’t win this league,” said 
Speechky-Price, ‘This was a massive 

heard this is the best team weVe had and 
fm thrilled to be part of it and to be part 
of the squad!’ 

A short turnaround between match¬ 
es sees the Lancers mens team host 
Guelph Oct. 9 at 8:15 pm then battle 
Brock the next afternoon at 3:15 pm 

Film Review ■ 

expresses control, but more important- 

- Sicario 

This is where director Etainis Vdle- 


The Lance Contributor 

I find the best films, which set out to 
make a political statement, are theories 
leaving you hangup with a moral di¬ 
lemma on your mind So much so you 
leave the theater in a stale of emotional 
stress, where you need some water and 
a tiny bit of rest because you are so con¬ 
flicted as to what you would do in the 
situations presented on the screen. This 
is the overarching effect, which makes 
“Scano* such a powerful and effective 

The film Mows Kate Mereer (Emily 
Blunt), an FBI agent who is recruited by 
an elected government task force led by 
Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) to assist with 

the war on drug? between the US and 
Mexican border. 

Kate is the filmk moral center and 
through her eyes we see where each 
side of the conflict will go to in older to 
gain some form of edge In one of the 
filn& many highlight sequences, we see 
our task force lead a modem cavalry of 
trucks and SUVs loaded with machine 
gun turrets, as well as soldiers with auto¬ 
matic weapons across the border from 
Texas into Juarez, Mexka The opera¬ 
tion is to extract a high level cartel leader 
back to the US in order to interrogate 
him to uncover the location ofthe high¬ 
er ups, the bosses ofthe bosses as it were 
Along the tour we see the extent of the 
carteTs influence as mutilated bodies 
hang from an overpass; an act which 

ly, fear. Each frame of the sequence is 
suitably tense and where the pulsating 
score rose for each occasion, my heart 
rate followed suit 

Part ofthe beauty of this film is I was 
never abk to guess where we were head¬ 
ed. The adforaofMatlatfo his enforce 
Alejandro (Benkfo Dd Toro) muddled 
the information relayed to Kale; which 
in turn led to my discomfort as to who I 
should place my trust Outside of Kate, 
we never received an answer, whkh is 
simply because there is no txte to rea% 
trust Mattfc god from the start was to 
of the actions necessary to create such. 
It often creates an ethical dilemma for 
Kale and the audience along the way. 

neuve is playing us as the audience 

Kates moral thinking and by-the-book 
approach b often met with no or limited 
success, where Matts achieves bound¬ 
less success, The film is asking one cen¬ 
tral question: what is more desirable? 
Doing whats legal and achieving noth- 
ing or muddling toe ethical lines to gain 
some ground? Even Fm not sure where 
I stand at this point 

There is not one dement of this film, 
whkh lets up to allow for a breather 
Each scene is bound taut with intensity 

and focus. Each action set piece leaves 
the viewer breathless, unsure if some¬ 
thing unexpected is around the comer. 
Each performance is competing to be 
the best, but ni give a slight ed^e to Em¬ 
ily Blunt as our lead In order for this 
film to woric, the moral divide had tobe 
absolutely dear and Bfuni carries the re¬ 
sponsibility with subtlety and brilliance. 

With “Black Mass,”! said we had an ear¬ 
ly contender for Best Actor to Johnny 
Depp. With “SkarioT we have an eariy 
contender for Best Pkttire. 



Spirts Editor 

Two great causes were celebrated during 
an evening of silent auctions, food wine 
tasting and fun - on and offline ice * as 
the Windsor Spitfires played host to the 
annual Hockey and Heels event at the 
WFCU Centre 

Over 130 tidkets had been sold out 
weeks prior to the ladles night out even^ 
which saw aS proceeds going towards 
foeWfrickor Essex County Cancer Care 
Foundation and the Windsor Spitfires 

Event coordinator Jennifer Pomeiieau 
said over $3,800 was raised few the two 
charities and all those who attended had 

T& a Me bit different than your reg¬ 
ular charity event this is all Mi back 

at the hockey game,” said Pomerieau 
"You’re just mingling with your friends 
in the suite, the only difference is to¬ 
night the funds go to charity, ft makes 
it a no-brainer. Just the feet that we sold 
out and we had aft of these people here 
fighting against cancer and rootii^ for 
the Spitfires makes it a successful coHaJ> 

Bomerieau said they wish to continue 
to make Hockey and Hods an annual 
event and ftwas gprattoget both togeth¬ 
er but make sure to look for other up¬ 
coming events put on by both charities 
to support other specific causes such as 
breast or prostate cancer. 

Houkta Kassem, manager and director 
of development at WECCCE has been 
involved with local and regional on-air 
community-focused media far over fif¬ 
teen years. Kassem cunenfry hosts and 

produces TVCogeco Windsors show 
"HoukJa and Friends” and can also 
be found regularfy hosting a variety of 

Kassem said Hockey and Heels has gen¬ 
erated quite a hit of money for the can¬ 
cer centre foundation 

“ftsa wonderful thing to see people col¬ 
laborate like this for a good cause, “said 
Kassem “We sold out and that makes 
me happy Women came together and 
said we are supporting the foundation, 
we are supporting the cancer centre and 
we are supportii^ the Spitfires.” 

Kassem added everts such as this assure 
those involved the funds raised remain 
focal and make sure those living in our 
community with cancer get the help 
they need 

*Wfe take for granted our daily lives 

what we have in front of us. ftk easy to 

point out what we dorit have as op¬ 
posed to what we do have. There are 
people who struggle every single day 
and they walk through that door and 
they make ft work for foemsdvesT said 
Kassem. "WeVe got a bunch of women 
who are excited, hangi n g out with oth¬ 
er girlfriends with some silent auction 
items that are available, great food, great 
friendship, butwe also get to support the 
Windsor Spitfires and attend this game” 

Those who attended saw the hometown 
Spitfires hockey team dominate the vis¬ 
iting Saginaw Spirit on the ice 7-1 and 
enjoyed the hot start foe young QHL 
team is on to begin foe 2015-16 season. 
While foe Spitfires have always been 
competitive on the ice, Kassem said ft is 
their contributions to foe community, 
which makes the dub a winner year in 
and year out, regardless of their results 
on foe scoreboard. 

“The great thing about die Spitfires 
is they are contimiafiy doing thin^ 
for our community so they give back 
just as mudif said Kassem. “Doing an 
event like this, they certainly demit have 
to, they have thdr own foundation, but 
they are continually giving back to their 
community to make a difference.” 

Another part Kassem said is humbling 
about being a part of this type of event is 
seeing money coming in for foe Cancer 
Centre Foundation from multiple local 
donors, no matter how large. 

“ft is important that we get this message 
across,” said Kassem * f We have people 
who are so generous in Windsor Essex 
County who continue to support any¬ 
one in our community living with can¬ 
cer and it means a lot, not only to metwt 
to the staff at foe cancercentre and foe 
staff at foe foundation.” 

October is YORKVILLE Month 

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The lance Arts Editor gave the 
Theatre Ensemble's j production of 
JekyJl & Hyde 4 out of 5 stars, see 
what he had to say 

02 "» 

With the Ambassador Bridge 
slowlyfalling apart ; the futurr is 
unclear for many surmmding 


Vie Windsor International Film 
festival is back fur its 11th year 
and held a press conference 
last week to announce thei r 
higMigiits. Qq 

fall convocation vms hdd this 
past weekend graduating many 
UWimhar students and Ihe Lame 
had the chance to talk with a few 

12 & 13 > 


} us tin Trudeau shakes hands with a crowd of supporters after his victory speech in Montreal Oct 19. 
[Photo courtesy of Andrej Ivanov, Photo Editor at The Concordim} 



friends, we beat fear with hope We 
beat eymdsm with hard work, we beat 
negative divisive politics with a positive 
vision that brings Canadians together 
Most of all* we defeated the idea that 
Canadians should be satisfied with less. 
That good enough is good enough and 
that better just isn’t possible, Wdl ray 
friends this is Canada, and in Canada 
better is always possible” 

Beginning his victory speech with say* 
ing “sunny ways my friends, sunny 
ways,” Liberal Leader fustin Trudeau 
was welcomed as the Prime Minister of 
Canada earlier this week 

As of Oct 20, the results showed over¬ 
whelming result^ 

of Canada leading with 184 seats - only 
170 were needed for a majority govern- 
moit The Conservative party, lead by 
Stephen Harper, came up second with 
99 seats, The New Democratic Party 
lead byThomas Midair was third with 
44 seats, white Bloc Quebeeois lead by 
GiDes Duoeppe came in with 10 seats 

and the GreenParty of Canada lead by 
Elizabeth May came in with jusia single 

“This is what positive politics can dev 
this is what a positive, hopeful vision 
and a platform and a team together can 
make happen,” said Trudeau during his 
victory speech from Montreal. ‘Cana¬ 
dians from all across this great country 
sent a dear message tonight time for 
a change in this country my friends, a 

News Editor 



► Participate with and support en¬ 
dorsing members as candidates of 
the Party for declion to the Bouse of 

^ Advocate and support Liberal 

philosophies, principals and policies 

^ Promote membership in the Party 

■v 1 $afee money and support I Jbeml 


^ Create and pn^deafonan-ib> r Party 
members to influence and govern 
policies and platform 

^ Coordinate the activities of support¬ 
ers of the Party 

^ M aboriginal representation at all 
W levels of the Party 

^ Find common ground among all 
* people from all the provinces and 


For more information from the official 
constitution visit liberaLca/fites 

► Rakrae the budget in 2020 

^ Run defi ci ts until budget balance 
to 2P20 

^ Invest $200 million a year to devel¬ 
op dean technologies 

► Invest sfoout $15 bfllion into jefcs 

► Lfodo^itetoCBC 

► Increase student grants to $3,000 a 
year for M time students and al¬ 
lowing student to wait until they have 
and annual income of $25,000 to pay 
bade bans 

Bor a more complete list of promises 
and actions made by the parties visit 

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Theatre Review: Jekyll & Hyde 


Arts Editor 

*The Strange Case of Dr Jekyfl and Mr 
Hyde' is an iconic story of a persons in¬ 
ner struggle- After all, what can be more 
conflicting than a kind-hearted, ambi¬ 
tious doctor vtoo occasionally turns into 
a vengcfol serial killer? Tills harrowing 
tale of duality has come to pace a va¬ 
riety of mediums, but theres exuber¬ 
ance in its musical-thriller counterpart, 
whkh makes it stand out from the pack. 
Simply titled "Jekyfl & Hyde its the lat¬ 
est production undergone by Theatre 
Ensemble. Despite some technical and 
narrative missteps, nothir^ seems to 
deter the company from delivering a 
highly enthusiastic and deeply 1 engaging 

A minor confession: my knowledge of 
foe story and toe musical rtedf could be 
best described as barebones. However 

theres another skfe to this coin, as it al¬ 
lows you to walk into a piece with vir¬ 
tually do expectations. Its trank when 
you consider the play is all about two 

Joseph Anthony Cardinal performs on stage with the Theatre Ensemble during their production of Jekyll and Hyde* at the Green Room Theatre 

Oct l& 

[Photo by // Haiti Yassine] 

initially felt jarring was toe transforma- numbere in dose proximity; seme of perb range The skills behind each cast ft all falls back and revolves arotmdfoe 

opposing sides. Jekyll and Hyde, ambh ^ on ^ doctor makes into his 

“SSsSHSSSSPSt *»w*p**^ 

the scene and tonal transitions fek a bit member come to a beautiful collective. 

notion of choosing one of two sides. 

scenes tend toother balance two entities 
or dispute one or the other 

Henry Jekyll is a good man who warns 
to do good for toe people As a doc¬ 
tor who strives to further his efforts, it 
comes at the cost of wavering relation¬ 
ships, whkh continue to dedim The 
play isnt all too invested in the aspects 
ofhis research, but instead places a focal 
point in the slow crumble of a human 
being, whkh is Jekyfl as well as his evil 
counterpart, David Hyde. 

Yet its odd, for one of the things which 

able, be it due to technical or logistical 
limitatkm Hyde on stage is just amatter 
of star and production director Joseph 
Anthony Cardinal letting his hafrefown 
and being in slightly tuned costuming. 
Obviously it would be extremely diffi¬ 
cult to make a physical transformation 
in front of a live audience But it didn’t 
matter at the end When you watch, 
ife easy to distinguish between the two 
characters by Cardinals acting and stage 
presence alone 

As toe musical condenses several 

let raiments or previous scenes sim¬ 
mer Numbers like This is toe Moment’ 
tended to drag, and there was no genu¬ 
ine sense of momentum when it came 
to Jekyfl being driven to bqpn his exper¬ 
iment Aspects such as these would have 
made it very easy to dislike toe produc¬ 
tion through and through. If not tor toe 
edketive cast, anyway 

The actors on stage do most, if not all of 
toe heavy lifting. They are toe ones who 
will demand and hold your attention 
with strengthened vocal chords and su- 

strong and effortlessly consistent In 

turn* it only makes sense for toe ones 
who stand out the most are toe ones 
who most commonly appear Cardinafs 
performance does the titular characters 
Justice, The performances from Nancy 
Emerson Ingles and Natasha Homer 
are nothing short of exceptional as they 
play Emma Carew and Lucy Harris. 

its Jekyfl and Hyde, Emma and Lucy 
Jekyfls work or his loved ones. With a 
review, id merely pros and cons. But 
fortunately in this case, one side greatly 
outweighs the other, 

‘Jekyfl & Hyde* will continue to run ev¬ 
ery weekend from Oct 15 to Nov. t at 
EL Laieunesses Green Room Theatre. 

mm ei 





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Arts Council Unveils 
New Volunteer Initiative 


Arts Editor 

The Arts Council Windsor Region is 
aiming to draw in more potential vol¬ 
unteers with the help of a new training 

It was on Oct 14 when the smART 
Card Volunteer Session kicked things 
off at the Artspeak Gallery* where the 
ACWR offices are held Those inter¬ 
ested in the Arts Council or others just 
looking to give back to die community 
attended an orientation which con¬ 
sisted of teaming about the ACWKs 
background objective and positions 
available for volunteers. Some of the 
positions range from gallery assistant to 
strategic planning through the coundfs 
board of directors. 

"1 think I want to give back to due com¬ 
munity, and Fm interested and involved 
in the arts, so this seemed like a good 
opportunity to see what they're aboutT 
said Sue Cole, a visual artist who attend¬ 
ed the volunteer session. 

through community outreach* on top of 
supporting focal artists by giving them 
a canvas to display their work via the 
Attspeak Gallery. They also aid in grant 
consultation* host a series o f workshops 
and offer a comprehensive calendar, 
which showcases numerous art events 

within the community. 

With it being a non-profit organization, 
volunteers are integral to the ACWR 
So by havii^ this orientation session, 
people will have a near complete idea as 
to what the organization expects from 

them* as wefi as how they will eventu* 
ally benefit from getting themselves in¬ 

"'Signing up online a little tat removed 
from the actual volunteer experience 
that they would be having' said ACWR 

Outreach Coordinator and gallery 
manager Laura Service, "To have these 
kinds of sessions where its really open 
and transparent about what the arts 
council is and what we do, hopefully it 
encourages people to want to be a part 

of that* 

The next volunteer session is scheduled 
for Nov 19, however it is possible to vol¬ 
unteer beforehand by applytog through 
the ACWI& website. 

Videogame Review - Assassin’s 
Creed Chronicles: China 


The Lance Contributor 





itesassiris Creed Chronicles: China is a 
2.5D style game set within the tore of the 
Assassiifc Creed franchise, ft is a spin-off 
and tells the story of a Chinese assassin 
Shan Jun, who had once been trained by 
the series iconic character Ezio Auditore 
Da Firenze, an Italian assassin during 

the Renaissance period The game dis¬ 
tances itself from the main assassin^ 
creed games by presenting a narration 
imbued with a unique watercofor lay¬ 
out, reminiscent of a painting. The levels 
are represented in a side-scroller format 
each Itaving a distinctive visual style of 

It is the 1500s and the Chinese Brother¬ 
hood has been decimated by the Tem¬ 
plars in the East Shao Jun* the protag¬ 
onist of the game has come bade from 
My after bdng trained by Ezto only to 
witness the hold of the brotherhood 
loosening in her homeland She seeks 
vengeance on the Templar order and to 
restore peace once again. Her adventure 

layered with guards and hiding spots to 
deal with on the way. 

As always like ar^ Assassins Creed 
game, the movement of the character is 
fluid and feds right at home Shao Jun 
has an array of weapons to deal with en¬ 
emies and hiding spots are placed strate¬ 
gically to avoid combat when necessary 
There are iconic Assassin^ Creed* mo¬ 
ments like hidden blade assassinations, 
bale of hay hiding spots and leaps of 
forth that have been translated wdl into 
the 2D environment Although there 
are multi-background layers to disperse 
the illusion of simple flat 2D environs, 
the game is hampered by many short¬ 
comings, which are quite prominent 
throughout the experience. 

For instance, while in other Assassins 
Creed 5 games players felt overpowered 
in dose combat, here for some reason 
you fed unfairly vulnerable and going 
all guns and blazes is not encouraged 
In order to make stealth more apparent, 
the balance between stealth and combat 
is heking. There are situations where 
you encounter guards, and because of 
the not so polished combat the experi¬ 
ence is unsatisfying. 

The characters are twx>-dimemiond 
and their motives lack the depth that 

sasstns Creed game The voice acting 
seems to be out of place and does not 
hdp make things immersive 

Assassins Creed Chronicles China* is 
a beautiful game to lode at, but visuals 
do not make a videogame great It is 
the culmination of an intriguing story, 
immersive game play and stellar voice 
acting dial combine to transport play¬ 
ers into a different world and make dial 
world believable, it is a world that gives 
one a sense of motivation to progress in 
a story and Shao juns escapade does not 


Taking The Challenge To 
Ride For Juvenile Diabetes 


The Lance Contributor 

When you hear the word "bike ride? 
you may typically think of a person 
riding a pedal bike, or a moforcyde en¬ 
thusiast revving his engine on a bright 
sunny day* This weekend however, sta¬ 
tionary bikes were the focal point of a 
focal initiative to raise awareness for the 
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation* 

JDRF is a global ojg^uiizatfoa which 
focuses on type one diabetes (T1D) re¬ 
search and also a charitable supporter. 
On Oct 15, the Ride for Diabetes Re¬ 
search event was conducted outside the 
Devonshire Mall tobring in as many 
people as possible to spread awareness 
of the disease ft was a corporate event 
where participants were asked to come 
in teams of five and ride for seven min¬ 
utes, each on their own stationary bike 

Wlioever was the fastest person on 
the bake would get a reward for then- 
achievement at the wrap up party The 
aim of this event was to fund type 1 di¬ 
abetes (T1D) research for cures, bettor 

treatments and preventions* It was filled 
to the brim with high energy and lively 
music, creating an exuberant ambience 
The response was positive at best as 
people of aE ages gathered to participate 
m the event while Buflalo Wild Wingi, 
Perfect little Weddings aid Devonshire 
Mail were just a few of the corporations 
that came together and provided dona- 

"ft is very competitive for some of the 
teams and is a lot of fan? said Nkole 
Cossad the event organizer. "With dia¬ 
betes it is a)mplkated as there is type 1 
and type 2 diabetes. These events can 
help people by listening to die youth 
ambassadors speak about what it is like 
living with type 1 and how this affects 
them in a positive way? 

ft was a windy Thursday morning, but 
the spirit of the people ensured a pos¬ 
itive warmth for the cause Complete 
with food and drinks adorning the 
stands, the Ride far Diabetes Research 
event managed to gamer the attention 
of the people through their successful 
advertising wito the hefo of sodabnedia* 

Participants for JDRF Run for Diabetes Research at Devonshire Mall cycle for seven minutes on a station¬ 
ary bike Oct 15, 

[Photo by // Rohan Khattna] 

‘T am gjad I came because so many 
wonderful people are involved for a 

good cause,” said Aleria Reddaway, one 

of the attendees at the occasion. 

Being in its fourth year in Windsor, the 

affair turned out to be an effective en¬ 

deavor this lime around too because of 
the hdp provided by the community* 

New Health Innovation Initiative 
Looks to Connect Worldwide 


News Editor 

The Wbdd Health Innovation Netwode 
isfookingtoreach out and bring togeth- 
er leaders in health technology to share 
and teach health technologies with one 

WIN, housed in the Odette School of 
Business, has a goal to provide aB Ca¬ 
nadians with a topof-the-line health 
care and economic growth within the 
industry. According to the chair of the 
initiative, the reason they're partnering 
with the US* is because of the strengths 
of our health fields. 

"We both spenda lot of money 1 to deliv¬ 
er a k>l of health care but its not sustain- 
able? said Dr. Anne Snowdon* ‘Were 
not currently achievi ng all of the quality 
outcomes we need to achieve as it stands 
but, with this initiative, were hoping to 
achieve a higher standard! 1 

Canada and the US arrrenffy share a 
work force, primarily in the Windsor 
and Detroit areas, and also take care 
of each others patients, Snowdon said 
both groups have to attain sustainability 
and see how they can evolve health care 

to benefit everyone 

“We both need to get there but the best 
way to get there foster and more effec¬ 
tively is to work together? said Snow¬ 

According to Snowdon, when countries 
work independently it is more likdy they 
will find different ways to do the same 
thing when in reality we could share our 
knowledge and methods and focus our 
forces on news things As Snowdon puts 
ft, l< theres no need to reinvent the wheel! 1 

Snowdon said the network wffl do three 
filing - the first being what they have 
already started by creating new partner- 
shfos with colleagues in the US, She said 
the mix of expertise from both countries 
will hdp the fidd grow to new 7 levels. 

"One thing were currently working 
on is to get medical supplies where 
they need to be as fost as possible? said 
Snowdoa ‘turrentiy there is a lot of 
papa' work and invoicing which takes 
up time and is too long a process. We 
wanttogrt our model equivalent to that 
of Walmarts where with one scan they 
can teH you exadly where a piece ofham 
came from, what it was fed and other 

important details - we need something 
like this in our medical fields? 

Secondly, the network will work to train 
up the next generation ofleaders to take 
over tiffs project in the coming years. 
Snowdon said they don't just teach busi¬ 
ness students the trade and it is open to 
many other groups including, science, 
computer science and nursing students. 

The third thing WIN will work towards 
will be to bring all the infarrnaikHi on a 
global scale of health and to see where ft 
is going in the futum 

“Were focusing on the education, re- 
search and leadership? said Snowdon* 
"The end goal is to have a very high 
performing health system in Canada 
that is able to quickly adopt irew prod¬ 
ucts and tedmbfogies to bring business 
to companies which raises the nations 
GDP whirh in turn fuels the healthcare 

The innovative initiative will be looking 
to expand grow and better healthcare 
around the world all tlirough the Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor* 





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Arts Editor 

Artists or non-artists bolting to bring 
out the craftiness within them may took 
no further Sian to a local shop in the 
Walkervilk area 

Hie prinlmaking shop Levigaior Press 
is playing host to a variety of art dasses, 
which are available to the public andoc¬ 
curring at a fekty frequent rate; Among 
the classes is an introduction to lino 
block prinlmaking It involves creating 
artistic designs with linoleum material, 
which in turn would be printed onto 
paper The dass is a two-week session, 
totalling six hours with the most recent 
one occurring Oct 15, and taught by 

general about tedinkjues, methods and 
different ways to make marks with the 
linoleum and then we just get right to 

Green finds printmaking in a peculiar 
place, as it has become a dwindling 
service all while still iiaving a specific 
demand Through her passion for the 
art form and her desire to teach, she 
opened Levigaior Press last March, of¬ 
fering a variety of print-based services 
from wood cut and letterpress print¬ 
ing to bookbinding. Green opened die 
shop however primarily to teadi and 
finds the receptive community helpful 
in achieving this goal 

* As a fine art medium, ifs always been 

something people could afford to have, 
^ardid’printingprocesstha^aMe so that* really important to me, just 
bit easier than wood cut easier material the ability to make work to multiples^ 
to cutT Green sakL “Well be talking in Green said "The community's been re- 

Jodi Green works on a Hndcum art design inside her shop Levi gaior Press Oct. IS- 

(Photo by //Hanl Yassinef 

aBy sportive. Fve had people craning The next lino Hock prirtmaking dass from Oct 17 to Nov. 1. More infcnna- 
in taking dasses, learning stuff just aD will ooair Oct 22. There will also be tx>n on these dasses can be found on the 
kinds of opportunities tailing in my Lap.' ’ a six-day bookbinding dass running Levigator Press website. 

Online Campus Launched 


News Editor 

The eCampus Ontario portal launched 
just before die University of Windsor's 
reading week and is on the move to 
provide students vrith courses they need 

The Windsor-built, online portal is a 
central hub for Windsor, and other uni- 
vasty and college students, to find and 
access courses they may need or find 
interesting offered at port-secondary 
institutions across Ontario With Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor^ 100 online courses 
offered through the portal and over 
13,000 dasses total, students will be able 
to access what they need and when they 

Nkk Baker, the director of the Office 
of Open Learning, said they have been 
working on the project for a few years 
now and the o riginal goal at mind was 
to allow students to access all toe online 
dasses across Ontario. 

“Before toe portal you have to go to the 
individual school websites and search 
for the dasses you wanted which can 
be very tedious,” said Baker 1 A lot of the 
courses can be hard to find, are unlisted 
and different webstes have dilferent set 
ups which can cause confustonT 

Baker said the government wanted stu¬ 
dents to have more mobility between 
other schools online and to fin d a path - 
way through their degrees as quickly as 

“Lots of students get blocked because 
they get to a point where they realize 
they missed out on a course they should 
have had earlier fchalk not being offered 
again for another year at dieir own cam¬ 
pus,” said Baker. "We wanted a way to 
facilitate for students that may be going 
dirough this - a way for students to be 
able to take courses they have missed 
sooner and get them through school 
fester, or at least on tinteT 

The website, on top of having online 
courses, also provides students with 
tods and guides to hdp them through 
thdr post-secondary endeavors. It also 
provides information on how to apply 
to universities and colleges for students 
looking to get in to post-secondary It is 

completely open to everyone interested 
in furthering their education, from high 
school students to people takingtimeoff 
and also existing students. 

The porta! is aLso working to bring cred¬ 
it transferability information to the easi¬ 
est point passible. 

According to Baker, the website was 
bttiktobea>mple^ cus¬ 

tomizable and as fest as possible He said 
H was made with mobile first in mind so 
its accessible across all platforms. 

Baker said this is only Phase One for the 
eCampus as they are looking to expand 
cm the courses and services available. 

“For one thing, we want to build up 
air resource list as there are a lot more 

available, its just a matter of centralizing 
them,” said Baker. "Lang term, we want 
to see access to these courses as easily as 

On the wdisite, when you dick on a 
course it will bring you to the university's 
page obtaining hew to sign up for the 
course Baker said the goal is to bypass 
that rtep and bring students straight to 
the signup with no hassle 

"Were looking to create flexibility for 
students as opposed to an online uni¬ 
versity said Baker. “Nothing is out of 
the question for the fotore of diis project 

For more information on the online 
campus portal and to see how it works, 
visit wwwe^Tpusontariaca 


Lancers Hockey Program Yields 
Mixed Results In Early Road Trips 


Sports Editor 

Hockey season is now underway in the 
OUA and the Lmcer varsity teams took 
to the road for four contests this past 
weekend, finishing 1 -2- L 

The Windsor womens hockey team 
is still looking for their first win of 
the season after a pair of fosses to the 
I aimer Golden Hawks and Waterloo 
Warriors on the mad while a long bus 
trip to Montreal saw the sixth-ranked 
Lancer mem hookey team earn three 
out of four points over a pair of weekend 
games against the Concordia Stingers. 

Lancer womens head coach Jim Hunter 
said simply his team has not played wdl 
enough &> win to begin the regular sea¬ 

“W* have to figure it out in a hurry be- 
cause in a 24-game season you cant go 
down 03 and get behind the eighrbaC 
Hunter said “We have some things we 
need to work on and some things we 
have to do better. We have to figure be¬ 
fore we get too deep into the season? 

Against the Hawks, Windsor women 
led 2-1 after the first period with a pair of 
goals from fourth year forward Shawm 
Uesperaiwae and rookie Hilkrv Hettwer 

for her first OUA career god. The veter¬ 
an-laden Laurier team would respond, 
gening the score midway through the 
second period and adding two more In 
the third to earn the Hawks a 4-2 win at 
Sun Lite Financial Arena 

Second year gpdtender Hanna Slater 
had a strong day in net for the Lancers, 
turning aside 49 of the Hawks 53 shots. 

Lancers Ingrid Sandven was also busy in 
the visitor*& net turning aside 34 of Wk- 
teriods 39 shots in a 5-2 loss against the 
Warriors Get, 17 at CFI Arena 

The opening frame saw the two sides 
exchange goals within one minute of 
eadi other as Lesperance continued her 
hot play when she put Windsor up 1-0 
at 11:49, Waterioofc Stephanie Digness 
fired a shot 52 seconds later for her first 
of the season to keep thin^ even after 
the first period 

The game opened up in the second pe¬ 
riod with a trio of goals scored, begin¬ 
ning with Courtney Simpson putting 
Windsor up 2-1. The visitors quickly re¬ 
paid the favour, takingonl) f two minutes 
to even the g^me at two when Shailyn 
Waites fired five equalizer home on a 
Windsor power play However, only 23 
seconds later Waterfoos Alison Hanson 
tipped home a point shot past Sandven 
and gave the Warriorsa 3-2 lead headed 
into the third Waterloo wuld add two 
more goals in the third to secure tfie win. 

Windsor now hosts the Toronto Varsi¬ 
ty Blues in thdr home opener at South 
Windsor Arena Oct 24, Hunter said it 
was an ideal time for the teams home 
opener but Windsors staggered play¬ 
ing schedule to start the campaign has 

Windsor Lancers defensemen Ken Bradford fires a shot from the point against the Waterloo Warriors in QUA action at South Windsor arena 
Oct. 10. The Lancers travelled to Montreal this past weekend for a pair of games against the Concordia Stingers, Windsor won 6-5 Oct. 16 before 

falling to the Stingers in a shootout with an identical 6-5final 
(Photo by // Steve Ktiemadis) 

re* gwen the yctw$. 1 jmcero anyfeevora. 

Entering the game against the Blues, the 
Lancer women will have play Just their 
fourth contests in the opening 16 days 
of the season. 

“When you are struggling like we are 
the best thing you can do is get into a 
routine and get playing? Hunter said 
“We can’t seem to get any momentum 
because were not playing enough We 
need to be playing a Me bit more than 
we are, [four games in 16 days] is a tong 
time to be waiting around anxious to go 
when ym want to be better. You don’t 
wam to wait to be betted* 

Pudk drop aptost the Blues Oct 24 is 4 


The Windsor Lancer mens team visited 
“la belle province 1 for their first taste of 
OUA East competition this season and 
offense was the name of the game The 
Lancers earned a 6-5 win over the Sting¬ 
ers, Od 16 before felling victim to the 
hosts 6-5 to a shootout die next night at 
Ed Meagher Arena for their fiist loss of 
the season 

Windsor proved that they are an offen¬ 
sive threat at every position on every 
line as ten players found the back of the 
net through the two games, Dylan De- 
nomme led the way with a pair of goals, 
while rookie Justice Dundas continues 
to contribute registering one goal and 
three assists. Dundas leads the OUA in 
total points with 10 through four games 

The Lancers are now 3-0-1 on the sea¬ 
son anil sit to first place in file OUA 
West division with seven points while 
the Stingers move to 2-2 on the year 

tn the opening contest, the teams trad¬ 
ed goals back and forth until late in the 

second period when a pair of power 
play goals from Dundas and Denomme 
gave Windsor a 5-3 lead headed into the 
second intermmoa 

In the final frame, Windsor led Concor¬ 
dia 6-3 on a goal from forward Dylan 
Segyin but the Stingers would strike 
back to score two unanswered goals and 
brir^ the game wiflun one with fost over 
two minutes remaining. The Lancer de¬ 
fense regrouped to hold off the surging 
Stingers to earn the win while first year 
gpakmder Blake Richard made 24 saves 
in net along the way 

The second game of the weekend 
proved to be another high scoring af¬ 
fair ending with the same score as the 
previous evening, however this time 
the hosts would prevail After hold¬ 
ing a 3-2 lead heading into the third 
period, the Lancers were once again 
diallenged by a determined Stingers 
squad During a high-scoring third 
frame, Concordia would score the 
final two goals to tie the game at five 
after regulation. 

With two overtime periods solving 
nothing, the game went into a three 
round shoot-out The lancers Med to 
score on all three attempts, while the 
Concordias final shooter Fredrick Roy 
managed to put the puck past Wind¬ 
sor goalkeeper Michael Doan to earn 
the win, who finished the game with 25 

Windsor now haste the U01T Ridge- 
backs to a weekend series at South 
Windsor Arena Oct 23 and 24 Puck 
drop on both nights is 7:30 pum. 




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Lancers Football Drops Tight Battle 
To Seventh-Ranked Guelph 


Sports Editor 

A large second hall' Windsor Lancers 
amieback fell just short against one of 
Canadas top football programs. 

In their final road game ofthe QUA reg- 
ular season, the Lancers football team 
M 41 -27 to the sevendvranked Guelph 
Gryphons at Alumni Stadium 

A 34-14-halfiime deficit quickly be¬ 
came a one-possession game late in 
fourth quarter after Windsor outscored 
Gudpb 13-0 in the second half Wind ¬ 
sor took possession at their own 14- 
yard line down seven points but a quick 
two-and-out by the offense would force 
a Lancers punt Guelph finally scored 
with one minute remaining for their 
first score m nearly 45 minutes to put 
the game out of reach 

Windsors offensive line and running 
backs chewed up an impressive 321 
yards on the ground against the nations 
second-ranked run defense in Guelph. 
Fourth year Lancer Tarrence Crawford 
finished the game with 196 yards rush¬ 
ing and two touchdowns while Jaydon 
Gauthier ran far 79 yards and one score 
Rookie liam Putt and third year Casey 
Wright shared the quarterback duties 
with Wright leading the way with 41 
yards passing 

The Windsor run defense was stout 

throughout the contest holding file 
Gryphons to just 115 rushing yards 
on 25 attempts, Defensively, third year 
linebacker Matt Gayer led the way with 
eight total tackks and continues to lead 
the CIS in that category with 485. 

With the loss, the Lancers are now 1-6 
heading into fodr final home game 
against Waterloo Saturday Hie Gry¬ 
phons improve to 6- i on the year and sit 
in second place in the OUA standings. 

Head coach foe DXmoie said he does | 
not believe in moral victories but he was 
proud that the I.ancera showed up to 
piay and bounced back from thdr first 
haff struggles to get within one score of 
die Gryphons late in fourth quarter 

'One filing I liked was our ability to run 
die football^ 1 DAmore said “Guelph 
only averaged 88 rushing yards against 
them and were number two in the 
country coming so that was a big deaL 
It was something we struggled to do 
early in the year, running the bat With 
a ycui^ quarterback 
to take some pressure off of him, Uam 
ended up getting banged up so we took 
him out Casey came in and did a great 
job and made some good throws. Were 
still struggling in the passing game but it 
is going to come * 

The Lancers opened the game with a 
93-yard drive to take a 7-0 lead over the 
Gryphons less than one minute into 
the contest On Windsors opening play 
from scrimmage, Tarrence Crawford 
took the hard off and ran the ball from 
Windsors 17 all the way to file Guelph 
one yard line for a 92 yard gain On the 
punched Ihe bail 
into the end zone for his first of two 
touchdowns on the day. 

From there, Guelph quickly built up a 
34-7 lead midway through the second 
quarter. On the final pky of the first half, 
Windsors Gauthier took a simple hand 

Guelph Gryphon receiver A’dre Fraser catches the hall while Windsor Lancers defensive back Devon Wood 
moves in for a tackle during OVA football action at Alumni Stadium in Guelph Oct 17. The Windsor de¬ 
fense was stout against the Gryphons but the visitors ultimately fell 41-27 . 

I Photo by //Kyle Rodriguez) 

off and broke off a 55-yard run into the 
end zone to start a Lancers comeback 
that would build into the fourth quarter. 

The Lancer defense continued to shut 
down the Gryphons as Windsor kept 

at the Guelph lead Mid- 


ford ran for his second score of the day. 
TVo 30-plus yard fidd goals by An¬ 
thony Malandruecolo would bring the 
Lancers within six points The Windsor 
offense had possession with 2.05 left in 
the fourth but could sustain the drive, 

painting it away from their 17-yard line 
after a two-and-ouL Guelph found the 
end zone with 103 remaining to round 
out the scoring. 

'We scored on the last play before 
halftime and that gave us some 


foe defense played lights out besides a 

meaningless touchdown in the final 
minute. But it was the same theme over 
and over again from earlier this season - 
we had some opportunities to get some 
toudidowns late in the fourth quarter 

and just didnt come down with die balL 
We left some points on the board there 
and we missed a couple of field goals. 
So we kft about 14 points on the board 
there that would have obviously madea 
bigdifferenc d 1 

Indsor wilt now ttasr the W&rey#no 

Warriors in foerr final regular season 

home game OcL24 at Alumni Fidd 
The game is part of the OUA Tackks 
Breast Cancer initiative and fens are 
encouraged to wear pink to support foe 
cause. Game time is set for 1 pm 

Lancers Soccer Successful During 

Final Regular Season Road Trip 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancers soccer program 
continues to battle a slew of OUA West 
opponents as the regular season draw 
to an end 

The Lancer womeiis soccer team 
walked away’ with four hard-earned 
points in Waterloo, holding one of 
Canada tap ranked teams to a score¬ 
less draw in the process. As well, the 
third-ranked Lancer mens soccer team 
earned their third straight win with a 
pair of victories over the Laurier Golden 
Hawks and Waterloo Warriors on foe 

The Windsor women began their two- 
game set on a strong note, holding the 
fifth- ranked Laurier Gokfen Hawks to a 
CM) draw Oct 17 at University Stadium 
before earning a 2*1 win over the Wto- 
kx> WurriorsOct 18. 

Head coach Stevie Hart his players 
kudos for shutting down one of the al¬ 
ways- tough Hawks while adapting thdr 
game plan to the adverse conditions in 
the Kitchener-Waterloo region. 

‘laurier is doing very well in the league 

so Fm very proud of them for the result” 
Hart said "The conditions a^irat Wa¬ 
terloo were awful, they had snow over 
the weekend and it was gale force winds. 
The first 15-20 minutes we couldrit get 
out of our half because the ball would 
come right back to us but we settled 
down, kqtf the bail on the ground and 
eventually we worked our way through 
_ we gut our just desserts, the grris dom¬ 
inated in foe end" 

Heading into their final weekend of 
competition, the Lancers are 6-8-1 on 
the year and sit in fifth place in the OUA 
West division. 

In whai was a fairly even match, foe 
Lancers hdd a st^ht edge in shot at¬ 
tempts, out-shooting the host Hawks 
15-14 in the contest Goaltenders Krys- 
tin Lawrence of Windsor and Ashley 
Almeida of Laurier both earned a shut¬ 
out for their teams, finishing foe game 
with seven saves each. 

The next afternoon Windsor and Wa¬ 
terloo would exchange goals in foe 
opening half as Becca Femfh put away 
the gamek opening goal into an open 
net in the 34th minute but Watertocfe 
Aysun Qsmansoy answered for Wa¬ 
terloo in the 40th minute. Osmanso/s 
cross from outside the 18-yaid boat 

deflected in off a Windsor defender in 
behind Lawrence, 

The Lancers would take the lead in the 
51st minute on a god by Jazmin Martin 
for her third of foe seasoa The Warriors 
applied continuous pressure for the re¬ 
mainder of foe match, but the Lancer 
defense would not allow than to tally 
tiie tying goal puBingout foarsixfowin 
of foe year 

The Lancers will now host the Western 
Mustang in their final regular season 
game Oct 25 at 1 pm ai Alumni Fidd. 

‘The giris will be on the road for the 
playoffe but we haw to waft to see whal 
they bring against Western” said Hart 
“Therds a possibility we could move op 
if we beat them and that would change 
where we are playing.” 

The Windsor mem soccer team shutout 
foe Hawks 2-0 to kickoff the two-game 
set Oct 17 before eamir^ a 3-1 win over 
Waterloo in less than desirable condi¬ 
tions the next afternoon. 

Against Laurier, ft was Michael Plo and 
Jamar Redhead who controlled the field 
and scored a goal in the first and second 
half each. 

Nlklas Bauer fed Laurier in shot at¬ 

tempts during the match, however he 
was unable to slip one past Kyle Vi- 
zirakis who successfully blocked all 
seven shots aimed his way to maintain 
a dean sheet for the game, hb 10fo shut¬ 
out of the season. 

Noah Pk> scored his first of two and 
opened the scoring for the Lancers late 
in the first haft’ against the Warriors. 
Holding a one-goal lead throughout 
most of the second half, Windsor scored 
a pair of late goals to build a three-goal 
fead with three minutes remaining, 
Lyowuna fumbo scored his seventh of 
foe year in foe 80th minute, while Pin 
scored his second of the day in the 87th 

Vmrakis bid for an 1 tfo shut-out was 
spoiled during injury time as Matthew 
Gosfca managed to fire one into the back 
of the net just before the whistle Hew 

The Lancers are now 12-2-1 on the 
season and hold a narrow edge over 
foe York lions for the top spot in the 
OUA West division. Windsor has accu¬ 
mulated 37 points with only one match 
against die rival Western Mustangs re¬ 

Hart was disappointed to acknowledge 
that no matter how they do against the 
Mustang at Alumni Fidd Oct 25, the 
lions wi most likdy dinch first place 

in the conference with their final two 
matches coming against foe ninth-place 
Algpma Thundabirds, nearly guaran¬ 
teeing sk-points for tire defending QUA 
and CIS champions and a 41 point total 
for the seasoa one ahead of the Lancers. 

"McMaster cant catch us either so weVe 
definitely got second place,” explained 
Hart. “So wel get the week off and host 
a playoff game the next weekend” 

The Lancers will now host the Mus¬ 
tangs in their final ^me of the regular 
season on Oct 25 at 3:15 pm. al Alum¬ 
ni Fidd As the playoffs near; Hart ex¬ 
plained how important it is for Windsor 
to avoid yeflbw cards in their match, as 
a number of Lancers near suspension 
from the OUA 

tp We have some guys sitting on sus¬ 
pensions so we wiE be resting some of 
them against WestenC explained Hart 
lf But we will field tire strongest team 
possibly can while bdng realistic that 
we obvioudy can't afford to have peo¬ 
ple suspended for the first game of fire 

The Lancers soccer program will hon¬ 
our their graduating players during a 
pregame ceremony with the match be¬ 
ginning shortly aftk 



A Bit of Mozart and Schubert 

With Plenty of Skill 


Arts Editor 

Theres a fickle thing when it comes to 
writing about classical music For one, 
Tve never written, but only listened H 
would be quite a stretch to call mysdf 
versed; yet ther& a plated entbuaasm 
where the ears prop up at the sign of an 
orchestrated tune. 

The Intimate Classics, courtesy of the 
Windsor Symphony Orchestra, is a 
program where you have experts play¬ 
ing the music of masters. An Oct 18 
afternoon saw the works of Woligang 
Amadeus Mozart and Franz Schubert 
be played for a quiet, but invested Cap¬ 
itol Theatre audience With Mozart 
consisting of the first halt the set was 
divided into a four-muskian flute and 
oboe quartet With fean-Francois Rom- 
pre and Graham Madenzie at flute and 
oboe respectively each musician carried 
the talent, energy and passion needed to 
drive home a beautiful, joyful piece. 

The Mozart set allowed for musicians 
on stag? to showcase their individu¬ 
al skill, as you were aHe to deariy hear 
every note being produced from each 
instrument being played The level of 
performance carried on towards the 
work of Franz Schubert, and the eight 
differe nt musicians who performed his 
Octet in F Major, Schubert made up 
for the second half, as the hour-long set 
varied from upbeal tunes to contempla¬ 
tive ones. While the music itself had its 
fair share of repetition, the near flawless 
performance from the WSO members 
made it easy to overlook 

Personally its aD too easy to be engaged 
in work backed by sheer talent and dis¬ 
cipline, but classical is never reafly oneto 
make any converts, With youth, either 
you care to listen or you dorit In a way 
its unfortunate too, as it can be contem¬ 
plative^ reflective and wanning. Classi¬ 
cal is an evocation in on its own, on top 
ofbdng a piece of history. 


« A 

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra played some of the classics of Mozart with a four-musician flute quartet 

at the Capitol Theatre Del, IS* 

[Photo by // Harti Yassine] 

Personalized Learning and Strategies 
for those with Learning Disabilities 


News Editor 

The University of Windsors Student 
Success Centre is committing to creat¬ 
ing equal opportunities and access for 
students with disabilities. 

According to thdr mission statement, 
the centre t$ also here to promote 
awareness throughout the campus and 
community as well as providing the 
services for those who need it Some of 
these services include quiet rooms and 
otoKkd testing times, audio todbooks 
and note-takers among many other 

Learning strategist and disability advise 
at the University, Rkhard Hayes, said 
most of what they see at the centre is 
what they call invisible disabilities. 

"This categorizes disabilities that arent 
obvious like ADHD, brain injuries and 
other kinds of conditions," said Hayes. 
‘■Specifically on learning disabilities, 
my job as a strategist is to hdp students 
better understand their disabilities, what 
thdr learning profile is and what their 
strengths are because when people first 
come here they focus on what thdr 
weaknesses are and we try to flip that! 5 

Along with leamit^ disabilities, the 

university also offers support for other 
disabilities including ADD and ADHD, 
psychiatric disabilities, low vision and 
blindness, deafaess and hard of hearing, 
mobility impairments, ehronk medical 
conditions and acquired brain injuries. 
According to Hayes, the success centre 
wants to help students with these dis¬ 
abilities prepare tool kits to help them 
succeed in post-secondary education 
and into the work place, 

"We want to turn individual's strengths 
into real assets when they're studying,* 
said Hayes. “For example, we haw a lot 
of students with reading disabilities with 
exceptional skills in visual processing. 
There areways to study and process text 
formats and turn their visual strengths 
into assets when dealing with reading” 

Hayes said the centre wants to hdp stu¬ 
dents with any disabilities to be able to 
find thdr stealths to use for them to 
deal with thdr disability and move for¬ 

He also said everything they do is to 
help students compete fairly, not to give 
students an advantage over others. He 
said the reasons offices like the Student 
Disability Services open is because it is 
generally realized students with disabil¬ 
ities are found to be at a disadvantage 

and ife hard for them to find ways to 
level the playing field 

There are four advisors In the office at 
the University of Windsor and when 
students are trying to figure out if they 
haw a disability and want to seek help, 
Hayes said they should make an ap¬ 
pointment to get things started 

'AH die advisors haw different lands of 
specialties and it all starts by coming in 
and chattingwith someone," said Hayea 
"In the case of a leamii^ disability; even 
if there Is no diagnosis yet, if evidence 
suggests there could be a learning dis- 
ability then well start the process to help 
students to get an assessment done.* 

Hayes said for someone to be able to 
access the help at the centre, they need 
a current assessment on file from die 
past three to five years and the specific 
requirements within that assessment 
He said its always best to come in and 
chat before any action is taken whether 
it be for a learning disability or any other 
disabilities recognized by the University 

For more inibnmation on the Student 
Disability Services, visit wvmuwindsor. 
ca/disatnlity or visit die Student Success 
Centre located in the basement of Dil¬ 
lon Hall 




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A WIFF of What’s to Come 

WIFE Executive Director Vhftggftf Georgle speaks with reporters following a press conference at the Chrysler 

Theatre Oct 15. 

[Photo by// Hani YassineJ 

siomls getting together at the eariiest 
parts ofthdr careers and crating some¬ 


Arts Editor 

Fresh off its I Oth anniversary, the Wind¬ 
sor IntematkHiaJ Film Festival ism bt 
ting upon the momentum as it prepares 
for a promising 11 th year. 

AH details regarding the festival were of 
finallydtsdosedOct ISatthe 5t Gair 
Cdfege Centre for the Arts' Chrysler 
Tlieafcre From Nov 3 to 8> 90 docu¬ 
mentary short and feature films will be 
screening at the Capitol Theatre where 
thousands of patrons wHI be subjected 
to a great wealth of films made from 
over 35 Gauntries, induding Cana¬ 
da. With last years festival selling over 
15,000 tickets throughout its ma the 
festival has begun to emerge as a cultural 
and community staple 

'When talking with distribute when 
talking with filmmakers, they know 
what were up to, they know what weVe 
been up to for yeaisT said WIFF Exec¬ 
utive Director Vincent Georgfe. “They 
know that our audience just wants to 
see great movies. WIFF is about great 
movies, thats just the bottom tine. 14 

From edgy to heartfelt, from hanwing 

to hilarious* the festival aims to cover 
aH earners and deliver an audience-fo¬ 
cused experience everybody can enjoy: 

Not to mention films like 'Bom to be 
Bhie or About Elly ! where the former 
has yet to be screened in the region 
and the latter having yet to be screened 
anywhere in Canada Bttt on top of the 
usual festival perks, theres also a sense of 
tradition through their signature safes. 
The festival means to bring bade the 
crowd pteaserThe Intoudiables'due to 
the immense success the festival has had 
screening it in tiie past 

“The Intouchahles' has been on Netfiix 
for a couple of years, but there* some¬ 
thing about it thatis magical to our au¬ 
dience that have loved it more than any 
other film, and it also makes it abit ofa 
tradition!’ Georgie said 

Tradition is also being retained tftrough 
the CAN/AM Grand Prix of Cinema 
and the 48-Hour Hickfest which was 
hdd on the weekend of Oct 17, Out of 
the 90 films to be screened 23 of thou 
are Canadian, with at least a handful of 
them bang produced to the Windsor/ 
Essex region The festival abo takes 
a step further by choosing to honour 
homegrown filmmaker Dylan Pierce 
by screening two of his films "40 Below 
and Falling and Whatever It Was! The 
former is Bert* latest film induded in 
his body of work while latter is among 
his earliest made in 2009 where it had 

a successful and ler^tfry theatrical run 
at Lakeshore Ciiienm but hasn't been 
seen since 

Ttfc about the sort of* storks thitt get told 
to relationships and the tilings that we 
keep from one another; and what gets 
revealed and howf said Christopher 
Lawrence-Merard, who worked on 
Whatever It Was’ as a soeenwriter ’‘it 
was really; what fd like to think is a lot 
of creative filmmakers and film proib- 

thing I think becamea steppi^ stone to 
the restoftheirwodc 

Another local film w® be having its 
grand premiere ai WIFE The period 

piece "Stillwater! set locally in the 1920s 
prohibition area, is directed by the uni¬ 
versity's own Mto Bae, who serves as a 
film studies professor For the produc¬ 
tion of the film, Bae cdkboratod with 

former students and they aim to bring 
Windsors prohibition history into a 
spotlight which has been mainly left 

M A couple of former students, we started 
to chat about why Windsor never made 
a drama about the rum running history, 

and then I kin d of jumped inT Bae said. 

A M listing of this year's films can be 
found on the WIFF website, where tick¬ 
ets can also be purchased 

Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau makes his victory speech in Mon 
treat after the Oct. 19 election. 

IPhoto courtesty of Andre) Ivanov ; Photo Editor at The Concordianj 

real change.” 

In his speech, Trudeau noted politics 
does not need to be negative or person¬ 
al and hb campaign was abk to prove 
that through thdr appeal to the “better 
angds of our nature!' He also thanked 
the last decade, noting Conservatives 
are not our enemies, they are our neigh¬ 
bors," and “leadership is about bringing 
people of att different perspectives to 


Trudeau said he didrifc make h&ory 
tonight, but rather the Canadians who 
voted him in did, and the reason he was 
able to stand on the stage was because 
Canadians put him there 

"You gave me dear marching orders!* 
said Trudeau '"You want a government 
that works as hard as you do, one that 
focuses every minute of every day on 
growing the eooaoiiiy erea^ 
strengthening the middle c fass. One 
that is devoted to helping less fortunate 
Canadian families work thdr way into 
the middle dass. You want a Prime 
Minister who knows Canada is a coun¬ 
try strong, not in spite of our differences 
but because of them ... Chadians have 
spoken You want a government with 
a vision and an agenda for this coun¬ 
try that is positive and ambitious and 
hopdiil Wei my friends I premise you 
tonight dial I will lead that govern ment. 
I will make that vision a reality, 1 will be 
that Prime Ministeaf 

The Ambassador Bridge 
is Falling Down 

With pieces of the international bridge between Canada and the U.S - dosing streets and causing damag¬ 
es, we're seeing the dosing and potential dosing of wads crossing under the bridge. 

Scaffolding has been put up underneath the bridge on the sidewalks for pedestrians to go through but 
there is no vehicular access through Wyandotte , Peter and Donnelly streets. 

After the press conference held Oct. 16 there was no word as to what the next steps wilt be . Both city and 
bridge issued inspections have been initiated , however there is no word as what to will be done to better 

or fix the issue. 

The University of Windsor parking tots have not yet been dosed and all are accessible via Indian Road. 
The parking lots will remain opened to students until further notice. 

[Photo by it Caleb Workman j 



Arts Editor 

Like many of those who attended, Paul 
Webster carried no expectations upon 
entering the Walkervilk Brewery to see 
a pole fitness show, but he left pleasantly 

Tw nev^er been to a pole show before 
so 1 dkirft know what to expect But itfc 
cool I like iC Webster said “My bigges t 
regret was not tdling more of my bud¬ 
dies* and thats my bad 1 ' 

Even with the show hdd at the same 
venue last February pole fitness in 
Windsor still finds itself enshrouded in 
misconception and contusion by hav¬ 
ing it linked to exotic danrin& In an at¬ 
tempt to bnng darity to die discussion, 

another pole fitness show titled "Deferia* 
washddOct 17, But it also paired as an 
announcement for Windsors first ded¬ 
icated pole studio: Vertika Bole Fitness, 
which is dated to open in November on 
Ottawa Street 

“Thais kind of the goal to announce 
and show that this is whai pole fitness 
is and theres still a lot of confusion as to 
what you re really going to expect, 1 ' said 
event organizer and Vertika co-own¬ 
er Caita Gemerson. 4< So this is kind of 
Jetting Windsor know what pde is and 
where they can come learn it” 

With 10 student so far, Vertika aims to 
increase those numbers by having up to 
20 dasses per week with the majority 
dedicated to pole fitness. The Saturday 
night show adopted a Grt|ue du Soldi 
theme where performers were in masks, 
with some utilizing an aerial silken top 
of the poles which were set on stage for 
both group and sob acts. While a great 

cnuriK or toe ,vj 

'’t'JYO/TMiU ICt 

art, it was also a demonstration of great 
core strength upon moving in, around 
and on top of the poles with the utmost 

"Tfe kind of a new way of working out^ 
said performer Jess Craymer, who took 

The Vertika Pole Fitness showcase at Walkervilk Brewery wasn't just focused on pole dancing. Other acts 

included interpretive and belly dancing throughout the night Oct 17, 

-■■ rphtm hv ft Mont MIRf 

up pole fitness in May while living in 
Muskoka Tm a triathlete and a runner, 
but 1 need a bit of cross training to go 
with my running routine, so pde fitness 
is a way for me to cross train and still 

m*M nw rfrHifATKfcw ctrjmx 


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Vertika Pale Fltnm owners Caita Gemerson and Alexandra Michelle perform an act at the Walkerville 

Brewery Oct. 17. 

(Photo by//Haul Yassine] 


Joyce and Jaxon Galick pull out their best superhero poses at the Superhero Takeover Oct 18* 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman} 

for tlie event who either dressed up and 
acted or ran one of over 10 events avail¬ 
able tor those present 

'Its awesome to see the kids go crazyT 
said chair of the event liz Nehme. '1& 
valuable to have events like this in the 

community. It's valuable and we can Bumblebee and Red Arrow team up in an unexpected crossover to take 

down cystic fibrosis Oct. 18 at the Superhero Takeover. 
teach our kids the importance to give (phato ^ ;/ (UlJeh Worhtu] „j 

bade for all that we get” 

Nehme said we get to give people who 
may not liave what we have what they 
need through events like this. 

Two young spedal guests of the night, 
brothers fayte and Jaxon Galick, 
both haw cystic fibrosis, said the event 
was 'awesome* and they had a lot of fun 
playing with their friend in their Trans¬ 
formers costumes - Optimus Prime 
and Bumblebee. 

‘Today were at a superhero party and 
Ifn Optimus Prime,” said Jayce, “We 
both have cystic fibrosis and were here 
to celebrate the night and raise money 
for it” 

Both of the brothers, along with their 
friends, got to fight off the Joker along¬ 
side Batman and the Flash 

The event also held a silent auction, raf¬ 
fle and other entertainment and bootiis 
for people to visit 

Next up for Cystic Fibrosis Canada 
Windsor Essex is its annual Princess 
Bad which will continue to raise money 
and awareness for the disease. 

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News Editor 

There was a time when Iron Man, Bat¬ 
man and Optimus Prime climbed out 
of their comic books to fight a common 
enemy - cystic fibrosis. 

Children, parents, families and friends 
dressed up, gathered together and com¬ 
bined forces to raise money 7 for the Su¬ 
perhero Takeover lidd at the Godaro 
Gub on Oct 18. The night was filled 
with crime stopping, bouncy" houses 
and other activities for the young and 
dder suneiheroes to irartionate in 

The event drew in around 300 people 
and aimed to raise $20,000, which ac¬ 
cording to Essex-Kent Chapter fund 
development manager, Kristin Douglas, 
was what theywere on track for 

This is file second year weve had tire 
event and weve doubled in me” said 
Douglas, “We reaDy appreciate the chair, 
Liz Nehme, and everyone who has 
come out because community events 
like this really do make a difference.” 

All the money' raised for the event is 
going for advocacy, research and care in 
relation to cystic fibrosis- Douglas said 
there was also more than 30 volunteers 

Sandra Riccio-Muglia, owner of The Magic Closet and Holly Dtjo- 
$eph> BFA acting student at the University of Windsor set up their 
Magic Closet booth Oct 18 at the Superhero Takeover event 
[Photo by // Caleb Workman} 


UWindsor Graduates More Than 800 


Antoni Tdfos> 23, graduated &om UWindsor 
with a Bachelor^ Degree in Business Commote 

XjnkhkUion was great, it was a iwymridm^ ex¬ 
perience- Ihe mire ceremony was nice ctrklfoh^ 

my family and friends Item was great The four 
years Mis a total bhtr .; I nmU to b&tmwapn$$~ 
sorsQ I need about ten mm yean of schooling and 
about $10Q,(XX) tog# to that milestone so lurpefidly 
I get there* 


Ashley Hall graduated with a Bachelor of Arts itherethis makesUworth ii fd like tog# hwofoai 

Honours - Pyschobgy and Sociology degree. j n a working with people with cbsdfeH- 

took a mOyhng»m and abt cfpatkrm oryinmgdnldrv. Somewhere in that ^vanity 
perseverance and persistence but whenymt make hopefully 


Ayhan Guvenal graduated with a Bachelors fed like UWmisor prepared me far the outsuie 
Degree in Business CcKnmerec world and hopefidly it carries on Ur the jobs l may 

1 fed like tt will grw me a lot cf opportunities. I get in thefirtum I plan to become an accountant 


Cole Baldwin, 23* graduated fcm the Univera- 
ty cfWindsor with a Bachdors Degree in Envi- 

Its been a good journey l met abt ofpeople 
and kmtet i a bt along the way loday has just 
been art outstanding da) i / was lucky to graduate 
ahngsuk my girlfriend and spend tkevdwleday 

aroundtim and take it all m owfost time. Its not 
ji45t Mhal happens m the dassmom bt4 die people 
you encounter and your experiences everywhere 
that stupe who you become Future pirns are to 
get a job 1 would like to specialize in em^mmmen- 
td sustainability and resource management so 
Tm hoping to get into thatfdd n 


Frank Rosati, 22, graduated from the Univetsity 
of Windsor with a Bachelors Degree in Sport 

Its a great feekftg to graduate. I had abt qffim here 
at UWbuisor.! met abt cf great peopk, awesome, 
professors and Ig# tijed^ee l wanted to be inM 
bittersweet, Im iwppy lamgtndutwl, Jam happy 

J am done but lam definftrt}'going to miss it here 
tm going to miss going to doss e\>eryday and kcm^ 
m teachers college here and I have that far two years 
where hopefully after J am fend a teaching job. If I 
degree and find a pt in the sports bussmssfidd? 


Students During 104th Convocation Ceremony 


Navid Nazemi. 31, Graduated with a "ft was a long putney but I am very floppy today 
PhD Doctorate of Philosophy in Qv- 

ed my PhD m 2010.1 can say it is one cftiie most 
il Engineering and Shudural Engineering. mportantdtysin my life and Tm hoping Pvegot a 

better future wh? 


Linda Callimaque graduated form the Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor with a Bachelors Degree in 
French Studies. 

“It is an emotiona! time because jour years of 
sdwcdavty dry hftardlrtem drought I would 

see tills day after what 1 have been through. I'm 
verylnqrpytobedorie. With all of myfatntiy and 
friends here tins is a very emotioned moment for 
me.1 will take a year off and dim l plan to go 
for my Musters degree in tr&matkmd Dewbp- 
nvnt, so we will seen fan diefuture holds 


Rachd Conte graduated fiom UWindsorwtth a 
Bachelor ot Commerce in Business Administra¬ 

“It ivasalot of hard work It fids good to get it oxer 

with A lot cfycinscf work went into tins. 1 aarent- 
fy work with the Bank if Montreal so I plan to stay 
with them. There ate a ht of good carver opportu¬ 
nities and I may potentially go to law sdwoT 


A Celebration of Words and 
Pages Enters its 14th Year 


Arts Editor 

The Capitol 'rheatre, usually known for 
concerts or film screenings, found itself 
recently boasting in literary prowess 

From Oct 15 to 18, the theatre was 
home to the 14th year of Backtest 
Windsor. An event which initially be¬ 
gan as a single afternoon session grad¬ 
ually transformed into a four-day festi¬ 
val where people can listen to featured 
authors about tlieir work and the writ¬ 
ing process in general Not to mention 
the dozens of books which were made 
available for purchase with the help and 
collaboration of local library BMioasts* 

‘Windsors a literary town,” said Book- 
fest planning committee chair Sarah far- 
m “Themk a lot of writers here and this 
grew out of a desire for focal people to 
hear more authors and to invite authors 
to come, so this is something people 

Some of the events and panels within 
the festival included a writing workshop 
with author Kelly Fbidon asvrell as a po¬ 
etry cafe. Part of the festival was also hdd 
in the Canadian Club Heritage Centre 
where authors spoke about stories with¬ 

in Windsor's prohibition-era history. 

The University of Windsor was also 
present during the festival through the 
Humanities Research Group, as some 
faculty and staff spoke about schokriy 
writing and peer review 

"It creates something where nothing has 
been before Its not the easiest thing in 
tiie world to do, and T wonder whats go¬ 
ing to happen next in the 21st century 
with scholarly publishing said Dr Erica 
Stevens Abbitt, panelist and School of 
Dramatic Art associate professor 

UWmdsor womens studies professor 
Fauline Phipps moderated a one?hour 
panel, which placed a focal point in the 
research and development behind ac¬ 
ademic journals, comparing and con¬ 
trasting its trials and tribulations in the 
digital age. More importantly it shed 
light on how this aspect of academia will 
carry on from the past and towards the 

“Ones intuition would be well digital 

distribution should be easier, but in fret 
the opposite has essentially happened^ 
said Leddy librarian Dave Johnston, 
"Thai cost has gone way up and its very 
difficult to purchase access to research, 
and its essentially inaccessible to one 

Patrons who intended Bookfest Windsor shop around for the latest and greatest at the Capitol Theatre Oct ♦ 


[Photo by // Hunt Yassine] 

scnoiany imt 

University of Windsor” 

While tile festival ended Oct 18, it will 
make a return for one night Nov: 18, 
where author Laurence Hill will be at 
the Capitol Theatre to discuss his latest 
book The Illegal 





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offers the unique skills you will need to launch your career 
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Dozens of books were made available for purchase at Bookfest Windsor, which was held from Oct , 15 to 18 

at the Capitol Theatre . 

[Photo by//Hani Yassine] 




The Business School 


LU ^ 



Halloween Horrors Await Those 
Brave Enough to Walk Them 


The Lance Contributor 

Looking for something to make you pee 
your pants in fear this weekend? Grab 
mi exim pam and mid at% as The I mice 
has scouted out mm of the most popular 
HaOomen attractions across Windsor 
and Essex County. However, please be 
advised some of the below attractions me 
intendedfuries 12and up. Having di$~ 
dosed this, here are some thirds to do in 
Windsor to celebrate Halloween the right 


First and foremost in the lineup is the 
Scarehouse ofcfowntown Wmdsar 

Located this year at 576 OueSette Ave., 
Scarehouse is celebrating its eighth year 
serving the need to terrify its custom¬ 
ers when it comes to classic and pine 
haunted house shenanigans. At three 
Soots and 21,000 $q. ft of scaring space, 
Scarehouse is the largest haunted house 
attraction in Southwestern Ontario. 

Production designer Shawn Lippert 
said no one is safe in Scarehouse and 
your $15 admission will be wadi-spent as 
you roam betwesi its rooms. 

a M yourfoars and phobias airm dieter 

said lippert 

In order to keep some secrets, Lip¬ 
pert listed some common phobias in¬ 
dulged inside Scarehouse including, but 
not limited to, daiLstrophobia, fear of the 
dark, creepy’ crawlers, clowns and The 
crazy girl in the insane asylum." Most 
actors will not touch you but they will 
comewithin dose prodmifyofyoti 

“We understand if youte going to dish 
ottt $15 to get into our haunt ifs got to be 
at a levd thafe worth that fifteen budcsT 
said Lippert, as his wife wandered by 
dressed as aWhiteWalker from die tele¬ 
vision show Game of Thrones. “There? 
always something that will mess with 
your head inside one of our haunts!* 

With a lineup around the comer aD the 
way to die dd Capri Pizza location, they 
must be doing something right Get 
there before 9 pm if you want to awDid a 
massive lineup. They will be open every 

night from October 22 to 31, and it wffl 
only get busier as Halloween approach- 


Next up is Fort Maiden in Amherst- 
burg If you have a friend who drives, ii 
is a greatway to leam some local, creepy 
history. Sometimes the scariest things 
can be found in die true stories of his¬ 

Fort Malden tour guide Alex Dak di¬ 
vulged in some ofthe local history ofthe 
fort; induding some events which, ac¬ 
cording to him, not many locals know 

*1 think that the feet that we are a fort 
and we are a military site involved with 
the war of 1812 and the rebellions of 
1837, and were the only fort in town re¬ 
ally makes it into a unique setting,” said 
Dale. ‘Its a gloomy setting... and it has 
the history of being not only a garrison 
for soldiers during war but also it [was] 
a more bizarre period Most people in 
the area [don’t realize] it was a provincial 
lunatic asylum in the 1800$; 

Scarehouse patrons get a surprise jump-scare from one ofthe actors waitittg.for them m the dark Oct. 17 in 

downtown Windsor. 

I Photo by // Kar* Leigh Kelso} 

Ever wanted to wander 

tentially ha unted mental institution? 
Heres your chance. 

The guided tour winds through vari¬ 
ous fort areas induding a barracks and 
cookhouse, where local actors will be 
performing slots to visually display the 
storks being told by the guide This in¬ 
dudes soldier desertions, amputations 
and eteculkm Not to mention the im¬ 
prisoned mentally ill 

Because of the very real nature of the 
fort, Dale advises not to wander—you 
may 611 into a trench or foe Detroit Riv- 
er itself, as the grounds are not well-lit 

Admission is $9.80 and all money 
raised goes to The HouseYouth Centre 
in Axnheisdxiigand the tours will con¬ 
tinue to run October 23,24 25 and 30 
from fr30 pm to 9 pm and leave every 
15 minutes from the visitors centre. 

If paying $15 isnt particularly in your 
budget this Halloween season, but you 
still want a great scare, one of Essex 
County’s longest running haunted at¬ 
tractions returns this weekend at a high¬ 
ly- anticipated brand new location 

For more than 40 years, the Gesto 
Spookhouse has been a staple in the 
lisex commtmity, drawing in over 100 
volunteers and attracting attendance re¬ 
cords of more than 2,000 patrons. The 
Spookhouse is geared towards collect¬ 
ing canned goods for their local food 
bank, typically donating 5,000 goods. 
Run this year by Kathy MaiDoux and 
her three copartners, the Spookhouse 
has been preparing for this weekends 
performances since late August 

From downs, to zombies, witches 
to goblins, tight spaces and dimly lit 
rooms, the Gesto Spookhouse will cer¬ 
tainly have ymt clinging onto the poor 


Last but certainty not least in our series 
is the locally famousThiesser^ Orchard, 
who this year introduced their haunted 
orchard and (unbaunted) com maze 

Part-owner Krissy Thkssen said 
there is nothing tame about thdr or¬ 
chard-greenhouse hybrid haunting 
walk-tbnoughs. She noted their most 
prominent actors are the creepy 1 downs 
who will be roaming. 

"If downs aren’t your thing, this prob- 
ably isrit the place you want to beT said 

Thiessen said there are plenty of jump 
scareswhich may affect even the bravest 
of souls. 

night" die said. * f ltis a redly fun uight 

We definitely fed you will 100 per cent 

be scared” 

fust in case there are those interested 
in getting into the Halloween spirit but 
really are not looking to have to change 
ihdr dothes, they do also offer“Scaredy 
Cat” afternoons where the attractions 
are up and running with all the lights 
ore They do also note the haunted bam 
is too intense for young children and 
that actors or special effects may touch 
those waUtii^ through* 

Tbiesserfe haunted orchard is open Oc¬ 
tober evenings and admission is $ 12 

If youre feeling courageous this HaSaw- 
een season, definitely consider giving 
something bade to your community and 
partkipatirigmsomeHalhweenjun Be* 
sides* how maty tnnes cm ymwatriiFfa 
day the 13th Hand still enjoyitf 


Cj? JVemdsmA, 

1 a/rn, CXuMa/ nit, juJbiflflurtL, 
VUjdyid., pepfg, 6L bllifta. 

becaim. yp youJL, 

tkeui/ClL tiu. {kiSvojJuvjJu\ 




8y: L A. Bonte 

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Spitfires Continue To Pile Up 
Points Early in OHL Campaign 


Sports Editor 

The Spitfires took four of a possible six 
points this past week in Ontario Hotk¬ 
ey League actioa paying three gmes 
in a four day stretch against the Ottawa 
6T$, Gudph Storm and Owen Sound 

Minutes after rookie Dan Beaudoins 
second goal of the OHL season tkd the 
game and earned the Spitfires a point 
a momentary defensive lapse between 
Beaudoin and defensemen Logan Stan¬ 
ley allowed Ottawa^ Austen Keating to 
spring free on a breakaway and score 
his second goal of the contest 103 into 
overtime, giving the 67*5 a 4-3 win over 
the Spitfires at the WFCU Centre Oct 

Spitfires head coach Rocky Thonfwson 
said it was tough to squander a point af¬ 
ter playing a solid first two periods. 

"We weren’t perfect but we were gettii^ 

shots and chances^ Thompson said 
“Their goalie made some big saves and 
it was a tight game going into the third 
They came out hungry in the third and 
I dunk you could see our immatnrityas 
a team when we got on our heels in the 
first four shifts.” 

Cristiano DtGtadnto opened the soar¬ 
ing at the 522 mark of the first period 
DiGiadntbs fourth of the year was the 
lone goal of the opening 20 minutes. 

Keatings first of the game, his first in 
the OHL, came midway through the 
second period and bed the game up for 

Hayden McCod picked up the other 
goal for Windsor with his third Otta¬ 
wa forwards Dante Salituro scored on 
a power play and former Spitfire Sam 
Studnkka rounded out the regulation 
scoring for the visitors. 

With Windsor trailing 3-2 late in the 
third period Beaudoin scored his sec¬ 
ond of the season to fie the game with 
only 4:08 to play in regulation and ulti¬ 
mately forte overtime before Keatings 
game-winner on a breakaway Ottawa 
goaftmder Leo Lazarev liad to leave 
the g rme after Beaudoins tying goal late 
in the fond but returned at foe start of 
overtime and made key saves in the ex¬ 
tra frame to finish with 27 total and the 

Windsor Spitfires forward Cristiano DiGiacinto enters the offensize zone against the Ottawa 67 J s in OHL action at the WFCU Centre Oct 15 . 
Windsor fell to Ottawa in 4-3 in overtime but earned four gut of six points aver the weekend to bring their season total to 15. 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

overtime -victory. 

“We recovered and got the point and we 
had a good opportunity in overtime, we 
had a lot of possession in overtime hut 
made a mistake on their goal” Thomp¬ 
son said ‘Ottawa made a line change 
and we never tracked foe guy coming 
out and foe defensemen made a g^eat 
play from behind his net to Keating- so 
thats the way it goes sometimes unfor¬ 

Spitfires rookie goaltender Michael Di- 
Pietro hiked Windsors two-game skid 
when they travelled to Gudph to take 
on the Storm at the Sfoeman Centre 
Oct 16. DiPteteo, 16, shined once again 
for foe Spitfires eariy in his m^or junior 
Itockey career, makar^; 36 saves and 
propelling Windsor to a 2-1 win over 
foe Storm in front of nearly 3*500 tens, 

Garrett McFadden opened the scoring 
with his first of the season with 5:17 
remaining in the first period After get¬ 
ting a breakaway' pass from Vladislav 
Barulin, McFkideres batted a rebound 
out of mid-air after his initial breakaway 
shot sailed high but bounced off of the 

glass back into the slot for his first of the 

Spitfires forward Brad Latour scored 
on the power play in foe first period to 
tie the score at one Latour knocked a 
centering pass into foe open cage after 
Logan Brown pulled Storm goalkeep¬ 
er fustin Nichols out of position and 
slid foe puck toa cutting Latour for his 
fourth oftheyear. 

Aaron Luchuk cashed in his fifth goal of 
the year off of a rebound after Hayden 
McCod took a centering pass from 
Anthony Stefeno and fired the puck on 
goaf Nkhob had the puck covered but 
turned to lode behind him as foe puck 
came out to Luchuk who made no mis¬ 
take from just outside the blue paint for 
the game-winner, 

DiPtotro stopped 28 shots in the final 
two periods of foe contest and im¬ 
proved liis recoid to 4-0. 

Two days later, the Spitfires squeezed 
another point out of foe weekend by 
coming back to tie the Owen Sound 
Attack in regulation but Jarett Meyer 

would score just 35 seconds into over¬ 
time and give the home team a 4-3 win 
over foe Spitfires in front of2359 at JD 
McArthur Arena Oct 18. 

Windsor is currently 2-2-1 in overtime 
games this year and DiGiadoto said the 
one thing he has learned about the 3-on- 
3 overtime format is that anything can 

"Its one bounce away from a break¬ 
away like weve seen or another bounce 
from an odd-man rushT DiGiacinto 
explained 'Its tough to say. Guys with 
speed are definitely key. If you have a 
guy who can slow it down and control 
foe puck we can keep teams down tow 
in their defensive zone and tire them 
out- Its new to everyone so hopefiiiiy 
as foe year goes on there wffl be a little 
more strategy to it” 

After Windsor’s Anthony Stefeno 
opened the scoring on a power goal as¬ 
sisted by Gabriel VilardL Evao Szypula 
helped Owen Sound build a 2-1 toad 
with his fourth and filth goals of foe sea- 
son, both of which came with the man 
advantage, Duizi pushed foe Attack 

lead to 3-1 when he walked into the of¬ 
fensive zone and blasted a slap shot past 

From there foe Spitfire^ comeback was 
on as V0aidi received credit for tipping 
in an Andrew Bums point foot for his 
fifth with just over nine minutes re¬ 
maining Luehuk would then force the 
extra session withhisteamdeading sixth 
of foe season at 1523 of the third peri¬ 
od, banging in a rebound past Michael 
McNiven and helping the Spitfires earn 
one point in all but one of the dubs first 

McNiven earned foe win in goal tor the 
Attack with 20 saves while Windsors 
Michael Giugovaz made 33 saves but 
took foe loss. Although Giugovaz is 2-1- 
3, he sports a .890 save percentage and 
lias been in net for seven ot Windsors 
15 total points in the OHL standing 

The Spitfires now travel fora pair of road 
games in North Bay and Sudbury Oct 
22 and 23 before returning to Windsor 
for a home date against foe London 
Knights Oct 25 ai the WFCU Centre 
for a Sunday matinee game. 


Windsor Spitfires Learn How To 
Make Pizza Masterpieces for Charity 

Windsor Spitfires Gabriel Vilardu Luke Boka, Logan Stanley and falcn Chat field enjoyed an afternoon of pizza making and fundraising to support the Slices for Strides foundation. 
From Oct * 13 to 30, Pizza Pizza restaurants across Canada will offer discounted menu items in support of Children's Miracle Network , 

/Photo by if Brett Hedges] 

Windsor Spitfires rookie Gabriel Vilardi puts his personalized pizza ht the oven in support of the 
Sikes for Smiles Foundation, By walking in to your local Pizza Pizza restaurant from Oct . 13 to 
30 and picking up a special slice and can of Coke for $2,9% a portion of the proceeds from the 
sale of this special will be donated to Childrens Miracle Network»to benefit eight of its member 

childrens hospitals in Canada . 

[Photo by // Brett Hedgesj 

Jalen Chut field, Logan Stanley and Luke Boka of the Windsor Spitfires create 
their own pizza masterpiece at the Pizza Pizza loaded at 5400 Tecumseh Hd. 
East r lhe Spitfires made an appearance in support of the Slices for Smiles Founda¬ 
tion. Last year, Slices for Smites raised $375,000, for a Mai of over$L65 mifllon 
since the campaigns inception in 2007, 

[Photo by 7/ Brett Hedges] 


Lancers Hoops Program Goes 
Road-Tripping Coast to Coast 

BRJETTH EDGES Saskatchewan Huskies with a 106-99 

Sports Editor Oct 16 final before Ming to the Con- 

-— ——- — - cordia Stirrers 84r75 the n^ht after 

The Windsor Lancers basketball pro¬ 
gram went away for a weekend of pre- 
season actkm during UWindsors read¬ 
ing week but enjoyed only mild success. 

The Lancer women defeated the 
Queens Gads in Kingston and UQAM 
Qtadire in Montreal before dropping 
a close contest to the host Concordia 
Stingers to round out thdr weekend 
while the mens team flew out west to 
Saskatchewan to compete in the Gra¬ 
ham Construction Shootout finishing 

Windsor Lancers senior guard Akx 
Campbell said the trip to Saskatchewan 
was a peat experience whidi allowed 
the team to grow closer as a team and 
build chemistry on and off the court 

“Overall foe weekend showed us foal 
we can compete among the elite teams 
in foe CIS while also showing us what 
we need to work on going forward*’ 
Campbell said “It was a productive 
week of basketball and we definitely 
benefited from the experience” 

A strong third quarter hdped foe Uni- 
verefty of Windsor Lancers puli away 

twm die University of Regina Cougars 

and win the opening game of foe I7fo 
annual Graham Construction Shootexit 
94450. The Lancets outscored the Cou¬ 
gars 30-18 in foe fluid quarter to pull 
away for the victory 

With the score tied at 48, Windsor 
found thdr shooting stroke to spaik 
a 20-3 run. Senior guard Ales Camp¬ 
bell and freshman big man Iskh Os¬ 
borne were the top seems in foe game 
for Windsor The first-year Osborne 
notched 29 points on the night wide 
Campbell piled in 35 points on lG-of-14 
shooting along with a 12-ford 6 show¬ 
ing from the free throw line, 

Ihe next two games would prove much 
closer as Windsor fell victim in a fast 
paced offensive shootout to foe host 

In a rematch of foe fifth-place game at 
the 2014-15 CIS championships, Sas¬ 
katchewan built up its largest lead of 
foe game at eight* with 7.08 remaining 
in foe fourth quarter A 9-0 run allowed 
Windsor to cut out in front 89-88 before 
Saskatchewan would retake foe lead 
and maintain it for the rest of the game 
Osborne was one of the leading scorers 
for the Lancers for the second straight 
game, scoring 21 points and added five 
assists in the foss. 

Concordia would ensure top spot in the 
tournament with thdr victory over the 
Lancers to complete the tournament 
schedule Oct 17. 

Coming into the game, Windsor had a 
chance to be crowned champions with 
a win and some help in a tiebreaker sit¬ 
uation but Concordia had no intentions 
of giving up foe tournament title as ail 
five starters registered at least 10 points 
indie 84-75 win. 

ForWindsor, Marko Kovadedfoe team 
with 22 points while Campbell had 12 
points and seven assists on the night 

MVP Ken Beauiietfe 23 points and 

Schneiders Suifrards doubte-doubfe 
with 10 points and 10 rebounds. 

“The tournament exposed our weak¬ 
nesses on foe court which resulted in 
two losses to Concordia and Saskatch¬ 
ewan,” CamfbdisakL *1 told our guys 
ft was a learning experience for us as we 
approach the season and encouraged 
them not to hang our heads. With a 
team full of young guys we are going to 
have to trust foe process and develop a 
’next piay mentality as we must learn to 
deal with adversity over a tong season." 

Campbell was named a tournament all- 
star award but admitted he was hoping 
for abetter team result 

"As much as I am grateful to receive a 

Windsor Lancers guard Lucas Orlita drives to (he basket in preseason basketball action at the SL Denis 
Centre Aug . 20. This past weekend * the Lancets travelled to Saskatchewan to compete in the Graham 

Shootout, finishing 1-2. 

[Photo by// Kevin farmtd} 

tournament all star awarcl, individual 
accolades don’t satisfy me in any way. 
Much rather come away wfth a 3-0 re* 
cord in terms of foe tournament,” said 
Campbell “But the season is a long 
grind and there will be highs and fowsT 

jiff T TBBP W EEjffi 

their three-game road trip with a 75-71 
victory over the Queens Gads in Kings- 
ton OCL 13. 

Andrea Kiss and Emily Prevost each 
rounded up 20 points to help foe Lanc¬ 
ets to the victory after overcoming a 
slight deficit headed into the final quar¬ 
ter AfteT the teams went into halftime 
wfth the five-time defending national 
champs leading by eight the Gads re¬ 
sponded by holding Windsor to just 10 
points in foe third quarter and counter¬ 
ing wfth a 154) run that lasted just ow 
four minutes. 

By the time Windsor snapped their 
scoreless run, Queera held a five-point 
advantage. The Gads dung to a 51-49 
advantage after 30 minutes of play but 

after foe Lancers pulled even with the 
hosts early in foe fourth; foe QS cham¬ 
pions used a mini-streak to rattle off 
seven consecutive points. Second year 
guard Gariy Steer knocked three-point¬ 
ers down foe stretch whkh paced 

Head coach Chantai Valke and the 
Lancers then traveled to her homeland 
of Montreal for a pair of battles against 
the UQAM Gtadins and the Con¬ 
cordia Stingers on consecutive nighfo. 
Windsor would defeat the Cfcadins by a 
69-65 score on Oct 15 before dropping 
a 70-63 decision to the Stingers foe next 

The five-time defending rational cham¬ 
pions will now travel to foe Maritimes 
for a pair of preseason contests against 
two members of foe QS Atlantic con¬ 
ference First the Lancers will begin foe 
weekend with a battle against die New 
Brunswick Varsity Reds in Fredericton, 
RB. Oct 24 at 6 pm before moving on 
to Halifax, N.S. to compete against foe 

Saint Marys Huskies foe next afternoon 

The Lancers will conclude their pre¬ 
season with a trio of match ups against 
American adversaries, Windsor begins 
with Lawrence Tech in Souflifidd, ML 
the Wwne State 
Warriors from Detroit the next night 
Windsor wraps up exhibition play 
against the Madonna Marauders ki Li¬ 
vonia, ML Oct 3L 

As Valtee enters her II fo season behind 
foe bench with foe Lancers* she and foe 
University of Windsor as a whole will 
get to enjoy foe accomplishments of 
2014-15 and raise a QS womens bas¬ 
ketball championship banner to kick aft 
foe OUA regular season for a fifth year 

Windsor kicks off thdr campaign 
against their OUA West division rivals 
foe Laurier Golden Hawks - foe only 
team to beat foe lancers in league play 
last season. Tip-off for the home opener 
at St Denis Centre Nov. 4 is 6 pm 

Stories of the City 2015 - 
A Tale of Two Cities 


The Lance Contributor 

In the recent years dties of Windsor 
and Detroit hare been undagoing sig¬ 
nificant changes in foeir infrastructure, 
both eronomkally and industrially 

A month long exhibition during No¬ 
vember is going to take place whkh 
seeks to explore foe ecological system 

of urban spaces and foe influence of art 
architecture, media, musk and film in 
the environments. The exhibition is an 
initiative of the InHorninus Research 
group who want to pursue the bound¬ 
aries between art technofogy media 
and science. 

"We are looking for submissions that 


explore the shifting nature of our urban 
arrironment” said Dr Lee Rodney, the 

associate professor of art history and vi¬ 
sual culture. 

Recently, In/Tenninus took students 
and faculty from foe School of Creative 
Arts across foe border to see a number 
of art galleries across the city of Detroit 
Students came back from foe tour fed- 
ing “enlightened" despite having per¬ 
haps visited Detroit a number of times, 
as foe visit highlighted open-air outdoor 

exhibits and how they complemented 
Detroits urban environment 

Covering themes like maker culture, 
mkio-manufecturirig, foe edge of the 
dty, transit trading cultures and so on, 
this new exhibition encourages every¬ 
one to submit their works that revolve 
around these topics. 

"The work can be local to foe Wind¬ 

sor Detroit region or from other dties 
in Canada or around the world,” said 

The project is being tunded by TheEn- 
ttepreneuiship Practice and Innovation 
Centre (EFICentre) and will take place 
at the SB Contemporary Gallery Nov, 4 
and Nov 20 respectively, with a grand 
reception in tx ith spaces on Nov. 2 L 


Lancers Capture Windsor Open Title 


Sports Editor 

The Lancer aoss-a>untry team put in 
another strong showing as they dom¬ 
inated die Windsor Open at Malden 
Park ewer the weekend 

Windsor captured both team titles and 
saw exceptional performances from a 
number ofkey athletes on the roster 

On the womens side, Alik Paries and 
Stelanie Smith swept the top two spots, 
pushing each other as they ran through¬ 
out the five-kilometer course* Parks 
placed first overall with a time of 1935 
while Smith was second with a time of 

Parks, 22 is a transfer from the Univer¬ 
sity of Montana and said her last couple 
of races has been the benefit of her new 
Lancets training regiment 

"When you want to prove yourself on a 
new teamit really pushes you that much 
mote and Fve seen that in my times," 
Parks said Tve been fester than I have 
in die past coupk of y^is whidi is awe¬ 
some Everyone is ready supportive here 
and the team atmosphere really makes 
you want to do your best for everybody 
Its a huge motruatoiT 

Smith said the Windsor Open was a 
'good opportunity for the women to 
work the course as a team with the OUA 
diampionships in \\teikto coming up 

“We knew the course was going to be 
physically tough so it was good for us 

mentally to work on some team tactics;' 
explained Smith, "Hopefully things will 
align once we get to OUAkT 

Smith added living a teammate like 
Parks helps her and the rest of the team 
to improve as runners. 

1 knew coming in to the season we 
would work well togetheif said Smith, 
“Ifs great to have someone right with 
you to work with during races, espedai- 
ly when Fm tired and I know 1 can’t give 
in because shes helping me along, shes 
right there with me and were pushing 
each other and ifs awesome. The goal is 
ing line at CIS champtorahip in Gudph 
~ we know we are the underdogs but 
mentally we are really on our game right 

Chelsea Viselli was Windsor's next scor¬ 
er, crossed the line in a time of 2151, 
Rounding out the Lancer scorers were 
Alison Robinson in 2239 and Sydney 
Hawkins in 2251, 

“I think if we all get out there and do 
what weeandoweeangettothe GS 
meet* Paries said "If the whole team can 
get there that would be really amazing. 
Fm really excited to see what the Cana¬ 
dian competition has to offer 

On the mem side, Nkk Falk, a Lancer 
alumni running with the University of 
Windsor Athletic Guh, captured the 
individual tide with a time of 25:08* 
Alex Ullman was the first Lancer across 
the line, finishing the dght-kifometer 
course in a time of 26:16- Taylor McAr¬ 
thur was right behind him at 2623, and 
Andrew Nebd ran a solid 2630* Corey 

Zack Jones, Corey Belle more and Paul Janikowski of the Windsor Lancers cross country team compete on 
the eight kilometre course at the Windsor Open meet at Malden Park QcL 17, The Windsor men won the 
overall team title at the meet and are ranked second headed into the OUA championships in Waterloo 

Oct 31* 

!Photo by//Steven Kriemadis] 

Belkmore and Paul Janikowski picked it 
up on the final lap and finished with the 
exact same lime of2637. 

With a stable of runners at their dis¬ 
posal the second-ranked mere crass 
country team does not have a problem 
with depth, only deciding who the sev¬ 
en runners will be when die Lancet toe 
the starting line at the OUA champion¬ 
ships mWaterioa 

McArthur said the Lancers used the fi¬ 
nal meet of the season to work out and 
finalize their raster for the upcoming 
OUA Championships Oct 31 in Wa¬ 

'Our top five guys arc on the OUA 
raster but there are still two open spots 
for the rest of the team to fight foif ex¬ 
plained McArthur “It was a good team 
battle out there and that is what makes 
our team great Were all working for 
each other and towards the same goal 
but at the end of the day two spots have 
to be given to two people „ we all under¬ 
stand how strai^ we are.” 

Earlier this season at the McMaster In¬ 
vitational, the Lancers had to use thdr 
sixth and seventh runners to determine 
a tiebreaker for the meet tide. A similar 
situation occurred at the 2014 OUA 
meet, which cost the Lancers the overall 

team title. 

T& not going to be five guys souring 
this yearf said McArthur. "Its going to 
be five guys scoring and two other guys 
displacing the other teams scores so itis 
a seven-man team out there during ev¬ 
ery race in diampionship season. W&e 
ranked second right now but last week 
we were ranked sixth so we could end 
up first, second or sixth at any given 
meet so we need to be a seven-man 

Should the Lancers advance, the 2015 
CIS cross-country championships will 
take place in Guelph Nov. 14 

CJAMs Top 30 // Albums 

Charts by Murad ErzincUoglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 FM 

More Info? StejariLca 

* Indicates Canadian Artist 

1 MAC DEMARCO* - Another One (Captured Tracks) 
I 3 STEPH COPELAND 4 - Publi^anMSel^eleaseo 

4 OUGHT* - Sun t Aiming Down (Constellation) 

\\HA P SEAS, WHAT SHORES' Spiritual Hap Machine f Mudtown) 

| 5 TAMINEILSON* * Dynamite! (Outside Music) | 

S METRIC* Pagans in Vegas (Universal) 

I 9 BORN RUFFIANS* - Ruff (Paper Bag) 

It) CITY AMD COLOUR* If T Should Go Before You (Dine Alone) 

1 i TEEN DAZE* - Morning World (Paper Bag) 

12 l-ROG EYES* Pickpockets Locket (Paper Bag) 

13 GREGORY PEPPER AND HIS PROBLEMS* - Chorus! Chorus! Chorus! (Fake Four Inc.) 

14 FAKE TEARS'* - Nightshittiiig (Mint) 

15 ELAGE DIOUF - Melokaane (DEP) 

tft WORD BURGLAR* Inapplicable Skills (Self- Released) 

17 THE SHEEPDOGS* - Future Nostalgia (Warner (WEA)) 

18 BOMBA ESTEREG Amancer (Sony) 

19 SHANNON AND THE CLAMS - Gone by the Dawn (Hardly Art) 

20 AMADOU BA LAKE TRAORi: - In Conclusion (Stem's. Africa) 

21 TERAKAFT - Alone (Outhere Records) 

22 MEAT WAVE Delusion Moon (SideOneDummy) 

23 MUTOID MAN - Bleeder (Sargent House) 

24 TW1STIN 1 TARANTULAS The Subtle Sophistic.! ud soundsi h the TwtUui' lanmndas (sdFtUrkttfcfiJ) 

25 BALTHAZAR - Thin Walls (Play It Again Sam) 

26 BOB MOSES 1 - Pa Vs Gone By (Domino) 

27 LITTLE BOOTS - Working Girl (Dim Mak) 

28 GHGSTFACE KILL AH & ADRIAN YODNGE - Twelve Reasons To Die II (Linear Labs) 

29 MATT HAIMOVTTZ* - Orbit Music For Solo Cello (Self-Released) 

30 ZARASUTRA* - Uncertain Assertions (Self-Released) 


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The Lance Contributor 

For the month of November* 
Charles Clark Square will shine 
purple for an important cause re¬ 
garding an issue estimated to af¬ 
fect one in four women in Ontario 

The Hiatus House of Windsor cel ¬ 
ebrated its second Shine the Light 
ceremony at Charles Clark Square 
on the evening of Nov. 2, lighting 
the pine tree on the square's east 
side with garlands of purple bulbs. 
According to the Hiatus House, 
the color purple is a symbol of 
courage and the lights are meant 
to be a silent beacon of support for 
women and children in abusive 
situations, 'They are also meant to 
start the conversation on erasing 
abuse for good. 

Karry Normandeau, Support Ser¬ 
vices Administrator for the Hiatus 
House said there was special con¬ 
sideration put into the location of 
the lit tree and the significance it 
would have to the community. 

“We want to start a conversation” 
said Normandeau, “The great 
thing about this particular loca¬ 
tion is that Eva, who was the one 
who brought Shine the Light to 
Windsor* she came to me with an 

idea and she said, T have a vision, 
and that vision is to turn that tree 
in Charles Clark Square purple 1 ... 
I love the lights because I imagine 
myself as a victim, and I'm in an 
abusive relationship* Vm skating 
at Charles Clark Square or I walk 
by Charles Clark Square and I 
see purple lights and I think its 
a silent reminder of support that 
shines all night long.” 

The Shine the Light event origi¬ 
nated in London* ON. live years 

ago. When shelter worker and 
survivor Eva Kratochvil heard 
about it, she asked the London 
Abused Women’s Centre if they 
would mind if Windsor had 
its own version of the ceremo¬ 
ny. They were all for it 

Executive Director Thom Rolfe 
said he was very happy to see the 
number of people standing before 
him in Charles Clark Square and 
that it would be especially import¬ 
ant for members of the communi¬ 
ty to keep the conversation going 
to spread the word about Hiatus 
House and the support it can offer 
to those in abusive or potentially 
abusive situations. 

“It’s about starting a conversa¬ 
tion* and today we start the con¬ 
versation here by lighting the tree 
and showing our silent support 

Hiatus House activist and survivor Eva Kratochvil speaks to the crowd at the Shine the Light tree lighting 

ceremony in Charles Clark Square Nov 2> 

[Photo by // Kar-Leigft Kelso} 

to those who need it,” Rolfe said 
to the crowd in Charles Clarke 

The Hiatus House currently has 42 
beds in residence and is consider¬ 
ing opening up a second county 

location to help even more women 
and children in need 

In addition to bouts of purple 
popping up in Windsor business¬ 
es, Hiatus House will also be sell¬ 
ing purple scarves, the proceeds of 

which will go entirely to the Hia¬ 
tus House to help fund its various 
services. Scarves are available for 
purchase at the Womyns Centre at 
the University of Windsor: infini¬ 
ty scarves are $15 or two for $25, 
and non-infinity scarves are $10. 

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CALEBWORKMAN people hem 

News Editor _ ^ 

__ There are many things Santarossa said 

A University ofWindsor graduate and 
PhD. candidate in the&mhyofldnesi- 

arship at die ATHENA Scholarship 
Program and luncheon. 

The event and scholarship recognized 
young local women who have an excel 
lent academic record and are outstand- 
ing leaders in their community 

Sara Santarossa was recognized as one 
of these individuals and said she believes 
a lot of the values of ATHENA are her 
own and now she can go out in the 
community and act as an ambassador 
for them. 

”1 think through receiving the award, 
it will really give me the opportunity 

to continue mentoring and educating 
young females in the community to 
want to be leadeisT said Santarossa. M A 
big thing ATHENA believes in and is a 
really important thing to me, is to keep 
those leaders in the community 1 

Santarossa said she lias a vision for 
Windsor as a very vibrant and thriving 
community but Windsor has to be able 
to keep the leaders in die dty to be able 
to see thatvision come true. She said this 
is one of her platforms because there is 
so much good done in Windsor but 
these people who do good are leaving 
so she wants to figure out a way to keep 

she bdieves are reasons she was hon¬ 

ored with the award, such as working 
with the Heart and Stoke Foundation of 
Canada, the YMCA* Windsor Endow¬ 
ment for the Arts and Kids Sport, but 
the one she is most proud of is a project 
she has been working on since the ap» 
plication in partnership with Motivate 
Canada to provide activities for women 
in the community 

"Weve reached over 200 women 
through our events over the summer 
amd we are now planning a leadership 
conference to be hosted in February of 
2016T said Santarossa “Myself and the 
other recipients are constantly woridng 
on ammunity initiatives and building 
leadership in the community 

Santarossa said the biggest thing in¬ 
volved in the award, and for a better 
future for individuals and the dty, is a 
sense of community. 

Sara Santarossa won an ATHENA Scholarship at the ATHENA Program and Luncheon OcL 23. The event 
recognizes strong female leaders within the community t 
(Photo provided by Sara Santarossa] 

"When I started my speech at the lun¬ 
cheon I said I was proud to be a Wind- 
sorite and I really do mean that, 71 said 
Santarossa. “A lot of young people leave 
Windsor because of lack or work or 
other reasons but 1 think iffc important 
people stay in Windsor and create their 
own opportunities because not only is 
it good for the community but ids good 
for the individual 1 ’ 

Santarossa said the goddess Athena is 

the goddess of wisdom and that is one 
of the thin^ she likes to think they have 
in common, 

“I think the feet she is the goddess of all 
these mufo-disdplinary things is why 
I fed I can relate to her so muchT said 
Santarossa. *1 do really fcdteve in aca- 
demies but Tin also very into bdi^ cre¬ 
ative and art and sports I think having 
a multifaceted look on things was the 

biggest thing I see in her and in meT 

Santarossa said she wants people to 
know to never give up She said she had 
applied for the award before and didn't 
receive it but she gpt it the second time 
so she said & important to pursue die 
things you want. 

"Dorit let your failure be the defining 
moment Grow from ydur failuresT said 
Santarossa. “Also, think outside the bm 

and be creative. Lastly be brave andkeep 
what you're doing in yourcommunityT 

Santarossa said the biggest thing is to 
inspire the next generation and its very 
important because they are the smartest 
but the most vulnerable with technolo¬ 

l *Be who you are and not like someone 

be motivated to make a difference.” 





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University of Windsor Employee Holds 
Gala for Windsor AIDS Committee 


News Editor 

'Ihe University of Windsor hosted the 
fct annual Warlocks ofWindsor Char¬ 
ity Ball for members of file AIDS com¬ 
munity in Windsor to raise money and 
have a night of fon arid costumes. 

The gala brought in about 130 individ¬ 
uals induding persons having AIDS, 
friends, family and supporters of the 
committee. All proceeds of the event 
will go towards helping die Windsor 
AIDS community 

Dean Kissner, the catering and con¬ 
ference manager at the University of 
Windsor said they adopted the party 
from the Witches of WalkervOle and 
every year file money raised will go to a 
new charity. 

"16 open to the entire public ofWindsor 
and there were a tot of people excited 
when they heard about the event* said 
Kismet “The main group of target is 
people from the ages of 3S-6G but any¬ 
one is welcome to come and support 
and there are always volunteer and work 
opportunities for youth as wdL” 

He said there are a tot of events out there 
but having a gala is a lot better than just 
putting out a jar and asking for money. 

a real fon way to raise money for a 
cause," said Kissner 'There are a lot of 
good causes out there and the Windsor 
AIDS committee is just one of them I 
know there are a ton of them that well 
be able to help in the future as wdl" 

Gloria Ferriss and Dirk Woodwijk, 
volunteers of the Windsor AIDS Com¬ 
mittee said they were thrilled to hear 
about the event and encourage every- 
one to go and get tested. 

Tgot mtrouHeand I had todo 75 hours 
of community service but being here 
Fve realized its the best place to be,” said 
Ferriss. 4 We do our best to make a real 
difference and we are a community that 
accepts and reaches out to others in the 
lowest of conditions,” 

Ferriss said she has an education but it 
amounts to nothing compared to what 

die has learned through the AIDS com¬ 

Tfs a big surprise to us that the UniversF 

7 he gala featured musk#food ami entertainment and alt proceeds went towards the Windsor AIDS Com - 


(Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

tyafWmds^r wanted to^onsor usand was much needed because we are very issue in Windsor even though often 

raise money for u$T said Vvbodwijk Tt low funded but AIDS is still a major overlooked” 

CUPE 1001 Wants to 

Figure it out Together 

Member thinks of recent occurrences as a ‘campaign against CUPE ’ 


News Editor 

CUPE 1001 member Trina Durham is 
saying there are lot of issues the organi¬ 
zation has been dealing with in fire past 
10 years, especially housekeepb^, 

Durham* a worker* secretary and for- 
mer president of CUPE 1001* sakl there 
has been a "campaign a^inst CUPE” 

T know we have some bad apples, ev¬ 
ery workplace does," 1 said Durham. “We 
recognize that and were tryir^ to work 
with administration to work it all out I 
want to fix this and I think they’re recep¬ 
tive to it but 1 thinktheyte only receptive 

to what they want" 

Durham said there was a meeting in 
August where they asked administra¬ 
tion if there were any more buildings be¬ 
ing contracted out and they didn't give 
CUPE any straight answers. Two weeks 
after, six more buildings were contract¬ 
ed out from CUPE 

“ft seems like our duties are slowly being 
taken awajf said Durham, 

Durham also said die feels like some in¬ 
dividuate in administration are making 
issues where there are none 

Durham said they had 120 people in 
fulltime housekeeping and they are now 

down to 6& 

"Another issue were having is people 
just quitting and leaving because they 
have no idea what is going on and 
theyre scared," said Durhara 

Durham said die thinks the system 
needs to be run via a pyramid system, 
where people start out in food services 
and if something were to open in house¬ 
keeping, afcod service person oould ap- 
ply and it would in turn create more jobs 
in food service. 

T think the ultimate gtiai of the univer¬ 
sity b to just get rto of us that way they 
draft have to worry about us at all,” said 

John Coleman, fire schools director of 
public aflaits and commurucatk>ns sakl 
there were 12 positions in discussion 
that were moved but there was no one 
in the union who was laid off 

“The collective bargaining agreement 
was Mowed to the TT said Coleman. 
"All the people who were affected by the 
situation were redeployed within the 

Cokman said that is the bottom line 
and the important thing is no one has 
lost his or her job in the process of ev¬ 
erything that is happening with CUPE 

Coleman said the goal of the university 

is to run operations efficiently and to 
meet the needs of the campus commit- 



"To fix this, I think you need both sides 
wodai^tofixiC said Durham "I think 
right now there is only one side working 
to fix this and i6 usT 

According to Durham, the open and 
honest communication they prom¬ 
ised is a He to her and she hopes to see 
things fixed and administration taking 
an active part in mending the broken 
ndationship between the university and 
CUPE 100L 


Canterbury Hosts First Annual Trivigala 

Canterbury College hasted their first annual Trivagata at the. WalkerviUe Brewery Oct. 27. 

{Photo by// Haul Yassin e! 



Arts Editor 

Cantertxny College is no stranger to 
gala events* whkh arc a vital part of their 
annual itinerary, but this year they've de¬ 
cided to shake thing? up a little by' add¬ 
ing in some friendly competitioa 

“We iK>rmaJly do something a little 
more traditional^ said residence and 
program assistant Laura Bezaiie. 'This 
year we wanted to tty a change of pace 
that reflected more of Canterbury's per¬ 
sonality in the comniimity atnx>sphere' ] 

In an attempt to further the alleges 
name within the community Canter¬ 
bury hosted their first ever Trivi^k at 
the WalkerviUe Brewery Oct 27. Tickets 
were sold quickly, sedng more than 100 
people pairing a night of dinner with a 
few rounds of trivia. While the college 
is in dose proximity to the University of 
Windsor, not many know of the college 
services, which range from its Angtkan 
chaplaincy to its accommodations to¬ 
wards UWindsor students. Beyond the 
entertainment value, members of the 
oofl^e hope to use trivia as a way to ap¬ 
peal to thebroad community spectrum. 

"Canterbury has been here for a very 
longtime, but not a lot of people know 
what Canterbury does, so an event like 
this makes it dearer as to the contribu¬ 
tion it carries;' said administrative assis¬ 
tant Jaddyn Bezaire. 

Eighteen teams of eight participated in 
the brim Be it inadvertently or other¬ 
wise, the event also shined a light on a 
growing trivia scene within the com¬ 
munity Under the moniker Mack Flash 
Trivia, events have been popping up 
from Windsors downtown core to as 
tar as Amherstburg, tending to numer¬ 
ous locations, whkh almost cover the 
entire week 

"When I first started, I used to get 20 to 
30 people a wed: and I was very proud 
of mysdt and now we averse maybe 
five shows a week,” said trivia host Fran¬ 
cois Jacques, 

Jacques has trivia questions structured 
in a way where every member witlirn 
a team can be poised to contribute in 
thdr own way As trivia questions can 
range from mathematics to pop culture, 
it not only paves the way for teamwork, 
but also creates a direct and highly soda! 
atmosphere for those participating. 

"Theres nights where I notice that its 
better to just let file room be, and all 1 do 
is ask questions and guide the game, and 
my banter will be lower because ft drives 
people to talk,” Jacques said Tfe almost 
like Em making topics for them to talk 
about at the tabled 

On top of all the ftm and j^mes, the 
event also carried a silent auction for a 
variety of prizes from hockey tickets to 
paintings. Plans for additional events are 
currently in the works which will place 
them more in the spotlight, all while 
maintaining the core traditions of the 

"Were binging in a different segment of 
the population to our more traditional 
kinds,” said Canterbury principal Gor¬ 
don Drake. "Were just pleased that its 
worked so weU, and it speaks 1 think for 
the future of Canterbury College” 

University Holds Workshop to Show 
Advantages of Online Pro gram 

come in front of the program and show professors to hold office hours online 


News Editor 

The Office of Open Learning for the 
University of Windsor held a workshop 
to promote Blackboard Collaborate - 
virtual classrooms for when people just 
cant make it 

The program offers the ability to live 
stream and record classes as well as 
many other applications including on¬ 
line interactive blackboards, discussion 
groups and project groups students can 
access and professors can oversee and 
controL The program also allows for in¬ 
teraction between peopfe streaming and 
the live classroom and will open up a 
new possibility for students during trav¬ 
el and even when professors are away 

The workshop was set up to try and grt 
more professors and students involved 
with it and spread it across campus ac¬ 
cording to teaming specialist and work¬ 
shop ax)rdinator Mark Lubnck 

We really want to get the people who 

them how useful the tool i$T said Lu- 
hricte "This is a great asset for both stu¬ 
dents and instructors and were hoping 
more people start usix^ it for the benefit 
ofboth parties,” 

Ijubricksaid the biggest thing is students 
can access the recordings onedures,not 
just the streams. He said it will be good 
especially for students out in the county 
who have one lecture and don't want to 
have to drive in all the time or when rfs 
bad weather and its dangerous for them 
to come out to the University from such 
a distance, 

Its interactiveT said Nkk Backer, di¬ 
rector of file Office of Open Learning, 
"Students can raise thdr hands, ask 
questions and be involved wiffi the 
lecture from home with this program 
so the argument that it will encourage 
students to be lazy is very ineffective as 
science has showed otherwise and this 
interaction wiU enhance teaming” 

Blackboard Collaborate wiE abo allow 

and meet with students more easily to 
the program 

“Its available to everyone and ifs a very 
sample program to use,” said Baker, 
“We’re making it as easy as possible to 
access through these workshops and 
were hoping to see more use this be¬ 
cause it costs nothing and ft will only 
benefit The program is very easy and 
if you can point and dick then you can 
use it” 

Baker also said the program is platform 
friendly and works across aB mediums 
including phones, tablets and comput¬ 

another resource. Its another free 
toot said Lubrick 

For more infomation and to see when 
they will be holding more workshops, 
visit https://tflZtrwindsm 

The next workshop with be held Nov. 

20 . 





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Students Offered Free Candy 

For Their Thoughts 

Those looking to satisfy their sweet tooth may have found someliiingctfuseaf the CAW Cate 

Within the commons area, the Halloween spirit was in full form as free candy was offered bdween 10 am aixiSpmOa 29. Slucfentewercfreetotakeavariety of candy 
Hosted by the UWSite Director of Student Events and Programs, the candywas also a way to invdre ideas from students by asking what kind cf events they w^ 

made submissions dmHjghc^thefi^ 

While it has y^ttobe set in stone, the fee candy table is poised to make a return later in the semester 

[Photos imM Ham Yassin#} 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor is support¬ 
ing thdr students and beyond in their 
ejitrepreneurial endeavors. 

Tine EPICaiire, a program started to 
help out and teadi students hw to ri^ 
business* has not only taken the respon¬ 
sibility cf providing 

students but also to have spates and re¬ 
sources for them to access. 

According to thdr website, tile EPL 
Centres vision is Tor entrepreneurial 
education and opportunity for students 
and for the Windsor- Essex region, pro¬ 
viding collaborative incubation and 
innovation space for new and existing 
ventures, mentoring start-ups through 
collaboration with business and sodal 
communities and prioritizing innova¬ 
tion and technology transfer* job cre¬ 
ation, and business sustainability" 

Program coordinator of the EPICentre, 

Taylor Laporte, said there are a kit of 
resources and tods available through 
the EPICentre and there are no secrets 
to be witiihdd fern the students - even 
non-university persons looking for hdp 
in the community through some of 
thdr workshops and events opentothe 

"We do everything from funding 
to working with our students hand- 
in-hand to build them up hum the 
ground," said Laporte "We show than 
exactly how to validate thdr buaness 
idea, howto move that idea into product 
and we also have practical experience 
available to them." 

Freeds, a dothing line locally owned by 
the Freed family for three generations, 
has made a name for itself in Windsor 
and around the world 

Oct 27, Nancy Duify a student at the 
University of Windsor hdd an event 
hosting Freeds owner. An Freed, as a 
guest speaker. The events purpose was 

to tell Freeds history in business and to 
relay some of his ethics, or steps, he has 
used to get where he is in life. 

freed talked about the business chal¬ 
lenges and struggles through certain 
times such as Sept 11, 2001 and the 
2008 recession He said they met than 
head on and were able to come out on 
top because of their business attitude 
and m»dds. 

“At freeds... we saw the happy times, 
we saw the challenges and tough times,” 
said Freed “We went through the per¬ 
fect storm In today's worid of Amazon 
and big box congbmerates, we at Freeds 
still survive. Wfe not only survived we 
actually thrived™ 

Freed offered a five-step utitstive for 
otherpeople who wish to be as success- 
ful and happy in life as he claims he is* 

Step one was be positive and Freed said 
the things which taught him how to 
stay positive were reading books, three 
of them taught more than others. His 

top three books for people to be happy, 
positive and succeshd were “Think and 
Grow Rkhr ""The Ford Agreement;’ 
and “The Power of Now? The other 
side to this step was to have positive role 

Step two of his session was to set goals 
that are achievable Freeds current four 
goals for himself are to be happy, strive 
to improve, make Freeds the best doth¬ 
ing store and to improve hb public 
speaking and do more of it 

Step three was to never give up, for step 
four he told people to not Sand still and 
Ills fifth and final step was to Ixiilcj rela¬ 
tions) lips. 

Trom managers of the store, to our 
suppliers, to our safes associates and of 
course to our customers. Get to know 
people, leam fora people, treat them 
well and your life will be filled with hap 
pinss in return," said Freed 

Laporte said Freed is a model many 
can learn from and respect and said he 

touched on many things in his presen¬ 
tation that the EPICentre teaches as wdl 
through mentorship and classes* 

'The mindset of people who come in 
here is amaringT said Laporte “They're 
all exdted to share thdr ideas and adopt 
new ones to see thdr ideas and dreams 
become their realities. The EPICentre 
ss awesome in the feet it Ls very open to 
new ideas and adapting how it runs and 
teaching the businesses how to do it as 

The EPICentre, which is open to Uni¬ 
versity students and any businesses 
who have student ties, currently sup¬ 
ports 13 businesses, nine of which 
have space in the EPICentre to work 

The EPICentre "Teams are what hdp 
get businesses off the ground and Im 
sure on top of what An said, he would 
agree with a lotthat we're doing here and 
howweninthingsr said Laporte 


Colas anti’s Presents the 
Biggest Scare in County 


News Editor 

Colasantis Tropical Gardens is a kind' 
mark in southwestern Ontario and its 
halted house is a huge part of that 

The 10,000 square foot indoor haunt¬ 
ed greenhouse is one of two main at* 
tractions put on during the Halloween 
season and provides the weekly average 
of two bodily fluid incidents a week 
according to event coordinator Ashley 

<t Weve doubled in size for our indoor 
haunted greenhouse and we provide a 
lot of opportunities for students in the 
area,” said Coksanti-Furtada ‘We have 
acting Jobs available and we always get 
great response from the community 
especially tiriis yeai; saying were the best 
the area has to affix” 

ColasantbFurtado said in previous 
years they have worked finkaHy with 
the University and College but this year 
they are keeping it local and a dollar 
from every ticket sale goes towards the 
Cardinal Carter Catholic High School 
and Leamington District Secondary 

‘"'Hie first rule of the event is no toudi- 
ing - you don't touch us and we won't 
touch youT said Colasanti-Furtada f We 
have strobe lights, live aetais, lasers, fog 
machines and props going off every sec¬ 
ond If$ a very high budget production 
and we hold pride in itT 

The haunted greenhouse has 40 actors 
in it and there are no breaks in the jump 
scares for the 30-minutes it takes to walk 

With very talented young actors, the 
pitch daik and loud saws* screams and 
weapons of torture, even the bravest of 
souls is bound to break Some of the 
props included a table saw with a person 
bang cut down the middle* a screaming 
zombie-like man that will get everyone 
walking through and an actor amongst 
agroup of poppir^ heads that will throw 
you off after being tricked into thinking 
afl the heads are mechanical 

Those only being two minuted worth 
cf the 30 minute average walkthrough 
promises for a unique experience Co 
lasantik also charges and updates things 
every year so next year will be no famil¬ 
iar sight 

from the University of Windsor and 
manager of the greenhouse haunt and 
acting coach and director said the goal 
every <±ay is to make someone either 
urinate or throw up their dinner 

*1 really like searing peopteT said Tre- 
chak “You stand in there in the middle 
of the night you’re in a tight hallway 
where no one can see you and you just 
hear the screams and you know you did 
a good job Its wonderful” 

He said his guilty pleasure is to sit at 
the end of the tech hallway behind the 
scenes and mock people as they go 

“Were 10*000 teet of soul<rushing ter- 
itaf said Treschak “This is a permanent 
haunt that is big budget You vrorft find 
this anywhere in Windsor or the coum 

Tresdhak said the hugest thing is the 
energy level and they make sure to keep 
the actors pumped up and let them 
know what bodily fluid they force out of 
the patrons, 

Ckdasantis haunt b planning big thir^ 
for next year and will release some infcr- 

SchooL Jamie Treschak, BA drama graduate matron infhe coming months. 

facob Neill, 'Margarets Son,' poses for a picture outside the haunted 
greenhouse before the actors went into position for the first show of the 
night at Colasantis Tropical Gardens Oct. 30. 

[Photo by/fCaleb Workmanj 





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Ul 3 

5 ca 



Arts Editor 

The university^ own cyding association 
received some distinction through an 
annual report 

The Coundi of Ontario Universities 
recently disdosed their going green 
report, which places a spotlight on the 
Univeraty of Windsors efforts in be¬ 
coming a friendlier place for cyclists. 
While the cyding association has 
been around for a little over two years, 
the members have wasted little time 
in making significant strides to serve 
cydists in and around campus, 

Tt was a good feeling to be included 
in foe report? said Kris Owen, who 
currently heads the cyding association. 
This is the first time weVe been high¬ 

The University of Windsors Cyding 
Association was officially formed in 
September of 2013. Through com¬ 
munity engagem ent and scheduled 
sessions, the UWCA aims to educate 
those on bike safety tips from wearing 
the proper safety gear to learning the 
rules of the mad. The UWCA was also 
responsible in having Fhtit stations add¬ 
ed to foruuglKHrteamp^ 
cydists to make minor repairs on their 
bte at a ntomenfe notice, 

Owen said the organization has shrunk 
in see due to several members hav¬ 
ing graduated since its formation, but 
tiuough word of mouth and dub days, 
the association looks to grow and con¬ 
tinue in educating people on proper 
biking procedures. 

Theres a lot of different rules that wed 

like people to know? Owen said "Be¬ 
cause weve heard ot people getting in 
accidents, and we really want to change 

One of three Fixit stations is located outside the university's engineering building. The University of Windsor's Cycling Association played a hand 

in getting these stations set itp, aiding cyclists in performing minor bike repairs. 

[Photo by//Rani Yassinej 

Annual Boo at the U Strengthens Campus Community 


Arts Editor 

With the university's annual Halloween 
event forming a seme of tradition, staff 
members such as Mona Dosen find it to 
dwarf the designated day wiiere kids gp 
tridc or treating, 

“My kids know about this and remind 
me about this annual event before 1 even 
remember that its happening? Dosen 
sakL "Tts a definite community fed I 
prefer fois to outdoor trick or treating * 

This year's Boo at the U found itself in 
a packed Windarc room Oct 29, An 
event whkh has been occurring for 
over 10 years and counting many of the 
umversitys staff members brought their 
children in foil costume to celebrate 
Halloween in a safe aiwronment With 
plenty of candy to eat and gam es to pky 
it created a fun atmosphere for children 
and students dike, 

This is asafeerwirortro^ 

environment** said Residence life co¬ 
ordinator and emit orgmmr Joyodn 
Lorito The students are here to help 
them have fun and enjoy themselves, 
and r& also a good stress reliever for 
our students to just hang out and have 
a good time 1 

One aspect which made tliis yeaii 
event different from ones prior, is foe in¬ 
creased presence of student volunteers. 
Ova* 20 volunteers participated in the 
event, from applying fece paint on chil¬ 
dren to bdp set up the numerous games 
scattered across foe room. Since previ¬ 
ous years were usually dependant on 
staff members, this simple yet effective 
change up allows for a stronger bond 
and atmosphere within the university's 

“1 really like it, and the kids seem to 
reaBy enjoy it too? said Residence Life 
volunteer Shaun Collins. "T think its re¬ 
ally good for them to interact with each 
other and for the parents to socialize and 
have a good time? 

Chloe Surridge applies faccpautt on a child at the Boo at the U event held at the Winclare mom Oct 29. 

[Photo by // Hunt Yassinej 


Artspeak Gallery Adorned 
With Colorful Iconographies 


The Lance Contributor 

A local jplfery had die opportunity to 
showcase a number of paintings, sculp¬ 
tures and handicrafts last week 

Rashmi Dadwal has previously dis¬ 
played pieces around Windsor in librar¬ 
ies, hospitals, community centers and 
markets and recently brought her ex¬ 
hibit to the Artspeak Gallery. Having no 
training in the field of visual arts, Dadw- 
aFs art emphasizes on the notion that ev¬ 
eryone has a talent it just happens that 
she pruned it herself rather nurturing it 
unda- someones guidance. 

Most of her paintings include religious 
konographtes ofChrisL Mother Mary 
the Hindu God Lord Ganesha and so 

"1 am not an teonographer nor do I 
know about Christianity, but 
comes when the time comes wiim you 
start doing it and automatically God 
hdped me to do r £' said Dadwal 

g}ass images of Christ with vivid color 
patterns we see in churches. 

"The paintings and church windows 
look so good and that has been a 
source of inspiration in my own works!* 

The artist has experimented wifo wood 
paintings and now' she has ddved into 
achieving her talents on canvases, For 
her the people who come and look at 
her wotk the viewers give meaning to 
her artwork She learns about Christi¬ 
anity and the connotations of her work 
from them 

When it comes to handkxafts, Dadwal 
has used discarded leftover objects to 
create a story and die same can be said 
reading her other works. Her entighi- 
enment and bang exposed to Chris¬ 
tianity has led her to fuse diversity in 
her work and interpret it along with her 
own ndigsoa H&nduism. 

Today*! find inspiration and healing 
from religions, culture, and humanity 
alike, and seek to tdl a positive story that 
am resonate with all audkncesT said 

A couple ofRashmi Da dwells sculptures displayed inside (he Artspeak Gallery ' Her creative pieces range 

from paints to sculptures and even handicrafts. 

(Photo by//Rohan Khanna j 

Her an style resonates with the stained Dadwal .....- 

Keep it Fresh, 
Keep it Local 


News Editor 

One of Essex County's many wineries, 
and a new one at that, held a Halfoween 
dinner to encourage patrons to buy and 
support focal 

North42 DegreesWinery opened three 
years ago in the Cdchester area and has 
been exclusively making wine from 
their own grapes planted in 2007 and 
said they will continue to do so going 
forward The dinner was held Oct 30 
and brought in a small but purposed 

ChiistkKtoytm^ relations 

and retail manager at North 42 Degrees, 
said tiiis was the first time they had done 
anything for the Halloween season and 
they wanted something small and per¬ 

l< We have an area in the middle of the 
vineyard thats about 35 by 35 feet and 
we thought it would be perfect for 
what we had in mind,” said Kluytmans, 
Thera a lot af good enagy going on 
here today so we're exdted to see the 
night throughr 

Kluytmans said the event was as local¬ 
ly souroed as possible and they believe 
in having a strong local support and 
for others to buy local because Essex 
County lias some of the best wines, 
restaurants and services to the world 
She also said the wineryls goal is to make 
sure everyone lias a good time first and 
foremost, whether it be visiting them or 
through the use of their wine 

Caterer to the event owner of Medics 
Coffee House and Eatery, Frank Mer- 
lihan for everything they use at the 
restaurant, and catered events, they grab 
from locals first He said they will only 

go out of the area to buy things if they 
are not available here or if the stocks 
have all run out 

“Everything we make is from scratch,” 
said MerfihairL lf We always keep local 
and fresh in mind We nay run out of 
local at times but we never run out of 

Meriiham said he likes the small and 
intimate experiences like the one at 
North42 Degrees because you really get 
to know people and make lifelong cus¬ 
tomers. He said ifs also when you have 
the most fun. 

Tdorit know if its been over 100 years 
with relying on each other but Essex 
County has a real local and friendly 
fed to af said Meriiham Tve been all 
around and there has never been a feel¬ 
ing of community and home like in Es¬ 
sex County?' 




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UJ 3 



The Working Combination 


Arts Editor 

It was a quiet and dassy evening when 
the Waikenilie Brewery played host to a 
unique tasting session 

it has always been natural for people to 
mix wine with their cheese, but this time 
around wine happened to be replaced 
with craft beer on the evening of Oct 
26* It was then where 16 people were 
treated with numerous combinations 
of craft beer courtesy of the Walkervilk 
Brewery and artisanal cheese provided 
by southwestern Ontarids Cheese Bar 
With six combinations to present, they' 
were catered in pairs and in between 
timed intervals* The length in between 
each serving allowed testers to not oniy 
consume* but also to savor tire combos 
such as the sweedy aged cheese of Black 
Pepper with the malty, easy drinkabilfty 

i This is a Belgian wit, with orange peel 

and coriander notes, and we actually 
added orange peel onto the beer itself 
said server and host Nicko Mammo 
mas to the evening's patronsu 

for several who attended this was the 
first time they attended a tasting session 
of craft beer and cheese. Some l ev eled In 
the caring and thoughtfulness behind 
each pairing as both the cheese and 
beers constantly “accented each other” 
ft was difficult to dilute, as the cheeses 
were weB aged, textured and flavorful 
with the beer reinforcing these flavors 
with silky and crisp sensations* Prefer¬ 
ences had varied from person to person, 
but the overall satisfaction remained 

1 loved the Honest Lager to tell you 
the truthT said attendee Archie Fratar- 
cangdi Tfc was very good, seems like an 
easy drinking beer and its smooth and 
it went very wdl with the cheese it was 
paired with” 

The Cheese Bar, which has been described at 100% Canadian artisanal cheese, provided one half of the 
product at the Cheese N’Gheers tasting session at Walkeryille Brewery* Oct, 26 . 

[Photo by//Ham Yassine] 

This tasting session h .said to be among sk>ns aren't confirmed at this time, it car- alternative to the traditional taste tests of 

the first ofits kind. While additional sea- rtes the potential in being a fascinating wine and cheese 

CJAM’s Top 30 // Albums 

Charts by Murad Erzinclioglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 FM 
More Info? earshot-onlinexom & cjam.ea 

* Indicates Canadian Artist 

1 WHAT SEAS, WHAT SHORES’ ■ Spiritual Nap Machine (Mudtown) 

2 DIR TY GHOSTS Tel It Pretend (Last Gang} 


4 MIDDLE SISTER' Cries Off he Wild < Sell - Released I 

5 OUGHT’ - Sun Coming Down (Contellation) 

6 WQBfjBURC.LAR' - Rapplicable Skills (Self-Released) 

H THE SPACE MERCHAN TS The Space Merchants i A^uaLuhb) 

9 BALTHAZAR - Thin Walls (Play It Again Slim) 

10 RACOON BAN Dll * - Close Your Byes (Self-Released) 

11 THE DEARS* - Times Infinity, VoL One (Dangerbird) 

12 THE WOODSHED ORCHESTRA' - Guest Book (Sell-Released) 

13 THE LONG DISTANCE RUNNERS’ * Elements (Self-Released) 

14 US. GIRLS* - Half Free (4AD) 

15 SULTANS OF STRING WITH ANDWAR KURSHtD* - Subcontinental Drift (Self-Released) 

16 RED MOON ROAD' -Sorrows and Glories i Self-Releasedj 

17 TAMINEILSON* - Dynamite! (Outside Music) 

18 THE SHEEPDOGS’ - Future Nostalgia (Wariter (WEA)) 

19 CITY AND COLOUR’ - If I Should Go Before You (Dine Alone) 

20 PEACHES’ • Rub (I U She Music) 

21 SAFIA NOLEN - Limoilou (Bonsound) 

22 KEN MODE* - Success (New Damage) 

23 METHOD MAN - The Meth Lab (Tommy Boy-Hanz on Music) 

24 ALLISON BROWN' - Stitches 8c Incisions (Self Released) 

25 DESTROYER* - Poison Season (Merge) 

2b GREY LANDS' - Right Arm (Paper Bag) 

27 CHIC GAMINE* - Light A Match (Self-Released) 

28 FRESH SNOW" - Won (Hand Drawn Dracula) 

29 TEEN DAZE* - Morning World (Paper B 

30 FOREIGN DIPLOMATS* - Princess Hash (Sdf-Released 1 

® \ 


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loin the CJAM Singles Club today and get your music on the 
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Fitness Studio Unleashes 
Their Devilish Side 

Hie studio played host to a Devil's Night dance party Oct 30* which went fom 8 pm until midnighLSevend people, indudingVertikak own stodents were maistu^^ 

bdly and hlp-bop dandng. Both the sdfo and group dances were spcmtaneously run by the stodents, but otheis were abte to jomm and possibly team a ooupte of new daraemove^ 

served as away for the fitness studio have its name ring out in the area, as its set to have its gr^dopmbgthis 

{Photos fey // Hflrti Yassme] 

Film Review: 


The Lance Contributor 

For Goosebumps fans, this movie pfob- 
My sounded like a great i dea when the 
first rumors of its creation started dr- 
adating a little over a year ago: finally, 
someone was going to give our child' 
hood honor series the cinematic atten- 
tke and effects it deserves. 

[fyoure looking for a teen horror-com¬ 
edy with some good banter and decent 
acting and ready tame on the creepy 
scale, this movie is for yoa However; if 
you're a longtime fen looking for an em¬ 
bodiment of the books or the re-visita¬ 
tion and improvement of the television 
show man, you are going to be disap¬ 

The story follows Zadv an average tse^i- 
ing day he meets his neighbor Hannah, 
whos got a real wdrd dad—maybe 

bordering on the dangerous side After 
hearing what he believes to be Han- 
nabfc screams a few nights later, he and 
a frimd break into her house and dis¬ 
cover the Goosebumps manuscripts, in 
the process accidentally unlocking Hie 
Abominable Snowman of Pasadena 
and releasing the monster into the red 
world Slappy the homicidal ventrilo¬ 
quist dummy also manage to esc ape, 
making it his mission to open every 
book and release all the monsters on die 
town, tfs up to Zadi* his friends, and R. 
L Stine himsdf to hunt down and con¬ 
tain the monsters once more before they 
destroy the town 

From what Tve heard Stine has been 
sent scripts over the years and turned 

scary or too gimmidey and not the right 
mixture of both, which is what he was 
dying to achieve. The script he finally 
decided on is the Goosebumps we now 
have in theatres. 

Its great that he tried, but I have to say 
it is absolutely not what 1 think Goose- 
bumps deserved Short of a few ap¬ 
pearances of some familiar characters 
{and bad CGI to boot), the script does 
nothing for the old novdlas or the show. 
I really dorifc believe this was ever meant 
to be a movie for the fens, which is a 
shame, but reality. 

AUinaILitknotabadni 0 vte,perse— 
alogue is good and there are some cute 
moments. Other than that, i& a nm-of- 





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LU "3 

5 CO 


Theatre Review - Doctor Faustus 


A ns Editor 

Centuries prior to the classic pky writ¬ 
ten by Johann Geothe, Christopher 
Mariowes Doctor Faustus is the ear¬ 
liest adaptation of the story of Faust 
The highly successful yet unfulfilled 
scholar who makes apart with the devil 
is an iconic retelling, which has seeped 
through numerous literary works. On 
tap of it involving a deep moral dilem¬ 
ma of a central character who tails to 
keep everything under control ife a 
celebration of the macabre and ail of its 
sinister delights. Its only timely for Kor¬ 
da Artistic Productions to put this play 
on during the Halloween season, but its 
also unfortunate the production Ms to 
properly live up to the dassic star) 7 . 

The lighting direction stays strong 
throughout, and it manages to hit the 
odd story beat or two. But the moment 
it seldom succeeds in mustering is al¬ 
most muffled out entirely by the myriad 
of issues it carries across the spectrum. 
Perhaps the biggest, most inherent flaw 
is the narrative direction. The story of 
Faust has been one presented in a vari¬ 
ety of genres. This particular productio n 
decides to oombine the tragic conflict 
of Faustus with some comedy; yielding 
poor results. 

Scene transitions are constantly jarring, 
as the comedy and drama make no ef¬ 
forts to compliment each other and hdp 
bring the play into cohesion. It certainly 

doesn't hdp when neither aspect man¬ 
ages to be effective. The performance 
kdk any dramatic heft, coming off as 
stale, The humor, on top of being mo re 
awkward than funny is reliant on slap- 
stick style sequences, which dorit fit into 
the story whatsoever Pair this with the 
pky still expecting you to take Fausiuss 
dilemma seriously and you're left with a 
heavily disjointed narrative which make 
the pk/s episodic nature more detach¬ 
ing than it should have been 

The creative decisions to reinforce the 
production are frankly bizarre In a sto¬ 
ry" about a man who ddves in the black 
arts, dealing with demons in Hell you 
get some awfidly goofy looking crea¬ 
ture designs which make menacing 
characters look foolish. Theres also the 
constant use of music samples from the 
band Nine Inch Nails. At least ahandfiil 
of the bands songs are teed throughout 
the production, and theres realty no 
word to describe how much of a jarring 
set piece it comes off to be. In many" 
ways, it is a bewikteringty contusing cre¬ 
ative decision, whkh isn't even remotely 

Its difficult to pinpoint where it afl falls 
apart because nothing was really prop¬ 
erty built in the first place. The whole 
affair Mt unoiganized from the start, 
laitang a steady trajectory in an area 
you don’t want to find yourself in The 
lighting direction is the one a^>ect in 
this production, whkh doesn't seem to 
aitirety suffer, as it was responsible for 

Rut it 

From left to right: Martin Oueletie, David Duihene and Dean Valentino perform a scem jmw ‘Doctor 
Faustus * at the KordaZom Theatre, which runs until Nov. 7. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassim] 

only goes so tar when the content be¬ 
hind the imagery is nothing short of a 

'Doctor Faustus' runs at the KordaZone 

ntmwhwiinti] "7 

St. Clair 





NOV 28 






Movie Review: Mr. Holmes 


The Lance Contributor 

Sir Arthur Conan Dayfes iconic char¬ 
acter has made many appearances be¬ 
fore and die mythology of the detective 
of 221B Street has made the character 
became a quintessential image both in 
literature and pop culture. 

Directed by Bill Condon, wdl known 
for films like 'Twilight Breaking Dawn," 
"Dreamgjrts” and so oa “Mr Holmes" 
revolves around the life of the detectives 
retirement years when he is old and his 
memory is failing him The film is an 
emotkml drama that tries to encap¬ 
sulate the struggles Sheriock Holmes 
is going through as he tries to recall his 
final case which lead to his retirement, 
afl the while battling loss of memory 
Sir Ian Mckdlea die veteran actor slips 
under the skin of Sheriock Holmes and 
provides a perspective you haven't seen 
before in the characters many incarna¬ 
tions. Special mention needs to be given 
to the supporting cast, namely Laura 
linney as the housekeeper Mrs, Mon¬ 
ro and her son Roger* played by Milo 
Parker. As a child artl£, Milo Parker as 
young Roger could be considered as 
what Holmes could have been when he 
was his age because of his determined 

The year is 1947 and Sherkxk Holmes 
after a long trip fern Japan arrives at a 
farmhouse to live the remainder days 
of his life as a reduse, Mrs, Munra and 
her son Roger live in the secluded farm¬ 
house to take care of Holmes Arriving 
with a plant called prickly ash, which 
could hdp him in improving his mem¬ 
ory, Sheriock wants to write the details 
of his last case the way it actually hap¬ 
pened and not as a dramatized version 
of his friend Dr, Watson. Tliroughout 
die film you see a number of flashbacks 
that delve into Holmess last case and his 
journey’ to Japan, During his stay at the 
fannhouse, Sheriock takes a special lik¬ 
ing towards Roger because of the young 
boy s capability in observing the finer 
details of things around him and his 
persistent curiosity. 

Sheriodk Holmes throughout his dif¬ 
ferent renditions, be it through films or 
novels, has been known for possessing 
the art of deduction and his ideology of 
giving importance to feet over fiction as 
a result of which he exhibits no emotion 
and is calculative at best. Mr Holmes 

who has been solving cases all his life 
with the intention of being deprived of 
the most common of emotions* love. 
Sir Ian Mckdten ^ves a flawless per¬ 
formance yet ag^in and you fed for his 
loneliness and his desire to remember 
his last case. This time around* his ene¬ 
my is his decaying health and die man 
end created by his best friend 

The flashbacks act as passages of time 
running paralld to each other and help 
give an insight to Holiness own psydie. 
Bill Condon uses these tools to flesh out 
the diaracter of Sherlock and they are 
integrated cohesively in the narration. 
The paring of the film overall is stow; 
but it is intentional for a good reason. 
The lack of mystery may sound as an 
Addfles 1 heel for die film, but It is more 
about Sheriock Holmes than about the 
cases themsdves 

Mr Holmes is another brilliant perfor¬ 
mance by Sir Ian Mckeflen and another 
feather in Shertod& hat ft is an evolu¬ 
tion of the famous detective* a journey 
to contemplate life by means of warmth 
and heart and not just mind alone 

tends to show ahumane side of a man 




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With the Farmers Market on campus every week, fm sure 
youVe had a chance to grab some fresh produce this year 
- so let’s put it to good use this week with this heafthy, easy 
dinner idea. 


4 russet potatoes 

1 tablespoon unbleached all-purpose flour 
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 
Pinch + hk teaspoon salt 
1 2/3 cups 1 percent milk 

1 cup (4 ounces) shredded low-fat Cheddar cheese 
1 package {10 ounces) frozen chopped broccoli, thawed 
3 strips turkey bacon, chopped and cooked until crisp 


1 Preheat the oven to 425 de¬ 
grees F, 

Z Pierce the potatoes several 
times with a fork Place in the 
oven and bake for 1 hour, or until 
tender when pierced with a fork. 
Remove and leave the oven on 

3, Meanwhile, m a small sauce¬ 
pan, combine the flour, nutmeg, 
and the pinch of salt Gradually 
whisk in 1 cup of the milk until 
the flour dissolves Cook sti rring, 
over medium heat for 5 minutes, 
or until thickened Remove from 
the heat. Stir in the cheese until 
smooth. Set aside 

4, Holding the potatoes with an 
oven mitt, cut in half lengthwise. 
Scoop the flesh out into a bowl, 
leaving a W shell Place the shells 
on a baking sheet Mash the flesh 
with a potato masher. 

5, Stir in the remaining 2/3 cup 
milk and 1/4 teaspoon salt until 
smooth. Spoon the potato mixture 
into the shells. Top with the broc¬ 
coli, bacon, and cheese sauce. 
Bake for 10 minutes, or until heat¬ 
ed through. 

For more recipes tike this one. visit 
htpi//www.pre ventton .com/food 


AKO Fratmen Claim Third 
Straight OFC Championship 

Windsor AKO Frat turns fake Nkoletti and Dillon Grondin combine for a tackle during the Ontario Foot¬ 
ball Conference championship game against the Ottawa Scatters at EJ . Lajeuftesse Nov. I 

[Photo by// Kevin fanold] 

knows rL We are the toi^*hest team that to finish it off We cabled off a good 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor AKO Fratmen finished 
off an undefeated season Id remain on 
top of the Ontario Football Conference 
once again. 

It was a different season but it is always 
the same goal for head coach Mike 
LaChace and his group of athletes. This 
time the Fratmen had to hattk the Ot¬ 
tawa Sooners in order to win their third 
consecutive OFC championship, 

Windsor led the hard-hitting games by 
a 14-7 seem at halftime and eventually 
earned a 21-11 victory on their new 
home playing field at the French Cath¬ 
olic high school BJ. Lafeunesse Nov L 
With the result, the Teddy Morris Me¬ 
morial Trophy stays in Windsor for at 
least another season, 

“They all fed good but tiiis one is spe¬ 
cial” LaChance said “We lost a lot of 
talent from last year, ro to be able to re- 
bound and come out with an undefeaL 
ed season feels pretty perfect When you 
run the table in the regular season the 
expectations are very high in the play¬ 
offs. We had two tight games against 
London and Ottawa but its hard to beat 
teams two and three times [in one sea¬ 

Windsors playoff victories were not as 
dedsive as some of their regular season 

triumphs. The OJFC semi-finals saw the 
London Beefeaters come to the City of 
Roses and try thar hand against the de- 
fending diamps, but would come out as 
the losers of a 26-16 score. The quality of 
games in the pkyofis speaks to die over¬ 
all product the OFC has to offer. 

‘The Ontario Football Conference is 
great right nowf LaChance said. ‘You 
have London, Ottawa, Hamilton and 
us. Even when we played Burlington 
late in the year, they are a pretty good 
team. The GTA Grizzlies are an up-aid- 
comer so there is real good talent in the 

LaChance said it was not known un¬ 
til moments before kick-off if the fbH 
AKO roster would be available for die 
championship game earlier as a hand ■ 
fol of LaGhancek big play makers were 
big questions for the team earlier in the 

“We woe real barbed up, we had five 
guys on offense who were game-time 
decisions, we didn't think we would 
have them todayf said LaChance ‘You 
have a guys like lievi Nod who played 
injured but probably should not have, 
but he played and scored a big touch¬ 
down for us in the end. So that is lead¬ 
ership at ife finest” 

ft was the final game for Fratmen de¬ 
fensive lineman Anthony MacDonald, 
who began his OFC playing careo - with 

a victory over Ottawa five years and 

said it was great to go out on a high note 
and it was a full aide feding to have it 
end against the Sooners, 

To have my last game be at home and 
for the championship, it feds great,* 
MacDonald saki "We knew they were 
going to run the ball hard so we knew 
it was going to be a physical game right 
out of the gate That is what Fratmen 
football is a! about and everybody" 

anyone is ever going to face and that is 
going to continue long after Fm gone” 

MacDonald was member of the 2011 
Fratmen who went undefeated during 
the regular season only to lose in the 
championship game to the Hamilton 
Hurricanes and he reminded his team 
of that loss prior to kick-off 

The last game is the only one that mat¬ 
ters,” said MacDonald Thatk the way 

season and we set up a streak for next 
year too* 

As a three-time OFC champion, Mac¬ 
Donald is hoping to stay involved with 
file ofganization that hdped him so 
much in his eariy adult life. 

‘This group of guys and coaches are 
the best anyone could ever ask foif said 
MacDonald They will do anything for 

University Holds Town Hall 
to Talk About Refugees 


News Editor 

The University ofWindsor held a Town 
Hail to discuss how thdr campus can 
hdp out with the Syrian crises and what 
difference they can make as humanitar¬ 

The goal of the Oct 27 event was to dis¬ 
cuss ways the university could hdp and 
get inspiration from a current refugee 
student on campus - Ghai Mathiang. 

‘Its amazing what tittle we do here can 

change a lot for other peoples fives,” said 
Mathiang d Tt can be a change that will 
last a life time” 

Mathiang lived as a refugee before the 
University' of Windsor brought him 
over Mathiang has graduated from his 
bachelors and is currently woddng on 
Ills master^ in neuroscience 

T understand that when we do some- 
thing for refugees it is not as little as we 
see itT said Mathiang T came here and, 
at file moment, I can support my family 
and they are not living the same as they 

were, although they are still refugees.” 

Mathiang sad there are many things the 
university can do to help, the main thing 
being getting four refugees to school a 
year instead of the current one 

There are a lot of scholars out there and 
I know it is compbtfor the university to 
bring them with families,” said Maih¬ 
iang f Tf we can bring these scholars 
from Syria currenify, we will be able to 
hdp them bring their families over and 
also to hdp Windsor and the area they 
live in over here.” 

Guest speaker at the event, and former 
Canadian diplomat, Mike MoUoy, said 
Windsor was the initiator of bringing 
in refugees with the Vietnamese and he 
hopes to see a simitar process pky out 
with the Syrian crises. 

Teopk are in this Syrian refugee crises 
for the long haul lest the archangel G&- 
brid himsdf intervenes,” said MoBay 
"We have to face the feet that this is a 
problem and students will be hearing 
about this 10 years into their careers. We 
might as weB start to get org^iiaed and 
helping out the individuals who need it” 

MoBoy said 50 per cent of the refugees 
are children and they grow up with bro¬ 
ken childhoods. He said the main goal 
should be to bring m vulnerable fami¬ 
lies with children and to get fills rolling, 
meetings like the Town Hall at the uni¬ 
versity need to start happening across 

The presentations ended and the meet¬ 
ing continued with ideas and discussion 
of what they can do and how to move 
on with the Syrian crises. The majority 
response was to h4>autand talk to gov- 
eminent to get fire process roflii^. 


Men’s Soccer Suffers Heartbreak 

to McMaster in OUA Quarters 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer menksoccerteamk 
spectacular season came to an end with 
a 1-0 toss to the McMaster Marauders in 
the OUA quarterfinals at Akimni Field 

A penalty kick was awarded to MeMas- 
te* * after an apparent handball inside 
liie 18-yardboK. Gersi Xhuti played the 
hero as he placed the ball to the oppo¬ 
site side of Lancers goalkeeper KyteVi- 
zfrakis. ft was the final game of the OUA 
careers for satior Lancers Akbal Gil 
Mkhad fto, Tony Batkesfinand Derrick 

Lancer head coach Steve Hart said itwas 
a sad way to go out for a tom that bad 
set their sights much further than the 
OUA quarters Hart wasn't shy to voice 
his displeasure with the offi dating of the 
match other 

"We didrit deserve to lose tonight but 
ouroffida! made it all about him," said 
Hart ‘"And it is not sour grapes. When 
you ga beat by a team and you deserve 
% you shake their hands and you walk 
away ft sours a good season,” 

Hart explained his frustration towards 
the official was not an isolated incident 

Itery coach in any spout wfU trfhyou 
when you lose a game and you lose it 
honesdy and file outcome isn’t changed 
by an official, you take ftT Hart said. 1 
wouldrifc say a word but this official has 
come in hoe time and time again and 
just constantly does not official proper¬ 
ly Referees are there to make the game 
flow not to make it about them. That 
just spoils the game at this level When 
the stakes are this high, you need proper 

officials who can mate the big eaDs! 1 

Hart was quick to acknowledge the 
strides his program made by accom¬ 
plishing what they did during file 2015 
OUA season 

“The men and women both moved 
forward from last year and as a coach, all 
you can ever want is to move forward,” 
said Hart “Both teams went out in the 
fftst round ayearagoand now they both 
went out in the second So we’re gomg 
all the way nest year, fm so proud df 
both programs’ 7 

The first half saw the visiting Maraud¬ 
ers play a solid game defensively as the 
Lancers only managed two shots on net 
in the first 45 minutes. 

fact Sargent almost had the Lancers 
on the board, but a wall of Marauders 
blocked a free kick from right outside 

With the game scoreless heading into 
the second half fire Marauders got on 
the board in the 75th minute after being 
granted a penalty kkk called off a hand 
balL McMasters Xhuti made no mis¬ 
takes as he pushed the ball into the left 
side of the net for the game-winner 

The Lancers made multiple substitu¬ 
tions to try and even the game. During 
irijtffy time; m comer kkk from Noah 

Pk> went directly towards the Marauder 
net but the header from Lywum Jum¬ 
bo sailed hi^b over fiie net 

Lancer forward Leighton %>eech- 
iey-Price said be was heart broken fob 

h was a pleasure to play with some of 
our playerswith the <^l^<rfMifce,Ak- 
baL Tony and Derrick," Speechky-Price 


Windsor lancers defender Marco Bernabo kicks the bait up fidd against the McMaster Marauders during 
OUA quarterfinal play from Alumni Field Nov , L McMaster scored on a penalty kick m the 75th minute 
•ft and beat Windsor I-a eliminating them from postseason competition. 

IPhoto by // Kevin Jarrold] 

said Tm privileged and honored to 
have been here for their final yean We 
sold ouredves short we were the bet¬ 
ter team and we should have won that 
game The rejection we are feeling right 
nw is horrible 

Speedbfey-Price said it was exliauely 

emotional to see his teammates react to 
thdr spectacular season coming to an 
end Overall, file Lancers finished with 
a 12-3-2 record and were ranked third 
in the CIS at one point the highest na¬ 
tional ranking in the programs history 

^Seeing the teats of those lads knowing 

ft will probably play with diem is heart- 
breaktogT Speechley-Pricesaid *1 want¬ 
ed more for this team and teeven worse 
firat the ofliaating was quite fiankly, in¬ 
consistent ft stopped us from winning 
the game in my opinion We were file 
better team 

Women-Only Boxing Classes Packs Punch for Community 


Sports Editor 

A former Lancer track and cross county 
standout is putting her best punch for¬ 
ward to promote fitness, setfconfidance 
and ton for local women erf all demo¬ 

Meaghan Marten, 22, first stepped in¬ 
side a boxing gym to pkk up her boy¬ 
friend Ricardo Rodriguez, who is a 
member ofBotder City Boxing dub on 
Drouiltaid Ave After string on the side¬ 
lines, Marton said she decided to partic¬ 
ipate and just like that, shewas hooked 

*1 used to go and just sit there and wait 
for him tobe done,” Marton said “Then 
I got more interested in it so 1 took a 
couple dasses and I kept wanting to do 
more and more at the gym because it 
is non-profit ft is a realty great organi¬ 
zation and has such a femity-environ- 
rnent, but 1 sawthe need for more thir^ 
to be done” 

This past summer, Maiton ran four 
separate womens booting dasses, which 
saw increased attendance as the sessions 
continued Between 20 and 30 women 
of all ages came to the dasses which 
prompted Marton to organize more 
boxing dasses as the fall drew doser 

T wanted to do ft again because we had 
such agreat response?' said Marton. Tm 
the chair erf Students Advancing Wom¬ 
en m Sports so we organized a fundrais¬ 
er which aligns file values of wo men in 
sport and we decided to have a boxing 
event ft wasn't so much about raising 
the money but more about getting 
women in the gym. Not a kft of wom¬ 
en get to box and its only five dollars 
per class and we ended up raising over 


What makes these dasses so special 
is the strictly female environment, so 
women who wear jihads could come 
and literally let thdr hair down, a rare 
opportunity thought up by BCBC di¬ 
rector Alison Hunter, a former Canadi¬ 

an thampksa 

"[Hunter] did dasses with women of 
all demographics before and it dropped 
off so I was glad to pick it up and do it 
again,” Marton said "Those women 
really loved ft. We had about 16 people 
but they had never been to the gym be¬ 
fore so that is all that reaBy matters.They 
all left sweating and that is my biggest 
fifing, I want them to leave knowing 
they had a good wotkout” 

Mow instructors inckafe Hunter, Amy 
Tunks (another retired professional) 
and Cdia Gagnon , a Windsor police of¬ 
ficer Marton bdieves the accepting en¬ 
vironment helps those ra 
embrace it and the basing community 
as a whole, 

"They all said theywanted to crane back 
so that is huge,” Marton said *They get 
to lean? the basics of boxing ^ Tm still 
learning how to boat so 1 motivate a lot 
and bdng an athlete, I fove that stuff" 

Marton said die saw an opening for 

womens only dasses when she noticed 
other time slots throughout the week 
were co-ed and often saw the same 
group of skilled boxers in attendance 
With many of her participants being 
new to the sport, Marton found ft ap¬ 
propriate to have thdr own time slot, 
which allows them to opportunity to 
learn at their own pace 

"I didrit want to throw these women, 
who are already intimidated, into a mix 
rrfdifleient skilled boxersT said Marton. 
“So we're reaBy trying to get weekly or 
biweekly womens dasses as a perma¬ 
nent fixture at the gyra* 

With Border City being a toIuh- 
teer-based organization, Marton admit¬ 
ted it can be difficult to schedule these 
dasses but it is not for a lade of enthusi¬ 
asm among those who participate 

"Were only open when someone has a 
key or if someone goes into the gym^ 
said Marton. "But we’re getting really 
good feedback, all of the women ask 
me when we wiD have our next dass or 

when we can do ft a^ta Even people 
who miss dasses have checked in to see 
when the next will be” 

The dasses also give participants an in- 
creased education in fitness. As a former 
crosscountry and long-distance runner, 
Marton knows her way around a gym 
but said turning to boxing really in¬ 
creased her level erf fitness. Marton also 
said she would like to see an increase of 
UWmdsor female students to take file 
time and try something new. 

"Boxing is so mud? different than any 
other physical activity* said Marton. 
'Were teaching these women new 
thing and we're teaching you why it is 
important When Amy teaches besting 
Or when Alison teaches how to punch, 
you’re learning footwork as wdL Were 
not expecting you to get in the ring but 
we know youE have fun* 

Anyone interested in pursuing the sport 
of boxing is encouraged to visit Bonder 
City Boxing Ctubs Facebook page for 


Lancer Men’s Hockey Sweeps RMC, 
Women Still Looking For First Win 


Sports Editor 

ft is a tale of two vastly different teams 
within die Windsor Lancets hockey 

The worn ms team continue to search 
for thdr first win of the regular season 
after a pair of losses tins past weekend 
while the mens team pushed their re¬ 
cord to 6-1-1 and scored 13 gods in two 
road wins over the RMC P aladins . 

The lady Lancers traveled to North Bay 
to open their weekend competition 
against the Nipissing Lakers. After 45 
minutes of scoreless hockey the Lancers 
surrendered the games lone goal and 
M just short in a 1-0 loss. In their past 

Head coach Jim Hunter and his group 
will have the weekend off as they pre¬ 
pare for two games the following week¬ 
end against the York Lions and Guelph 
Gryphons at South Windsor arena 

Lancer meris head coach Kevin Hamlin 
said lie was impressed with his teams 
ability to win both of their games on the 
road trip to Kingston. First, a 7-3 deci¬ 
sion, which saw goaltender Mike Doan 
make 30 saves and a 6-2 victory the next 
evening with Blake Richard making 31 

""Whenever you can win two games on 
a weekend fts important and 1 think 
it was important to our group” Ham¬ 
lin said 'Preparing for RMC is diffi¬ 
cult because they come at you with a 

lot of energy and it is really difficult to 
plan for that We weathered the storm 
when things went sideways through 

the course of both games and we had 

Windsor Lancer Kyle Hope tries to put the puck past an RMC goaltender in OVA men's hockey action last 
season at South Windsor arena. This past weekend, the Lancers travelled Kingston and pumped 13 goals 
combined in a pair of wins to push their record to 6-1-1. 

(Photo by//Ian Shalapata! 

atfeu * 1* Jfft.Vi 1 f * V *V VAHiViUilif IW,Y M U * it • * * * 

still areas of improvement and one of with there will be a different rone in each up and contribute like thaL I thought the 

those areas we are constantly' working 

six games, the Lakers womens hockey 
team is 5-0-1 and surrendered a grand 
total of four goals during that span, in¬ 
cluding a 1-0 over the Western Mus¬ 
tangs die night before. 

The next day at Cbunljyride Arena in 
Sudbury Windsor would allow a goal 
in the opening minute and trailed the 
host Laurentian Voyageurs 2-0 headed 
into the third. The lancers would cut 
T a i i renfians lead in half when Shawna 
Lesperance scored just over one minute 

good shifts and good momentum grab¬ 
bers and we were able to turn things the 
other way rather quickly The weekend 
before against UGIT we wererit able to 
do that. Things wait sideways in that 
second game and we just waited and 
waited, before you know it we ran out 
of time.' 1 

on is the defensive side of the puck and 
I think we aD need to get better there. 
Even though we only allowed five goals 
this weekend, our goaftenders have had 
to come up very large in numatxis oc¬ 
casions to keep the scores at three and 
two, respective 1 

gameT Hamlin said. "We pky a more 
challenging opponent next weekend in 

Hamlin said the three-goal perfor¬ 
mance from Brennan Feasey in the 
second game definitely caught his atten¬ 
tion and also praised the forward fine 
of Chris Scott Dylan Seguin and Blake 

line erf Scott Seguin and Blended gave 
us a lot of energy' in both games and 
created a lot of momentum for us, They 
were our most valuable line” 

The Lancers head back home for a two- 
game set against the Laurentian Voya¬ 
geurs at South Windsor arena. 

into the final frame but could not mount 
the full comeback The Voyageurs re 
stored thdr two-goal cushion five min¬ 
utes later and roimded out the scorir^ 
the final three minutes to uMmairiytake 
the contest 4-1, improving their record 
to 2-4-2-1 for 11 points while Windsor 
claims to their single point on the year 

While Hamlin was happy his team was 
able to fire 13 goals into RMCs net over 
the two-game set, he said the teams play 
in their defensive zone still needs work 

"T didrit really think we would be scor¬ 
ing as many goals as we liave this year 
- but I didn't thinkwewould be allowing 
as many dtherT Hamlin said. 'There are 

Hamlin added the goal-tending duo of 
Rkhard and Doan had met his stan¬ 
dards in the Lancer goal crease so for 
this season but said greater challenges lie 
ahead for them. 

”1 think when we get back into our 
[West! conference pky and we start 
playing against teams we have rivalries 

Bfonded, who he described as extraor¬ 
dinary all weekend 

''If [Teasey] is trying to make a case to 
stay in the lineup that is the way to do ftj* 
said Hamhn. "These are young kids try¬ 
ing to get as much foe time as possible. 
We have a lot of veterans in our lineup 
md it is nice to see first year players step 

"Laurentian pky a very traditional style 
gameT Hamlin said “They are very 
physical and they pky more of a West¬ 
ern conference style of game so we are 
going to prepare for that ft wifi be a 
good segue into playing our conference 
games the following weekend” 


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Men’s Cross Country Falls One 
Point Short of OUA Team Title 


Sports Editor 

in one the dosest mens cross country 
races in recent years, the Lancer mens 
team dairaed a team stiver medal at the 
OUA Championships in Waterloo this 

The five-man Lancer squad finished 
with 54 points, just one point behind the 
Guelph Gryphons, who captured their 
eleventh consecutive OUA team crown. 
On the womens side, third year Lancer 
standout Stefenie Smith was named an 
OUA first team all-star by virtue of her 
third overall finish. 

The mem team was led by fifth year 
Paul fanikowski, who captured the silver 
individual medal finishing the race just 

one second behind gold medalist Alex 
Wilkie of the Queens Gaels. Jankowski 
finished the I04tilometer race in a time 
of30:443 to be named a first team OUA 

Overall Windsor had five runners earn 
first or second team all-conterence sta¬ 
tus and Lancers cross country head 
coach Gary Malloy was proud of the 
way his runners battled 

'The men are disappointed they didn't 
win but are happy that they came 
through with sudi good performances,” 
Malloy said “Paul was in a real battle 
and its a great comeback story for him 
after suffering various injuries. For him 
to finish off his last year wfth a silver 
medal is great” 

Corey Bdlemore placed seventh overall 

with a time of 31.01.4 and joined Jan¬ 
kowski as a first team all-star Tlfird- 
year Joseph Kagnmba rounded out the 
individual accdades for Windsor when 
he was named a second team all-star 
with a L3th place finish, completing the 
course in a time of 3136-0. Other Lanc¬ 
ers scorers included Jordan Cdttison in 
15th with a time of 31368 and Shawn 
Master in seventh with a time of 3139. L 

The men were Kill value in their race, 
we didn't expect to be one point away 
from thegold medal" Malloy. “The guys 
ran real tough and it was a nail-biter afl 
the way through It could have gone ei¬ 
ther way There are so many combina¬ 
tions and pemiutations with one point 
going one way or the other it can drive 

Overall the Lancer women finished 

eighth overall in the team competition 
despite missing one of their top five run¬ 
ners. Smith claimed the OUA bronze 
medal by completing the six-kilometer 
course m a time of 20,10.4 

“At three kilometers I fdt pretty strong 
and 1 decided to go for it” said Smith 
£f Wtfh one kilometer to go 1 saw all of 
my coaches and teammates cheering 
and they gave me the final little push I 
needed It was really dose going into the 
last hill and the last 150 meters I caught 
the girl from Gudph and I finished 
third My goal was to make top seven 
so I definitely did better than l expected” 

Alik Parks, a transfer from the Univer¬ 
sity of Montana, was named a second 
team all-star with an eighth place finish 
crossing the finish in a time of20:49,6. 

Rookie Chelsea Visdli was the third 
Lancer across the line in a time of 
222H, while Sydney Hawkins finished 
in a time of 23:503 and Lauren Fisko 
ran a 23:547. 

The Lancers program wiD now prepare 
for the 2015 CIS Cross Country Cham¬ 
pionships hosted by the University of 
Guelph Nov, 14 While the men auto¬ 
matically qualify their M team to the 
national diampionships, the women 
will have to wait to see if they qualify for 
the big dance 

tf We fed pretty confident and are look¬ 
ing forward to go into a rematch and 
give Guelph another battle,” Malloy said 
“We will have a roster of eight, seven will 
run. With the women, we are not sure 
about the full team yet but Stefanie and 
ABie will definitely be competing!' 

Lancer Volleyball Teams Fall 
To Gryphons On Halloween 


Sports Editor 

Both Lancer volleyball teams suffered 
identical straight-set fosses on the road 
at the hands of the Gudph Gryphons 
this past weekend 

The Lancer women tried to continue 
their strong play from a week prior 
against the Brock Badgers but started 
the match sfowfy once again and ulti¬ 
mately fell 3-0 to the hosts with scons 
of 16-25, 20-25 and 21-25. The mens 
squad is still looking to win their first 
match of the season after dropping 
three tightly contested sets against the 
Gryphons, with scores of 22-25, 20-25 
and 22-25. 

Lancer meres head coach James Gravdle 
said his young squad tooka lot of posi¬ 
tives from the match against a division 

“We had seme chances but wefye had 
trouble stewing people so thaft been 
a big thing,” Gravdle said “We weren't 
able to block very effectively so we have 
to operate at a very h^h efflekneyoflfen- 
sivdy to make up fix it Thai is asking a 
kit of our passing and settii^ to get the 

attackers intoa spot where they can hit it 

Gravdle said the stellar play of middle 
Josh Edwards was just the banning of 
what he expects to see from the fifth year 
and predicted another big gime from 
him this weekend when the Western 
Mustang come to town for the Wind¬ 
sor mens home-opener match Nov. 13. 

“Josh was absolutely dominant against 
GudphT Gravdle said Ifs nice to have 
Josh back for his fifth season after many 
years away Be was hitting baits as if he 
were still in warm-ups, in the match he 
was pretty fon to watch but we wasted 
that effort We need to keep getting bet¬ 
ter a Me bit everyday because we are 
young and bolting to improve so we 
make sure we are moving in the right 

After beginning the season with three 
away games at York, Nipissing and 
Gudph, Gravdfe agreed it would be 
good for the team to get experience 
playing on their home court at the St 
Denis Centre. 

“Were looking forward to the 
home-opener because it is a chance for 
us to play in front of more family friends 

and students as wdT Gravdle said 
“We will definitely be looking to take 
advantage of the home court Starting 
with three games on the road has been 
tough for us and we’ve had some hard 
luck. Weve had chance and have been 
leading qufte a few of these sets and hav¬ 
en't been able to put them away so we're 
hoping having a home game will help 
us out” 

Even though the Lancers have begun 
the season 0-3, Gravdk historically has 
coached teams whose skills build up 
throughout the seasoa 

“Weve always been a second half team,” 
said Gravdk “We focus more on 
skill-building in the first half knowing 
that seven out of 11 teams make it to 
the playoffs. So, tf we can get ourselves 
into the dance, we are hoping we can be 
poking at that time. We want our abili¬ 
ty to lx that We arerit deficient in our 
skills; we just need to improve on them 
every day. Were just not as sharp six-on- 
sk as we wiEbeialer this sea^ 
fi%fcy the end of the season we will be a 
much better team than we are nowT 

First serve against the Mustang Nov 6 
is scheduled for 7 ptm. 

Womeris volleyball head coach Lucas 
Hodgson said another slow start to a 
match resulted in early deflate Windsor 
could not come back from 

“We were down 7-1 in the opening set 
and we've done that in every matdi so 
fori' Hodgson said. “We dorit seem to 
be mentally into the match until were 
down a couple of points and that is 
something we have been talking about 
as a team. With how young we are... we 
are going to be bad some days and better 
some others. We didn't play horrible; the 
state showed we were pretty even aa^ 
the board except for hitting percentage. 
We just gave away too many points,” 

Hodgson was hoping the team would 
build off of their victory against Brock 
in thdr home opener Oct 25 but were 

Thing into Guelph we fek pretty good 
knowing that we defeated Brock pretty 
handilyi* said Hodgson. “We watched 
Western beat Gudph quite easily the 
nigjht before so we thought we were 
sitting good because they were coming 
in on a high and they were on a low. 
Unfortunately our players didrft follow 
the game pbn which we set forth and 

Gudph took full advantage of that and 

And it is those small areas of differenc¬ 
es that are affecting the Lancers most, 
Hodgson said 

T spoke with Gudphfc head coach after 
the match and he said 'if you guys got 
out of your own way you are going to be 
damn good’* said Hodgsoa “And that is 
exactly it ff we eliminate our own errors 
instead of being worried about making 
a mistake and just trying to hdp the 
think we will be in good shape: ’ 

The women now travd to Ottawa next 
weekend for a battle with the Gee-Gees, 
who are always near the top of the OUA 
volleyball standings. 

“Ks going to be tough against Otta¬ 
wa. They have been a top team in the 
OUA for a number of years and they 
are always in the mix to grt a berth at 
the OS championshipsr Hodgson said 
"They are always wdl prepared, they are 
weH-coadied and if we make the same 
mistakes we made against Gudph they 
will put it bade to us pretty hard But if 
we can dean up some things, we should 


Women’s Soccer Season 
Halted By Hawks 


Sports Editor 

The Lancer womenk soccer teams sea¬ 
son came to an end this past weekend 
after a M) loss to the Laurier Gokien 
Hawks in the QUA quarterfinals in Wa¬ 

Three days earlier, Windsor qualified for 
the OUA quarterfinals with their first 
post-season victory since 2011 when 
they defeated the McMaster Marauders 
2-1 in overtime Oct 28, 

Despite the quarterfinal exit Lancers 
py with the womans teams' growth as a 

"The girls played so marvelously As a 
coadi, afi coukl ever want to do is 
nm forward and to do better than the 

In a game that yidded very few quality 
scoring opportunities, the Lancers con¬ 
trolled possession nuiditiiroughoutthe 
first half using the heavywind that Hew 
through University Radium during the 
match. Windsors best diance of the 
opening 45 minutes came off the foot 
of Windsor forward Cassie Chretien* 
when she found herself with the ball on 
her foot from five yards out but Landed 
goalkeeper Ashley Almeida dove and 
punched the ball away 

Fifteen minutes into the second half 
Windsor would have another scoring 
chance but could find the back of the 
net Jadyn Farad sprinted down the 
right wing and booted a haid shot on 
goal- but it would only find the post and 
keep the game scotdess. A few minutes 
later it was Brown who played the hero 
in the 68 th minute when she tapped in 

year before ; 1 L&rtsakL We went out in arehound to advance the Hawks to 3 
(he firet round last and now we are going another Fih 2 %ur appearance 

out in the second So you know what is 
coming next year? Were going all the 

In the third game of the season series 
between the two soccer dubs* thesbdth- 
ranked Hawks would come out victo¬ 
rious but they needed a big play from 
the modem day OUA scoring leader to 

Hawks forward Emily Biown buried a 
rebound into file open net in the 68 th 
minute to send the Laurter women to 
thdr ninth consecutive OUA Final Four 
tournament, ft was Browrfe sixth god 
in her payoff career to go along with 76 
regular season goals over her five-year 

"Thais soccer thats the beautiful gameT 
said Hart “fifc about progressing as 
a team, as a unit and the girls had an 
amazing seasoa They were really doing 
well at the present time so Fm so proud 
erf them Fm really looking forwaid to 
next year because we will go a long way 
next year” 

The womens opening-round victory 
over McMaster was a nail-biter as wefi, 
havii^ to be decided in extra time After 
a scoreless fest halt the host Marauders 
got on tiie boaid first with a god from 
fourth year midfielder Maureen Mai in 
the 54th minute 

The Lancer; didn't back down and after 


applying some heavy pressure on the 

Windsor Lancer women’s soccer team lost 10 on the road against the Laurier Golden Hawks in Waterloo f 
ending their 2015 season. Three days earlier > Windsor won their first postseason match since 201 1 with a 
2-1 victory on the mad over the McMaster Marauders . 

[Photo by // Gerry Marentettej 

Marauder goalkeeper Christina Ah 
hatangefo Cassie Chretien scored her 
first of two on the night to tie the game 
in the 73rd minute 

With the score stMl tied after regulation, 
the T atvvt and Marauders headed into 
two 15 minute overtime periods. The 
Lancers would only need nine of the 
30 minutes to score the j^me winner. 
A breakaway pass from Lacey Mar- 
coux right to Chretien set her up beau¬ 
tifully to fire the ball past Abbatangdo 
and give Windsor a 2-1 lead 

Right on cue the Lancer defense and 

godtender Krystin Lawrence budded 
down for the remaining 20 minutes and 
held back the charging Marauders to 
earn the win and advance to the quar¬ 

Marcoux said the feding of coming 
bade to defeat McMaster in extra time 
was exhilarating but lo^i^ a tight bailie 
to Laurier brought the womens team 
back to earth. 

The giris played thdr hearts out on 
the field, we left it all out there,” Mar¬ 
coux said “We went in against Laurier 
with high hopes but unfortunately we 

couldn't come through” 

Lawrence echoed Maroouxk sentiments 
but said this seasons success can be a 
building block as the program moves 

“Flaying all of those tight games gainst 
nationally ranked teams will really push 
us in the off-season;' Lawrence said 
“ttfe knew w had a chance to win it all 
and we could have done better but we 
left it all on thefidd and that is all we can 
ask for?* 


By: L A, Bont4 

For more comics and animations visit 



Sports Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires finished the 
month of October with a 9-2-3 reconi 
while playing !4gamesin3i days. 

Head coach Rocky Thompson and 
the Spits rounded up the month by re¬ 
cording four out of six points, playing 
three games in a two-and-one-half day 
span against the Flint Firebirds, London 
Knights and Guelph Storm 

Garrett Hudson shut out the Hint 
Firebirds in his first game as a Spitfire 
and Daniil Vertiy scored two goals in a 
3-0 victory at the WFCU Centre Oct 
29. Windsor went on the road to Lon¬ 
don and Budweiser Gardens bit came 
home on the wrong side of a 3-3 final 
Oct 30. 

The Spitfires hadlitik time to regroup as 

the WFCU Centre hosted a Halloween 

matinee game die next afternoon wSha 
1 pm start Windsor showed no signs 
of rust and took a 2-0 lead in the open¬ 
ing period with goals fora Christian 
Fischer and Andrew Rums on their way 
to a.5-1 route. 

Tm just very happy with our per¬ 
formance and our effort hereT said 
Thompson, "This weekend was a hard 
weekend for us. We needed that first 
game against Hint and we got it We 
knew it was goingto be hard in London, 
they were ready We were able to make 
it dose in that one and against Guelph, 
in our teams opinion it is a must-win 
pme. We needed to dome out of here 
with a victory and Guelph was rested 
this week." 

The Storm were looking to hak a sev¬ 
en-game losing skid when they visited 
Windsor on Halloween. Where they 
went looking for treats* they only found 
tricks in the form of daunting Spitfire 
defencemen and relentless forwards. 

Coming in against Gudph, centre Lo¬ 
gan Brown was almost certainly the 
most rested of Windsors skaters, as he 
was coming back from a five-game sus¬ 
pension he received by the league for a 
major interference penalty 

"Coming back I had a lot of energy 
Brown “During the timeoft Rocky and 
[Trevor] Letowski were on the ice with 
me evtsyday to keep my kgs under me 
and get in better shape: Comk^ in I just 
wanted to hdp the guys out early and I 
knew Rocky was going to use me a lot 

so 1 was lucky to get back out there with 
Fischer and [Brad] Latour We picked 
up right where we left off* 

The reunited line only needed the 
opening 35 seconds to light the lamp 
and Brown finished with one goal and 
two assists. Combined the trio had eight 
points and were a plus right rating. 

“I think our start was the most inport- 
ant thingT said Thompson* ‘"We had to 
come out and really set the pace in the 
first period because we knew our ener¬ 
gy levels would get lower as the g^me 
wore on and we were able to score some 
big goals and we probably could have 
had more We were able to grind away 
in the second, we didrit play a great peri- 
od but Garrett Hughson played welL He 
was abk to calm things down and then 
we came out in the third and we were 
abk to cement the win from there! 5 

as the third period winded down, which 
helped the Spitfires ease the tension and 
allowed Thompson to use some players 
for more minutes and allow hisiattgued 
players to rest 

"Our guys are just like this, they never 
quiC Thompson said “They always 
try and come back* they always try and 
press. We dorit protect leads in the third 
period we want to continue to build on 
them and I love that about our team w 
Once that game is done, its done. We 
came bad home and our guys were 


The win over Guelph pushed Wind- 
sort overall record to 10-3-3 as of Nov. 
L During the 2014-15 regular season, 
Windsor didrit record their 10th win 
until Deed 

“Were happy that we are doing so well 
right now and were just looking to keep 
it going," Brown said "Rocky’ doesn’t 
want to praise its too mud. He doesn’t 
want us to fove ourselves too much so 
wrire just harping on everything and he 
wants toperfect every detail in our game 
before we will really be satisfied" 

The^itfireshit the road for three games 
this week, beginning with the Niagara 
Ice Dogs at the Meridian Centre in St 
Catharines Nov. 5. Windsor will visit the 
CHIk top-ranked junior hockey dub 
the Erie Otters for a battle at Erie Insur¬ 
ance Arena with a 7 pm bdbre round¬ 
ing out the weekend with another dash 
with the Storm, this time at Seaman 
Centre with puck drop at 6 pm 

Windsor Spitfires forward Logan Brown cuts between two Guelph Storm defenders during DHL action at 
the WFCU Centre Oct. 31, Brown came back from a five-game suspension with one goal and two assists in 

a 5-1 win over Guelph, 

[Photo by //Kevin Jarrold] 

Windsor Spitfires Cristiano DiGiacMo battles with a Flint Firebird defender during OHL action at the 
WFCU Centre> Oct. 29 . Garrett Hughsott earned a shutout in his start as a Spitfire and Daniil Vertiy scored 
two goals in a 3-0 romp . The Spitfires wore pink Jerseys In honour of the "Stick it to Cancer" initiative. 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold} 


News Editor 

Last years election left a few positions 
opm, and after the VP of student ser¬ 
vices was deemed to resign just a few 
weeks into the new semester, lastweel& 
by-election filed some important posi¬ 
tions in the LWSA office. 

The positions which students were vot¬ 
ed into were board of directors for the 

faculties ofFAHSS, e ngineering and law, 

a new vice president of student services. 
With a low turnout for voters - the high¬ 
est past election turnout still only being 
about 850 voters - the results came 
through and file positions are now filled 

The two highest voted positions were 
for the senator and vice president of stu¬ 
dent services. Makram Al -Matary took 
the senator position while Tofunmi 
Adebise will be the newvice president of 
student services. 

will be a liaison between the students 
and faculty and my main focus wiE be 
on academics,” said Ai-Matary 1 really 
want to bring students out of academic 
probation and bring more services, as 

LTWSAi newest senator* Makmm AlMatar^ amt vice president of student services, Tofimmi Adebise > pose for a picture after their victories on 

by-eiecticm night Nov, 12, 

[Photo byffCaleb Workman} 

Ai-Matary said he wants to bring a lot 
of fern to fiie campus as wdl Be said he 
wants to bring inner-lkutty games to 
bring up the school spirit and morale 
He said he was nervous when they were 
announcing the winners and he felt 
completely relieved when he heard his 

name as the winner. 

Adebise said he will be in charge of the 
services on campis and will be work* 
ir^ to improve a lot of the services and 
maintain what is working weH 

"I hawe beat in contact with the former 
vice president and he has been giving 
me tips on how to do the job and how 
to do it five best 1 can," said Adebise Tm 
very confident HI be able to flow into 

or worries.” 

Adebise said he is going to keep at it no 
matter what and he wiS do his best to 
represent the student body in all of his 

open office for people to come and talk 
to him. 

"My main goal is to bring unity among 
all sections of the univerarjC said 

this position without any complications derisions and he will always have an 

uinosoR’s BJCCJE5T 




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Letter To The Editor 

Thousands of blue and pink flags were set up in the residence quad Oct. 21 which signified the amount of child deaths each year as a result of 

performed abortions. The display sparked protest by numerous pro-choice advocates . 

(Photo by //Hani Yassine} 

and as a dub we are very supportive of 


3rd Year Phrlosophy/Greek 
and Roman Studies Com¬ 
bined Honour Students 

As a member oflifeChoice I would like 
to respond to the lances article about 
our flag display 

Now, like the lances article said our 
groupwas setting up dags as a memorial 
for the appiummaidy IjOOjOOO prebam 
children killed by abortions every year 
in C janada* and to raise awareness about 
the bekoflaws in Canada. In response 
to this, people called us land-choice* 
and stated we were being "judjpnav 
fcaT to women on campus who had 
had abortions, and eventually we were 
requested !o leave the location that had 
been assigned to us by * 1 the Dean, before 
we even managed to put all the flags up. 

I find the term artfi-choicer to be a bit 
misleading. We do not oppose choice 
generally speaking as I am sure every¬ 
one is really aware 1 for one am quite 
in favor of everyone at file mh«3y 
choosing whit classes they wish to lake, 
who they want to have as friends, what 
they want to eat and so on and so forth. 
Yet when ft comes to abortion, I am not 
in favor of that particular choice Why 
the sudden change in altitude? Asa gen¬ 
eral rule, I oppose any choice that harms 
an innocent ukirvxiual 1 am opposed 
to hamiii^ bom people just as much 
as I am opposed to harming prebom 
people; it just so happens that in Cana¬ 
da it is tte latter gpoup who has no legal 

As to whether or not we were bek^> 
judgmental, I understand why people 

might think that. Vfomen who have 
chosen abortion, or people who were 
involved in the dedson making pro¬ 
cess, must have had a tremendously 
difficult time making that derision. It 
is not our goal to judgp these women 

groups like Project Rachel and Silent 
No More, which are devoted to help¬ 
ing post-abortive wumen Our display 
never called out anyone it never made 
any statements about why these wom¬ 
en make those derisions, it only drew 

attention to the amount of abortions in 
Canada and the legal status of abortion 
in Canada, 

I can confidentially speak on bAaif of 
LifeChofoe in saying&al we have noill 
wiB for post-abortive women, and we 
wish them nothing but healing. Our 

facts of tiiis issue in our country, and we 
were silenced and censured for sharing 
our beftefs. The members of I ileCboice 
are as entailed to share information and 
our opinio ns on campus as any other 





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Creative Writing Students Raise 
Goods for Local Church 


News Editor 

LTWindsor creative writing students ex¬ 
plored the power ofliterature while tee¬ 
ing their own abilities as public pikers. 

The group of students ^thered at Bless¬ 
ed Sacrament Parish to read their own 
written literature and collect goods for 
the Society of St Vincent de Paul The 
event, held Nov. 10, brought out 14 
readers and approximately 50 people to 
listen to the ordinal student works. 

*We were required to do a public read¬ 
ing for our dass so we decided to make 
the best of it and get in our practiced said 
3rd year double major in drama and 
English Nathanya Barnett ^edcdded 
to do it for charity through the church 
and make a difference where we can 

works out 

r Hie event offered a variety of writing 
styles tk>m poetry to short stories. 

'The Elfish program al tl* *e university 
is very broad and gives a lot of freedom 
to the students as to where they want 
to take their mafor and how they want 
to establish themsdves as writereT said 
Zaeh Winger, 4th year English literature 
and creative writii^ student 

Rosanne Winger said she is wry thank- 
fill the students thought of supporting 
St Vincent de Paul throu^i their event 
and is wry impressed with the young 
talent the university has been molding 
through their English program. 

'The founder of St Vincent de Paul 
was a university student from Paris and 
he saw a great need for the poor* said 
Rosanna **He and some other univer- 

while practicing something we love 1 ' 

Barnett said often when you get pub¬ 
lished as a creative writer you end up 

Join ed lot y[ i 

care of both practicing for that 
and also hdped students get their early 

sty students went out and raised whai 
they could for the poor. Im glad to see, 
to this day students are doing the same* 


themsdves out there publidy for them- 
sdws but also for others. 






NOV 28 



Immigration Law is 
Something to Look Into 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor^ law section 
opened up a panel this past week to in¬ 
troduce job options many in law may 
not have thought about - immigration 

The panel discussed the perks of go¬ 
ing into immigration law the different 
kinds of jobs the endeavor may entail 
and how to be prepared if you wish to 
go into the occupation. All of the panel¬ 
ists came from positions in immigration 
law locally Windsor, having such a large 
immigration population, is said to be a 
great place for this kind of job. 

Clare Hopkins, a second year kw stu¬ 
dent and organizer of the event, said ret 1 
ugpe law is also something very good to 
get Into a was talked about as wdl 

^ Were trying to show students the range 
of possibilities that are available in im¬ 
migration taw and highli g ht the nec¬ 
essary skiOsT said Hopkins, "There are 
sometimes challenges in getting a job in 
this section but today were going to pre¬ 

pare the students as much as possible,” 

The questions asked to the panelists 
woe generic questions about what they 
wi be doing and how their average day 
is spent. Hopkins said the skills needed 
to go into immigration law are readily 
available at the umvmity. 

“One thing about refugee law you 
should know that ifs very interesting 
professionally Its important to recog¬ 
nize as a lawyer the importance of the 
Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” said 
Luke Morton Windsor law graduate 
and recent retiree from the federal De¬ 
partment of Justice in Ottawa. “If yuure 
interested in practicing refugee law; you 
should get a grounding in Charter rights 
and administrative lawf 

Eddie Kadru another panelist, Windsor 

graduate and member of Huflca Porter 
T-aw Rrm said to hold cm to the Inter- 
personal skills students learn at school 
and apply it to life and their future careen 

'T myself came to law school thinking 
about practicing immigration law; 1 said 
Hopkins. "Ifs quite a niche area and ife 
very misunderstood at times on how 

The immigration law panel discussed how to achieve a future in immigration and refugee law and explained 

a day in their average lives, 

[Photo provided by // Clare Hopkins} 


to get ia Ibe university has people in- University diapter and said she is very pefling in immigration lawf said Hop- 

volvaL such as myself who can help exrited for students to kins. “The reasons people come here 

students understand and learn about immigration law. There are about 450 ^ very deep and it is something that 

lmmigratk>nli ^' law students and about 75 came out to has always drawn me to immigration 

Hopkins said she is part of the asso more law - being able to make a difference for 

dation of referee lawyers Windsor ‘T find the storks you hear are very com- people in need.' 1 

Film Review: Minions 

An adventure worth its weight in “bananas. ” 

few But all these famous masters meeta 
tragic end because of the unintentional 


The Lance Contributor 

Minions, a prequd to tire “Despicable 
Me” franchise IbSows the adventures of 
the cute yellow creatures who happen 
to love bananas. You will notice the ab¬ 
sence of their evil master* Gru and his 
adopted daughters as this film focuses 
on the origins of the creatures. Directed 
by Kyle Baida and Pierre Coffin, this an¬ 
imated ffidc much like the "Despicable 
Me” movies is worth watching because 
the charisma and mishaps the creatures 
gd caught up in is adorably chaotic. 

Before the existence of Gru, the minions 
Irave been known to serve evil masters 
like a T-Rex in prehistoric times, Drae- 
ula and Napoleon Bonaparte, to name a 

calamities created by the mixtions. Now 
they are left wilhout a master and the 
creatures, in order to cope with their 
depression, move to the colder confines 
of Antarctica Stuart, Bob and Kevin are 
chosen by their tribe to seek another evil 
master in order to get thdr lives back on 

The trio sets out on a perilous journey 
and you get to see a lot of unprecedented 
situations our yellow minions indulge in 
along the way Since the minions usu¬ 
ally" talk in gibberish, slapstick humor 
is heavily relied upon, which works for 
the most part After a tot of tribulations, 
the trio ends up in villain con, an equiv ¬ 
alent of comic con, where super villains 

gather. Ending up with a villain named 
Scarlet (voiced by Sandra Bullock), they 
arrive in London where they are given 
orders to steal the crown of Queen Eliz¬ 
abeth II 

Knowing the past exploits of the cute 
creatures, things obviously don't go ac¬ 
cording to plan and before you know 
it, the trio lands into trouble When it 
comes to charm. Scarier cannot compete 
with Gru. She seems like a one-dimen¬ 
sional character, devoid of any depth. 
She screams and whines and lacks the 
mediodical approach of Gru You co uld 
say; she is completely tbigettable as a 
character. But like the title of the movie 
suggests, this is a tale about the minions 
themselves and the rest of the characters 
that they come across are just there for 

die sake of it This is something, whkb 
could have been given more attention 
to, because in a movie that solely has 
the minions in it needs a layer of texture 
that could only be achieved with much 
colorful side characters. What worked 
for the “Despicable Me” movies was 
the relationship between Gru and foe 
daughters and since the minions served 
as sidekicks in those films, thdr charac¬ 
terization was balanced out with that of 

Since here they piay a primary role, the 
shorteomiiigs are prominent at best In 

ability to dislike the film, because at the 
center of it all lays true heart Of course 
there is a Me surprise after aO the ca¬ 
tastrophes Stuart, Bob and Kevin go 
through* but without blurting out any 
spoilers, thafs a story for another day 

“Minions” as a prequd might not serve 
die greatness on a neatly laid out plate 
like its predecessors, but it sure has the 
capacity to encapsulate the younger au¬ 
dience in its an hour and a half runtime 
There are moments where you will go 
bananas, but those bananas are Hdly ripe 
and edible enough to be appreciated for 


Manors in Poeticism 


Seats were filled quickly at WiUistead Manor for the third Poetry at the Manor held on Nov. 12. 

[Photo by 11 Hani Yassinej 

From retail management to logistics, this program 
offers the unique skills you will need to launch your 
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The Business School 


Arts Editor 

It was a dark, cold and windy nigjht, but 
It wasn’t nearly enough to keep some 
poetry lovers in their homes. 

The dty of Windsor, being no stranger 
to poetry events, held a one of a kind 
event at Wll&tead Manors grand hall 
Nov. 12 . Tile seats and stairs were filled, 
as many attended the third Poetry at 
die Manor where multiple poet laure¬ 
ates within Ontario came together to 
do what they do best On top of hav¬ 
ing people hear the beauty of the spo¬ 
ken word hotn professionals, host and 
Windsor poet laureate Marty Germs 
hopes the event sheds more light on the 
program itself 

“Hie idea of a poet laureate is someone 
who speaks culturally far die dtyT Ger- 

As well as being an English and journal¬ 
ism sessional instructors the University 
of Windsor, Gervais has bear Windsors 
poet laureate since 2011, befog the fust 
person in the dty to be appointed to 
the podboa His latest book Touch 


One being as a poet laureate I should 
represent the city, hut as a person who 
loves this area of Southwestern Ontario, 
Fmdoingwhat I want to do, which is tell 
our storyT Gervais said 

The reeling at the manor consisted of 
five guest poets hum across die prov¬ 
ince, with each of thdr works being 
available for purchase at die event 
Among die guest poets was Anna Yin, 
who as of June of this year has helmed 
the poet Laureate position in Mississau¬ 
ga Bor Yin, it was her second time in 
Windsor but the first time in file manor. 

Shes dated to be in a position to pro¬ 
mote and design poetry specifically far 
her dty but she also finds this event to 
be a great way to learn about other local¬ 
ized cultures. 


Today l can hear other poet laureates 
say beautiful tilings about their dties> 
so its wonderful and you even get in¬ 
spired* Yin said 

With the event bringing several laure¬ 
ates together, it also served as a way to 

gain more support to have a poet lau¬ 
reate far Ontario. A petition sheet was 
made available to those present, courte¬ 
sy ofWirkbnr MPPPferey Htffidd The "" 

bill ts currently in a tentative state as it right? 

Anna Yt% poet laureate for Missisauga* reads from her book at Poetry at the Manor Nov: 12. 

[Photo by// Hani Yassinej 

appointed which focuses 
on unique moments within Windsor’s 

grand history 

In being the dosest tiling to an author¬ 
ity figure for the medium, thelaurealek 
purpose is to promote and enhance the 
literary scene tot 

The responsibilities rang? between per- 
farming readings at municipal events to 
creating content specific to a dtyk lore 

Its kind cf a marriage cf two tiling 

mittee on Regulations and Private B3k 
Accordtog to Hatfield the Iriet Laureate 
of Ontario Act was initially proposed 
earlier in the spring, befeevfog its ap¬ 
proval would be deeply beneficial to tiie 
arts scene on a provmdd standpoint 

“In the long run you have a wider stage* 
a b^ger platform to promote literacy to 
promote poetry and the arts,” Hatfield 
said ‘Ganada has one, other provinces 
have than, why doesn't Ontario have 

As to when the bill comes back with 
offiriaJ ruling remains to be seen, but 
Gervais has faith in it evei^iialiy passing, 
for above all else he believes poetry lobe 
the perfect medium for the 21st century 

“We have to take some moment in our 
life to be quiet and to be reflectiver Ger¬ 
vais sad “Poetry works far the 21st cen¬ 
tury because ife short, but it abo slows 
you down, and 1ms you take a second 







Leamington Coats for 
Kids Makes a Difference 


News Editor 

Coats for Kids launched thdr season 
this past wedc providing coats for those 
in need during the holiday season. 

The South Essex Community Council 
in J.eamington has been around for 42 
years serving out all their coats almost 
every year for nearly 25 years accord¬ 
ing to Stephen Card The group also 
provides fow-income support services, 
housing services and other community 

it Emy year we put a call out for coats in 
eaify Goober aifofoey go out to 18 dif¬ 
ferent collection centers in Leamington 
and Kingsville* said Thir volun¬ 
teers pick than up and bring than to 
the deanera which is provided free of 
charge and then distribute them" 

Coats for Kids out of leamii^ton ool- 
lected approximately 670 coats and ex¬ 
pects to liave 600 of them go out before 
the end of the season. Gard said they 
keep the extras throughout the winter 
for people who may need them or for 

people who move to the area un-ex- 
pecting of the weather. 

According to Gard, there were more 
than 100 people lined up outside before 
they opened and five hours into thdr 
first day they were already' halfway done 
with thdr stock. 

1 think we have a huge impact in the 
area and across the county' through our 
other organizers in Windsor and Essex 
County!* said Card 'Taking a look at 
the families that come in and foesmiks 
the kids haw on shows us what we do 
matters and that it is much needed in 
the community^ 

Card said Leamington has been 
through a rough a year and they want to 
continue to do anything they can do to 
help the community. 

"What really has happened over foe past 
number of years is weVe really eometo- 
gether as communities to support those 
in need!* said Gard 'Wenejustoneof 10 
organizations who are doing Coats for 
Kids this weekend. I think the biggest 
thing for us is that we want to be the 
service that provides it all and makes a 

Leamington gave away almost 300 coats within the first five hours of being open Nov 14. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

Video Game Review: — 
Rise of the Tomb Raider 


Arts Editor 





l^ara Croft can’t catch a break 

In the 2013 reboot she found her then 
inexperienced sdf in a wildly dangerous 
situation by bdr^ shipwrecked on an 
isolated island with some unsavory fea¬ 
tures. A series of dose encounters, near 
death experiences and the toss of a fe w 
friends was a perilous time for her; With 
‘"Rise of the Tomb Rada;’ she more or 
less is in the same situation, but with a 
key difference. As opposed to dealing 
with an afraid version of the charac¬ 
ter, we find and more confidant and 
controlled Croft which could serve as 
an allegory for how Crystal Dynamics 
handled this particular project 

■"Rise* is placed one year after the everts 
of its predecessor; tatong on a more 
personal story than before. In order to 
dear her disgraced fathers name, Lara 
heads to the Siberian wilderness in 
hopes to find whafa known as The Lost 
Qty, which is said to hold the secret of 

immortality As a result she becomes 
in deadly' competition with the andent 
and mysterious Order of Trinity, who 
hope to use the secret for unknown, but 
presumably evil reasons. 

The plot points notwithstanding, !.ara 
is driven to do this almost for hersdf. 
By chipping away into finding out just 
what kind of person shes become, she 
tougjtt through an adventure in a harsh 
Siberian landscape, coming out the end 
as somebody reborn. The narrative rea¬ 
sonably balances between present-day 
Lara and moments of her past, piedi^ 
them together in hopes to niake a defin¬ 
itive version of the iconk character. With 
tlie twists and toms made throughout, 
paired with die game playk design, the 
development feels earned 

From a persona} standpoint, what was 
the biggest detraction from the reboot 
was its dnematkaBy charged direction. 
While its understandable some games 
have a particular style; its problematic 
when you cant tdl. where the scripted 
moments end and player inpift begins. 
Fortunately 'Rise* almost entirely nul¬ 
lifies this issue The first hour, which 
largely serves a tutorial, greatly retreads 
the steps of the original game. But once 
you’re familiarized with the mechanics 
and the story does its table setting, the 
game opens up to where player agency 
becomes its key componenL 

Environments remain open and secrets 
stay aplenty as you progress through the 
game in numerousways. It sticks dose to 

the blueprint of the reboot, where there 
are numerous collectables and a variety 
of optional tombs to explore within a 
series of expansive, but contained hubs. 
On top of a few new additions, each of 
these aspects is better fleshed out in this 
game. With survival bang a prevalent 
etemenf this time around, theres a more 
refined foundation far hunting and col¬ 
lecting resources. Hunting in particular 
plays a prominent role as animals are 
more dangerous and hide materials are 
a more essential resource, A fair amount 
of time will be diverted to these aspects 
as they allow for on the fly crafting of 
makeshift explosives and methodical 
approaches such as weapon and general 
inventory upgrades. 

One of the newer game play features 
is the ally system, where you encoun¬ 
ter some of the natives of the land who 
could use some of Laras services. The 
series of missions can range from de¬ 
stroying radio communications to de¬ 
stroying surveillance drones. Some of 
these missions admittedly carry a me- 
nial fed to them. But what hdps miti¬ 
gate the situation is in knowingwhat the 
reward wiD be prior to accepting the job 
fts nothing dose to an innovative fea¬ 
ture, but ftfc a useful addition, which has 
the potential to be further buik upon 

Theres a surprisingly hefty amount of 
content to contend with in the game to 
where you can easily be distracted from 
the main storyline, ft certainly hdps 
when a great chunk of said content is 
worthwhile. AIotoffoedcKumenteand 

relics you collect serve to reinforce the 
games narrative. They also aEow you to 
examine murals, subsequently leading 
to treasures and hidden survival caches, 
which aid you directly in your journey 
Every aspect within the gameplayworks 
to complement each other, unlocked by 
the players own sense of adventure and 
desire to explore. 'Optional challenge 
tombs also make a wekoming return, 
as each puzzle, despite them aft being 
physics based, are more thoughtfully 
designed and filled with reward Even 
the trips towards these tombs manage 
to form some thrilling pktfarmii^ se¬ 

With all of these aspects working wdl 
with each other, ft also illuminates the 
combat as a notable weak link Ser¬ 
viceable on a good day, guns lack the 
necessary oomph compared to the bow 
The makeshift explosives make for an 
interesting dement, but ft doesn't real¬ 
ly amplify the scenarios youre almost 
forceftdly pitied ia For the game to 
evoke player agency in most aspects, the 
combat comes off as one sided as alot of 
the combat areas are designed to favour 
a direct gunfight over a steafthkr ap¬ 
proach. When guards are lurking about 
in a larger area, it manages to shine But 
unfortunately those moments arerit as 

Graphically, the game is an absolute 
stunner and makes the most out of the 
Xbox One; rather limited hardware. 
An outstanding amount of detail ooz¬ 
es from all comers, with the lighting in 
the game being incredibly atmospheric 
from the hashes! of valleys to the most 
exotic of caves, The scenic direction foe 
game musters on a visual front does a 
fantastic job placing you in its world and 
keeping you there While not without 
some technical issues with the framer- 
ate and the occasional glitch, it doesn't 
deter ft from being one of the best 
looking games of the year. The audio 
remains up to par, for on top of the great 
collective effort from the voice cast, the 
sound effects properly contribute to the 
immersion and foe music amplifies the 

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" doesn't do 
anything ground breaking, and its not 
without a few blemishes. But the pack¬ 
age comes together in a rode solid form 
as ft handles almost every aspect wfth 
great care and thoughtfulness. By plac¬ 
ing a lotmore responsibility on the play¬ 
er, every beat of its adventure and every 
secret revealed feds much more satisfy¬ 
ing than wte the original game accom¬ 
plished all while keeping a dose eye on 
the story moments. Its a fine example of 


University Weaves Together a 
Warmer Winter for Windsorites 

Teacher candidate Stephen Tolmieputs together a child size hat for someone in need over One of 10 bins set up around the university collects made articles and offers yam for 

the holiday season Nov. 11. people to make items of clothing for the winter throughout November. 

[Photo by!/Caleb Workman] Photo by!/Caleb Workman} 


News Editor 

out of thdr schedules to help 
Windsor fed a Me wanner this winter 

has done this and, according to Sapper, 
they have up-scaled a fot since last year 
having 10 bins around campus as op¬ 
posed to the year prior where they had 

Stephen Tobnfe, focuhv of education 

student, said he just stopped by campus as mudt as possible, especially bang a future in education. 

minirtry and thought hedhdp out teacher candidate.'’ The evert will be continuity through 

Tve been invdved with campus minis- Tolmksaid seeing some ofthedtikben the month ofNovennber and Is aooept- 

10ml to h dp out where I can," said is devastating and he hopes to make a tion, visit campus mirustnes m Assump- 

Tohnie, *1 love hetoine my community difference with this as he does with his tkm Hal 

The group has been meeting regular¬ 
ly to knit and aochet haJ^ gloves and 
other apparel to give to those in need of 
some extra heating throughout the sea¬ 
son. Chrisandra Skipper, outreach co¬ 
ordinator for campus ministry said on 
top of the donations they will be giving 
out they are also teadting people how to 
make these items, 

"We could easily go out and collect 
things that ware previously bought or 
that people want to donateT said Skip¬ 
per. "We really want to have that aspect 
of community shining through the 
event Were putting some love into the 
event and we 1 ire showing people that we 

The group will be working with the 
Internationa] Student Services, Wind¬ 
sor Youth Centre and the Windsor 
Wanning Crew to distribute the made 
dothing and to make sure it aQ goes out 
to people who need it The Windsor 
Warming Crew goes out and di^ributes 
the tons throughout the dty for people 
so they dottf have to go anywhere spe¬ 
cific to get where they need - they can 
just pick it up from around the dty 

1 think its very important as a student 
to connect and give back to the com¬ 
munity around themT said Supper 
*A student usually doesn’t have a lot of 
money to contribute nor doiheyhavea 
lot of time This is something Me that 
will give the opportunity to give back 
and help out other students on campus 
as well as individuals in the comiminityr 

Chrisandra Skipper, campus ministry outreach coordinator, is knitting together articles of clothing for the winter season for those in need 

throughout November. She is welcoming all and any to come and Join her. 

[Photo by,t/Caleb Workman] 

This is the second year the university 




News Editor 

Ibis past week the work! has seen mul¬ 
tiple devastation, including natural and 
manmade terror the most notahk be- 
mg the terrorist attack in Pam. from 
this we have seen tte mainstreaming of 
#PrayRrParis and #PmyFcs*IbeWcdd 

Growing up in a Christian household, 
going to a Christian church tor all of 
my life I learned early of what prayer 
meant to this group and who you an* 
praying to The practice Fve maintained 
throughout my life but my conceptual 
knowledge of the act has broadened 
quite immensely. 

When you’re young, you're very im¬ 
pressionable with most of your learning 
coming from your parents or whoever 
raises you. It doesn't matter if your Cau¬ 
casian, Asian, African, Muslim, Chris¬ 
tian or AihasL Ym grow up impressed 

Prayer itself means many diJferent 

In history, when people get together and 
do something chaise is made I would 
offer the idea that when people come 
together and pray something changes. 
No matter your cultural background 
make a difference 

Prayer causes calls to action ft always 

I’m not talking about changing your 
Faoebook prolife picture to have a nice 
flag filler in front of it Vm talking about 
going out and sending money to a fam¬ 
ily in need fm talking about bringing 
families and helping them out in our 
blessed country; Vm talking about actu¬ 
ally doing something. 

Unfortunately; some would say a lot of 
the time very few people actually do 
things Id help, especially when it comes 
to financial aid But I like to think that 
the prayer of anyone has a push, an igni¬ 
tion to get some people to start 

Not everyone can do something all the 
time but someone can move someone 

..some people pray as an outreach or 
an act of hope and best wishes. 

I really like die word hope in relation to 

prayer. Mo matter who or what vou are pravmg ta 
you’re hoping they are listening and you’re hoping 
its going to change something. 

things to many different people. From 
praying to a higher being, a dead per¬ 
son, nature itself or maybe just praying 
to pray - these things vary. 

As a Christian, I was taugjtf that you 
pray to God, or the Trinity, and they 
hear your prayers and answer acoxd- 
ii^|Jy My best friend told me, and I agree 
with this as wed that some people pray 

I really like the word hope in relation 
to prayer No matter who or what )W 
are praying to yodre hoping they are 
listening and you're hoping & gome 

to change something. This lakes away 
from the kfea of what you're praying to 
and opens it up to the idea that you're 
just praying. 

to do something anytime Thais the 
beautifril thing about prayer. Enough 
people united can make a difference 

The only thing I would like to see 
changed is when people pray. Start 
praying all the time, not just when di¬ 
saster strikes. Fray for you r family; your 
friends, the poor, the side, a stranger and 
your enemy. 

Pray for the litife diing^weflastbebig 
things and pray for change because we 
know the world needs it God knows 
die world needs it, Buddha knows the 
world needs it. Mother Naaire knows 

the world needs it 

Who cares who you’re praying to histo- 
ry shows prayer has power so Im going 

k % 

Daniel Mol iQMi 199 i tm 

Wteareone, peace -PrayForParis PrayForSyna vpfayForLebanon 

LuanaFa uana 4 ta *Qm 

Photos of Parts after attack. >PrayForPans 

Aftermath of Paris terror attacks - 

Magnum photographer Thomas Dworzak covers the aftermath of the terror 
attacks in Paris. 

enn com 


Fair Bridges Gap Between 

Charities and Students 


Arts Editor 

Students interested in vdunteering 
prospects may have found some oppor¬ 
tunities feirfy dose by. 

Numerous local charities set up shop 
and attended what was tile first Lancers 
Care Charity Day at the CAW Centre 
Nov, 18. With approximately 20 differ¬ 
ent charities present, it allowed them to 
draw in more student volunteers to akl 
towards their outreach and support ef¬ 
fort aU while giving studenLs the ability 
to build upon thdr portfolio. 

“Its a great partnership,'* said Sandra 
Rkao-Mugjia, the UWSAfc director 
of student events and progratnming. 
"I know a lot of my networking has al¬ 
ways started with charities, aixl on the 
ffip side of bang in business I know I 
look al that as an empfoyer, to see how 

i£» ii^ 

community or how much passkm they 

Among the charities present were Cys¬ 
tic Fibrosis Canada, Harmony in Ac¬ 
tion* the Heart and Stroke Foundation 
and die AIDS Committee of Windsor* 
to name a few. Versatility was the rea¬ 
soning behind the charities chosen, as 

it looks to pruvkk a broad scope of or¬ 
ganizations. But while charities are also 
seeking volunteers, they re also looking 
to promote and raise awareness within 
thdr respective areas 

\3bvkmsly we do know students are 
engaging in sex and maybe in drug use,” 
said Kimberly Icmfpod, a communi¬ 
ty ottfreach coordinator for the AIDS 
Omimittee ofWindsat '"We want them 
to engage m a safe way. Were not about 
judging people for thdr bdwiouis that 
they re engaging in* but mote about 
people being informed about the ded- 
aons they make.’’ 

Laura Golden is a fourth year social 
work student who serves at the AIDS 
Committee as part of her placement 
On top of being more knowledgeable 
in regards to the disease, she finds the 
oqpertence of engaging within the com- 
munity to be rewarding. 

“It helped me a lot in gaining the pro- 

testttonatisni, and increasing my social 
work skills**' Golden said 

The event ran from 10 am to 3 pm 
Whik its uncommon for many char¬ 
ities to come together under the same 
roof and for the same reasons, the con¬ 
sensus seems to be if they get Just one 
volunteer within the timeframe, its one 
more than they had the day before 

Numerous heal charities set up shop at the Lancers Care Charity Day, which was held at the CAW Centre 

Nov, 18l 

[Photo hy//Hani Yassin e} 

"To be involved is the best thing you can 

da Not only for youisdf but also to add 

to your resume," said Anita Rkdo- Spag- 
nuolo, Harmony in Actions tiutdraising 
jjfo promotions director. “We have sev¬ 
eral students through different schools 
who volunteer an a daily basis, so we 
have a lot of outreach to come to our fa 
diity and help us out that way’ 




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From left to right: Jaymi Davey, Anita Ricdo-Spagnuolo and Stephanie Delaney pose at the Harmony in 
Action booth, part of the Lancers Care Charity Day which was held at the CAW Centre Nov. 18. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine} 


The Business School 



_u ^ 

5 m 


Prolific Artist Encapsulates 
Viewers At Artspeak 


The Lance Contributor 

From portraiture to laudsap^ and ac- 
tkm scenes a local artist showcased his 
tins ever solo art show last wvxk and was 
welcomed with open arms 

Mariano Khmowicz exhibited his first 
sob show at the Artspeak Gallery from 
Nov. 9 to Nov, 14 for the first time in 35 
years. The artist has also been involved 
in politics as he was President cif the 
NPP inWindsor -West for 13 years and 
five yean as the vke president* but even¬ 
tually derided to ^ 
his life to explore his passim for art 

“That was a diopter in my life which 
was good but now I want to focus on 
painting and I wasn't getting much time 
bdbreT saki Kliniowkz, 

His painting are narrative driven mo¬ 
ments in time, which are inspired by 
the old traditional painting methods 
and techniques, presented in bright 
colors and ridi detaik Bonuwingfrom 
baroque and renaissance early Canadi¬ 
an styles, Khiitowkzi paintings are 
much Averse as they aw vrrid in rep¬ 
resentation. He said lie does not stick 
to one specific style and explores his 
diverse skills through those different 

Klimowicz emphasized on the fed dial 
he always wants to try and make a con¬ 
nection with die viewer and the paint¬ 
ing dial thane is a story and the viewer 
is immersed in the painting and is not 
just looking at an object or still life bui 
a complete composition that is talking 

Klimowicz poses next to his painting ''Patrons Art Review” during a reception of his exhibition Nov , 19 at the Artspeak Gallery. 

(Photo by // Rohan Khanna) 

to them. 

One of his paintings, “Patrons Art Re¬ 

work in a gallery It depicts various re¬ 
cent pieces of the artist, which decorat 
ed the walls of the gaBery too. It is like a 

“1 put my paintings in it and there is a 
story that speaks to the audienceT said 

Klimowicz mentioned he predomi¬ 

nantly works with oil as it has the abil¬ 
ity to make the luminosity in paintings 
quite prominent and also gives him a 
challenge as an artisL 

view" is an interesting illustration of 
chararters looking at Klimowiczs own painting within a painting. 

Film Review: The 
Man from UNCLE 


The Lance Contributor 

“The Man from UNQiT s based on 
the 1960s popular television soles of five 
same name Directed by Guy Ritchie 
(known for Sherlock: Holmes), the film 
stars Henry Onit Annie Hammer, 
and Alida Vikander in the main roles, 
Ritchies revamped version of the fa¬ 
mous show, you could say b the same 
redpc concocted but labeled as a differ¬ 
ent dish. It has aD the dkhes one could 
imagine for a James Bondish type spy 
film; exotic locales* perfectly manieui^ 
men who could be plausible candidates 
for a photo shoot in every scene they are 

depicted and beautiful women added in 

The premise of the movie for a spy film 
b surprisingly simple Napoleon Solo 
(CaviB) b a US agent during the Cold 
War who b on the hunt to find Gaby 
(VtkaraJa) in order to fish exit her te- 
ttar who happens to be a bomb expat 
but has been apprehended by Italian 
magnates against his will and they want 
to salvage his bomb to start midear ter¬ 
rorism For the mission to be success¬ 
ful CIA and KGfk the American and 
Russian agencies decide to jean hands 
and send thdr spies to save (he worid. 
Aceompanyiiig Sob is Ulya Kuryakin 
(Hammer), the spy who works for KGB 

and both have to cooperate with each 
other to make the operation successful. 

Since both of them operate differently 
and cannot stand each other, the film 
becomes a playground for die two men 
to take jabs at each other as much as 
pottfefc, That ball there is to if in terms 

The biggest problem that seems un¬ 
abashedly apparent is the characters 
themsdves. They are fiat as a cardboard 
and lack the intensity and charisma that 
is required from a story that portrays it¬ 
selfas a slick spy film Herrin Iks its flaw. 
It is not The chemistry between the ac¬ 
tors is non - otistem and the dry humor 

doesn’t work in ihrir few. 

Ritchie is known for test cut techniques 
md this may come as no surprise* they 
obviously make a return in this movie 
tea But, this time around his filmmak¬ 
ing techniques that have worked so wdl 
in his previous films do not add to the 

“The Man from UNCLE” is a film dial 

but the poor charactmzation and a lack 
of an interesting pfot go against tL It is 
film dial wants to betaken serfouslybut 
ends up as a comedic endeavor of tw 
men banterir^ with each other aQ the 
while in the company of a woman with 
a pretty feoe tryii^ to padfy their ma- 
cho-ness. As a film it tails to revamp the 
popular 60s show and would only have 
looked good if it was published asafesh- 

im^greateflbrttobea ion magazine and not shown as a film. 



Arts Editor 

Those who attended Assumption HaE 
this past Sunday afternoon were in for a 
rather unusual treat. 

Featured as a collaboration with 4th 
Wail Musk and SoGA Present^ violin¬ 
ist Joshua Peters and pianist Katherine 
Dowling jxrformed a redtal within the 
buildings Heritage Room Nov. 11 Fol¬ 
lowing the master dasswork&op in the 
musk building just the day before, the 

two-hour program consisted mainly of 
modem Canadian composer*, as well as 
two European composers who lived in 
the m of the Scpviet Unka 

“To me the musician is always just a 
conduit for the oomposeif Dowiing 
said “Youre the link between whos 
hearing you and who created the work” 

The duo has only been performing 
together since ApriL Dowling has p^- 
formed all across North America and 
the United Kingdom through a variety 
of ensonbfes, while Peters in particular 
was tire first prize recipient of this years 

fkkhardt-Gramatie, a premiere musk 
competition whkh promotes the worit 

rary musk. With the grand prize bdnga 
cross Canada redtal tour, Peters believes 
die program essentially covers most 

T think every composer has a unique 
voice on the propanC Peters said ‘The 
commas between Canadian works 
and Soviet works have continuity and 
contrast whkh should make for a 
wefl-rounded recital” 

Roughly 20 were in attendance for 

the redtal which was quiet enough to 
where even the tiniest of sounds were 
amplified Both Peters and Dowling 
demonstrated great power and control 
with their performances. Thar first 
piece from Canadian composer Vivian 
Fung resembled a beautiful nightmare, 
as the rising intensity within the piece 
made for an uneasy, but compdlir^ lis- 
ten This carried on even more so with 
a sonata from composer Alfred Schnit¬ 
tke, as it featured violent notes which 
were a>nteasted with king silences, con¬ 
tributing towards a wonderfully surreal 


The next stop for the duo is inThunder 
Bay. Based on this tour theyVe found 
interest tram students and community 
members alike, whkh they hope con¬ 
tinues on as they get deeper within the 
second half of their tour. 

"What weve found so for in this tour is 
that theres a pleasant mix of untvetsily 
students and members of the gener¬ 
al pubticT Fteters said *¥ we can be a 
matchmaker between thosetwo^thafoa 
positive force for audiences." 

Game Review: Fallout 4 


News Editor 




The sequel many hare been waiting for 
has finally made Its way to console and 
PC The result - one of the best games 
of 2015. 

"Fallout 4*" offers more than any pme 

Fve ever player Bethesda* Seaming what 
people like from its other mstaDment^ 
especially its most recent success “Sk^- 
rim," has capitalized on their formula, 
added very thought-out mechanksand 
introduced new content that works 

Bren for newcomers to the series 
"Falfout 4” gives yew somethin to care 
about from the start A family a plot 
twist and a mission from the start Un¬ 
like “SkyrimT you know your mission - 
like *Skyrim' - do wiutover you want 
to alter the kilrottoaiaa 

With one of ihe most bemtfiful open 
worlds in j^ming history, the gimehas 
countless quests and stories to follow 

through, designing that envelops you 

in an original work! and story you can 
actually care about 

New to the series, and one of its most in¬ 
teresting features, is tile cusiomiz^iofi 
From guns to girbs you can take control 
of whdt you're wearing and customize 
it completely from gun grips and sight¬ 
ings to trouser durability and resistance 
effects. You can also build a town and its 
selling or desfc my it and run it into the 

One of the greatest thirds Rethesda has 
always done is leave it up to you You de- 
ode everything. Who to kill who not to 
idlb what to blow up, what not to blow¬ 
up - its all up to youl 

Hs a world you could scan once overby 

foot and still find new things on your 
way bade through. there are endless 
possibilities to do anything. Want to be- 
come a merchant? Done Y^font to create 
weapons and customize them? Pone 
Want to kill mutants until the sunsets as 
a nine-to-five? Done 

Along with its endless opportunity be¬ 
hind the scenes a completely redesigned 
skill tree offers something Bethesda 
games always add too - charade devel¬ 
opment Noc only does your chuacter 

have a voice in tills game, they also have 
a skill tree to mafdi whatever style you 
want to pfoy From die smartest of die 
smarty-pants society to the most brawn 
erf the bullies, you cm be whoever you 
want to he and have the skills to match it 

"Fallout 4" also has beautiful graphics, 
unique enemies and very responsive 
and personalble NPCs whkh is very 
important for such an expansive game. 

ft is by for my fovorite game of the year 
and I would encourage everyone to give 

this game a shot. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 




By: L. A. Bont4 

For more comics and animations visit 



Arts Editor 

Bow do you remember on a day like 
today? tfs a question, which can yield a 
variety of answers, afl while essentially 
leading to the same idea. 

*T remember by coming to ceremonies 
like this? said second year law student 
Sarah Straskr Tfs good to all be togeth¬ 
er and diare in the memory and I thi^ 
the ultimate sacrifice somebody could 
make for anotho- is to lay down their life 
far them.” 

Every year on Nov. 11, at roughly 11 
am* people come together to share rec¬ 
ognition of Remembrance Day In the 
case of Memorial Hall, students, faculty 
and staff alike came to pay their respects 
to those whoVe fallen in the great wars 
of the modem age, as wdl as those who 
continue to partake in current conflicts. 
Through choir performances of 'O 
Canada? the reading of Tn Flanders 
Fields" and moments of silence, peo¬ 
ple across the country lake the time to 
acknowledge the brave acts of the men 
and women in armsi 

A womnn holding a miniature Canadian flag partakes in the R e m e m bra nce Day Commemoration at Memorial Hall Nov. 11 . 

(Photo by // Haiti Yassine] 

"Eighty-seven years since the end of the 
first great war, we’re here to remember 
the ultimate sacrifices of men and wom- 
m, berth visible and hidden that change 
a life” said UWtndsor president Alan 
WUdeman during his commemoration 

The Memorial HaU ceremony honored 
the over 160 Assumption Cdkge stu¬ 
dents and faculty who gave their lives 
fighting in World War II. The ceremo¬ 

ny also shed light on the likes of Arthur 
Bryan Morfidgc from Saskatchewan, 
a member of the Royal Canadian Air 
Forced 419th squadron, who was shot 
and killed in October 1942. Diaries 
and letters were read throughout the 

at hand and poppies worn on thdr per¬ 
son. Certain annual commemoratiorLs 
and traditions may prove to be tiring 
for some But with Remembrance Day, 
theres a sense of a universal levd of re 

sped, as the sacrifices made warrant this 
much at the very least 

“1 remember the people Iserved with, a 
number of whom actually fought in the 
Second Wodd Waif said Walter Soder- 

hind, a retired UWindsor poMcs pro¬ 
fessor who served in the US. Air Force 
for five years, 'When things got nasty, 
people stood up and did what they had 
to da and some paid a price immedi¬ 

Dramatic art professor Lionel Walsh speaks at the Rememberance Day commemoration at Those who attended the Rememberance Day commemoration placed Canadian flags on 

Memorial Hall Nov . J L thefidd of Memorial HaU No v . I L 

[Photo by if Hani Yassine) (Photo by // Hani Yassme} 



News Editor 

If the University of Windsor has any- 
thing to brag about* rt is its diveraty. To 
prove that every year it holds its annual 
Festival of Lights, 

This year the International Student So¬ 
ciety attempted to make it bigger than 
ever with a more diverse show featuring 
European dandng, Pakistan fashion 
shows and Asian musical talent phis 
much mote Nov. 14 The night had 
many spedal guests including Ward 5 
councilor Ed Stdman. 

ISS president, Priyanka laggi, said they 
make this celebration as diverse as pos¬ 
sible to get as many people from all over 
the world to come out for the night 

"Tonight is important because it gives 
students the opportunity to come to¬ 
gether, reprdless otthekbackpounds^ 5 
said laggi "We really want people to 

we actually are here on campus. We 

want them to celebrate something big¬ 
ger than just their own culture! 1 

Guest speaker and dean of students 
Clayton Smith asked the crowd for a 
moment of silence in reverence of the 
Paris attack that happened last week 
He said he fek i& important to do this 
and thatit means a lot to many even if it 
means a somber moment in an upbeat 

ISS advisor Enrique Chacon said they 
haw been doing the event for the last 
10 years and it is completely run by the 

"We have many people from different 
culture performing,” said Chacon tp i& a 
good time of the year to have it because 
its before the exam time comes and it 
gives a lot of students the opportunity to 
come out and relax for a night.” 

Chacon said he would like to see more 
students from the area participate in in¬ 
ternational events because its a great op¬ 
portunity for the international students, 

"A lot of these students come horn com¬ 
pletely different cultures and lifestyles!’ 
said Chacon. 'Having more local stu¬ 
dents would give them the opportunity 
to make new' blends outside their own 

The colorful and diverse night brought 
in akige group of international students 
and talents and is something the ISS will 
continue to do in the coming years. 

Ward 5 councilor Ed Sleiman came to the annual Festival of Lights on behalf of Mayor Drew Dilkens and shared a little about the diversity of 

Windsor and what it means to have events like this Nov. 14, 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 


Windsor Chilifest Celebrates 



Arts Editor 

Bade when it debuted m the oid Ar¬ 
mouries building, retired firefighter 
Doug Toptiffi? knew he helped craft 
something special for the locals. 

“The very first time we did it, we have 
a huge turnout that just got better every 
year!’ Topiifie said "I dorit think its ever 
been not a successful yeaif 

The Windsor Chilifest entered its 25th 
year Nov. 13 at the St Oak Centre for 
the Arts. The banquet hall had apacked 
lunch as hundreds were drawn to the 
event In total there were over 40 dif¬ 
ferent chili recipes to sample from, all 
of which were from local restaurants 
and ready be served by the dozens of 
Windw/Essex firefighters. With a 
friendly atmosphere all around, the aim 
was to raise a communal bond through 
supporting local charities by having a 
memorable tundi 

"We aU care about the community and 
we wanted tobe aNe to nfise money and 

do some nice things to the community 

for anybody thats struggling" said John 
Rggo with the Windsor Firefighters 
Benefit Fund 

AEtheproceeds from the event go to the 
Windsor Firefighters Benefit Fund and 
Sparky s Toy Drive, which would enable 
both charities to further their support 
and outreach within the community. 
On top of all the tickets sold from the 
hundreds of attendees, event sponsor 
Motor City Credit Union made a do¬ 
nation of $2500. Having been a sponsor 
for nine years, this recent contribution 
has led to a aiimdative total of approx ¬ 
imately $20,000, further reinforcing the 
spirit of giving back 

% lot of them are our members at Mo¬ 
tor City Credit Union, so we like to help 
out with a Jot of our members initiatives 
they have going onf said marketing and 
ammuniiy relations manager Becky 
Langlois. 'Were helping them hdp oth¬ 

Jordan Dubois serves a bowl of chili at the 2015 Windsor Chilifest Nov. 13. 
(Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

6ET IT! V 

By: L A. Bonte 


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Centre Hosts 
First Event 
Toy Can Drive 

HAN I YASSIN E Tupperware vendor who also works al 

Arts Editor ffieWfrKisord^ssexDis^^ 

As Christinas slowly draws nearer* corn- 
munity-involved locals and sales repre¬ 
sentatives have taken steps to ensure less 
fortunate children wake up with some- 
thing under their tree. 

A Toy and Can Drive was hdd at the 
Forest Glade Community Centre Nov. 
13. This is the first time the event lias 
taken place, as numerous vendors came 
and set up shot in hopes to gamer pro¬ 
ceeds towards Sparkys Toy Drive and 
the Womens Shelter. 

1 know the importance of charily work 

There were 12 vendors altogether at 
the event, which included the likes of 
Scenfcsy, Avon and Epicure As a way to 
get toys available to older children, each 
vendor had a raffle where the proceeds 
went towards providing money tor 
those new toys. Event organizer Sherry 
Ffflone is aware with this being the hist 
year of the event; it serves as something 
of a ksirning process. But essentktEly, she 
hopes to turn tills into an annual gather¬ 
ing* as shes always been eager to hdp out 
children in need 

"It would be nke to give something 
bads’" Mfone said 1 have such a soft 
spot for single moments. I was a single 

in the community and I know its a 
great way to get the word out to neigh- mom once. No kid should wake up on 

boihoods that ther^? need for people to Christmas morn ing without something 
hdpC said Rukshini Ponniah-GouliOi a to open!’ 

Theatre Review: 
The Little Mermaid 


Arts Editor 

It is an intellectual property which truly 
needs no introduction. In being among 
Disney's most cherished of classics* 
‘The link Mermaid” has worn out 
VHS tapes and discs across the con¬ 
tinent, entertaining past, present and 
perhaps even future gmcrafions, As a 
result, it has made its way onto several 
different formats with Broadway being 
one of them. We all know of Arid, Tri¬ 
ton, Ursula and Sebastian, and Windsor 
Light Music Theatre makes it sparkling 
dear they know of them as well 

As much as I dislike personal pronouns 
in reviews, it must be noted this is the 
first production IVe seen from Wind¬ 
sor light With this in mind, it is easily 
the most lavish and grandiose in all the 
right ways, Time was truly a wonekrtul 
atmosphere to it aD from the first mu¬ 

sk note to the curtain call The aquat¬ 
ic-based set design tied with the levd of 
detail put into the costuming and light¬ 
ing direction made for an immediately 
engaging experience. The production 
effortlessly boasted these strong qual¬ 
ities, leading to beautifully exuberant 
imagery, which was only to be further 
amplified by the creative and resource¬ 
ful special effects. 

The production moved at a brisk pace 
as the orchestra masterfully command¬ 
ed the show. In setting the tone and 
tempo, it allowed the actors on stage to 
perform to the utmost of their abilities. 
Amber Thibet, Kristen Slapas and 
Owen 'fhomas were the wonderful 
standouts as they' delved deep into the 
roles of Arid Ursula and Sebastian re¬ 

spectively. But the entire ensemble puts 
both feet forwaid as the cofleetrre effort 
was nothing short of outstanding 

While not without some minor techni¬ 
cal issues, every aspect of the production 
remains in a eonsistentiy top form. The 
project was a taD cider, which was ef¬ 
fectively met, as the production was the 
act of incredible symmetry between the 
musicians underneath and the actors 
on stage As it stands, it is one of the best 
musical performances you could ask for 
in the dry, and it is a tremendous exam¬ 
ple to highlight Windsor Light as the 
focal premier theatre company 

“The Utile Mermaid” runsat iheGhrys- 
ler Theatre for every weekend between 

Nov 13 and Nov. 21 

Men’s Volleyball Earns Sweet 
Taste of Victory Over RMC 


Sports Editor 

The Lancer mens volleyball team has 
earned their first win of the OUA regu¬ 
lar season with a victory over RMC this 
past weekend at the St Denis Centre, 

Head coach James Gravdle and his 
young Lancm squad rebounded from 
a four-set loss in a htgfr-enagy match 
to the second-place Gads the day be¬ 
fore and came back with a strong effort, 
sweeping the RMC Paladins in straight 
sets with scores of 25-20,25-18 and 25- 

Ttsagood fedingT Gravdle said “I was 
happy we were able to play our game 
and stick to what we wanted to do and 
walkawaywith the win in three sets. We 
were winless before this match and were 
really motivated to get a wire 

In the weekends opening match against 
Queens Nov, 14, the Lancers played to 
thdr strength capitalized on service er¬ 

rors and useddfectivebioddngschemes 
to continue some big runs throughout a 
rather entertaining contest against one 
of the OUAs top teams. Despite a vali ant 
effort from Lancer rookie Brad Gyemi 
who finished the match with 19 kills, 
Queens height and power would prove 
to be tire difference as the visitors from 
Kingston )ust narrowly grabbed wins in 
the first, second and fourth set by identi¬ 
cal 25-21 scores. 

After dropping the second set the Lanc¬ 
ers came out with a strong defensive ef¬ 
fort and precision of offense to open up 
the third. Windsor put up seven Araight 
points with Gyemi and Shawn Ream 
me at the forefront of the attack Gyemi 
dominated at the net and Queenk would 
provide no answer as the I.ancers won 
the set in extra points 27-25. 

In the fourth the Lancers struggled with 
thdr serves, which allowed Queens to 
get bade into the game on multiple occa¬ 
sions. The Gads would go on to win the 
set and take the match 3-1 with scores of 

21-25,21 -25,27-25 and 21-25. 

The Lancers would liave little time to 
rest between matches as they moved on 
to the St Denis Centre the next after¬ 
noon to battle the Royal Military Col¬ 
lege Paladins Nov. 15. 

**I think regardless of who we played the 
day prior, we were going to come out 
hungry and ready to win,” Gravdle said. 
llMCisleg?tin^^they r area mudi-Un- 
proved team this year with quite a bit of 
talent, are really well coached and disci¬ 

Windsor would dominate the opening 
set and use a balanced offense from start 
to finish which allowed the young core 
of Lancers to enjoy the taste of victory 
for the first time in thdr careers. 

Lancers fifth year setter Blase Wasser 
said it fete good to get the teams first win 
after starting the year 0-5. 

“Getting the monkey off’ our backs 
feds good,* Wasser said. “We have a lot 
of young guys so getting thdr first win 

allows them to actually know 7 what it 
feds like to win a game at the University 

Wasser said the offense improved 

back to the roster after an injury in the 
opening match of the season. 

"Now that Brad is back hes able to find 
his rhythm and get some confidence 
backj" Wasser said "Bringing him back 
tacker and it spreads the floor a lot more 
and puts less pressure on the other guys. 
So its really good hes back." 

In the first set, Windsor came out swill¬ 
ing for the fences, racking up 11 total 
kills, earning a 25-20 win. In the second, 
Windsor gpt behind early but some 
momentum shifting kills from Gyemi 
and Resume brought the I.ancm back 
to life and back in the match at the tech¬ 
nical timeout. Windsor continued their 
strong and consistent offensive pfoy for 
the remaiiKler of the game en route to 
their first win of the season Resume; a 

fifth year senior, finished ti>e match with 
nineki{kforatwO'^ametotaiof21 lolls 
over the weekend 

mas break Windsor bits the road once 
again this upcoming weekend tor a pair 
of games against the Waterloo Warriors 
Nov 20 and the McMaster Marauders 
tiie next night First serve is scheduled 
tor 8 pm on both nights and can be 
watched live affine on QUAtv 

“We want to finish the semester strong^’ 
Gravdle said “Weve been in every 7 
match. Weve lost most sets by two to 
four points and now we have Gyemi 
back who makes a huge difference for 
us. Hes the top offensive player on our 
team and its big to have him back. We 
need to keep building and win as marry' 
matches as we can in the first half* 

Windsor condudes the first half of thdr 
regular season with a pair of matches at 
home against the Toronto Vandtv Blues 
and Everson Rams Nov 27 and 28. 

The lancers will now have four matches 
mightily when Gyemi was brought remaining before the exam and Chri&- 


tinue thdr winning ways and defeat the 
RMC Paladins 34 with scores of 18-25, 
25-23,25* 16 md 25-17 

A hard-working RMC team opened 
the match with a strong serving eflbrt, 
whkh the Lancers struggled to handle 
and build an offense against The Pala¬ 
dins efforts would payoff pulling away 
from Windsor late and taking the open¬ 
ing set 25-18. 

Windsor re-grouped in die second and 
the addition of fourth year middk Me¬ 
lissa Smyth brought some energy’ to the 
floor that was missing in the first set In 
the third the Lancers rmimained their 
momentum and used some important 
blocks from Dean and Emily McQosky 
to put the pressure on the Paladins. 

Although the Lancers striked with 
thdr serving in the fourth set a strong 
offensive and defensive combination 
proved to be enough as they secured 

the win, earning their third straight and 


Sports Editor 

TheUncer womerfe volleyball team ex¬ 
tended thdr win streak to three 
with a pair ofhard-fought victories ova* 
the Queerfe Gads and RMC Paladins at 
the St Denis Centre this past weekend 

With a two game sweep of the visaing 
squads from Kingston the lady Lancers 
are now 4-2 on the season and sit in sole 
possession of' third place in the OUA 
West division standbys. 

Windsor opened the weekend with an 
exciting 3-2 over the visiting Gaels with 
scores of25-21,25-23,22-25,20-25 and 

Shannon Dean and Emily Mcdoskey 
led the way offensively for Windsor, exe- 
cuting Lancers head coach Lucas Hodg¬ 
sons plan to perfection, combining for 
10 talk and seven blocks in the middle. 

"We said we wanted to set middle in 
transition all day and we counted on 
them to not be able to stop us in the 
middle,” Hodgson sakL Thir middles 
played very wdL Our outsides played 
well when they were counted on” 

The Lancers came out strong playing a 
solid defensive game to keep the Gaels 
guessing and quickly took a 2-0 set lead. 

“Defensively in the first two sets we dug 
up everything they threw at usT Hodg¬ 
son said. “But then they' started getting 
points and they started getting confi¬ 

A rotation error by Windsor would give 
the Gads momentum and the platform 
to rebound in the match, capturing the 
tighfiy<ontested third and fourth sets to 
fie the g^me at two sets a piece 

Hodgson blamed himself for almost a! - 
lowing Queens to come all theway back 
and defeat his team but was happy with 

their ability to battle through adversity 

“We had control of the matches and 
coaches made a mistake on a rotation 
so I take M responsibility for the third 
seC Hodgson said“That rattled all of us 
for a little while and it gave them some 
momentum. They got an easy point out 
of it, won that set and then they played 
really well in the fourth.” 

In the fifth. Shannon Dean served forsix 
straight points for the Lancers, bringing 
diem back from an early deficit and tak¬ 
ing a 8-5 lead before the teams would 
switch sides at the technical timeout 
Dean followed up her big serves with a 
pair of kills late in the set to secure the 
victory for Windsor 

'We came bade and decided we wanted 
to wake up in the fifth,” Hodgson said 
“We had control of the fifth alto being 
down4-l andthar^agexxi thing forus. 
It shows that we are getting thoe and 
we're definitely showing some promise,” 

The next day the Lancers would con¬ 

pushing thdr record to 4-2 

"Coming bade after a big win against 
Ottawa and not having a let down is 
huge," Hodgson said 'We started to 
struggle a bit against Queerik but were 
able to turn it around and dedded being 
3-3 wasn’t good enough. We dedded we 
were going to take it and Fm proud of 
them for that" 

The Windsor women will now hit the 
road next this weekend mid wifi face the 
Waterloo Warriors and the McMaster 
Marauders on consecutive nights with 
first serve scheduled for 6 pm. Nov. 20 
and 21 . 

Looking ahead* the Lancer womer& 
team will look to keep up their home 
winning streak alive when the rival 
Western Mustangs come to town Nov, 
28 in Windsors final match before the 
exam arid Christmas break First serve 
against the Mustangs at the St. Denis 
Centre is 6 pm 

CJAM’s Top 30 // Albums 

Charts by Murad Erzutcliogiu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 FM 

More info? earshot-online.coiu & 

• Indicates Canadian Artist 

~7tVFREAKS* - Bad Luck Charms (Deranged) 
3 WHAT SEAS, WHAT SHORES^SpiriS^^^Ma^e(MuSown) 

4 THE SCENIC'S* * In The Summer (Dream Tower) 

I 5 DIRTY GHOSTS - Let It Pretend (Last Gang) 

6 BOB MOSES* - Days Gone By (Domino) 

| 7 DEERHUNTER - Fading Frontier (4AD) | 

VSTF.PI I < :OPEI. AND* Public Panic (Seif-Released) 

10 PEACHES* - Rub (1 U She Music) 

18 (ENNY RITTER’ - Raised By Wolves (Fiddle Head) 

1 LES REVENANTS* - Epouvantails (Costume) 

20 YOUNG RIVAL* - Interior Light (Paper Bag) 

BERNARD ADAMUS - Sorel Soviet So What (Grosse Boite) 

22 LE PELICAN NOiR* Sous Tes Paupieres Les Plages Desertes Luminesce (Self-Released) 

i UTA* - Lita (Hello) 

24 LES SOUS BOUI.AY* 4488 Du Isbow (Grosse Boite) 

i NO MUSEUMS* - Frightening Camera (Seif-Released) 

26 HEILLIG MANOEUVRE* - Wail, There's More! (Self-Released) 

1 SAFIA NOLIN - Limoilou (Bonsound) 

28 1977* - Twister (Self Released) 

[ 29 GUILTY SIMPSON - Detroit’s Son (Stones Throw) 

30 SARAH KIRKLAND SNIDER - Unremembered (New Amsterdam) 

| 11 OUGHT* - Sun Coming Down {Constellation) 


. CLOUDZ* - Are You Alone? (Arts & Crafts) 

1 13 DELHI 2 1 

DUBLIN* - Were All Desi {Westwood Recordings) 


JRGLAR* - Inapplicable Skill* (Self-Released) 

1 15 METRIC* 

- Pagans in Vegas (Universal) 


VOICES* - Lovish (Nevada) 

[ 17 SKIM ML 

LK* - Ghosts of Jazz (Self-Released) 


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Smith, Janikowski Both Earn Individual 
Bronze in CIS Cross Country Finale 


Sports Editor 

Three Lancers were named CIS aH-Canadians for 
their tofhten individual finishes at the 2015 CIS 
cross country diampfonships in Guelph this past 
wiakend with two of them earning a spot on the 
podium with an irbividua) medal 

In the overall team competitions, the Lancer men 
finished fifth overall with 123 points while the wom¬ 
en placed 14th 

The womens race was first and Windsors Stefanie 
Smith liad a memorable performance, finishing the 
sixTolomeier course in 20*254 good enough for 
and a place on the podium with a OS individual 
bronze medal draped around her neck. 

After finishii^ 61st and 22 nd in the first two CIS 
champtonship meets of her career, Smith said she 
foiew she had to be among the leaders horn the start 
to avoid being caught in the mob of runners at the 
beginning of the course 

1 was really fortunate to get out to a good start be- 
cause itwasanarTOwfimndattheb^fonkigofthe 
racef Smith said “So I knew I was going to have 
to go out hard! was sitting in sixth or seventh for 
the first three or four fotomefcers, then 1 went and 
searched for that nexfgear. T was picking up the pace 
as others were falling." 

With one kilometer to go. Smith said she saw Lancer 
cross country head coach Gary Malloy who pointed 
to the runner ahead of her and said, Thafe apodi- 
um spot, go and get ft! 

“Once I heard them say that I knew ft was now or 
newsf Smith sakL 1 was in fourth going tip the last 
hill and was able to catch a gfti from Guelph and 1 
could feel her breafoingdown my neck so I knew I 
couldrit let up until I crossed the lineT 


Even hours after her CIS bronze medal had been 
placed around her neck. Smith admitted her mas¬ 
sive accomplishment had not sunk in yet 

“After my race I was getting so jacked up for the 
mens race that I said I would deal with the rest of the 
day lateT Smith said. 

The Lancer afidetic department organized a fen bus 
for the event which Smith heavily acknowledged 
for her level of comfort at the event 

“Wfe were in Gudph and you would not have 
known if Smith said “We have the most support¬ 
ive team in the entire CIS so ft was nice to share this 
accomplishment with them It means so much just 
to have that extra support and we were foe loudest 
group by for 

Mow Lancer Ale Parks finished in 20th position, 
crossing the finish line in 21243. Chelsea Visefli fin¬ 
ished in 81st while Sydney Hawkins, Alison Robin¬ 
son and Lauren Ftsico finished in 117th, 118fo and 

Three Windsor lancer cross country team members were named CIS all Canadians for their top ten finishes at the 2015 CIS cross coun¬ 
try championships in Guelph Now 14 L Stefanie Smith and Paul Janikowski both won individual bronze medals while Corey Beltemore 

(middle) finished the men's race in tenth position. 

(Photo courtesy of golancers.caj 

L2Afo, respectively. 

On foe mens skk, Paul Janikowski was narrowly 

passed at the finish line but still captured an individ¬ 
ual bronze medal wifo a third place finish, complet¬ 
ing the 10 -btometer course in a time of3024A Co¬ 
rey Bdfemore was also named a CIS aUCanadian 
after he finished foe menk course in I Ofo place with 
a time of3055.9. 

The Victoria Vikes had four runners finish in foe 
top 10 and braked foe host G 
their perch as the kings of Canadian aoss-counfry 
The Gryphon menk program had won foe past 11 
QS champfonships. 

‘Tt feds good to finish tills higfc but I wish I cxxMve 
finished higher for foe teamT Beflemoresaid Tt was 
a big pack of runners around foe seven kilometer 
mark and on foe last loop I fell off a bit but Gary 
[Malloy] just told me you cant let anyone pass you 
in foe final kilometer and 1 didn’t At foal point its 

Janikowski and Bdfemore were followed by Shawn 
Master in 28th, Joseph Kagumba in 31st and Afex 
Ullman in 52nd The lancers were ranked second 
going into foe national championships but uhimate- 
ly tHl 13 points short of foe team podium at the end 
of the day The Laval Rouge et Or took home foe 
bronze medal with 111 total points 

Many of foe Lancers will new turn thdr attention 
to foe upcoming QS indoor trade and fidd season 
The Lancer merfe team is the defending CIS overall 
team diampions and will defend their title begin¬ 
ning with foe annual Blue and Gold Meet Dec 7 
and 8 at the St Denis Centre, 


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Luchuk Scores Lucky 13th In 
OT-Win Over Greyhounds 

Mikhail Sergachev of the Windsor Spitfires dears the puck from in front ofgoahender Mike DiPietro during OHL action against the Sault Ste, 
Marie Greyhounds at the WFCU Centre Nov: 15 , The Spitfires got a game-winning goal from Aaron Luchuk in their fourth straight gome* a 3-2 

overtime victory : 

[Photo by U Kevin Jarroldj 

out-waiting the godtaxter; opened him 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires won thdr fourth 
coceecutive game with an overtime tri- 
urrfh ovar the Sault Sfce. Mark Grey- 
hounds at the WFCU Centre this past 

Spitfires forward Aaron Luchuk snored 
his team-leading 13th goal of the regu¬ 
lar season just 37 seconds into the ex¬ 
tra frame to heat the Greyhounds 3-2 
after the two OHL Vfet division rivals 
battled for 60 minutes in front of an an¬ 
nounced crowd of n 15* 

Fellow Spitfires Bradky Latour and Men 
Chatfidd also scored guah for Windsor 
who pushed their regular season record 
to 14-4-3-0 and increase their West Di¬ 
vision lead to seven points over the Sar¬ 
nia Sting. Greyhounds forward Gabe 
Guertkr scored both goals for Sault Ste 
Mark but dropped their second game 
to as many contests against the Spitfires 
this season and M to S-9-3-0 on the 

Windsor head aoach Rocky Thompson 
said it wasn't the best hockey the Spit¬ 
fires have played tilis season but it was a 
stMement game ^inst a division foe in 
whxh they found a way to win and gen¬ 
erated keys goaJb when the opportunity 
presorted itsdf 

“We want to be considered a oontender 
this year” Thompson said. "We've got a 
little bit of a streak going right now and 
Wve had a tough schedule. We've been 
on the road an awful lot so we wanted 
to establish ourselves here at home and 
make a statement that we are a good 

Luchuks overtime winner was a result 
of hard work after winning a defensive 
zone fkeoff and maintainii^ posses¬ 
sion in Greyhounds territory. After a 
centering attempt was knocked down 
by Windsors Cristmno DtQadrttot In- 
chuk picked up the rotting puck feked 
the goaitender Brandon Halverson out 
of position and slid a backhand into the 
open cage to send fens at the WFCU 
Centre home happy. 

*Whm it is three-on-three you can 
never pvt up on the pfeyT Ludiuk said 
"DiGiarinto was able to kick the puck 
back to me and give me some spacer I 
was lucky enough to put a pretty good 

move on Halverson and put it in, Its a 
big two points agrinst Sault Ste: Marie. 
Its a division game so its a btg game no 
matter what” 

A hot start to the regular season for 
Luchuk has seen him scone more goals 
through 21 games than during the en¬ 
tire 2014-15 seaso n to whkh he had 10. 
Ludmkkpiay has been noticed by many 
across the Ontario Hockey League but 
more importantly; he has impressed his 
own head coach to the process. 

‘Without a doubt Aaron has had a 
great start to the yeaif Thompson said 
“Fie made a great play m the goal by 

up and slid it into the empty net Hes 
proving he can ptiy and produce: Has 
getting an opportimity to succeed and 
grabbing to” 

Michael DiPietro made 26 saves to goal 
for the win in his first start since return¬ 
ing from the World Under-17 Hockey 
Challenge in Northern B.C where he 
dazzkd the crowd with his quickness* 
athletic ability and sheer knack for mak¬ 
ing bi^ saves, 

Tt was to to be hade with the guys, I 
missed them,” DiPietro said "Fro hap¬ 
py we got the win in overtime. Sault Ste. 

Marie is good team with a lot of skilled 
players and solid goafcendet I expected 
a battle and we had nothing short of that 
today Nowwe just need to keep the mo¬ 
mentum gotogtotoaiwther three game 

ft had been 15 days since the Spitfires 
last played at homa but Windsor was 
riding a hot streak over past two weeks, 
earning wins over the CHIs top- ranked 
team in the Erie Otters and Gudph 
Storm la& weekend In thdr most re¬ 
cent road gpxm the Spits brought home 
a convincing 7-4 win over the Missis¬ 
sauga Stedheads at the Herehey Centre 
Nov. 13. 

"We've had a great start to theyearr said 
Thompsoa "Wrve had some com¬ 
pliments by bdng named in the CHIi 
top 10 whkh is awesome and we want 
to make a statement that we are here to 

The Spitfires will have three home 
games in four days beginning with a 
battle agairat the Storm at the WFCU 
Centre Nov 19 with a 7:05 pm pick- 
drop Two days later Windsor battles 
t he Ow en Sound Attack in a night game 
before coming back to the rink the next 
afternoon for a matinee game against 
former enigmatic Spitfire fash Ho-Sang 
arfofoe Niagara Ice Dogs Nov. 22. 

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WIN $100 

Check your UWtndsoi email for details and the survey link. To participate you must &e a student living in Residence during the fall 2015 Term. 


Barrette Scores Double-OT Winner 
In First Victory For Women’s Hockey 


Sports Editor 

The Lancer womens hockey team earned dieir 
first win of the season on with a 3-2 double over¬ 
time win over the York Lions at South Windsor 
Arena this past weekend 

Head coach Jim Hunter said the win was a long 
time coming for Windsors young team 

“They worked hard and they deserved iCIdimt- 
er said "York got a late on us to force overtime 
but we didn't get down on ourselves. We came 
back and fought hard whkh is a good sign. We 
stayed tight, battled through adversity and were 
fortunate enough to get the win kte.” 

Although the Lancers came out foil of energy it 
was the lions who got on die board first at 2:47 

rest of the first period was back and forth play 
where both goalkeepers were keeping the game 

late in the second period Jfflian JRops would be 
rewarded for her strong efforts when she tied 
the game up on a goalmouth scramble. The goal 
was scored at 1439 with the assist going to Hilary 
Hettwer and gave the Lancers confidence head- 
ed into the second intermission. 

JiiUan Raps of the Windsor Lancer women's hockey team puts a back hand shot on net against the York Lions at South Windsor Arena 
Nov. J3 Rops scored Windsor's first goal in a 3-2 double overtime victory over the Lions, 

[Photo by // Kevin Janold] 

The Lancers then surged out and tooka2-I!cad 

earfy in the first on a goal from Kristyn Lawer- 

ence. The goa! put Wmdsor in fte driver seat as 

the lions tied it up ona goal from Raenna Kelly 
Lhe final six minutes would be M of excitement 
but neither teamwould score again in regulation, 
which sent the game into overtime. 

Windsor thought they had won die game in the 
opening overtime period but the goal was waved 
offdue to the lions net being dislodged prior to 
the puck crossing the line, much to the ire of the 
Lancer bench. Windsor would calm down and 
oontinu e to control die tevd of play throughout 
the frame and were rewarded for their discipline 
when York was assessed a penalty late in the first 
overtime which gave Windsor an extended pow 
er play for much of the second. 

The Lancers eventually took home the double 
overtime victory when Natalie Barrette fired the 
puck from a sharp angle and into the back of the 
net with just 032 second remaining in the frame 
Id avoid the shoot-out, giving the Lancers their 
first win of the season. 

Lancers goaitender Ingrid Sandven look home 
the win in net stopping 32 of 34 shots and earn- 
mg the praise ofher head coach. 

1 thought die was the difference^maka; a Hunt¬ 
er said "We had a good chat prior to die game 
and 1 said, At some point and time our goaiten¬ 
der is going to have to steal us a game; Its like a 
pitcher in baseball or a quarterback in footbal 
We needed our goalie to be our best player to* 
night and tonight Ingrid was our best player? 

Unfortunately for the Lancers, they would not 
have much time to edebrate their triumph as a 
datewith file Guelph Gryphons loomed the next 
afternoon. Despite a strong effort Windsor M 
behind 4-0 and eventually dropped a 7-0 deci¬ 
sion to the visiting Gryphons at South Windsor 
Arena Nov 14 

Although the Lancers came out hungry with a 

fest paced tempo, the Gryphora got on the board 
first when Kadi Shdl found the bade of file net at 

5:19 of the first period 

Hie second period was all Guelph as they scored 
three unanswered goals to build a four-goal lead 
Kelly Gibbons and Marde Landman opened the 
period with a pair of goals m the first two and a 
half minutes before Avert Nooren scored asbort- 
handed marker at 12:29 

The Lancers continued to put the pressure on in 
the third but had some trouble finding the bade 
of the net. Guelph added three more goals in the 
period to take the win 

“As much as we wanted to celebrate our first win, 
we had to get right back at it [against Guepi] 7 
Hunter said "Were a long way from where we 
want to be so one win csver a weekend is not 
good enough for us. We need to find ways to 
get points, especially at home We need to take 
advantage of our home games and see if we can 
catch up in the standings,” 

After file loss the Lancers now sit at 0-6-1-1 on 
the season and continue to remain in last place to 
the OUA standings but with plenty of opportu¬ 
nity to climb the ladder as file season progresses. 
The Gryphons improve to 7-2 on the year and 
continue to battle with the Toronto Varsity Blues 
and Queens Gads for top spot in the OUA. 

The Lancers will hit the road next weekend for 
a pair of games against the Queers Gads and 
UOIT Ridgebacks to Kingston and Oshawa, re¬ 
spectively Game time on both nights is 730 pm 

The Windsor womens hockey team doses out 
the first half of their regular season with a pair of 
home games Nov 27 and 28. 

The Brock Badgers open up the weekend with 
a night contest beginning at 7:30 pm before the 
Gaefe storm South Windsor arena for a date with 
the Lancers file next afternoon at4 pm. 

Find out more and apply online at 

Lilt A** •/ P**LI*dHT 


Men’s Hockey Earn One 
Point On Two-Game Road Trip 

Windsor Lancers forward Steve Anthony brings the puck up ice during OVA mens hockey regular season at South Windsor Arena , The Lancer men host the Lakehead Thunderwolves 

in a pair of home game Nov 20 and 21. Puck drop on both nights is 7:30 p.m. 

[Photo by // Kevin farrotd) 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer mem hockey 
team earned their first point in the 
standing in almost two weeks as they 
split a two-game mad trip. 

For the third straight game the Lancer 
mens hockey team let a third period slip 
away as they fell 3-2 to the Brock Bad¬ 
gers at the SevTrioyrTianmh Ceritte in 
St. Catharines Nov 13 before squeezing 
a single point out of an overtime kiss to 
the York lions the next night in Toron¬ 

With the weekend split the Uncos M 
to 6 4-2 on the season while the Lions 
improve to 7-1-3 and sit three points 
ahead of toe lancers in second place 
of the OUA West division standings. 

Brock currently sits in fourth place in 
the division * one point behind the 
Lancers throughout the first 12 games 
of toe regular season 

After a scoreless opening period the 
Badgers would strike first at the 157 
mark of the second as Chris Mankda 
and Skylar ftadieco set up Mich Nandi 
for the power play god and a 1-0 fead 

Midway through the second period 
Lancer Ryan Green beat Brodd start¬ 
ing goaltender dint Windsor tying the 
game 1-1, With less than five minutes 
left in toe second, Kyle Hope and Chris 
Scott found Tyler Morrison who mas¬ 
tered his fust goal of the season to gjve 
Windsor a 2-1 lead 

The Badgers would add another power 
pfay marker at the 8:12 mark of the third 
period as Windsor native Sammy Ban- 

ga beat lancer starter Mkhad Doan to 
fie the game at 2-2 with Mankda and 
fake Caidwdl earning toe assists. 

With 355 remaining in the third period 
Brocks Pacheco took a cross-ice pass 
from Mankda and one-timed it past 
Doan for the 3-2 lead Mankda finished 
the game with three helpers white Card- 
well also added his second assist of the 
night on Pachecos goal whkh proved to 
be toe gime-winner 

In the net Lancers keeper Doan collect¬ 
ed 25 saves in the foas while Brock goalie 
Windsor recoded 35 saves for toe vic¬ 

The next evening the Lancer men 
earned one wdl-deserved point in toe 
standii^s but ultimately tdl 2-1 to toe 
Yotk lions in owrdme at Canlan Arem 

The Lancers came out of the gate 
with a fast start and striking first on a 
short-handed tally by Windsor^ leading 
scorer Justice Dundas just 1:42 into the 
first period after Yorks Derek Sheppard 
took an interference penalty less than 
orte minute into the contest 

The lead did not last long however as 
Sheppard would find the back of toe 
net shortly after to even the score at 1-1 
midway through toe opening frame 

Both gpaltendm would settle down 
the game after that point and turned 
away every other shot they fecal in toe 
reraainii^ 50 minutes of regulation, 
^forfcs Mikhal Pokinia scored midway 
through toe first overtime period to give 
toe lions toe win and send Windsor to 
thdr fourth consecutive loss. 

Lancer goaltender Doan had anoth¬ 

er solid performance in net making 
33 saves in toe loss while York keeper 
Qiris Perugini finished the gmie with 
22 saves. 

The Lancers return home nest week¬ 
end for a pair of games against the al- 
wa)vcompetitive Lakehead Thunder- 
woh^ The pude drops at 7:30 pm on 
both nights at South Windsor Arena 

The weekend after will see the lancers 
travel to do battle with the Waterloo 
Warriors and Laurier Golden Hawks 
on consecutive nights at Cfotumbia ke 
Field and Sunlife Arena with the puck 
dropping at 7 pm and 750 pm respec¬ 

Windsor torn doses out the first half of 
the regular season with a midweek bat- 
tie against toe rival Western Mustang at 
home Dec 2. 


Mustangs Score Big Upset Over 
Lancers in Women’s Basketball 


Sports Editor 

A late three-pointer sunk die e^Mv 
ranked Windsor Lancer womens bas¬ 
ketball team in an upset loss on home 
court to the Western Mustangs 

Trailing 16-11 at the quarter and 41-28 
at the halt the Lancers exploded in the 
third quarto - outscoring the Mustangs 
1&4 to make it a one-point game enter¬ 
ing the fourth frame. Kayiee Anagnost- 
opoulos scored on die Lancers first drive 
of the quarter to give Windsor their first 
lead since early in the first quarter at 48- 

"The third quarter was big for us* it 
shows how good we can be and ids un- 
tcrtunaie we didn't exhibit that in the 
first haifT Emily Prevost said *We know 
how good we can be and we have to 
build from there' 

The lead charged four times more times 
and the two teams were tied twice, liter- 

ally battling (^ ^^^ossessioixfighlii^ 

for the win on rivalry night The Mus¬ 
tang? jumped ahead 53-51 with a parr 

of free throws in the waning minutes 
but were matched by the Lancers on the 
next when they nailed a pair of thdr 
own to once again tie the game. 

With five seconds remaining on the 
dock and the Lancers up by one* 60- 
59, Westerns Maddy Horst hit a long 
three-point shot in transition to pul the 
Mustang? up by twu On the ensuii^ 
Windsor possession Prevost was fouled 
on a drive to the basket with 0.6 seconds 
left on the dock. 

Prevost needed to score both free 
throws to force overtime* but unfortu¬ 
nately hit the front rim on the opening 
attempt, which sealed the lady Lancers 
fete. Western would he awarded anoth¬ 
er lay-up on the final play of the game 
for a 64-60 victory 

“I need to make my dints at the end of 
the dajf admitted Prevost "Its early- in 
fe season and we just to need to be bet¬ 
ter. Nfo toss is ever good but wed rather 
have this happen now rather then late in 
the season or in the playoflk Every team 
gives m everything they've got so we just 
need to ice up our wounds and bounce 

With the toss Windsor drops to 2-1 on 
the season and now sit second in the 
OUA West division behind the Mus¬ 
tangs who improved to $-0, 

Windsor Lancer guard Caitiyn Longmuir drives to the basket against the Western Mustangs during OVA women’s basketball action at the St. 
Denis Centre Nov. 13. Windsor came back from a large deficit at halftime and led late iH the fourth but eventually lost to the visiting Mustangs 


[Photo by // Kevin farrold} 

Anagnostopokms led the Lancers with 
a game high 17 points, while Cheyaiuie 
Roger and Prevost once again each 
put up double-doubles. Roger finished 
the contest with 12 points and a game 
high 13 rebounds, while Prevost fin¬ 
ished with 10 points* 10 rebounds and 
a bruised left cheekbone after a collision 
in the second half 

"We need to start the game stronger 
we didn't have a great first half*' Prevost 
said. "'The point of this game is not that 
we lost its how we played We did this 
ourselves so we just need to go back to 
the drawing board and get better from 

Caroline Wdynski led the Mustangs 
with 16 points, while Julia Curran led 
the team ddensivdy with i 1 rdxmnds. 

The Lancers will took to rebound when 
they host the Ryerson Rams in a mid¬ 
week match-up starting at 6 pm at the 
St. Denis Centre Nov 18, 

Fans are reminded that the Department 
of Athletics is holding their annual Hol¬ 
iday Clothing Drive for the youth in 
the community and are encouraged to 
bring in their gently used warm clothing 
to the game that night 

Windsor Lancers rookie Kayiee Anagnostopoulos drives past a Western Mustangs defender during first half 
OUA women's basketball action at the SL Denis Centre Nov. IS. Anagnostopoulos led the Lancers with 17 
points but the defending CIS champions gave up a late lead and eventually lost 64-60 

[Photo by // Kevin farrold] 


Lancer Men’s Hoops Fall To 
Mustangs On Rivalry Night 

Windsor lancers rookie Utah Osborne drives against the Western Mustangs during OVA men's basketball at the St Denis Centre Nov> 13 L The Mustangs defeated the Lancers 83-63, 

dropping Windsors regular season record to 2-L 
[Photo by // Kevin larrold] 


Spores Editor 

The Windsor Lancer mem badretball 
team was defeated for the first time 
durir^ the OUA regular season to the 
visiting Western Mustangs 83-63 this 
past week at the St Denis Centre 

With die loss on rivalry night the Lane- 
ers are now 2-1 on the season while the 
Mustangs also sporta2-l record early in 
the 2015-16 campaign, 

Windsor opened the game on an 8-2 
run before the Mustangs scored 11 
straight points to lead 13-8 after the 
opening 10 minutes of play. 'The Lancers 
would pick up the pace offensively but 
Western would match their efforts and 
continued to hold the lead throughout 
the second quarter and take a 39*31 lead 

at halftime. 

Windsor got into foul trouble early in 
tiie second half racking up six fouls in 
the first three and a half minutes. Down 
61-45 heading into the final quarter, the 
Lancra eroded in the fourth goir^ on 
a 16-8 run through the first haft' of the 

The Lancers cut the Mustangs lead to 
eight midway through the frame and 
further trimmed die deficit to five points 
with just under seven minutes remain¬ 
ing but an eight-point burst from An¬ 
thony Spkidis helped the Mustangs 
secure their lead and leave Windsor on 
rivalry night with an 83-63 road %i ctory. 

Westerns Greg Morrow; the GIMs 
leading scorer, recorded a game-high 
28 points and 15 rebounds while just 
narrowly missing out on a tripte-double 
with eight assists. Morrows big nigtii 

would also be a contributing factor to 
Westerns superior success rate from 
three-point territory 

Alex Coote recorded a career-high 23 
points against the Lancers shooting an 
impressive percentage from behind the 
three-point line and knocking down 5-6 
in the game Peter Schemes showed off 
his talent around file perimeter, scoring 
12 points for the Mustang and follow¬ 
ing Morrow with a six-rebound effort 

Fifth year senior guard Alex Campbell 
finished the game with a team-high 
21 points whkh played a large role in 
Windsors fight to come back in the 
second half of the contest First year for¬ 
ward isiah Osborne followed was the 
only other Lancer in double digits with 
11 points on the night Randy Oriakhi 
led foe Lancers in rebounds grabbing 
nine in total and was dosety followed by 

guard Mike Rocca with six. 

Interim head coach Ryan Steer and 
the Lancer men will now get to enjoy 
the confines of they' home court Nov, 
18 when they host the defending CIS 
bronze medalists Ryerson Rams at 8 
pm. at die St Denis Centre. 

Under head coach Chris Oliver, Wind¬ 
sor lost their opening match-up of the 
2015 CIS mens basketball champion¬ 
ship tournament as the second seed of 
the tournament to die seventh-ranked 
Rams, who were tournament hosts and 
used a large crowd at the Mattamy Ath¬ 
letic Centre tooverwhdm the 

Three days after, Windsor will host the 
Toronto Varsity Blues program for an 
afternoon contest with a 4 pm tip-off 

Throughout this week the Lancer De¬ 
partment of /Ubieties is holding their 

annual Holiday Clothing Drive for the 
youth in the community, and are en¬ 
couraged to bring in their gently used 
warm dothing to the Lancer games 
throughout the week in support of local 
families in need this holiday season. All 
tons in good condition will be accept¬ 
ed—this year, children winter coats are 
in especially high demand 

Anyone who makes a donation will 
receive a ballot for a chance to win a 
Lancer holiday prize pack with the win¬ 
ner to be announced during the varsity 
double-header against Toronto Nov. 2L 

The Lancers dose out the remainder of 
their first semester schedule with a trip 
to the Canadian capital dty as they bat¬ 
tle the Ottawa Gee Gees and Carleton 
Ravens Nov. 27 and 28. Tipoff on both 
nights is scheduled for 8 pm, and can be 
viewed live online at OUATV 


LaSalle Vipers Roll Out 
Red Carpet For Veteran’s 
On Remembrance Day 


Sports Editor 

The LaSalle Vipers paid tribute to those 
who serve and (hose who have served 
with a special red carpet pre-game cer¬ 
emony at the Vollmer Centre this past 
Remembrance Day. 

The ceremony featured local veterans 
and cadets, the Windsor Historical So¬ 
ciety and members of the LaSalle Town 
Council and was hosted by on-air per¬ 
sonality Dan MacDonald of AM800 
CKLWs “Hear and Now” and 919 FM 

in. We all have problems but seeing whal 
we have fought for and where we could 
be - we are lucky Our Vets deserve our 

The ceremony was followed by Great¬ 
er Ontario Junior Hockey League ac¬ 
tion between the Vipers and Lambton 
Shores Predators, which LaSalle won 

The Vipers opened the scoring when 
Blake Jones beat Freds goaltender An¬ 
thony Hurtubise for a power play goal 
in the first period. 

The Predators replied with goals by de- 

, _ _ - tenseman Carson Pearce and forward 

In a gesture to properly respect thebrave 

, ' Z . , Fjdian Sarfefi but Liam MacDougall 

veterans jn 

, , "*£ Z1 ■ . made sure the game was even heading 

ly asked their tans to find their seals early 

Donald said it was a great honor to be a 

part of die ceremony for the third year 

Tfe always a very special feeling every 
year on the ice at theVipers game for die 
Remembrance Day ceremonjf Mac¬ 
Donald said "Very humbling to share 
that moment on the ice with Veterans 
who have served our country and itk 
important we keep that respect going 
year round* 

By embracing one of Canadas greatest 
past times on the anniversary ofthe end 
of Worid War L we are reminded of the 
hmiries we now enjoy because ofhostil- 
ities formally ending, 'at the 11th hour 
ofthe 1 Ids day of the 11th month.” 

"Were free to enjoy a hockey game, life 
is good," MacDonald said Tts nice to 
see the feces, hear some of their stories 
and just take that moment and kt it sink 

around goal 

Sean Ross gave the Predators the leads 
at 5:43 ofthe second but just 16 seconds 
later Nathan Savage leveled die game 
once ^atn. Connor Rnsaasen got the 
last whack al a loose puck; just over four 
minutes later to restore the Vipers lead, 
one they would not relinquish. 

Savages second ofthe game added some 
cushion, and after Sarfeti scored his sec¬ 
ond Manny Silvern added a pair ofkte 
goals to seal it Savage had a four-point 
night while Jones and SUverio had three 

Si Billing stopped 27 shots in the win, 
while Hurtubise turned aside 45 Vipers 

LaSalle currently boasts an 1L7-3 re¬ 
cord and sit in fourth place in the GO- 
JHL Western ooniboKe standings 

Ryan Fraser ofthe Lambton Shores Predators and Nathan Savage ofthe LaSalle Vipers take part in the pre- 
game ceremonial puck drop as part of the Remembrance Day festivities at the Vollmer Centre Nov. IL The 
ceremony will feature local veterans and cadet s, tire Wind s or Historic al Society and m embers o f the LaSalle 

Town Council* and will be hosted by on-air personality Dan MacDonald* of AMSOO CKLWs 'Hear and 


f Photo courtesy of LaSalle Vipers] 

Veterans and the families of those who lost their lives defending our nation in the first and second World 
War all shared smiles* hugs and memories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice at the Vollmer Centre in 
LasaUe Nov; 1L A red carpet ceremony was followed by a GOJHL game between the hometown Vipers and 
the Lambton Shores Predators* which LaSalle won 7-4. 

[Photo courtesy of LaSalle Vipers] 



: Drop us a line! E-mail the Editor-in-Chief at 

V editor@ uwindsorlance .ca 

Or give us a shout at 
519 253 3000 ext. 3909 



Front oi 




Sports Editor 

Windsor Spitfires coaches, players and 
hockey fens alike got to sit back and 
walch a new chapter in the history of 
hockey between Canada and Russia 
untold in their very own rink 

Windsor forwards Aaron Luchuk and 
Crishano DiGiarinto played on a line 
with one another and were plus-one in a 
2-1 victory for Team OHL ingame four 
of the CHIk Ganada-Rnssia series while 
first-year Spitfires head coach Rocky 
Thompson, associate coach Trevor Le- 
towski and their entire staff got to be 
the men behind the benches at erne of 
the high-profile events in junior hockey 
with high-round NHL draft picks such 
as Mitch Mamet; Lawson Crouse and 
Spencer W&soa 

'The guys played wdl from the start 
of the game until the end of the game, 
goalies included” Thompson sakL Tu- 
ehuk and DOadnto were our penalty 
Idlers but thdr line with Iordan Kyrou 
from Sarnia scored a goaL In all areas of 
the game that line was definitely a big 
positive farm” 

While DiGiacinto was named to Team 
OHL alongside fellow Spitfires forward 
Logan Brown in late October, Luchuk 
wasonly called up to the roster that very 
day when Brown was scratched from 
the lineup with an upper-body injury 

One day removed from an overtime 
winning goal against Sauk Ste, Marie 
Greyhounds, Luduikfc 13 goals and 19 
points in 21 games this season made 
him a perfect candidate to fill the final 
spot on the Team OHL roster 

h was an honor to get the call ft was 
pretty short notice but tt was a lot of 
fun out there representing the OHL,” 
Ludtuk sakL “Everyone took a shift to 
get their legs under them but after that it 
was just a regular j^me, just a bftqukker 
with all of that skill on the ice, 1 fek I fit in 
right in and I had a couple chances that I 
coukirit bury but it was a lot of fun and it 
was a good experience.* 

His head coach was not so surprised 

"To me ft was a no-brainer once Logan 
Brown was injured; Thompson said 
“Hes had a great year and hats why he 
won the right Once they Indeed at his 
stats they realized it and were wowed 
He could have easily scored in the sec* 
ond period but he fanned on it and the 
goahender hardy got a gfave cm it He 
did a great job cm the penalty kill and 
thdr whole line with DiGiadnto and 
Kyrou was really good all night” 

Kyrou of the Samia Sting and lAfalson 

of the Kington Frontenacs scored goals 
in a 2-i Team OHL victory ewer Team 
Russia in front of a large crowd in atten¬ 
dance at the WFCU CentreNov. Id 

Team OHLoutshot Russia 38-22 in the 
victory, holding them to just one goal 
over two games as Mkhad McNiven 
of the Owen Sound Attack and Dylan 
Wdls of the Ptferborough Petes provid¬ 
ed solid goaltending for Team OHL 

Russian goaftender Alexander Trush- 
kov rebounded from a tough outing in 
the first game erf the series in Kelowna, 
EC and kept his dub within conten¬ 
tion throughout the night, making nine 
third period saves and a total of 36 on 
the night to earn player of the game 
honors for his team 

Team OHL outshot the Russians 7-0 
in the opening seven minutes before 
running into penalty trouble, providing 
thdr opponent with a two-man advan¬ 
tage which the visitors would capitalize 


Russia took thdr second lead of the 
series as wnn rinpermo mustieo otr a 
three-way passing pky with a onc-tim- 
er on a cross-crease pass from Daniil 
Vovchenko at 727 and Russia took a 
1-0 lead into the first intermission de- 
<pfte being oulshot 12-4 

Team QHL would benefit from some 
great goaltending to open the second 
period as McNiven turned away both 
Alexander Protapovidi and Artur Luxta 
in the same shift. McNiveris night came 
to an end shortly after and stopped 11 of 
the 12 shots he faced 

Wdls entered the game just before his 
dub got on the board to even the score. 
OHL defenseman Kyle Capobianco of 
the goal where 2016 NHL draft digWe 
winger Kyrou would promptly bang ina 
rebound off the pad ofTrushkov at 9:12, 
getting die livdy crowd in Windsor up 
and onto their feet Luchuk and DiGSa- 
ctnto were on the ice for the goal and 
finished the game plus one, 

Watson, a Los Angeles Kin^ prospect, 
put the OHL ahead fett good on a pow¬ 
er play tally Watson finished off a pass 
from Manner in die high slot and Hast¬ 
ed a shot over the shoulder ofTmshJkov 
at UK)2forhisdm1goalintwogaiTia 
and a 2-i OHL lead 

Wefis kept Team OHL ahead through- 
out the rest of the second and provided 
his best save with just under three min¬ 
utes left in the frame, getting his Hocker 
on a quick release by Russian winger 
Semyon Afonasevsky. 

Team OHL led 2-1 after two periods, 
outshooting Russia 17-9 in the second 
far a two period outcome of 29-15. 

Team OHL captain Lawson Crouse of the Kingston Frontenacs skates past Russian defender Audrey SvetIa¬ 
kov during game pur of the CHJJs Canada Russia Series hosted in Windsor at the WFCU Centre Nov, 16, 
Windsor Spitfires Aaron Luchuk and Cristiano DiGiacinto were plus-one and played key penalty-kill roles 

during Team DHL’s 2-1 victory over Russia, 

[Photo bv ft Kevin [acrald] 

Toronto Maple Leap draft pick and London Knights forward Mitch Mamer guards the puck with Artur 
Lauta of Russia close behind during game four of the CHLs Canada Russia series held in Windsor at the 
WFCU Centre Nov. 16, Mamer was named player of the game in Team OHUs 2 1 victory over Russia in one 

of junior hockey's elite events, 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold} 

An effective third period effort from the 
OHL squad limited Russia to just seven 
third period shots, with Wdls providing 
his biggest save off defenseman Kirill 
Tkulygjn midway through the frame to 
preserve the one goal lead 

DiGiadnto said he was excited to be 
part of one of fire premier events in ju- 
nior hockey and compete with some of 
Russian bat with Luchuk by his side 

“Itwas a great opportunity 

ing the whole game,” DiGiacinto said 

“We had a highly skilled team. Seeing 
those guys like Mamer and Watson 
- these are high-end quality players. 
When you have a team as skilled as that 
its going to be toughto beat!* 



A doctimentmy an global warming 
brings to Ugjht a number of 
arguments, and sees more than 100 
in attendance. 

Window's Mayor look time wf of 
hw busy Si hdiule to promote the 
AG W at its annual Prcsidcnss 
Appeal and Immd t of t£s mn* 

trtrttxmw. 05- 

7 J«r Windsor Prid* community hdd ct'i 
annual general meeting whiih included 
elrctmg some rtew mambas as wifl as 
tt elected an existing member., 

09 • 

A number of lancer spvrts 
programs art taking a break mrr 
the holidays - get your final scoop on 
where they stand this season in the 
back section . 17-* 



News Editor 

Grow On Windsor held its month end 
party at the Bourbon Tap and Grill as a 
final plan to raise money and celebrate 
a successful month for keeping cancer 
funds and research local* 

The group, based around Movernber, 
has raised over $ 150 jQQG this year and is 
keeping all the proceeds local* whereas 
general Movmiber events tend to send 

it elsewhere 

nity has been outstanding in the cam¬ 
paign and Windsor and Essex County 
has been more than supportive both 
financially and in spirit 

“hi general, I find most people in our 
area arevery giving individuals and they 
more than proved it with Grow Gn this 
yearf said Kassem 'When we asked if 
people would be interested in support¬ 
ing our cause of keeping the money 
local* it was without missing a beat that 
people said yes and that they would 
want to participate in it” 

Both individuals and corporations set 
any dollar amount to raise through¬ 
out the month and received pledges to 
reach the goaL Kassem said some of the 
individual group numbers went up to as 
much as $30,000. 

Jin* & prostate ameer survivor {third from the right), went to the Stache Bash with friends and family Nov 27 * 

(Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

“The reason a lot of people get involved, 
and I myself started the campaign, was 
finding out the money Windsor and 
Essex County raised didn’t stay in the 
area,” said Kassem 'One in eight men 

will be diagnosed with prostate cancer 
so why not keep local and support our 
men here.” 

Jim Fair, a cancer survivor found out 
three years ago he had prostate cancer 

10 days after retiring He said he was 
lucky to have it caught when he did 
and al! the tests are good after having it 

Tve been involved with Grow On 

Windsor for a couple of years now and 
its g^eat to see that & really gaining 
some steam and getting recognition this 
yeaif said Bair “Guys 1 we to get tested 
Everyone should get involved with the 

program on a yearly basis and it does 
save lives. I had to go out of Windsor 
when I had my surgery but now be¬ 
cause of Grow Gn we have so much 
more available here” 

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Art Gallery Hosts 
Personalized Artist Talk 


Arts Editor 

While artist conversations and ponds 
are nothing out of the ordinary, a recent 
event looks to shake up the structure 

A handful of local artists came together 
for what was the debut of IN Conver¬ 
sation atlhe Art Galley of Windsor's 
Rodzik gallery Nov. 29* With this events 
theme centered on storytelling, rough¬ 
ly a dozen people attended the panel 
where its intent was to create a natural 
dialogue between artist and audience. 

'All of these adiibitions are in a way 
related to storyteHtog* stories that are in¬ 
vested in objects, or a book,” said AGW 
contemporary art curator Srimoyee 

Some of the focal artists present woe 
musician Crissi Cochrane as wdl as 

novelist and poet Paul Vasey The event 
featured interactive question and an* 

swer periods, and each artist came with 

work ready to perform* with all of' it 
keepii^ to the theme of storytelling by 
discussing its origias and fundamentals. 

“I start with a character, always," Vasey 
sakL *1 don’t ihink about plot, I dorit 
think about structure^ I doht map it out 
because I find that kills the life of the 

story If youre mapping it out to tiiat 
degree, then die characters aren't telling 
you where the/re going, you're telling 
them where they're going." 

This is ihe first time foe event has been 
hdd, which was hosted by local au¬ 
thor Vanessa Shields. The event came 
as a way to utilize free space within the 

Contemporary art curator Srimoyee Mitra speaks at the IN Conversation panel at the Art Gallery of Windsor Now 29. 

{Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

gallery roughly one year ago Shields lyhopes the idea othaving afire flowh^ be effective, it will be a Me different Flans for an additional talk are in the 

suocessfiJyhdpednin a poetry event conwasation between both parties will than other thing; that have happened wades, but nothii^ is confirmed as of 

She said each event wiB have a different pave the w^rfor a more folfiDnig artist hereT Shields said 'The formal is really this time: More information can be 


theme which wiQ relate to a featured ex- going to make or break It, so well see found<m^INConversationEace- 

hMion within the gallery. She essential- “We hope the format itself is what will howweflitworicsT book page. 






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Mental Health Association 

Launches Holiday Campaign 


Arts Editor 

With the holidays drawing closer by 
each passing moon, shoppers may be 
diverting some of their finds to areas not 
necessarily related to gifts, 

On Nov. 26* the Windsor-Esses chap- 
ter of the Canadian Mental Health As¬ 
sociation unveiled their Light the Way 
campaign at Devonshire MaH As one 
in five Canadians in the area deal with 
mental illness* anyone within the dense 
shopping commune can purchase an 
ornament for $2 to place on a tree. The 
ornament would essentially symbolize 
the memory of a loved one who dealt 
with* or is currently contending with a 
form of mental illness, 

‘The ^irit of the holidays is truly about 
giving, and starting today we are asking 
shoppers to think about the 20 per cent 
of individuals in this community who 
are living with a mental illnessT said 
Claudia den Boer Grima, CEO of the 
CMH/& Wtndsor-Essex chapter 

The Light the Way campaign at Devonshire Mall will go from Nov.. 26 to Dec. 24. 
[Photo by If Hani Yassinej 

AH the proceeds will be diverted to¬ 
wards the Mental Health Associations 

tance mna me Dereavement program 

supports children and adults by hdptog 
them cope with a loss of someone dose 

nior manager of f u r xl devdopment grams, but also raise awareness* and its 

mfi^ amenities .such as bus tickets and tog themwithiu Devonshire Mati and community engagement for the a great time of the year" 

food vouchers. Being the first time the “This mall is one of the busiest places CMHA. *We wanted to not only try The Light the Way campai^\wiUbeoc- 

campaign has been launched* the asso- this time of yearf said Kim Willis* se- and generate some funds for our pro- curring in the mall until Dec 24 

dation is excited for the reception await- 


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Accessibility Awareness Day 
Group Starts Planning 

Pictured is Luca "Lazylegz" PutueUi doing a handstand during his presentation Mar IB, 2015 at the CAW Centre. 
(File photo from Accessibility Awareness day* 2015 by// Samantha Fernandez) 

rect relations to people with disabilities thing that needs to happen in the work¬ 
place in schools and in society in gen- 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor has start¬ 
ed planning their annual ^Accessibility' 
Awareness Day and is asking tor in¬ 
dividuals with expertise to share their 

The day is planned for March 10,2016 
in the Ambassador Auditorium in the 
CAW Student Centre and the group is 
encouraging everyone to participate. 
Last yean the event presented to 200 
people and they are hoping for even 
more this year 

'The event is completely run off of do¬ 
nations and were hoping for it to be free 
of charge for everyone who attends! 1 
said Anne Mullen, accessibility and 
human rights manager at UWmdsor. 
TVeve been successful in obtaining the 
funds inpastyeaisT 

Mullen said the keynote speaker attend¬ 
ing this year is Fiona Crern previously 
the Ombudsman for Toronto and is 

now the Ombudsman for Hydro One. 

f Sh^goir^tobetaIkirgaboi^JK]wac- 

cesdbility and equality are integral parts 
of any organization to be successful' 
said Mullen ''With that in mind weVe 
evened up a call for presenters! 1 

Mullen said she is encouraging anyone 
who has any sort of expert background 
in accessibility to put a submission forth 
to be considered by tlie selection team 
in place .According to Mullen, this is a 
perfect opportunity^ for people in toe 
university and the community to come 
together and talk about accessibility ini ¬ 
tiatives that have been undertaken in toe 

“We plan on talking about everything 
horn toe need to have mental health 
supports to how creating fob opportu¬ 
nities for people with disabilities has a 
positive impact on business output,” said 
Mullen. “Were really looking at sharing 
these ideas with the university and the 
broader community around us.” 

Mullen said the disability group is a mi¬ 
nority’ that anyone can become a mem¬ 
ber of at any time. 

“When you look at the stats of people 
with disabilities, ifs about one in eight 
people who haw disabilities!’ said MuL 
fen. “Not only do people who have di- 

have interest, but many outside the dr- 
de do as well 1 challenge people without 
individuals who have disabilities in todr 
life to come out and support because itk 

Mullen said understanding is some- 

end and they hope to promote this with 
the event 

For more information, email ohrea@ 
uwindsorca or call 519-253-3000 ext 

University Helps Students 
with Research and Writing 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor is attempt¬ 
ing to make toe best of their students 
toroi^h sessions, which will teach them 
howto wrie and convey todr research* 

The Writing Support Desk has been 
hosting workshops in order to hdp 
students to piece together and develop 
the research they are putting together in 
tbeir studies. They hdp with the funda¬ 
mentals, structures and overall quality 

of the writing research and conveying 
of the paper, 

Jason Horn, an academic writing advi¬ 
sor, said whatever step students are at in 
toeir writing, they are there to help. 

“Whether they are developing an intro¬ 
duction or thesis, the structure of their 
essay or even Just todr grammar we are 
especially since toeyVe cut toe OAC out 
ofhigjt schools and theyhs not expected 
to do as much writing or research,” said 
Horn ‘A tot of people come into univer¬ 
sity under prepared in this aspect and 

we want to help them to get to toe level 
they should be at and beyond” 

The writing desk has one-on-one ser¬ 
vices available to students who come 
and ask for it aloi^side the workshops, 
Horn said toe one-on-one is good but 
if a lot of people are asking for hdp, i& 
harder to meet the needs of everyone 
and thats where the wotkshops come 

“We want to hefo as many students as 
possible with what they need and we 
find the workshops are very good for 
this,” said Horn “This one was specif¬ 

ically held in conjunction with LTW31 
Discover which is designed to hdp 
undergraduates get into conferences to 

Horn said UWill Discover will hdp 
bufid impressive resumes and provide 
opportunity to have a leg up in toe in¬ 
dustry they are chasing. 

The workshop held Nov, 24 was con¬ 
structed dirediy towards the UWiH Dis¬ 
cover opportunity but Horn said there 
are many other options including more 
bask and advanced woikshops. 

Bom said the three workshops they've 
held on todr own and toe in-dass ones 
theySfle had as well have hdped students 
immensely and they are seeing very 
positive outcomes. 

‘Tft important to have your structure 
and even your grammar honed because 
when you're even in arguments on so¬ 
cial media, people will scrutinize your 
grammar before they scrutinize toe ar¬ 
gument itsdC said Horn. 

More workshops will be available in toe 
future as weO as one-on-one lidp. 


Art Gallery Prepares 
Launch of New Campaign 


Arts Editor 

Spirits seemed high at the Art Gallery 
ofWindsor as the oiganization looks to 
further attend an dive brandi towards 
the community: 

‘'We're tooking to spice things upT said 
Jude Abu Zaineh, executive and fund 
devdopment assistant at the AGW 
“Werelooking to bring a more energetic 
fed to what we do in the gaDeryT 

Part of this year's President Appeal, 
the AGW launched thdr “Think, Da 
View* campaign within the buildings 
Rodzik gallery Nov. 24 Each aspect of 
the campaign makes its own contribu¬ 
tion, The 'Think"' aspect touches on 
pane! discussions for exhibitions. The 
"Do* is practical activities within the art 
studio, and the ' View* places an empha¬ 
sis on public tours. The gallery hopes to 
merge these three simple words into an 
amplified presence within Windsor's 
cultural huh 

arts community and the more that we 
can collaborate with all the different dis- 
dplines is adding to your cukuid expe- 
ment Anne Fletcher 

Hie launch inducted some remarks 
from mayor Drew Dilkens and AGW 
president Pfeter Wasytyk By providing 
a imttedimm < aonal perspective on file 
gaBey phis the general increase in pub¬ 
lic programming, the AGW essentially 
hopes to secure extra funds through this 
appeal An additional benefit to this pro¬ 
gram indudes the future opening of the 
Chimcmk Museum, which has taken 
over the ground floor of the AGW and 
will be the cause for some extra foot traf¬ 

fic AUm all, they befieve it tobe an 
ing time to be further ingrained with the 
community all while Windsors down¬ 
town core reinforces its overall artistry. 

T believe in arts and culture in the com¬ 
munity certainly support the Art Gal¬ 
lery of Windsor bo the extent where 1 
lend my support to their efforts** Mayor 

Diikens said T hope theyie very sue- 


Mayor Drew Dilkens speaks at the launch of the Think* Da, View campaign launch at the Art Gallery of 

Windsor Nov. 24. 

[Photo by // Rant YassineJ 

... * . * . 

Recent Research Shows Ethno-Racial 

Immigrants Make Less Self-Employed 


News Editor 

A recent study done my Du Reza Na- 
khaie, professor in the department ofso- 
dofagy anthropology and mminotogy 
says new immigrants who are sdf-m- 
ployed make Jess money 

This artide, published in the Canadian 
Review of Soctotogyr states immigrants 
who seek self-employment almost al¬ 

ways earn less than those who apply for 
wage or salary jobs. 

However, another paper coauthored by 
Professor Frandne Schtosser and Dr 
Gerry Kerr stated “immigrant entre¬ 
preneurs are unrepresented in inter¬ 
national new ventures and have many 
characteristics known to fanffate suc¬ 
cess, including more founders* univer¬ 
sity degrees, intematfonal connections, 
and technical capability 

Nakhaids research said a lot of immi¬ 

grants are breed into to sdf-emptoy- 
ment because of fedora such as lan¬ 
guage barriers, customer disaimination 
and a lack of familiarity with business 
laws and odtuiBl values. 

He said many ethno-radal immigrants 
are attracted to ideas such as job-fkitibiL 
ity that come with sdf-empfoyment 

The coauthored papers by SchJosser 
and Kerr gives four reasons as to why 
this information does not represent the 
majority of sdfemployed immigrants, 

induding immigrant entrepreneurs 
have more intematfonal oonnectfons 
than native ones, the international 
group leverages thdr human resourc¬ 
es to develop new ventures, a lot of the 
group is over-represented with having 
certain characteristics in relation to uni¬ 
versity education, depth of international 
experience, devetoping tace-to>face in- 
ternatkmal conned 
pability and non-significant INV char¬ 
acteristics which developed technology 
meditated international connections. 

They state these immigrait entrepre¬ 
neur ventures are supported and do 
not represent file idea tfa^ they earn less 
outside of the whtie collar brackets. 

To read the full artide by Nakhaie, 
visit http-J/onl^ 
dot/10Tlll/cmI2083/abstiact/ and 
for the full artide written by Schtosser 
and Kerr, visit http^/www 1 .uwirvdsot 
cayocktte/frandm-sdrfosOT and dkk 
the Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Thek 
Role in International NewVentures link 


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“Light and Reflection” Illuminates Gallery 
Space With Frozen Moments in Time 


Lance Contributor 

Elliott Erwitt once said “photography 
is an art of observation. It has link to do 
with the tfain^ you see and everything 
to do with the way you see them' 1 

The Ajtspeak Gallery played host to this 
quote, displaying bod photographer 
Marisa Spadaforafe woifc from Nov, 22 
through Nov 27. with a dosing mo¬ 
tion held Nov 28. It was a space tilled 
with photographs, which captured 
different moments in time; varying in 
shape, size and depiction depending on 
the subjects in the photographs, 

“I love photographing people, and land¬ 
scapes and just documenting moments 
and peoples lives, especially for friends 
and famfljt' saidSpadafora. 

Interesting angles and competitions of 
foe photographs set them apart from 
each other and exhibited isolated stories 
within the fames far foe viewer to con¬ 

‘This show is about people pausing,” 
expressed Spadafbra “Sometimes when 
you step out in the rooming you are in 

such a msh to get to where you have to 
go foal you donY notice foe beauty of foe 
light, or your reflection in a window, or 
in a puddle, so I hope that it pauses peo¬ 
ple to stop and say you know what, not 
only can I do this, not only can I capture 
this moment but give some pause on 
everyday liter 

Looking dosdy at some of her pictures, 
it can immediately be noticed how the 
artist plays with reflection aid colors to 
symbolize and give form to an abstract¬ 
ed meaning. One of her photographs, 
“Echo of Lighi” captured the reflection 
of boats on the water and the ripples 
blended the colors of the reflection, thus 
crcatirg an intangible meaning alto¬ 

T hope it evokes emotion, memories in 
themselves for foe viewer" said Spadafo- 
ra, Tfl am asked I will tell them my sto¬ 
ry and where it comes from but if not I 
would rather you derive from it whalev- 
er emotion it evokes in you., that&why 
I mixed some of the primary colors wkh 
softer images with some sepia. I dorit 
photograph the person who is going to 
be viewing it, but I do like to watch the 
reaction when I share ft.” 

Videogame Review - Uncharted: 
The Nathan Drake Collection 


Lance Contributor 




What started off as an exclusive launch 
title for PlayStation 3 way bade in 2007, 
the “Uncharted 1 series has come a long 
way 1 ; From die lush green jungtes in 
Uncharted Drakes Fortune,'" to the Hi¬ 
malayan vistas bathed in warm sunlight 
in Undtartod Among Thieves,” and 

across the gleaming gold sand of the 
Arabian Desert in Uncharted Drakes 
Deception;* our globetrotting charm¬ 
ing rogue protagonist Nathan Drake 
has done his Mr share of hitchhiking 
in erotic locales The series have made 
a ntark on the last generation consoles 
far its intriguing narration, fan charac¬ 
ters and a balanced out gamepby which 
lias been ironed out more with every 
iteration. This time around, before foe 
Inevitable release of ‘Uncharted 4: A 
Thief s End," Naughty Dogs prized pos¬ 
session makes a return wfth the three 
pmes wrapped in a neat package, ready 
to be unearthed again for PlayStation 4 

The videogames have already been erft- 
kaDy aedaimed and being remastered 
far foe cummt gen consoles makes die 

occasion quite a treat You follow the 
journey of Nathan Drake who can be 
considered as an Indiana Jones from 
an alternative universe in search of an¬ 
cient fast cities and hidden treasure. 
Though foe premise might sound sim¬ 
ple enough, foe execution of foe story 
is worth mentioning. A mix of puzzle 
solving, third person gun lighting, acn> 
batie leaps and bounds over chasms for 
dear life; all these dements along with 
foe charismatic personalities of Nathan 
Drake and his associates, Victor Sulli¬ 
van, Elena Fisher and Chloe Frazer keep 
you hooked on Drakes adventure 

BluFoint games, known for “God of 
\tof “Metal Gear Solid” and '^Shadow 
of Colossus" remasters, brings Drakes 
journey more to Ufe with higher reso¬ 
lutions and sharper textures, all at 60 

frames per second While foe games 
already had beautiJiil visuals, the 
^aphics here have been cranked up 
even more. The environrnents are now 
more prominent wfth undeniable clar¬ 
ity which makes the whole experience 
more immersive than ever before. 

Complete with FtoSywood style set 
pieces and a last paced campaign 
tlrroughout foe three games, you will be 
immersed in the games from foe get go. 
Although foe first game was more of an 
experimental realm tor Naughty Dog 
trying to figure out what worked and 
what didn't, the second and third game 

evolved and pruned the mechanics to 
make the series reach universal acclaim 

Uncharted TTie Nathan Drake Col¬ 
lection" is a revisit, a journey a love 
letter for foe fans who want to experi¬ 
ence Nathaiis exploits from his hum¬ 
ble beginnings to his evolution by foe 
end of Urakes Deception' White foe 
ordinal trilogy could be considered as 
a sournptious cake tempting enough to 
be consumed as a habit, foe remastered 
trilogy is an extra layer of icing complete 
with a cherry on top to make foe prod¬ 
uct prettier and more delicious than it 
already is. 


Windsor Christmas Comic Con 
Unites Fanatics and Their Heroes 

Jim Steranko comes to Canada for the first time since 1978 


News Editor 

Nads, geeks and 6ns alike joined to 
meet creators actons and fedlitators of 
some of their favorite heroes and uni¬ 
verses at Windsor's fourth Christmas 
Comic Goa 

The event took place at the Qaboto Ciub 
Nov. 29, hosting some of the biggest 
names in the nerd kingdom such as Hall 
of Fame author and illustrator Jim Ster- 
ankfj and TV show host and personality 
Kenny Hotz from "Kennys vs. Spenny!" 

With the open booths set up* 6ns could 
meet and great with these two among 
many more local and international stars. 
Also present at the Con were *T\>wer 
Rangers Dino Thunder” actors Blue 
Ranger, Kevin Duhaney and White 
Ranger, JdffParazzo. 

Tve always been impressed by Cana¬ 
dian fendom because for one reason or 

another, fm not sure if its in the water 

nothing else to do than read comics and 
watch movies, but Canadian fandom is 
a very very savvy group” said Steranko 
who was a big influence on the Marvefs 
“STilELD,," '"Captain America” and 
‘XMeri* titles. Ttoe of the last times 
I was in Canada, there was a colossal 
show featuring my woik with over 100 
pieces in Winnipeg. My relationship 
with Canada and Canadian 6ndom has 

an awesome relationship with Canadi¬ 
ans in generaC said Sterankx "Tve met 
and made a lot of friends here today and 
I lock forward to maintaining the rela¬ 

Steranko said when he was a Me kid, 
his favorite comic book character was 
Captain America and coinadentiy 20 
years later, he got to create a story based 
around his favourite hem He said to this 
day Captain America is still his favorite. 

Steranko said there has been a lot of 
success with comic books and the stake 
hold they have in TV and movies and 
although a lot of the time they miss the 
marie with respect to the original char¬ 
acters, there is stiH a lot of good to come 
from it 

Steranko said he will be bade in Canada 
as tong as they keep inviting hint 

Meanwhile, Windsor-born artist and 
writer, Tony Gray said not only is foe 
Con getting bigger and bigger every 
year, people around foe world are start¬ 
ing to notice how many writers and 


“k doesn't make sense to not have a con 
hoe with all the talent we have tocallyf 
said Gray Theres no other area that I 
can think of with this type of population 
with this much success. Forget automo¬ 
biles, Hiram W&lker and the casino - 
fois is foe new industry of Windsor and 
its starting to showf 

been very extensive!' 

Steranko said the Winnipeg show was 
so successful the mayor of Winnipq* 
gave him foe keys to foe city which he 
said brought his love and relationship 
with Canada to a huge fevd 

'The turnout is terrific today and I have 

Gray, creator of "The Incredible Con¬ 
duit," is curraitty working with Kenny 
Hotz on a book and he said its dirty 
ward and he has to wash his hands 
every time he gets done a page, but ift 
going to be awesome and a tot of peo¬ 
ple are going to love it when it becomes 
available early next year 

Comic hook fans had plenty to choose from at the 2015 Christmas 
Comic Con Mm 29. 

[Photo h} f //Calch Workman I 

Marvel legend }im Steranko poses for a picture at the 2015 Christmas Comic Con in Windsor Nov. 29, 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman} 

TV host and personality Kenny Hotz and Windsorite comic artist Tony Gray were at the 2015 Christmas 

Comic Con Non 29. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman} 


A Colorful Affair of Artistic 
Expression Held at Downtown Mission 


Lance Contributor 

The rXttvmown Mission brought a new 
exhibit into his chambers, slrowcasing a 
number of pieces last week, after a num¬ 
ber of requests. 

T like nature, which is what my piec¬ 
es consig of here, and they have been 
mostly done in acrylic,” said Jure Blake, 
ore of the artists at the event 4 All these 
works are from ray imagination and I 
likeusingalot of colors in my paintings,” 

Local artists got togetlier to display- their 
work at the first annual art show “Mis¬ 
sion ImpossibleT at the Downtown 
Mission Nov, 25. The event included 
artwork that was extremely free while 

also comprised of ail kinds of different 
genres and mix media. 

“The gyescs at the mission had been 
asking for an art program to showcase 

their talents in different ways,” said Jen- 

nipher Gee, the Community Health 
Worker and organizer of the event “So 
through community collaboration and 
soda! media, the Windsor Essex Com¬ 
munity Health Centre was able to find 
a local funder; a local artist who was 
willing to volunteer her time and began 
fedlitafing art dasses out of the Mission. 
Mission Impossible is a compilation of 
the artist pieces that have been created 
from this art program and we have tried 
to keep the event as local as possible.’* 

Horn portraiture to landscape and ab¬ 
stract art, many diverse categoric of art¬ 

work were displayed at the event 

Tfcs great to see everyone perspective 

and how they have a distinct style,” said 
Hillary MiBen who volunteered to toadi 

the artists for the art program and en¬ 
hance thdr abilities further. “They have 
thdr own take on life and it can be seen 
through the work” 

The Essex Community Concert Band 
also volunteered and performed at the 
show and local art gallery owner Nan¬ 
cy Johns took out time to appraise and 
prepare the pieces for the event With 
such positive response overaE the event 
managed to ^imer a lot ofattentioa 

“There has been much research around 
the benefite of art expression and mental 
health,” said Gee “We hope we are mak¬ 
ing a dififexencer 

Film Review - Everest 


Lance Contributor 

Directed by Baltasar Komdkur (Con¬ 
traband, 2 Guns), “Everest* is based on 
true events of' the 1996 Mount Ever¬ 
est disaster A talented cast consisting 
of Jake GyUenhaaL fason Clarke, Josh 
Brolin, Kdra Knighlley Emily Watson, 
Michael Kelly, John Hawkes and so on 
grace the film. A tale of survival, tragedy, 
heroism and adventure, the film relives 
the accounts of the 1996 tragedy with vi¬ 
sual spectade that reminds you that the 
jury of nature is supreme ai best 

It is May 1996 and many expeditions are 
set out to climb the tallest peak of Ever¬ 

est T\vo ofthe teams are led by Rob Hall 
(Jason Clarke) and Scott Fischer Qake 
GyOenaal). Halls team consists of people 
like Beck Weathers (Josh Bidin), Doug 
Hanson (John Hawkes), Yasuko Nam- 
ba (Naoko Mori) and journalist Jon 
Krakauer (Michael Kelly). M of foese 
people have an affinity towards moun¬ 
taineering and for some its the last move 
to add another feather in their hat to test 
their dimbing skills by fedng the treach¬ 
erous dimb to the summit of Evened 

The film starts off' slow, with the peo¬ 
ple parting way's from tiiar loved ones 
and setting off on a perilous journey. 
The slow pace of the first half is delib¬ 
erate and works in favor for the film 
because tliere are so many people and 

the director wants you to spend time 
with them before the inevitable trage¬ 
dy In tact, the buildup accentuates the 
imminent arrival of Everest's wrath. The 
cinematography is nothing less than a 
visual spectade as foe camera sweeps 
the topography of foe environment of 
the famous mountain. The harsh envi¬ 
ronment sways violently as the teams 
ascend slowly towards the peak and you 
almost fed that Everest itself is a charac¬ 
ter, large and impending and not Just a 
background landscape. You get a feeling 
of nenrousness and vertigo as foe group 
passes over deep crevices and struggles 
through blinding winds. 

Although Emily Watson, who plays 
base camp manager Helen Wilton, ex¬ 

hibits a range of emotions brilliantly as 
she hears foe team caught amidst trage¬ 
dy and Knight! ey, who play’s Halts wife 
in sorrow on the receiving end, these 
moments fed forced and you get the im¬ 
pression that Kormakur makes it a little 
more obvious than it should be~ 

But when you look at the overall nar¬ 
rative foe director manages to give the 
audience a complete package and the 

Everest lias its highs and lows, but its not 
as much a matter of lows as much it is 
highs. The film takes you on a believable 
journey to familiar environs dial exist 
on earth, while feeling alienated be¬ 
cause of the harsh environment they are 
engulfed in. It expects you to clamber 
along with foe people who once existed 
and manages to avoid slippery slopes 
while you are at it Itisapeak, which you 
would want to climb and experience be- 


Windsor Pride Steps up Their 
Presence in the Community 


News Editor 

P rhe Windsor Pride Community held 
their annual general meeting this past 
week and celebrated another year of 
growth and impact in Windsor* 

The or^uiization is in their fifth year as 
a group and also celebrated being one of 
very few Pride Centos in Ontario and 
Canada Hie board and voting mem¬ 
bers also dealt with some delegations 
arcl the voting m of three open board 

Cotm Holmes, diair of executives of 
Windsor Pride was voted in again for 
a third term at the meeting and said 
he lodes forward to continue with the 
growth and expand the centre to new 

“Were doing a lot of things in the com¬ 
munity as an education centre and as a 
resource for people” said Holmes. Xhm 
of the biggest things weve been doing 
is our diversity training for individuals 
and organizations to help them under- 
stand the ins and outs of TGBT issuesT 

Holmes said they are also working with 

a lot of anti-buDying and suidde pre¬ 
vention groups such as Run for Rocky 
where they helped raise almost $72,000. 

Over the last year, the organization also 
went from running a $12,000 deficit 
to havir^ over a $15*000 surplus total¬ 
ing a $29,000 swing in less than a year. 
Holmes said this is greatly due to the 
hard work of the team and volunteers 
who dedicate their time to the centre 
and the community 

Executive director of Windsor Pride, 
Bob Williams, said thegroup is stepping 
up all around the community and peo- 

Members of the Windsor Pride Community gathered for their general annual meeting Nov. 24 to discuss the year and what they* will be doing 

moving forward. 

[Photo by ff Caleb Workman} 

pie are noticing 

tl M every door, at every time, we seem 
to be answering itf said Wiliams to the 
gathered crowd at the meeting “Were 
all in this together and we're doing really 
well with thaC 

Wittiamssaid the threebig things he saw 
come from this year was the partner¬ 
ship with United Way the Pricks place 
in Mayor Drew Dilkens 20 year plan 
and St Clairs newly active gay-straight 
alliance already numbering about 150 

Windsor Pride is taking some big step this is huge not only because the event 
in the coming years as wdl on a global ts coming to Windsor, but it will be the 
scale, first international one ever. 

In May 2017, Outshines first interna¬ 
tional event will be hdd in Windsor and 
hosted by Windsor Pride, Holmes said 

The two <tfher members voted onto the 
board were reelects Jordan Renaud and 

Chair of executives , Cohn Holmes, talks about the past year and some big new involving 
Windsor's LGBT community in the years to come. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman) 

Bob Williams, executive director* folks at the general annual meeting a! Windsor Pride 

Centre Nov . 24* 

(Photo by//Caleb Workman} 

■ * // DECEMBER 03 1015 * UWtNDSQRL^NCE.CA 


Arts Editor 

Thro^^aseriesdlloats and tropes, the 
winter season has ushered in, as are the 
holidays alongside it 

The Downtown Windsor Business 
Improvement Association (DWBIA) 
presented the fourth annual Wintertest 
on the afternoon ofNov 28. The down¬ 
town event had numerous people pair¬ 
ing their chairs dose to the Ouellette 
Avenue road as the parade, featuring 
prominent local fluxes and businesses, 
went under tiill swing for the better part 
of an hour 

“ft gets you in the spirit for ChristmasT 
said Anne Mafgaret-Lewsaw, who at¬ 
tended to see ha - daughter who was 
part of the Windsor Dance experience 
parade group. 'Good community, its a 
great day. You’re promoting different or¬ 
ganizations in the community?' 

On top of the festive atmosphere how¬ 
ever, the Downtown Mission was also 
present, making roasted chestnuts. The 
proceeds tarn the day went towards 
furthering their support for those less 
fortunate during the holidays. But by 
tying it all in with the Winferfest parade, 
die mission is also hoping to promote 
their services as toe temperature contin¬ 

ues to drop 

“This is toe time of giving, its a time 
where people think about their fellow 
man, ifs also the time of year where 
people are cold,” said mission director 
of development Fiona Coughlin. 'They 
realize toe impact of being homeless or 
without shelter or food more so at this 
time of year?’ 

The parade began on the owner of 
Ouellette and Giles Boulevard at 3 pm, 
eventuau/ turning at Pitt Street With 
about 50 units being part of the parade, 
toe float supported everyone from dty 
councilors to marching bands, Iconk 
charaders such as Mkkey Mouse and 
Elmo appealed to families even as they 

watched the mtlaiahfe snowman or gin¬ 

gerbread man pass by Of oourse, it saved 
the best for last as Santa Claus was the fi¬ 

nal ride of toe parade. But ultimately toe 
event made for an atmosphere where an 
entire community came together. 

'This time of year you just want to get 
into that spirife said Peter Polafe a chef 
at the University of Windsor who was 
at the parade with his wife and two 

kids, “You meet people, you see people, 
! think its toe whole experience of the 
holidays. Yotire not celebrating a type of 
religion, you’re just celebrating.” 



Film Screening Shines Hopeful 
Light on Climate Change 


Arts Editor 

With several environnienlal films plac¬ 
ing a hanowing focal point on dimate 
change, a recent film looks to pair itwith 
a dash of optimism. 

i4 &s good to get young people involved 
because i& their planet that willbegping 
under if we don’t do something about itf 
said Windsor on Watch and Canadian 
Council member Randy Emerson. 

On Nov 23, the university s Centre for 
Er^jneering Innovation played host to 
the screening of “This Charges Every¬ 
thing,” a ctoaimentary based on a book 
of the same name which was written 
by Naomi Klein. Both die film and the 
bode touch upon how resources arc 
being wasted on a mass scale, whkh is 
directly linked to dimare change But 
it also shows how some nations have 
managed to provide deaner energy us¬ 
ing successful alternative methods 

Both the Cbundl of Canadians and 
Windsor on Watch put on the screen¬ 
ing. Prior to the film, several pieces of 
information were available on environ¬ 
mental hazards and disasters, as well as 
how people can go about making a dif¬ 
ference Both organizations bdieve the 
key is to curb consumer centric activi¬ 
ties* whkh could then lead to a mass re¬ 
duction in the use of natu^ 

Instead of a throwaway product, were 
going to have a recycled product," Erm 
arson said “Everything should be in re¬ 
spect to not grabbing another resource 
to build it again ^bu just carft keep that 
up, dimate change or not" 

Nearly 100 people fiom varying age 
groups attended the screening, both of 
which ultimately hope to use this film 
as a dialogue for past, present and foture 
generaLoiis to aid towards die fight in 
order for die planet to reman sustam- 
able. They also bdieve current genera¬ 
tion students play apivutal role towards 
the effort 

"We have countries that are further ad¬ 
vanced than we are and already mak¬ 
ing a diange, getting off oil and getting 
into alternative energies, and thdr 
economies are thriving because of iC 
said Douglas Hayes, diairman of the 
Council of Canadians Windsor-Essex 

T know there are quite a number of 
students who are interested in environ¬ 
mental issues,” said Rita Haase, who 
teaches the Women, Power and Envi¬ 
ronments course at the University of 
Windsor T think its very important 
to engage more students in the dimate 


diange discussion.” 

Lenorc Langs speaks pnor to the screening of 'This Changes livery 
thing" Nov. 2d. 

[Photo by //Hunt Yassine] 

Roughly 100 people attended the screening of 1 This Changes Everything* at the Centre for Engineering Inno¬ 
vation on Nov 23. 

[Photo by//Hani Yassine! 

Windsor on Watch and the Council of Canadians set up a table filled with numerous information regarding 
climate change* as part of the film screening of'This Changes Every thing* at U Windsors Centre far Engi¬ 
neering Innovation Nov 23 , 

[Photo hy// Haul Yassine] 


Piano Recital Delves into 
Puppet and Mask Theatre 


Arts Editor 

More chairs needed to be set up for a 
larger tlian expected crowd which at¬ 
tended Daniel Wnukowskis piano recit¬ 
al as he made his way back home. 

£ Td like to thank everyone tor coming 
out tonight especially after so many 
years of not being in North America,” 
Wnuknowsi said prior to his perfor¬ 

Of Polish and Canadian descent Wnu- 
knowski regularly tours around North 
America, Europe and Asia, having per¬ 
formed amongst the most prestigious 
orchestras around the world as a pia¬ 
nist Having taken residency in Vienna, 
Austria, weD over 100 people attended 
his conceit at Mackenzie Hall Nov 27 
YVaukowskis stop in Windsor marks as 
a prologue to his tour across the United 
States and China The recital, titled a 

trip he made to a Vienna museum sev¬ 
eral years ago. 

‘The idea of a mask is one that is per¬ 
haps one of tire most powerful tools 

used in dramatic theatre since the very 
beginning of theatre itself Wnukowski 

The program was divided into two 
parts, each contending with the nuanc¬ 
es of puppet and mask theatre. The first 
half of the redtal dealt with die works 
of composer Robert Schumann. The 
pieces within Schumanns work woe 
relatively short, but each contributed to 
providing an atmosphere, as Wiiukow- 
ski aimed to transport the audience into 
a 'Venetian ballroom.” 

"The people he met, his experiences 
of everyday life we hear them in the 
form of these short snippets and they 
are somewhat hyper-idealized images^ 
Wnukowski said 

Wnukowslds words weren't in vain as 
the musk resembled the classiest ofbaD- 
rooms. Almost like background music 
justifiably placing fedf onto a forefront, 
each note played on the piano helped 
create a scene and setting, which could 
mu** a™*™* * **** 

the music The tone was mainly light 
as the audience kept engaged but there 
were sharp contrasts within which 
helped in the musical journey into an 
era tong since passed 

More than 100 people attended the piano recital of Daniel Wnukowski at Mackenzie Hall Nov. 27, 

[Photo by// Hani Yassine] 

A Journey Inside Vivaldi’s Four Seasons 

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra collaborated with violinist Rachel Barton Pine for a performance of 
VivaldVs The Four Seasons at the Capitol Theatre Nov. 29, 

[Photo by ft Hani Yassinej 


Arts Editor 

There* a hint of irony in playing this 
particular program as we go through a 
seasonal change. 

In entering the second portion of thrir 
Masterworife series, the Windsor Sym¬ 
phony Orchestra performed Antonio 
Vivaldis "The Bout Seasons' 1 Nov; 28 
and 29. Both shows were subfeted to 
packed audiences as they experienced 
the flavors of spring, summer, autumn 
and winter through notes and compo¬ 

The orchestra collaborated with ac¬ 
claimed violinist Rachel Barton Pine, 
who was partly responsible for leading 
the charge in bringing the program to 
life For every movement within each 
season represented Pine showcased 
tremendous skill as die contrasted tones 
and tempos seamlessly, She slimes ever 
brightly as both a sob musician and 
orchestra companion as the program 
embraced the timed works ofVivaldi 

'fhe first chunk encompassed the ma¬ 
jority of foe concert as it wasted little 

time delving into "The Four Seasons.” 
Each seasons nuances were successful¬ 
ly channeled through the instrumental 
work of the orchestra 

ft began with the joyful spring move¬ 
ment where ftish fields and singing birds 
can be seen through sound represented 
through delightfully toned notes, only to 
transition into a thunderous approach 
through rapid successions on the vi¬ 
olin. Summer was met with lethargy 
to underscore the dreadful beat of the 
!6th century Autumn stayed upbeat 
throughout as it revolved around har¬ 
vesting festivities and winter was a mix 
of teeth-dmttenng temperatures and 
warming presence around a fireplace, 
which was marked by the pulling of vi¬ 
olin strings. 

Per usual, fine symphony performed 
valiantly enough to provide a strong 
auditory experience. But it is the com¬ 
mitment and energy within Fines violin 
playing whkh made it a truly compel¬ 
ling listen. As the final note was played 
and Vivaldis seasonal loop was dosed, 
the standing ovation from die audience 
ended up being more than warranted 

The program conducted with Beetho- 
verik Symphony na 6 in F major. 


Theatre Review — Scapino 

Brian Haight ami David Httdyma star in University Players’ production of‘Scapino' at Essex Hall Theatre 

from Nt iv- 27 to Dec, 6* 

JPfrofo by// Doug MacLeLlani 


Arts Editor 

Short but sweet would be the simplest 
way to describe “Scapino,’ the sixties-set 
Naples comedy which serves as a mid¬ 
point for the University Players’ current 
season. The production runs for less 
than two hours, but each minute finds 
rtsdf bursting with energy making for 
a wonderfully charming and organic 

TTie title comes from its central charac¬ 
ter Scapino is a lovable scoundrel He& 
a mischievous figure light-heartedly so, 
but odd!)’ enough hes looked upon as 
a beacon of guidance for a few charac¬ 
ters in the story Specifically its charac¬ 
ters Ottavio and Leandro who lode for 
Scapinok help, as they try to sway their 
controlling lathers into not anai^ing a 
marriage for them He accepts the job, 
but goes about it in his own, manipula¬ 

From a personal standpoint among 
the better nuances of the play was how 
Scapino occasionailykeeps the audience 
in the loop, breaking file fourth wail in 
the process* Its a great example of how 
the entirety of the production is all in the 
good name of fun. From the musical 
interludes sung in kalian, to the hilari¬ 

ous banter between characters getting 
under each others skin Each actor on 
stage absorbs file flavours of the writing 
and uses ii to their advantage The slap¬ 
stick humor remains consistent in its 
tastefulness and effective use is made of 
the two-fioor set as scenes flow with the 
utmost ease. 

ft would be criminal however, to talk 
about this production and not mention 
Brian Haights performance as the tit¬ 
ular character* To say he shines would 
be too much of an understatement On 
paper, Scapino is somewhat of a das¬ 
tardly chapter, but Haigfrt makes him 
a lovable scamp, putting in more than 
enough charm in the performance, 
which makes him a joy to watch The 
supporting cast put in fine work as wdl 
especially David Hudyma who plays 
Geronte But Haight ultimately com¬ 
mands the show in making it as enjoy¬ 
able as it is* 

The production relatively shorter 
length comes off as beneficial as the 
comedy remains briskly paced from 
banning to end, with many laughs in 
between Plenty of character is injected 
within this play to where ifo easy to rec¬ 
ommend to just about anyone So while 
it may finish foster, chances are it will 
stick with you longer 

‘Sapnb runs until Dec 6* 

★ * * ★ i 

Photo Contest Shows off 
Local Photographers 


News Editor 

St Clair Colleges public relation stu¬ 
dents hosted a photo contest event 
where the community had the opportu¬ 
nity to come ouL see some local photog¬ 
raphers work and vote for their favorite 

The fundraiser evsit not only stqjpGrt- 
ed local photographers and showed off 
their recent work, but also raised money 
through admission and ticket sales for 
the Friends of Ojfoway Prairie project 
which b dedicated to preserving and 
educating on the nature complex* 

The event was foil themed and organiz¬ 
er Anthony Mtnaudo said it was very 
unique and a good promotion of locab 
and the area 

“Everyone has the opportunity to come 
in and vote live," said Minauda 4 *WeVe 
had a lot of people come fiirough and 
were very happy with the turnout of 
photographers as weflT 

Minaudo said right torn the beginning 
the> T hadwaves of people come through 
and they may have had too many peo¬ 
ple, which b a good thing The first pia^ 
winner won a hockey jersey and other 
winners recdvedsrnaBa'p 

Winner of the photo contest, Nick Hang, fell the audience about his photo Nov * 24 

fPhoto by//Kat i Panastuk} 

“There are so many 1 variants of pictures do, “WeVe have people send in photos M scenic pieces! 1 Hang Anthony Taoulil and Emma 

and we really love them all," said Minau- with their children in leaves and a lot of The winners of the night were Nick Beancage 


Men’s Hoops Drop Pair To 

Canada’s Best In Nation’s Capital 

Alex Campbell of the Windsor Lancers drives past a Ryerson Rams defender during QUA men's basketball action at the St, Denis Centre No k 18. Windsor defeated the third-ranked 
Rams 81 -67 but needed a five-point burst front Campbell in the final minute of regulation to come front behind and defeat the Toronto Varsity Blues 89-88 Nov: 21. 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 


Sports Editor 

Tie Lancer mens basketball team lost 
to the two top*ranked teams in the CIS 
over a weekend road trip to Ottawa. 

In the weekends opening game, Wind¬ 
sor tell 87-53 to the first-ranked Ottawa 
Gee Gees af Montpetit Hal Things 
only got tougher for the Lancers as 
they Pepped on the court at die Ravens 
Nest and were humbled by the sec¬ 
ond-ranked Carleton Ravens by a 99-52 
score Nov. 28. 

Although the Lancers fall to 4-3 on the 
season after the pair off losses, head 
coach Ryan Steers squad is still tied tor 
first place in the OUA West division 
along with the Laurier Golden Hawks, 

All OUA sports will now break until the 
New Year for their exam and lioiiday 

In die battle against reigning QS coach 
of the year James Derouin and his OS 
isike .r medal bail dub from a year ago, 
Windsor would keep it dose early but 
would tall victim to Otiawas fire power 
throughout the 40-minute duration of 
the contest. 

A tighL first quarter saw the Lancers only 
trail die Gee Ged 16-13 but Ottawa ef¬ 
ficient three-point shooting and quick 
ball movement helped the hosts to lake 
a 31-15 advantage midway through the 
second frame. Windsors offense contin¬ 
ued to drive into the Ottawa defense but 
the Gee Gees continually had multiple 
pkym protecting the rim and were also 
quick to recover to the outside. The Gee 
Gees held the lancers to just five points 

in the second quarter and Windsor 
found themselves with a 37-18 deficit at 
half time aptsnst the top-ranked team in 
tiie country. 

Lancers guard Mike Rooca start¬ 
ed off the second half with a pair of 
three-pointers which fired Windsor up 
early in the third quarter, however Ot¬ 
tawa responded with five-point push 
including a dunk from Brody Maracale 
and a three-pointer from Caleb Agada 
id regain their momentum and open 
up a 20-point lead Hie Gee Gee lead 
continued to grow throughout the latter 
stages of the third quarter, outscoring 
Windsor 29-17 in the frame and round- 
out the contestwith an 87-53 victory 

The next night would prove to be more 
of the same for file Lancers as they took 
on file five-time defending national 
champion Ravens in a rematch of the 

OUAs gold medal game which saw 
Carleton come out victorious en route 
to their 10th CIS title in an astounding 
11 years. 

Windsor struggled from file opening 
tip-off as the host Ravens outscorcd 
the Lancers 33-10 in the opening quar¬ 
ter. Orleton would nearly double their 
first quarter total en route to a 63-26lead 
at the half 

After the third quarter saw tiie Lanc¬ 
ers get outscored 26-9, the men finally 
found their groove in the fourth quar¬ 
ter and outscored die hosts 17-10 in 
the final 10 minutes. The Lancers were 
out-rebounded throughout die contest 
by die Ravens, losing 56-23. Fifth year 
guard Alex Campbell who scored 11 
points while forward Tyier Persaud 
chipped in with eight points led them 

The Gee Gees and Ravens are both 
undefeated at the holiday break with 
identical 7-0 records and are unlikely 
to meet defeat until the two national 
powerhouses battle one another at file 
10th annual MBNA Capital Hoops 
Classic at the Canadian Tire Centre in 
Ottawa Feb 5. Since its debat in 2007 
the MBNA Capital Hoops Classic has 
pk)-ed host to some of the highest re¬ 
corded attendance figures in CIS bas- 
ketball history■ 

Windsor returns from fiie holidays break 
and will travel to play Canadas fourth- 
ranked team in the Brock Badgm in 
St Catharine: Jan. 9, The lancer mem 
hoops squad will return id play cm 
home court at the St Denis Centre the 
following weekend when they host the 
wtnless Algoma Ihunderbfrds from 
Sauk Ste. Marie Jan. 16, 


Lancer Men’s Volleyball Come Back 
In Five-Set Win Over Ryerson 

Brad Gyemi of ike Windsor Lancers goes up for a kill against the Ryerson Rams during OUA men's volley¬ 
ball action at the St. Denis Centre Nov. 28. Windsor came hack from a 2-1 deficit to win the match in five 

sets with scorns of25 r 2l, 14-25 1 25-27, 25-23 and 15-11* 
fPh(\to h\ f W Jermn 1 fMMi Fokuoh 1 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer mem vdfeyball 
team ended the first half of their OUA 
regular season on a high note, coming 
back to defeat the Ryerson Rams in a 
five-set thriller at the St Denis Centre 
this past weekend 

The five-set match win over Ryerson 
came one night after dropping a four- 
set match to the Toronto Varsity Biues 
# home The weekend split g fees the 
young Lancers a 2-8 record after a com¬ 
petitive showing against the Rams and 
Blues, who are the third and fifth place 
teams in the OUA conference 

With the first half of the regular season 
now dosed, Lancers head coach Janies 
Gravelie wants his team to use their last 
game of 2015 as an example for the re¬ 
mainder of the season 

"We have to continue to get better' 
Gravdle said “We weren't good enough 
in the first half and our record reflects 
that if we play like we did [against Ry¬ 
azan] then were going to have a lot of 
success in the second half 

The Lancers started ihrir weekend off 

against the Blues Nov 27. The 

Blues took control early on in the first set 
and came out with a 25-21 wire Wind¬ 
sor bounced back in the second set to 
win 25-22 but unfortunately would not 
earn another set in the match. The Var¬ 
sity Blues opened the fourth set 4-0 and 
led the Lancers by eight points at one 
point Toronto would continue to dom¬ 
inate and took the last two sets, winning 
them both by scores of 25-15 and 25-18, 

Josh Edwards led the Lancers with 11 
kills but registered only one dig in the 
contest Fifth year senior Shawn Resu¬ 
me dripped in dgjht kilt 

Next up were the Ryerson Rams With 
an impressive season thus the Rams 
looked to take control early on, but the 
Lancers stormed the floor to grab a 20- 
14 lead in the first set Brad Gyemi led 
the Lancers offense with five kills and 
three digs in a 25-21 first set wire The 
Rams came out into toe second set wish 
a different mindset, as they grabbed an 
early 11-7 lead that eventually turned 
into a 25-14 second set wire 

Tied H the Lancers and Rams battled 
in the third to obtain a lead going into 
the fourth The Lancers led 8-4 until the 
Rams called timeout and rallied to tk 
the set at 10 points each. The set stayed 
even until a kill by Rams Mare Reardon 
and an ill-timed Windsor attack error 
helped the Rams win the set 27-25. 

Once again the Lancers found them- 
selves in the same 2-1 hde that had al¬ 
lowed the Varsity Blues to defeat them 
the previous night 

The fourth set started with the Rams 
leading 7-4 The score was 13-11 after 

a Josh Edwards kill and would go back 
and forth until the setwas tied at 18 after 

an attack error by Ryersoos Robert Wo- 

jdk. The Lancers kept the set dose and 
took a lead on a kill fan John Moate 
assisted by setter Blase Wasser* which 
gave the Lancers a fourth set win and 

The Rams started off the fifth set by 
scoring three consecutive points but toe 
Lancers came back to tie the game and 
eventually came out on top with a 15-11 
victory and earning their second won 

match of the season. 

Lanceri Brad Gyemi registered a total of 
14 kills and 7 digs while Josh Edwards 
had another great performance with 14 
kills as well Gyemi said he recognized 
his previous mistakes a^unst theVarsity 
Blues and did his best to prevent those 
same mistakes. 

"My main focus this game was to avoid 

errors,” said Gyemi "The match before 
1 had a lot of errors. If 1 was in a bad 
situation I would just find my rhythm. 
P!^ an easy ball a tip or something to 
try and get my rhythm back so I can get 
a big swing at it” 

The Lancers will look to pick if) on the 
high note which they left off on when 
they face the Waterloo Warriors at the 

St Denis Centre Jan. 15. 

"Although we have quite a long break 
now we have to build off of this win and 
use it for our trainii^; for the month,” 

Eadier in the OUA regular season, Wa¬ 
terloo defeated Windsor in a four-set 
battle back in the 'Loo Nov 20. 

Letowski Ready To Help Lead Canada At 
World Junior Hockey Championships 


Sports Editor 

The countdown is beginning forWind¬ 
sor Spitfires associate coach Trevor 
Letowksi as he prepares to have the 
honor of standing behind Team Cana¬ 
das bench as a coach at the 2016 World 
Junior Hockey Championships in Hel¬ 
sinki Finland 

The 38-year-old Thunder Bay native 
was named an assistant coach for this 
year’s (Canadian world junior team Oct 

Team Canada will defend its 2015 gold 
medal against the top hodcey nations 
of the world beginning on boxing day 

Dec. 26 when they battle Team USA at 
the Helsinki Ice Hall with puck-drop at 
2pm ESI 

After recently helping coach Team OHL 
to a pair of victories over Team Russia 
during the CHLs Canada Russia Series* 
Letowski admitted the games got him 
exdted for the high-profile tournament 

**When you see that high-caliberof play- 
a, there is good tempo and pace to the 
game so its exdtingr Letowski “I went 
out west to meet the whole staff so I fed 
a lot more comfortable going into train - 
ing camp in Toronto and itis coming up 
pretty quick” 

Letowski spent the last five OHL sea¬ 
sons coaching the Sarnia Sting* the last 

two as ihe dubfe head coach after he 
played a total of 616 ^mes over the 
span of 13 professional seasons with the 
Phoenix Coyotes, Vancouver Canucks, 
Columbus Blue Jackets and Carolina 

Spitfire general managerWarren Rychel 
was quickto make Letowski an associate 
coach after Rocky Thompson earned 
the head coaching position shortly after 
Letowski was relieved ofhis duties from 
new owner, former NHL defensemen 
Derian Hatcher, who dedded to take 
over behind the bench himself 

Letowski has helped Thompson turn¬ 
around of the Spitfires, as the teams 
high level of play has turned heads so for 
this season, earning them second-place 

among the OHLs Western conference 
teams last season. Along with assis¬ 
tant coach Jerrod Smith, Letowski and 
Thompson were named to the Team 
OHL coaching and game-day staff 
when the CHL Canada Russia Series 
made a stop in the WFCU Centre Nov. 
I6 l Team OHL defeated Russia 2-1 in 
Windsor in front of a large crowd and 
Letowski said it was a good experience 
for everyone in the organ&atioa 

Tt wes nice for us to be together for that 
typeofgameT Letowski said “WeVe got 
gpod chemistry not just the coaches but 
the extended staffaswdUtwasnicefor 
us and it really fell like a home game. Its 
an easy game to coach in terms of mo¬ 
tivating because those guys are ready to 


Letowski previously served as an as¬ 
sistant coach for Canada at the 2014 
I1HF World Under-18 Championship 
winning a brorere medaL As a player, 
Letowski won a gold medal with Team 
Canada at the World Junior Champion¬ 
ships in Switzerland in 1997. A banner 
depicting his number -17 - in Canadian 
national team colors hangs at the RBC 
Centre, where he played for die Sting 
from 1995-97. 

‘Its exciting stuff to be back at that levd 
^ua Letowski sakL"I experfenceditas 
a player and it is one of my best mem¬ 
ories so its great to get that opportunity 


Women’s Hockey Earns Six Points In 
Weekend Sweep of Brock and Queen’s 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancers womem hock¬ 
ey team swept a pair of home games 
against the Brock Badgers and Queens 
Gaels over the weekend at South Wind¬ 
sor Arena. 

The Lancers got their weekend win¬ 
ning-streak started with a decisive 5-1 
romp over the Brock Badgers led by two 
goals from Krystin Lawrence The next 
afternoon Windsor goaltender Sngrid 
Sandven led her team to a M) shutout 
victory over die Queers Gads Nov. 28. 

Tile QUA will go on an exam and holi¬ 
day break until Jan. 9 but the two victo¬ 
ries by Windsor gives them a big boost 
with six points in the QUA standings. 
Windsor head coach Jim Hunter said 
the lady Lancers gave themselves some 
hope going into the second half of the 
regular season* 

“lifts was a must-have weekend tor 
us and it turned out to be a good one;' 
Hunter said “It gives us some con¬ 
fidence Things weren't going very 
well and it didn't matter what we did 
a didn't turn out It makes you 
second-guess yourself as a player and 
it makes you second- 



Nosavonhy knocked in a rebound al 
S.32 ofthe period. 

The lead was very short lived as Brocks 
Christina leradi scored one back on a 
shot from the point, which found its 
way through the Lancer defence and 
past goaltender Ingrid Sandven. 

Windsor came out with a strong push 
in the second just as they did in the first 
and scored two goals in a 21 second 
span to extend their lead to 3-L Krys- 
tin Lawrence scored the first goal while 
Shawm Lesperance scored the second 
goal on a breakaway' 

The thirdwas much ofthe same as Law¬ 
rence scored her second of the game on 
the power play to give Windsor a three- 
goal lead Jill Rops added an empty net- 
ter late m the period to seal the victory 
and Sandven earned the win in net stop¬ 
ping 20 shots, while Jensen Murphy had 
34 saves in the loss. 

'It was a great team effort everyone 
played weft, " said Sandven “Everyone 
was sacrificing themselves by blocking 
shots and doing anything to win and we 
wore itfeds great!' 

The next afternoon, Sandven would 
skit the door for six minutes and lead 
the Lancers to a 1-0 victory over the 
Queens, who currently own second 

stay at it, things working out It gives you 
hope and that's exactly what we 


Against Brock, the lancers came out 
hard and controlled the pace of the 
game from the moment the puck hit the 
ke* Their efforts paid off early in the first 
on a power play when captain Erinn 

k Lancers got on the board first on 
a goal by Shawm Lesperance at 4:13 
of the opening frame The remainder 
of the period was tight as both teams 
played a kid, fest-paced style 

The second period held both teams 
scoreless but intense play went both 
way's throughout the period The game 

Windsor Umcer lOrissa Borowiec fights off a pair of Brock Badgers during womens hockey action at South 
Windsor Arena Nov. 27. Windsor defeated Brock 5-1 and shutout the Queen's Gaels 1-0 the next night to 

earn six-paints in the standings * 

I Photo bv If Gerrv Alarentcttel _ ____ _ 

came right down to wire and the Gaels 
had a late power play but Sandven stood 
tall in netto secure the diutout and earn 
her second win of die weekend Sand¬ 
ven made 26 saves in the win, while 
Caitlyn Lohwnen made 27 saves for 
Queens in the fosa 

“Thai was a big win for us and it could 
he a turning point in our season," Hunt¬ 
er said “Its tough to win a 1 -0 game* In¬ 
grid made some big saves and allowed 
us to take three points* We needed to 
win that game in regulation We can't 
afford to lose too many more and for us 
to come up against a team like that and 

take three points pves us a bit of hope 
going into the second half of the season" 

Windsor will now break for the holi¬ 
days, and return to action when they 
host the UOIT Rklgebacks in an after¬ 
noon game at South Windsor Arena 
Jan. 9. 

Lancer Men’s Hockey End November 
With Victory Over Golden Hawks 


Sports Editor 

Head coach Kevin Hamlin and the 
Lancer menk hockey team finished a 
tough month of November witharoad 
victory over the Laurier Golden Hawks 
this past weekend 

The 2-1 win over Laurier at Sun Life 
Financial Arena Nov 28 snaked a two- 
game losing steak and avenged a 5-2 
loss to the Waterloo Warriors the nigh* 
prior at the Columbia Ice Fidd Nov* 27* 

Windsor now improves iheir record to 
8-6-2 on the season and are auiendy 
tied for third in the OUA West division 
with the defending OUA champion 
Guelph Gryphons* 

November of 2015 is a month head 
coach Kevin Hamlin would soon like 
to forget as the Lancers w*>n just two of 
eight contests in the ahvays-toijgh OUA 

“Wins are hard to come by these days 
but this win was a real chara^-build- 
erf Hamlin said* "We got into a situation 
where we fet a couple games dip away 
in the third period but this weekend we 
only lost one out of six periods*” 

Waterloo jumped into a tie with Ryer- 
soa Toronto and Brock for fifth in the 
division while Laurier fells to 6-8 on the 
year and drops into ninth place, just two 
points bade of the four separate toms 
tied for fifth in file tightly packed divi¬ 

Hamlin said if the Lancers dean up their 

pky a little bit and started getting a few 
breaks along the way Windsor will be 
near the top of the OUA* 

"You look at some of the teams weVe 
lost to and theyVe beaten all of the big 
boys in theOUAT Hamlin said “We lost 
to York 2-1 in overtime and then they 
went on to beat McGill 3-2T 

Against the Warriors, Dylan Dennome 
and Tyson Ness scored for the Lancers 
while Mkhaei Doan started in goal and 
took the loss, making 14 saves through 
two periods before being replaced by 
Blake Richard. 

The Lancers went into the first intermis- 
ston hading the game l-<Lbm an explo¬ 
sive second period saw V^terioo score 
four unanswered goab to lead by three 
heading into the third period 

Ness ait file deficit to two at 1531 ofthe 
third period until Wateriods Riley Son- 
nenbuig added an empty-net goal late 
in the period 

“WeVe been playing well as of late and 
there were a few breaks here and there 
which we weren’t getting," Hamlin said 
'Against Laurier we weathered the 
storm and I thought we outplayed them 
and deserved to win.” 

Laurier opened the scoring eariy in the 
first period but the Lanoer defense were 
impenetrable for the remainder of the 
night as the Lancers rallied and won the 
game thanks to a goal eariy in the third 
period from Dylan Seguin* 

Chris Scott also scored tor Windsor 
who out-shot tie Hawks 26-23 in die 
gama Matt Dupont scored the lone goal 

for the hosts* 

Pfckir^ up the victory for the Lancers 
was fijst year goaltender Blake Rkhand, 
who made 22 saves and came to Wind¬ 
sor after completing his eligibility with 
the OHls Niagara Ice Dogs. Lauriers 
Colin Furlong stopped 24 shots in net 
for the host Hawks. 

The Lancers dose out the 2015 portion 
of the OUA regular season schedule 
when they host the Weston Mustangs 
in a mid-week match up with their ri¬ 
vals at South Windsor Arena* 

"We expect than to be very wdl pre¬ 
pared as they typically are and they ex¬ 
pect the same from usT said Hamlin* “Ids 
always fon playing against Western.” 


Western Holds Off Windsor To Close Out 

First Half of Women’s Volleyball Season 


Lance Contributor 

The Windsor Lancers womens voOey- 
baU team ended the first halfof their sea- 
son with a disappointing four-set loss to 
the Western Mustangs, 

Losing by scores of25-22,16-25,17-25 
and 23-25, the Lancers drop to a 5-4 re¬ 
cord at the halfway mark of the regular 
season, plating than in third place of 
the OUA West division With the first 
half of the season comir^ to an end, 
Windsor head coach Lucas Hodgson 
bdkves it will take a healthy roster and 
focused mentality to have a sucoesslid 
second half of the year 

“The big tiling is we just need to get 
healthier Hodgson said “By healthier I 
mean mentally and physically ready to 
go for the second half A lot of these gris 
weren't expecting this rough of ago 
going to be something that we work on” 

In the opening set the Lanem be¬ 
gan strong and dominated while lidd¬ 
ing a slight advantage fonxighouL With¬ 
out ever grving up the lead, the Lancers 
took the first set 25-22 and looked good 
going into the second Middle Shannon 
Dean Jed the Lancers with four kills and 
eight total stacks in the set 

As the second set began, the Lanc¬ 
ers looked to take control eariy on, 
but Western had a different approach 
coming into die second The Mustangs 
came out strong, snatching an 8-4 early 
lead and never looked bade, eventually 
taking die set 25- I6overfoe Lancers, 

Western displayed the same dominance 
in the third set* using momentiim and 
unforced errors to take another early 
lead, winning the set 25-17. 

Although down 2-1 at the end of three 
sets, file Lancets battled in the fourth, 
in an attempt to force a deciding set 
The game was dose until the Mustangs 
scored four straight to secure a 21-16 
lead The Lancers called a timeout in 
an attempt to regroup and came ail of 
the timeout storming with kills coming 
irom Emily McCfosky, Jade Zieberth 
and Shannon Dean to tie the game if) 
at 22-22. 

Although an incredible d&rt to fight 
back was given, the Mustangs were sub¬ 
sequently too much for the Lancers, A 
Windsor attack error gave the Mustangs 
possession ktein the fourth and finished 
the match with a itifl and solo block to 
secure the win for the Mustang Dean 
led foe Lancers offense in foe match 
with a total of 12 lolls and three di^ 
while McCfoskey and Zkbarfo both 

Windsor Lancers middle Shannon Dean spikes the hall during QUA women's volleyball action . 

[Photo by //Ian Shalapataj 

contributed with lOfoUseach 

McMaster Marauders. 

Western improves to 7-2 and now find The OUA varsity schedule wifi now halt ^ Denis Centre Jan. 15 in a rematch of 

themselves in second place of the OUA for the exam and holiday break, return- a Nov. 21 contest which Windsor took 

West, only trailing the CIS ninth-ranked ing to action when the 5-4 Lancers play in straight sets. 

UWindsor’s Farewell To Dennis Fairall: 
A Canadian Coaching Legend 


Sports Editor 

The beginning of a new season in track 
and field brings a sad reminder to the 
entire Windsor Lancers Athletic De¬ 

As foe annual Blue and Gdd In¬ 
ter-Squad Meet neais, the 2015 edition 
of foe Lancers will be without head 
coach Dennis Fairall who announced 
he took long term medical leave from 
the his role at the University ofWindsor 
Oct 29. 

Lancers director of athletics Mike Havey 
said it was difficult to think oftheWind¬ 
sor Lancers without thinking of Dennis 

“Dennis is an iconic figure here at foe 
University ofWindsor and in the histo¬ 
ry of Lancer athletics*” Havey said “He 
has been a mod d of dass, humility and 
professkmalism his entire career ... he 

has been someone who has always put 
the team first He has mentored gener¬ 
ations of student-athletes, coaches and 
colleagues alike We haw all been made 
better because of his Inifoence and lead¬ 

A native of Tilisonburg, OoL Fairall is 
one of the most decorated coaches in 
Canadian University history, having 
been honoured 65 times as foe Canadb 
an or Ontario coach of the year in both 
track and field and cross country 

FairalFs winning ways were instiled in 
him as an athlete when was a member 
of Westerns gold medal 4-by-2Q0 metre 
team at foe 1975 OUA championships 
and began his coaching career in his 
hometown where he founded and was 
head coach of the Tilisonburg Legion 
Trade dub in 1974 Fairall remained 
with foe dub until 1985 when he joined 
the University ofWindsor and began to 
build foe Lancers track dub into foe pe¬ 
rennial powerhouse across Ontario and 
Canadian Universities. 

In his 29 seasons at the helm of two 
Lancer sports, Fairaffs teams captured a 
total of 25 OS cross country and track 
and field championships with 20 in 
trade and field and five in cross country 
Rrovindafly the Lancers also took home 
46 Ontario University championships 
with 39 track and field titles and seven 
cross country crowns. 

Fairaffs often told his athletes to work 
hard and to give everything you have for 
the team every time you stepped onto 
the fidd of competition. His fundamen¬ 
tal stance that the team was bigger tlian 
foe individual gave thousands of ath¬ 
letes the bdief they could pull out fotir 
best from within themselves. 

“It is important In sport to work to¬ 
gether to achieve a common goal sim¬ 
ilar to what the student-athletes will do 
upon graduation in the working world,” 
Fairall said 'Our program attempts to 
create an environment through dedi¬ 
cation to training and an outstanding 
competition sdieduk to alow athletes 

to develop to foe highest levd possible” 

In addition to his University of Wind¬ 
sor coaching duties, Fairall has exten¬ 
sive international coaching experience 
which he will use during his long-term 
medical leave to volunteer coach elite 
athletes. Fairall began his international 
duty as foe head coach of the 1985 and 
1989 Canadian Maccabi Games entry 
in Israel and also served as liead Coach 
of Team Canada at the 1989 World Uni¬ 
versity Games team in Duisburg West 
Germany and was also a member of 
Caiiadascoatifingstaffatthe 1995,1997 
and 1999 FISU Summer Games. 

In 2005 Fairall served as head coach of 
Team Canada at the Fan American Ju¬ 
nior Athletics Championships which 
were held in Windsor The event drew 
thousands of foe worlds best up-and- 
oaming athletes to the Rose Ctiy and 
under his direction. Team Canada 
earned foeir highest medal count in foe 
history of the event at the time 

This past summer, Fairalls career hit a 
high pointwith abreakout performance 
for Lancer alumnus Mdissa Bishop 
who won a gold medal in the womens 
800 metre event at file 2015 F'an Am 
Games, Under Dennis® direction, she 
also set a new Canadian record in foe 
800-mdie in her silver medal run at foe 
2015 IAAF World Uiampionships in 
Beijing^ China. 

Fairall will continue to coach the star 
Canadian middle distance runner as 
she prepares for the 2016 Summer 
Olympics in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 

Associate head coach Brett Lumley will 
continue his duties as the acting head 
coachoffoeLancertrackand field pro¬ 
gram for the remainder of the 2015-16 
season. The mens track fidd team are 
foe defending QS championship and 
will begin their national tide defense at 
the StDenis Centrewhen they pit team¬ 
mate against tea mmate Dec 7 and 8. 



Sports Editor 

The LaiKer womens basketbaD team 
tost a pair of road ^mes over foe week¬ 
end in themtiorb capital 

The Lancers opened the weekend with 
a 75-60 loss to the Ottawa Gee Gees at 
Monlpetil Hall New, 27 before dropping 
an 80-63 decision to the Cadeton Ra¬ 
vens the next evening. 

With die losses, head coach Chantal 
VaBeeand the Lancos fall to 4-3on the 
season and into a tie for first place in 
the QUA Wist division along with the 
Western Mustang 

First year Lancer Alyssa Gerimwasthe 
high scorer for Windsor against the Gee 
Gees with 10 points. Third and fourth 
year forwards Cheyanne Roger and 
ffCmited to a combined 
. Windsor was successful from 
the free throw line throughout the con- 

rebotmding battle in the contest, edging 
tuirtheLancers by a 39-33 margin, 

Ottawa established control of the game 
early using strong offensive sets and 
executing at a high rate. The Gee Geek 
found (horLsdves in favorable rebound' 
ing positions throughout the opening 
20 minutes and took a resounding 44- 
23 lead heading into halftime 

Windsor drew from thdr prior experi¬ 

ence coming back against a good team 
and edging within 12 points in the sec* 
ond half after a throe-pointer from Car 
ly Steer gpt the Lancers within striking 
distance but Ottawa hdd their poise and 
used a couple of late barrets to secure 
the win for the liosts, who push their 
OUA record to 7-0. 

With a limited amount of time to re- 
group Windsor needed a strong effort 
against Carfeton to try and finish the 
weekend on a winning note The Lanc¬ 
ets opened the game strong and came 
away with a 16-13 advantage at the end 
of the first quarto The relentless Ra¬ 
vens would pull themselves back into 
the oomest with a 16-13 second quarter 
victory of their own to tie die game at 
29-29 in a tim-half battle which saw an 
emphasis on defensive play 

The two teams shared nearfy identical 
numbers through the opening 20 min¬ 
utes as Carieton connected on 10 of 27 
shots fiom the floor while Windsor hit 
10 of 26 shots in the opening half 

neutralize Carietonfc post with the made 
duo of Roger and Family Prevost lead¬ 
ing the diaige but racking up personal 
fouls in the process, The two third-year 
forwards went toe- to-toe with Carfetom 
Heather Lindsay for control of the paint 
and Roger and Prevost took turns 
guarding Caifetora goto offensive 
weapon, Windsors de fe nse would limit 
Lindsay's production up until the fourth 
quarter when Ptevost would unfcrtu- 

A group of Ottawa Gee Gees ami Windsor Lancers crowd the key dnnfug OVA womens basketball action 

jtf-jm m wum was ike 

WnaTfrPtt capital Itte T.afReWSte’4fnemied into the exam and holiday 


[Photo by // Erica Roberts} 

natdy be fouled out Prevost exited five 
game with 14 points and a game-high 
13 rebounds but Lindsay would gp on 
to score 14 of her teanb 24 points in the 
fil ial stanza to lead the Ravens to victory. 

The Lancers will now break for the hol¬ 
iday season but wifl participate in the 

Laval Holiday Tournament in Quebec 
Gty between Dec 27 and 30. Windsor 
wifl open up the tournament with a face 
off against the McGill Martlets Dec 27 
and will ergoy a day off before compet¬ 
ing against the McMaster Marauders 
Nov, 29 and rounding out file weekend 
against the Laval Rou^ et Or Dec 30. 

Windsor wifl return to OUA action 
when they travel to St Catharine to 
take tin the Brock Badgers at Bob Davis 
Gymnasium Jan. 9 with an afternoon 
tip-off of 2 pm Windsor returns home 
the weekmd after when they host the 
Algoma Thunderbirds at the St Denis 
Centre Jan 15. 

Mixed Emotions Voiced About Recreation 

Centre At Town Hall Meeting 


Sports Editor 

The students of the University ofWind- 
sor have been voting on the implemen¬ 
tation of a new student fee to fund the 
capital of die Lancer Studert Recreation 
Centre project 

Over the past three years, membm of 
all three student groins on campus - the 
UWSA, GSS and OPUS - participated 
in the development of the facility plans 
and the financial modd from the very 
beginnii^ and were said to have been 
part of every decision made related to 
this project The dements iff the fedhty 
and the priorities determined all came 
out of student focus groups that were 

hdd on campus with a number of dif¬ 
ferent areas and groups. 

The financial modd of the LSRC fee 
was presented and explained in further 
detail at a town hall meeting hosted by 
UWSA CRO April Adams in the CAW 
commons Nov, 27. Over 25 questions 
wre asked by those in attendance and 
answered by a pand including Lancers 
intramural coordmator fosh Leeman 
a$ well as UWindsor students Erin Ga¬ 
briel, Austin Roth, Meaghan Fdet and 
HaiTnanjot Singh* 

"A project of' this magnitude and this 
size absolutely deserves attention re 
gaidkss of whkh side you lay orC Lee- 
man explained "But now is the time to 
do it This is the best value for your dol¬ 
lar yew are going to g£” 

Singh said UWindsor students needed 
to embrace the opportunity as a major 
in the progression of the university and 
its student body as they move forward 
in an attempt to be on par with the best 
schools in Canada, 

T think ife time for the students to think 
as a community;' Singh ‘Having this 
fedly in a place like Windsor b defi¬ 
nitely goii^ tohdp us build a b^err and 
brighter community together whkh is 
more about human value than anything 

Brigham Bartd is a member of the 
group "Drop Fees Now Windsor 1 ; 
whkh campaigned in support of the 
‘Vote No' group. Bartol quiddy pointed 
out die group is not against the LSRC 
building or anything wfthin the project 

itself’ just funding modd 

"We dorit bdieve students should be 
fitting the biB for thi$T Bartol said "We 

have taken a look at how capital projects 
are funded and we think it b entirely fea¬ 
sible for the University to fund die proj¬ 
ect through other means - as they have 
been doing for other thin^C 

Bartd said the group main focus of 
titrir campaign was to educate peo¬ 
ple about what was in the referendum 
question and the terms of the LSRC fee 
MembersoTVoteNcf campaigned this 
past week and craxmraged students to 
do what many wish they had file right 
to do - vote and have a say in the ftitore 
of their academic institution. 

“As students w need to rmiind our¬ 

selves of what our values are, we 
shouldn’t be driven apart on issues 
when we actually agree on so mudC 
Band said “Many people fiom Vote 
Yes’ spoke about our need to become a 
ojmmunity to do things for each oth¬ 
er and we agree wffi ih^. We fed w 
should be a community, we should be 
fighting for studait rights among oth¬ 
er students .What that means is we 
need to direct our critidsm to the right 
sources. So rather than fighting other 
students, we need to fight for lower tui ¬ 
tion for aB stuiento uiduding ntrt opting 
for ancillary fees that are not necessaryf 

Reasults were not made available by The 
Lance printing deadline - For results, 
please visitThe Lance website at uwind- 



Sports Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires have lost four out 
of their past five games* with their most 
recent setback coming at the hands of 
the London Knights at the WFCU On 
lie this past weekend 

Windsor held a 3-2 lead over the 
Knights headed into the thftd period 
thanks to a pair of goals fom Mikhail 
Sergaduev. The Knightsansweredwitha 
tiiree-goal third period to take a 5-3 vic¬ 
tory in font of an announced crowd of 
5, 153 spectators, Knights captain Chris- 
dan Dvorak scored twice, including the 
game winner and assisted on two others 
as the Knights won for the third time in 
two and a half days. 

Spitfires head coach Rocky Thompson 
said Windsor has done a lot of good 
things fills season but when you are a 
young team, you are bound to make 
mistakes. However, it is important 
his team learn fom them as the tram 
progresses throughout file grind of the 
QHL season. 

"We had a good opportunity to beat a 
team thalfc a realty good hockey dubT 
Thompson said “We had a 3-2 lead but 
we took too many penalties. We killed 
the first three penalties against one of the 
most dynamic power plays in the league 
and could have had some momentum 
coming off of those but in the third peri¬ 
od we were let downT 

The first two goals of the game came 13 
seconds apart, just over four minutes 
in as Hayden MdCod of the Spitfires 
tipped a hard point she* from Mikhail 
Seig^chev past Tyler Parsons for a 1-G 
lead. The Knights won die ensuring 
faceofF and Aaron Berisha got to the 
Windsor blue line and fired a qukk 
wrist shot at the net Spitfire goalfo, Gar¬ 
ret Hugfison kicked out the rebound 
right to Londons Kole Sherwood and 
he made no mistake, firing the puck up 
high to score and tie the game 

Windsor went ahead 2-1 as ca^rtain 
Patrick Sanvkkfe shot from the blue line 
found its way through arms, leg$ and 
sticks and past Parsons. 

The Spitfires nearly went ahead 3-1 
while on the penalty kfll after Vktor 
Metek skate lost an edge at centre ice. 
Bradley Latour picked up the puck at 
M stride and flew in cm a goal but was 
stopped by Parsons. 

Both teams would combine a pair 
of quick goals shortly after First, the 
Knights took advantage of a Windsor 
turnover while they were on the power 
play. London carried into the Spitfires 
end and the puck wait fom Milch 
Mamer to Christian Dvorak, to J. j. Pic- 
dnidi as he scored his 10th power play 
goal of the year to tie the game 2-Z 

Just 36 seconds after, the puck found 
Sergufiiev at the top of the right drde 
and he stepped into the skit and fired 
a wrist shot into the Knight net to put 
Windsor bade in font 3-2 after40 min¬ 
utes of pby- 

Windsor Spitfires defenseman Andrew Bums body checks a Ixmdon Knight into the boards during DHL action at the WFCU Centre Nov * 29. 

London scored three unanswered goats in the third period to beat Windsor 5-3. 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

After the second interniissfon, it was all 
Knights wito Toronto Maple Leafs 2015 
first round draft pick Nfifcdh Maroer 
collecting three points on a goal and 
two assists in the fame London began 
the third period with a power play and 
found the bade of the net just 27 seconds 
into the frame. Mitch Mamet attended 
his point streak to 16 games by firing 
a puck from the ri^it drde and was 
tipped in by Tkachuk to tie the game 

Mamer then set up Dvorak while he cut 
through centre area, he then split the de¬ 
fense and decked his way past Hughson 
to score his 21st of the season and 

give the Knights a 4-3 lead. With time 
winding down, Mamer Ifited a pass to 
Dvorak and he scored into an empty 
net Dvorak now holds second place in 
the QHL scoring with 49 points, while 
line mates Tkadiuk and Mamer sit in 
third and fourth place with 48 and 47 
points respectively. 

"We had opportunities to score and we 
could have blocked some shots but we 
didn’t,” Thompson said "When you 
come down to games that are tight like 
this and against good teams ft always 
boils down to those types of sacrifices. 1 ' 

The Spitfires wtO try to shake oft the rust 
fom their last two weeks and look to 
rebound against the Flint Firebirds, who 
visit the WFCU Centre Dec 3. 

Windsor Spitfires rookie Gabriel VUardi attempts to stuff the puck into the net against the London Knights 
during DHL hockey action at the WFCU Centre Nov. 29. The Spitfires lost two of three games over the 
weekend and will look to right their path against the Flint Firebirds at home Dec , 3. 

[Photo by//Kevin Jarroldf 

<b I 


Arts Editor 

It was a night where many came to¬ 
gether under a single motive the krve of 

The third semi-annual Holiday Dance 
Show had people tapping their feet and 

WMm to jt,teaLallhf tfrlfItVaigi 

vitte Theatre Dec 11, Hosted by Lancer 
Recreation* the theme of die night was 
Fire and Ice, as it served as a thematic 
contrast for die varyh^ dance styles dis¬ 
played throughout the duiati^ 

‘Whether it's ballet; very passionate; on 
point, poised or whether its hip hop 
you ve got that fire and ice, two worlds 
colliding with one another' said show 
producer Tanya Van Dongen 

Roughly a dozen different artistic and 
cultural dances were performed rang¬ 
ing anywhere from the classical de¬ 
meanor of ballet to highly energetic sal- 
sa dancing. There were also interpretive 
dances, which carried a contained nar¬ 
rative Numerous styles were on display 
and for numerous reasons* whether for 
artistic expression or the physical bene¬ 
fits which come with dancing. 

Tt was lots of fun, its a fun form of ex¬ 
erciser saidHdaiJohnsoaanf^^ 
mental Studies studoil at the university 
who participated in a Ukrainian dance 

The key difference between past shows 
however was the oollaboiatiafi of nearly 

a dozen different dance groups through’ 

and studios presort included Xireme 
Dance Wodts, Haney Raitison Dance 
Vforid and Academic Ste Cedle, who 
teach anything fiom the contemporary 
to the classical 

"Windsor has a very diverse art culture, 
so ife nice to see all the diverse cultures 
come under one form for an evening of 
dance, 1 ' said Tiffany Kearns, who teadies 
atSto Cedk % lot of our dancers dance 
for varyii^ reasons, it helps than ex¬ 
press themselves, its a release erf energy? 

Marry of the seats in the Gtde Walker- 
vilte 'Fheatre were filled in the bakony 
and ground floor Van Dongen said the 
show had been in development since 
January. As to whether or not another 
show is on the horizon remains to be 
seen, but she hoped this one was suffi¬ 
cient enough to fulfill herwishes in pro* 

Students from Nancy Patti sons Dance World finish performing a grand number as the Holiday Dance 
Show, which was held at the Qtde Wafkerville Theatre Dec, l L 
{Photo by//Hani YassineJ 

viding a tniy unified showcase Included outside groups from around bring everyone together and it wasrit a 

“This show is very unique. Its unlike any the dty and beyond,” Van Dongen said competitfoa It was more for the foveof 
other show we’ve ever done because we Tve always wanted to do a show' that dance." 

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A Fresh Retelling of a 
Classic Christmas Story 


Arts Editor 

Hie Sugarplum fairy? Try DJ Sugar P 
Instead of Unde Drossmeyer, why not 
MC Dross? 

It was on die Dec. 12 weekend where 
the Capitol Theatre was home to a 
highly unique spin on a classic Christ¬ 
mas story and Tchaikovsky suite 'The 
N^tc^ad^er ,^ It was Just one week prior 
when the pmductkinwasfedthfufiyper' 
formed by the EdmundsTowers School 
of Dance But this production put on by 
the Windsor Dance experience took 
the story and put it towards a hip-hop 
backdrop. Enter ‘Land of the Beals': the 
urban retelling of Hie Nutcracker! 

'Its more or less the same story, but we 
do see a tot of the characters modified,” 
<sa!d WPX pwadent and IHSPi 
pher Julia Call! "The)' worked really 
liaixL They started working in Septem¬ 
ber on this production* and have been 
rehearsing one to three times a week.” 

'Land of the Beats” an urban take on Tchaikovsky's "T he Nutcracker” way performed by the Windsor Dance experience at die Capitol Theatre 

on Dec. 12. 

[Photo hyff Hartl Yassmcj 

The decision to put on this produc¬ 

tion was backed by publk .support as 
WDX members strutted their stuff to 
a variety of hip-hop songs, both dasssc 
and ament The performances from 
the ensemble were tied with explosive 
enegy, folly embracing die genre But 
the production also managed to subdy 
indude other forms of dance and retain- 

the Christmas spirit “The Nutcracker” is 
known for. 


The production acted as actual-purpose 
between provkhi^ audimoes a fresh 
perspective and introducing the danc¬ 
ers to new forms. Among the sob danc¬ 
ers was 18-year old Jessica Chanon, 

who is an UWindsor hist year in soda! 
work and disabilities. Having been with 
WDX for seven years, also serving as a 
choreographer* this show marked her 
second sok> dance performance as she 
played an Arabian dancer The perfor¬ 
mance posed as a challenge for her as it 
was a style she was unfamiliar with, yet ft 

provided worthwhile experience, 

Tm usually a contemporary dancer, 
and I had only done one sob before be¬ 
sides this Arabian one, so it helped me 
gain stage presence where ife only me 
on stage, so I have to keep a good face 
while dandr^ in front of the audmoeT 

Chanon said. 

The upcoming show from Windsor 
Dance experience will be a production 
ctf Tteveriand! whkh is set to premiere 
at the Capitol Theatre May 2& Audi¬ 
tions for this show wiD be held at thdr 
studio on Jan. 9, 





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Concluding SoCA Concert 
Features Unlikely Pairing 


Arts Editor 

It was described as a dynamic, ‘heauty 
and the beast” duo when ft came to the 
instrumental pairing, 

Serving as the final concert of die se¬ 
mester from the School of Creative 
Arts* "Simple Gifts of Christmas was 
welcomed by roughly 80 people at As¬ 
sumption Halls Heritage Room on the 
afternoon of Dec 13, The concert was 
sponsored by the Royal Canadian Col¬ 
lege of Organists* where on one end the 
show was yet another way to get people 
into the spirit of the festivities. Yet the 
real feature happened to be the uncom¬ 
mon pairing of the piano and organ; 
instruments with similar designs* yet 

“One is a wry bright kind of sound, the 
other one is more sustained, and the two 
of them mix very weB that wsjf said or¬ 
ganist David Palmer 

David Palmer and Gregory Butler were 
the two to fill the role of organist and 
pianist respectively. Both are Professor 

Emeritus in music and former direc¬ 
tors of the university’s School of Musk. 
This is on top of touring across North 
America and beyond, as they’ve per¬ 
formed duo-piano redtais ewer the past 
25 years- With an unlikely combination, 
they found acoustics and latency to be 
the biggest hurdles to Jump over as they 
wanted to ensure there were no imbal¬ 
ances between the two, especially in 
regards to the grand sound of the elec¬ 
tronic oigan. 

“The settings of the organ, the registra¬ 
tion oftiie organ is pretty much going to 
achieve the compliments to each other,” 
Butler said 

The majority of the program had songs 
and suites from composers who wrote 

suit led to a variety of different tones and 
expressions, as both instruments took 
turns in taking the lead The classical 
sounds of the piano combined with the 
rumbling, grandiose effects of the organ 
led to a strong accent in between. The 
final third of the program consisted of 
Christmas music, which then proceed¬ 

Paul Wharran, president of the Royal Canadian College of Organists leads the carolling session towards the 

ed with a lO-mimfle caroling session 
with the audience. Yet those jingling 
noises couldn't compare to the unique 
marriage of the piano and organ. 

binding a good piano together with a 
good organ is hard* so these concerts are 

quite rareactuaSyT Butler said the Capitol Theatre: The concert will be 

With the season taking a holiday break ^ prepared by Jan. 16. 

of its own, SoCA Presents will return The organ can function kind of like an 

with the Winter Celebration, which will orchestra, it has this grand sound be¬ 

have SoCA Alumni collaborating with hind ItT Palmer said Tts the majesty of 
the Windsor Symphony Orchestra at the instrument* the cdorf 

Videogame Review - The Order 1886 


Lance Contributor 




‘The Order 1886,” supposed prized 
exclusive for the PlayStation console 
turned out to be a fake gem concealed 
deveriy within the confines of Arthuri¬ 
an legends and a steam punk Victorian 
London, all blended together to make 

it seem like an interesting plot with 
substance. Like the year in the name 
suggests, the year is 1886 and you play 
as Galahad one of the members of the 
Knights of the Round Table. The air is 
filled with dismay and gfoom as the 
centuries old order is trying to face the 
tension prevailing on the streets of Lon¬ 
don with the people rebelling against 
the aristocracy. The streets are being 
terrorized by werewolves who are also 
called Lyeans and it is the job of Gala- 
had and his group of Knights to be the 
poster heroes of the adventure and ward 
off such adversities and make the streets 

The concept, revolving around the leg¬ 
end of King Arthurs Knights and were¬ 
wolves within Victorian London* may 

seem like an intriguing idea with uncan¬ 
ny potential, but somehow the theory is 
not fully realized when it is translated 
into the game Dull characters, inco¬ 
herent chapters and a fragmented plot 
plague the narration. All these elements 
seem subtle because the visuals of the 
game are fantastic and thats as for as 
the Order goes, Throughout your pro¬ 
gression you come across objects which 
you have to lode over and it gives an 
immediate impression of how hard the 
developers want the players to admire 
the graphics. No doubt it is the best 
looking videogame to date, but visuals 
alone cannot make a game appealing. 
The mundane plot and the long mo¬ 
ments of walking through claustropho¬ 
bic pathways take up half the time of the 
game and you fed that game is forcing 

you to hold Its hand throughout the 
adventure with constant tutorials till the 
end, which is unheard of in videogames 

The gameplay doesrit get any better to 
save the Older from its downfall as it 
brings in nothing new to the table. A 
simplistic third person shooter* with 
only a handful of interesting weapons 
like the thermite rifle, which shoots a 
cloud of gas and then it can be inciner¬ 
ated with a concentrated flare But you 
only get to use such weapons in a few se¬ 
quences, which is such a shame because 
the weapons are so eniovahle to use. 

★ i 

Also, all the plot points that are estab¬ 
lished in the game are left unresolved, 
as the ending is abrupt and completely 

‘The Order 1886“ is a game that teases 
you with what it could have been had It 
used the Arthurian legends ingredient 
in interesting ways. Victorian era was a 
time of ingenuity of the industrial age, 
a significant kap for mankind like the 
Renaissance. Ironically the game, de¬ 
spite the setting, fails to capture those 
moments and feJb behind rather than 
develop a cohesive narrative filled with 
excitement and immersion. 


the Louvre 

its 34th Year 


Arts Editor 

Leddy librarian Joan Dalton had her at¬ 
tention caught when seeing the gleam¬ 
ing lights within Artdte Windsor, ft was 
later in the week when die stepped in¬ 
side and purchased two gjasswoik piec¬ 
es in the form of Christmas gifts. 

“One of them has a color scheme that 
I know is a favorite of a friend of mine, 
and fin sure shell appreciate itT Dalton 

Be it glassworks, photographs, sculp¬ 
tures or traditional paintings many 
pieces of art are available at the 34th an¬ 
nual Dorn 1 the Louvre exhibition going 
in ArfcdleWindsor until Christmas Eve. 
More limn 500 pieces of artwork from 
over 60 area artists are available for pur¬ 
chase with ail of the prices raring from 
99 cents to $99. The enduring exhibi¬ 
tion which plays on die Parisian land' 

A series ofsculpired ey eballs from artist Judy Chappus are displayed at the Doin' the Louvre exhibtion Dee. 

8 . 

[Photo by // Hmi Yassine] 

programming events and dayto day op- public and lucrative benefits. interesting to show }mir work alongside 

marie accepts the work from amateurs 
and professionals alike at a minimal fee, 
leading to a more afibrdabte method of 
Christmas shopping all while support' 
ing the arts community withia 

‘Tt rders to the fact that the Louvre gal¬ 
lery hang^ their paintings from floor to 
ceiling, or used toT said gallery' assistant 
Martin Stevens In a sense i& a public 
service, both to the artists and the view¬ 
ing and buying public who want to buy 
some art for Christmas, but don't want 
to spend $10,000" 

The first week of die exhibition has 
garnered over $4000 with artwork con¬ 
tinuing to flow in and take up any open 
space available With itheii^ an entirely 
public space, the success of the exhibit 
is entirely’ dependent on the artists who 
choose to participate. The exhibit also eratiem Ultimately the exhibit is a way 
reinforces Arteries financial mandate to showcase Windsors collective artistic 
towards artiste, as they only take 30 per talents, with a focus on it beir^ a ftm 

cent commission in order to fond their show aB while the creators embrace the 

“The artist is the reason these galleries as weii as very established art- 

ensC said Artdte administrative coor- irts. fe such a big combination of work, 
dinator Christine Bunchnafi, who also arrfifealsoagreatwaytoseehowyour 
had a few works on display “Sis really workstads against everyone eises.” 

Theatre Review - A St. Clair Christmas 



Arts Editor 

It is December, so its safe to say the bob 
sdsys are on the horizon and the festive 
atmosphere arrives at dockwork. Nu¬ 
merous Christmas produettons have 
made their way onto the local stags over 
the past few weeks. But none may be 
as grandiose as the annualized produc¬ 
tion put on by St Ckir College Music 
Theatre and Entertainment Technology 

M A St Gair Christmas" is seff^splaiiato- 
ry The ChryslerTheatre has played host 
to the musical in die form ofa growing 
tradition, gamering a laige crowd with¬ 

out fail and within reason. The produc¬ 
tion is an aB-enccanpassing celebration 
of the festivities, from its literal bells and 
whistles to its harmonious nature. No 
dtHjbt theii^ a fafr amo^ 
around the edges, but the music and 
dance numbers as well as the charming 
flavors of the aestiietics simply make it a 
performance difficult to dislike 

Any iconic Christmas song you can 
think of makes its way into the show, 
both for better and worse. You have 
your While Christmas just as you have 
your Silent NighL Santa Claus comes 
to town the same way hes stock in the 
chimney At a near relentless rate, the 
production moves from one number to 

another, going from the roaring twen¬ 
ties to the 1970s in the process. As there 
are virtually no diaracteis, plotting or 
narrative to consider, theres roughly 25 
different Christmas pieces for the au¬ 
dience to sink into, with most of them 
subjected to strongly committed perfor¬ 
mances from the ensembles as tlieyre 
physically put through their paces. 

Occasionally it could serve to be count¬ 
er-productive as the amount of moving 
around in certain songs can detract 
from the volume of the singing But 
upon making sharp transitions towards 
skwer; more moving numbers, it bnngp 
out the best of the ensemHek vocal abil¬ 

It moves at a rapid rate, though some¬ 
times a bit too rapid as the orchestra 
tinder the stag? take little breaks of their 
own, putting the notes into the next 
song just seconds after the previous one 
The musicians underneath perform 
valiantly and skillfully but with how 
its structured it feds like a consump¬ 
tion of a meal without actually tasting 
eL This can also reflect on the stage as 
there have been symmetrical stumbles 
mainly during the grand dances. Its 
haid to mind too much however when 

its offset by a palette of visual delights, 
filled with wonderfully lavish costumes, 
a welt-crafted set and strong, confident 
lighting direction. 

On top of it being a cdebration of die 
seasoa “A St Clair Christinas'’ is also a 
way for the schools Music Theatre stu¬ 
dents to expose and build upon their 
talents. Theres a kvd of showmanship 
to admire from how each member of 
the ensemble puts in the effort Perhaps 
with some extra tinkering, their poten¬ 
tial wiO be frilly realized in due time. 


University Hopes for Windsor Families 
to Host Students for the Holidays 



News Editor 

Photo Submitted by 


The Unfoersityof^^ 

ting up mternattonals&Mknls with local 

families to celebrate big holidays and 

show them what Canadian holidays are 


The Intonations! Student Centre is 
looking to show these students a Ca¬ 
nadian Giristmas this season and help 
diem fed more at home here in Wind- 
son According to International Stu¬ 
dent Advisor, Enrique Chacon, these 
students spend four or more years in 
Windsor and a tot of them don't even 
leave the area, much less learn about the 

Were so diverse here at the University 
ofWmdsor that ife hard to fmd the Ca¬ 
nadian biisin everything,* said Chacon. 
4 We want to show these students bow 
Canadians live and nothir^ is better 
than sitting down one-on-one with 
families from the area” 

Chacon said tt was a slow start at first 
getting families and students interested 

but over the years it has grown since and 
a lot more students are able to experi¬ 
ence what Canadian life is Ifc 

"Its a great opportunity because stu- 
dents get to experience a new way oflife, 
new tradition and make new friends 
in the area' said Chacon. Tve also had 
many families tell me how great it is to 
learn more about other cultures as wdl 
in discussion. Some have even tried out 
and adopted other traditions during toe 

Chacon said this land of activity is great 
for people to learn about other cultures 
with everything going on in the vwM 
and help people share their stories 

"Stories are everything and people cant 
be categorized anymore,” said Chacon. 

Buddhist Mack or white. We 
all have our own storks and during this 
season we want to help these students 
get out there and learn.” 

Chacon said they are always lookii^ for 
more females so they can send more 
and more students as they come along. 

"Everyone learns a totfiom the prooessT 
said Chacon, "fts a lot of fun for the stu¬ 
dents and femiliesT 


Misdetoe and Snow: A Holiday Member’s 
Art Sale and Show Organized at ArtSpeak 


Lance Contributor 

With the holidays upon us, a local gal¬ 
lery took tiie time to showcase tiie work 
of their members with a holiday thorn 

"I always like nature and the theme runs 
through most of my work,' 1 said artist 
Tremblay. "I made this with graphite 
and paper only on canvas. The paper 
has kind of a shine but it doesn't show 

As part of the annual Holiday Members’ 
Art Sale and Show, whkh runs through 
Dec. 18, the Arts Council ofWtndsor Sc 
Region (AGWR) hdd an opening re¬ 
ception Dec 11 at the ArtSpeak Gallery. 

'This annual exhibition is an open 
community event to showcase the 
work of local artists and provide local 
handmade one of a kind gifts for the 
holidays, 1 said Laura Service, the event 

organizer "This exhibition serves as a 
fundraiser for the ACWR as 30 per cent 
ofaD sale of artwork will go directly to 
support programs and services offered 
by the Arts CounciL" 

The gallery was decked with works of 
many local Windsor based artists like 
Gien Donaldson, Theresa Tremblay 
Mariano Klftnowicz, Sheryl Lamb, John 
Larsh and so on Ranging from photo¬ 
graphs to oil and acrylic paintings, the 
library* of diverse art pieces was quite 
extensive for the event 

T paint what inspires me at the time ar*d 
I most of the stuff! use is acrylic. There is 
no particular style. Its almost therapy for 
mef said Donaldson, one of the artists 
present at the affair. "I have tried every 
medium like water colons oils, pen- 
di charcoal. I choose acrylic b eca use 

it dries fester and I can be done with a For the smaUgaflery space, the amount gathered at the reception was huge, elaborating on theft indMdud^ 

painting within a nigfrC ^ Some of the artists attended the cveni the people. 

Various works of artists displayed at the gallery on the reception night Dec . II. 
[Photo by// Rohan Khantta] 

Adventures in Retail: How Customers 
are Restoring My Faith in Humanity 


Lance Contributor 

Ah yes, the agen^Jd lamert of a retail 
worker slaving away during the holi¬ 
days. YouVe probably heard it a hun¬ 
dred times through countless Paeebook 
posts and in-person conversations^ peo¬ 
ple can be less than land and considerate 
to retail wcakmduruigtheholkfays. If 
you haverit been seasonal help yet, you 
can probahiy picture how challenging 
the season can be without standing in a 
stare. However, when you’re eventually 
in those sensible sneakers, Christmas 
takes on a whole other atmosphere Tri- 
day nights at the mall during Midnight 
Madness sales-sometimes, h can even 
turn you into a devils advocate. 

I work for an international dothing 
company; whkh holds a spot at Dev¬ 

onshire Ma! I started in October, I sus¬ 
pect Fm seasonal help but they haverit 
outright said so to me during the hftft^ 
process or my days there since. 

As I kind of expected, things really 
didn’t start getting linaip-to-the-back- 
of-the-store-crazy T until last weekend, 
when I was Messed with working the 
cash re0ste£ (I promise thafs not sar¬ 
casm, as being a cashier is my favorite 
task at work) I must say, in all hones¬ 
ty I think I was having a betto- time at 
work than people standing in tine with 
theft purchases. I actually felt really sor- 
ry for each and every one of them AD 
our customers looked exhausted just 
totally beat down, and unhappy to 
boot Everyone been there-trying to 
shop the sales for hours because times 
are tough* but we still want to give our 
loved ones die best we can get It was 

land ofa kkk to the shin to see everyone 
tike this during a season where musk, 
sigps, commercials, everythin is teBing 
us i&a cheerful, happy-go-fodytimeof 
year Iwasexpectii^thewi^untilniy 
customers got to my register 

What I found was, in fact despite what 
I saw on theft feces, people were still 
doing ftsdr best to keep theft spirits up 
when dealing with me. Almost every 
single person I cashed out did three very 
distinct things: muled at me, greeted 
me, and left my register wishing me a 
good night or a Meny Christmas. 

Now, this being my tint year working 
retail at Christmas, I was kind of taken 

Here I was expecting rudeness, impa¬ 
tience, exasperation, or otherwise un¬ 
pleasant ftteadfofis with my custom- 

m-most especially from the ones who 
looked particularly miserable while 
standing in line-ami aD I received wot 
polite, wdl-wishing ojstomers. 

Admittedly, rilstoedraonmyccwodc- 
ers transactions with customers while I 
was scanning items, I heard customers 
bidding them a Mary Christmas, too, 
hearing laughter, or hearing them ask¬ 
ing my coworkers how they were and if 
they had been there a long time that day 

Honestly? The worst customers have 
done to me so fer this season is mess 
up my store. I can foi^ve them far 
that Everyones in a rush this time of 
year, trying to get presents before theft 
kid comes home from gymnastics, or 
theft wife comes home from her yoga 
dass, and they still have to get home 
and figure out dinner after theyre done 
hiding presents. I get it Sometimes itsa 

Ifttte frustrating to have to fcM the same 
table of shills three times in a shift, but 
Fve come to terms with the feet that its 
going to happen, there are b^ger thing? 
going on than someone rumpling up a 
shirt instead erf folding it is not the end 
of my world. Besides, Fm getting paid to 
do it—why complain? 

AB in all, I have to say, I would totally 
work retail again during the holiday sea- 
sore Fm sure some days (and custom¬ 
ers moods) are worse than others, and 
maybe Fve just been incredibly lucky in 
my interactions with customers. How¬ 
ever, from what Fve essperieneed so fer, 
working retail during the holidays has 
not destroyed my feith in humanity and 
Wlndsorites, but restored it, one cus¬ 
tomer at a time. 

Happy Holidays, everyone! 


University Humanitarians Recognized 
at OHREA Award Presentation 


News Editor 

The University of Windsors Office of 
Human Rights* Equity and Accessibil¬ 
ity recognised outstanding members 
who have made a contribution at their 
awards ceremony last week. 

The awards given out were die Acces¬ 
sibility Award, the Employment Equity 
Award, the Human Rights and Social 
Justice Award and the OHREA Award 
Kaye Johnson, director of OHREA, said 
Ids important to bring attention to the 
thing s people do in the university be¬ 
cause a lot ot"them do make a big impact 
outside of the university grounds, 

“We look at the things people and 
groups have done asweQ as making sure 
we ddve into different categories such as 

students, fecufty and staflT said Johnson 

“They aD do a l ot of marvelous work on 
campus and were very proud to present 

OHREA director ; fGiye Johnson, hosted the event and shared the stories and accomplishments of the award recipients at the OHREA Awards 

event Dec. 9 * 

[Photo byff Caleb Workman] 

the awards every yearT 

'the Accessibility Award was given to 
Dr John Cappucd who makes his work 
very accessible to ail students, posting 
his PowerPoints, lectures and any oth¬ 
er learning materials at the beaming 
of the semester so students can have as 
much time as they need with aB of it 

The Eriipfoyment Equity Award was The Human Rights and Sodal Justice 'The OHREA Award was given to the '"We highlight certain projects and con- 

presented to the now retired Dr Bruce Award was given to Dr Anne Forrest, Aboriginal Education Centre who has tribufions in the univarsity at our cere- 

Tucker According to the program at Dr Charles Senn and Dr Dusty John- been serving as an education resource mony but we recognize and support all 

the awards ni gh t Tudcer has been read- son who have been the head of the for students around the area Their most of them unmentioned as wdJ thmugh- 

ity and heavily involved in employment weO-known Bystander Initiative They notable project involvements have been out the year said Johnson “The univer- 

equity ids whole career and has made a haw adapted the idea to tit local needs 4 Winds, STEAM, Beginning Tune sxty has so many great minds and ideas 

significant impacts and hdd many lead- and have been raising awareness all year Teaching Project and the Turtle Island and its important that we facilitate and 

ership roles* around campus. Summer Arts Camp, help them giuwT 


News Editor 

Exercise, diets, pills, therapy - basically 
every comer has been delved into in 
terms of toss management The new¬ 
est fed is very easily accessible and can 
do a lot of good for your mind during 
hard lima, like exams. 

Coloring books are something long for¬ 
gotten for many after the age of six, frs 
something you do in between the lines 
asayoungchfld and grow out of last and 

never really look back at 

Lately, however, many stores have been 
selling adult adoring books* to help 
calm the body and de-stress* Studies 
have said its the rhythmic repetition of 
filling in similar spaces that hdps calms 
the nerves so a lot of the books being 
sold are of tiled-like plaid or mandak 

Blank page drawing and coloring for 
the average person is a lot less stress re¬ 
lieving and, according to an older study 
published over a decade ago and it can 

even induce more toss. 

Nine out of the 20 top selling books 
on Amazoacom currently are of these 
toss-relieving books and over 13.5 
million have sold between the two most 
popular ones* A lot of new ones are be- 
ir^ published and soon everyone will be 
able to find one appealing to them, from 
sport culture and nerd culture to home 
widens and nature. 

Coloring, however, is not for everyone. 
1 gave it a try met the past week and 
found it tossed me out more than it did 

help due to my lack of steady-handed¬ 
ness. The non-pafient beware, this may 
nm be the thing for you. 

Some other options available to students 
exist at the university itself 

For some it may be joining a dub at 
foe university. One can never have too 
many friends and people who have sim¬ 
ilar interests may be able to help you find 
ways to let out she built up toss. 

For others, it may be spoils and exerdse. 
Sometimes* de-stressing is as simple as 

exiting yourself, working up a sweat 
and having fm doing what you enjoy. 

There are other options as well includ¬ 
ing listening or playing music watching 
a comedy or simply going for a walk* 

If coloring does sound like foe thing for 
you, the University of Windsors Book¬ 
store I’las them available as well as online 
or at other local bookstores* 

Remember to stay untossed this holi¬ 
day season and try to find a way to take 
it easy. 


Let’s Save 
O j ibway 


News Editor 

OJibway Park has been receiving a lot 
of attention latdy including a petition 
signed by 22,000 people Id keep it as it 
is and stay away from the big box devel¬ 
opment^ has already been ^proved 

The park itsdf not only holds a lot of 
unique and endangered ecosystems in 
Canada, its a name everyone Horn the 
area knows and has visited fts a big 
spot tor tourism and it also attracts and 
maintains a lot of photographers, bird ¬ 
watchers and nature lovers inside and 
outside of the county. 

With the recent decision by Windsor 
council to let the Coco Group move on 
to the next step of development, it has 
left a lot of people with many questions. 

Mot only wifl Windsor be losing part 
of a beautiful park, it will be adding 

something it doesn't need Canada, 
and the world as a whole, is losing a 
lot of its beauty to industmlization and 
for many, this is where the line will be 
drawn m Windsor and Essex Qjunty 

A local group has stood up and man¬ 
aged to gather signatures in spite of 
councils decisions. Although, foe/ve 
had no avail with it to date, & a fight 
they should be proud of as they contin¬ 
ue to ptherevery^ 
side With almost 22,000 signatures in a 
little over a week, it goes to show there 
are people who care and council should 
look at these people when making Itli- 
ture decisions regarding Ojitavay, 

A group dedicated to the preservation 
of the prairie, Save OjJbway* hdd a pasta 
dinner and silent auction to raise money 
to help defend their beloved land 

The group headed by local Nancy 
Rancheshan, is leading the fight and 

tidans to seewhat heads they can tom 

Todo Ms they are going tohave to keep 
on fighting, because up to now; nothing 
has changed 

The park itself frames a lot erf species 
that can only be found in Ojibway The 
ecosystem, a very beautiful one, b also 
one many hold a place in thdr heart for. 
With the construction of the big box, 
many negative things can happen, only 
starting with the disturbance and de¬ 
struction of the park itself 

With the mix of kxals getting involved, 

ting out, a powerful wave of people are 
getting ready to make a trig strike and 
get as many groups involved as possible. 
Something that needs to be done to save 
the park aaeryone knows and loves in 
the area. 




Students were able to steal some deals at the University of Windsor's 
Bookstore to help save money on whatever they may need for exams 
or in preparation of next semester. 

The Student Appreciation Day, held inside of the Bookstore t allowed 
students to scratch cards to save money on any purchases made. 
With the mix of Christmas coming and second semester incoming 
the Bookstore did what they could to help out and show their appre - 


Students could pick up any last minute Hems they needed for with a 
discount on the one-day event . 

The Bookstore will also have their Textbook Buyback days until 

Dec. 19. 

For more information, visit wwwMwindsorca/bmkstore * 
{Photo by // Caleb Workman} 

Film Review - The Walk 


Lance Contributor 

‘The Walk' is based on the real life sto¬ 
ry of Phiflipe Petit, a french ropewalker 
who challenged his courage to pursue 
his dream of walking between the Twin 
Towers on a rope in 1974 The film 
stars Joseph Gordon- Levitt in the main 
role along with Sr Ben Kii^sley (Papa 
Rudy) and Charlotte le Bon (Annie), 
Directed by Robert Zemeckis (“Forrest 
GumpT“Back to the Future"), the film is 
a visual spectade. 

Joseph Gordon-Levitt pbys die role 
convircmgly, although his French ac¬ 

cent can be a bit Jarring sometimes. 
Phiflf>e Petit is a man of urraanny pas- 
sfoa a passfcm to tope walk not fora liv¬ 
ing, but to ravish his own appetite to gfve 
the best performance he can provide for 
his own conscience above anythir^dse. 
On his journey he comes across his cir¬ 
cus mentor Papa Rudy (Kingsley), from 
whom he gathers valuable lessons about 
walking the tope. Along M way he Ms 
in love with Anne, who makes a living 
by playing musk on the streets of Paris. 
The insatiable hunger to walk between 
the towers leads Phiflipe and Anne to 
Mew^bik Gty and from thereon starts 

the planning between Phiflipe and his 
accomplices to make his dream possi¬ 

Rom the Parisian streets to the icon¬ 
ic booting TWin Towers undergo^ 
oxistruction, the sweeping shots of 
Zemedoss artistic style accentuate the 
ambience of the film and add to the 
narration, Retifs iconic performance in 
New Yotk is faithfully portrayed for the 
aiulcrid screen an^ 
own right 

The tension is imminent the moment 
you anticipate a sense of vertigo as Petit 
crosses the gap between die skyscrapers 

and you realize that the artist madness 
is in fed his detamination and his pen- 
chant as an artist to seek out his dream. 
& leaves a lasting impression on you and 
makes you question your own motiva¬ 
tions in lifc 

“The WfeEkT is a movie about pursuing 
dreams, fighting your way through 
obstacles to achieve them and the mo¬ 
mentous achievement of living than to 

ed to die limit The beauty of ft all is the 
feet that it devates the notion of how for 
we can go to cross foe finish line. It is a 
love letter to the Twin Towers, a roman¬ 
ticized visual treat that commenrarates 
foe buildings with bdievabte detai "ibu 
could say the buildings are a character 
too because of their intimkbtir^ edifice 
touching the clouds; douds upon which 
Phiflipe Petit wants to dance upon to 


Food Services Holds Toy 
Drive for Young Boy 


News Editor 

The University of Windsors food ser¬ 
vices is reaching out to a student and her 
son this Christmas to make sure they 
have one to remember 

They have reached out to 32-year-old 
M time student and single mother 
Danielle Leduc, and her son DavkLThe 
two are going through financial strug¬ 
gles during the season due to payir^ 
for school as a single mother with a son 
who is going through his 48th surgery at 
pst 7-years-dd 

“As a whole it has been a great success 

and blessing to niysdf and my femifyr 
said Leduc “Wew received about $270 
toput towards David's Christmas andife 
more than we could ever ask forf 

Davids syndrome is very rare - with 
the likelihood of being diagnosed com¬ 
pared to the iikdihood of winning the 
lottery four times,'There are many com¬ 
plications but it doesn't affect him as she 
feels it would affect others, 

Ties a trooper and extremdy intefii- 
gaiC said Leduc “Every time I tell him 
we have to go for surgery hell respond 
with a, t)kay what do we have to go for 
this time? 1 so strong ard I am |m>ud 
of the young boy he& becoming and the 

strength he has through it ai” 

Leduc said she was abb to pul ai the 
money towards Christmas presents 
and she will continue to be able to do so 
if funds keep coming in through food 

Leduc said she would like to thank ev¬ 
eryone who has donated and helped out 
personally through this time She said 
she would especially like to the food ser¬ 
vice and aR they have done to niake this 
Christmas one to remember 

For more information on the toy drive 
and how you can help contact phone 
519-253-3000, ext 3269, 

CAW Centre 
Holiday Hours 

Monday Dec. 21 - Close at 10:00 p.m. 
Tuesday Dec. 22 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

CLOSED Wednesday Dec. 23,2015 - 
Sunday Jan. 3,2016 

Monday Jan. 4 - Wednesday Jan. 6 
7:00 a.m. - 10:00p.m. 

The Student Centre will resume regular 
24-hour service Thursday Jan. 7, 2016, the 
first day of classes. 

Play Review - Peter Pan (To) 


Lance Contributor 

Peter Pan is an iconic character that has 
remained “ageless’ in popular culture 
for quite some time His adventures 
have been showcased in animated films* 
TV shows and movies over the years. 

This time around, the boy who never 
gets dd took the audience on yet anoth¬ 
er adventure a4 the Kordazone Theatre 
Dec It Named "Peter Pan (To T as 
Tiger lily (Carla Gyemi) exuberantly 
elaborates upon when she introduced 

the characters erf the story the play was 
a pantomime parody of the JM Barrie 

Drawing similarities from the origfonal 
the play adds its own twists within the 
plot by referring to people in today's 
popular culture, which enhances the 
humor to the already established dassic 
Notable performances cast members 
Alexandra Hristoff(Peter Pan To), Mar¬ 
tin OuUette (Hook/Mr Darling), Tank 
(John SheOhom) and Samantha Ed¬ 
wards (Shmee) need to be mentioned, 
as they keep the audience entertained 

toira^foautthe play with their energy. 

Most importantly, the show had lots of 
spots for audience participation, which 
made the ambiance and experience 
of die play that much more lively The 
subtle expressions of actors made sit¬ 
uations exquisitely comedk and there 
wasrft a sense of boredom as a result of 
it Whether it be Tank frolicking around 
toe set or Hook devising an evil plot to 
capture Pm with his feBow pirates in 
frustration, it was a laugh riot 

Going in to toe theater, I assumed the 
play would be a faithful representation 

ofthe original story but it came asa sur¬ 
prise how develiy the cast enacted the 
pb^ with thar own take on it by giving 
funny snide remarks about Justin Bkber 
and introducing a band which called it¬ 
self No Direction!* Tie actors managed 
to sustain the comedic dement through 
die end with toe occasional song break 
adding a flavor to the play. 

therein lies its strength. If was in a way 
a edebntfion of the adventures of Peter 
Pan in the form of a parody and never 
once was there a moment where toe 
experience fdt dragged or forced upon 
the audience. It ended with a confron¬ 
tation between Pan and Captain Hook 
with the orchestra! score ofPiraies of toe 
Caribbean running in toe background 
giving a fitting conclusion tothehysieri- 

By: L A, Bo rite 


I'M SUftC C*JC£ You'Re IKI youR 


For more comics and animations visit 



Lance Contributor 

Gift-giving season has rammed wilii a 
raigeance, Is tt just me, or do the sales 
seem lo be on steoids this year? 

if all the flash sales and iwbs have you 
tnaoukd upinahaBofaJiKtetyanhe 
thought of even stepping kilo the mail 
or youlra a broke last-minute gjft-gjver 
like me, fin here lo tell you we can get 
through this toother. Fve got some 
D1Y gifts, which are sure to delight all 
kinds of people. Even if you're not so 
crafty, car have a whole lot of lime dicing 
or after your exams, read on-youd be 
surprised how simple some of these 
tags are 


This i$ what Ilbepredominamly^vTng 
out this yea* I think Tha^agddmine 
of all-natural simple reqpes all am the 
Internet from saute to bath bombs, 
lotion ban to soap, and everything in 
between. Google ‘DIY (scni* lotion* 
etc) 14 and youll find all kinds of red 
pes Id suit your needs, Thegreaithii^ 
about these kinds e£ things is tJrK'y'rc eas¬ 
ily aisJumi/abk' Lo anyone: you am 
essential oik spices in your cupboard 
or even tea to give your ereaikms a de 
Ikious fragrance. My favorites to make 
are sugar scrubs; fi jr a small mason jar 
size, you need granulated sugar, then 
some kind of carrier oil like coconut 
cd shea butter; or even dive oil (You 
can find more exotic oils like apricot 
and grape seed oil whkh have differ 
era benefits for skin* at phoes like GNC 
and Nutrition House) Then, just toss 
in the dungs you want to nuke it smell 
good, mix, and yourednnd ffyouwat* 
to keep to the seasonal theme, 1 would 
suggest recipes for gmgetaad, pepper- 
inint T orpuiiipkinpicsccnls 


This ones a little tougher (have you ever 
tried to find a pfam<dored ceramic 
\ ornament?) but possrbtc l bebeve Mi- 

chads sells ornament kits and sliould 
sdlplamoiimntmfsbyt^^ Bo - 
nm they usually have a -U) per cent off 
coupon out every seven to 14 days, You 
can use Sharpies, ribbon, acryfc paint 
glitter, go nuts! fust about anything wiD 
work- Again, if you’re not ,super creative, 
you can even just write a simple mono 
rv or message on a plain ornament and 
I promise you, thereedver will tove it It 
youre especially crafty; you can even 
hand-sew some piushte ornaments 
or spray paint a cardboard cutout and 
draw some simpk details on afterward 


ceived one of these, and ilk exactly what 
it sounds like pretty up a jar and fill tt 
with good memories with a person. Be- 
ruse Faccbook, or a journal pho- 
to - whatever it takes to really get that 
thing packed Shoot you could even 
print off some photos and plaster them 
to the skies, or Iratagram shots would 
probably fit in any deoott-sized jar nice¬ 
ty 1 would suggest gathering all ft*.* fill¬ 
ing first so know what sr/e jar wouki suit 
you best or challenge yotnsdf to think 
of as many memories as possible to till 
it You may have as fan making tt as they 
have openk^ iff 


!>)es yoi^ reepent to oxik? Are 
they a member of the Star Wars fan¬ 
dom? No matter thdr interest you can 
put together something they’ll appreci¬ 
ate with stuff from the dofc With 

the kitchen basket you can put together 
some cooking utensils, themed kitch¬ 
en towek, a decorative mug—use ywr 
imaginatio n* If you tvant to kick tt up 
a notch you could wrap tt all together 
into a mixing or serving howl Aside 
from DoDarama, Walmart lias a pretty 
gtxxl selection of cute kitchen things if 
you can get to one. (I got my cupcake 

tea towds there for SI each) A fan- 

dom-thaiuxi basket may require a little 
more creativity like, paint and Sharp¬ 

ies creativity. This is where tlmse orna¬ 
ments 1 mentioned earlier could make 
an appearance. Or maybe a picture 
frame thais space or Death Star decorat¬ 
ed Ifyotfte really stuck. I’ve seen sojne 
cod baskets put together on the Inter¬ 
na dial I bet Google could help you 
out with too. fve seen so much cheap 
neat Star-Wars themed stuff just about 
everywliere right now so this would be 
a great one to go with this year Heck, 
make some of those R2-D2 Pillsbury 
cookies and toss those in Boom! Bril¬ 
liance. And speaking of a)ofcj^ 


Who doesn't love a good Christmas 
cookie? Thera are oodles of reapes to 
choose from and that can be tailored to 

liiflgyii p^jpi^ ij \^tiieif Laconic 

dimes, but I would say one of the sure 
plea and most ddkious thing. to make 
that I've given out at Christmas is candy 

canebaik isincredible. Youneedcan- 
dy canes, milk or dark chocolate chips, 

Peppermint bark is a crazy easy * beautiful and delicious holiday treat 
perfect far gifting to just about anyone. 

I Photo courtesy of // Sftdy at SaUysBakwgAddictian.comf 

while chocolate chips, and pepper¬ 
mint extract Td say a trip to Bulk Bam 
should do it (Aim for a Wednesday 
and you’ll have a 10 per can discount 
to boot) And, if you dorit have the 
money or the time to go out for dollar 
store boxes, consider fancying up some 
ZipJkxhags Fve seen some really l?cair 
tiful designs on..the Internet from people 
who did just that You can always go a 
simpler route with brownies, chocolate 
chip cookies-honesliy; thaft my Christ¬ 
mas wish list right there. You cannot go 
wrong with homemade bated goods, 
last resort or noL 

So> Fm hoping fve covered all the bases 
for just about everybody you re planning 
on DIY-ing tags far and Fve been able 
to give you some inspiration if you’re 
fading stuck, are out of ideas, or hav¬ 
en't started yet. ReimTTiben just about 
everyone you k ixm km s something 
homemade, from ihe heart from one of 
thdr favourite people (Thais you!) So 
doril stresd As long as its made with 
love, they’ll fove it. Hippy crafting! 

A memory jar is a beautiful and sentimental gift which , with a little 
time, soul-searching and Facebook creeping can be filled and gifted fit 

no time at all 

lPhoto courtesy of // Lena at UnyPainterBhgcom) 

DECEMBER 17 2015 * UWiNDSORU\NCE.CA// | | 

Participants in the annual Polar Dip held by the Amherstburg Optimist Club raised over $2)000 to make a nd organizer of the Harrow Kinsmen, Kevin Churchill pose for a 

sure families had the Christmas they want this year, picture at the annual polar Dip. 

[Photo byffCaleb Workman) ' ! phol ° by//Calcb Workman] 


News Editor 

Amherstbuig and Harrow teamed up 
with season far their annual Mar Dip 
where particfoants test the cold of the 
wafce^ or this yeai; the moderate cMIl 

The weather was very warm Dec 13 
and wasn’t the worst of Mar Dips bt£ 
it stiD drew a crowd and hdped rase 
money for the causes 

This is the 13th year Amtenabuig has 
raised money for different causes and 
president of Amhendhuig Offcast 
Club* Brandon Renaud said he was 
■very happy with the inroh^ernenL 

"Running something like this is very dif- 
fiaifo especially something that can put 
people in discomfort such as the pdar 
dip’ said Renaud INot a k* of people 
necessarily want to into cold watesf 

Hamid said this &d not overthrew the 
morale of a kit of people though and 
ti*ey managed to bring out aiuB busload 
of participants as well as many specta¬ 
tors who drove themselves. 

*'We raised over $2000 and counting 
arad were hoping the number does raise 
significantly from that” said Renaud 
"We realty want Co see everyone have a 
great ChrEiinasr 

AD the hinds raised by the Optimist 
Chib were towards Christmas pres¬ 
ents for families who cant afford to buy 
presents over the Ixdidays Renaud said 
it will inefode things such as clothing, 
food and toys. 

Come time for the dip bagpipes and a 
snare drum kept the energy high part* 
nered with the loud ydling of the crown 
and people involved. Dives lode their 
mark and had no second thoights as 

they plunged into the colder walm at 
Colchester Harbour 

Funds raised by Harrow Kinsmens dub 
went towards cystic fibrosis research 
and treatment this year according to 
Kevin GmireML oij^nizer from ITar- 
row Kinsmen. 

"The water was cold despite the wcvtfh- 
cr but the nnpoftanr part is the people 
we brought <fc" said Churchill “The 
morafc of everyone was g teat and the 
turnout was a tat belter than we had 

The dip was followed by food and ton 
for participants and they dosed off the 
day on a warmer note 

The Optimist CM) and Harrow Kins¬ 
men said they would Kke to thank aD 
thdr local sponsors and participants 
who make the omt bigger and better 




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every year 


Windsor Express guard Raheem rises to the rim on afast break layup during Windsor's 108-82 romp over the Lima Express at the St. Clair 
SportsPlec Dec . J3. Singleton and the Express will finish their pre-season amt finalize their roster after an exhibition game at Budweiser Gar¬ 
dens against die London Lightning Dec. 13. 

[Photo by // Kevin Jar raid] 

more every day!* 


Sports Editor 

The two-time defending National Bas¬ 
ketball League of Canada champions 
have narrowed down their roster to 13 
players ahead of the teams exhibition 
game on the toad against the London 
Lightning this upcoming weekend. 

Windsor Express vice president of bas¬ 
ketball operations Bill Jones announced 
he cut four of the 17 players who were 
invited to the teams training camp last 
week The camp opened with orienta¬ 
tion Dec 9 and ccmduded with an ex¬ 
hibition game against the Lima Express 
of the Midwest Professional Basketball 
Association at tbe St Oair SportsFtex 

Jones said the toughest part of his job 
is to cut players when they go out and 
compete for jobs only to be turned away 

“'Ihose players went out there and 
played and Em proud of them,” Jones 
said "But when you're trying to get a 
team together you h 

NBL Canada veterans Chris Com¬ 
mons, Khk Williams Jr„ Adrian Moss, 
Raheem Singleton and Tony Bennett 
headline the roster, along with some 
new faces on the squad featuring Mau¬ 
rice Bolden* John Hawkins, Zach Val- 
1km DerekThompson and Shane Ross, 

Filling out two of the four Canadian 
roster spots are former Windsor Lanc¬ 
ers Josh Col lins and Jahmal McQueen, 
who were both rookies on Windsors 
diampkmship run last seasoa Unfor¬ 
tunately for Windsor native Rotimi 
Osuntola Jr* the Express art him after 
he failed to make the dress roster against 

Rounding out the roster is former Mis¬ 
sissauga Raptors 905 guard Shaquille 
Keith, who Windsor fans saw as a vis¬ 
iting player during the first ever NT.L 
Canada and NBA D-League exhibition 
game at the WFCU Centre Nov. 9. 

Coming into his fourth season with the 

team, the veteran forward Commons 
said be was seated to lead a group with 
so much young talent selected to the 

“My sole purpose of this year is to pro¬ 
vide leadership and pass on what I have 
learned,” Commons said “But that part 
is going to be easy’ because I love this 

In their lone chance to shine for die 
Express finnt office and coaching 
staff, Windsors training camp players 
showed the hometown fans what they 
were capable of contributing to a third 
consecutive league championship. The 
Express got out to sizable leads after 
the first and second quarters and paced 
themselves to a 108-82 victory over the 
Ohio-based team, who only dressed 
eight players but featured the games 

high scorer with Jody HilFs 26-point ef¬ 

Express fans saw a balanced scoring 
effort from the home team throughout 
the contest but it was the versatile Bold¬ 
en who led the way forWtndsor with 24 
points. The highly touted rookie Keith 
showed fans glimpses of what kind of 
an impact he can be in his first season 
of professional basketball with 14 points 
and three defensive rebounds white 
shooting six for 10 from the floor 

Commons said Bolden and Keith are 
perfect fits to put into place ofWindsors 
championship formula. 

“The game Gods are only’ going to be 
good to players for so long but those two 
have the game Gods on tbdr side right 
now," Commons said Tm oedted for 
them. Mo is a great addition and by be¬ 

ing here we are going to let him dowhat 
he does best and Shaq is super talented 
and athletic I have nothii^ but praise 
for them.” 

Keith, 22, will no doubt provide the 
team with a highly skilled Canadian 
player after the departure ofpoint guard 
Gary Gibson and anafl forward Kevin 
Loisdle in the off-season Playing in the 
NBL Canada will give Keith a foil 40 
regular season games to develop and 
Boorish in this league as he sports a very 
strong and balanced game coming out 
of Kilgore Coll ege in east Texas. 

*Thin^ didnt work out theway I want¬ 
ed to - hut when youre playing in die 
best league in the world you team a toC 
Keith said "Now I have an opportunity 
here with the Windsor Express, 1 came 
here to get better and develop my game 

The Brampton native said his time with 
the Raptors 905 raised his compete level 
and believes playing against the talented 
and tough players across the league will 
hdp him in his goals of getting to the 

“As a professional* you have to know 
when to pack your spots,” Kdfh said 
Tm youi^ and this is the be& way to 
start off my career coming out of college 
and Tm here to fine tune a few things 
and maybe next year or the year after 
that I can go out and live ray drams,” 

Windsor travels to London for their fi¬ 
nal tune-up at Budwdser Gardens [Tec. 
19. Tbe Express begin their title defense 
one week later when the Orangeville As 
visit the WFCU Centre for a 7;30 pm 



Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancets vdleybafl reams 
are in different positions in their respec¬ 
tive divisions but the goal remains die 

No matter whal the situation* womera 
head coach Lucas Hod^on and meek 
bench boss James Gmdfe always look 
toward the overall goal of the proglam 
each season - advance to theOUA play¬ 
offs and compete 

The strategy worked wdl for the merk 
squad last year, which earned the sev¬ 
enth playoff seed late in the season. The 
term,“anything can haj^en in the play¬ 
offs 1 ’ was in full effect as the Lancers went 
on to upset the second-ranked Ryareon 
Rams in the quarter finals and advance 
to the OUA Final Four for the first time 
in over a decade. Windsor hdd a 2-0 
lead over die York lions in the bronze 
medal match but gave tip the final three 
sets, missing out on an OUA medal and 
a berth in the OS champfonships. 

While this season has a different list of 
challenges, a 2-8 start is very similar to 
Windsor s position a year ago This time 
there is a bevy of highly talented young 
players to lead the charge in the future. 

First year outside hitter Brad Gyemi 
is a player the Lancer men wfflrdyon 
to put up big swings in the second half 

each set, coming bade to win the third 
27-25 to extend the match against one 
of the OU/fe top teams. Although they 
dropped the match Windsor rolled 
over thdr momentum to the next day 
when they would get thdr first win of 
the season over the RMC Paladins in 
convincing foshioa 

The mem team gave themselves some 
hope for the second half when they 
battled hard and defeated the Rams in 
a five-set thriller at the St Denis Centre 
Nov 28 and push thdr record to 2-8 at 
the exam and holiday break 

“We have to continue to get better^ 
Gravelle said ‘We wererit good enough 
in the first half and our record reflects 

that If we play like we did [against Ry 

erson] then were going to have a tot of 
access in the second half’ 

The task ahead is tough for Gravdfefc 
group but this is nothk^ they havmt 
been through before. Wflh 10 matches 
remaining in the season, don't be sur- 
prised to the scrappy Lancers nearly sptit 
thdr schedule and finish the campaign 
with a 6-14 or 7-13 record Unfortu¬ 
nately this may not be good enough for 
a playoff berth, but crazier things have 
happened in the world of OUA volley¬ 

The womens volleyball team has en¬ 
joyed a strong start to their OUA cam¬ 
paign fed by a consistent offense and a 

Wltidsor Lancers libero Emily Durand passes up dur ing a match against the Western Mustangs at the St. 

Denis Centre Nov. 28. Ihe Lancer women's volleyball team is currently 5-4 at the holiday break and sit in 

third place in the OUA West division. 

(Photo by // Gerry Marentette] 

path must plan around if they want to 

"Thebigthfi^isweneedtogethealthi’ team play to make ithaj^ea 

of the season Gyemi was hurt during 
the first portion of their schedule and 
Windsor^ offense struggled because of 
it Fifih-year seniors Josh Edwards and 
Shawn Resume filled the void might¬ 
ily for Lancers and provided some 
highlight-reel folk in the process* butt 
Windsor stumbled toward an 0-4 start 

Gyemi returned from injury gainst the 
Queejnk Gads Nov. 14 and his injection 
into tlie offense was highly noticeable. 
Windsor matched the Gaels firepower 
in the match and was competitive in 

sound defense while working their way 
to a S4 record Head coach Hodgson 
and his team wifl use their consistent 
offense and stout defensive play to lead 
than to victories once the second half of 
the season begins Jan. 15. 

Fifth-year setter Lauren Stirling has 
been key to the consistency of thdr of¬ 
fense* distributing different sets to keep 
opposing defenses on edge Middle hit¬ 
ters Shannon Dean and Emily McGo- 
skey have flourished so for this season 
and are a pair that every team in file 

try and come out of those matches with 
a victory. 

The womens playoff seeding is slightly 
different then the menk* as four teams 
from both the East and West confer¬ 
ences wifl advance to the big dance. 
Currently in third place in the West 
behind the McMaster Marauders and 
Western Mustangs, the lady Lancers 
hope the second half of the season will 
yidd improved results agairetihcOUAs 
top squads. 

erf Hodgson said “By healthier I mean 
physically and mentally ready for the 
second half A tot of these gjris wererit 
expeetii^ this tough of a go its going to 
be something thatwe wotkonf 

The month of January wifl be especially 
important as they have rematch op¬ 
portunities against McMasta and the 
Gudpb Gryphons* the only two teams 
to beat them besides Western. The 
Lancers have the capabilities to knock 
off the OUA powo^ but will need good 

Should Windsor split tiiose match-ups 
and survive any upsets in the second 
half of the year, the lady Lancers will no 
doubt be in playoff contention in file 
OUA with a record hovering around 
13-7 or 14-6. Once they get to that point* 
it will require a relentless effort to elimi¬ 
nate their hopes of a tong playoff run. 

The first challenge for both teams when 
they return wifl be the Waterloo War¬ 
riors* who will visit the Sl Denis Centre 
Jan. 15. 


Bradford Represents Windsor, CIS All-Stars 
Split Against Canadian World Juniors 


Sports Editor 

While the Lancer mens hockey team 
went on exam and holiday break* cap¬ 
tain Kenny Bradford was in Toronto 
representing the CIS all-star team in 
two exhibition games against Canadas 
National Junior Team. 

The two-game set* which was an¬ 
nounced earlkr this month* took place 
at the MasterCard Centre in Toronto 
Dec 12 and 13 as part of the nation¬ 
al junior teams preparation for die 
40th IIHF World Junior Championship 
in Helsinki, Finland which runs bom 
Dee 26 until Jaa 5. 

In die first of two games, the CIS defen¬ 
seman Spencer Abraham from Queehs 
University scored the shootout winner 
and had two assists in regulation to lead 
the QS mens hockey all-stars to a 5-4 
victory The next afternoon* Canadas 
Nafiottiii Junior Team projects explod¬ 
ed for tour goals in kss than nine min¬ 

utes early in the second period en route 
to a 5-0 win over the QS mem hodkey 
all-stars in the second leg 

Earlier this month, the CIS unveiled its 
roster for the series between Canadian 
university mem hockey all-stars and 
Team Canadas world junior prospects 
and the Lancer program was pleased 
to have Bradford selected to represent 
Windsor at the event 

Bradford said it was truly an honor to be 
nominated to partake in the game and 
triedto make the best of die opportunity 
for hknsd£ Although he said receiving 
those accolades was humbling, Brad¬ 
ford admitted they arerit his focus when 
he is with the Windsor Lancers, 

'Those are just bonuses to me, fm here 
for the team Bradford said ‘Thais 
what everyone should rally be here foe 
Awards and all-stars are just extraT 

The mate hockey team captain was 
the only member of die CIS all-stars to 

to Windsor firm the St Catharine^ 
Falcons of the Greater Ontario Junior 
Hockey League and has progressed ev¬ 
ery season 

Lancer head coach Kevin Hamlin said 
Bradford has waited hard in his days in 
Windsor and was wdl deserving of the 

“We fed Kenny is one of those guys who 
can play atadi&rentlevd,” Hamlin said 
lies had a great OS career and he still 
has another year of eligibility left." 

Last year Bradfords stellar play on the 
Hue-tine helped lead Windsor to an 
OUA bronze medal and a berth in the 
QS hockey championship tournament 
As an individual, Bradford was named 
the OUA West division defensemen of 
the year and capped off the year with a 
firat-team all-Canadian selection. 

1 came here three and a half years ago 

its file whole teamT 

Over die weekend Bradford battled 
against high-round NHL draft jacks - 
including Mitch Mamer of the Toronto 
Maple Leafc and Travis Koneoty of the 
Philadelphia Flyers - while many scouts, 
genera! managers and coaches tried to 
measure up the CIS alLstais against the 
next wave of NHL talent to see which 
among them was also ready to hit the 
pro ranks. 

While pursuing the option of playing 
professional hockey has crossed his 
mind, Bradford said it is the least of his 
worries at the moment 

T still have the next half of the season to 
play here and then £ will took at my op¬ 
tions*” Bradford said 

The 23-player OS lineup inducted 20 
players with CHL experience and was 
comprised of 11 standouts from the 
OUA conference and six apiece from the 
AUS and Canada West leagues. High- 

Bears, a pair of former NHL draft picks 
as weft as file current CIS leaders in scor¬ 
ing, goals and goaltending. 

The CIS all-stars are led by Guetjih 
Gryphons head coach Shawn Camp 
whose team swept the Lancers in the 
OUA West division finals and won 
die Queenfc Cup in 2015, Camp was 
accompanied behind the bench by 
assistant coaches Darren Bums from 
Acadia, Brett Gibson from Queens and 
Mike Sirant from Manitoba 

T>ur goal coming into the series was 
to win both games*., but those 10 min¬ 
utes [Dec. 13] cost us the game, for sureT 
Camp said 'Our oompete levd was 
there We battled hard on every 7 loose 
puck and we managed fire pudc really 


Bradford and the Lancers will return 
to action in OUA mens hockey with 
a two-game home stand a^inst the 
York Lions and Brock Badgers at South 

on both nights is 7:30 pm 

and Ive slowly made my way up said 
Bradford Tve had a few good seasons 

come from a Junior B or Tier H Junior andljusttry to buM off of that y^ir after lighting the university squad were two 

A program before Ids jump totheCa year The 

nadian University game Bradford came me out each year so its not just myseff versity Cup champion Alberta Golden 







JAN 2016 










Apply at 

Classes start January 11,2016 

go anywhere 


Empire Muscle’s “Bam Bam Boxing” Program 
Opens Doors To Community Members 


Lance Contributor 

Local power lifting gym Empire Musde 
offered a free promotioiial boxing senv 
inar this past weekend to bring aware¬ 
ness to its newly formed program and 
the positive impact the sportand fitness 
in general can have on the lives of mem¬ 
bers of die Windsor community. 

Ibgether with veteran boxing coach 
and mamger Henri “Ram Bam” Guen- 
ette, Empire Musde owner Andrew 
Hedges transformed the extra space of 
his power lifting gym to host taxing 
programs and seminars available to the 
community and local fighters. From 2 
pm-4 pm Dec 12 Guenette trailed 
and taught fundamental boxing tech¬ 
niques such as basic punches, footwork, 
pad work, bag drifts and conditioning to 
those in attendants 

With the new boxing program put in 
f^ace three months ^ Hedges saw the 
free promotional seminar as a great idea 
to bring awareness to the versatility of 
the power lifting gym As for the sport 
of boxii^ Hedges hopes people get an 
understanding of its importance. 

"1 hope people take away from this 
event an understanding of what the 
sport of boxing is really all about,” said 
Hedges, Ttk true of any sport that you 

get some misconceptions when you just 
watch a sport on TV ife a very different 
understanding you take away from it 
when you ve actually been able to par¬ 
ticipate in itT 

Empire Musde was founded in Feb¬ 
ruary 2015 and Hedges intends for the 
gym to be a home for athletes to train 
with equipment and benefit from an 
atmosphere necessary to train for a 
championship- level performance while 
Guennette wants to use the nearly 
founded program to develop young 
taxers and athletes throughout the 

“Were getting a lot of young kids said 
Guennette. ‘tame adults come in just to 
giet in shape. It gives them a pause in M£’ 

Guennette is a highly experienced box¬ 
ing competitor with 120 bouts under 

his bdt He hotds a record ot 105 wins 

and 15 fosses, including two Canadian 
Championship victories. He is a regis¬ 
tered Levd 3 taxing coach with 13 years 
of experience training champion fight¬ 
ers throughout Windsor over the years. 
Through the free seminar; Guennette 
hopes to bring discipline and an under¬ 
standing otlxixif^ to his members and 
most importantly the kids. 

Td like to let them know what type of 

Caleb Sutton* 6> harm punching techniques during the free “Bam Barn's Boxing” seminar at Empire Muscle 
Dec . JZ The boxing program inside the local power lifting gym was founded three months ago and is wel¬ 
come to those of all ages Interested in the sport or fitness. 

• ****** M**»» 

our gym to get our fighters in shape,* 
said Guennette. “Also file sdf-disdpiine 
to get them where they want to be* You 
doift know until you try iL Ifyou like it, 
then the skyk the limit” 

Henrik daughter, Jocdyn Guennette, is 
also a boxer and instructor in the box¬ 
ing program A three-time Canadian 
diampion with a fight record of 30 wins 
and five fosses, Jocdyn sees her dad as 

(Photo by // Jeremy Foknoh} 



“He metres me to be a better peraonT 
said Jocelyn "Hek pretty great I like 
how he tries to open up the gym to ev¬ 
erybody. As a kid when I was growing 
up I had issues. Boxingwas a pod way 
to put my anger out ttare and not fight 
people in the streets? 

As University of Wlifosor students go 
through exam wedc, Jocdyn feds that 

ing gives to its athletes. 

"I ooukl only imagine fire exams arxl 
file stress they go through at this time,” 
said Jocdyn. Thereik actually a uni- 
veraty student here that fm dose with 
and she loves it She said that exams are 
she comes here she fidgets all about that 
Shes able to focus on what shek doing 
and gst her stress out She just hits the 

we work on and what we do in great trainer; paraon and community students can benefit from the rdtefbox- bagT 

Movie Review - TED 2 


Lance Contributor 

“Ted 2 W is one of fix>se sequels that sole¬ 
ly exist because they just want to for no 
rhyme or reason As a fcifow-up to the 
2012 movie ‘TED,” the sequd brings 
bade the foul-mouthed, pot-smoking 
bear Ted {Seth MacFarfane) and his 
friend John (Mark Wahlbeig), 

This time around, Ted and hh girL 
friend Tami-Lynn (Jessica Barth) want 

to adopt a child but the government 
will not give the couple the privilege to 
do so because it doesn't consider Ted 
a human being. Ted and John get the 
help of Samantha (Amanda Seyfned), a 
lawyer who could be thdr only hope to 
fight for their case. With die story rely¬ 
ing completely on Ted’s \ailgar comedy 
complete with a fot of marijuana jokes, 
the scenes Just dorit propel the story for- 
w'areL It feds disjointed and MacFarfane 
doesrit bring anything new. like the first 

film, it is more or less the same. 

With a sequd, you expect a narration 
that gets evolved from an established 
plot and weaves a cohesive and organic 
storytdling. TED 2” makes the blunder 
of not doing so and chums outa tale that 
only adds to its library new and more 
uncouth jokes to entertain the audience. 

The barrage of jokes vomited out of the 
fod-mouthed bear gets old pretty fast to 
the point your brain cannot cope with 
the fiknk plot and becomes numb in 

the process. In the first film a handful 
of laughs could be shared, but unfortu- 
natriythai is not the case with TED 2” 
It fads like the movie tries too hard to 
make people laugh and therein lies its 

Lade of good humor and an interesting 
ofot makes TED T a stale adventure 

that is not worth anyones time and pa¬ 
tience. Ted is gettii^ old and is burst¬ 
ing at the seams. He surely needs some 
repairs if he decides to make another 
comeback and hopefully that should 
not happen and no* the cuteness of the 
furry bear wont work its diarm to make 
things any better for TfcD 2T 


Lancers Track And Field Shows Off Spirit 
At Blue And Gold Inter-squad Meet 

Team Blue took home the prestigious championship at the Blue and Gold Inter-squad meet to open up the 
Windsor Lancer track and field season. Four meet records Jell over the two-day meet and four athletes also 
, qualified for the CIS championships in March. 

[Photo courtesy} 

Wrih the OUA championships am set "After last years Mens CIS win we have 

to be hosted by Windsoi; home soil a tide to defend and we have started to 


Sports Editor 

In the opening meet of the Lanca-track 
and field season. Team Blue took home 
their third consecutive tide at the Blue 
and Gold Inter-squad meet last wedc at 
the St Denis Centre, 

In an odd twist, Team Gold finished 
with I >288 points while Team Hue fin ¬ 
ished with 1,240 points. However,Team 
Blue earned the victory through their 
charitable efforts, donating over 100 
more canned goods than Team Gold 
m supported local St Vincent de Paul 

Fifth year senior mere pofe-vmftter Mi¬ 
los Savk said Blue and Gold is always a 
fun meet and is a great way to get the 
entire team together 

% not so much about hitting certain 
heights and times or even winning,” said 
Ssvk, <f We dress up, have some laughs 
and see where everyone is at with their 
respective evaits, ffs simply a practice 
meet for rookies to seehowwecomnpete, 
and to see what our training has done so 
£ar Ife agreat telltale to what we need to 
improve cm to be the best' 1 

Despite the laid back atirrosphere the 
track was hotwith strong performances 
The two day competition saw four meet 
records fall* including two by distance 
runner Stefenie Smith. After a suc¬ 
cessful cross country season where she 
earned a CIS individual bronze medal 
Smith said itwas nice to see her outdoor 
training eflforts transfer over into good 
times to begin the indoor season. 

^ had to dioose betvreen tw I wi^ 
probably choose aoss country but I 
love getting indoors and meshing with 
the team and other event groups? said 
Smith." I took more rest than usual after 

tire aoss country season soldorit think 
1 was as fit as usual comir^iitto Hue and 

Smith broke her own meet record that 
she set last year in the 3,000 meters 
finishing in 9:5437 and followed that 
up the next day, breaking a 23-year old 
record in the womens 1,500 meter set 
by Michelle King in 1992 with a time of 

“The records were a surprise," said 
Smith T actually was hoping fd run 
maybe a bit quicker in the 3,000but was 
pretty exdted about the 1500 though 
The shorter, faster distances have never 
been my strength so it was nice to get a 
strong effort” 

On the mem side, Brandon Dobson 
seta new meet record in mem weight 
throw with a throw of 15.67 meters 
which surpassed the previous meet re¬ 
cord set in 2002 by Lance Montipiy of 
15.45 meters while the meet also saw 
four Lancers automatically qualify for 
the CIS Championships in March For 
480 meters in the mem pole vault bet¬ 
tered the CIS standard by one c^itime- 
ter while Branden Wilhem easily quali¬ 
fied for the diampiorehips in the meifc 
high Jump with a leap of 105 meters. 

*"Havii^2I personal besfe over twodays 
in our intersquad meet is quite impres¬ 
sive. I think this means that our train¬ 
ing is woridng? Savk said *We simply 
need to keep gping and well be a force 
to reckoned with Then* no guarantee 
in sports but after these two days I reaOy 
have high hopes for the season" 

Sarah Mitton surpassed the CIS stan¬ 
dard of 13,78 meters in the womens 
shot put, winning the meet evert with 
1436 meters while fellow thrower Jor- 
dana Badley-Casteflo attained the au¬ 

tomatic standard of 16.91 meteis in the 

womens weight throw with her throw 

of 1&98 meters. 

Rachad Wolfe set a new meet record in 
the womens pole vault by dealing 3.70 
meters beating out Sarah Swairfe old re¬ 
cord of 3.60 meters. As a whole, Smith 
praised the lewd of spiritat the meet as 
weft as the performances of ha - veteran 
and first year teammates 

Tve talked to numerous other veterans 
and we all agreed the spirit at blue and 
gold this year was even more electric 
than usual? Smith said. Tfe nice to see 
freshman having a great meet ft can be 
difficult transitioning into the Universi¬ 
ty life so seeing them adapt wdl to the 
training Is always great to see Tin really 
exdted for this season and the next cou¬ 
ple seasons? 

would be an appropriate place to earn 

tiie programs first womafe team tide 
since 2011 but there is a lot of die com- 
petitionacross the province^ namely the 
Toronto Varsity Blues and Guelph Gry¬ 

“The OUA seems to get stronger and 
stronger every year? Smith said. f l think 
the team shows a fot of potential though 
and we have the ability to improve on 
last yeaif* 

The mere squad is the defending OS 
team champions and Savk said being 
the returning CIS champs made a lot 
of the athletes wart to make a mark and 
let the CIS competitors 
come into the season with the mentality 
towin again. 

work for ft? Savk said *Btue and Gold 
is just another day at the office and with 
training camp just around the coms^ 
we ultimately want to make our big 
statement at Can- Ams, trials when the 
season starts.” 

Shortly after Blue and Gdd, the team 
selected thrir curtains for the upcoming 
year tire n^ Cc^ Bdleinore and 
Si Pawtiw will share the honors while 
jar Van Damme returns to lead the 
womens squad alongside Emily Oma- 

The Lancers return to action when they 
host the Can Am Qassk at the St Denis 
Centre Jan. 8 and 9,2016, 

By: L A. Bonte 

, E.WD CUiTH A J0K£? . 

For more comics and animations visit 



Lance Contributor 

Maribeis of the WindsoKrossft com¬ 
munity came together and bmpeed 
with thdr best effort in support of the 
Big Brother Big Sisters ofWifclsor Essex 
charity this past weekend. 

Windsor CrossFit held their "Burpees 
for Charity Christmas ExtravagarL/a' 
Dec !2 as the concluding event for an 
ongoing endeavor called 'Check-In for 
Chant/! The event ran on a Saturday 
momir^ horn 9 am. to 12 pm with 

particfoante drived for a dass of thdr 
choke and completed as many burpees 
as they possibly could 

A Imrpee - also known as a squat thrust 
- b a sequence of four arerdse steps tliat 
strengthen arms* chest, quads, ham¬ 
strings and abs. 

With every burpee completed five cents 
were donated to a sponsored lamily at 
the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor 
Essex charity Along with Check-In far 
Charity every check in a gym member 
made during thdr workout for the day 
resulted in a donation of 50 cents. 

Windsor Crassfit owner and head 
coach Dan Rosco has taken pride and 
responsibility m providing hb gym as 
a means to provide charily for the com¬ 

“We really da atWindsor Crossfit, pride 
ourselves in reaching ouf saki Bosax 

4< We want to hdp out die greater Wind¬ 
sor Essex community in any way we 
really care Plus* we usually do ft through 

By the end of the event the Windsor 
CrossFit endeavors raised a total of 
$1^00 through thdr two events. Check 
in for Charity brought in $700 while 
Btupees for Charity brought in $200 
with a total of 3*825 burpees complet¬ 
ed throughout the day There were also 
cash donations of $100. 

Proceedings will go to a family spon¬ 
sored by Big Brother Big Sisters of 
Windsor Essex. CrossFit member Pie¬ 
ter Boeksma bdieves die community 
needed an event like this to bring every¬ 
one together trough a difficult period 
of time of unemployment in Windsor. 

W I& always great to see the oommunfty 
come together” said Hoeksma ‘With 
CrossFit, were afl a community were all 
friends and were family When they put 
an event like this for charity its amazing 
to see everyone come together!* 

The Big Brothers Big Sisters charity be¬ 
gan separately in 1966 and 1922 respec¬ 
tively but became a joint effort in Jan¬ 
uary 2005, The charity seeks to inspire 
and empower children and youth to 
reach thdr potential, both as individuals 
and citizens. 

CrossFit personal trainer Shaun Tang 
has been voltmteering and mentoring 
for the Big Brothers Big Sisters charily 
through their in-school mentoring pro¬ 
gram. An event like this exrites Tang be¬ 
cause of the opportunity it gives people 

and the opportunity it gjve; him to hdp. 

‘Very exiremdy happy tohripotitf said 
Tang. ‘1 know the program that Tm 
apart of needs foods to buy games for 
the kids, Its a win, win for everyone, the 
way we lode at it CHjt members and the 
commiinity are getting healthier, were 
helping raise money and were getting 
our name out there' 

Tang said Big Brothers Big Sisters is 
always looking for more mentors and 
spoke of the endless benefits spending 
one hour per week with a child can help 
out them later in life. 

'Youre helping Me bids who need 
some guidance,” Tang said “Any posi¬ 
tive input you give will help! 5 


CJAM s I op 30//Albums 

Charts by Murad Erzinclioglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 FM 

More Info? earshot-onlinexom 8c 

* Indicates Canadian Anist 

1 MOSS LIME* - Zoo Du Quebec (Telephone Explosion) 

2 DILI Y DALLY* - Sore (RuzzJ 

17 THE SYLVIA PLATTERS H - Make Glad The Day {Self-Released) 

18 LANGUAGE ARTS’ - Able bland (MapleMusic Recordings) 

21) PEACHES’ - Rub (I U She Music) 

22 VARIOUS* - Transmissions From UMFM 101.5 2015 (UMFM) 
24 MAJICAL CLOUDZ* - At You Alone? (Arts & Crafts) 

26 WAWES ■ V (Warner (WEA)) 

28 TOMMY GUERRERO - Perpetual (Toogood) 

29 SHANNON AND THE CLAMS - Gone by the Dawn (Hardly Art 

27 ALL THEM WITCHES - Dying Surfer Meets His Maker (New West) 


3 GRIMES* - Art Angels (4AD) 

4 SKIM MILK* - Ghosts of Jazz (Self-Released) 

5 THE POINTED STICKS* - S/T (Sudden Death) 

6 OUGHT* - Sun Coming Down (Constellation) 

7 BERNARD ADAMUS - Sorel Soviet So What (Crosse Boite) 

8 DIRTY GHOSTS - Eel It Pretend (Last Gang) 

p| ■ \j i .u _Lm■ »gwBMM■■ m m . mm ■ ■ ■ra wwa 

10 DEERHUNTF.R - Fading Frontier (4AD) 

12 THE SCENICS* * In the Summer (Dream Tower) 

14 TV FREAKS* ■ Bad LuckCharms (Deranged) 

16 VARIOUS* ■ Canada Now. Canada Matnlcnant. • 15 Songs From Canada (Self-Released) 


ATTN: Windsor-Detroit Musicians... 
CJAM FM Wants Ynu! 

Join the C1AM Singles Club today and get your music on the 
radio! Submit your fresh new tracks to: 
with the subject line “SINGLES CLUB” monthly and you 
could find yourself at the top our new Local Music Chart! 

More Info @ 

30 ORIGAMI GHOSTS - Fruit & Animal (Self-Released) 



Sports Editor 

Randi Field is not your typical 25-year 
old woman; she is a massage therapy 

student and mother to her four-year 
old daughter Oh - and she also just so 
happens to be a Windsor-trained mixed 

martial artist with aspirations of a career 
in the Ultimate Fighting Champion¬ 

Field has been training in boxing and 

mixed martial arts for the better part of 

two ysirs and in the days leading up to 
her amateur MMA debut at the Future 

Combat Stars event at Fogular Furianin 
Windsor, she said was exdted and ready 
for her opportunity. 

Tve been working so hard and it feds 
Hke Tve been in training camp for about 
six months now, Fw trained every sin¬ 
gle dayf Ftekl said Tm showing up to 
perform and to show everyone who has 
supported me what Fm made of 

Originally trained as a boxer, Randi said 
both sprat has helped her grow as an 
athlete and is humbled to see the prog¬ 
ress she has made in such a short time. 

“This sport has changed my life - ev¬ 
erything about rt is differenf Field said 
'When I took bade and see pictures I 
look at that girl and thats not the worn - 
an you see before you todayT 

While sparring al the Maximum 
Training Centre in Windsor, Fidd was 
approached by trainer Manud Alfaro 
and he asked her if slid! be interested in 
training to become a boxer and mixed 
martial artist 

“Manny is the heart and soul of this 
whole operation, I was training at MTC 
just doing it for tun with my dad and he 
noticed I had power behind my punch¬ 
es,” Fidd said "When he asked me if I 

was interested in fighting and I said 
okay thatd be cool - but I didn't know 
what 1 was signing up for.*. But its been 
worth every penny and minute Fve put 
into if 

Fidd said the hardest part of the tran¬ 
sition to combat sports was the initial 
commitment she needed to make every 
day and admitted Alfaro suspended her 
along the way 

“Its either you are all in or you are out I 
decided to jump in with both feet,” Fidd 
said cant dedde oite dby Fm going 

to go out and party with my friends and 
then I am goir^ to be serious through¬ 
out the week,” 

Owft beebSSFdtKh'fStm^SS- 

Fidd has gotten a lot of input from some 
of Windsor's legendary world cham¬ 
pion female boxers, Jeannine Garside, 
Alison Hunter ami Mary Spencer have 
lent hands in an effort to prep her for the 
first fight of the rest of her life, Fidd was 
confident as even 

'They are all beautiful and inspirational 
women,” Fidd said "They were so kind 
to me right away and they are definitely 
women that i took up ta They all work 
so hard for evaything that they have 
and that is what I try to cto too 

Finally the day came for her debut and 
Fidd walked into the octagon at the Fo- 
golar with bad intentions for her straw 
weight opponent Greta Dealing of 
Phoenix, Arizona The tight wouldn't 
last long liowever as Fields heavy hands 
woe too much for Dealing to take. Less 
than 2:30 was needed to declare Fidd 
the winner by technical knockout 

,f It was so exciting, especially after hav¬ 
ing countless fights cancelled and now 
I got to show everyone what I worked 
so hard to da” Fidd said "I was so hap¬ 
py for everyone that has put work into 

Among Ramil Field's mentors is Mary Spencer* Olympic boxing and multiple national champion . Along 
with her coach Manuel Alfaro* Field Is hopingta pursue a career in mixed martial arts. 

[Photo courtesy of Randi Field} 

this. Fm so proud to represent the aty of 

As her MMA continues, Field will have 
no shortage of motivation to train and 
push forward, as her daughter Ashlynn 
hdps her stay levd with the stress of 
postisecondary education and training 
to be a world-class athlete. 

“AsHynn motivates me every day" Fidd 
said 'When Fm freaking out or going 
crazy 1 can actually count on my little 
four-year old daughter to say 'Mom, 
everything is going to be okay Its hard 
right now with going to school and 
training while raising her but I just want 
to be complete and positive role modd 

Fidd also said she would km to incor¬ 
porate her daughter more into the sec¬ 
ond family that boxing became to her 

Td love to bring my daughter to my 
fights one day just to see the sports¬ 
manship aspect of' if Field said “You 
shake hands at the end of your match 
and you re hugging when you get to the 
bock The respect you show for each 

Looking beyond sport, Fidd has also 
found a career path she feds is the right 
one - massage therapy 

“I decided to add another tool to my bdt 
to make me better and massage thera¬ 
py is something I found 1 have a knack 
fof Field said 1 ‘Sometimes my friends 
dunk Fve gone through a wood chipper 
because 1 have bruises everywhere - but 

other has actually extended my tamiiyr lam so happy with my life right nowT 


In the December 3,2015 issue of The Lance, the wrong byline was in- 
ditided on the story Tancer Mens Volleyball Come Back to Five-Set 
Win Over Ryeraon!* This story was written by Ihe Lance Intern Jeremy 
Foukah with edits by Sports Editor Brett Hedges. We apologize for any 


Lancers Basketball Teams To Be 
Tested In Remaining Schedule 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancm basketball pro¬ 
gram wait through a first half of the 
year unseen in quite some time 

Wlule both the womens and 
mens teams have competitive rosters, 
they have fallen to the Western Mus¬ 
tang eariy in the regular season and 
most recently fell to the Ottawa Gee 
Gees and Carietoo Ravens to dose 
out their pre-exam and holiday break 

Dont get it twisted while both squads sit 
at 4-3, they are not records to stick your 

This is simply a sign of how truly com- 

thmg womens head coach Chantal 
VaBee has seen coming. 

After the graduation of Korissa WO- 

tiams, Joc^yn Lamcque - who both 
won five OS champtonshxps - as weft 
as Kjistine Latonde* VaBee recruited 
heavily and saw the Lancers go through 
significant changes in the off-season. 
Seven first year players wftl do their best 
to mix with the Lancers veterans in an 
effort to build up another roster; whkh 
could capture another womens basket¬ 
ball national title. 

VaBee was recently interviewed at a To¬ 
ronto Raptors game by Sportsnets Mi- 
chad Grainge and said the league has 
gotten better each season 

*Tfs realty chaBengirg we have to com¬ 
pete against better and better basketball 
players andcoadiesdoagreatfob across 
the countryf VaBee said "We're strug¬ 
gling but were going to do our best to 
chaBenge at the end and try to get our 
sixth diampfonship, if possible." 

Wrapped around their three losses was 
a huge effort against the third-ranked 
Ryeson Rams* when Windsor came 
bade from multiple double-digit deficits 
and pulled away for the 95-79 victory 

Members of the Windsor Lancer womens basketball listen to instructions from head coach Chantal Vallee during a timeout against the Western 
Mustangs at St Denis Centre Nov , 11, 2015. Vallee and the five-time defending C/5 champion Lancers are 4-3 at the holiday break and have 13 

games remaining in their schedule* 

[Photo by// Kevin farroldj 

Andrea Kiss went off for 29 points and 
17 rebounds in that game and Valfee 
wiB need those kinds of efforts to get 
bade to the OS diampsonship tourna¬ 
ment before they try thdr luck at a sixth 
consacutiw national title. 

Forwards Cheyanne Roger and Emily 
Prevost wiB need to solidify the interi¬ 
or on offense and defense, Windsors 
guard play ofCaitlynn Langmuir* * Cady 
Steer and Kayfee Anagnostopcxilos wiB 
be crucial to establish offensive balance 
the rest of the way 

Easier said than done, but these women 
have the skill, grit and deamination 
along with a fine-tuned game prepara¬ 
tion to get file fob done, ft wouldnt be 
a surprise to see VaBee squad to nm the 
table over the next 13 games and find 
themselves in a good position to com¬ 
pete fora provincial and national cham¬ 

Merfe interim head coach Ryan Steer 
knew ec&ctty what he was getting into 
when he took over for Chris Oliver 
when the l atter took sabbatical for the 
year and his primarily yrxifii-indiioed 
team has fered weH during the first sec¬ 
tion of file regular season. The mem 
team bounced back from a loss on 
home court to Western Nm II and 
bounced back to sweep the Ryerson 
Rams and Toronto Varsity Blues the 
next week 

Akx CampbeB has been the scor¬ 
ing leader for the team but consistent 
secondary scoring has been an issue. 
Freshman Isiah Osborne has pit up 
good numbers for a player his age but 
Windsor wiB need a bigger input on a 
more consistent basis to make a push 
when the playoffs begin in late February; 

The secondary scoria load wiB not 
tall solely on Osborne however, as fel¬ 

low rookies Mkah Kinibd and Randy 
Oriafchi have stepped up for the Lanc¬ 
ers when the first unit has needed rest 
OriaMii rejpstered a double-double 
against file Rams while IGrubd has 
knocked down some big shots when 
the team has needed them 

Tfe nice to see our first years arerit 
scared to fight backT Steer said, 'Tfe go- 
ing to be up and down all season when 
we arc playing many first year players, 
They need to kam to dose out ^mes 
when we have teams on the ropes and 
put them awayT 

Windsor *rift be challenged right out 
of the gate when next semester begins, 
A road trip up to SL Catharines for a 
date with the Brock Badgers wiB yield 
a tough n^atchup for both squads as the 
Badgers are much improved from a sea¬ 
son ago. 

The women Badgers are currently 5-1 
division whik the men are in the exact 
same scenario wiffi a 5-1 record In the 
most recent CIS Top 10 poll tte wom¬ 
en are ranked seventh while the men are 
tabbed as fourth-best in the nation - a 
place Steer's squad would like to bump 
them off of 

Neither Windsor squ^is are induded 
in the CIS Top 10 at this point of file 
year, whkh is a rare sight to see since 
they have been regulars during the past 
decade Not to be taken as a slight, tiffs 
is another opportunity for the Lancers 
basketball program to prove to them¬ 
selves - and to the rest of the country - 
that no matter what year or what type of 
recruiting class comes to, no game is too 
big for them. 

Us time for our Windsor'‘bafters to diow 
the OUA and CIS what they're made of. 


Sports Editor 

A trade by Windsor Spitfires gener¬ 
al manager Warren Rydid snapped a 
five-game losing streak this past week- 
end and earned five out of a possible six 
points in the process. 

In the wake of dropping four consec¬ 
utive games and only winning one of 
eigjti games, Rychd made a call to the 
Barrie Gobs and acquired 19-year old 
left winger Brendan Lemieux, who 
was a second round NHL draft pick in 
2014 by foe Buffalo Sabres and b cur¬ 
rently signed with the Winnipeg Jets. 

Rychd felt his team needed a shot in 
the arm and foe Spitfires felt Lemieuxs 
NHL-caliber offensive impact right 
away as the gritty forward racked up six 
points on four goals and two assists in 
three games. 

Thewedtend began with a 4-3 overtime 
loss to the Mississau^ Stedheads at the 
WFCU Centre Dec 8, but bounced 
back to blank foeSamta Sting 3-Oon the 
road the next night on foe strength of 
29 saves by Mike DiPietro and a natural 
hat trick from Lexnieux. Two days lata; 
Windsor capped off the weekend with 
a 4-3 overtime victory over the CHLs 
third-ranked team in foe Kitchener 

Less than ax hours after foe Lemieux 
trade went through, the Winnipeg Jets 
product was in a Spitfires uniform and 
made his presence felt by delivering 
multiple body checks and collecting 
three foots in one shift midway through 
the first period against Mississauga. 

Lemieux skated on Windsor^ top line 
aforyirie right wing Christian Fisch¬ 
er and centre Logan Brown and head 
coach Rocky Thompson said he likes 
foe potential the trio have to become a 
dominant line in foe QHL 

"No doubt Lemieux is going to beabig 
addition to this team and to the success 
of this hockey dubT Thompson said 
"That line is one that can compete and 
be up their against any first line in fob 
league I think that line is going to be im ¬ 
portant for us and a 1% catalyst to our 
success this season and to a playoff run" 

The weekend did not start out as well 
as Windsor had hoped as they trailed 

Windsor Spitfires rookie Gabriel Vtlardi fires a shot on net against the Mississauga Stcelheads during DHL action at the WFCU Centre Dec. 13. 

So far this year Vi lard i has nine goals and six assists far 15 points through 26 games. 

(Photo by // Kevin Jarroldj 

14} after one period despite outshoot- 
ing Mississauga 11-8 in the frame Af¬ 
ter Dan Beaudoin and Jalen Charfidd 
took consecutive penalties in foe second 
period foe Stedheads took a timeout 
to rest their top power play unit - all of 
whkh were NHL draft picks or are eli¬ 
gible for this selection this summer. As 
Beaudoirfe penalty expired Owen Tip¬ 
pett whipped a wrist shot past Hug^^ 
for a 24) lead 

Windsor kept procure in the Stedheads 
zone and finished foe period with 24 
total shots on goal but were unable 
to solve Mississauga net minder Jack 
Hina Brown scored hbshdthofthe sea¬ 
son assisted by Bradley Latour and Le¬ 
mieux oo a power play with 4:22 left in 
tiie third period to cut the deficit in half 
Windsor would get another power pby 
opportunity less than five minutes later 
and this time the new addition would 
score his first goal as a Spitfire on a re¬ 
bound to register his second point of the 
night and tie the game 2-2. 

The lineup of Brown, Fischer and Le¬ 
mieux continued to dominate in the 
offensive zone throughout foe third but 

itwas a four-on-fouropportonity whkh 
led to some wide open hockey with 
time winding down. Windsors Aaron 
Luchuk would show off of his skill set 
when he picked up a roiling puck and 
decked around Hinn and put the Spit¬ 
fires up 3-2 with 3:11 remaining in the 

Mississauga would pull their goalie with 
under 90 seconds left in regulation and 
would cash in on a rebound with just a 
fraction under one minute left and send 
foe game into overtime with each team 
having earned a point after 60 minutes 
of regulation ended in a 3-3 tie Windsor 
outshot Mississauga 36-21 in regulation 
but would once again need an extra 
frame to decide a victor. Each team had 
their chances but a big save from Hugh- 
son on a breakaway was shortly fol¬ 
lowed up by a game-winning goal from 
Damian Bourne at 3:42 of overtime 

“1 thought we deserved to winT Le¬ 
mieux said 4 *We out shot them and I 
fed we played pretty wdl Obviously 
I wanted to get a win in my first game 
with Windsor but it wasrit in the cards. 
It was a good game; we had a good team 

effort I just had trouble remembering 
my line-mates namesT 

The next night was Windsors first of 
eight meetings with the Samia Sting this 
season and Thompson vailed it foe big¬ 
gest game of year. The Spitfires answered 
their head coadfe call and snapped a 
nagging, five-game losing skid in a 3-0 
victory over foe Sting Dec. II. 

Lemteux scored all three of his goals 
in the third period after neither team 
could find the back o f the net for the first 
40-plus minutes. Fischer assisted on ail 
three goals and three separate Spifires 
defensemen - Mikhail Sergachev, Lo¬ 
gan Stanley and Chatfidd - aB chipped 
in with an assist as Windsor moved five 
points up on Samia for tap spot in the 
OHIs West division. 

Two days later it was Chatfiekfs seventh 
goal of the season which served as the 
overtime winner in foe Spitfires 4-3 vic¬ 
tory' over the CHIs thiiri-nmked Kitch¬ 
ener Rangers in front of 4610 at foe 
WFCU Centre Dec. 13, Hie 19-year- 
old defenseman was in perfect position 
to swat home a Latour rebound which 
gave Windsor its second straight win. 

The confidence is back, weve been 
playing good the last two weeks,” Chat- 
fidd said **We just wererit getting any 
bounces but this week we did" 

The Spits took a 2-0 lead into the 
dressing room after 20 minutes on the 
strer^fo of goals by Cristiano DiGiadn- 
to and Gabriel Vikrdi in a 32-second 
span of the opening period After goals 
by Darby Uewefiyn and Gustaf Franzen 
got the Rangers bade even at 2-2, La¬ 
tour capitalized on a Lemieux rebound 
putting the Spits up 3-2 with a power 
ptay marks- at 15:31 of foe second pe¬ 
riod Ryan Madnnis scored Kitchener 
to force overtime, setting the stage for 
Chatfietcfe heroics, 

DiPtetro made 27 saves for the win and 
Inke Richardson made 26 saves but 
took foe toss while Kitchener dropped 
to 23-3-4 

The Spits will next see action when they 
balde with the Saginaw Spirit at foe 
WFCU Centre Dec 17. The teams will 
meet again two nights later to wrap up 
the pre-holiday portion of foar sched¬ 
ules Puck drop on both nights is at 7:05 


The Lance Contributor 

A 20-year-otd University of Windsor 
student has gone missing, prompting 
the Windsor Police Service to ask for 

help ki finding him. 

Yangting liu is an international student 
from China. He was last seen by friends 
Jail 3 and last heard from the follow¬ 
ing day, according to poJkc On Jaa 8* 
Windsor police released a tweet asking 
for information on his whereabouts. 

Police currently do not have any leads 
but are asking the public to call if they 
have any information 

‘'We don't suspect foul play, were not 
concerned that hes been a victim of a 
aiminai offence „ were just concerned 
for his weUbdngT said Nathan Parker 
one of the police officers involved in the 

In early 2015* Liu graduated from the 
univereitys English language improve¬ 
ment program and is about to begin the 
nursing program According to friends, 

he has recently been dealing with a 


“He has been depressed for months,” 
said Shan liu, a student at the Univer¬ 
sity ofWindsor “I don't know how bad 
is it His former roommate told me he 
used to lock liimsdf in his room with 
lights off the whole day, reading novels! 1 

Shan has been best friends with liu 
since high school He was also one of 
die people who went looking for Liu 
after he went missing. 

“He doesn't go out often,” Sihan said 
“We went to his house and we found 
his waBet wifii money and cards in it 
and his passport and other documents 
We asked aft his friends hoe. Nobody 

knows where he went” 

The search for liu is ongoing and is 
being run by Windsor police While 
the University of Windsor Communi¬ 
ty Campus Police know of Lius disap¬ 
pearance, they have said they are not 
involved in the investigation. 

“Its not our imesfigafion, although were 

very concerned about itT said Mike 
MadGnnoa director of the campus 

He also said while campus pdice are 
not actively investigating, they are as 
involved as the rest of the university in 
hoping for Lius safe return 

*1 hope he can come back safe and 
soundT said Sihart “We all da 

If anyone has information on Link 
whereabouts, they are asked to contact 
the Windsor Police Service at 519-255- 
6700 exL 4380. 

University of Windsor student, Yangting liu, 20, went missing Jan. 
X The Windsor Police Service is asking for the publics help in finding 


{Photo courtesy of Windsor Police Services Twitter / 


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Lance Contributor 

enough (o throw off our dai if agendas 

January is a hectic, messy time of yean 
Student start up classes again, the snow 

are too vague and too big, are basically 
doomed to tail For many, New Year’s 

There are lots of resources online for 
making gods, and aJT kinds of different 

New year, new you; were two weeks into 
2016, are you tired of seeing this Me 
mantra yet? If you are, you re not done. 

You might have noticed for the last tew 
years, it really seems like New \fear$ 
Resolutions are on a steep dedine. I 
certainly have* Maybe it has something 
to do with the feet that a grand total of 
dgfrt per cent of people actually follow 
thioi^b with thdr resolutions and 
complete them, according to Forbes* 
com Surprised? Meneither, 

In fact lots of people haven! bothered 
to make any this year* Oh perhaps they 
have, but more to themselves, and less 
on an alLor-nothing public scale 

Its a natural human indination to try to 
better oneself after certain things M to 
the wayside in life. ft happens to every¬ 
one Temporary life changes like theses 

Eventually, the time comes when we 
want to rectify some of the things out of 
place in our lives. 

Say it with me that day does not have to 
be New Years Day! 

However, if you see New Years Day as a 
great day for you to change your habits, 
or jump into some new pastimes, thafs 
awesome and tbaes absolutely nothing 
wrong with it 

For those of you who areht concerned 
with a timeline to better yourself; thafs 
totally great too 

The only thing that should matter in the 
case of serf-improvement is die inspi¬ 
ration to do it The dale and length erf 
time it takes doesn’t matter in the grand 
scheme of things, 

Realistically speaking a date on the 
calendar should not make you fed tike 

comes down, its cold-thal makes a lot 
of common resolutions tike going to the 
gym and buying healthy groceries super 

Additionally, it means were forcing our¬ 
selves to undergo a big change we may 
not necessarily be ready to beginner 
in some cases, complete at all-based 
on that calendar dale* The pressure of 
starting and completing a goal within a 
year, or constantly keeping tabs on it in 
the bade of our minds, can be extreme¬ 
ly stressful and hard on our self-esteem 
when we’re not meeting our goals as we 
would like to be 

If you have any land of goal setting in 
mind for the days, months, and yearf s) 
ahead, theres something very important 

There is a theory behind why resohi- 

Resdutions feB under both of those 
categories. Making a resolution to “eat 
healthier’’ or "lose weight” without any 
more specific timelines or flexibility 
sounds absolutely daunting-and is, es¬ 
pecially if its going from a sedentary life¬ 
style to working out four days a week at 
the gym to lose weight rfs just not prac- 
tical to expect it from ourselves. 

Now, what has been shown to succeed 
are smaller, more defined goak> whkh 
for some may contribute to that big¬ 
ger picture of eating healthier or losing 
weight From a research standpoint, 
this is the way toga Insteadon will eat 
healthier this year? a goal like Twill eat 
one piece of fruit a da/' is much more 
reachable and reasonable than a com¬ 
plete diet overhaul* 

Starting on a smaBer scale and build¬ 
ing up from those lfttfe steps is the key 

approaches to take to starting a change 
within yourself or even outside yourself 
in your immunity* 

Lastly, if you’re not into resolutions or 
goal setting for yourseif dials total¬ 
ly fine As you may Irave figured out, 
there are no Resolution Mice coming 
around to make sure you’re cutting 
down on your spending and Skyping 
your parents more than you did in 2015. 

Sdfchanging goals are amazing and 
admirable no matter when you make 
them, and no matter how bug it takes 
for you to complete them: the import¬ 
ant part is you’re bettering yourself for 
you* Serfimprovemenkm 
can be a lifelong process, so try not to 
sweat it if completing your aspirations 
takes longer than you were originally 
hopingfor. Thafis infinitely better than 
giving up and not doing anything about 

daily jam-packed holidays, getting skk, 
and exams can all be interruptions long 

you’re doing something wrong in your 
life. Thali a lot of stress! Not to mention 

ttons M, which was confirmed for me 
recently by a p$)dxjk)gjst goals, which 

to success for any major life changes, if 
thafcwhat you 5 re baking to accomplish. 

the things in your life making you un- 


Mill El 





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New Year, New Policies 


Arts Editor 

With the New Year inspiring people to 
make resolutions and charges, the Ca¬ 
nadian government is making some 
changes of its own on a national and 
provincial standpoint 

In effect since Jan 1, student loan pro¬ 
grams nationwide will no longer be 
reducing support to working students 
for every dollar they earn beyond $100 
perweek On top of allowing students to 
save a little bit extra into their accounts, 
this is essentially the first step in the 
governments efforts to lessen financial 
strains for those currently on or seeking 
student bans More information can be 
found on canteamca. 

Another policy change is in effect only 
in Ontario^ yet it has proven to be a tat 
more contusing. Drivers and cyclists are 
now required to yield the entirety of foe 
mad at school crossings and pedestrian 
crossovers. Its natural for one to assume 
the crossovers apply to just about any 

standard intersection However ifs im¬ 
portant to keep in mind its not the same 
thing as a crosswalk. 

“There® crossways and foeres cross¬ 
walks, For example our crosswalks at 
the intersection of Sunset and Wyan¬ 
dotte aren’t induded in the new kwf 
said Mike MacKinnon, director of 
Campus Police Services, “ftk not cross¬ 
walks like we have on campus here 16 
those pedestrian crossovers that have 
that over-hanging yellow light” 

MacKinnon went on to say there are 
very few crossovers around thedty itself 
As a result it doesrit apply to students in 
the area. But for anyone who drives or 
cydes, violation of the new policy results 
in a fine between $150 and $500 on top 
of three demerit points on your license 
In this case, ifs always important to keep 
attention to any pedestrian and school 
crossings if you find yourself traversing 
anywhere within Ontario 

More information can be found chi the 
Ontario Ministry of Transportaioris 


Students walk the crosswalk at the corner of Sunset and Wyandotte . This is not the same thing as a pedes¬ 
trian crossover, which has been subject to a new provincial policy change where drivers and cyclists must 
yield the entirely of the road to pedestrians whenever there's a school crossing or pedestrian crossing sign. 
_ __ Lm»to.byUtiam YassmtL 

Movie Review - Star Wars: 
The Force Awakens 


Lance Contributor 

A breath of fresh air is what one can 
best describe “Episode VII: The Force 
Awakens,” After the debacle Jar far 
Binks and the prequels that scarred the 
lives of Star Wars fens across the globe. 
EpisodeVII is the best possfcksequdto 
the original trilogy and a love letter for 
tans, accompanied by beautiful visuals 
and characters ina galaxy for, for away. 

ft has been 30 years since the Battle of 
Endor> Darth Vader defeated by Luke 
Skywalker and the Galactic Empire 
derimafced by the Rebel Alliance, the 
First Order has risen from the rem¬ 
nants of foe ruined evil Empire Princess 
Leia (Carrie Fisher) is now a General 
and is part of the Resistance in search 
of ha- brother Luke Skywalker (Mark 

HamiR) who has disappeared under 
mysterious drcumstances. In tliese tu¬ 
multuous times in the galaxy, foe new 
face of the Sifo, Kyfo Ren is leading the 
storm troopers to acquire foe coordi¬ 
nates that wffl lead him to Skywalkerk 
location In his endeavors, Finn (John 
Boyega) > a storm trooperwho questions 
his position within the Older and Rey 
(Daisy Ridley), a scavenger who wan¬ 
ders without aim on the planet of Jakku 
grt caught up in foe affair and pave the 
story forward for the inevitable sequels. 
Along foeir Journey they come across 
Han Solo and his copilot Chewhacca, 
and together the party dodging through 
the dutches of the Order go on a galactic 

I^aurels must be handed over to J. J. 
Abrams, the director of the movie He 
has managed to mold this popular cul¬ 

tural icon into creating an interesting are 
and foroughout foe narration you see 
that every sequence has been produced 
for foe screen with care The vision that 
George Lucas had created in theor^pnal 
trilogy got lost in the prequels because 
of its bad dialogues, acting and the pro¬ 
gression of the story The Force Awak¬ 
ens has managed to safely put aside all 
that negative baggage and conjured a 
much-needed reinvigoration for the 

East paced slick action sequences and 
the return of old iconic characters are 

just the tips of the icebergwhen it conies 

* ■ 

to the film. Every character like a new 
Droid BB-8, the Resistance pilot Poe 
Dameron (Oscar Isaac) in a minor role 
and notable perfoimaiices given by Rid¬ 
ley and Boyega show what foe prequels 
were lacking, a conviction towards foe 

characters they are playing That de¬ 
ment has been translated for foe screen 

Seeing foe older cast is an king on the 
cake and they have not just been shoe- 
homed to give nostalgic moments to 
fena They exist because they havea sto¬ 
ry to tdl The passing of age has dianged 
them Things have not been foe same 
after foe Battle of Endor and you can 
see that reflect through the actions and 
emotions exhibited by Soto, I^eia and 

Abrams is known for narratives being 
too fast paced at times (Star Tkk), but 

ens has been well padded out creating 
a balance between characterization and 
action, a perfect fusion of foe two 

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has 
similar undertones like “The New 
Hope,” but that aspect establishes foe 
characters in foe Star Wars universe 
and propels foe story forward ft lias 
nostalgic moments and moments of 
awe ft has the ingredients of what Star 
Wars should be and it is a moment of 
triumph for Abrams to give life to it It 
is a story of characters that are real and 
break foe barriers of fiction they resick 
in and somehow in afloffob, foe humor 
is never lost, and that makes the film a 
“force” to be reckoned with 


New Students Learn 
the Ropes at UWindsor 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor welcomed 
its newest students this past week as the 
new semester officially started for all 

The new students had the opportunity 
to get a leg up on the semester and fa¬ 
miliarize themsdves with the school 
and bow things work It also allowed 
them to meet iHfow incoming students 
for second semester of the year. 

Program administrator of the centre for 
executive and professional education 
and event organizer, Stacey Marina said 
them are over 150 new student entering 
into the CEPE programs. 

‘A lot of the students here are interna- 
tfoml students, so its nice to have them 
all in one place, share with them what 
they need to know and give them the 
opportunity to mingfe and to know 
one anolheif said Marion ‘There is 
two days where we integrate the stu¬ 
dents into the university and some of 

it is sharing information but we like to 
bring them out and do things in die dty 
as well.” 

According to Marion, there were a lot 
of greetings and introductions from 
deans, form-fillings and other infor¬ 
mation-based stuff but they also try to 
introduce the students to Windsor as a 
whole. She said all of the students got to 
take busses around the dty and they also 
went to the mall and saw the new Star 
Wats movi e 

Students also brake off into their pro¬ 
grams and had faculty spedfic meetings 
to help them with their start-up, 

Sheraj Guppa, one of the student volun¬ 
teers, said today was a very good expe¬ 
rience for the students to come out and 
get to know the school and each other 

“There are a tot of very important people 
to meet andhdp&l people to guide you 
through your dme hem’ said Guppa, 
Ti is the first time in Windsor for a lot 
of duse people I think it is a necessary 
event for a lot of them to get to know 
the school, the dty and everything ifs 

Student volunteers for the CEPE information day take a break and enjoy some lunch before they head off to 
* see Star Wars with the new students Jan . 5. 

[Photo by // Caleb WorkmanJ 

about" said there a lot of things to learn al riie lost but they learn here who they can 

Another student volunteer and pho- uiuvers,t ?- go to if ft happens,” said Patel “Theres 

tographer for the day Chintan Patef Tt can get confusing and people may get always someone who can help! ’ 

Movie Review - The Hateful Eight 

order to reach the better compelling 


Lance Contributor 

l have a tricky rektioaship with Quentin 
Tarantincfe films, I love them, rite ones 
that I have seen al least, and yet there is 
a strange hesitation that occurs for me 
when tire subject of watching his latest 
or re- watching one of his dassks comes 
up. This did not char^ for Tarantinofc 
eighth studio film; “The Hateful EightT 
as the initial interest mdfor excitement 
was not immediately present When 
the trailer premiered a few months back 
and I finished watching M was disap¬ 
pointed Not much excitement seemed 
to exist within this film What makes 
a Tarantino film such an awesome 
experience is that once I commit to 
watching one, the hesitation I felt simply 
evaporates away, and again, this did not 
change for “The Hateful EighlT I was 
happy to be proven wrong byTarantino 
once again. 

This is a different type of film for the 
filmmaker In the press leading up to the 
films release, Tarantino has said many of 
his influences came from the westerns 
of the midT90Ck That influence is ev- 
id ent mostly in the overall pacing of the 
film Tarantino has always tinkered and 
experimented with pacing but here he 
elects for a timed bomb with a very slow 
bum string and it absolutely'fits the nar¬ 
rative be is presenting 

'Hie film takes place a tew years after 
the end of the Civil War where John 
Ruth 'The Hangman" (Kbit Russell), a 
bounty hunter, is heading to Red Rode 
with prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jenni¬ 
fer Jason Leigh) to have her stand trial 
and hang for her alleged crimes. Along 
the way they meet up with Major Mar¬ 
quis West (Samuel L Jackson) a fellow 
bounty hunter and former solkferinthe 
CM War with a few bounties to col¬ 
lect on his own. As wdL Chris Mannk 

(Walton Goggins) Joins the trio claim¬ 
ing he is the new sheriffofRed Rock To 
escape an oncoming blizzard, they head 
to Minnies Haberdashery' where they 
run into four other individuals sharing 
in the establishments warm resources, 
Que the stow burning string to quicken 
ever so slightly more and more as noth¬ 
ing is truly as it seems. 

What is perhaps nsDst strange though 
is that the films greatest strength is also 
its dear weakness. The movie conies 
very dose to a three-hour runtime and 
it is Tarantinos most dialogue heavy 
production. Characterization becomes 
the key within the script very quick* 
ly as Tarantino dedicates the time to 
filling out the lives and backstories of 
each individual hded up at Minnie^ 
Haberdashery, ft is quite the tocredMe 
accomplishment as, in my mind, Taran¬ 
tino and his actors succeed in provid¬ 
ing complete vrf-iounded characters. 

Somewhere dose to the midway point 
oflhe film I asked my buddy sitting next 
to me, 'Who do you trust right now?" 
and I asked because I wasn't sure who 
I should be trusting. I was constantly 
curious about the motivations and in¬ 
tentions of each character and I had to 
question and re-question the happen* 
ing^ of the plot in order to reevaluate 
what it was I was actually anticipating. 
This focus on characterization leads to 
some incredible storytelling payoffs in 
the final act, however there were times, 
particularly in the first hour of the film, 
where exposition became the subject it¬ 
self This lead to seme moments fading 
overburdened and simply boring, Sto¬ 
rytelling reigns supreme overall thot^Ji 
and these moments of ovemhance on 

moments. A notable highlight scene is 
a monologue for Samuel L Jackson that 
will shock you and make you laugh in 
the same breath. 

"The Hateful Eigjhf is not Tarantinos 
best film, but ft is perhaps one of his 
most interesting> and almost certainly 
one of his most captivating. His dia¬ 
logue, while heavy handed in spots, is 
still Just as crisp and free flowing as ever 
and his actors (some Tarantino veterans, 
some newcomers) are more than up to 
rite task of bringing his complicated 
characters to life. Fm not sure what it 
was I was entirely expecting going into 
this movie; but Fm more than satisfied 
with how I felt about it when I left the 

JANUARY H 2016 • UW 1 N D5Q RLANC E.C A // 5 

New Student Ombudsmen 
Looks to Help Students 


News Editor 

Kris Mdnnis is the first student om¬ 
budsmen representative run through 
the UWSA, OPUS and the GSS. 

The new position is to hdp students 
through academic and some non-ac¬ 
ademic issues such as plagiarism The 
three main bylaws Mdrmb will be 
working with are Bylaw 31, which in¬ 
volves academic integrity. Bylaw 32, 
which involves proceduial irregularities 
and discrimination regarding academic 
instruction evaluation and appeals and 
Bylaw 51, which involves academic 

wil be able to adequately represent and 
help out students through anything they 
may be concerned about She is also a li¬ 
censed paralegal with the Law Society of 
Upper Canada, She said her job is notto 
win cases but to make sure students are 
not taken advantage of or discriminated 
against in any proceedings. 

It was just recently in the revision of the 
bylaws in March that staled students 
could be represented my an ombuds¬ 
man person so the position is brand 
new and can definitely heip students out 
according to Mdnnis, 

President of the UW5A, Javdee Tarpeh, 
said lair rcpreseiitahon of students is 

“The general scope of my position is to 
assist, inform, educate and hdp defend 
students in cases of academic mattes, 
grade appeals and other academic and 
sometimes non-academic matters," said 
Mdnnis, Tm available to students from 
all three positions whether they arefulL 
time, part-time or graduate students,” 

Mdnnis has a background in the pro¬ 
ceedings of academic cases and said she 

something the university needed and 

Mdnnis is the best person for the job. 

*1 always tell students, no matter what 
the ease is, theres always a way to deal 
with C said Tarpeh. Unfortunately 
students think its the end of the rope 
when these cases come up but we want 
students to knew there is nowaresource 
here That b why we got Kris" 

Kris Mdnnis hopes to help students through both academic amt non-academic issues as UWindsor’s new 

student ombudsman. 

I Photo by // Hani Yassinej 

not being fair and a lot of students are and professional, and ores for the stu- days," said Mdnnis 

not wdl-informed according to Tarpeh dents, for more information or to inquire 

Tarpeh said he does not know Mdnrus “If anyone has any issues, they are wd- about a case, contact Kris Mdnnis at 

verywdlyetbutdTebvaygoodatwhat come to came and see me in the office 519-253-3000 ext 4509 or at kmdnn- 

There are cases where professors are she does and she b very knowledgeable on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thuis- is@uwind$occa 

Videogame Review - Rocket League 


Lance Contributor 

a n ■ 








Rocket League bone of those videog¬ 
ames that come once in every few years 
surprising gamers with its presentation 
and style and winning accolades all 
across the board Developed by Psyo- 
nix, "Rocket League” b a physics-based 

vehicle football videog^ne ft has both 
single player and online components. 
The simplistic controls and the kyout 
are impressive and deliver immersion 
and enjoyment unceremoniously 

With an array of upgradable cars at your 
disposal you can play exhibition match¬ 
es and multiplayer just like how $umes 
like FIFA and PES series deliverThe cars 
can jumpy dodge and break sound bar¬ 
riers achieving unparalleled velocity to 
make a goaL Every match you win, you 
level up unlocking cosmetic upgrades 
and cars in that process. The eon^jfex- 
itks of the game Ik within the aspect of 

trying to contempfate the angles and ac¬ 
curacy with whkh you manipulate the 
ball as its movement b physics based 
The mixed blend of its game play sim¬ 
plicity and utilizing the momentum 
of your car provides challenges for the 
player The moment-to-moment game 
pLay b urpedidaWe as your control 
over the car and ball depends on the no¬ 
tion of maneirverability and timing 

When it comes to the visuals and perfor¬ 
mance, ffie game b polished and during 
my timewith it, I rarely came across any 
hiccups wlratsoevo: With a variety of 
arenas tailored towards file game play 

you can lose trade of the hours because 
of its addictive nature. 

There are tutorial and Rookie modes 
where you can practice your skills 
against AI as opposed to swimming 
in uncharted warm with skilled play¬ 
ers you meet online when you start M 
times, the AI can be a bit jarring but that 
b just me nitpicking a game that does 
evmthinedse iust rieht 

“Racket League" is a fun arcade style 
game that doesrit demand asleep learn¬ 
ing curve fiom the players because of its 
simple control schema yet on five field 
you must formulate some form of tac¬ 
tics to beat your opponents. The j^ime 
truly deserves a standing ovation as it b 
hard to put down once you get hold of 
it and every match you play b erratic as 


LaSalle Based Writers Launch 
Collection of Short Stories 


Arts Editor. 

ft is described as darkly toned science 
fiction, with a number of narrative vari¬ 
ances and contrasts in between each 

During the early evening of Jan* % local 
authors Christian Laforet and Ben Van 
Dongen set up inside Phog Lounge for 
the launch of toar latest book “No light 
Tomorrow^ Over 40 people fiSed up 
the downtown venue as they looked to 
purchase a copy of the book and listen 
to the authors read excerpts from two 
of the six short stories found inside the 
newly printed pages. According to Van 
Dongea perhaps what is the primary 
narrative dement of the collection is 

**We found the stories that we chose to 
have 1 running theme of subverting 
expectations, and kind of used that as a 
brainstorming point,” Van Dongen said 

Van Dongen and Laforet each submit¬ 

ted three stories out of multiples they 
had at the ready According to co-au¬ 
thor Laforet, the compiling and publish¬ 
ing processes of the book took one year 
on and off Both authors say the stories 
can range from the humourous to the 
thought provoking, all while using a 
science fiction backdrop to hdp provide 
a desired story without having to deal 
with too many restrictions, 

“I like to think it kind of has a Twilight 
Zone fed to it,” said Laforet “But whats 
great about science-fiction is that noth¬ 
ing is off limits. Whatever you can think 
of or imagine, you can writer 

As both writers have moved on to other 
projects, they lode at “No Light Tomor¬ 
row” almost like a bast from the past 
The pubfishing process helped in terms 

t>fbdngmore confident in their written 

work, and although the stories are short 

enough to be finished in a single sitting, 
they bdkve the narrative and subject 
matter within the storks wifi provide a 

Nearly 50 people listen to Ben Van Dongen read an exerpt from “Vo Light Tomorrow\ which he ca-au¬ 
thored. The hook had its official launch at Phog Lounge fan. 9 . 

I Photo by// Hani Yassimj 

lasting effect 

"No Light Tomorrow** is available now 
at BibUoasis, Chapters, Paper Heroes 

an d Amazon. 

‘When you finish a short story, even 
though a small story and you can 

read it relatively quiddy, it should stay 

with you,” Laforet said 1 fedlike every 
one of the stories in the bode will stay 
with the reader long after they finish it” 

Movie Review - The Big Short 

result, I would say, is largely successful 
as the feds coining from history and 

and Selena Gomezs, is completely ran¬ 


Lance Contributor 

"The Big Short" surprised me in a lot 
of ways. Its formal, presentation, and 
organization g> agtinst the image of 
what a film traditionally looks life To 
put it plainly a large chunk of the film 
is dedicated to giving a fourth wait 
breaking explanation of the financial 
terms being floated around during the 
period this film is dealing with. That pe¬ 
riod b the few years before the eventual 
US economy crash of2008 that, as this 
film demonstrates, began in part due 
to the housing market crashing first 
If you were to ask me, “what does this 
film do?” I would simply tdtt you that it 
tries to explain how and why toe hous¬ 
ing maiket foiled in United Stated The 

the wit stemming from Adam McKay's 
script and style match abundantly wdl 

AT first gjance, the attempts to explain 
things to you, toe audience, directly 
may seem a bit in your free (literally) 
and preachy in a way but when the 
surprise of toe format wears off, wbai 
remains is a compelling dramedy that 
refuses to let society off the hook for 
deciding to not pay attention* While 
McKay and his saeenwritir^ partner 
Charles Randc%to do point toe finger 
at the corporations responsible for eco¬ 
nomic destruction, they arerit afraid to 
expose toe opposir^ view that suggests 
the everyday individual is not being as 
observant as they could or should be; 
toe focus lajgdy stays on toe corpora¬ 

tions though One of the reasons this 
format proves to be so successful is due 
to the character of Jared Vennett played 
by Ryan Gosling* Goslir^ provides all of 
fire exterior exposition and is the only 
who directly speaks to the screen. He 
acts as a sort of reality show host, a guide 
that brings us along for a very needlessly 
complicated ride through recent history. 

This breaking the fourth wall aspect 
allows toe comedy of the film to enter 
more naturally Tenns like subprime 
mortgages, ooflateralized debt obliga¬ 
tions (CDOs) and synthesized CDGs 
bombard the language and then Gos- 
ling comes in and flips a switch. “Ks pret¬ 
ty confiBing,r%ht? Doesn’t it make you 
feel bored or stupid? Heres Margo* Rob¬ 
bie in a btfhtub to explain.Robbies 
cameo, along with Anthony Bourdains 

dom, but it allows toe complicated info 
to be extrapolated into simpler wording. 
These moments are the filmmakers al¬ 
lowing their audience to take a breather 
and go over what they just heard Gos¬ 
lings other function is to collect toe sep¬ 
arate storyline pieces of our characters 
into one whole. Christian Bale, Steve 
Carrefl and Brad Pitt never interact in 
toe movie, and yet thdr respective sto¬ 
ries help us delve deeper into toe issues* 
Each actor, and HI include Coding in 
this, is so good in this movie that there 
b no one dear highlight And since the 

point of thb story toe financial abb 
is, toe actors allow themselves to blend 
nxOT into the searm of the narrative. Ev¬ 
erything about tob feels real and Adam 
McKay does not want you to forget it, 
because all of thb did hqppen 

“TheBigSborf could be described as a 
mini dictionary of sorts It b a demon¬ 
stration of facts and jargon in simplicity 
and yet constantly feds like an attempt 
to slap the audknee in the face and wake 
us all up to the realities of one of the big¬ 
gest financial and economic coOapses 
in history. Above ail dse, thb film riled 
me up and it will have the same effect 


Creative and Dramatic Art Programs 


Rev Up for the New Semester 


Arts Editor 

With students heading bock to dassesto 
contendwith the second half of their ac¬ 
ademic year } both the Sdiool of Creative 
Arts and University Players are gearing 
for the second half of their respective 

Hie first half of the current SoCA Pres¬ 
ents season featured highlights such 
as the Project Trio residency and the 
Christmas concerts, whkh served as a 
fitting holiday condusioa Utile time 
is being wasted in making a return, as 
SoCA alumni wiS soon be collaborating 
with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra 
and Artdte Windsor for the upcoming 
Winter Celebration. 

“The Winter Celebration is something 
newT said SoCA marketing and pub¬ 
licity coordinator Susan Mckee 'This 
is the first time weve collaborated with 
the Windsor Symphony Orchestra and 
Artcite for something like this.” 

Occurring on Jan. 16, the Winter Cde- 

brafian is one part a W30 coOaboratson 
at the Capitol Theatre. There will also 
be a visual arts component, as alumni 
students in the field will be showcasing 
their work on the same day, with the 
exhibit running until Feh 27. Anoth¬ 
er highlight of the season will be the 
resdency of Alan Vizzutti, a world-re¬ 
nowned trumpet player who will hold 
a masterclass and concert with the uni- 
versitys wind and jazz ensemble come 
the beginning of April 

While little is set in stone right now for 

7 he School of Creative Arts' School of Music have many shows set up for the remainder of the 2015-2016 year. 

[Photo by // Haul Yassine] 

visual arts events, Mckee said the LeB- 

d group will have a few shows up their 

sleeves within the next few months, pos¬ 
sibly cdlaborating with the Art Gallery 
of Windsor over this time. Ultimately, 
Mckee hopes the season will be keeping 
its momentum of delivering memora¬ 
ble events all while furthering the en¬ 
lightenment of residing SoCA students 

'With the different artists and musicians 
that were able to bring in, it just enriches 
and ks anotiw opportunity for 
to get additional inspiratfon 
but outside of the classroom," Mckee 

Whik they dorit have as many events 

under their calendar; University Pay¬ 
ers is also hard at work as they begin to 

tadde the last three shows of their 57th 
season. According to marketing coor¬ 
dinator Anna Gaika, the last semester 
was subject to overwhelmin^y positive 
response, noting the glowing recqrtion 
from their most recent comedic pro¬ 
duction “ScapinoT They hope to keep 
the ball idling upon shifting bade to 
drama with the upcoming “An Experi¬ 
ment With an Air Pump" 

Tfs a bit of science; its a bat erf mystery 
Gaika said It has a Me bit more of an 

intellectual aspect to it, because its arc¬ 
ing the question of how far you wuid 

go for the sake of science” 

Gaika said rehearsals with “Air Pump" 

began before Christmas and theyre 
staying pre-emptive as preparations for 
next years season are already under¬ 
way. Following the scientific drama, the 
group will then move on to the bitter¬ 
sweet “Dancing at Lughnasa" and will 
oondude with the period comedy “The 
Double Dealer 

Gaika has also noted an increase in gen¬ 
eral student awareness and attendance, 

whidi has been credited towards the 

promotion efforts done by the younger 

dramatic art students. While its a tong- 
term process in the making, Gaika finds 
the awareness to be a step in the right 
direction as they keep to the goal of pro¬ 
viding strong theatrical work 

“Us always our goal, to produce high 
quality, high caliber productions, and do 
Justice to the type erf productions w^ve 
selected" Gaika said 

“An Experiment With an Air Pump" 
will premiere at the Essex Hall Theatre 
Jan, 29* 

Luck of the Draw 

Students Can Now Play Their Odds at Winning’ a Job 


News Editor 

Landing a job in Windsor is very hard 
with die current unemployment rate 
but odds to get one may have just gotten 

Hie summer student lottery program 
is now accepting applications through 
Windsor’s recruitment campaign. 

Most of the positions require candidates 
to be able to work in a variety of envi¬ 
ronments from working with debris 
and chemicals to working in an office 
environment Most positions also man¬ 
date for the applicant to have thdr G or 
G2 license 

The following criteria must be met in 
order for a student to be eligible for the 

Be legally entitled to work in Canada 

Be a minimum erf 17 years of age by 
May i of this year 

Be a post-secondary student attending 
an accredited university or immunity 
college or Ontario Ministry of Educa¬ 
tion equivalent 

Be attending school cm a fuQ-time basis 
at the time ofapplicaikm. 

Be returning to fufl-time attendance in 

Be available to work all shifts beginning 
the first day after final university or col¬ 
lie exams. 

The greater part of the positions require 
heavy lifting and extraneous work sudi 
as shoveling, raking and digging, oper¬ 
ating mechanical equipment and other 
demanding work 

The work available typically covers the 
summer months. 

Once an application is submitted it is 
run through a program to select indi¬ 
viduals at random and the dosing date 
is Jan 29 at 4:30 pm 

The winners will be announced two 
weeks after the deadline 


The Bank Refunds More Than 400 Tickets 
To Cancelled New Year’s Eve Party 


News Editor 

New Years Eve is a busy time for many 
and sometimes things fell through. 

This is especially true for multi-dub 
and bar owner Pairidc Kim who had 
to shut down The Bank M^itkhib after 
building it up to be the place to be for the 

A bailiffs notice which was left on The 
Rankfc door prior to Christmas, stated 
the owners of the establishment owed 
their landlord, Dante Capaldi, nearly 
$120*000 m rent and fees. 

According to a statement of daim is¬ 
sued Jan. 5 by The Bank, around Dec 
30, they received a notice from fhdr 
landlord they would need to meet “fi¬ 
nancially extraneous conditions” in¬ 
cluding a payment of SKXOOO, 100 per 
eamofaQlkf^ were to 

be paid to the province of Ontario, The 
Bank would have to pay the bailiff for 
his attendance at the event and the dub 
would have to make anew lease agree¬ 

ment for the next five years. 

The agents and owners of The Bank 
stated in their daim “ „ foe imposition 
of foe foregoing terms was tantamount 
to extortion, and is an exemplification 
of foe high-handed* malidous, callous, 
inequitable, arbitrary and perverse con¬ 
duct of Ontario and for partkuiadyCa- 
paldi in its dealings with tte plaintiff in 
this regard" 

However, Kim said they had agreed via 
e-mailed correspondence to meet these 
terms Dec 30, “in an effort to avoid an 
incident whkh would dearly be cata¬ 
strophic to the plaintiffs goodwi and 
reputation,” as stated in foeir daim. 

The following day, Capakii added fur¬ 
ther terms to be met if the The Bank 
wished to be open for their New dear's 
Eve party" whkh induded an immediate 
payment of $20,000, $200 per hour paid 
to the bailiff for his attendance, liquor 
sales revenue acknowledgement of the 
previously menttonedoutstaiidirg rent, 
as well as proof of insurance, 

Rrithermom the daim states The Bank 
did everything they could to remain 

open but the added terms kept comii^ 
and itwas very hard for them to keep up 
with it all 

Kim said he hopes foe statemmt of 
daim is able to darify the situation to all 
with any questions. 

“I want to let everyone know that all 
tickets that were purchased were re¬ 
funded by me personally before mid¬ 
night;* said Kim <f We did all we could 
to open and it was such an unfortunate 
drcumstance that we could not” 

The daim said over400 ticketswere pre¬ 
sold for the event bid Kim said it was 
made near impossible for them to stay 
open especially after Capaldi and his 
jpoup stopped responding to any forms 

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go anywhere 


Graduating Acting Class 
Offers Sneak Peak Showcase 


Arts Editor 

One by one, 19 University Hams actors 
took die stage. Yet none were in cos* 
tome, and the lights never dimmed 

Halfway through their conclusive year, 
the graduating BFA Acting da© came 
together for a performance showcase, 
which was open to the public on the 
afternoon of Jm 10 at the Hatch Studio 
Theatre. Considered as a rite of pas¬ 
sage for the up and coming actors, the 
showcase serves as a prologue to when 
the da© present their skills to up to 100 
industry professionals at the Next Gen¬ 
eration Showcase in Toronto, ft would 
essentially project them to the next stage 
of thdr fesh cairns As a result, the 
showcase on campus was created in the 

"Its almost like another rehearsal for 
them,” said Dramatic Art Director Tina 
PugUese. Theyte in a momentum, 
they re in a flow right now” 

The actors are given throe minutes to 
perform two different monologues in 

front of professionals ranging from cast¬ 

ing directors to agents. Part of the acting 
showcase is a product of a dass, which 
teaches the graduating gro up how to 
sustain in the business, as well as net¬ 
working tips which would hdp provide 
a leg up following graduation. 

With the showcase reprosentmgtheai- 
mination of thdr training, therms added 
pressure and heightened nervousness in 
the ak But at least one actor is looking at 
the nerves in a more positive light 

“If fm not nervous, I dorifc fed fm do¬ 
ing my job right Nerves keep you on 
your toes,” said Emerjade Simms, who 
performed in this seasons 'Anna in the 
ImpicsT and will be performing in foe 
upcoming 'An Experiment With an Air 

The actors are expected to have nearly' a 
dozen audition pieces ready at any giv¬ 
en lime For Simms, the pieces chosen 
are based on diversity and contrasting 
tones to ensure an actor's versatility in 
the spotlight 

For fellow fourth year Brian Haight, who 
starred in foe University Players' most 
recent production ‘‘ScapirtoT the choos¬ 
ing comes to how each piece speaks to 
him on a personal levd Haight found 

The graduating BFA Acting class came together for a sneak peak acting showcase at the Hatch Studio The¬ 
atre an fan, 10, 

(Photo by// Gordon McCall} 

the showcases to be a solid learning ex¬ 
perience. However hes aiming to make 
further adjustments foe efoser it is to the 
big day 

“As any theatre piece is, you always want 
to be perfecting,” Haight said. l lNfow rtk a 

matter of going bade work shopping it, 
and then bringing it back again, trying 
to improve it” 

The actons will be leaving for Toronto 
on fm Ifiand will show thdr work the 

following day. On top of foe upcoming 

showcase, foe actors have the second 
half of the University Players season 
to contend to The actors will also be 
moving on to charade' studies as part 
of their program, which will be building 
towards a grander showcase set to occur 
in April 

CJAM s Top 30 (I Alburns 

Tk& M&fpHOCCcd' 

i-r* . i#/jf ■ 


Charts by Murad Hrzinclioglu 
Music Director . CJAM 99.1 FM 

More Info? & 

' Indicates Canadian Artist 

1 THE HYPNOTICS' - Modem Art Entertainment (New Values) 

2 RICHIE HAWTTN* - From My Mind To Yours (Minus) 

3 GRIMES' - Art Angels (4AD) 

4 LANGUAGE ARTS' - Able Island (MapleM-usic Recordings) 

i 5 BELIEFS*' - Leaper (Hand Drawn Draeula) 

b TV FREAKS* Bad Luck Charms (Deranged) 

| 7 BORN RUFFIANS* - Ruff (Paper Bag) 

8 PROTOMARTYR - The Agent Ini died (Hardly Art) 


10 WHAT SEAS. WHAT SHORES' • Spiritual Nap Machine (Mudtown) 

11 JUICE BOX* - Tetra Pak (Self-Released) 


12 THE DEARS* limes Infinity, VoL One iDangerbird) 

13 THE LONG DISTANCE RUNNERS* - Elements (Self-Released) 

14 DIRTY GHOSTS - Let It Pretend (Last Gang) 

ATTN* Wmrisnr-Detrnit Musinans 

15 AUTUMN STILL* - When It Was (Seif-Released) 

m in* viiiiuoui uunuiv muoioiciiio.*. 

\ b KELLY STOLTZ ■ In Triangle Time fCasdeface) 

CJAM FM Wants You! 

17 COUNT BOBO - Bird Of Paradise (Self-Released) 

18 VARIOUS - Senegal 70 (Analog Africa) 

loin the CJAM Singles Club today and get your music on the 

19 DIVANHANA - Sevdah (ARC Music) 

20 G RUPO FANTASMA Problemas (Blue Co. 

radio 1 Submit voiir fresh new tracks to* ciamtndGteniail com 

21 FARRIS AMINE - Mississipi To Sahara (Self-Released) 

22 MDOl M<)( FAS - Akounak Tedalat Taha Taxoughai (Sahetsouods) 

with the subject line "SINGLES CLUB" monthly and you 

23 KANDIA KOUYATE - Renascence (Stems Africa) 

24 VARIOUS - Acoustic Rainbow VoL-tS (Poet Man) 

could find yourself at the top our new Local Music Chart! 


26 tLl.A | Ilia I (Bastard teiz) 


27 BAABA MAAL ■ The Traveller (Palm) 

mm | f m 

28 DEERHUNTER - Fading Frontier (4AD) 

Mato Infn In urufuf nom no 

29 DISCLOSURE - Caracal (Capitol) 

v ulc II U u? WWW.L d .Ud 

30.TOMTEAS1EY - Dreams Oflndia (T&T) 



Arts Editor 

Photos by 


Volunteer Photographer 

Brendan Aymer and Rachel Tremblay 
wereoneof many couples to attend a re¬ 
cent wedding expo, visiting vendors to 
yield a few extra ideas to implement for 
fodr wedding in September. A day over 
two years in the making, their reason for 
the coniniitment was simple. 

T&only one dayT Ayroer said 

‘Ttbu remember it for the rest of your 
lifeT Tremblay continued 

Mora than 100 vendors spanning ewer 
a dt®en services came together for the 
16th annual Wedding Odyssey which 
was held on the Jam 9 weekend at the 
Goriaro Guk Be it focal, regional or 
provincial, there was plenty of options 
available for couples looking to have 

their wedding customized down to the 
last detail. 

brides sometimes don t know what to 
do. They search out each vendor kind 
of like an interview process,” said event 
director Laura Tibem. Tfe kind of like a 
one slopshop*' 

You had several vendors, which focused 
on lavish wedding decor Thera were 
focal dothing outlets, which had tuxe¬ 
dos and wedding gowns on display and 
ready to catch the eye. Not to mention 
a slew of video production companies 
and photography services, or perhaps 
if couples want to make the day extra 
memorable, they can go on a trolley 
tour around various wineries or brewer¬ 
ies within Windsor-Essex. 

‘The ■ tdding parties like it because 
ift very unique and nostalgic,” said Bill 
Baker, owner and operator ofthe Wind* 
sor-Essex Trolley Tour 

With several of the vendor services 

overlapping each other, it brings a great 
wealth of options for couples who may 
be fesdnated by the more minute as¬ 
pects of the ceremony To an extent, 
this is reflected on some of the vendors 
themselves, particularly with the Wine- 
craft winemaking company who spe- 
dalize in providing anywhere between 
200 and 300 different flavors for wed¬ 
ding wines. 

"They get to come in and they get to 
choose from a long list of different kinds 
of wines that they can make,” said Wrne- 
cralt owner Jim Ryan “TheyTl choose 
the one thafs going to compliment the 
meal the best, or their particular fevor- 

The expo was also accompanied with a 
fashion show, which occurred on both 
day^s of the event Another wedding 
show is set to happen yet again at the 
Qodaro Ouk which b scheduled for 
late April 

JANUARY 1 4 20 1 6 • UWINDSORLANCE.CA // | | 


Students and Goals for 

the 2016 Winter Semester 


faydec Tarpeh afifihj^bkdogymid economics stwlenL 

“My goal for the semester is to pass all of my 
courses and graduate!’ 



Joshua Scaife is a first year fasten/student 

destroyed just to improve!’ 


Nathan Hesnmt is a second year matharwtics student 

7 want to boost my average this semester so 
I dropped down to four courses to help with 
that l want to rework things and really do well 
in track andfield this semester f 



UWSA Kicks Off Winter 
Semester With Frost Week 

Lions, tigers and bears, oh my! 

While none of those animals were in atten¬ 
dance, he CAW Centre hosted many others at 
the Frost Week event, This Place is a Zoa 

was set up in the CAW Commons, Studerrtshad 

the chance to interact with (M sorts cfctramdk 
including strokes, alligators, rabbits and even a 
kangaroo The event kicked off the UWSAfc Frost 
Week which is dedicated topruvidingfim ac¬ 
tivities for students to attend in between dosses. 
M af the exotic animak were provided by local 
company Zoo2You Other Frost Week ex'ents to 
come this week are a performance by a hypno¬ 
tist Thursday, a dance party at Tequila Both 
Friday ’ an outing to the Detroit Auto Show on 
Saturday and, finally, bowling on Sunday. Look 
for a full story about Frost Week and a collage of 
photos tti the Jan. 21 edition of The Lance. 
[Photo by U Rhiannon Lotze] 


Windsor lancer men's hockey forward Blake Blondeel tracks down a hose puck during OVA itefi'ort at 
South Windsor Arena in 2015> This past weekend Tyson Ness scored two goals and Mike Doan made 40 

saws in a 4-2 win over Brock fan . 9, 

[Photo by//Kevin Janata] 

with 45 seconds left in regulation. gamessudi as that cordedan impressive 55 saves in the loss 

“Mikes a warrior and hes been in that "Thai Mode was huge for us* he could 
situation before? Hamlin sakl “He bardy skate but we all gave him a pat 

throws his body in front of pucks and on the back for taking one for the team” 

lies a veteran He knows what it takes to 


Sports Editor 

The Lancer mem hockey team won 
thdr 10th game of the season on the 
strength ofa two-goal effort from Tyson 
N ess and a 40 save performance from 
godtender Mike Doan this past week¬ 

Windsor doubled up on the visiting 
Brock Badgers andsent the visitors back 
to St. Catharines with a 4-2 loss at South 
Windsor Arena Jaa 9. With the win, 
the Blue & Gold improve to 10-7-2 on 
the year and are now in a three-way tie 
for second place with the Guelph Gry¬ 
phons and Western Mustang?, 

lancers head coach Kevin Hamlin said 
it was a good response game after drop 
ping a 4-0 decision the York Lions at 
heme the night prior 

"We had a good rebound pme led by 
our goaltender? Hamlin said "We got 
into a Me bit of penalty trouble but we 
were able to pull off some big kilk Your 
bestpenalty killer is your gpaitenderand 
he certainly made some big saves today 
during those times,” 

The Badgers opened the scoring on a 
power pfay goal 352 into the first period 
when Skytar Pacheco and Mitch Nar- 
di setup Josh Timpano who put it past 
Doan for 1-0 lead Windsor trailed for 
the duration of the first and a majority 
ofdie second before takingadvantage of 
a Badger penalty with six minutes kft in 
the second 

Windsor would make the most of 

their opportunity and even the game 
1-1 when Justice Dundas and Dane 
Phaneuf found Eric Nod at the side 
of the net, who then buried home his 
eighth goal of the campaign with a 
power play marker The Lancers would 
quiddyniakeit2-l with 2:58 left in the 
second as Tyler Ness decked around 
Brock goalie dim Windsor and tucked 
it into the net for his seventh goal of the 
season, with his line mates Nod and 
Dundas also both picking up the assists 

"After getting shutout players start the 
question themsdves but 1 knew our 
power play and special teams would 
get bettor as time wore on? said Ham¬ 
lin. “We ve been off for 30-plus days and 
thati a long time. But our penalty kill 
got better as the game went on and our 
power play got bettor and our five-cm- 
five play was stdkr Even against York 
I thought it was great: and it was bettor 
tonight 1 ’ 

It took just 2S seconds into the third 
period for Ness to strike once again and 
give the Lancers a 3-1 lead. Brock cut 
the lead to one at 8:23 of the third as An¬ 
drew Coupland and Dan Tand setup 
Greg Jambroskh fir his second goal of 
the season 

With the Brock goalie pulled for the ex¬ 
tra-attacker and lots of traffic in front of 

ihenet, Windsors MikeChristou made 

ihe play of the game when he laid down 
in front of a Badger slap shot from the 
point Christods sacrifice would pay off 
shortly after as Dylan Denomme picked 
up a loose puck in the neutral zone and 
secure the win with an empty netter 

win and that was certainly something 
we needed from him at the time" 

Ness applauded Christous courage and 
said the I ancers are going to need more 
efforts like that to be able to win dose 

Ness said “If everybody keeps doing 

that well be winning a lot more games. 
You get a couple bumps and bruises but 
it was a good pick me up for everyone 13 ' 

Doan turned aside 40 shots to earn the 
win for file Lancers while Windsor re- 

for the Badgers, 

The Lanem will hit the road next 

weekend for a pair of games against the 

Toronto Varsity Blues and Gudph Gry¬ 
phons Jan 15 and Id Windsor squares 
off wifii fiie Blues at Varsity Arem with a 
750 pm and will travel to the Gryphon 
Centre Aima in Guelph the next night 
with also a 750 pm puck drop. 

Quick Start Propels Lady Lancers 
Hockey Team To Victory Over UOIT 


Sports Editor 

The Lancer womens hockey team start¬ 
ed 2016 with awdbeamed victory over 
the UOIT Ridgebacks at South Wind¬ 
sor Arena this past weekend 

Shawna Lesperanoe and Krystin Law¬ 
rence both had three-point perfor¬ 
mances and Ingrid Sandven picked up 
her fourth win in goal for Windsor as 
they look to move up the QUA stand¬ 
ings over the final 11 games of the reg¬ 
ular season. 

The win is the Lancers third in a row 
and they now sport a 3-S-l record while 
the Ridgebacks fa! to file exact same re¬ 
cord Windsor head coadi Jim Hunter 
said he was proud of hb team for step¬ 
ping up with a big win white statir^ the 
importance of the next five games if 
they want to move up the standings and 

reach thdr goal of a spat in the OUA 

"These are games that we should win if 
we pky our game and we need to take 
advantage of that” said Hunter “We 
carft make too many mistakes in the 
earfy part of the second half We cant 
afford any mistakes coming down the 

The Lancers found thdr scorir^ touch 
quickly in the first period After the vis¬ 
itors took an earty penalty the Lancers 
opened the scoring at 1:49 on the power 
play with a goal by Natalie Barrette with 
assists being credited to Rachel Chantler 
and JIB Rops, The Lancers then extend¬ 
ed thdr lead a mere 30 seconds later 
when the rookie Lesperance and file 
veteran Erinn Noseworthy set up the 
sniper Lawrence to give Windsor a 2-0 

The same line would strike once again 
seven minutes later when Lesperance 

and Noseworthy onoe again set up Law¬ 
rence for her second of the game and 
seventh erf the season whidi gave the 
hosts a three goal lead midway through 
the frame 

T thought we came out flying? Law r - 
rence said "We got throe quick goals in 
the first paiod which was exactly what 
we needed” 

The Ridgebacks got one back at 11:14 
on a goal by Meek Gorda to dose out 
the first but the [.ancers started the 
second period just like they started the 
first- fast Windsor managed to score 24 
seconds into the frame with Lesperance 
earning her third point erf the game and 
seventh goal of the season. Just over a 
minute later the Lancm extended (heir 
lead to 5-1 an a goal by Davis Smfth 
with assists credited to Taylor Sheppard 
while Lawrence also picked up a helper 
to give her a three-poirti night 

*T thought the first and second period 

were the best two periods weve put 
together back-to-back this season? 
Hunter said “We were very strong and 
mentally into the game but in the third 
period it was the exact opposite. We sat 
on a 5-1 lead and then dkfo’t play very 

After that the Ridgebacks mounted a 
mini comeback in the back half of the 
third period with a pair of goals from 
Kasside Nauboris and Teresa Homer 
but despite their effort it was not good 
enough to overcome the Lancers ear¬ 
ly offensive power Contender Ingrid 
Sandven once a^in picked up fire wm 
for the Lancers and made 25 saves along 
the way. 

tr We worked hard as a team, got into 
some penalty trouble which cost us a 
few goals but we stayed in it and got 
the win;' Lawrence said "It was a great 
start to the second half erf the season es~ 
pedafly with the position we are [-at] in 

file standings. Every game we play from 
nowon is do or die for us but I bdieve 
with the talent and hard work from the 
girls, we will be making some upsets 
andI definitely think we will be making 
those playoffs?. 

Hunter said there were a lot of positives 
to take from the game but stated the 
Lancm have tobe better at holding onto 
a lead to be prepared for file stiff com¬ 
petition thnxigboutthe OUA schedule 

Ttar ib to win three in a row and beat a 
couple of good teams has let us build up 
our confidence? said Hunter ""Now we 
just need to build off that and see if we 
can go on a Me run here to get us back 

The next challenge for Ihe Lancers will 
be the Ryerson Rams in a night game 
at South Windsor Arena fare 15. Af¬ 
ter thdr match-up with ftyerson the 
Lancers will go on the road to battle the 
Brock Badgers in St Catharines Jaa 17 



Sports Editor 

'The Windsor Spitfires hit die 25-win 
marie with a pair of victories this past 
weekend against the Owen Sound At- 
tadc and O^wa Generals, 

Windsor's two wins were sandwiched 
around a 3-1 loss on the road to the 
Barrie Cote Jan. 9 - which snapped a 
tour-game win streak - but their strong 
overaD ptaylmaUowedthem to win five 
of the past six games. Entering the sea- 
sork 17th wedc, the Spi^ 
west division^ tap team by a seven-point 
margin over the Sarnia Stii^* through 
41 games of the 68-game OHL regular 

Brendan Lemieux scored his first of two 
in the game when he converted an early 
power-play marker in what turned out 
to be a three-goal burst within less than 
two minutes. Windsor rode their early 
success and cruised to victory with a 30- 
save shutout performance from rookie 
goakender Mike DiPietro in a 5-0 victo¬ 
ry over die Attack at the WFCU Centre 
jaa 7. Owen Sound's leading scorer Jodi 
Sterk said the quick deficit didn't help his 
dub which has struggled to win on the 
road this year 

"They have some skilled guys that 
can put pucks awajf Sterk said. "They 
pkked up some key contributors to 
their team right now and they are pretty 
deadly on die power piay * 

Brendan Lemieux of fin: Windsor Spitfires cuts up ice against the Owen Sound Attack defense during OHL action at the WFCU Centre fan. 7. 
Lemieux scored two goals in a 5-0 romp over the Attack which was Windsor's fourth in a raw. 

* (Photo by It Kevin farrold] 

The newly acquired overage enforcer 
Connor Chatham picked up an as¬ 
sist and used a couple of 1% hits to get 
myself into a rhythm in his first game 
as a Windsor Spitfire. Chatham came 
over from the Flint Firebirds in a trade 
sending the 6T! 23o lbs. power forward 

to Windsor along with a second and 
fourth-round draft pick in exchange for 
the oft-used Luke Kirwaa 

Tm still getting used to the system 
so when that becomes second nature 
the offence will come” said Chatham 
‘They have had a kit of success so Tm 
looking to buy in here and get used to 

it I played to Plymouth for a while and 
we were rivals with them for a number 
of games so Fve had my dust-t^s with 
some of these guys but Tm very excited 
to come to an organization like this thats 
a proven winner and a team thats really 
going for it this year “ 

Chatham got to show off his offensive 

skills when he sniped a power-play 
tally past Cote netmtoder MaKenrie 
Blackwood for an early 1-0 lead which 
Windsor bdd at the end of the first peri¬ 
od Barrie came out with a vengeance in 
the second period and qukkly tied the 
game on Andrew Mangiapanes 20th of 
ke then gave the Cote a lead they would 
not relinquish when he scored on a feed 
from forma - Spitfire Anthony Stefono. 
Blackwood finished with 32 saves to 
Barries 24th victory of the season 

Windsor had little time to reflect on 
their loss as a date with Oshawa & the 
General Motors Genre homed the 
next evening The Generals are fighting 
for a playoff spot to the OHL eastern 
conference and played with intensity 
but were unrewarded during a scoreless 
first period Oshawa would open the 
scoring to the second period when Ken 
Huether finished off Anthony Cireflis 
pass on a two-on-one opportunity for a 
I -0 lead midway through the frame 

After being shutout for the first 37 
minutes of the game, Windsor took 
advantage of an Oshawa penalty and 
scored on the power play with Mikhail 
Seigachev bombing a slap shot fern 
high slot to tie the game LI. The Spits 
pressed with under one minute to go in 
the feme and thdr strong defense led 
to a Generals turnover whse Fischer 
would finish off a Vilardi setup for his 
19th goal‘of the season for a 2-1 lead 
with under 15 seconds to go before to- 

The Spitfires continued thdr strong play 
as Hayden McCool and Vilardi pudied 
thdr lead to 4-1 before Oshawas Jafen 
Sanerek scored to the final minute to 
round out the scoring and make the fi¬ 
nal score4-2. 

Fischer and Vilardi both finished with 
three points each in Windsors 25th vic¬ 
tory of the season The game was also 
a reunion of sorts for Spits overage for¬ 
ward Brad Latour> where he played the 
bulk of his OHL career and won a Me¬ 
morial Q^dmipfonshfo with the dub 
in 2014-15. Latour did not shy away 
from expressing his opinion on the po¬ 
tential ofhis current team however 

Tts definitely different being on the 
opposite bench but its still fun playing 
here? said l^atcur. Tfs nke to see the 
champk>nship banner and itk fen being 
back to Oshawa ... but were gping on 
a run here 1 think were good enough* 
Weve got a strong group of forwards 
and good defense so we should do some 
damage in toeplayofisT 

Hie Spits now welcome the Generals to 
the WFCU Centre Jaa 17 as Oshawa 
head coach Bob Jones returns to lace 
the place he helped win back-to-back 
Memorial Cups to 2009 and 2010 as an 
assistant under then-head ooadi Bob 
Boughner Windsor then gets to enfoy 
two days rest before they have to padk 
thdr bags and travel across the Qma- 
da.-U.S-A border for a matinee match 
with the Saginaw Spirit at the Dow 
Event Center Jaa 17* 

Cristiano DiGiacinto scores on Michael McNiven of the Owen Sound Attack to put his team up 2-0 in first 
period OHL action at the WFCU Centre fan > 7* Windsor shutout Owen Sound 5-0 on the strength of a 30- 
save performance from rmtkie goaltcnder Mike DiPiVfro. 

(Photo by // Kevin farroldf 


Lancers Track and Field Makes Big 
Splash At Can-Am Classic 

Members of the Lancer men's relay team make an exchange during Can - Am Classic meet action a t the St 
Denis Centre Jan. 9. Three Lancers qualified for the CiS track ami field dmmpwusiups in March Inludlng 
womens weight thrower fordana Bculley Costelh and mens pole vau Iters Chris tyaugh and Mihs Suvic. w 

[Photo by// Edwin Tam] 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer track and fidd 
team kicked off 2016 in style with a 
number of impressive perfoffrnanoes at 
the 55th Can Am Classic this weekend 
at the St Denis Centre. 

The two-day meet saw a new school re¬ 
cord set, a new indoor peraonal best and 
three Lancets qualify for the national 
championships in March. 

After suffering an injury and missing 
out on competing last season, Lanc¬ 
er thrower Jordana Badley-Costello 
made a big impression at the meet by 
setting a new record in the womens 
weight throw with an impressive toss 
of 1795 meters and surpassing the CIS 
auto-standard by over one meter Bad- 
ky-Cbstdfo placed second in the event 
behind Ifcrks Brittany Crew; who has 
represented Canada at multiple interna¬ 
tional events and set a new meet record 
with a throw of 13,10 meter* 

Chris Waugh and Milos Savic both 
qualified for the GS trade and field 
championships in the mens pole vault 
by dearirg the auto-standard of 479 
meters and placing first and second in 
the event 

Waugh said it was a great day for Wind¬ 
sors vmifterc overall but he Mt very 
focused and determined to punch his 
ticket to CIS once again. 

*1 knew throughout die week that once 
the competition mode was turned on 
my jumpir^ would be more powerful 
and my speed down the runway is al¬ 
ways fester, so I knew bigger poles would 
be needed” Waugh said “My jumps at 
494 metm Mt like a tryout with my 

new pole and making adjustments was 
difficult but my third attempt I man¬ 
aged to pull together a solid jump and 
get my hip hd^it much higher, though 
I knocked the bar off with my chest? 

Waugh admitted he was a little disap¬ 
pointed he didn't get a personal best 
because he feels he is capable of jumping 
higher Ilian five meters, but was very 
happy with winning die competition 
and having training partner Savie right 
there beside him jumping high as usual 

"1 am excited to compete alongside 
him, we fove to push each other to jump 
higher? Waugh said “Alt in all this will 
be a fun season of huge jumps and no 
pressure to make standard, 1 think 1 can 
attack big heights that used to be terrify¬ 
ing when 1 was younger? 

On the womens side, Rachel Wdfe set 
a new indoor personal best in womens 
pole vault with a height of 378 meters 
and placed second overall in the event. 
Wolfe didn't end up clearing tire CIS 
auto standard but said it was encour¬ 
aging to hit a personal best at an eariy 

“I attempted the height (3,88) and was 
weD over it by 20 centimeters but came 
down on die bar at the end;" Wolfe said 
“l did up dealing 378 meters which was 
an indoor personal best You can never 
be mad with a personal best especially 
with the first meet of the season. It just 
means theres big things to come this 

Wolfe added she was exdted for her next 
meet since she had cleared but a 
small error made her knodt the bar off 

"I watched a couple videos after and its 
reassuring knowii^ fm there, so theres 
no pressure m dear this height soon? 

Wolfe said 'The competition this year is 

very motivating. Vfomempdevaulthas 
a very stadoed fidd lids year and I love it 
Good competition always pushes me to 
be the best lean be. I think for OUA and 
CIS ife gonna come down to whofe cm 
their game and who finishes the com- 
petffion with the least faults” 

IhreeofiierLancera captured gold med¬ 
als over the two-day event, beginning 
with Branden Wilhelm who placed first 

in the mens high jump with a height of 

205 meters. Akx Ullman placed first in 
the metis 1,000 meters with a time of 
22876, On the womens side, Stefente 
Smith placed first in the womens 3,000 
meters in a time of’ 1CMXJ.56. Smith also 
placed second overall in the womens 
1*500 meters in a time of427.95, 

Former Lancer great and current Ca¬ 
nadian Olympian Melissa Bishop set a 
new meet record in the womens 1,500 

meters, with a time of’ 417.91. Bishop 

also teamed up with former Lancer 
all-Canadian Nicole Sassinc, Nodie 
Montcalm, and Heather Kurpe for 
the four-by-400 meter rday whkh the 
group won and set a new meet record 
with a time of3:44.85, 

The Lancers will now travel to Afoi- 
dale, MI for the Bob Eubanks Invita¬ 
tional ]aa 15, 

WMHA Showcases Hockeys Heritage During 
4th Annual Rick Murdoch Outdoor Classic 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Minor Hockey Associ¬ 
ation brought dozens of food children 
mi thdr femilks together to embrace 
an old hockey tradition during the 4th 
Annual Rkk Murdoch Outdoor Classic 
at Lanspeary Raik this patf weekend 

WMHA president Dean Lapteire said 
it is good for the kids to be able to play 
hockey outdoors, although he joked 
there has only been one fault at each 
outdoor classic so fer. 

“Unfortunately, every year we have it, it 
snows? laughed Lapterre. “But it makes 
the kids a^redate playing bade at 
South Windsor Arena next and telling 
his dad how $eat it is to have a roof and 
som: h eat” 

Laptene said the homage the games 
heritage and ife importance to the 
community is the reason why WMHA 
named the event after Murdoch who 

began coaching back in 1975, Lapkrre 
added seeing parents talk about their 
experiences year after year gives even 
more reason forWMHA to bring hock¬ 
ey outside ^in next year-even jiist for 
one day 

T grew up here and [Lanspeary Park] 
Is where I learned to skate Wfe used to 
come eariy and if you helped the guy 
shovel he would tex you fiay for free? 
Lapierre said ‘K)nce they did the im¬ 
provements we thought it was a great 
opportunity to do something so we 
named it after Rick, a guy who has ded ¬ 
icated so much time to hockey, he can 
say he coached people 50-yeais old” 

A proud Rkk Murdoch had nothing 
but praise for the City of Windsor for 
covering up the Lansprary Park ke rink 
and also to the Windsor lions Qub 
who helped make significant improve¬ 
ments to the outdoor arena. 

Tf Don Sadler and the City of Wind¬ 
sor hadrit put a roof over this rink, it 
wouldn't have happened? Murdodi 

Multiple teams put a fierce performance 
in the dements on a slushy morning 
and afternoon, whkh brightened up 
ewen more with each chikfe smile. Car¬ 
ter Stario-Stannard, 7, along with his 
team toe Windsor Phantoms had a lot 
of fun playing on the outdoor rink de¬ 
spite its diaflenges. 

"With ail of the snow on the foe it made 
it hard to pass the puck but we played 
hard? Stasfo-Stannaid said. T definitely 
want to come back next year? 

Carters feiher Mike Siannard said it was 
a unique experience for the children 
but also a humbling experience for the 
multiple families in attendance who 
dared to brave the dements for the love 

Tt was a little cold but its nice to get the 
lads out there? Stannard said. “It was a 
great time, parents loved and the kids 
loved it boa Wei do it again next year 
for sure? 

A hot meal was offered to those who 
needed a break from ail erf the fun and 

at a table inside the Polish Community 
Centre across from the rink sat some erf 
the most influential members ofWrnd- 
sofs hockey community along wtih 
Murdoch, who is a lifetime number 
of the WMHA Aaoss from lapierre 
was Fred Baldwin, president of Wind’ 
sor AAA Zone and a man who has 
watched countless athletes rise through 
the minor hockey ranks and march to 
the NHL Along with Fred was his son 
Ryan, who played in over 150 OHL 
g^mes with 82 coming as a Windsor 
Spitfires, Baldwin ultimately won a 
Sutherland Cup as a key member of the 
LaSalle Vipers playoff run in 2010* 

A third generation of Baldwin was also 
there, as Ryaris ymu^ son Logan stood 
within his dads arms and had no prob¬ 
lem idling everyone how ccJd it was 
playing in the sub-zero temperatures 
Jaa 10, 

* Whafe neat for me is seeing someone 
like Ryan who came ijp fiiro^ the ^ 
tem and now they are bringing up thdr 
kids? Murdoch “Now Im running 

into grandparents who I played with or 
against Were dealing with three genera¬ 
tion here and that is kind of neat? 

The snow never stopped failing and 
there were more than a few sets of cold 
cheeks and a OHjpk cases of wind bum 
to go around, but thafe part of the beau¬ 
ty erf the good dd hockey gam e said 

“Logan said his fingers were getting odd 
and it was tough to handle the puck in 
the snow? Murdoch said **But thats 
outdoor hockey and that bm^ us back 
some of our memories, I played up in 
Kirkland Lake whkh is so fer north ft is 
not even funny? 

Now that hockey has been brought back 
insider Lapkrre said there is only one 
thing to dfo when they schedule the date. 

“We need to reschedule it to December 
when ft doesrit snow in Windsor? Lapi¬ 
erre said “The day before this would 
have been perfect but well see what we 
can do next year? 



Sports Editor 

After 50 days between matches, the 
Windsor Lancers volleyball program is 
certainly glad their winter br^tk is final¬ 
ly over. 

After a 5-4 start to the year and a very 
bug exam and holiday break womens 
head coach Lucas Hodgson said he was 
exrited for his team to actually get to 
play some volleyball 

Tts been seven weeks and its a whole 
new season again" Hodgson said. 
"‘We’re playing against a team that is one 
game behind us so it is an important 
game. We beat them 3-0 in their gym 
and it didn't ted like we played our best 
and Fm sure if you ask thdr eoadi lie 
would say foeydkM play fteir best so I 
think both teams are bobngfor a better 

After Shannon Dean and Emily Mc- 
Cbskey led the Lancers dienee fern 
the power hitter and middle blocker 
positions, Hodgson said its time thdr 
supporting cast to step up to make this 

team a threat everywhere 

*We need some different players to step 
up? Hodgson. We know what Emily 
and Shannon can do offensively and 
people are starting to catch onto that 
We need Jade Zfebarth and Gariagh 
Bailey to step up and take some pressure 
off of those players and make it an easier 
game for everyone? 

Windsor ikes off against the Waterloo 
Warriors at St Denis Centre Jan. 15. 
First serve is 6 pm 

"They are tough teams but we can get 
ourselves into a good position? Hodg¬ 
son sakl "Our goal is be in second or 
third in our division and probably play 
Western in the playoffs and hopefully 
move onto the QUA Final Four. This 
game is a big part to that because it can 
give us some separaboa WeVe onlyfost 
one game at home so were hoping to 
kick off the second season with another 
win and get bade on trade because we 
have lost two in a row? 

Menfc head coach Jknes Gravette said 
his team is ready to get started on buikl- 

The Windsor Lancer mats volleyball team is 2-8 so far on the OLA 
season hut head coach fames Gra vdte believes development is key to 
sustained success in the future. Milos Savic is shown receiving serve 
during QUA action at the St Denis Centre in 20!5. 

[Photo by* Gerry Marmtettc] 

Emma Wylie of the Lancer womens volleyball team is showing during OLA acton in 2015 . 7 he Lancer 
women are currently 5-3 with a big match against the Waterloo Warriors at SL Denis Centre fan. 15. First 

serve is at 6 p*m* 

[Photo by Gerry Marentette] 

ing a winning foundation in the sec¬ 
ond half of thdr season after a 3-8 start. 
Gravdle said it was gpod for everyone to 
recharge thdr batteries and get healthy 
in order to make a push in the OUA 

“WeVe been working hard sukc weve 
gotten bade together Jan 2 but were 
moving in the right direction for sure? 
Gravdle said ‘Tfe a tong break this year 
nearly 50 days between meaningful 
matches but it allowed us to get healthy 
so were ready to go. Its a sprint in the 
second half and I think were ready for 

Gravdle said the ptay of rookie outside 
hitter Brad Gyemi and veteran middle 
blocker Josh Edwards will continue to 
play a large role in the Lancers offense 

going forward 

“Were limited offensively and they are 
two of our most oftensivdy-skilled play¬ 
ers, if we can get the ball to the net with 
our passing and we can set Josh we are 
going to do that" GiaveBe said "When 
we game plan we want to set our mid¬ 
dles first and foals Edwards and John 
Moate. Having Gyemi on foe left side 
or right side will be key for us as well in 
those situations where we dorft set the 

In their first weekend of competition 
an important four points are on foe 
line and a chance to dimb up foe OUA 
standings and a rematch with the Wa¬ 
terlooWarriors is just foe rightentree on 
foe menu for a hungry Lancers squad 
Gravdle said there is only one th ing his 

team needs to change to avenge a 3-1 
loss in foe Too late in the seasons first 

* We need to make sure that in those big 
moments we are soW? Gravdle. "We 
had some chances when we played in 
their gym but they found a way to win 
and did what they needed to do durir^ 
those lag moments. Fm confident well 
be able to puD out those kind of situa¬ 
tions. Gettii^ oursdves into a position 
to win wiB be our first goaT 

The Lancers will foce off against foe 3-8 
Wirriors at foe St Denis Gentre Jan. 15. 
Fust serve is 8 pm or shortly follow¬ 
ing foe womeris match Afterward the 
Windsor men will travd to London for 
a matinee showdown with foe Western 
Mustangs in London Jan . 17. 


Windsor Express Back On Track NBL 
Central Division After Three-Win Weekend 


Sports Editor 

Two big additions to the Windsor Ex¬ 
press roster helped snap the two-time 
defending NBL Canada champions 
back into their winning ways to begin 

After failing to score 100 points in their 
first two games, the Express sidled 
Brandon Robinson - the NRIs sec¬ 
ond all-time leading scorer - and also 
saw guard Tony Bennett come back to 
the team from a suspension incurred 
last season The two star guards were 
thrust into the spodigjht right away and 
they shone bright for the Express over 
a three-day span whkh saw Windsor 
defeat the Orangeville Afc, Niagara Riv¬ 
er lions and the London Lighting - all 
within a 48 hour span 

Ora - the three-ganie stretch, Robin¬ 
son average over 25 points per contest 
and hit key shot after key shot to keep 
the Express offense on track and paced 
them to the top of the NBIs central di¬ 
vision at 3-2 

Tm just happy to be here and contrib¬ 
ute to wins, the expectations are high 71 
Robinson said "Coach puts us aD in a 
position to be great and he just Ids us do 
what we need to do as professionals fve 
proven myself in this league, Fve been 
here since it started and now Fm just 
glad to be here in Windsor" 

Prior to the weekend grind, Express in¬ 
terim head coach Tony Tones addressed 
the importance ofthese stretch of games 
to his team during a practice after the 
0-2 start and said he drew bade on his 
experience as a college coach at Tennes¬ 
see and Auburn to try and approach the 
three-game stretch as if it were a tourna¬ 

“I told them we can ascend to the top of 
the league by winning these three games 
in a rowf Jones said “They ve played 
preseason tournaments and postseason 
tournaments where you have to play 
three games to win a diampronship. I 
told them lets win each pme and get 
back in this division." 

Brandon Robinson of the Windsor Express drives to the basket with Logan Stuts of the Niagara River Lions i#t his path during NBL Canada 
action at the Meridian Centre in St Catharines /an. 5. In his last five games, Rofrmson has piled up a 25 A points per game average, Including 

two plus-30 point efforts. 

(Photo by// Kevin JarroJdj 

Windsor battled Orangeville on New 
Years Day and Robinson was impres¬ 
sive for the Express in his debut scoring 
21 points to go along with seven assirts 
and four rebounds in a 111-94 victory 
over the A on their home court at the 
Athlete Institute Jan. 1. 

Three other Windsor Express play¬ 
ers scored in double-digits as Chris 
Commons sawed a game-high 22 
points while Bennett and Adrian Moss 
scored 20 and 19, respectively. The 5*8" 
guard Moss also grabbed a game-high 
total of nine rebounds while Commons 
and Siane Ross hauled down six re¬ 
bounds each. 

The next night in Windsor, the River 
Lions visited the WFCU Centre for the 
first time as the leagues newest fran¬ 
chise The Express needed all of the 
firepower they could muster as Niagara 
boasted two of the top-five scorers in 

the league in Ijogm Stutz and Sammy 
Zeglinski who average over 28 points 
per game The game was a offense-filled 
thriller from tip to finish and Robinson 
was the man controlling the pulse. 

In his debut game in front of Windsor 
fens, Robinson scored 35 points and 
added seven assists. Also having huge 
offensive performances were Express 
veterans Commons and Bennett, 
who both scored 29. Niagaras big two 
burned the Express defense for a com¬ 
bined 60 paints but after a tigfrtly-oon- 
tested fourth quarter and multiple foul 
shots in the waning minutes, Zeglinkis 
three- pointer to tk the game arthe buzz¬ 
er was short Windsor toc^c the 118-115 
decision to earn their first victory at the 
WFCU Centre this season 

“Its not the xs and os, its the Jlmmys and 
Joes - or the Tonys and BrandortC Jones 
said "Those guys help our basketball 

especially on the offensive end Those 
guys have a skill set that really fits my 

A date with their rivals from London 
at Budweiser Gardens loomed a mere 
16 hours later as the Lightning hosted 
Windsor for an afternoon contest Feb 
3, Fatigue was evident in the games 
first half, as both teams had played the 
night before Windsor trails 52-43 at 
halftime but stormed back in the third 
quarter and outscored London 25-19 
to take an ll-point edge into the final 
frame A back-and-forth battled ensued 
throughout the last 12 minutes of action 
butneeded the final momentetodedare 
a winner. 

With the game tied at 91-91 in the final 
20 seconds, Windsors newest acqui¬ 
sition made another game huge im¬ 
pact by crossing over his defender and 
knocking down a three-point shot with 

10 seconds to go. London pushed the 
ball up court T^shawn Pattersonk long 
ball rimmed out and the Express took a 
94-91 win back to the Rose City. 

Tits an unbelievable turnaround w and 
thafs tough on the athletes but we have 
some athletes who have some pride," 
Jones said "You haw to play whos on 
your schedule no matter where they are 
at and what time they say the game is. 
Wei show up and compete, Windsor 
Express basketball always does. Were 
still a work in progress but we are gaing 

'Fhe Express now play consecutive 
games against the River Ltons, begfo- 
ning with Windsors first visit to SL 
Catharines for a battle at the Meridi¬ 
an Centre Jan. 5. The back-end of the 
frome-and-home set concludes Jan. 10 
at the WFCU Centre with dpoff at 2 


Women’s Hoops Oust 7th-Ranked Badgers, 
Men Fall On The Road At No. 4 Brock 


Lance Contributor 

outcome of their game, as she wanted 
the team to start their 2016 portion of 

*Fhe defending provincial and national 
champion lancer womens basketball 
team traveled to St Catherines and 
succeeded in downing the Brock Bad¬ 
gers, as regular season play resumed 
throughout tite OUA this past weekend. 

The women prevailed with a 67-63 
score over the CIS seventh-ranked Bad¬ 
gers but the Lancer men were not so 
fortunate in thdr first game of the new 
year as they stighiiy faltered in a 86-79 
loss to tbdr counter part the CIS fourth- 
ranked team who also cuit^ 

the season on a positive note- 

'The win pushes our record up to 5-3 
instead of us sliding backwards to 4-4" 
VaDee said Xheyanne Roger red¬ 
ly st^ed up big for us on the inside 
where Cady Steer got things going 
on the outside for us In fact her four 
straight three-point shots probably won 
the g$me for us,” 

Steer said with Cheyanne having a big 
game inside left her open on the out¬ 
side to hit multiple big shots down the 

the mens OUA Central Division - in a 
Saturday afternoon at Bob David 
Gymnasium fare 9, 

Lancer womerfe head coach Chantal 
VaDee said she was verv hanuv with the 

T>ur bigs also set some screens that ah 
lowed me to get some gpod locks from 
three point range out on the wingC 
Steer said '^Overall it felt really good to 

start the second half with a wire” 



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LJJ - 

5 CO 

Isiah Osborne of the Windsor lancer men's basketball team had 23 points and 13 rebounds in a 86-79 loss 

to the CIS seventh-ronked Brock Badgers in St. Catharine's fan, 9. Itie unranked womens team took a 67- 
63 road victory over the fourth-ranked Badgers with Cheyanne Eo^er leading fire way offensively with 19 
_ points and fiifie rebounds. __ 

I Photo by // Gerry Manmcttef Wtitt9S!t98!9tlli 

A big win it was indeed for the Lancers 
to bear the seventh ranked Badgers who 
brought a near perfect 6-1 record on 

their home court, the Bob Davis Gym¬ 
nasium* In addition to echoing coach 
VaDee and Steers enthusiasm concern¬ 
ing the win Rogers said this season has 
been a difficult transition for her, but she 
is more aware that Emily Prevost and 
her need to step up more ofiensivdy 
after the graduation of leading scorer 
Korissa WiDiams and Jocelyn Laroque- 
whobothwon five CIS national tides for 
the program. 

“ff this team is going to have a chance 
to win a sixth national tide, it means we 
can't fall asleep on defense,” Roger said 

Rrevost finished the game with eight 
points including shooting 4-4 from tlie 
free throw line in the four point victory: 
Prevsot s^d she lias accepted her in¬ 
creased role as a starter and co-captain 
this year but it was the teams defense 
that led them to victory 

*We also had some defensive goals and 
I think we did a good job executing 
themT Prevost said 

In this contest Windsors bench out¬ 
sailed that of Brocks 33-6 and they out 
rebounded the Badgers 49-33 in a hotly 

contested affair featuring five ties and five 
lead changes, with neither team leading 
by more than six points throughout the 
contest Rog^r led all scorers with 19 
points and nine rebounds while Steer 
tallied 17 points with newcomer Orian 
Amsakm - who cam e to Windsor from 
Td Aviv, Isreal - chipping in with 10 
points, Veteran Andrea Kks straggled 
from the field but continued her strong 
play as she hauled down an impressive 
15 rebounds 

Brock had four players score in double 
figures and equaled Windsor offensive 
output tn each quarter escort in the 
secoixi when Windsor took a 34-30 
lead into half The four-point cushion 
proved to be the winning margin at the 
end of regulation time and the Lancets 
pushed thdr record to 5-3 with another 
victory over a OS Top JOof^onent 

The lancer mens bal team put up an 
equally gallant eflbrt in trying to knock 
off thdr opponents but were outscored 
19-14 and 26-12 in the first two quar¬ 
ters of play The Lancers outworked 
and outplayed the Badgers 26-19 and 
27-22 in the final two frames but by al¬ 
lowing themselves to be down by 19 at 
the half via sluggish defense, they could 
only daw their way back to within eight 

points by the time the final buzzer 


Being slightly out rebounded and hav¬ 
ing shaDovrer point production from 
the bench were the two key deciding 
factors in the overaD outcome of the 
pme as Brock dimbed to 61 with a 
^une in hand over first-place MkMas- 
ter Windsor stepped back to .500 with 
a record of 4-4 for a share first place in 
theWest division, whkh fidds a slightly 
weaker field relative to the other three 
divisions this year 

Windsor senior guard Akx Campbdl 
led all scorm with 26 points and seven 
rebounds while rookie sensation Isiah 
Osborne poured in 23 points and dght 
rebounds. Mike Rocco added 14 points 
and nine rebounds for the Lancers. 

Four Badgers scored in double figures in 
the victory which was led by Dani FJga- 
di who had an impressive double-dou¬ 
ble consisting of 23 points and 13 re¬ 
bounds for the fourth-ranked metis 
team m Canada, 

Next up for both Windsor teams are 
back-to-back contests against the 
Guelph Gryphons and Algoma Univer¬ 
sity fan, 16 at home in weekend action 
the SL Denis Centre fare ISand 36. 




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January Workshops location 

Cover Letters and 
Resumes that ROAR 

Preparing for the 
Job Fair 

Intui not tonal Student Centre 
lLaurier Hall). Room 204 

loiter national Student Centre 
iLaurter Hall], Room 204 


January 15 
January 15 

Preparing for the 

Job Fair 

International Student Centro 
iLaunvr Holl), Room 204 

January 15 

Preparing tor the 

Job Fair 

Centre for Engineering 
Innovation. Room 3000 

January 18 

Cover Letters and 
Resumes that ROAR 

Centre for Engineering 
Innovation. Room 3000 

January 18 

Interview Skills that 
Get You Hired 

Dillon Hall, Room 351 

.January 21 

Interview Skills that 
Got You Hired 

CAW Student Centre Board 
Room (2nd Floor 1 

January 26 

Finding a Summer 


Welcome On! re, Room 107 

January 28 

Insider Job Search 

Dillon Hall, Room 351 

January 29 

Cover Letters and 
Resumes IJiat ROAR 

Dillon HaU, Room 351 

January ?9 

Interview Skills that 
Get You Mired 

Dillon Hall, Room 351 

January 2,9 

Time ; February Workshops 

10 am Breaking Down the 

Career Decision 
^ — . ^ Making Process 

Insider Job 
Search Tips 

Interview Skills that 
Get You Hired 

Cover Letters and 
Resumes that ROAR 

Cover Letters and 
Resumes that ROAR 


Welcome Centre, Room 107 February 2 \ pm 

Essex Hall, Room 237 

Welcome Con!re. Room 107 February 12 1 pm 

CAW Student Centre Board 1 February IS [ 10 am 
Room 12nd Ftcrorl 

Finding a 

Summer Jab 

Dillon Halt, Room 351 

Insider Job 

Search Tips 

CAW Student Centre Board 
Room 12nd Floor) 

Breaking Down the 
Career Decision 
Making Process 

Dillon Hail, Room 351 

H 30 am 

1:30 pm 

Advanced registration for workshops is recommended, but drop-ins are 
always welcome. To register, go to mySuccess, 
click on Career Events, and visit the Career Events Calendar. 

Career and Employment Services supports University of Windsor students and alumni. Our services are not available to the general public. 


The Windsor community responded to the aril made by the Spitfires and demoted aver 65 > 000 bottles of wa¬ 
ter to the city of Flint this past weekend . The Water For Flint initiative began before the Spits contest against 
the Flint Firebirds at the WFCU Centre Jan. 2L The first saw over 20*000 bottles donated and accumulate 
welt past 60,000 before the final donations wrapped up at noon Jan. 22 . 

[Photo by // Brett Hedges] 

game Jan. 23 before reaching out and pride in a charitable manner like this lets, and two semi-tmeks fuE after a 
asking local businesses for their support aikiitwiHheipakfc^ 48-hourspan truly shows ourdt/strue 


Sports Editor 

Two semi-trucks carrying more than 
65,000 bodies of water donated by the 
citizens of Windsor-Essex County and 
many gen erous local businesses made 
their way over to Flint, ML this past 
weekend as part of the vastly successful 
Water For Ftin t initiative spurred by the 
Windsor Spitfires hockey duh 

Spitfires croidinator of fen devdop- 
ment Nathan Sdlon said the deni¬ 
zation called out to their foysl fen base 
before their home game against the 
F lint Firebirds at the WFCU Jan. 21 

7*3i3v 'tlHJp there had already 

been 20,000 betties of water donated in 
an effort to aid what has been a disaster 
less than hour over the border from us. 
The Spitfires opened up a window of 48 
hours and the WindsorEssex commu¬ 
nity responded by pouring in donations 
that quickly edipsed 60,000 bottles, 

"For everyone in Windsor and Essex 
County to come together like they 
did in such a short amount of time is 
truly unbdievaHeT Setlon said Tm 
not surprised by the response though, 
whenever we put a call to action to our 
season ticket holders and cur corporate 
ways pull through* So this will definfody 
go a long ways to aid Flint 1 know they 
were pretty excited on their end and 
were more than ready to unload the two 
trucks we salt over? 

The Leamington Flyers junior "ff* 
hockey dub had over 15 volunteers 
come to the WFCU Centre for the fi¬ 
nal push of cars who donated right up 
until the noon deadline Jan 23, SeBon 

said the Flyers organization were a great 
help in wrapping and loading nearly 40 
skids of water over the final hours and 
whole-heartedly thanked Abe Fehr, the 
owner of Uni-Fab in Leamington, who 
provided the transportation services to 
get the donation to Flint 

Windsor native William Kerr said he 
and his girlfriend decided to donate 
a few cases when he heard about it 
through local media and said the ges¬ 
ture was very generous but unfortu¬ 
nately still a small drop in the cup of a 
monumental problem. 

"Wdre just trying to hdp them out, it is 

the leastwe can doT Kerr said “Ife good 

log wate£ This tells everyone how gen- 
erous we truly are down here" 

Bob Thoms is a billet parent for two 
Spitfire players and a sales manager 
for Uni-Fab and said he was proud to 
lend his time for such a good cause and 
couldrit wait to see the response from 
the American side. 

unfortunate whafs going on in Hint 
right newf said Thoms said ‘Were 
fortunate enough to have a dean water 
ed They are felling on tough times right 
now so anything we can do to help out 
is a small sacrifice. The hockey commu¬ 
nity is pretty tight so to have the Spitfires 
jump on board and to have the Flyers 
and Uni-Fab hdp out along with the 
Windsor community, the response is 

Zoran Fiiipovski from Zs Auto Centre 
brought in a large skid on a trailer witha 
donation from a local Zehrs Superstore 
on Manning and Teoimeh Rd E and 
said he breach* in 60 cases himsdf at the 

over the final two days, 

"All Fm doing is donating my tkne and 
some transportation, it doesnt take that 
much to make a big diflferenceT Ftfipcv- 
slti said Tfe good for us to show a Me 

People draft have dean water but theyH 
lots of soon because of us and we 0 keep 
doing it if we have to Mke good Canada 

Over 65J0OQ individual bottles, 40 pal- 

cotors and Seflon agreed 

"From start to finish it has been an awe- 
some story of the town coming togsth- 
eri‘ Seflon said We Gant thank every¬ 
body enough, it has been uifodievabfe” 

for the Spitfires to put this together it 

makes you humble to have dean drink 

unostnrs BIGGEST 




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New Sexual Misconduct 
Policy is Open to Suggestions 


News Editor 

This year the University of Windsor 
has been wuridrg hard a new policy to 
hdp raise awareness to and prevent any 
sexual misconduct in the cimpus com¬ 
munity* * 

Right from the beginning of fiist semes¬ 
ter, the university lias pushed forward 
a sense of community and anti-rape 
culture by bringing in a variety of guests 
and forming diifenml fpoups. The first 
public draft of the policy lias been re¬ 
leased and can be accessed for review 
and commentary by alL 

"We know that one in four women are 
sexually assaulted over their university 
period,” said faydee Tarpeh, president of 
the UWSA. “ffis important to have apok 
icy on campus that keeps the campus 
safe, especially our female population” 

The policy focuses on the misconcep¬ 
tions and myths around sexual assault 
and states "these myths downplay the 
seriousness of sexual misconduct and 
confuse our understanding of consent 1 
Along with this is a definition the poli¬ 
cy bdieves people should understand 
about sexual assault. 

*Tve taken a look and renewed the sex¬ 
ual policy' - its really good in my opin¬ 
ion; said Tarpeh Tve sat down with a 
couple of people and weve agreed dial 
the university and committee dedicated 
to the policy has done a very good job 
with it Hl& a standalone pdky which 
means it will take precedence with its 
own cases," 

Another main focus of the policy is die 
rights of die survivor; which indudes 
they be treated with compassion, dig¬ 
nity and respect, be informed about 
disclosing, reporting and complaint 

The first draft {/Windsor's sexual assault policy is available online at . Vie University is asking for any and alt comments and sug¬ 
gestions to be made by this weekend . 

(Photo by // Jolene Perron] 

options and the limits to confidentiality 
with each option and to have 
reasonable and necessary actions taken 
to prevent further unwanted contact 
with the alleged perpetrator amongst 

Shane Morris, a student at the universi¬ 
ty, said i£& important to protect both the 
males and females of the university and 

its obvious we should liave a policy in 
place to prevent sexual assault 

It needs to cover a H grounds, not just 
what we perceive as socual assauttT said 
Morris. "Unsolicited groping through 
slander all needs to be covered Sdiod 
should be a safe place for young adults 
and whatever we can do to protect each 
other is necessary? 

Outlined in the review is also the steps to 

take to disclose, report and take further 
preventative actions against it happen¬ 
ing again, 

Dhouha Trike the senator of the UWSA 
involved with, the policy said it woukbit 
be possible without the hard work and 
efforts of die working committee. 

“The University of Windsor plans to 

have the final version of the pbBcy re^ 
leased by the end of February of 2016” 

For the full policy visit www.uwindsor 
ca/dailynews/20i 6-01-14/ universi- 

conduct To submit feedback and com¬ 
ments, email $exuakssauta£^^ 



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Bored Of The Gym? 
Take a Swing At Pole 


The Lance Contributor 

You know who you are. Maybe yarn 
sick of running on a treadmill staring at 
a wall or a TV broadcastingsomething 
youaxildrit care less about Maybethe 
idea ofliftingweights even with aspotter 
has you fading a Me hitinudated May¬ 
be you're just not feeling the motivation 
to drag yourself into the gym to do die 
same things over and over again If 
you're feeling like your fitness routine 
needs a Me shaking up bid you're not 
entirely sure how to do it maybe pole 
fitness is just the ticket 

There are a couple of options iffWindsor 
for alternative fitness* and pok dancing 

classes that can be just as challenging as 

of them* If you think it's about learning 
to be a stripper, think again; & a fun, 
involved, incredible ^nmgfti-buikling 
activity that may just be what you need 
to motivate you to actually exercise, and 
have a good time while doing it 

Vertika Bole Fitness, located at 1437 Ot- 

ttrcs as 

wd! as veitica! fmire and pllates. 

“Barre closes infuse Aments of ballet 
training and the bane aspect of bafletT 
said Laroche. “But as an ex-dancer, its 
definitely not ballet Its way more ath¬ 
letically geared It 1ms more of a focus on 
the lower body, [but also] works its way 
up. Its fantastic for streamlining and 
lengthening muscle tissue 

Laiodies pilates dasses are based on the 
Stott Mates brand, which focuses on 
proper bodily alignment and exercis¬ 
ing in the safest and most dfective way 

Instructor Elizabeth Larodie, who 
teaches bane and pibaes dasses at Ver¬ 
tika, said it's totally normal to feel sonic 
trepidation walking into a studio tike 
Vertika for the first time, and even the 
most outgoing people might fed a Me 
shy trying to pull off some sexy moves 
while seeing themselves in front of a 
floor-to ceiling mirror She did add 
however, pretty much everyone warms 
up after doing a few dasses in the studio, 
not to mention these are definitely perks 
to attending dasses versus going to the 
gym alone. 

“When 1 hi at the gym Tm a little bit re¬ 
luctant to go anywhere near things like 
the free weights, espedaltyasawomanT 
said Laroche 'The only thing I really 
get when fm going to the gym, unless 1 
realty push myself, is cardkx And when 
you come to a group setting, especially 
a smaller group setting like at Vertika, 
you get personalized attention, you get 
pushed way past things you thought 
you were capable of, and you just get 
a bigger working knowledge [ot your 
body] ...and how to properly engtge [it). 

“I find the dass setting is my preferred 
kind of workout I just get so much 
more out of it than by going to the gym 
Plus, when you're on your own, the mo¬ 
tivation to go just diminishes every sin¬ 
gle time unless ym get into a solid hab¬ 
it Generali)' people lose motivation and 
they lose tfak personal urge to go run on 
the treadmill. When you're coming to 
a dass, you make friends here, )*xi get 
really dose to the fiistructotandgetth^ 
extra urge to go to spend your time in a 
class setting.” 

If youre the type of person who wants 
to try something unconverrtfona! but 
maybe don't want to jump head-first 
into pok fitness, Larodie said there are 
many benefits to her barre and pilules 

“Is all about getting to a neutral skeleton 
position, making sure that you are very 
safe in every position that you're doing 
and building on top of perfect aligp- 
mentT said Larodie "Is never gok^ 
to be something where you're pushed 
to the end but your alignment is kind 
of crummy, and you get a great work¬ 
out but after three weeks your shoulder 
hurts. It's utilized by a lot of physiother¬ 
apists in the sense that it reaBy helps to 
keep you stoiduraliy aligned and very 
wflh areaBygoodivorkcjuL It needs to 
be very safe and very effective for that 
individual txxty’ 

1 £ on the other hand you are feeling a 
bit more adventurous and want to jump 
right into doing pok fitness, co-owner 
Carta Ckmerson said there are abso¬ 
lutely benefits to doing pole than just 
the muscular strength gained from the 
dasses. Arguably something even more 
valuable self-confidence 

“Plok really helps you develop a better 
sense of yourself and fed better and 
more confident in your body 1 said 
Ckmerson "The gifts that Tve been 
teaching for a period of time have come 
in and said they were really shy and they 
fdt really uncomfortable about their 
bodies, and there were a lot of things 
they hated about themselves. After 
doing pok they teamed to love their 
body' a bit more with all of their flaws, 
and the only thing they changed about 
their body was lading more comfort¬ 
able with it I think a lot of women really 
fed asdf-cortfidence boost, and they see 
the things they re capable of doing with 
their bodies that they had no idea they 
could do before” 

Vertika features a dass policy where 
anyone can drop in cm a dass for $10 
to get a sense of the atmosphere and 
the kind of workouts you can gam from 
bdng them Additionally, they will give 
students a 10 per cent discount off a 
membership fee. 

Breathe Mates & FitnessSindio also of¬ 
fers, as you might have guessed, pilates 
dasses, as well as pole fitness dasses 
and something that looks as cod as it 
sounds: aerial yoga* The bask principle 
is yoga performed in silk hammocks, 
which allow students to bend and 
stretch themselves into deeper poses 
thanks to increased freedom of move¬ 
ment from being off the pound 

Co-owner of and instructor at Vertika Pole Fitness Alexandra Michelle and two of her students suspend 
themselves cm their poles during the Pole Choreography class January 25. 

[Photo by If Kar Lvigh Kelso} 

Breathe co-owner Nikki Sebastian said 
aerial yoga is accessibk for people of all 
ages, and mentioned she has people in 
her dasses who are SOyeats-dd and 
hanging from the cdling 

“Theresa something kind of special about 
these aerial and pok dasses because its 
different and fun, and you dorit neces¬ 
sarily fed like youre going to a work¬ 
out," said Sebastian. “You're focused on 
the progress that's made and the things 

being accomplished The benefits of 
going upside down, the benefits of go¬ 
ing deeper in the poses... you fed good 
when you come out of the dass.” 

As tar as the studied pole fitness goes, 
Breathe is a veteran in the dasses, having 
offered them for seven years, Sebastian 
said they are intended for everyone of all 
shapes, sizes* ages, and fitness goals. 

‘Some people do come to fed sexiness 

and do something thafs fun and a Me 
more risque, and some come very fo¬ 
cused to achieving fitness [goals] and 
learning certain poses on the pok as 
an extension of things they're currently 
doing,” said Sebastian “Wecan ^erto 
aU of that” 

You know what they say: the best 
things happen outside of your comfort 
zone. Andnot dreading going out to ex¬ 
ercise? That sounds pretty good to me. 



News Editor 

Mobile apps have helped convenience 
certain medial tasks and this newest 
app available to University of Windsor 
students may not only do that, but save 
tliem from parking tickets. 

Honk Mobik is an app which allows a 
person to pay for parking through their 
mobile device without having to go to 
the actual meter 

Laurie Butter-Growndia the manager 
of parking services for the Univetsfty of 
Windsor, said it allows students to not 
worry about carrying around enough 
change and cash to pay for parking. 

"Technology hasn't caught up to allow 
people to pay for parking with their 
debit card,” said Ruder-Growndin. “This 

gives students options,” 

: connect to a credit 

fers money from either medium to pay 
for the parking, Butkr<kowndin said 
the app will make it easier for students 

to park on campus. 

4 %u can bypass the pay terminal in 
parking lots and pay onycirwaytodass 
through the appT said Bufier-Giown- 
din. Its abo nke that you can add time 
to your meter tom anywhere” 

Director of business development for 
Honk Mobile, Kacey Siskind said the 
GPS on smart phones wifi find your 
location and with the push of a button, 
your parking is paid for. 

“Exactly 15 minutes before your park¬ 
ing is about to expire, die app will send 
you a notification warning you and you 
can add time tom where you are” said 
Siskind ‘"Its especially nice when f£s 
dark or ooM outside because you have 
the option to stay indoors and stay safe.” 

The app charges you the standard park¬ 
ing fee for the parking kit and will also 
charge a small convenience foe on top of 
the parking fee. 

"Most people who drive cars have smart 
phones so its very accessible for most 
people,” said Siskind “Everyone who we 
know uses the app to date, uses it over 
and over again. Thdr never a onetime 
uss: People love foe convenience and 

The appworks for all parking lots with a 
pay and display machine and is available 
through foe App Store and Google Hay 
The Web App can also he downloaded 
for Btackbeny users online. 

For more infomiation, contact parking 
services at foe university or check out 
the Honk Mobile app for free 

The Honk Mobile App is available for dmvnbad in the App Store , on Google Plav and can even be down¬ 
loaded for Blackberry users online to make paying for parking at UWtndsor super convenient 

{Photo by fi foiem Perron} 

Movie Review: The End of the Tour 

laceoommrtted suicide in September of is a discussion as Lipsky expresses his 


Tbe Lance Contributor 

2015 is in foe record books and in those 
books comes a very long list of films I 
have yet to see. With so many different 
forms of entertainment coming at us 
these days, it can be very easy to miss 
out on some of the greatest content to 
CDn^outoffWIywooA Onesuchfilm 
that I missed tom last summer is The 
End of ttoToui^ a biopic about a week 
long interview in 1996 between author 
David FosterWallace and Rolling Stone 
reporter David lipsky at the end o£ you 
guessed it, Wallaces book tour for foe 
immensely celebrated novel "Infinite 
Jest” Manywho covered the bookback 
then went so far as to daim that Wallace 
was a literary genius* a Hemingway or 
Salinger of our time Tragically WaL 

2008, which is where this film begins. 

The opening shot is of Jesse Eisenbeig 
as David lipsky in 2008 as he hears the 
initial reports of Wallaces death. Lipsky 
relays some disbelief but upon confir¬ 
mation goes searching for a shoebox 
holding his old tape recorder and some 
treasured recordings among those 
is the tape he recorded the entirety of 
foe interview with Wallace in 19% on. 
From that point the films goes bade to 
the events that occurred during Lipsky^ 
time withWallace and becomes a sort of 
road movie. 

The movie feds like a reflection, a reoon- 
skkring of questions and possibilities 
that came up between two writers once 
upon a time; one immensely successful 
the other not so much. Success in ilsdf 

envy net only for the attention and feme 
that Wallace receives, but also and more 
toportantly, for the acclaim Lipsky ap¬ 
pears contused when Wallace reveals 
his less than enthused response to those 
dements that have come as a result with 
the publication of “Infinite Jest” Wallace 
just does not seem to care in the same 
way as other people, ft even appears to 
be one of foe questions that is plaguing 
him. What is success? What are we 
strivii^ for here, as people, as Ameri¬ 
cans? Many of themes of the film link 
heavily with what foe two characters 
talk about as foe thanes of foe book. 
Thanes such as loneliness, possibly 
even foe fear of being londy; achieve¬ 
ment, what is it that we want? We see 
this in Wallace and he says as much in 
foe film about how he thought by living 

foe ideal American life and by going al¬ 
ter x, y and z and adtieving everything 
that he set out to do would fix his issues, 
or curb his doubts. Wallace explains 
that he ultimately felt that every axiom 
or belief to ever held turned out to be 
false, incorrect and there was nothing 
and you were nothing because you now 
recognized there was nothing 

This is a challenging film in that it forc¬ 
es you to reflect on the choices you've 
made in your life ft will challenge you 
to consider what it is you really want 
and whether or not achieving what you 
want will fulfill you. ft can be scary to 

experience, but the film expresses this 
and other messages in a very delicate 
way. James Pbnsddt helms the film 
with restraint in that to kts foe camera 
liover around the performers. We, the 
audience, are just natural examiners of 
a personal conversation and Fonsoldt 
allows us to just exist in foe same space. 
Never does it fed like a message or 
thought intended to be drilled into our 
braina Ttoredrevdatk^nsof ttofilm 
though are the performances ofFJsen- 
berg and particularly Jason Segd. The 
bond these two performers share on 
screen is what this film rests its wdght 
on and the bond absolutely holds. 


Inside the Bod Pod 


Arts Editor 

Vs a test, which lasts kss than five min¬ 
utes between two ap|x±Ttments* and a 
s<>phi<teated way in determining ones 
overall fitness. 

The Bod Pod k a device, which found 
its home in the Human Kinetics budd¬ 
ing just under a decade ago It serves as 
a body composition assessment aimed 
to measure the ratio of a persons mus- 
de mass and body fat But as the piece 
of technology is conskicrHbLy expensive 
as is the upkeep along with it, it was ex¬ 
clusive to the academic sector for the 

Tt was used mainly for research pur¬ 
poses, and for the undeigrad dasses, so 
when they have their labs* (hen this is 
part of their learning useT said Human 
Kinetics professor Dr Marda Milne 

It wasn’t until January of last year when 
foe Bod Pod became available to the 
public Offered as a two for one asr 
sessmert for students, a payment of 

$40 leads to an air and underwater 

submerge which is set to determine a 
persons density, musde mass and fat 
Another assessment would then be 
performed a few months later, offering 
a contrast of a per$ox& fitness as well as 
gauging foe effectiveness of certain di¬ 
etary programs, 

Tts information tha 6 boidirial for the 
public to knowf Milne said 'The main 
reason why I like to do that is so that you 
can actually see if the program or diet 
you're on is working .* 1 

Appointments can be made by contact¬ 
ing Dr Milne. Milne, who said the de¬ 
vice will be available for the remainda- 
of the year and has been subject to a sol¬ 
id response among students. Ultimately 
she bdkves the assessment would be 
next to invaluable for anyone wishing to 
get into shape, regardless of the program 
they're enrolled in 

“Everybody who waits to be healthy; 
this b a good way to help keep you on 
trackT Milne said TtU give you a start¬ 
ing point of where you are and then it 
can hdp monitor as youre going along 
with whatever health program you're 

Stefania Chdla riots a test assessment on the Bod Pod fan, 20. The Bod Pod assessment is available for 
students, and is located within the university's Human Kinetics building. 

I Photo by // Hani Yassinej 

7 BELIEFS 1 * - Leaper (Hand Drawn Dracula)| 

1] WAVVI s V (Warner lWKAj.1 

12 BAABA MAAL - The Traveller (Pulm) 

13 WASI’CHU* - Wasi'Chu (Self-Released) 

H THE HYPNOTICS* ■ Modem Art Entertainment (New Values) 

I 15 CHRISTOPHER BISSONETTE* * Pitch, Paper & Foil (Kranky) 

16 PAUL IACOBS’ 1 X» It Again (Self-Released) 

| 17 TV FREAKS* - Bad Luck Charms (Deranged) 

18 THE MOST SERENE REPUBLIC* - Mediae (MapleMusic Recordings) 

I 19 MIC’D UP!* - Regular Season (Self-Released) 

20 THE NEW GRGOVEMENT* - The Orange Album (Self-Released) 

I 21 CHAIRS’ - Drawn Into Mazes (Kinnta) 

22 THE SOUPCANS* * Soft Party (Telephone Explosion) 

123 YOUNG RIVAL* - Interior Light (Paper Bag) 

24 APRENKCHROME* Tales Emm Adrcnechiorac (Sell-Released) 

I 25 BLADES OF STEEL* - Kind Face (Self-Released) 

26 THE LIGHT OF EAST ENSEMBLE* - Live At Die Aeolian (Self-Released) 

127 GHETTOSOCKS’ - Wine 2 (Self-Released) 

28 UURBUURRUU* - Swamp Ritual (Kapauno) 

29 THE SYLVIA PLATTERS* - Make Glad The Day (Self-Released) 

30 RUN WITH THE Kl l TENS* ■ Casio Glue i 

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Metaphysical Store Hosts Crystal Elixir Workshop 


Arts Editor 

A number of stones and small bodes of 
liquid take up the table set up at Mystical 
Mae Moon, which in itsdf possesses a 
strong hint of incense Depending on 
what you believe, these seemingly stoic 
stones could be carrying immense ener¬ 
gy within. For workshop runner Paige 
Vanderbeck, crystal ebrirs are deeply 
reinforced by spiritual 

‘One of die dominant theories that 
most people bdkve is that stones haw 
an innate energy or a type of energy as¬ 
sociated with themT Vanderbeck said 
“There's a lot of Mh involved with just 
about everythn^* in the metaphysical 
realm . But if someone tells me they real¬ 
ly fed energy tram a stone, who am 1 to 
say that theydorit?” 

es a sense of financial prosperity. It also 
touched on how the stones can be made 
and how they can be utilized 

Having studied the metaphysical over 
the course of 20 years* Vanderbeck has 
been doing these types of workshops for 
the past year* and finds the trend behind 
the study to be growing in the city. 

“Now that theres this upswing and 
you’re seeing more stores like this one 
pop up all over the place* were just really 
eager to team*” Vanderbeck said 

The crystal elixir workshop is one of 
many to take place inside of Mystical 
Mae Moon, which Largely carries per¬ 
sonally made products from jewdry 
and candles to incense and waD art The 
store officially opened in September of 
last year, arming out of a growing de¬ 
mand for its inventory: 

Vanderbeck hosted the workshop with- 
in the store on the laie afternoon of Jan, 
22, She describes a crystal ebdr as water 
bang infused with foe energy of astone 
The one-hour workshop dealt with the 
kind of energy to expect in som e stones, 
for example how a Jade stone symbolic 

*We started in the spring doing markets 
like Fogalar Furian and the Windsor 
Market, and every time we did one, 
people askedWe like your stuffWhere's 
your store? 31 * said Mystical Mae Moon 
owner Ron Story. 

Story runs the store with his wife, Me- 

Paige Vanderbeck run-through the crystal elixir workshop at Mystical Mae Moon on fan . 22. 

{Photo by // Ham Yassbtej 

lissa, and they aim to provide spiritual and ihey ultimately hope to make a Story said Tinmans arent designed 

healing and sdf-improvement to who greater, more practical connection with that way Were soda] creatures, and we 

cvra requests iL As a re patrons, should be helping each other and inter- 

an average of four workshops per week, Teopie have become too sek-cmteredT act with each other” 

Movie Review: Spectre 


The Lance Contributor 

Snazzy cars, gorgeous women and 
exotic locales - these are some of ihe 
dements that come to mind when we 
think about a James Bond film. “Spec¬ 
tre” yet again like any other Bond film 
reaffirms that established notion we 
have come to expect from the series. It 
is the twenty-fourth film in foe franchise 
and the fourth outing of Danid Craig 
as the British spy. It is a story that gfoes 
the arc of Craigs story as Bond togeth¬ 
er. The film also stars Christoph Wafa 
(Inglorious Bastards) as Ernst Sfcavro 
Bfofdd, Ralph Fknnes as M, Andrew 
Scott (Sheriock) as Q Lia Seydoux as 
Dr. Madeleine Swana and Monica Bd- 

Directed by Sam Mendes (Revolution¬ 
ary' Road), this time around the suave 
spy has to deal with a mysterious orga¬ 
nization known as the Spectre, all the 
while Scotfe character C is persistent 

on shutting down the double O pro¬ 
gramme and repJaceit with drones and 
digital technology that can trade anyone 
at anytime. Post the events of “SkyfeHL” 
forma - M (Judi Dendi) from her grave 
leaves behind a message for Bond to 
trade down Spectre The world is faffing 
apart for Bond, especially after losing M 
and Vesper Lynd (Eva Green), and all 
the events since Casino RoyaJe come 
foH aide in this film. 

When it comes to the padng, the narra¬ 
tion is fast paced and there are non-ex¬ 
istent dull momenta The dnanatogra- 
pby is spotless and Mendes tries tobuild 
the anticipation gradually for the view¬ 
ers quite niedy Of course it wouldn’t be 
a Bond film if there were no action set 

praiseworthy editing, 

The only thing that felt a bit underde¬ 
veloped was Christoph VVafak charac¬ 
ter Ihe talented actor didrit get much 
screen time to showcase his abilities as 
the mastermind behind the operation. 

The film gave off te&ate signs of a ru¬ 
mored last performance by Craig as 
Bond, and if that is true, it is a worth¬ 
while send off for the actor as he has 
proven to be a worthy successor post 
Pierce Brosnan, 

“Spectre” is not a flawless film, yet it is 
nothing less than a spectacle to watch, ft 
can be considered as a minusaite crease 
on the perfectly tailored suite that Bond 
adorns in all his iterator but some- 

pieces and you are treated wiffihigh-oc- times you have to get your hands dirty 
tane action that are impies- to get the license to ldR and that is not 

sive and portrayed efficiently through such a bad thing. 





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Blood Clinic Visits U of W 

Fourth year electrical engineering student Hasson Abdul-Nabi gwes blood fan, 21 at the university. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman} 


News Editor 

The Canadian Blood Services came to 
die University of Windsor last week to 
give students the opportunity to donate 
blood and potentially save lives, 

CBS has been very active within the 
university and in turn the university has 
also done its part to give back at their 
latest visit Jan 2L According to Tanya 
Jerart, the clinic supervisor, the relation¬ 
ship between the two is very good and 
it keeps them coming back for more as 
much as they caa 

“We come to the university very often to 
get new donors specifically!* said ferant 
'After age 17, whidi many students are 
their first year university, they can be¬ 
come donors and make a difference for 
another pereoa” 

Jerant said each blood donation can save 
up to four lives and they are also doing 
stem ceil swabbing in the cheeks for 
those who are interested in donating!*) 
people who need the rare ceDa 

Paula Talbot, the event coordinator for 

the blood dinks, said they need hun* 

the hospitals need for blood 

“Blood isn't just for car accidents or sur¬ 
geries, which is something a lot of peo¬ 
ple believe,” said Talbot ‘If someone has 
blood cancer or an immune deficiency, 
donated bloodwill hdp them, 1 ' 

According to Talbot, 56 per cent of Ca¬ 
nadians will need blood in their lifetime, 
however only four per cent of eligible 
Canadians actually donate She said fts 
ntrt hard for people to figure out were in 
a deficit with those numbers, 

“We collected just under 68 units on fan. 
IS when we came here and today we 
are on track for about 68 units again! 1 
said Talbot “We love coming out here 
because the university students are 
awesome with their support and were 
always excited to get new people in and 

Rebbeka Raby; a graduate stiident tan 
die university, said tfus was the tat time 
she has ever Wood 

*1 saw they were having a blood drive 
and I always wanted to give so I took 
&e step out and do soT said Raby Tm 

not nervous going in but Tm exdted to 

Raby said if yotiie able to give, them is 
very little aocuse as towhy you shouldn't 

“ft doesn’t take that long and theres aF 

true kindness you can do for someone 
If you were in the position of needing 
Hood, you would hope people gave 
blood for you, so everyone who can 

The blood services also visited Jaa 27 
and will be coming again Feb. Z After 
that they will not be returning to the 

dreds ofunitsper wedt tokeepupw^ make a difference for someone!’ 

a need for blood! 1 said Raby “fe a should take the time to do so.' 

university until later in the year 




Arts Editor 

Wiih the evening of Mx 7 maifeng a 
football milestone with Super Bowi XV, 
the schedule is seemingly cleared for 
m^or events around the city. But for 
tarn of hip-hop or people with a simple 
appreciation for Canadian muse the 
calendar may want to be rechecbsd 

Of Swollen Members fame, the Ju- 
no-award winning hip-hop group 
based in Vancouver; Madchild will be 
coming to Windsor as part of his na¬ 
tional tour at the Boom Boom Room 
Ft±i 5, Having been Id thedty two times 
prior, Madchild is looking forward to 
his strong and enduring ian base 

Tm doing 40 shows and theyte all 
packed or sold out so I fed real thankful 
and blessed that I have such an incredi¬ 
ble family ifs kind of a rare thtngTMad- 
child said 

Madchitd whok teal name is Shane 
Bunting, lias taken a break from per¬ 
forming wfth Swollen Members to place 
a foots on lib sofa cams; which he said 
began roughly three and a half years ago 
Hb musk consists of some high-energy 
hip-hop, paired with varied lyrics which 
are honest and reflective, something 
Madchild said is not entirely purpose¬ 
ful but instead a matter of' speaking 
from the heart and out of hb love for 

Hfrueaitcomes from within,” Madchild 
said Tfe not somethinglhaif do in con¬ 
scious when Fm writing it I just write” 

Madchild finds himsdf busy between 
hb national tour, which is set to fol¬ 
low with future tours in the United 
States, Europe and Australia, When 
not focused on hb music, he works on 
spreading the influence of Battle Axe 
Warriors, which hedesofoesas a move¬ 
ment without a “devil behind the cur¬ 
tain” With an emphasis on hip-hop and 

Madchild, aka Shane Bunting of Swollen Metnhers will be performing for one night only at the Boom Boom Room Feb. 5. 

fPhoto by // Battle Axe Records} 

community; its one way for Madchild 
to express a sense of positivity towards 
hb fans; in turn bolstering hb one-man 
show which he md allows him com- 
pkte artistic freedom 

‘1 just think the fact tliat its new and ex- 
dtii^ because i& just me, it pushes me 
to go harder, and prove to mysdf and 

others what I can achieve” MaddukJ 

The concert itself b presented by Frat- 
Tour,oom, a service set to bunch in the 
summer csl'thb year, which trtfends on 
targeting dfies with a predominant col¬ 
lege and university environment The 
Madchikl concert b the most recarl 

example of the service trying to strike 
a balance between premium entertain¬ 
ment and affordable pricing, 

**Were trying to bring the most unique 
events to a campus near youT said Frat- 
Tour promoter Jason Freed “To my 
understanding wek the only one doing 
any live arctotainment for ihb entire 


Tickets far JVtaddukfs Windsor Super 
Bowl Friday event are available locally 

East and Suck My Mod Tickets cost 
$25 at the door or $20 advanced, and 
the event b available for those aged 16 
and up. 

By; L A* Bonte 

For more comics and animations visit 


Fashion Show Hits 
the Ground Strutting 


Arts Editor 

The University of Windsor Fashion 
dub i nitiall y came into fruition in Jan¬ 
uary of last year* Along with it carried a 
determined focus to usher in style and 
creativity in an aspect, which isrit very 
prominent among most locak 

*A specific dty should not put limits on 
your passions or hobbies It is basically 
the reason why I started this dubT said 
show director Dana Kulia. 

The modernity of the Centre for En¬ 
gineering Innovation was the optimal 
place for the UWFC to host their sec¬ 
ond annual fashion show on the eve- 

tiie buildings architecture aBowed for a 
runwaywith sufficient seating and space 
as nearly two dozen models took to the 
stage with varying outfits from four dif¬ 
ferent brands, indudii^ Urban Planet 
and the Campjs Bookstore. 

Among the models was Ginefle McCal- 
lum, a second year dramatic art student 
who participated with a friend following 
an audition call she found of the dubs 
Instagram page For her, fashion can be 
boiled down to one word: expressioa 

To a rather ironk extent, the strut on the 
mnway can be looked upon as an act 
of performance art in where the idea is 
to not perform at at Aariz Jamali has 
been with the UWFC almost since its 
inceptioa and believes the real objective 
in mind should be to illuminate you as a 
walking mamiequia 

T like the intense lookT Jamali said % 
takes away &om people looking at you, 
as opposed to your clothes. Because 
when youre neutral your face looks 
boring and they're mostly focused on 
what you're wearing." 

The show ended within a span of 15 
minutes as every article of dothing 
was shown off But Kulia believes ft 
went smoothly, remaining undeterred 
in making fashion more of a footnote 
on campus since the university itsdf is 
absent of a fashion program. Between 
the UWFCs deepening soda! media 
presence and departments dedicated to 
marketing the dub and its mantra, she 
finds the snowball is sfowty but surely 
becoming bigger 

'We're trying to do everything fashion 
related, so you can think of our dub as 
a multidimensional organization^ Kulia 

AH models and members of the UWFC pose for a photo following the end of the fashion show at the Centre 

for Engineering Innovation Jan. 22. 

[Photo by // Hath Yassinej 

Were also drama students, so we ex- said. "It writ come easy. Were strug- jj ]e models walk down the rimwa v one last time to conclude the second annual UWFC fashion show Jan 

. 22 , 

press ourselves. Fashion Ls another way #ng and trying to get ourselves out | p^ om ^ // yiani Yassinej 

toejq^ressoursdvesT there^butlfedwrireonfoerightlt^fo *****. . ...******.^ . . . 


r i BoofaHTVoiea m iMPRtsseoi 






By: L. A. Bonte 

For more comics and animations visit 



Arts Editor 

It was a grand day of cdebrabon be¬ 
tween diidren, adults and one purple 

The Windsor International Aquatic 
Training Centre; better known as Ad¬ 
venture Bay marked its second anni¬ 
versary with a highly communal birth- 
day party Jan. 23, The buildings official 
opening was actually a few days poor, 
but the Adventure Bay staff wanted 
to make it a weekend event to try and 
maximize the celebratory atmosphere. 

'The birthday was actually on Monday 
Jan, 18, but we wanted to have a day to 
bring families outT said Adventure Bay 
manager Jen Knights. <f We really want 
to thank the community" for being so 
supportive to the park over the last cou¬ 
ple years* 

Knights finds the paries popularity to 
be extending to other regions of On¬ 
tario and even the American neighbors 
across the river. In the ftitore; the park is 
looking to expand its swimming pm- 

of its highly popular Bowrider feature 
The real highlight of the day however, 

was Adventure Bays new mascot 16 a 
purple toucan* complete with vibrant 
colors and leathers, formally announced 
by* Mayor Drew Dilkens who was cred¬ 
ited as one of the visionaries of the parks 

Its hand to bdieve that it has been two 
years so &; and we certainly had a great 
year last year celebrating our first anni¬ 
versary and seeing so many folks in the 
building today is certainly very delight- 
fuT Dilkens said 

The on * rbing missing from the mascot 
is a name, wJikh is where Adventure 
Bay is asking the community for hdp 
With the grand prize bang a one-vear 
pass, a contest to name the toucan was 
announced, and the park hopes the 
public can find one to re&ct die tropical 
style of the park As there are many re¬ 
quests for Adventure Bay to attend com¬ 
munity evms, the staff felt it necessary 
to create a coforiul character id represent 
acoforfij] place 

“Anybody could go and show up with a 

pop-up or tradeshow booth or talking Neveah Kelly colors a picture of the unnamed Adventure Bay mascot during its second anniversary Jan. 23, 

head” said Adventure Bay assistant [Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

manager Michad Chander, “But to 

Contest submissions can be filed either itsdf. The deadline for subn^ for the following week, 

that's what we am” on Adventure Bay's website of the pads Feb. 12. with an announcement slated 

Jeff Casey speaks about Snapd Windsor's new initiative at the Adventure Bay birthday 
Jan. 23.Snapd announced collaboration with Windsor's community calendar, which 
allows the public to get a greater scope of events occurring throughout the city. 

I Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

Mayor Dilkens announces the reveal of the toucan, ivhose name will be subject to a 
contest, which will have its deadline Feb. 12. 

[Photo by II Hani Yassine] 



The diterieading squad was presets! at Clubs Week working hard to raise school spirit at the University of 


IPhoto by//Caleb Workman} 

“We stand up and raise awarej>ess for To find a dub you maybe interested in 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor has always 
been very open to the development, 
growth and support of dubs within and 
this semester is no exception* 

M of last week, dubs set up booths to 
inform and bring awareness to the exis¬ 
tence of their dubs within the university. 
Through this, the dubs had the oppor¬ 
tunity to show students what they do, 
what their impact is and whal future 
goals they have as a dub. 

One such dub present was the univem- 
tfs eheeifeadingdub, which goes to and 
supports Lancer football and basketball 

Regina Yuen, a member ot the cheer- 

teading squad and third year nursing 
student, said their main goal is always to 
raise school spirit 

ifi We support a lot of diaritks and do 
fiindraisore for them and omsdvesT 
said Yuen* h really promotes the idea of 
sdiool spirit and brings a unit}^ betwem 
students woridi^ for similar causesT 

Yuen said they are always staying active 

and working hard to raise awareness 
and funds for causes on campus as weft 
as Iiaving fun cheering and raising the 
scbooFs morale on campus and at sport¬ 
ing events 

Currently foe cheerieading team has 
about 20 members but they are look¬ 
ing to expand, especially inviting more 
males into the group. 

Another dub present was the Palestin¬ 
ian Solidarity Groift who raises aware¬ 
ness to Issues, which occur daily in 
foe Middle East Vice president of the 
group, Fouad Nader, said the dub has 
been around for four years and they're 
looking to expand, having younger stu¬ 
dents become involved 

ll Wve had a lot ot members stick 

around for the full duration of the dub 
so were hoping to find people who can 
take over when we leave foe unrversitjC 
said Nader “We really want to keep the 
legacy going and to show everyone that 
there is a humanitarian issue going on 
and share our side of foe stocyT 

Nader said the group is a humanitarian 
group and is open to any students in ¬ 

terested in helping out and fighting for 
foe same god Nader said they focus 
on Middle Eastern issues but they often 
join with other humanitarian groups to 
raise awareness for other causes as wdl 

our issues but we absolutdy advo¬ 
cate and hdp out any other oppressed 
groups,” said Nader, 

joining, visit the dubs section on www. or email dubs.uwindson?' 

Matthew Charbomneau (left)* president of Campus Ministry Andrea Gallo (centre), 
Fouad Nader , vice president of the Palestinian Solidarity Group, is fighting for fcumnwi * program coordinator of Campus Ministry and Samantha Pi Fazio (right), an involved 

tartan issues in the Middle Bast alongside the rest of his dub . student with Campus Ministry pose for a photo next to the Pope at Clubs Week. 

[Photo by/ZCaleh Workman} [Photo by/fCateb Workman / 


Student Job Fair 
Fills Up Field House 


Arts Editor 

Students were in suits, tics and business 
attire as they ventured from vendor to 
vendor with a resume folder in hand 

Waves of students within a four-hour 

window attended the 17th annual 
Campus Job Fair at the St Denis Centre 

on fan. 20. It was a condensed morning 
and early afternoon as approximately 
2000 potential employees interacted 
with the over 90 employers who setup 
shop within die fidd house. An endur¬ 
ing catyx)ratkm between the uriivetsity 


geared to studmis and recent alumni 

opment Services coordinator Yvonne 
Currie. lt A lot of it coroes down to both 

what youve studied and your previous 

Among those who attended were Raph 
Gani, an electrical engineering and in¬ 
ternational student from India In be¬ 
lieving obtaining Canadian experience 
in his respective field would be vital to 
his success* he found there was a lot to 
choose from at the fair. 

“Thercs lots of opportunities for electri¬ 
cal they have about 10 to 15 companies,” 
GanisakL "As an engineer, I can fed that 
tho^ lots of opportunities.” 

Whether its the engineering, service 
or medical Industry, students were left 
with plentiful options. On top of the 
vendors, there was a pitch area for stu¬ 
dents to practice what they were going 
to say to possible employers, as well as 
a photo booth for university students 
who wished to create a profile picture 
for thdr Unkedln account 

Employee however were looking for 
more than just a resume. They tdt 
tace-to-foce interaction; long-term goal 
planning and a generally strong work 
e\hk were wry important fondamen- 
tals for any student to carry. For Brian 

Sergeant Wren Dosant of the Windsor Police Services speaks mtfi students at the Campus Job Fair Jan, 20 . 

[Photo by //Ham Yassimj 

Reynolds, an environmental science 
major who is now the vice-president of 
the finance company Primerica, ifs also 
about being perceptive to other fiekk 

T didn’t think this was going to be my 
career path until I got into itf Reynolds 
said “So I do think people should ex¬ 
plore thdr options a Me bit more." 

Other major components employers 
were looking forwere the ability to work 
with others as a team, and even aspects 
pertaining to sodal media profiles and 
how a potential employee may conduct 
thdr actions under this format Sgt 
Wren Dosant of the Windsor Police 
Services reinforces these requests, and 
also bdieves voluntary acts ^ 

'We want to know if the person has 
integrity We want to know that person 
has volunteered” Dosant said TK$ one 
thing to say you care about your com¬ 
munity, Wdl prove it to me. 11 

Xi Chen , a second year law student gets her* Linked hi photo taken at the Campus Job Fair fan, 20. 

! Photo by ft Ham Yassimj 



News Editor 

About 60 people gathered outside of 
Caesars Windsor to make a stand to the 
government and thdr decision to cut 
out certain healthcare benefits for Cana¬ 
dians reading in Ontario. 

Among the topics discussed were the 
obvious and some a Me more obscure 
and a new way of thinking. One of the 
speakers who discussed a different point 
was a director for Pathway to Potential 
who is fighting for living wage in Wind¬ 
sor and Essex County. 

u Ife important that we have a strong, 
pubikly funded healthcare system and 
we have the means to do so with the 
amount of professionals we have," said 
Adam Vasey “Fm not necessarily a pro¬ 
fessional of the healthcare system but 
the foct we aD connect and rally for com¬ 
mon goals is something to be proud of 
through the community? 

Vasey said an alternative way of think¬ 
ing about healthcare is the idea of raising 

the minimum wage to a Mvii^ wage in 
that area and to make sure people are 
making enough money to get the care 
they need if dreum^anoes arise in their 

"We cant keep buying into die notion 
lhat the cupboards are bare There is a 
deficit but the government \srit con¬ 
sidering taxing large corporations at 
a Itigher rate which could generate 
significant revenue," said Vasey. “I fed 
like people think they have to pick and 
choose from a couple different causes 
and methods but we need to get away 
from that way of thinking and kx>k at 
other ways we can makeupforwhatev- 
er cuts are coming our way- in this case, 
the healthcare cuts!" 

Chair of EC health, Kim Deyong, said 
its the governmentk job to make sure 
Canadians have fair and equal health- 

am and to make sure ifs provided to 

Tharity is good Justice is better" said 
Deyong explaining charily will only go 

A group of people gather outside Caesars Windsor to rally and protest against the recent cuts to healthcare 

m Ontario Jan. 21. 

{Photo by // Caleb Workman / 

Deyong said we have to see justice in 
the healthcare system because there has 

only been talk about the deficit andaas 
and she said Canadians need and de¬ 
serve more than that 

Food Bank 

Calling Out 
to Students 
in Need 

Ken Lewneza, the retired president of the CAW, shares the stats and compares Ontario's public hospital 
funding with the rest of Canada outside Caesars Windsor Jam 19, 

, /Photo by // Caleb Workman] 


The Utifrexstty ofWindaors foodbank 
is still open and ready Id give, now 
passing through the Christmas season. 

of lorn College, provides students in 
need with food every two weeks. They 
also state they are a great place for per¬ 
sona) development as a volunteer spot 
interacting with students, 

Maria Meerson, the foodbank coor¬ 
dinator, said they have been around 
lidptog students for a long time ami 
along with providing food, also hold 
dinners for students to attend and get 
a good meal 

‘'We have to llie past provided 6>r 701 
students malting a total of trips of 200 
per yean said Meerson. "WeaSerour 
services to foil and part-time students 
with a valid student cardT 

Meerson said all food is provided no 
questions asked and f& relieved the. 
stress of having to choose between 
paying far food and a textbook. 

*%Ve are definitely looking for new vot - 
unteers, specifically ones to work a set 
two hour shift per week handing out 
food from our focationT said Meensoa 
“We are also looking for a student to 
handle our marketing aroundcampus 
and make their own scheduled 

All inquiries regarding food pida ips or 
volunteer opportunities can be direct¬ 
ed towards Maria Meerson at rneer- 


Ex-UWSA Executive Looks to Clear 

the Air Regarding Resignation 


News Editor 

Last semester a UWSA executive was 
deemed to resign due to missing three 
mandatory meetings but recently has 
come out with more to the story. 

Rajiv ‘"Soul-Train” Sivanesan was away 
for two of the three meetings 
related business but due to the new by¬ 
law structure, was deemed to resign for 
missing those meetings regardless the 
reasons. He saki he attempted to phone 
in for one specifically but was unable to 
properly connect to the meeting, 

"The [UWSA] did thdr own research 
within thdr own rights, with their own 
lawyer and I have an email from the 

lawyer stating 1 should not be deemed to 
resign; said Sivanesan. 

According to Sivanesan, the email stat¬ 
ed he should still be an executive given 
the diairnsfcances of him being away 
on wodc-rcted meetings. He said the 
board decided to vote against the law¬ 
yers recommendation and proceed 
with deeming him to resign 

“In any case that a lawyer deals with a 
dknt, the dient has the right to accept or 
reject the lawyers advice,” said Tarpeh. 
T& no secret that the board decided to 
rgectit and uphold the UWSA by-tews? 

Tarpeh said the board felt it made the 
best decision for the organization and 
for the students by upholding the by¬ 


'It was difficult because I knew there 
was something wrong with how the 
whole process had happened but the 
problem is, with regards to the organi¬ 
zation, die reason I ran was because I 
wanted it to be something the university 
is proud of and something the students 
are proud to be part of said Sivanesait 
“To turn around and go against the or¬ 
ganization defeats the whole purpose as 
to why I joined it in the first place” 

He said there are no hard feelings at all 
and he wishes the best for the organisa¬ 
tion to grow and become the best it can 
be for the students but its difficult be¬ 

cause people hes talked to say hes been 
wronged and its a case he would win no 
matter whaL 

Tarpeh said there b no bad blood be¬ 
tween any of the executives orex-em> 
utives and they are still in contact and 
he said the organization as a whole does 
not hold anything against anyone, spe- 
dficaliy in this case. 

“It would be very difficult for me to lose 
my case from my understand!^” said 
Svanesan. "Being someone whos so 
student focused* I don't want to be the 
person who says they want to pursue a 
case that would take V amount of dol¬ 
lars or resources from students* That 
would be hypocritical and against the 

very principals I ran for in the first place” 

Sivanesan said the big thing he wants 
people to take away from this is that 
he wasn't deemed to res^i because 
of anything he did wrong but because 
of a misunderstanding by the UWSA 
Board He said hebdieves in tbeorgmi- 
nation no matter what happens and he 
hopes they grow from here. 

Tarpeh said the new vice president, To- 
fonmi Adebise, is doing a greadt job and 
through him they had a very successful 
Frost Week. 

“Hes been doing an awesome job” said 
Tarpeh. "Hes a loving guy very open 
and hes excited to hdp students whkb 
bail we could ask for” 

Women’s Volleyball Keep 
Rolling On Brock Road Trip 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer womens vol¬ 
leyball team went on the road and left 
with a three-set sweep over the Brock 
Badgers in a playoff environment in St 
Catharines this past weekend fa OUA 

Windsor went into the Bob David 
Gymnasium Jm 23 and came away 
with a 3-0 victory with scores of 26-24> 
25-19 and 25-21. The sweep pushed the 
Lancers record to 7-4 and keeps them 
in third place despite playing the least 
amount of matches among all OUA 
west division teams. 

Shannon Dean fed the Lancer ofimoe 
with 10 kills fa the match while Emily 
McCfo&key chipped in with five kiUs 
and Emily Durand had a team high 12 
digs. Laura Condotta fed the Badgers 
wfth 10 falls and Kariinna OLeary who 
registered a game high 19 digs. 

Lancers head coach Lucas Hodgpon 
said the noise was a factor early with 
500-plus fens stuffing Brodcs gym for 
an alumni weekend function but it was 
good to see his team face adversity on 
another teams court and pull out a vic¬ 
tory such as this. 

"No question* the first five points it was 
v^y loud and they were playing wdlT 

Hodgson said They got a few kills and 
then they got abig block and our team 
said TJh oh,' and we just took a deep 
off Q3vironment is going to be like and 
that b where we are headed so we need 
to be able to relax and take it all in and 
pky your game ' 

Windsor’s fifth year veteran Lauren 
Stirling was a Badger for the past four 
seasons and was twice named an OUA 
all-star while she did her undergrad at 
Brcxk. She admftted the loud gymnasi¬ 
um wasagreat atmosphere to get toplay 
in and it was an overall very emotional 
game for her 

°l was pleased with how composed 
our team stayed throughout 
Stirik^said "ft great to be bade in 
St Catharines and to walk away with a 
big win forcwteni,The aowdwasbig 
and very vocal which was awesome to 
play fa front of 

Hodgson said the victory was a Me 
sweeter seeing as he was head coach of 
the Badgers before he came to Wind¬ 
sor Hodgson admitted the large crowd 
played a factor and the Brodt squad 
took fuD advantage of the support they 

“They ware pretty jacked up because of 
the crowd,” Hodgson said "And Lauren 
played for them last year so they draft 
want to lose to their formerteammateas 

wdl Even though they are friends you 
never want to lose to that person. They 
were playing the best tbeyte played and 
we weathered the storm in the first set 
After we got through that we had a 
more control We were up 2145 fa the 
second and third set and won both, but 
made them closer than what they need¬ 
ed tobe!’ 

Sliding said the match was a good test 
of patience for her team by playing fa a 
playoff environment at Brock this past 
weekend Stirling added it helped the 
Lancers get some crunch time experi¬ 
ence headed into some of thdr bigger 
matches, which are taking place over 
the upcomingweekends 

4t We did a great job at focusing on our 
skfeof the court and executing without 
felling the crowd dictate how the match 
went,” Stirling said “1 think going into 
next weekend wtfre going to have to be 
just as pattern because the games will be 
a huge weekendwith the top four teams 
in the west all playing each other too” 

The Lancers will do battle on home 
court at the SL Denis Centre over thdr 
next four contests. First they will match 
up agifast the top-ranked McMaster 
Marauders and wiB then do battle with 
the Guelph Gryphons, who are right on 
the Lancers heels in the OUA west divi¬ 
sion standings. 





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Windsor Express Edge 
Niagara To Even Record At 6-6 


Sports Editor 

ft took all the energy the Windsor Ex* 
press had and every second of the game 
to finally edge out a depleted but pesky 
Niagara River Lions squad this past 
weekend at the WFCU Centre, 

Windsor’s 108-103 triumphed over Ni¬ 
agara fare 23, following a haid-fcugbi 
123-115 loss to the rival London Light¬ 
ning the night before and evens thdr 
record to 6-6. Express head coach Tony 
ry after dropping three of thdr past four 
games and in a positive swing liave now 
won two of their last three. 

"Hopefully it will build some momen¬ 
tum into nest week when we play Ni¬ 
agara on the road and then back home 
against the Island Storm*" Jones said 1 
thought Brandon Robinson played very 
wdL he made shots when we needed it 
We found ourselves in a close game and 
we were able to make pkys at the end, 
knock down money feee throws and 
get pivotal stops. Moving forward that is 
something to build onT 

Both games were entertaining and had 
a bevy of highlight red material horn 
multiple superstars who shot daggers 
from three-point land and threw down 
vicious fast break dam dunks as if it 
were diikfs play 

.After Nkk Gkorie and the Lightning 
stormed back to take a victory the night 
before, Brandon Robinson led five Ex¬ 
press in double-digit scoring in the win 

with nine assists. Robinson has taken 
over the lead in foe NEl Canada scor¬ 
ing race in just 10 games for Windsor* 
averaging over 25 points per game at 
foe quarter mark of foe regular season 
Tony Bennett generated 19 points and 
six assists before fouling out of the game 
late in the fourth 

Chris Commons scored 17points while 
Kitk Williams Jr chipped in 16 . Maurice 
Bolden had 10 points and 10 rebounds 
for Windsors only double double of foe 
game Point guard Adrian Moss started 
for Windsor and made strong contri- 

three-ball with just over one minute re¬ 
maining and hit a pair of fee throws in 
the waning seconds to seal foe deal for 
foe home team and am their record to 
6 - 6 . 

“As a point guard you pride yourself' 
on making big plays and at foe time 
we were up two so it was a big shot for 
a ir team,” Moss said. “They doubled on 
B-Rob and they left me wide open so I 
knew I had to make them pay for it - 
fts just stretching the floor and making 
sho& when your name comes up and ife 
your opportunity^ 

The River lions played without theft 1 
top scam Logan Stotz and Sammy 
Zegiinskf due to infory but were ted by 
a scrappy effort for reserve point guard 
Adam Bkzdc who put up 22 points and 
six rebounds while newly signed shoot- 

Alex “Superman' Johnson of the Windsor Express stretches out to lay up a basket with a Niagara River 
lion defender on his heeb during NBl Canada action at the WFCU Centre fan, 23. Johnson , a Canadian 
guard, chipped in seven assists in Windsors I OS-103 win over Niagara and is a key member of the reserve 

squad for head coach Tony Jones . 

[Photo by // Kevin farroldj 

grabbed five rebounds and dished out 
five assists in his first contest on Wind¬ 
sor's home floor this season 

“We have foe talent out there, we need 
to learn how to dose out gamesj* Rush 
said "‘Now just all about putting 
it all together out there and learning 
time management and what players 
take what shots, fti just about building 
chemistry and Sfs still very earfy I try to 
do a Me bit of everything and wait un¬ 

leadership by rebounding and show 
my athleticism in my shooting and afl- 
around game.” 

NBL Canada veteran forward Mike Al¬ 
lison was a nightmare on foe offensive 
glass and regt&ered a double-double 
for Niagara with 16 points and 13 re¬ 
bounds, Uftimatdy Niagara had 20 of¬ 
fensive rebounds in foe game, which is 
still Windsors Achilles bed at this time. 

ing sfruarionT Jones said “ft is still some¬ 
th!^ that has to be corrected but a win 
is a win and Fm happy for our guys and 
foe coaches” 

The Express now go on the mad for 
a rematch with the River Lions at the 
Meridian Centre Jaa 28 before traveling 
bade to weather a visit from the Island 
Storm of foe NBL Canada^ Atlantic 
division in thdr ody appearance at the 

over l^agara with 27 points togoalong ii^guaid Billy Rush dropped 20 points, til my shot drops. I want to bring some Tmstifl concerned abo^ WFCU Centre this season* 


Lancer Men’s Hockey Earn Big 2-1 
Road Win Over Ryerson Rams 

BRETTH EDGES sailed high and die Hawk killed off the 

Sports Editor ieinainjiigdo£kaxidtocAca2-I win over 

the Lancers. 

The Windsor Lancer mens hockey 
team shook off a tough loss at home to 
the Laurier Golden Hawks and went 
on the road to earn a haid-fcught two 
points over the Ryereon Rams toTcion- 
to this past weekend 

Windsor first dropped a 2-1 decision to 
the Hawks Jan 20 but bounced bade to 
push thar record to 11-9-3 with just a 
few games remaining in the regular sea¬ 
son, Lancers first-year goaltender Stake 
Rkhard made a combined 53 saves over 
the weekend split and said the 2-! victo¬ 
ry over Ryerson was very important to 
his squad 

“Every game is very important from 
here onT Richard said "Mot only for 
momentum going Into pkcyotfe but also 
to the standings. [They ] are so tight one 
toss of win can lose or gain your team 
home ke few* playofls which is key? 

In Windsor^ opening game of the week* 
the Lancers fen on the short side of a 

Windsor assistant coach John Nelson 
said the third period was the most des¬ 
perate his team has played this season 
but it was too little too late against a 
hard-nosed Lanrier squad 

“Ift good for the guys who stepped up 
in the mom and hopefully it is a lesson 
learned by our teamT said Nelson said 
"This was a big game for us because 
we could have been seven points up on 
Laurier but they came in, played a great 
road game on usT 

Three nights later it was Lancer forward 
Tyson Ness who registered his third 
game-winning goal when he tallied 
his ninth marker of the season with 
under three minutes remaining to give 
the Lancers a 2-1 victory over fanner 
Windsor Spitfire goaltender Troy Pass- 
ingham and the Rams on their home 
rink, the former Maple Leaf Gardens 
and now statooTthe-art Mattamy Ath¬ 
letic Centre 

2-1 decision to the Hawks earlier in the 
week to a yrittv physical affair at South 

Windsor Arena Jan. 20. After a score¬ 
less first period Windsor opened the 
score at 757 of the second on a power 
play tally fom Eric Nod but the Hawks 
stormed back with a goal from Mtoh 
Wright just 16 seconds taler Lanrier 
would strike again just over one minute 
later to take a 2-1 lead 

With less than 90 seconds to go head 
coach Kevin Hamlin pulled his goat- 
tender for the extraattack Windsor put 
on immense pressure and had a diance 
in the slot with less than 30 seconds to 

“[Against Ryerson] I thought the team 

came toiler very well r^ftf from the 
be ginning ,” Richard said "We came out 
with great energy which stuck with us 
the whole game* 

Eric Nod opened up the scoring in the 
first with an aoobafic play managing 
to put heme a backhand while Ming to 
his knees. His 10th of the season gave 
the Lancers a one-goal lead A scoreless 
second period then set the table for a 
nail biting finish. 

Kyle Blaney and Dante! Qarimont con¬ 
nected bie in thfoi Blaney found an 

ao but captain Kennv Bradfords shot ooen Gaimront to font 

* r * ** 

Windsor Lancers forward Mike Christou pashes the puck up the tee 
m*h a Laurier Go Wen Hawk on his heels during OUA mens hockey 
aetk n at South Windsor Arena fan. 20, Windsor currently sits in third 
place of the OUA west division , with a one-paint lead and one game in 
hand over the Guelph Gryphons and Waterloo Warriors, 

[Photo by// Kevin farroid} 

Windsor Lancers defensemen Julian Luciani clears a Laurier Golden Hawk from the front of the net to 
allow goaltender Blake Richard to see the puck during OUA mens hockey action at South Windsor Arena 
fan . 20. Laurier left Windsor with a 2-3 victory but three nights later Richard shut the door on the mad 
against the Ryerson Rams in a 2-3 victory at the Mattamy Athletic Centre fan. 23. 

[Photo by // Kevin farroid] 

up ai^ over Rkhaid for the tatty, ft took 

just seconds for the Ness and the Lanc¬ 
ers to respond with thdr second goal of 
the game to once again regain the lead 
Ness pounced on a loose puck in ftont 
and made no mistake on the backhand, 
beating Passii^ham with just 2:42 re¬ 
maining in the third 

The Ness goal was the second and final 
goal for the Lancer^ which to the end 
stood the test of time despite the Rams 
final efforts. 

Richard was perfect for nearly 57 min¬ 
utes to net for Windsor until Clair- 
moots tying goal and finished with 27 
saves The Grimsby native said it was 
the teamfc will to compete and grind out 
gods that led them to victory. 

“Guys went to the dirty areas to score 
gods and thats what ii takes to wire" 
Richard said “Also I thought our de¬ 
fensive zone was phenomena^ the guys 
made everything easy for me it was a 
great team effort and a big win” 

The win was an important two points 
for the Lancers* as it currently puts them 
into third place in a west division where 
three points separate the third and sev¬ 
enth seed The fourth-place Gudph 
Gryphons are only one point behind 
Windsor and will play two games be¬ 
fore the Lancers return to action Jam 
29 against the Toronto Varsity Blues at 
South Windsor Arena. 

With very little rest to between games, 
the Lancers witt battle the Rams the next 
night to thdr final home game of the 
OUA regular season Jm 30, 


Windsor’s Big Three Shine Against Nipissing 
But Comeback Falls Short To Laurentian 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancers have Men short 
against the Laurentian Voyageurs the 
day alter putting together an impres¬ 
sive victory over the Nipissing Lakers at 
South Windsor Arena. 

First, it was an Erinn Nosworthy hat 
trick which propelled Windsor to a 5-3 
victory over Nipissing Jan 22 before 
a short turnaround led to some died 
legs being on display in the early going 
against Laurentiaru lire Lancers fell be- 
hind 3-0 against the Voyageurs but ral¬ 
lied to tally three goals over the final 10 
minutes but ultimately feB on the short 
end of a 4-3 score 

Hie weekend split leaves the Lancen 
with IS points in the OUA standings 
and nine points between them and the 
eighth place Laurier Golden Hawks. 
Windsor head coach Jim Hunter said 
the weekend split does not spoil how 
wdl his team played against Nipissu %or 
what they have accomplished thus hr. 

£ AgairrtNpssing thegfrls did amazing, 
they battled in all areas, our goattending 
was solid,” Hunter said “Fatigue showed 
[gainst Imirentian] in the first two pe¬ 
riods. An injury to fill Hops the night 
before shortened our lineup. Shes a big 
part our penalty kill and our second 
line so it took a while for our other girls 
to readjust to their new rotes and that 
showed in the first and second periods; 

Against Nipissing, Windsor got 
things started right away with a power 
play goal from Rachel Chantfer just un¬ 
der six minutes into the first period with 
assists credited to Krystin Lawrence and 
Shailyn Waites, The lakers did not take 
long to respond as Kaitlyn McManus 
finished off a set up from Brorrwyn 
Buldoe and Natalie Graham less than 
two minutes later to tie it FL Windsor 
would regained the lead late in the first 
with Larissa Boworiecs third goal ofthe 
season which give the Lancers a 2-1 
lead heading into the first totermbrioa 

The Lancers kept raffing in the second 
and extended their lead four minutes 
into the frame on an individual effort by 
captain Nbseworthy The OUA leading 
scorer then notched her second of the 

a 4-1 lead with 14 minutes remaining 
in the middle frame Nipissing would 
cut the lead to two at with fewer than 30 
seconds to go in the middle stanza on a 

goal from Kaky Tienhaara. 

Noseworthy completed her liat trick at 
15:47 of the final period to give Windsor 
a 5-2 lead The Lakers would pull their 
goaltender Sabrina Picard for the final 
336 of the period in fevor of the extra 
attacker and were able to score with the 
advantage with a goal from Ruidoc at 
17:22 but Sandven would stand tall and 
Windsor would be able to hang on for 
the victory over file third-place Nipiss- 

The next afternoon, saw a slow opening 
period where Voyageurs Jessica Sta¬ 
sis scored on a bad angle with only 5.9 
seconds left to trail 1-0 after the period 
Laurentian added another goal from 
Samantha Morel] to double their lead 
midway through the second period 
which put the pressure on the Lancers 
to respond Windsor locked up the of¬ 
fensive effort but it was the Voyageurs 
Taylor Weber who took advantage of 
a neutral rone turnover and picked the 
^c^on . ja^g alteylg.^ 

ven on a two-on-one opportunity with 
just over three minutes to take a 3-0 lead 
after the second 

In the third period Windsor controlled 
the momentum throughout but could 
not cash in on their early chances. 
Windsors persistence would pay off in 
the form of a power play opportunity 
with 9:45 to gp which quickly became 
a goal after Natalie Barrettes point shot 
was deflected in front by Noseworthy to 
bring the Lancets within two Five min¬ 
utes later, Nfoseworthy scored her fifth 
gpal of the weekend when whipped the 
puck past off of a pass from Lesperance 
to make it 3-2 with 434 remaining, 

Laurentian that took advantage of an¬ 
other turnover in Windsors zone and 
made them pay for it with a goal from 
Renee Ledair with 234 to go. Wind ¬ 
sor continued to push and would call 
a timeout to pull Sandven for an extra 
attacker with 152 remaining and a fa- 
eeoff in Laurentian^ zone and cashed in 
shortly after on a goalmouth crash from 
Lesperance with 85 seconds nmaining. 

On the ensuing feceoff Windsor pulled 
Sandven and drewa penaltywith under 
15 seconds in regulation to add to the 
suspense, Windsor threw everything at 
the net in a final frame and Noseworthy 
had the tying-goal on her stick - but it 
rolled off the tip of her stick and trickled 
into the corner as time expired 

After the ^me, Lawrence said Windsor 

Windsor L queers forward Shailyn Waites screen LaurenUan Voyageu rs go alt c oder Lau ra Pel let da ring 

OVA womens hockey action at South Windsor Arena fan. 23, The Lancers had a furious rally including 
scoring three goals m the final ten minutes of the period but ultimately fell on the short side of a 4-3 deci¬ 

[Photo by // Kevin farrotd) 

needs work harder in the first and sec¬ 
ond period so they would not have to 
exert so much energy in their comeback 
to the third 

“We cant just battle in the last ten min¬ 
utes of a ^mc because it screwed us 
overf Lawrence said "Our momentum 
was high from the night before and I 
dorit know what happened today but 
we needed to come out harder. We were 
over our heads today thinking we were 
going to walk in here and beat them" 

Windsor now goes on the road for a 
tough pair of games against the Ryerson 
Rams and Toronto Varsity Blues and 
Hunter said hb team must find a way to 
win on the road if they even are to even 
have a sniff at the OUA playoffe. 

"Road wins are character wins and we 
need to find a way to be better on the 
road," Hunter said “Thats whal were 
striving for. Were trying to get answers 
- not just for this year, but also for next 
year. I thought we showed a lot of the 
character I was hoping wed have on thb 
team and now we need to find a way to 
bring it out more oftmT 

First the Lancers buck with the Rams 
at the Mattamy Athletic Centre Jaa 29, 
The next night Windsor travels across 
town to battle the Bfoes at Varsity Arena 

Danielle Butler of the Windsor Lamer women's hockey team battles 
with a member of the Laurentian Voyageurs during OUA action at 
South Windsor Arena Jan. 23. The Lancers defeated Nipissing 5-3 the 
night before but could get over a slow start against Laurentian. falling 
down 3-0 but staging a furious comeback, which just fell short in a 4-3 
loss on home ice. 

I Photo by // Kevin Jarrohl] 

| 8 // JANUARY 28 2016 ■ UW1NPSORLANCE.CA 

Human Kinetics Building Hosts 
National Coaching Certification Program 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor is continu¬ 
ing to give those who love sports or 
want an avenue to hdp and influence 
yuctfh through sports to attain six course 
credits under the National Coaching 
Gmification Program and begin their 

Hie Faculty of Human Kinetics offered 
the first three of six multi-sport NCCP 
courses from 5 pm to 9pm |aa 22 and 
again the next day from 9 am to4pm 
in the Human Kinetics Building Jan_23* 
Maida Milne said 10 people tame to 
the clinic, whkh is newly housed in the 
university. Milne decided to invite the 
NCCPs regional instructor to the HK 
building in an dfcrt to aid UWmdsor 
students to get thdr foot in the door in 
the woddof coaching. 

“A lot of stidmts wouldn't hear about it 
happening in the dty so we used the op* 
portunfly to host it at UWmdsor to help 
all those interested but particularly to 
hdp the human kinetics students who 
have bag interests in coaching,” Milne 
said % lot of organizations require at 
least some of these NCCP courses so 
we tried to make sure these people have 
access to it” 

Part A of the NCCP multi-sport course 
examined three different topics includ¬ 
ing how to make ethical decisions, plan 
a practice and leam die basic nutrition 
surrounding athletes in sports. These 
courses were offered separately for $50 
or as part of a three-course inclusive 
price of $130. 

Lancers cross country and middle dis¬ 
tance track and field coach Gary Malloy 
said the NCCP has revamped thdr pro¬ 

grams in recent years so it is important 
for young coaches entering at any level 
to take these courses and leam the fun¬ 
damental principles, which can lead to 
being an effective coach in the future 

"These early courses are gpod because 
they are generic and they can be applied 
to any sportsT Malloy said Tt gives you 
good principles about how to design a 
program and nutrition or perhaps leam 
some things you think you might know 
but you want to make sure before you 
start coaching young people. Every time 
we can have a dink: like this in our bade 
yard and we dorit have to travel is very 

The NCCP will be bade in Windsor's 
HK Building for Part B of the course 
where registrants will focus on honing 
their teaching and learning skills while 
giving them the skills to design a sports 

Lancers Track and Field Erupts For 
14 Medals At Doug Hansen Open 


News Editor 

More and more members of the Wind¬ 
sor Lancer track and field team keep 
pushing their limits every week as the 
countdown toward the QUA champi¬ 
onship on their home track at the St 
Denis Centre continues to dwindle 

The Lancers brought home 14 medals, 
including six gold, five silver and three 
bronze while third year distance run¬ 
ner Stefonie Smith broke a 20-year old 
record for the second week in a row to 
set a new Lancers standard by over 10 

Emily Omahen scored a pair of medals 
at the Doug Hansen Open, grabbing 
gold in the womens long jump with a 
leap of 5.81 meters to go along with a 
thbi place finish in the womens 200 
meter dash in 25.57 seconds. Cait- 
iin McQuritin finished second in the 
long jump with a leap of 5,58 meters 
while Smith placed second in the one 
mile run witha time of 4:46,01 in anoth¬ 
er 20-year old school record-breaking 

Smith said the last few weeks have been 
very exciting for the whole womens 
team after a string of'personal b^ts over 
the past few weeks on the track and in 
the pits. The womens side alone had 
an impressive medal haul at the Doug 
Hanson meet with a lot erfcontributions 
from multiple sources 

+, We went one, two in the king jump 
and our thrower threw really well toqT 

Smith said “Its definitely' not easy to be 
consistent, any athlete will tell you that 
That's where the mental aspect comes 
in to play Everyone from every event 
group is really focused and motivated 
right now” 

Windsors pair of CIS-bound throwers 
also took home some hardware at the 
Doug Hansen Open, Sophomore Sarah 
Mitton threw for gold in the womens 
shot put, tossing 1416 meters while Jor- 
dana Badley-Costdlo finished second 
in womens weight throw with a heave 
of 17,58 meters. 

Finishing just off the podium at the 
meet but someone who wiD no doubt 
score points for the Lancers come OUAs 
is multi-event athlete Courtney Rivait, 
who finished fifth in the 200 meters in 
25,98 seconds and added a fourth place 
finish in the womens 60 meters hurdles 
m 932 seconds. 

Smith admitted it is fun for their team 
to feed off of each other s positive energy 
when they take points away from other 
squads and perform wdL 

“Thats a big part ofbeing team, nothing 
gets me more amped up to race than 
seeing my teammates perform well and 
get excited' Smith said “ft makes you 
want to keep that momentum rolling. 
Thercs about 18 of us going to McGill 
this weekend That should be a lot of 
foiL A fot of CIS schools should be there 
so it will be a good opportunity to go on 
a roady to Ike off against CIS competi¬ 
tion That will be a big weekend for a lot 

On the metis roster, it wasTaykrr McAr¬ 
thur who had the biggest day when he 
won the mem one mile with a time of 
411.48 and followed that up with an 800 
meters run of 155.54 just over an hour 
later. McArthur attributed his success 
to a big week of training and a small but 
vocal squad of only 44 Lancer athletes at 
the meet, which made for a great team 

"Most distance runners in our team 
took tiie weekend off but 1 wanted to 
just get some more race experience 
under the belt so I decided to do the 
one mile and then an 800 meter race 
an hour laterT McArthur said “Only 
thought going into the mile was to win 
the race.! wasn't worried about time felt 
tired bit the fitness is there so 1 ended 
up winning the race and having a mile 
personal best as weft 1 turned around 
and had a great 800 m running right 
after behind teammate Nick Maanakin 
running 153.60.” 

Chris Wkigji and Mifos Savi finished 
one-two in mens pole vault but both 
foiled to leap 4,86 meters and settled 
for 471 meters on that day In the mens 
shot put, lancers Eli Pawiiw and An¬ 
drew Vennette earned the silver and 
bronze medal with tosses of 1419 me¬ 
ters and 16.08 meters respectively. 

With OUAs less than one month away 
the countdown is on for these Lancers 
to fine-tune their skills before they de¬ 
fend their home track at the St Denis 
Centre Feb. 26 and try to punch their 
tickets to the national championships. 

program and assess basic mental skills 
when it comes to asachingThe cost will 
be the same as Part A this past weekend 
and wit! begin the evening of Feb. 5 and 
will complete the next afternoon. 

Third year Lancer cross country and 
middle distance runner Stefonie Smith 
is also an HK student and said die be¬ 
lieves the opportunity for students and 
members of the community to take 
these courses are one of the reasons the 
athletic department at UWindsor sepa¬ 
rates themselves from other univmities 
around the countiy. 

tails, but Windsor does a really great job 
to try and invite the community to fed 
what its like to be a coach.” 

Smith added the course gh^s former 
athletes the opportunity to continue to 
be involved in a coaching role which 
allows the athlete to develop while con¬ 
tinuing to grow the sport as a whole 

“We have a lot of elite coaches right in 
our backyard who always love sharing 

their experiences to the next genera- 


tiooT Smith said "Its just a great oppor¬ 
tunity for people to get involved in the 

'You can only leam so much in a class¬ 
room and a course like this really gives 
students the opportunity to get hands 
on experience whkh is something 
that you cant really teachT Smifti said 
"Many people do not even really know 
what coaching track and field meet en- 

Space is limited for the upremting course 
Feb5 and 6 so thosewho are interested 
in gaining more information or would 
like to register for the upcoming course 
are encouraged to contact Maim Milne 
at 519-253-3000, ext 4m or e-mail 




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LLi 3 


JANUARY 28 20 1 6 » UWiNDSQRLANCE.CA// 19 


The Lance Contributor 

Last week was another rocky patch of 
competition for the Lancer womens 
and mens basketball teams, as both 
teams came up in defeat to their nation¬ 
ally ranked counterparts in tire Maraud¬ 
ers of McMaster 

For the women it went down to the 
wire before Windsor finally conceded 
68-62 at the end of regulation time For 
the men* the road trip to the Burridge 
Gymnasium in Hamilton ended in a 
more soberii^ 106-74 loss 

On the bright side it was a week that 
rightfully saw the Ontario University 
Athletics (OUA) proudly announce 
that the womeris provincial basketball 
championship trophy officially will now 
be known as the “Critefli Cup! The ges¬ 
ture was given in honor of legendary 
Brock Badgers coach and sport admin¬ 
istrator Chris Cntdil 

Critdtfe virtual proteg£ froffHhe Wind- 

OUA womens basketball champion¬ 
ship op was just named, played for the 
1970k LaureniianVoyager's team which 
the Lancer women are currently tied 
with for successive national champion¬ 
ships, Thus for the Lancers have already 
bested the 2005-06 season, in which 
Gritefli established a new single season 
OUA provincial record with 19 confer¬ 
ence wins at Brock University; when the 
Lancer womens team won 21 straight 
en route to daiming the OUA and CIS 
title two years ago. 

The Lancer mens respective loss to 
McMaster was a fopsided thirty-point 
disappoinlmeitf, which dps Wind¬ 
sors record to 5-6. Thus for they have 
feired much better at home where they 
have gone 4-1 in comparison to thdr 
1-5 record on the road Similar to the 
women, the Windsor mens team fell to 
the Maruaders last week, mainly due to 
thdr short foil from three-point range 
where they only sank five compared to 
McMasterk 11 converts from beyond 


sor Lancers* ChanlaJ Vallee, the cele¬ 
brated coach of the womens basketball 
team looked upon only her fourth loss 
in ekven starts this season with her usu- 

fense Lancer fifth year senior Alex 
Campbell still led all scorers with 28 
points and was joined in double figures 
by three ofhis teammates, 

al optimism grwn McMasterk airrent 
top 10 national ranking* 

thought we played very' well but we 
missed too many of our shots from 
tliree-point range’’ Vallee said “Mc¬ 
Master really turned it on and played 
extremely’ hard ft was a play-off feeling 
kind of game and we need that experi¬ 
ence and to kam howto prevail under 
such dncmnstances down the road 11 

Although the Lancers as a wftofe played 
well defensively in keying McMaster 
under 70 points, only Andrea Kiss really 
got going offensively for Windsor click¬ 
ing for 20 points on a night where the 
Lancers only knocked down 38 percent 
of their dose range field goals and only 
connected on four three-pointers. 

If their loss could be used as a measur¬ 
ing stick, things are no^ 
the five-time national champions- To 
tose by so Me to the saxffi-rankedteam 
in the country and shoot so poody from 
the outside is encouraging in itsdf With 
sfiD a little over a month to go before 
the season ends, Vallees team has am ¬ 
ple time to gd in order to accomplish 
a record-breaking six straight national 
championship during the OS version 
ofMareh Madness. 

Ironically* the aforementioned player* 
coach and administrator for whom the 

With nine games remaining, the Lanc¬ 
ers have no need to hang their heads. 
They have now literally o>mpfeted the 
toughest half of their 2015-16 regu¬ 
lar season schedule. In each game this 
season Windsors rookie reserves have 
gained more and more invaluable ex¬ 
perience dong the way While coaches 
and teams naturally aim to win every 
game, most of the fosses they have suf¬ 
fered thus for were by a narrow margin 
and were not considered upsets by any 
means, especially given their unprece¬ 
dented youth. 

Despite the rodey road they have trod 
the Lancers are also still sitting quite 
comfortably among the leading teams 
atop of the OUA West division and are 
ready tooompete for ai least a quarter- fi¬ 
nal playoff geune ^ home, bfct to men¬ 
tion an attempt to make a third straight 
nip to the OUA final four 

Lancer forward Maiko Kovae said his 
teams next two ^mes are big for them 
especially as they a^roadi the playoffo 
Ihe Lancers will head back out onto the 
trail this Windsor to fete the iaurier 
Hawks in Kitchener Jan. 27 in a division 
battle with a two-game swing at stake; 

“We need to find ways to win on the 
road and Laurier will be a good testT 
Kbvac said “ft will give us the opportu¬ 
nity to gain some confidence as weD as 

Windsor lancers guard Orion Amsalem dribbled the ball up the floor against McMaster Marauder Dan- 

idle Boiago during OVA women's basketball at the Burridge Gymnasium in munition Jan 20. Boiago was 
the games lead scorer with 24 points in a 68-62 victory/or the sixth-racked Marauders over the Lancers, 

who fell to 7-4 with the loss. 

[Photo by If Richard Zazulakj 

Msiska battles down low against McMaster Marauder forward Connor Gilmore during OUA men's action 
at the Burridge Gymnasium in Hamilton Jan . 20. Ihe sixth-ranked Marauders out scored Windsor 30-15 in 
the first quartet and cruised to a 106-74 victory\ dropping the Lancers regular season record to 5*6. 

/Photo by // Richard Zazulakj 

momentum. After that loss against Mc¬ 
Master were hungry to prove that we 
can play with the best in the OS” 

Windsors next three games after Lau¬ 
der will be bade on home court at the 
St Denis Centre against the Waterloo 
Warriors with foe men tipping off at i 

pm fori 30. The following weekend 

the Lancers do battle against Laurentian 
and Nipissing on conseotove nights 
with the women tipping off at 6 pm 

and the men following shortly after Feb. 

Expected wins or not interim head 

coach Ryan Steer and the Lancers vets 
know they need to get on a win streak 
over the next few weeks, to buiki up 
their confidence inwardly and to let 
opposing teams m the league know that 
they are stiD a force to be reckoned with 
in the Southwestern region of the prov¬ 


CrisOana EHGiacinto cf the Windsor Spitfires guards the puck against a Flint Firebird de fender during 
OHL action between the two division rivals at the WFCU Centre Jan.2L Windsor defeated FHnt 5-3 and 
won aU three games this past weekend, pushing their overall record to 29-12-5, 

[Photo by// Kevin JamAdf 

Brown and Ludiuk in the second peri¬ 


Sports Editor 

After a strong weekend of division play 
against the Flint Firebirds and Grey¬ 
hounds, the Windsor Spitfires are on a 
three-game winnli^ streak and sit on 
top of the OHIs west division with a 
nine-point cushion and a 29-12-5 re¬ 

Windsors string of victories began 
with abig night from two of their three 
top-tier players who are currently Med 
in the latest top 25 NHL draft rankings. 

Just days after being rated 10th overall 
in the NHL draft rankings. Spitfires 
defensemen Mikhail Sergachevs goal 
nearly seven minutes into the third 
period stood up as the winner in a 5-3 
victory over the Firebirds at the WFCU 
Centre Jaa 2L. Seigadiev and the 14th- 
ranked Logan Brown each had a goal 
and three assists for a Windsor while 
Brendan Lermeux and Christian Fisch¬ 
er each had a goal and an assist Mike 
DiFiebo made 22 saves in net on the 
front eralofffie home and home series. 

With fewer than 22 games left in the 

coach Trevor Letowslri sakl at this point 
Windsor is mainly worrying about 

“We weren't happy coming off of a loss 
to Saginaw that we thought we let get 
away from us in the third period,” Le~ 
towdei said 'Its a good league and Flint 
is battling for a playoff spot so we have 
to play wdl, play hard and get comribu- 
dons from everybody to win,” 

Two days later at the Dort Federal Even! 
Centre in FlinLML, the Spitfires gave 
up an eariy goal but got a spark from 
Aaron Ludiuks 21st goal of the season 
to take a 1-1 tie into the first intermis- 
sfoa After Brad Latour scored less than 
two minutes into the second, Firebirds 
Zack Pittman took an undisciplined 
slashing penalty, which sent Windsors 
commanding power play unit to the 
ice The Spitfires would only need 19 
seconds to strike as Lemieiix hit the 
25-goal mark for the third stiajght year 
and gave Windsor a 3-1 lead and would 
prove to be the winner in a 3-2 victory, 
DiPietro gpve up a power play goal mid¬ 
way through the third but finished with 
19 saves cm the night to extend his win 

Flint remains winless against Windsor 
this season and Firebirds head coach 

is inabuikling phase, his players need to 

realize that every time they step on the 

ice they have an opportunity to make a 

difference for their hockey dub. 


tc Thats what we keep stressing and try* 
ing to teach, to understand and devel¬ 
op so thin^ will change,” Gruden said 
"They have to understand that we need 
more of a commitment through 60 
minutes to get a win, [Windsor] is a big 
strong team that likes to grind it down 
low so you have to make to it difficult 
for them and limit your turnovers in the 
neutral zone.” 

After traveling throughout the night for 
a Sunday matinee affair, it was the late 
heroics of the 20-year old Latour that 
made the difference for the Spits in the 
contest against the Greyhounds. Latour 
scored a pair of goals with under two 
minutes remaining as Windsor earned 
the come from behind 5-3 victory over 
the Greyhounds at the Essar Centre Jaa 

After felling behind 2-0 in the opening 
20 minutes, back-to-back goals from 

od pulled the Spitfires back even headed 
into the final frame Lemkux scored his 
IGOth career OHL goal as he and Liam 
Hawd of to the Greyhounds exchanged 
goals tokeep it tied 3-3 late in the third 
Latours heroics edged the Spits ahead 
for gpod with under 90 seconds to go 
before he went back on the ice in the 
dying seconds to dump his second of 
the game and 17th of the season into an 
empty cage to ice itWindsor net mind- 
O'and Sank Sto Marie native Mario Cu- 
lira made multiple big saves on his way 
to 33 total stops to record a win in front 
ofhis family and friends. 

The timing of Windsors hot play could 
not be better, as their upcoming three- 
game stretch Is undoubtedly the dubs 
biggest weekend of the season so far 
With three games in three nights against 
top-tier opponents and a chance to 
chink the armor of the CHLis fourth- 
ranked Rangers and third-ranked 
Knights at their grasp, the stage is set for 
head coach Rocky Thompson and the 
Spitfires to flex their musdes. 

OHL regular season, Spitfires associate streak to nine games. John Gruden said even though the team 

Windsor Spitfires enforcer Connor Chatham gets physical with the Flint Firebirds during OHL action at 
the WFCU Centre fan. 21. Chatham formerly played fin Flint before being brought over by Spitfires general 
manager Warren Rychelprior ftp the OHL tradeline fan. II, 

[Photo by 1/ Kevin farroU) 


News Editor 

Last week a group known as Return of 
Kings made an uproar in Windsor as 
they voiced and brought to the forefront 
their intentioas to rally in Windsor* 

The group is known for their pro-rape 

bdiefc and alarge group in Windsor re- 

Tfoe result was rally against the Return 
of King^ where Windsor women and 
men came together to stand against the 

Event organizer Laryssa Erodes started 
the Facebook page for the rally as a call 
toWindsor tostand up and advocate for 
the survivors of sexual assault and rape 

"We reaDy wanted to show people of 
Windsor how modi they are supported 
no matter where they came from and 
we also wanted to show people, rape is 
not acceptable,” said Brooks. "Our main 
goalfor the rally was to make a presence 
known to those involved in the Return 
ofKlngs in Windsor and to also educate 
those who came out to the rally?' 

Tfce rally leaders took time to educate and inform Windsor community members about victims and survivors of sexual assault and rape Feb, 6, 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

the community* Brooks said they still 
warded to bold the rally as a cortinuii^ 
stand that they will be there advocating 
whether they are opposed or not 

"Its amazing that the community took 

rally there oould have been a possibility 
[Return of Kings] could have grown.” 

Evan Fortier, a male si^porter<rfthe ral¬ 
ly said the rally wasrft a counter protest 
as much as it was a gathering for people 

“Having men here isht a way to say we 
need to protect them, i& showing the 
world we stand with them and making 
sure they get thdr voice outT said Forti¬ 
er Tm amazed at the outcry in Wind- 

Fortier said they hdd the rally even after 
the Return oi'Kii^s folded because they 
want to keep advocating even if they 
weren’t taring off against someone 

Brooks said she would like to thank ev- 

A few days before the rally, the Return a stand so fest and said, Vkx this isn't to become educated on the topicandto sor and the response k blows me away eryone who supported at die rally and 

of Kings called off their meeting in welcome in our dtjT sad Erodes. *¥ let people know this “nonsense” isht ac- toseewhatadtycandowi^ online to stand up and advocate for vie- 

Windsor because of the response from people didn't support and come to the ceptable inWindsor goal” l±ns and survivors. 

uinDsoR’5 BIGGEST 






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Letter to the Editor: 
Accessibility at UWindsor 

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MS.W. Candidate 

My name is AshJdgh Eiddyan and I 
have been amending the University of 
Windsor tor the past 5 years for both 
my undergraduate and graduate stud¬ 
ies. During my time at UWindsor* I 
have witnessed many expensive new 
buildings being built The Centre for 
Engineering Innovation which cost 
$112 million (University of Windsor* 
2015) and the Welcome Centre are two 
of the latest buildings on main campus 
to be built along with the latest addition 
of the downtown campus whkh hosts 
the School of Sodal Work Within these 
last five yean, I have also been a witness 
to the bdcofimprovementsbdr^m^ 
to the many older buildings on campus 
at the UnhrasityofWindsc^ that am not 

accessible to students who require ac- 
cesrible options. 

Chryder Hall is just one ©cample of the 
inaccessible buildings on campus. There 
are no automatic push buttons in order 
to open doors and only one wheelchair 
ramp that can be used whkh is in a 
questionabk stale. The one other ramp 
at Chrysler Hall hasasigpn that reads that 
the ramp is not wheelchair accessible. 
The elevators am also located in places 
that are difficult to get to for individuals 
who require more accessible options. 
Chrysler Hall is a building that hundreds 
of students enter daily. Students should 
not have to worry 1 about whetha- or not 
they will be able to enter a building on 
their own due to accessibility issues that 
should have been fixed long before the 
University of Windsor started any new 
projects. The stress of such an issue takes 

an unnecessary toll on an individuals’ 
mental health. Accessibility improve¬ 
ments to old buildings on campus de¬ 
serve to be given priority before building 
new buildings that smdaits do not even 
use, like the Welcome Centre* go up. 
The University of Windsor celebrated 
its first ever Accessibility Day back in 
2013, whkh recognized its improve¬ 
ments to accessibility within that past 
year The Lance featured an article 
which highlighted this day; however, it 
appeared that the individuals who were 
interviewed in the article felt passionate¬ 
ly about accessibility but could not read¬ 
ily name any significant recent improve¬ 
ments. Several years later* here we are in 
2016 with so many improvements that 
still need to be done. It is unfortunate 
that a campus that appears to be so pas¬ 
sionate about accessibility and disability 

accomnx>datiGJis cannot find a way to 
make improvements to buildings that 
students are constantly using 

As an accessibility advocate, it makes 
me incredibly angry dial, despite the 
committees and on-campus dubs 
made at the University of Windsor in 
order to promote a more accessible 
campus* the university has taken no 
step in the right direction even after 
students have expressed thdr concerns. 
The Welcome Centre at the University 
of Windsor whkh is one of the newest 
buildings built on campus, hosts no 
classrooms, yet it spears to be more 
accessible than the most frequently used 
buildings on campus such as Chrys¬ 
ler Halt Erie Hal and Dillon Hal 
1 would seem as though the University 
otAVindsofs^ri^gJeto fix these accessi¬ 
bility issues is not due to a lack of funds as 

tens of millions of dollars have been put 
into new buildings just within my last 5 
years on campus. It seems unreasonable 
that the university would not be able to 
set aside funds to creating a more acces¬ 
sible campus where students can ted safe 
and comfortable. Attending university 
is stressful enough without the added 
worry of whether or not you will be able 
to open a door on your own or enter a 
building without someones assistance. 
In the year 2016* this should not be an 
issue and if the University of Windsor 
can put out the funds to create new 
buildings that do nothing more than 
host meeting rooms and trophy cases 
fiikd with items that can be purchased 
at the bookstore, surely they can find a 
way to make accessibility a number one 
priority on campus for students. 


Film Screening Offers Artistic 
Insight on Refugee Integration 


Arts Editor 

A volunteer comes up to the mockstage 
of room 1101 of the Neal Education 
Building, and it was then where neariy 
100 students and potential educators 
caught a glimpse of what a refugee 
would experience tom their Journey 
beginning at home to their Canadian 

<r What Fd like diem to walkaway with is 
a bat of awareness, uiKkns^ding, a bit 
of compassion, empathy, and just rec¬ 
ognizing that they're humans,” said Cas¬ 
sandra Richardson, the youth program 
manager at Windsor Women Working 
with Immigrant Women. 

The exercise was part of the Social Jus¬ 
tice in Education Conference, which oc- 

1R8P9 five years ago when paired 

with local artist and educator Chris Ra- 
bideau to commission a theatre produc¬ 
tion titled “Inside the Burden” which 
centered on the lives of the newly immi¬ 
grated and the inherent culture shock 
which came with it 

The cast ofthepiay would consist almost 
entirely of youth refugees who recently 
arrived to the country. The production 
came with its own behind the scenes 
feature, which then sprawled iiito a doc¬ 
umentary called “Through Their Eyes” 
which aims to shed light on refugee 
struggles in hopes people become more 
perceptive as to tile barriers and hurdles 
they (ace. Ratadeau finds the project to 

be a near essential hybrid of art through 
social justice. 

'It was the story ofunpadong, it was the 
story of their lives;' Rabtdeau said “The 
arts are a gateway into tomorrow; they 
are a gateway to five years tom now. In 
fact what you do now can be represent¬ 
ed in the arts forever. In this case we Iiave 
a film that will hopefully stand the test 

Prior to the screening, Rahideau gave a 
keynote, providing detail when it came 
to community outreach, the ability to 
share experiences with one another 
and the creative and logistical challeng¬ 
es, which needed to be overcome to 

finish the project The documentary Approximately tOQstudenU and potential educators attended the Social justice in Education conference 
itself was roughly an hour in length, as 
it interviewed an extensive amount of 
community members and fceenaged 
icluga^iooklilg to *0 ^ f 1 of 
compassion and unity between aR [Ar¬ 
ties. The documentary had no shortage 
of emotional moments, for the film¬ 
makers committed a great amount of 
time in creating the piece out of many 
hours of footage, 

**Whai originally was planned to film 
and record "Inside the Burden for them 
turned into a three year process actually 
making this film and to have everyone 
share as much as they did was amazing 
and humbling;' said JD Oppen, who 
was credited as the films director. 

The conference concluded following 
what was the grand premiere of the local 

(Pfajfrj bv // Hard 

Cassandra Richardson speaks at the keynote? prior to the screening of "Through 1heir Eye$" Fek 5* 

[Photo bv ti Haiti Yassine] 


Theatre Review: The Vagina Monologues 


The Lance Contributor 

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, "The 
Vagina Monologues” was written In 
1996 by Eve Busier, an activist, play¬ 
wright and performer. “The Vagina 
Monologues” was deemed “prob¬ 
ably tire most important piece of 
political theatre of the last decade” 
by The New* York Times in 2006. 
Windsor Law presented its 8th annual 

performance of the piece Feb. 3 at the 
Capitol Theatre with all the proceeds 
from die show going to the Sexual As¬ 
sault Crisis Centre of Essex County. 
"The Vagina Monologues” is a produc¬ 
tion composed of monologues about 
the feminine experience It is indeed 
a powerful, funny charming political 
comedy touching on controversial yet 
necessary conversations induding sex¬ 
ism, misogyny, violence against worn* 
en f menstruation and much mom 

I don’t know how it tiappened, but 
somehow, Fve gone my whole life with¬ 
out seeing this play once Alter watch¬ 
ing Windsor Laws production, Fve now 
deemed it somewhat shameful Their 
production was absolutely beautiful 
The lightingwas perfect, and although 1 
was tokl the actresses weren’t profession¬ 
ally trained, 1 certainly wouldn't have 
guessed it if 1 hadn't been told They 
were truly invested in their respective 
pieces, giving them life and emotion 1 

could fed from where I was standing. It 
was amazing to see women of all shapes, 
sizes and backgrounds idling the sto¬ 
rks of women before them who both 
struggled and triumphed Oh, and our 
hostess, Felicia, was cracking me up so 
badly I could haidiy take photos of her. 
Fm all for anything which helps start the 

conversation about the particular chaf- 
lei^es women feoe on a daily basis and 
recognizingwhere and how things need 
to change Especially when that conver¬ 
sation is started through something of 
the am. Theres something really special 
about it 


St. Clair College Hosts 
Spinathon for Hospice 


News Editor 

Community members had the oppor¬ 
tunity to take part in a four-hour sptna- 
thon last week at St Gair College 

The Spinathon for Hospke brought a 
foil group out to the SportsPSex on St 
Clairs main campus and almost filled 
the room with spinnm for a cause, 
The fitness challenges goal was to raise 
money for the childrens programs at the 
Hospice through pledges. 

Hana living, operations manager for 
community engagement and advance¬ 
ment for Hospice Windsor said many 
people went “hardcore** and spun for 
the M four hours, 

"Its been really good so hr and every¬ 
one is worfong really liaid and having 
fimr said Irving “We really want to help 
our programs. About 50 percent of our 
$1.8 million budget is achieved through 
fundraising so we have to do well in 
events like this' 

Irving said they take care of about ZOGO 
patients a yean 

‘Its really about days like this where ev¬ 
eryone comes together and works hard 
for a common goal that we see the bene- 
ftsT said Irving. ‘We fove having ft at St 
Gair because we g& a great turnout of 
a mix of people. Students* oommunity 
members* teachers, and staff- everyone 
comes our and everyone is welcome* 

Irving said events like this also help edu¬ 
cate akige variety of people at once. 

"People who come out can see our fec¬ 
es* get to know us and become familiar 
with usT said Irving. ‘If they should ever 
need our hdp, it wont be as iniimidat’- 
ing for them. We*re here for everyone 
and no one should be intinikiated to 
approach us for help." 

Participants also had the chance to win a 
grand prize of Detroit Red Wing tickets 
for gathering the largest pledge. 

For more infomiatkm on Hopske 
Windsor and what they da visit www 

Some Spinners share a laugh closing in on their last SO minutes of spinning after fimr hours at the St Clair SportsPlex Feb. 6, 

[Photo by//Caleb Worlanan) 

The sphtners*jket were moving at the fundraiser for Hospice spinning event Feb, 6 « 
[Photo by//Cakh Workman] 


WE. Care for Kids 
Holds Indoor Circus 


News Editor 

The Windsor Essex Care for Kids 
brought in all sorts of fan to (he Cabo- 
toGub to raise funds for local pediatric 

WE Cane for Kids raises money to 
keep children in the area with treat¬ 
ment, rather tha^ other areas 

to tend to health needs, According to 
their website^ “Having a child that is ill is 
devastating, Having to leave your com¬ 
munity for treatment in another dty is 

Maria Spideaheri, event organiser for 
the drais, said they wanted an event 
where participants could acdvdy get 
involved, rather than just sit and watch, 

Hfs a good chance for people to give 
back and give every cents 1 worth of their 
moneyT said Spkfoakri a lot of fun 

and it keeps getting bigger each yeaif 

Some of the attractions of the evmira* 

inducted a dog talent show, raffled priz¬ 
es, a mini zoo and much more Children 
were able to see turtles, lizards, snakes 
and even a baby kangaroo. 

Mdissa Mcmahoru another event or¬ 
ganizer, said in the past the event has 
benefitted toe WE Care House but this 
year all toe proceeds are going towards 
toe new Ronald McDonald house in 

Hhis is our sixth year having the event,” 
said Manahon '*We think ife import¬ 
ant because itk an event where the kids 
can get involved as much as the parents. 
A fot of events are parent orientated and 
lackluster for children, but here they can 

have a fot of fun and raise money to¬ 
wards a good cause!' 

Spktealieri said rfs an enteydevd gala 
for children where they can experience 
an event of this magnitude but still have 
fun and remain engaged throughout 

toe evening 

^Six years ago, we had our kinds come 
to the event and have fun being part of 
it, now; theyre ail in high school or older 
and are involved in volunteering for the 
event,” said Sptdealted 

Mcmabon said they have a carnival 
because it's fun for the children and the 
adults can also sneak in some fun as 

For more information, visit wecardbrfo 

There were many treats txrbe had at the WE. Care For Kids Carnival including this 

candy table. 

fPhoto by//Caleb Workman] 

The University of Windsor cheerleading squad greeted guests of the carnival, 
[Photo by//Caleb Workman) 


Women Speaking 
out for Women 


News Editor 

Women from the University of Wind¬ 
sor iiave started a group, which gathers 
together to discuss a wide range of top¬ 
ics women in Windsor are taring and 
allows them to speak out, discuss and 
find ways to conquer these issues. 

The first womenonly session includ¬ 
ed women from all age groups, back¬ 
grounds and ethnicities to speak out 
against the struggles of Musfcm women 
in Windsor The group is a safe space 
where women can speak their minds 
and have support in whatever is reeded 

Ayesha Mian Akram, member of the 
Ahmadiyya Muslim Womens Associ¬ 
ation student chapter, said the topic is 
very dear to their hearts and there was a 
lot discussed in thdr meeting, 

**We wanted women to learn about 
Muslim women from Muslim women 
themselves,” said Mian Akram. “We set 
up multiple workshops at file meeting 
and had the leaders head discussion and 

share experiences. We really want to 
he^> destroy the stereotypes people have 
of Muslim women and we found this 
would be die best way to do that” 

Mian Akram said they were very 
pleased with the turnout and the group 
is looking forward to continue to build 
and form solidarity groups to speak 
out against difierent issues for Windsor 

"We can come together across our dif¬ 
ferences, we can respect each other for 
our differences and we can kam about 
one another and understand one anoth- 
err said Mian Akram. “Hearing from 
one another who face these issues dis¬ 
cussed is something big we emphasize 
because were not gaining secondhand 
information and were seeing how we 
can move forward head oa* 

Mian Akram said the biggest take away 
from the group is they get to challenge 
the kfeals society has of things like Mus¬ 
lim women or any other future topes 
the group discusses and really learn 
about one another and be able to stand 

Women gathered at the University of Windsor last week to discuss issues , break down barriers and conquer 


[Photo submitted by // Muslim Women's Association] 

up tor eachother. 

“We can create respect amongst one an¬ 
other by learning that we are aB different 
from one another in tiemisofourbeik&, 
backgrounds and practices,” said Mian 
Akram* ‘"Education is key and a com- 
munily of educated women is what we 
want to create*” 

One of tiie biggest take away from the group Wits to challenge Muslim stereotypes . Women from the group 
used a post-it board to describe exactly what a Hi jab is at ther event last week 
(Photo submitted by //Muslim Women's Association] 






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Exhibit Places Focus on 
Local Tank Top Apparel 


Arts Editor 

Whik this winter has been surprisingly 
mild throughout the monfiis, the tem¬ 
perature likely doesnft have anyone in- 
dined to think about tank tops just yet 
However a recoil ©diibit has decided to 
bring said thought to the forefront ofthe 

ft was aqukt reception for the one week 
LeBmn(d) Apparel exhibition, which 
ran from Jan 31 to Feb. 7 at the Art- 
speak (Mery otherwise known as the 
Arts Council Windsor Region The re¬ 
ception hsdf occurred on Feb. 5, where 
numerous white tank tops were on 
display Each of them showed distinct 
landscapes from dties sudi as Paris and 
Toronto. The apparel line was designed 
by Stephen Drouin, who went in with 
the idea of an all-inclusive brand 

“Let's say you went online to buyatank 

going to buy New York,” Drouin said 
“fts Just including everyone that we can” 

'Fhis is the fifth ©diM from Drouin, 
whkh he said took about five months 
to develop In the middle of working on 
the notion oflandscapes, Drouin admits 
an oversight, as a Windsor tank top was 
absent from the catalogue. He eventual- 
lypbms to correct this mistake, especial¬ 
ly since the clothing b completely sewn 
and printed within the dty itself Drouin 
ultimately hopes to use the apparel to 
underscore the notion of buying local¬ 
ly, which he bdteves makes an essential 

‘‘Being comfortable with the defil¬ 
ing you wear, understanding where it 
comes from, its a really big thing for me,” 
Drouin said 

The LeBran(d) tank top apparel is avail¬ 
able online through Drouink Etsy web¬ 
site A fraction of the proceeds will be 


A mannequin is on display, wearing the LeBran(d) tank top at the dothing line's exhibit an Feb. 5 at the 

Artspeak Gatkry\ 

/Photo by if Hnrri Yassine] 

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UWindsor Celebrates Black History 
Month With African American Style 


News Editor 

The Umvefsity of Windsors African 
American oonmmifty cdcbrated its di¬ 
verse roots last week on campus during 
fodr annual Afrofest. 

The weeklong even! brings all ethnic¬ 
ities at the university together to leam 
about Hack history and all the different 
types of cultures people come from The 
wedc included panels* music events and 
different activities for all to get involved 

Coordinator of Afrofest 2016* Perana 
Holder* said they wanted to bring every¬ 
one together and celebrate foe diversity 
of Windsor but they also wanted to ed ¬ 
ucate people outside of and within foe 

'"We want to share with people some of 
the things we do here on campus and 
we also wanted to show people what 
some of us go through here on campus 
as students and as a]miminity mem- 
bets” said Holder 

At a panel hdd Fdx 5* they discussed foe 
different types of backgrounds people 
come from and how the cultures vary 
from places like Jamaica compared to 
Nigeria. The pand agreed foe pout they 
wanted to get across was for people to 
understand everyone l\as a story that ts 
unique and to team how to treat others 
as individuals* not to dump them to¬ 
gether because of skin color 

"Everything we do here is reaBy abeau- 
tifol thing,” said Holder 4C We bring ev¬ 
eryone together no mate 
ferences are and we have inn, we learn 
and we move forward together doser 
than we were before.” 

Holder said there was a lot of positive 
feedback they got from foe people in¬ 
voked with the events and it made for a 

Members of a panel during Afrofest pose for a photo after their discussion on the sense of pride relating to different cultural backgrounds within 

the black community Feb 5. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman / 

very inclusive and diverse week. 

Ibfrmmi Adebise, VP of student ser¬ 
vices for foe UWSA* said he had a peal 
experience working with the people he 
did throughout theweek. 

T think Afrofest is important to have 
because with foe world that we live in 
we taxi to forget some of the struggles 
that happen due to igrawanceT said 
Adebire It is a way to show other rac¬ 
es that bkek people have something to 
offer and also reminds foe black people 
of where they have come from and why 
they should keep up the hard work to 

get beyond the stereotypes.” 

Adebise said he would like to thank 

everyone who came out and everyone 
who volunteered thdr time throughout 
foe week 

“Theres so many different groups and 
cekbrations that foe University has and 
I think tfs important to get involved and 
leam about cultures you are in contact 
with every dayf said Holder “Afrofest 
is a great time and even if youre only 
thinking of comii^ out, come out !fe 
something you will be better for in the 




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People who Hindered through Afrofest could see displays set up with information regarding black history 

to learn more about it all last week. 

[Photo by//Cakb Workman} 





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Look Good, Feel Good 

Fashion shows, courtesy ofNygard Fashion were held at the second annual Beauty Expo , which went on 

during Fek 6 and 7 at the Caboto Chtk 
lPhoto by//Hani Yassinej 

ance, assuming you put the proper eL 


Arts Editor 

Roughly 30 vendors were present in the 
Caboto Oub, carrying a variety of prod¬ 
ucts whidi served to represent a single, 
personable aspect: beauty 

Such would be the case if you were to 
attend what was the second annual 
Beauty Expo on the weekend of Feb 6. 
Between fashion shows, extra exhibi¬ 
tor and sponsored vendors, the event 
served as a one-stop shop for women 
who are looking to amplify their fea¬ 
tures This could range from anti-aging 
products and massage therapy to the 
traditional cosmetics used cm a day-to- 
day bask Regardless of the method, the 
purpose remained die same 

Yet overtime, its arguable the definition 
of the word beauty has been re- molded 
into something beyond whats put on 
your face or the accessories you happen 
to wear. Natural beauty in other words, 
which is something Dayna Ferguson 
believes works in tandem with cosmet¬ 

,c Ybure evening out the skin tone, add¬ 
ing things, but youre not hiding what 
you look likeT Ferguson said "1 think 
if you fed good about yoursdf cm the 
inside, then it definitely shows on the 
mitskk Confidmce k keyT 

Ferguson works as a oosmetidan at 

Shoppers Drug Mart, applying make¬ 
up at the expo to whoever was interest¬ 
ed Whal beauty means to her fails with¬ 
in enhancing how you look while not 
creating a facade. This opinion seemed 
to be conseasus of those who attended 
or served as vendors, 

Guita Saraei is the national sales and 
training director at Jouviance, attend¬ 
ing tiie event as a vendor to analyze 
and highlight concerns regarding a per¬ 
sons skin condition. She too believes to 
fed beautiful mostly requires a level of 

“Ef you fed good about your skin, you 
fed good about yoursdtr Sarad said 

Look good fed good was the motif at 
the expa It amid be easy to dismiss the 
event as vain, yet those who attended 
and participated believe uiMerafeed 
features only go so far, and alone they 
aren't enough to make a person lode 

Ihe natural foundation is important 
above all dse Eventually the time will 
come when all the make-up and mas¬ 
cara will be washed off, leaving an im¬ 
age with impeifectkms, but also one in 
a pure, unaltered state ffe the face you 
look at in the mirror everyday which 
you need to come to terms with. In a 
society where we see numerous adver¬ 
tisements with models looking visually 
pristine, ifs an important notion to keep 
in mind 

Cosmetics and fashkm do have their 

place however From a personal stand¬ 
point, therefe a sense of enhancement, 
which can be taken from your appear- 

fort forward But if you look beautiful 

only to fed otherwise, said feding will 

transcend any appearance you happen 
to build for yoursdf 

As Feiguson said confidence is the key. 

1 ANNIE HALL* - Hyssop EF (Subspec Music) 

3 TFNASTWEN - Live In Paris (Wedge) 


5 LANGUAGE ARTS* - Able Island (MapleMusic Recordings) 

7 GUILTY SIMPSON - Detroit’s Son {Stones Throw) 

9 HINDS - Leave Me Alone (Mom +■ Pop / Lucky Number) 

11 THE NTH POWER - Abundance (Self-Released) 

13 SAVAGES - Adore Life (Matador) 

15 VARIOUS - 30th century records volume 1 (30th century records) 

17 LITHUANIA - Hardcore Friends (Lame-O) 

19 PAPA GHOSTFACE* Stew (Self-Released) 

21 RICHIE HAWTIN* - From My Mind To Yours (Minus) 

23 KYLO* - Cosmic Vapour (Self-Released) 

25 MINOTAURS* - Weird Waves (Static Clang) 

27 NAP EYES* - Thought Rock Fish Scale (You’ve Changed) 

29 BLADES OF STEEL* - Kind FaceTSelf-Released) 

CJAM’S Top 30 // Albums 

More I 

10 YACHI 1 t hought (he future Would Be Cooler (Downtown) 

1 2 PALM - Trading Basics (Explodingin sound) 

14 CARAVAN PALACE - <|'_*|> (Cafe tie la Dame) 

16 PATTY GRIFFIN ■ Servant Of l.ove (Self-Released) 

18 KERO X MARSHALL APPLEWHI TE* - Sewer Tracks (Detroit Underground) 

2D PAUL )A<;< >hv Do It Again (Self-Released 1 

22 THE HYPNOTICS* - Modem Art Entertainment (New Values) 


>1 Li i i v mg and Dance Man (Arts And Crafts) 

28 WE ARE THE CUT* - Above Club (Boompa) 

30 ROOMS* - It takes A Lot To Show Up (Pretzel) 



News Editor 

Sl Clair College hdd its second annual 
polar plunge to raise funds for the Spe¬ 
cial Olympics in conjunction with all 
many of Windsor and Essex County s 
polke forces. 

Community' members, students, police 
officers and many more took a dip in 
freezing water after collecting pledges 
to raise money for the cause. Ihe Jim 
day left people feeling a little colder 
but $49,CKX) was raised for the Special 

SL Clairs SRC president, Miranda Un¬ 
derwood, said its a great moment for 
the community and a very good cause, 

“Its a great event but its also a good op¬ 
portunity to mingle with people who 

may have the job you want one daywith 
all the different groups who come out 
such as the police force, bankers or even 
emergency response services,* 1 saki Un¬ 
derwood ( 1& fun to bring something 
different to the campus for students.** 

Underwood said they were able to draw 
a greater number of people to the event 
than last year and they are looking for¬ 
ward to year three. 

Adam Young, constable for Windsor 
Mce and a Torch Run coordinator for 
the Special Olympics, said it was a great 
event this year and it will only keep get¬ 
ting better. 

“This event is such a shocking event, 
quite literally;' said Young, 'The Special 
Olympics is such 1 big part of our com¬ 
munity and any chance we can take to 
give back to them, we da” 




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Counting to Nine 


Arts Editor 

Weeks after the inception, which gath¬ 
ered an overwhelming attendance, the 
numbers in Artdte have naturally de¬ 
creased, but a degree of consistency has 
been maintained 

"Its been pretty steady 1 said Artcrfek 
administrative coordinator Christine 
Burchnall “B: usually picks up towards 
the end of the afternoon We have a lot 
of foot traffic here." 

As previously reported in an earlier edi¬ 
tion, Artdte Inc has served as a space for 
“NineT an exbM showcasing the work 
of nine recent MBA Alumni from the 
Sdiod of Creative Arts The exhibits 
openii^ night was part of the Winter 
Celebration, which included a collabo¬ 
rative concert between School of Music 
graduates and the Windsor Symphony 
Orchestra at the Capitol Theatre. But 
where the concert begins and ends in 
the same night, the exhibit just next 
door endures towards the end of Feb¬ 

Derek Yahdnftsky walked into the gal¬ 
lery around Feh 3, and was immediately 
3ppeakdbyapaintir^&0m2OlI grad¬ 
uate foey Stewart 

“I went to look at the other pieces, but 

for some reason fin drawn to this one;” 
Yaholnhsky said ‘Maybe its the cotor 
scheme, or the fact that its tided Trage- 

‘Tragedy” is an oil and acrylic painting 
which seemingly consists of numerous 
images compressed between each other 

Upon speaking to Stewart during the re¬ 
ception, he said hewas fascinated by the 
notion of the copy and creating a cdlage 
of fragments from numerous paintings 
to create a cohesive whole. The fascina¬ 
tion is one which may have stemmed 
from a project he did during his time at 
the university. 

"When I was here 1 did a project on old 
English landscapes* so after 1 graduated 
I continued to make that work, but not 
in a specific lime or place,” Stewart said 

So you have nine pieces of work from 
nine different artists. But perhaps what 
is just as important is these works also 
come in nine different form The vari¬ 
ety in this regard b crystal dear as each 
piece carries an aspect of intrigue, which 
is inherent to the build You have Artu¬ 
ro Herreras "274,200 Stitches,” which 
is a dothing and mixed media hybrid 
Near the gallery doors is Laura Shin- 
fcanis *tkx)gle VokerraT a white alabas¬ 
ter which radiates aBeral and figurative 

Then theres the work of robotics and 
machinery, courtesy of Nicolas de Cos- 
son. A rather peculiar tide called “Disck 
Candy/ Sugar Data,” is a laptop and iPad 
connected to a CNC machine* which 
you will immediately suspect, is track¬ 
ing your movements, especially when 
the screen momentarily manifests an 
eyebaiL Even if iti not the fiist thing you 
see, it will be the first and last piece of 
work you’ll hear, and as a result )wTl in¬ 
evitably be drawn to file starkly unique 

1 have an interest in that kind of stud 
but in also wanting to make art I kind of 
merged these two passions of mine,” de 

Nkotas de Cossons “ DisckCandy/SugarData ” is on display at Artdte Inc* as part of the Nine exhibit which 

runs until Feb. 27. 

(Photo by// Horn YassineJ 

This particular piece; de Gossan said 
took a year to slowly piece to 
mechanical framew^andommonto 
to implement the artistry behind it The¬ 
matically it plays on the flawless images 
of men and women The screen hem¬ 
orrhages lines of code juxtaposed with 
a male or female 3D model as they go 
through numerous physical changes in 
older to accomplish a misguided ven¬ 

ture for perfection Ifc an image, which 
de Cosson hopes challenges those who 
happen to absorbs 

"We live in a physkKentric society, We 
spend a lot of time looking and a lot of 
time consuming visual data,” deCosson 
said ‘Thinking about how we spend a 
lot of time lookii^ at these manicured 
images, how do we lode at omsdves 

when it comes to the images we are 

baking at?” 

According to de Cosson, the work is set 

to be showcased in a Quebec exhibit 
in March of 2017. But those willing to 
spare a trip to Artdte can see it now until 
Feb. 27, as well as the work of eight other 

Murder Mystery Show Headlines Syrian Fundraising Effort 


Arts Editor 

Detective Richard Head solemnly walks 
to the podium at the dinner theatre 
to make a shodang annmincement: 
someones been murdered, and die kill¬ 
er is well among us. Die audience times 
their gasps accordingly thus beginning 
an evening of ptedng together dues of 
who die killer might be: 

This was all courtesy of Michdle Main- 
warings acting tiotqie, who donated 
their talents for what was billed as a 
Riimrunning Murder Mystery Dinner 
Theatre The whodunit fcundtecanvas 
at the Serbian Centre on the evenir^ cf 
Fehd For manyofthose who attended 
it was thdr first time expeoendng this 
particular form of theatre, which is a for 
ay from the traditional stage works. 

‘The actors just join to and flow around 
to the crowd and whai makes them 
stand out a bit is thdr dress. They drop 
thdr dues, they got to try to figure out 
whafs going oa said Wendy Boss, 
“You re there with them, and they min¬ 
gle with you” 

Ross hdped provide the murder mys¬ 
tery act of the night, ultimately being 
part of a fundraising dibit brought on 
by the G5 Project, a Windsor-born 
community group setting its sights on 

one particular goal: to bring a Syrian 
family into the country as permanent 
residents* fis undear as to how much 
money to date has been raised for this 
goal but the dinner theatre served as 
a way to brir^ in extra funds, afl while 
having lua 

T think a lot of Canadians really want 
to hdp> they just don't know necessarily 
what to do, so this is a great way to do it 
and have a good time,” said Rhea Eady, 
the founder of the G5 Project T want 
them to walkaway knowing that dieyre 
making a difference and doing a good 

Eady said the project has been running 
tor the past eight weeks, lending a lot df 
credit to social media for being a way to 
plan and collaborate with other locals 
carrying similar passions. As a result 
theGS Project consists of enough mem¬ 
bers to conduct as an organization with 
various committees, all of them under 
the moniker of humans helping other 

For Andrea Spagnuofo-Saeid, whose 
part of G5s marketing and public re¬ 
lations committee, its a matter of per¬ 
spective all while removing political and 
religious fectors from toe equation 

Tfwe were to that situation, you would 
hope someone would stand up and say 
TE take care of you,’ and not enough 
people are doing thaC Spagnudo-Sadd 

The cast of the Rumrtmning Murder Mystery use the floor as their stage during the dinner theatre at the 

Serbian Centre on Feb. 6. 

[Photo by iI Ham Yassimrj 


Mistakes Prove Costly In Spitfires Loss 
To CHL’s Top-Ranked Erie Otters 


News Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires teamed a valu¬ 
able lesson this past weekend as to why 
the Erie Otters are the top-ranked ma¬ 
jor junior hockey team in the Canadian 
Hodcey League, 

The Spitfires fought bark from defeats 
of 2-0 and 4-2 but ultimately fdl short 
in a 5-4 loss to Otters in front of over 
5,000 fens at the WFCU Centre Ed?. 6. 
Spits head coach Rocky Thompson said 
his team did a great job of being physi¬ 
cal and wearing down the Otters* but a 
bevy of bad turnovers at ^opportune 
times ted to tiigh-caliber scoring chanc¬ 
es that Erie did not miss out on 

“Everything they' scored off of was di¬ 
rectly off of a turnovers on just hair 
brain crrorsT Thompson said Tm hap¬ 
py' about a lot of things we did tonight 
but Tm really disappointed about some 
ofthe things and at the end of the day we 
beat ourselves, We were very' physical 
and laid some big open ioe hits, our fore 
check was good and we generated a lot 
of scoring chances and we scored four 
goals but ife a ho our fault for not scor¬ 
ing goals on plays that people should be 
scoring oa We were here ready to play 
we just didn’t bear downT 

Windsor center Logan Brown had one 
goal and an assist in the game* and said 
the team wanted to make a statement to 
the league that theyare on their way no 

mater how mail they wrodoubredai 

the beginnii^ oftte year 

^We-re right up there with all of the 
teams who have loaded up to go for it 
but tonight Erie capitalized on every 
mistake we made!' Brown said “But 
you’ve got to take the positives and there 
were a lot of positives but too many neg¬ 
atives that cost us this game Obviously 
this was a big one and its frustrating be¬ 
cause we lost it oursdvesT 

The Spitfires out-shot the Otters 36-29 
in the contest and played at similar cal¬ 
ibers throughout the opening 18 min¬ 
utes but a defensive zone turnover by 
Mikhail Sergachev squirted to Erie cen¬ 
ter Dylan Stonie who quickly passed it 
to his line mate and the GHE leading 
goal-scorer Alex DeBrineat, who made 
no mistake when he decked around 
Spits goalie Mike DiPietro for his 37th 
oftheyearanda I-Q Erie lead at the first 

“Were on the power play' late in the first 
and have a guy not paying attention and 
have a tired player make a mistake and 
we give up a lone goal to the person 
who just so liappen to lead the league in 
godsT Thompson said T& crazy to do 
those types of thirds” 

Strome and DeBrineat would link up 
again in the second to score and ex¬ 
tend Erks lead to two before Windsors 
Hayden MeGool answered hade short 
handed just 41 second later when he in¬ 
tercepted a bad pass from Otters goalie 
Devin Williams and scored his 11th to 
get the home fans off thdr feet and ait 
the deficit in half after 40 minutes 

Rrowrfe 10th of the year came three 
minutes into the thud frame off the 
foceoff when an Otter over skated die 
puck in the right drde before Brendan 
Lemtex promptly slid it over to Brown 
who snapped the puck past Williams to 
fie the game 2-2, Soon after, it would be 

Wnidsor Spitfires forward Christian Fischer cuts up ice agonist Erie Otters winger fake Marchment during OHl action between the two dubs at 
the WFCU Centre Feb. 6, The Otters showed why they are the top-ranked dub in the CHL with multiple goals on turnovers in a 5-4 Spits loss, 

{Photo by I! Kevin JarroldJ 

over when bBdc Betz saucered a pass to 
Jordan Sambrook on a 2-on-1 for a 3-2 
lead Brett Neumann scored off a redi¬ 
rect 12D later to double up Windsor 4-2 
with 12 minutes to go. 

Leniieux would score on the power 
play" to get Windsor within a goal but 
with less than two minutes remaining 
Thompson pulled DiPietro for the extra 
attacker before DeBrineat slid the puck 
into the cage to ice the game with his 
38th of die year in an eventual 5-4 vic¬ 

Despite the Joss, Spitfires defensemen 
Andrew Bums said the team has put 
something in die minds of Erie after 
[■Hitting on a physical display in thdr 
final of four meetings ofthe regular sea¬ 

'They know were coming now we 

played a nice physical ^me today and 

die next time wecomelh^Tlbefockiiig 

for usT Bums said T think we just need 

to make some small steps to fix some 

big mistakes. It was a pretty good game 

overall but it was those costly mistakes 

to that hurt us so we need to get back to 

basics and have a good mindset coming 
. » 

The Spitfires head into the season^ 21st 
week in first place of the OHL west divi¬ 
sion with a31-15-5-0 record, four points 
ahead of the Samia Sting. Windsor goes 
on the road this week for a long Eastern 
Ontario road trip beginning at Kingston 
Mx 12, at Ottawa Beh 14 and at Peter¬ 
borough Feb 15, Puck drop for all three 
games is 7 pm, 3 pm and 205 pm 

Windsor Spitfires defencemen Logon Stanley stands toe-to-loe with fake Marchment ofthe Erie Otters f tt 
a fight during the third period of play in OHL action at the WFCU Centre Feb.6. The fight negated a Mads 
Eller goal for Windsor and the Spits ended up losing 5-4. 

(Photo by If Kevin farroldj 


Express Ride Robinson’s 34 Points To 
Clash at the Colosseum III Victory 


News Editor 

The Windsor Express rattled off two 
wins against the 

week to move trade up to within one 
g^me of .500 but it was the midweek 
dash at the Colosseum HI that was the 
talk of the Rose City as over 2,800 fens 
witnessed another piece ofhistoryinfoe 
NBI Canada. 

Windsor rpde die wave of a Brandon 
Robinson 34-point performance in a 
114-93 victory over foe London light¬ 
ning at Caesars Casino Windsor Feb. 
X and later in the week knocked off the 
London 86-85 on their home court at 
Budwdser Gardens Feh 6 

Robinson said he preferred Black fade at 
Caesarsk Windsor and he lift the right 
amount of shots in an ironic 21-point 
victory before cashing out with 34 
points as the lead scores 

“This was a bag event and we had a bad 
^me coming in so in our first game of 
February we knew what we had to dev 
Robinson said, “The Express haverft lost 
at this event andwe owed ft to foe fens to 

for them. It was a great atmosphere and 
by them giving us great energy we were 
able to come out and snap forir winning 
streak.’ 1 

Robinson added it was big for the Ex¬ 
press as a team because they had been 
struggling to find our balance and play¬ 
ing together. 

WeVe been practicing hard afte r losing 
we had do more on our own? Robinson 
said *We say family in every huddle and 
this week weVe looked like a family We 
didn’t go out and argue with each other, 
we dklrit ay about the rds, we just went 
oifl: and played basketball and when we 
do that there isn’t anybody in foe league 
who can play with use 

Windsor Express assistant coach Aar¬ 
on MacDonald said foe Clash III was 
a statement game for a 
been their biggest enemy so for this year. 

“We need to come out and compete 

like that every night in the first, second, 
third and fourth quarter consistent^' 
said MacDonald ‘The venue was phe¬ 
nomenal and foe guys fed off foe crowd 

ShaqtdUe Keith drives to the basket past Akeem Wright of the London Lightning early in the second half 
during the NBL Canada's Clash at the Colosseum III at Caesar's Casino Windsor Fek 3 . Keith scored 17 
points far Windsor on their way to a 114-93 win over London and snapping their nine-game winning 

streak . 

{Photo by //Kevin jar raidj 

come out and put a great performance Some of foe new guys loved the atmo- 

Hailey Reese performs during halftime of the NBL Canada's Clash at the Colosseum IIS at Caesar's Casino 
Witt dsn r Peh 3, The Cash Money signed artist pefanned two songs during her set infront of over 2,806fans 

in attendance, 

[Photo by//Kevin larroldj 

sphere and really played well under the 
big lights like Shaquiile Keith. There was 
a tot of spirit and energy 1 starting from 
the first quarter’ 

The man with the most energy for the 
hometown squad was point guard Tony 
Bennett* who was placed back at foe 
true point guard position and produced 
with an incredible performance filled 
with effort, grit, flash and whole lot of 
flair. The Qikago native heated up the 
Express tram after a tight first quarter 
and spread outtheofence with 17high¬ 
light red assists in a gime with a whole 
lot at stake between NBL Canada rivals. 

“We ail know what we can do but now 
its just a matter of time for us to start do¬ 
ing ft? Bennett “When we first got to¬ 
gether there was a lot of excitement with 
alt of foe new guy^ coming in and then ft 
wore off Now we have to start figuring 
out how to play together. I think we’ve 

figured ft out and were just having fua 
We just needed to gd and sometimes 
were so caught up in wins and losses 
that we forget fts a paid vacation, we all 

Bennett said he was more than exerted 
to go bade to foe point guard spot and 
contribute to this team in more ways 
dm just scoring 

“When I found out coach was putting 
me back at point guard I tdd Shaquifle 
Keith that if 1 didift come out of foe 
game with nine assists then something 
airit right? said Bennett “At half time 
I asked how many I had nine assists so 
1 told him I wanted 20 and if it wasn’t 
for Kirk and Shaq missing some easy 
layups I would have had 20” 

Windsor will battle file pesky Oran ¬ 
geville As with a contest at the WFCU 
Centre Feb. 11 with a 73G pm tip-off 


Men’s Basketball 
Earn Two Dominant 


The Lance Contributor 

The Lancer menk basketball team 
climbed to a record of 9-6 over die 
weekend by tipping over die 4-10 
Lamentkn Voyageurs 82 -62 before 
pushing past the 2-12 Npssing Lakers 
93 - 71 the nod: night to complete the 
home-and-home sweep. 

Although they lost the services of fresh- 
man forward Randy Oriakhi along the 
way interim head coachRyan Steer said 
it is always nice to take care of home 
court with a pair of wins. 

'Were gating more comfortable play¬ 
ing in front of our home fensT Steer said 
'With two more home games to come 
toward toe end of toe season, that will 
be important because we need to dose 
those out as wdL [Over L&irenfian], of¬ 
fensively we came out and played with 
some intensity When teams come to 
play tbeyre not going to give us any- 

The Lancers created scoring margins in 
the first and third quarters* catching the 
Voyageurs off guard on both occasions 
to establish foear up tempo preference 
Steer said there were a couple mental 
lapses defensively eady in the first half 
[against Nipissing], but finally took 
care of them in the fourth quarter* wfth 
great defensive intensity which led to 29 
points off of the Lakers turnovers. 

Performance wise, Mac Campbell led 
aU scorers with 24 points cm 59 per cent 

shooting Feb. 5. Marico Kovac, Isiah 
Osborne and lyier Persaud tallied for 
15,13 and 12 points for the blue and 
gold, which shot an outstanding 49 and 
5L7 per cent from two-point and three- 
point land respectively David Ammo- 
laran and Sam Huist counter with 17 
points each for the Voyageurs. 

"They gave us a different look with the 
zone, but we passed the ball wdi and at¬ 
tacked the seams,” Steer said Instead of 
trying to go one-on-one and beat it our¬ 
selves, fe good that we bad some unself¬ 
ish play and that starts with Alex. When 
he grts in the paint and he shares the 
ball other guys have to follow Hfeb really 
becoming a great leader. He also does 
whatever we ask ofhim on toe defensive 
end The way he goes is how we go” 

The next day Campbell again lead all 
scorers scorching the Lakers by scor¬ 
ing 16 of 22 baskets over aU padi^ all 
scorers with 2 7 points, four boards, five 
assists and two steals in a wdl-rounded 
effort. Campbells effo rt? _ 
matched hv Kirvac, scoring 24 points* 
hauling down four rebounds, dishing 
out seven assists and collecting five 
steals. Osborne and Persaud rounded 
out the double figure scoring for the 
Lancers with 18 and 12 points respec¬ 

Campbell said he feels like the Lancers 
are at a stage where they have to take 
advantage of every game to get better as 
they strive toward the pbyofe 

“We still have an opportunity to shake 

Isiah Osborne of the Windsor Lancers get blocked by Laurenfian Voyageurss Theo Thomas during first 

quarter action at the St Dents Centre Feh 5. 

[Photo by // Kevin Janold] 

Windsor tamers small forward Marko Kovac drives past a defender during QUA mens basketball action 
against the Laurentian Voyageurs at the St Denis Centre Feb. 5. Kovac scored J5 points in Windsor’s 82-62 

victory over Laurmtian. 

[Photo by //Kevin Jar raid] 

thing? op to make nationals* and a part 
of that Is dominating lower ranked 
teams," Campbell said ‘We have a week 
to build on the momentum of these two 
wins. We did lose Randy Oriakhi, for a 
couple weds to injury but we havefoat 
next man up mentality to keep it push¬ 
ing. As for my leadership, coach Steer 
has bear encouraging me to be more 
vocal because Fm never one to just 
bark at guys, I just always expected guys 
to know enough to do what they have 
to da But a$ a fifth year player coach 
is rightfully looking for me to assume 
more of a leadersh ip rokaswelT 

Also reflecting on toe team success over 
borne said it was really good to get a win 
streak going, in order to get morale up 
for the next couple games. 

"We have a big road trip coming up that 
we need to take care off Osborne said 
"We’re also trying to win as many as we 
can in a row to get us a good ranking 
for the pky-ofls too. especially good 

Maifco is knocking down h is shots and 
driving more regularly Teams have to 
look out for him as wdl now and it takes 
some of toe pressure off Alex and my¬ 

uiation, Marcus Lewis the leading scorer 
for the Lakers averaging 15.8 potefls per 
game; threw down a nasty dunk, after he 
got a way from Osbornes man-to-man 
coverage and streaked passed a couple 
defensive helpers in the key. Osborne 
admitted it was bad defense on his part 
and he shouldn't have just reached in. 

Leading the way for Nipkang was Is- 
madKaba with 17,Lewiswith 12points 
and WillKonybai with lOpoirtk 

The Lancers sit in first place in the OUA 
West division and head back out on the 
road to this weekend to take on the 3-11 
York lions Feb. 12 and then the 9-5 
Queens Gotten Gads Feb. 13, who are 
securely in 2nd place in the OUA East 



Women’s Hockey Keep Playoff 
Hopes Alive With Weekend Split 

Windsor Lancers Danielle Butler forechecks against the Launcr Golden Hawks during OVA women's hock¬ 
ey action at South Windsor Aretm Feb . 5. Windsor came out of the gate flying and defeated the Hawks 7-2 

to stay alive in the OVA playoff hunt. 

[Photo by // Kevin }arrotd} 

* » rtv i • ■ i * * * * i • i f * * ♦ » *«* * i t t *»t •«• * « * * i 


News Editor 

The Lancer womens hockey team came 
out flying and blew the doors off the 
Laiuter Golden Hawks 7-2 this past 
weekend to keep thenisdves in playoff 
contention despite Ming >2 to the CIS 
top-ranked Gudph Gryphons as part of 
Guetphs ‘Tight for Kevin" game on the 
mad two days later 

With a 7-1-11*2 record with three 
games remaining after the weekend 
split head coach Jim Hunter said their 
decisive win leaves them alive in the 

‘This was an important one to take care 
of business [against Laurterjr Hunter 
said TAfe talked before the game and 
told them tfvredoritwm this game we 
daut have any diance at the playoffs. So 
for us ft was a one-game winner-take-all 
kind of thing and tha6 hew we played, ft 
was life or death* 

Led by a Shawna Lesperance hat trick, 
the Lancer womens hockey team dom¬ 
inated the visiting Hawks 7-2 as part of 
the kkk off to Lancers Breast Cancer 
Awareness Feb, 5. Lesperance said ft was 
a huge win because it keeps them in a 
good position for the pJayofls and were 
quite happy with how they did 

We put it to them and that urgency 
has hmught out the best of our hockey 
teanC Lesperance said ‘Tfe drivai us to 
get to this point, the mgency is what we 
needed to push ft to 7-2. In the second 
half of the season we have really picked 
ft up and we knowwhalk at stake heref 

perance who had a four-point night, 
highlighted by a hat-trick to give her 17 
twer who scored her second goal of the 
season to open the scoring on the power 
play Just eight minutes into the game to 
give the Lancers a 1-0 lead heading into 
the second period Afterwards it was 
Erinn Noseworthy, Davis Smith and 
Krystin Lawrence who also got on the 
game sheet for the Lancers while Gftii- 
ana Palkrtta and Ddlee Meigs replied 
for the Hawks* 

Ingrid Sandven earned the win for 
Windsor as she made 25 saveswhile the 
Hawks saw two godtendera split time in 
the game as rookie Lauren Webber was 
pulled in her second straight start for 
Laurier as she allowed five goals on 22 
shots before bdng replaced by Aman¬ 
da Smith early in the third period but 
fered no better, allowing two goals on 
11 shots* 

Two days later the Lancers traveled to 
Gudph to participate in the third an¬ 
nual "Fight Bor Kevin* game played to 
remember Kevin Stddall, a Windsor na¬ 
tive and the younger brother of fo rmer 
Gryphon goalie Brooke Siddall, who 
tragically lost his battle with Non-Hod- 
gksns Lymphoma Feb. 4 2014 at the age 
14 Funds raised at the game went to 
Ghiktean, a charity that supports chil¬ 
dren and families impacted by child¬ 
hood cancer 

The Gryphons built a 3-0 lead but the 
Windsor offence tame to life midway 
through the final period Taylor Con¬ 
te ^wristed a rixrt past Stephanie Nehrrng 
at 7:13 to get the Lancers on the board 
and less than two minutes later Hettwer 

Butthe Lancers rally was qukkly snuffed 
out as Brittany St James put Gudph 
back in control minutes later* Windsor 
turned the puck over and St Janies beat 
Windsors Ingrid Sandven high on the at 1307. Averi Nooren add¬ 
ed a power-play goal in the final minute 
to wrap iip a strong performance 

The Lancers return home this week- 

home games as they host the Waterloo 
Warriors Feb-12 Mowed by the West¬ 
ern Mustangs Feb. 13. Hunter said mov¬ 
ing forward its important for the team 
to come out and get that quick goal early 
because it gives them more confidence, 

“Since Christmas weve been greatin the 
first few minutes of the first and second 
periods so the early goals have been 
hdping us and we need them,” said 

Hunter u fts something that keeps up 
our confidence especially with a team 
filrefliisandft^ag^ihingforus. This 
leaves us alive and ft leaves us to wear we 
have some good things and wire going 
to see what happens.” 

The I Jtncm athletic department will be 
celebrating the careers of their gradua¬ 
tion seniors with a pre-game ceremony 
^adnstW^temat7^pmFeb. 13. 

Windsors offensive outburst was led scored once again for Windsor on a de- 
by the QUA leading goal scorer Les- flection to cut the Guelph Lead to one* end for their final pair of regular season 

Lancer Pole Vault Athletes Riding High 
Performances Into Battle At Team Challenge 


News Editor 

The Lancer track and fidd team saw 
two more records M this past weekend 
aj^instsome Division 1 NCAA opposi¬ 
tion at the Akron Invitational 

For the men it was Corey Beflemore 
who broke Anthony Balds' 2012 record 
of 4<KL57 in the mile with his 40 L99 
performance, while Chris Waugh 
matched John Zubydds 2005 record in 
the pole vault with a height of 5 JO me¬ 

Windsor had solid performances all 
arou xi this weekend as they fared well 
against some strong Dtvirioti 1 com- 
petition and are locking forward to 
completing at home not weekend at 
the Team ChaDer^ after four weeks on 

the road. Waugh said he felt great after a 
few good jumps fti warm-up and coach 
Kevin Dinardo gave him the thumbs to 
shut down warm-up early and deared 
4.80 and 4,95 meters on his first at¬ 

"There were guys jumping 5.40 meters 
in front of me so I knew I wasn't going 
to win and I knew I washt going to be 
the last guys but there was stUI a lot of 
work to doT Waugh said "The bar kept 
going up and my confidence was ririi^ 
wfth ft and whm I gpt to 5 JO meters 
I took a new pole out of the bag and 
was so dose on my firri: attonpt I knew 
there was a Me bit of space I need¬ 
ed to get out of the way I went to the 
back had some teammates cheer me 
on when my name got called I handled 
business as usual* 

Rachael Wife also tried to match a 

well and Wfaugh said that is a big tribute 
to thdr coach Kevin Dinardo. 

“Coach must be ecstatic right now be¬ 
cause the past three weeks we have had 
people either goir^ for personal bests 
or school recordsT Waugh said “Ev¬ 
erything we’re woridng on in practice is 
paying off so ft must be pretty rewarding 
to see some ofhis athletes get up there* 

Sarah Mftton threw a personal best 
heave of 1536 and said ft was quite an 
experience competing in such a good 
field of throwers and credited the new 
distance to both training and the sur¬ 
rounding competitors, 

“Training has been going really well 
but the field of throwers really hdped 
because I was on the e^e of malorg 
the finals so I had to oompete wdl to 
guarantee myself a spot and three more 
throws? Mftton said “Ks nice to see ev¬ 

erything coming together finally Fm 
Just hoping to be consistent, and hope- 
folly throw within the 15 meter range 

Womens team captain Emily Omahen 
has also pul together some consistent 
performances this year and finished 
fifth in womens long Jump at 5,84 me¬ 
ters and said earlier in the season her 
focus is on getting her technique down 
so that she can pra together a good per¬ 
formance at the CIS championships in 

“For long jump I have been focusing 
on maintaining a strong takeoff kg 
and drive kneeT Omahen said "In the 
sprinting events, I attempt to run re¬ 
laxed as 1 dose in on the finirii line. This 
meet served as a good teaching point in 
both of those major focuses so I now 
know what I have to do to jump farther 
and run faster next time" 

ft was tough for Omahen to hide her ex- 
eftement when ft comes to the potential 
die Windsor women have of perhaps 
getting on the podium in the team event 
as wdl as individuals. 

“When all of those pieces fit we will have 
a great team performance when ft mat¬ 
ters most We will definitely be a force 
to be reckoned with at CIS, whether 
the rest of die competition knows it or 
ooC Omahen said ‘Team members 
like Courteney are only just beginning 
to scratch the surface of their potential 
so I am really batting forward to seeing 
what we can do at the provincial cham¬ 

The mert begins Feh 12 wilh the wom¬ 
ens pentathlon and mens heptathlon 
events begiiming shortly after4 pm and 
finishes the next evening after the oon- 
durion of the rdays Feh 13. 


York Lions The Last Test For Windsor 

Lancers Men’s Hockey Club 


News Editor 

The OUA regular season has come 
down to one game for the Windsor 
Lancer merk hockey squad and a road 
game with the diviston-leading York Li¬ 
ons in Toronto this upcoming weekend 

After a weekend split on the road be¬ 
ginning with a 7*1 win against the 
Brock Badgers in St CatharirKS Feb, 5 
the Lancers dropped a 5-1 decision to 
the Western Mustangs in an afternoon 
game in London Feb. 6. 

Windsor Lancm defensemen Chad 
Shepley said it was atou^h split but de- 
spite the loss to Western, the Lancers are 
playing good hockey right now at both 
ends of the ice and out shooting most 

“Right now every game is important 
heading into the playoffs and we had 
a pair of big wins against Ryerson and 
Brock and have anotlier big game 
against a tough opponent in YoriC She- 
pteysakL Tfrery game has a playoff fed 
to them at this point of he season We 
are looking to have a big win and ojiry 
this momentum heading into playoffs’’ 

To lock off the weekend on the road, the 
lancer men; hockey team came away 

with a 7*1 victory’ against the Badgers, 

in the third m route to die victory which 
saw six different players score a goal for 
Windsor led by Eric Nod who potted 
two Adding singfe tallies were Dylan 

Denomee, Ryan Green, Justice Dundas* 
Steve Anthony and Sebastian Beaure 
j^rd while the lone goal scorer for the 
Badgers was Adam Lfoyd 

The Lancm outshot the Badgers 54-24 
in the contest and first year goakender 
Mike Doan turned aside 23 of 24 shots 
for the win while Brock starter Clint 
Windsor collected 47 saves in the km 
Unfortunatd> r the next afternoon the 
Lancer mei& hockey team dropped a 
5-1 decision to the Western Mustangs 
with an afternoon puck drop of 4 pjre 
in London Feb. 6, 

“We were playing two different teams 
in very different scenarios,” Green said 
“With Brock needing the win we knew 
they would come out hard and we did a 
great job of matching their energy and 
playing an ail around great team game!’ 

Lancers were able bo pierce through the 
amour of their goalie G reg Dodds, with 
Mike Christou accepting a pass from 
Denomme to spoil thepotential Western 
shut-out at KH38 ofthe third period and 
score the Lancers lone goal ofthe game 
'Western we knew would be a great 
team footing to rebound offthdr loss 
to us Just before the break Theyre a 
very skilled hard working team and 
they gpt a couple tough bounces that led 
to goalsT Green said “T feft like we just 
didn't have enough time in the game to 

compete with any team in the OUA, but 
its always a Me sour when you lose to 
Western! 1 

The win improved the Mustangs record 

Julian Luciani moves the puck up ice for the Windsor Lancer mens hockey team early in the OVA regular 
season at South Windsor Arena, Luciani and the Lancer* are currently ranked fifth in the OU4 tWf/f a 
chance to move up to third with at# game reutahdtog* 
lPhoto by ft Gerry AfarentcUel 

to 17-94} as they sit in second place, just the standings, Windsors final regular especially as a last pxm to prepare for 

reason the Ypdt Lions the first round of pfayuffitT Green said 

Tions while with the loss, the Lancm Feb. i 2 at 7:30 p,m, in Toronto vriH be an 'Yodchasafotoffirepowcrbirtirwillbc 
drop to 13-11-3 and are tied for fourth important decision maker in where the a great way K. finish off moving into the 
place in the west division landings fcams^Minthestandiim playoffe. A win against them will be 

vdlh the Waterioo Warriors. With only ' a great confidence booster heading into 

three points separating four teams in “l personally like playing the top teams, the first round 11 

Women’s Hoops Dominate 2016 NBA All-Star Games 


The Lance Contributor 

The Lancer womans basketball team 
took care of business as usual by hand¬ 
ing out two dominant victories over the 
Laurentian Voyaguers and Nipissing 
Lakers on home court at the St. Denis 
Centre this past weekend 

First the Lancers silenced the 3*11 Lau¬ 
rentian Voyageurs by defeating them 
79-41 prior to the athletic department 
observing their lOth Annual Breast 
Cancer Awareness day and equally 
humbling the 2-12 Nipissing Lakers 
with a 74-40 victory 

The pair of victories cost the blue and 
gold dearly however, as veteran forward 
Andrea Kiss tore her Achilles tendon 
and will sit out for the rest ofthe season, 

“Up until [that] day I would say that we 
had the best 3-4-5 man combination in 
the countryf said head coach Chantal 
Vallee "But we’ve now lost AiC to inju¬ 
ry in addition to [transfer guard] Erica 
McEadden to injuries for the rest of the 

Vallee said the Lancers are also lack¬ 
ing performance leadership but saw 
glimpses of all-star quality play from 
Steer against the Voyageurs Lancer 

guard Steer supported Cheyanne Rog¬ 
er’s game-high 20 points with 19 of her 
own, dropping six straight shots from 
beyond the an: and shooting 13 of 20 
overall from the floor Emily Prevost 
and Alyssa Cerino also arpported the 
winning cause with 11 points apiece 

Tt was great to see Cady Steer step up 
again, but to go without two starters ev¬ 
eryone else needs to have good ^mes 
more consistently^ said Vallee. 4 We can¬ 
not afford to have players having very 
good games and then they don't show 
up. Thatfc going to be the main issue 
and thats what l see with my team right 
now. Is that were lacking this consisten¬ 
cy. And so thats what we ve been asking 
from every single player on the team.” 

Adrienne Moreau tallied nine points 
and Emily Tinnes scored eight points 
as the Lancets defense prevented 
any and aS of the i^urentian play¬ 
ers from scoring in double figures. 
Steer said itwas good to get bade in front 
of thdr home fens and get a couple of 
good wins after beii^ on the road. 

“Now Fm hoping for a tough and hand 
week at practice so we can use the mo¬ 
mentum from this weekend to prepare 
forQueens and take advantageofa great 
opportunity playing at the Enercare 
Centre," Steer said 

In addition to playing tenadous defense 

against the Voyageurs, Windsor also 
pounded the opposition into submis¬ 
sion offensively in all for quarters while 
out-irfxiunding them 45- 2 L 

Against the Lakers the next night the 
Lancers refused to allow any opponent 
on the other team to score in double 
figures while taking advantage of their 
offensive prowess to earn a decisive vic¬ 

Roger said the two wins at home were 
very important as well as learning how 
to maintain their levd of play against 
teams who may not be as strong as those 
they will fece come playoff time. 

‘Its time for us to start peaking Roger 
said “Andrea is definitely a big presence 
offensively, but also on the defensive 
boards. We will just have to pick it up 
for her We all individually needtoaep 
up if we want to give ourselves a shot 
We have to push through the adversity 
and work as hard as we can. The 
against queens will be a big one, Ife go¬ 
ing to be tougher than our preseason 
against them, especially with the loss of 
AK,but rfwe stkdk to coaches game plan, 
execute our tasks and perform, it will be 

Prevost carried the bad offensively 
against the Lakers and set the pee with 
a 20-poinL 10 rebound double-double 
while Risers coasted while producing 

12 points and four rebounds. Kaylee 
Anagnostopoufos scored 11 points as 
the only other player in double figures, 
however the rookie reserves contribut¬ 
ed 33 bench points compared to only 14 
for the Lakers, 

The third year forward said it was a great 
weekend for the team in tenns ofbuild- 
ir^ themselves to where they need to be 
for playoffs 

always tough to see a key' player go 
down!’ Prevost said “But at this point 
we need to take it day by day and ev¬ 
eryone needs to step up The incoming 
games will be tough but those are the 
type of games we need to prepare our- 
sefves, so I think ifD be a great challenge 
and everyone is looking forward to i C 

Vallee said she is happy with what the 
teams rookies are giving them so fen but 
they will need to give more now that the 
Lancers are down to only four returning 

4 Aiyssa Cerino can shoot, she can drive, 
she can rebound and she can play 
down tow and being 6 feet Jail doesn’t 
hurt,” Vallee said i4 So thetes a tot of re¬ 
sponsibility bdng placed upon her as a 
young 18-year-old and Tyra and Kaylee 
have also been doing pretty good at the 

With only five games remaining in the 

regular season, the immediate challenge 
for the five-time national champions, 
who currently sit in second place of 
die OUA West division is a prep game 
against Yoik, followed by a war ofthe 
wills match up against the 11-3 Queens 
Golden Gads who sit in second place in 
the OUAs East division. The game will 
be played 4 pm, Feb 13, as port of NBA 
All-star Weekend at the Air Canada 
Centre. The first ot its kind in Canada. 

Loddng ahead ooach Vallee said 
Queens is very good and very big and 
the two are probably the two biggest 
teams in Ontario. 

“They probably much up with us the 
best and its going to be a very’ difficult 
game for both teams,” Vallee said TTL 
timately when I accepted the offer to 
playing during NBA All-star weekend 
I knew it was going to be a challenge 
because i6 a neutral site, a different ball 
and a big venue right after the NBA All- 
star practice. Yet 1 wanted to have these 
women experience this game, which is 
something modi bigger than what we 
usually do and give them a chance to say 
we played on an NBA fkx>r and were 
pan ofthe All-star festivities. Addition¬ 
ally with all of the distractions its going 
to be like a playoffgame - wiffch is great 
exposure for our rookies. Lets just see 
what we can dor 


Women’s Volleyball Ride Emotional Wave 
On Senior’s Day to Make a Comeback 


News Editor 

In their final regular season homegaim 
the Windsor Lancer womens volleyball 
team came from behind to defeat the 
York Lions in a five-set thriller to hit the 
ten-win mark on Seniors Day to dose 
out the careers of Shannon Dean, Emily 
Durand and Lauren Stirling, 

The Lancer women opened the week¬ 
end by defeating the visiting Nipissing 
Lakers 3-1 with scores of 25-21,25-16, 

20- 25 and 2M9 as part of the Lancer 
Breast Cancer Awareness Day before 
dispatdmig the Lions the next day after 
tailing behind 2-0 and pull offthe come¬ 
back 3-2 victory with scores of 23-25, 

21- 25,25-22,25-22 and 15-6 at the St 
Denis Centre Feb. 6. 

With the pair of wins, Windsor contin¬ 
ues to remain in third place in the OUA 

west division with a 10-5 with four road 
matches to go in the regular season. 'The 
Lancers were led by Shannon Dean, 
who was named OUA female athlete of 
(he week after she saved her best for last 
as foe stole the show in the final home 
games ofher career at Windsor 

Lancers head coach Lucas Hodgson 
said coming back from a two-set deficit 
against a team sail in the playoff picture 
and that plays such good defense vras 
good experience as the team looks for 
a strong finish and a date with Western 
in the opening round of the playoffs, Af¬ 
ter dropping the first two sets Hodgson 
admitted it was Dean who took charge 
of die huddle and told her teammates 
what was going to happen from that 
point on, 

“She looked at her teammates and told 
them they were not losir^ this gameT 
Hodgson said “She said we are a better 
team than this and lets show them right 
now - and thati what they did We just 

Winder Lancers womens volleyball graduating seniors had a fantas¬ 
tic weekend on the hard court in her final home games ofher career , 
culminating in an OVA Athlete of the Week aware for the week ending 
Feb. 7, Dean had over 40 kilts in two-match span this past weekend, 
bath wins which moved the Lancers to 10-5. 

I Photo by//Kevin farrold} 

Graduating senior Emily Durand of the Windsor Lancer womens volleyball team passes up during OVA 
action against the Nipissing Lakers at the St. Denis Centre for Cancer Awareness Weekend Feb ; 6. w With 
ten wins this has b\>far been my favourite seasonf Durand said. Tm the most dose with the team and 
everyone is really coming together at the right time to make a push for the playoffs” 

{Photo by //Kevin farrold] 

came out and played better, they did a "To play for this program means a kx 
tot of things weii but fust got tired at the this Is a really tight community and 1 

end' couldn’t see myself going anywhere 

eiseT Dean said “So Tm really glad I got 

Dean, a fourth-year developmental 
psychology student-athlete, had a game 
high 16 kills, six digs and two aces in the 
Lancers win over the visiting Lakers and 
Mowed with an incredible 28 kills, six 
digs and three Hocks to undoubtedly 
willed her team bade from thdr two-set 
deficit against York. 

Prior to the game the Lancers honored 
graduating seniors Dean, Durand and 
Stirling for their contribution to the pro¬ 
gram with a plaque and bouquet and 
while fighting bade tears, Dean said foe 
and the team fought hard to play every 
last point in die St Denis Centre, which 
has been home the past four years. 

to play here and just be part of the lanc¬ 
er family. I will really miss iff 

All sets played were extremely dose as 
the Lions claimed the first two sets 25-23 
and 25-21 before Dean lit the fire under 
the Lancers who then rallied and won 
the remaining three sets 25-22, 25-22, 
15-6 to come back to defeat the Lions 
3-2. In complimentary roles to Deans 
explosion, Melissa Smyth and Emily 
McQoskyhit 10 kills each while Stirling 
finished with 51 assists. 

For the lions Celeste Wftzelt led the 
team with 185 points from 14 kills, two 
service aces, and two blocks while Lions 

YofK puts me pressure ngm naac on 
you, they dorit have some of the offen¬ 
sive weapons other team have but they 
just keep putting the ball bade over the 
neff Hodgson said They make you 
make mistakes and they make you earn 
points and our giris had to fight through 
a lot of stuff ft was frustrating at times 
but we finally outlasted them in the 

Windsor will now be on the road for the 
rest of the season due to their presumed 
third place finish in the OUA west 
and travel to Thunder Bay for a pair of 
games against the Lakehead Thunder- 
wolves with four important points on 
the line Mx 13 and 14. 

Windsor Lancet women's volleyball players Emily Durand and fade Ziebarth both attempt to dig a spike 
from the Nipissing Lakers at the SL Denis Centre Feb. 6. Vie Lancers defeated the Lakers and visiting York 
Lions the next day to move to 10-5 on the OVA regular season. 

[Photo by // Kevin farrold] 


Men’s Volleyball Wins Third Straight 
In Five Set Th rill er On Senior’s Day 

BRETTHEDGES game into extra paints before the Lane* 

News Editor ers gutted out a 26-24 set win 

The graduating mem bers of the Wind¬ 
sor Lancer mem volleyball team ended 
thdr OUA careers with a pair of match 
victories over the Nippising Lakers and 
York Lions this past weekend and fifth 
year seniors Blase Wasser, Shawn Reau- 
me and Josh Edwards wouldn't have it 
any other way 

The team dosed out the home portion 
of their OUA regular season schedule 
with a dramatic five set victory over the 
visiting York lions 3-2 Feb. 7 after be¬ 
ginning the weekend with a four-set 
victory over Kingsville native and OUA 
leader in kills Cameron Brandi and the 
Nippissing Lakers in four sets atfoe SL 
Denis Centre as part of Breast Cancer 
Awareness Day Feb. 6. 

The I.ancer men have now won three 
straight matches and improve to 6-10 
where they wiD continue to battle down 
the stretch for the final playoff spot in 
the OUA post seasoa Windsor head 
coach James Gravdk said he believed 
it was the emotions of his graduating 
men, which led the charge to victory this 
past weekend 

The fourth set went point for point and 
featured many long and exciting rallies, 
Yorkfc Arthur Szwarc came up big for 
the visitors with timely points and heavy 
serves whkh forced a fifth and deciding 
set On seniors day it was the Windsor 
rookie Brad Gyemi who delivered ear¬ 
ly and often for the I-ancers offensively 
coming up with key blocks and kills 
whkh allowed the home team to pull 
ahead 7-3. The lions fought back with 
a mini-surge but the Windsor passing 
was superior to go along with strong 
serving from Buck. 

The Lancets offense went through 
Gyemi all weekend and it paid off es¬ 
pecially against the Lions in the form 
of 20 kills and eight digs while Edwards 
finished with 15 lolls and seven blocks. 
Tyler Covach was the lions top per¬ 
former with 15 kills and six digs while 
Szwarc finished the game with 14 trills 
and two blocks. 

‘Our seniors played well but our young 
guys stepped up too;" said GraveBe. 
"tiyemi played great with 20 kills with 
onfy five errors whkh is really huge so 
were a team of first year and fifth years 
and our team has really gelled quite 

f t>n senior day the kst several years the 
the guvs 

“Everyone rallied around the seniors 


and wanted to give them a good final 
match here so the emotion played a 


After dropping the first set. the Lancers 
came storming back in the second as 
Wasser served for 10 straight points to 
give Windsor a comfortable lead and an 
eventual 25-14 set win. Windsor carried 
their momentum throughout the third 
and built an early lead with a number 
of kills by newcomer Fabian Boc but 
the Lions remain focused and came 
bade from a five point deficit to send the 

emotional leadens for the Lancers on 
thdr last performance on home court 
Reaume said everyone is finally seeing 
the team Windsor knew they had at the 
beginning of file year 

“After all of the potential that we saw we 
are finally playing file way we are capa¬ 
ble of playing and it feds really good,” 
said Reaume, who is graduating from 
the department of human Janettes* "In 
every huddle wewere saying we weren’t 
going to lose this match because its our 
last match here and it means everything 
because every day for the last five years 

Lamer newcomer Fabian Buck o/Bayreith , Germany returns serve against the Nipissing Lakers in his first 
OUA mens vafleybafl match far Windsor at the St Denis Centre Feb . 6. Buck and the Lancers won a pair of 
hard-earned match victories this weekend over Nipissing and the York Lions in five sets to move to 6-1 0. 

/Photo by ll Kevin farrotdj 

ery workout outside of school or in the 

off-season was for volleyball. Its pretty 
much the reason I am in school I am in 
school to play volleyball and 1 play vol¬ 
leyball because Im in school" 

Fifth year senior Blase Wasser, who 
came from Burlington and spent time 
atkft side hitter before bang the starting 
setter of the meiB program said the five 
set win was a great way to culminate his 
career at home with a win as a Lancer 
and hopes the players of the future un¬ 
derstand how important it b for seniors 
to go out on a hi^h note. 

“ Josh and Shawn both had great games 

way to end my career here” Wasser said. 
“There was a lot ofbdief from all of us 
and everyone in foe locker room knew 
exactly what we had to do and what it 
would take It was a really good show¬ 
ing by those guys and foe young guys as 

In reflection ol'whal his time at Windsor 
meant to him, Wasser said iff; a totally 
different experience when you become 
a Lancer afolete. 

“Its hard to describe it You hear storks 
from other schools and you know that 
its different at Windsor and you made 
foe right chokeT said Wasser. lf WeVe al - 

way&been alatepushing team and weve 
found our groove now and we’re going 
to ride that all the way into the playoffs, 
York came out to play and they knew 
wlial was al stake. Thanks to foe Wind¬ 
sor community for all of their support 
over the last five years, I really appreciate 
it and wish the best for foe program? 

The Lancers will now be road warriors 
the rest of the due to thdr playoff posi¬ 
tion but will travel to Kingston to face 
the RMC Paladins and Queens Gaels 
on consecutive afternoons with firrt; 
serve scheduled for 3 pm Feb 13 and 

Video Game Review: The Witness 


Arts Editor 








In "The Witness” you play as nobody, 
an avatar with only a shadow. You start 
off in the thick of an abandoned island, 
trying to piece together the remnants 
of its history and culture ator^ the way. 
There is one obstacle in your path, 
whkh is multiplied in the hundreds. 
These obstacles are panels, whkh test 
your memory dexterity, and most of 
all perception. Some are simple, while 
others pose as serious challenges. Per¬ 
sistence is important when it comes to 
progressing, for said progress depends 

on how much you’re willing to leamand 

In 'The Witness” you play as yourself 

To say anything about the pusfcs them¬ 
selves would be a spoiler in itself as the 
challenge provided is an essential aspect 
to the experience. There are over 600 
puzzles across a vibrant and diversified 
island There are no items to colled* no 
cut scenes to trigger, not even so much 
as a user interface to interact with. All 
you have are the panel puzzles, which 
vary substantially in design and meth¬ 
od Solving puzzles leads to access to 
new ones and in turn new areas as well 

Initially there was some disappointment 
in the fact fogisticaffly this is all there isto 
it But once the challenge is ramped up, 
the g^me can pose to intimidate oiui 
mental framework Many of the puzzles 
operate strictly within the pands while 
others carry external yet implicit fac¬ 
tors. Sometimes ro 

towards a highly educated guess* but it 
underlines the core component of hav¬ 

ing to figure it out for yourself 

Youre able to tend to many puzzles 
right off the bat Your knowledge upon 
solvingthem partly has to do with how 
it interplays with foe environment But 
those hints only go so for Understand 
ing a lot of the puzzles goes in tandem 
with understanding the symbols within, 
and even upon undemanding them 
youll constantly be thrown a puzzle, 
whkh wiD stump you and increase the 
fconptation to throw in the towd Fortu¬ 
nately foe setting allows you to veer off 
and try other puzzles in case one ends 
up becoming too tough. 

The island itself is inetkufously detailed 
for even the smallest audio and visual 
cue could lead to a substantial hint to¬ 
wards a solution for an upcoming chal ¬ 
lenge. It does this on top of providing a 
great deal of mystery to the deliberately 
fragmented narrative Travemngthe is¬ 
land certainly lends a let from the classic 
“Mysf adventure series. There are ra> 
characters to interact with. The only 
people you see are completely still in the 

form of a stone bust either making a 
particular gesture which implies its own 
context or seeing their dress which hints 
towards a certain time period For extra 
detail you seldom find audio recordings 
of those who occupied the island, but 
nothing is ever spdt out for you. 

What happened on the island wholly 
depends on how you piece the imagery 
together, and i& highly fosdnating since 
it reinforces the g^mes central objective 
of making the player use his or her own 
bratoffalsohi%>sforfoeisland 0 q^ora- 
tion to be greatly enticing; thanks to the 
beautifully exuberant semi cell-shaded 
art design, Therek a stunning tranquility 
to how the environment is visuaBy de¬ 
signed paired with the islands looming 
mystery whkh just makes you want to 

"The Witness” is a thinking ^me, and 
one which causes you to be quiet, take 
tilings stow and study the world around 
you It is also a game of epiphanies. Fig- 
uring out one puazie wO encourage you 
to go back and try one you were initially 
stock on. When you figure it out, it is 
erceptionaBy rewarding for its not just 
progression towards the game, but you 
becoming smarter. 

Not everyone will be drawn to its frag¬ 
mented narrative and heavy emphasis 
on puzzles, but the meditative process 
yougoliirough by uncovering all the se¬ 
crets of the island goes beyond a breath 
of fresh air. Especially pertaining to this 
generation, it is a game like no other by 
being a truly persona! puzzle whkh 



Arts Editor 

A full decade after obtaining the Riv¬ 
erside Sports Centre, Riverside Ravens 
Floor Hodey president Ron Ottogafli 
isn't at all surprised by the staying power 
of this annual event 

“I could see it going on for another 10 
years,” Ottogafli said 

Tied in with Hodey Day in (Canada, 
the morning and eariy afternoon ofFeix 
6 had kids gearing up for a few rounds 
of floor hodey at the sports centre lo¬ 
cated in Windsor's east-end Children 
between kindergprten and Gt 8 took up 
both gymnasiums at the sports centre 
and feced off in the name of good ftia 

As the event has no standing or pky- 
o0$ to consider* it served as an avenue to 
promote good values, at least according 
to Krista Munroa as she watched her 
eight-year-old daughter move about the 
con crete rink. 

T think sportsmanship is important, 
getting active is important, and just 
meeting people, making friends and 
having fun, Munroa said 

OttogaUi reinforces the belief of kids 
needing to be active, and as a result the 
floor hodey event is one of several op¬ 
tions to do so* He also finds there to be 
great deal of convenience in regards to 
setting it up* Floor liockey games do not 
require an extensive amount of equip¬ 
ment to set up a proper match The cere 
tre supplies the sticks, picks and jerseys 
for the kids die moment they walk in 
The only catch is a $75 entry fee, which 
is used to keep the operation running* 

Since the event is almost entirely driven 
by the efforts ofvolunteers, he credits a 
lot of the end result to his board of di¬ 

**We have really dedicated board mem¬ 
bers who are here every Saturday’ Otto- 
galli said "They all have different func¬ 
tions, and they're very committed to the 

Ottogafli lias every intention to keep 
the tradition going, but has no particu¬ 
lar plans in expanding the program Its 
not something entirely ruled out ail the 

same, for an expansion initiative could 

, . - * - r . Children wait in the comer far a change up at the Hockey Day in Riverside event fek 6 . 

always be possible from seme of the (Photo by//Ha,n Yassin* 1 

younger board members, ..........*.....*.*. 

p gzcr pgzQ 

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ftoa Royalty uses! tmur ucense C>f*ta PssarSffii >£354 Cm*pRr« Eiitertawnent LP ;• used 


Arts Editor 

Once again iifc around this time when 
people prepare their posters and be¬ 
gin their outreach efforts for one of the 
many open positions., in the UWSA 

As of Feb. 2Z nominations for the Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor Student Alliances 
gmaal elections opened up, with the 
voting days* set to occur Mar, I6and 17. 
Similar to last year, every executive and 
nearly every board of directors position 
is up for grabs, effectively paving theway 

One notable diange towards this years 
elections is campaigning^ be permit¬ 
ted during die actual voting days, simi¬ 
lar to how it& structured with flections 
Ontario according to UWSA Chief Re¬ 
turning Officer April Adams. Last years 
elections led to a few disqualifications in 
this regard, as well as people campaign¬ 
ing prior to the day of the nominations 
bdng open. This minor adjustment 
should allow 1 for a level playing field 
among potential candidates, 

“Normally theyre not allowed to, but 
we have a unique situation where we 
have a referendum as weUT Adams said 
‘We’re trying to establish a new brand 
for ourselves and one of those major 
components is not slating. This is about 
individuality; everyone has a right to be 

The elections will be tied hand in hand 
with the UPass referendum, which is 
pushing far a universal bus pass for stu¬ 
dents at the cost of $82.50 per semester 
as opposed to the current price of $60 

Students prepare to step into the Crosstown 2 near campus Feb, 22* The approval of the UPass referendum would lead to significant savings for 

students who use the citys public transit system. 

(Photo by // Han l Yassinej 

• •*# »•%#***» *#••!# •*#•«#* ##»•«****#** »•»*»*# ***»***#****•**•*«*•**«,#*••*•#*« 1 *#**•#**•**•*•••••#•■•*■#«•«#* •••••#!«■ »«**#■•* *«#**•** •**«,»» 

per month This cost-eftective initia- ever notes the referendum won’t be one were going to have an opt-out so peo pushup it in the i^ext couple weeks." 
five is already confirmed with Transit necessarily forced noon students who pie really have to get informed and read 

Windsor, and could drop even lower have no use for it about the referendum,” Adams said. ^ ore information on the upcoming 

to $66 per semester if approved by the JC We did have a town hail but I believe elections can be found on the UWSA 

Graduate Student Society Adams how- *What is different about this one is that the executives are going to be really website. 

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New Certificate 
Course Teaches 
Teachers the Art 
of Online Courses 


News Editor 

The office of open learning and educa¬ 
tion has launched a new ceitifkale pro¬ 
gram where teachers can learn 1 yyw to 
buikf operate and teach online courses. 

The program will run workshops 
throughout the year and has many op¬ 
tions from beginner online operations 
and functions to how to create video 
games and adaftf them to course leam- 
ing ofiline. There are many options for 
professors and teachers to push tbdr 
feamir^as fer as they wish at their own 

'We've hired 50 new faculty and we 
created this course bearing in mind 
that most of them are going to have to 
teach an online course at some point in 
timeT said Nfck Baker, director of open 
learning and education 'The certificate 
program allows those who take it to not 
only achieve a certificate at the end of 
it, but to also be able to buM a working 
and top-of-the-line online program” 

Currently, the University of Windsor 
has two program 

ptetdy online - aaounting and a cross 
borders certificate program. Baker said 
the goal is to grow that number and to 

be able to fedlitate students from any¬ 
where to take the courses and programs 
they need 

The program is called COOL 
which stands for “Certificate of Online 

“AH around the world theres a push 
for a higher standard for higher edu¬ 
cation and Ontario is really pushing 
online courses so . students can access 
the courses the need from the best op¬ 
erating schools in the given program,” 
said Baker lt Were no exception here at 
Windsor WeVe increased the number 
of online courses again this year by 20 
per cent and we don't see that slowing 
down anytime soon.” 

Baker said the COOL course vM hdp 

develop these online courses by teach¬ 
ing new faculty to build them He said 
he hopes to see the entire new faculty 
and some of the current ones take this 
course and Seam the basics. 

There are currently 110 courses avail¬ 
able and according to Baker, the num¬ 
ber should double in the next 5 years. 

The university is also working to have 
tO new programs available completely 
online in the next few years. 

Comedy With 
Higher limits 

Michigan comedian, Chillian Thomas, performs during the weekly comedy show at Higher Limits Feb. 
21. Windsor’s first vapor lounge has teamed tip with local comedy club the Comedy Quarry to produce 
shows that feature local comedians and feature acts from all over Canada and America. 

IPhoto by I I Chris MaillouxJ 



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Black History Celebration 
an Educational Family Affair 


Arts Editor 

With February mark ing black history 
month, numerous events have appealed 
across the dty with the intent on cele¬ 
brating African lieritage, with one event 
proving to be a recent example all while 
providing a different perspective. 

From the morning to the evening of 
Feb 20, Club Alouette was the venue for 
the debut of the Windsor-Detroit Black 
History Celeb ratioa It was structured in 
a way which is rather commonplace by 
having a series of local vendors present 
tied with art displays and live perfor¬ 
mances all pertaining to the joys of Af¬ 
rican culture. However, the attendance 
of the event was admittedly meager, for 
as you walked inride wh^ was most ap- 
parent were the numerous emfrty chairs 
and tables. 

Yet this did not seem to affect event or¬ 
ganizer Jarmina Weatherspoon, as she 

was sunounded entirely by loved ones. 

‘1ft a great experience for our family to 

come together and celebrate black his¬ 
tory Witherspoon said “The lack of 
attendance from other people is not a 

Most of the attendees knew each oilier 
through blood Weatherspoon put the 
event on with her husband for she want¬ 
ed her three sons to be educated about 
black history Education proved to be a 
prominent theme during the event, par¬ 
ticularly its value and how it may some¬ 
times be taken for granted 

Marvin Dahn is the founder of Left 
Celebrate Liberia, a charitable organi¬ 
zation based in Toronto which assists 
in the development of education in one 
Liberian village He has helped build 
a 10-dassroom mud school thus far, 
and said the challenges, which come in 
making these developments, remain 


Dahn said the nation of Liberia lias 
been in turmoil following the country s 
14-year dvil war, and as a result the 
mentalities of its inhabitants are severely 
compromised By reaching out to the 
youth in one of many Liberian villages, 
Dahn hopes to use the repetitive struc¬ 
ture of schooling to veer them towards 
a greater path. 

“My dream is one day that village school 
will grow into a junior high school* or 
maybe a vocational school where some¬ 
body will learn some skOT Dahn said 
"There are about 96 kids in that school, 
so even if I have 10 from there to go to 
college, I will have done a great thing! * 

One of the featured vendors had a sim¬ 
ilar objective in mind just in a different 
region Save African Child Uganda, or 
SACU was formed in 2010. The orga¬ 
nization aims to improve the overall 
quality of Jiving for those reridii^; in the 
Ugandan village of Buwunda Part of 
this involves constructing schools, but 
they abo provide food, cover medical 
costs and have round the dock care for 
the abandoned and abused 

The organization was oofounded by In¬ 
grid Silvaggfo Heugh, who was present 
at the Alouette dub to put in perspective 
how fortunate Canadians are when it 
comes to receiving just the bask needs, 

tf We haw agendas that help our peo¬ 
ple. These kids have nowhere to 
Heugh said “Without people reaching 
out from other countries to help third- 
world countries, I don't know where 
theydend up!’ 

Ultimately for Weatherspoon, she hopes 
to make the Black History Cdebration 
an annual event, unfazed by the quiet 
reception of its initial year. She plans to 
give it a few moreyears before taking the 
attendance factor into serious consider- 

Nunterous homemade items made from members of SACU were on display at the Black History Celebra¬ 

tion at Club Alouette Feb. 20. 
[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

Friends and family pose for a photo at the Black History Celebration Fek 20 at Club Alouette. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine) 






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Local High Schools Gather 
for Social Justice Day 

CALEBWORKMAN The schools involved came tram all over 

News Editor Essex County and Windsor and they all 

got the chance to Seam about different 

The University of Windsor hosted So- S" 1 * of lhe 

dal Justice Day onto grounds during *** Muslim women rights activists, 
reading week for high school students GSA groups and much more 
to kamabout issuesintheworid Eiisa Quaggiotia a student from Sand- 

Sufe*c»iKt°theuft^RM7 wi* Secondary School in LaSalle, said 
and had [he opportunity is meet indi- she looks fcmnd to ialdng what she 

sidualsdnm other schools intesested in l=»rned «»m he day and applying it lo 

^ t what she can anbehigfr school 
social justice and listen to guest speakers 

talk about issues they care about They ‘There are so many issues in the world 
had M group periods in the Ambas- and I fed like there is such a big differ- 
sador Auditorium and split-up for ses- ence we can make with die little we doT 
sions on specific causes held in different saidQnaggioUo. "Even when people fed 
rooms across the university what they do barely effects anything, it 

often turns out the smallest you do is the 

Deanna Fougere, an event organizer 

biggest thing done for other people. 

and local teacher, said tfs important to 

show students the issues of the world Quaggiotto said she is looking forward 
and have them care about what is going to discussing a lot of thelbpics she talk- 
on mfoorronmwnily to makeadi^ edabouta the sodal justice day with stu- 

dents from her school who didritcome 



"Weve had a lot of interest in the event 

and this year is our biggest year)' said TVtatv.k.mltoi.wmbtaKti 
Fougere. “The eadkr the students leant ae people fcr the most pun, in our area 
about their world, the sooner they have isama^g^wecmehrewltaaTsald 
foe ability to show they care and want to < ‘^ ua ^ loKn ' 

make a difference, We find this is ahuge Fougere said the response from the stu- 
beneftt because these young minds dents in foe area was amazing and they 
come up wifo some of foe best ideas.” hope it only grows from here. 

Educators Gather to Promote 
Next Level Education 

Special guests talked about their passions on Social Justice Day at the University of Windsor, 

{Photo by//Caleb Workman} 

Students filled out rooms around the university to learn about different social justice causes on Social 

Justice Day at the University of Windsor 
IPhoto by//Caleb Workman} 


News Editor 

Post secondary institutes around the 
oourtfjy came to Windsor to discuss 
and empbwer educators with the means 
to bring teachii^ to ahigher standard in 
the world 

lhe 2016 Educational Developers 
Without Borders took place aft test week 
at the St Clair Centre for the Arts. The 
conference brought up the challenges of 
educators and the opportunity to share 
experiences and find ways to overcome 
these challenges and create new ways to 

approach issues, 

David Green* the director tor faculty de- 
vefopment at Seatde University and key¬ 
note speaker at the event said teachers 
have entered a middle ground fidd that 
balances the official tides of an educator 
with many other aspects. 

"It is a curiously hazy space with deep 
responsibility and often minimal au- 
thorityf said Green. 

He said leading from the middle may 
be hard to da but from it, can come 
lhe best teaching and ways to overcome 
tasks otherwise impossible. 

Greens presentation, titled "intentional¬ 
ly in tenstoa touched on the different 
types of tensions educators coroe across 
and whal the tf hazy areas* are. 

Another keynote speaker, Maiy^Wilsoa 
director of the centre for academic ex¬ 
cellence at Nbgra College, talked about 
the borderiands that educators work in 
ad how often they cross the borders in 
difference situations. 

"The borderlands is a uniquely privi¬ 
leged and challenging space to oootpy 
and one that calls upon us to develop 
air skills to many capacities including 
cultural analysis and diplomatic negoti¬ 

ation^ said Wilson 

Erika Kustra, the director of teaching 
and l earn ing devdopment at the Cen¬ 
tre for Teaching and Learning at the 
University ofWindsor said they had toe 
largest group of people attend since the 
conference was cresied 

c< Were treating connections with ed¬ 
ucators across the world,” said Krusta. 
"Were learning how different centers 
deal with different issues and to turn 
were showing them how we deal with 
issues here This way were learning the 
best posable ways to move forward” 

Krusfca said the University of Wtodsoris 

involvement in the conference shows 
the university^ deep care for teaching 
and learning and growing as an educa¬ 
tion centre 

"Were becoming a centre across the 
world that is recognized as a top-notch 
education centre* said Krusta. T& not 
just individuals from Essex-County 
coming to the unhersity its people on a 
global scale coming here and recog^iiz- 
ing its values for teaching? 

Krusta said the event also drew stronger 
ties between the university and St Clair 
College to which they wish to continue 
to develop and help one another out 


University Invites Perspective 
Students to Learn Financial Balancing 


News Editor 

The University ofWindsor hdd a finan¬ 
cial balancing evening in light of prepa¬ 
ration for many perspective post sec¬ 
ondary students in the coming months. 

The eventwas hdd at the Odette School 
of Business on campus Feb. 17, The eve¬ 
ning included tips on how to balance 
and budget and how to apply for grants 
and scholarships to hdp pay for school¬ 

Zora Savk, student communications 
and events coordinator for the univer¬ 
sity, said they go over everything from 
O-SAP. to sdidarships and even life 
skills to prepare students and make sum 
they come out of university in the best 
financial footing as possible 

campus for budgetingT said Savk: ‘Our 
staff is always ready to hdp students and 
perspective students team how to get 
ahead ftfc a great way to prepare for the 
expenses and learn more about the Uni¬ 
versity ofWindsor in general/ 

Savic said they provide estimates for stu¬ 
dents for different plans and its always 
open for access if stiideiiLscailorstopby 

*We have a spring open house coming 
up and this presentation will also be 
available therC said Savk, "We fed when 
students actually come to campus and 
talk to professors and members of the 
university, they get a better fed 
more comfortable when they eventually 
come next semester* 

Kma Cunaj, lead student ambassador 
for student recruitment at the Univer¬ 
sity of Windsor, said the event is very 
thorough in terms of showing aD the 
possibilities for students when it comes 
to scholarships, 

"The university shows people how to 
find grants and scholarsh^s, the process 
of how to apply the steps taken to fob 
low-up and see through that the grant is 
achieved and received and muchmord' 
said Cunaj. “As someone who has been 
through this process, the event is great 
You learn a lot but the most valuable 
part is the chance to converse and ask 
questions from university representa¬ 

Special guests talked on behalf of the university to learn about studentfinancing. 
[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

Curnj said its smportart to get all you 
can bom any event the university hosts 

where students* feculty and staff are 
present She said they will never turn 

down a question from a perspective 

CJAM's Top 30 // Albums 

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More Info? & 

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fi ANNIE HALL* - Hyssop EP (Subspec Music) 

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| 21 CLOUD CULT - The Seeker (Earthology) 
^3CHRimNESALEM - Larg Pa Lo Kor (Self-Released) 

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Production of Literary Classic 
Leads to Educational Experience 


Arts Editor 

Itk a stary of kwe, wealth and dass divi¬ 
sions, manages to remain: a &vor- 

ite among most readers to this day. 

Jane Austens ""Pride and Prejudice" 
needs no introduction* The novd en¬ 
dured for centuries as it has graced 
almost every storytelling medium out 
there with a particular focus on theatre, 
Horn Feb. 19 to 21, the Riverfront The¬ 
atre Company's senior ensemble put on 
their fwoduction of foe novel at foeOidc 
Whiter* Theatre The adaptation of 
the novd was done by Rforironfs exec¬ 
utive director Kristina Garswood, who 
oo-wrote it with her daughter Caroline 
and said the script Is takhfo] to the book, 
on top of it serving as an education for 
foe acting ensemble, 

“We put the kids on stage three times 
a year When we bring the seniors on 
stage in January or February ids meant 
to bean educational challenge for tbem, ,, 
Garswood said. 

Development of foe project began as 
early as September Garswood noted 
how with each week, a segment, plot 
dement or theme was traced over to 
teach the students* They also had to 
katn proper etiquette, gping as for as 
to have an all manners day whkh had 
them focus on posture and mannerisms 
authentic to the material 

The play was under the direction of 
Kerri JubenviBe, a fourth year Drama 
BH honors student whtifc been with the 
KTC for the past couple of years as a di¬ 
rector and set designer. She found one of 
the biggest challenges of the production 
had to do vrifo patterns, and un- 

derefcandingtbe voi^bdaryoffoesc^ 
She admitted it caused some strain on 
foe kids, but they stayed committed in 
tackling the challenge. 

A dance scene from “Pride and Prejudice" is being performed by the Riverfront Theatre Company's senior ensemble on Feb . 19 at the Olde Walk - 

ervWe Theatre. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

T& a lot more proper, ife less physkaii- 
ty ife more words and pursuing energy 
through your language, and its been dif¬ 
ficult on themT JubenviBe said. “The arts 
are a hard thing to pursue, but having a 
background wiih education allows thrir 
range to increase and be looked upon as 

While they mainly do kid-friendly pro¬ 
ductions, JubenviBe believes ift import¬ 
ant for any actor to be mufti-laceted, 
leading to a project like ""Pride and Prej¬ 
udice” to be a great stewing stone for 
their early careers. By also grasping the 
thematic content of the novd, it helps 
their minds grow to a higher sense of 

"We fed like we're bringing foe kids to 
be healthy fonctfona! dt&ens, and so 
not judging people on first appearances 
is a fenfcastie theme to bring forward and 
keep them aware cC Garswood said 

The KTCs next project will be "Alad¬ 
din and the Arabian Nights,” whkh 
wifl merge the company's juniors and 
seniors for a grandiose muskal set to 
run from May 20 to 29, JubenviBe and 
Garswood wifl hdp direct and adapt 



The Lance Contributor 

The mere with the mouth offidafiy 
makes his wdkkserved comeback at- 
ter the debacle we had to bear because 
of his iteration in X-Men Origins Wol¬ 
verine. Starring Ryan Reynolds, Morena 
Baccarin, Gina Carano* TJ. Miller and 
Ed Sarin to name a few, this is a love 
letter for what foe fens wanted all along 
with the anti-superhero who just hap¬ 
pens to have foe gift of gab. 

Directed by Tim Miller, the narration 
is a stirightfcrward reverse story life 
is great for Wide Wilson (Ryan Reyn* 
tods), a former US military assassin He 

has the love of his life, Vanessa (Morena 
Baocarin) and everything is going in his 
favor But cancer shows its ugly side and 
Wilson has to choose foe only option 
of volunteering for the Weapon X pro¬ 
gram, foe same program that created 
Woberineb powers. It is foe only way 
that he can rid hfrnsdf of the disease. 
Wilson is tricked obviously and the plot 
expands further with him adopting foe 
name "DeadpooF and going out on a 
revenge spree for those responsible for 
his condition. 

What works for ""DeadpooF as a su¬ 
perhero movie is its tenacity to swim 
in uncharted waters that usually other 
superhero trims nowadays do not dare 

to venture through. It is aimed for the 
adult audience and thafc how the char¬ 
acter has always been in comic books. 
Yes, foe villain Aiax (Ed Sknrin) is a one 
dimensional villain, yes foe story is fore¬ 
seeable from foe get go, but the movie 
knows that and is not ashamed to men¬ 
tion it through the constant breaking 
of the fourth wall by the red spandex 
hero The various pop culture references 
are sprinkled throughout foe film and” 
DeadpooF manages to create a balance 
as to when to morion them 

X-men characters like foe Colossus and 
Negasoni c Teenage Warhead make ap¬ 
pearances and are not just mere cameos, 
ft is delightful to see “DeadpooF team 

up with them and never shutting his 
mouth ever on his adventure Reynolds 
was bom to play this role and it dearly 
shows his undeniable passion through¬ 
out foe course of the movie. 

The action is slick and foe jokes are hi¬ 
larious, the stuff that is expected from a 
“DeadpooF movie. The best part is foe 
feet drat in an age of superhero film ad¬ 
aptations, thdr tales tend to take them¬ 
selves too seriously ""DeadpooF does 
the opposite of foal and dares to take 
jabs at himself and everyone else and 

succeeds in that process, 

"DeadpooF is like the Hack sheep in 
a herd of the other goody two shoes 
superhero films. It manages to barge 
through than with its zaniness and cre- 
ate a niche of its own It is a movie that 
folly realizes foe character of the men: 
with a mouth and yes he does not have 
to disown his spandex as one just can¬ 
not have enough him, especially after 
this film. Go “chimichansas.” 


Exhibit Focuses on 
Notion of Healthy Living 


Arts Editor 

What does it mean to live a good life? 
What does a good life constitute? The 
answer varies from person to person. 
Some may say a sound body and mind 
while the answer from 14-year old 
fazmine MoCalium can be boiled down 
to a single woid freedom 

T think a healthy lifestyle comes from 
the beholder!’ McCalhim slid Toure 
holding your own fete and what you do 
to your body is up to you* 

McCalium was among the 52 youths 
aged from four to 17 who had their 
work displayed at the Native Ifouth 
Art Project from Feb. 15 to 20 at the 
Artspeak GaHery. Presented by the 
Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre* 
the recepttonfeh 16 had several people 
coming through the doors to see an ar¬ 
ray of drawings and paintings eadh one 
intended to showcase what it means to 
Uve a healthy life. 

"ft was really exciting when the entries 

started coming** said Can-Am Execu¬ 

tive Director Renae Hill h is different 
for everyone, and theres no wrong an¬ 

With each piece on display, there was a 
tag which showed the artists name, age 
and the home nation* which they rep¬ 
resented The project initialiy stemmed 
from Can-Am healthy kids worker Jo¬ 
anne Mitchell who found the answers 
the children expressed to be nothing 
short of empowering. The underling 
objective Is to highlight positive points 
of view with the project, which is partly 
based within the virtues of the indig¬ 
enous culture. By higliiighting this as¬ 
pect, she finds it becomes the centre of 
discussion between children, parents 
and general community members, 

'It starts a dialogue in die community” 

Mitchell said ^Everything's connected 
living in healthy environment, having 
a heakhy body, heaving a healthy mind 
immunity family its all connected” 

The art exhibit is one of several initia¬ 
tives made to support the youth around 

the Oty More information uo events A drawing from Azlyn Cortez is on display at the Native Youth Art Project feb. 16, 

and programs can be found on the Can- (Photo by // Ham Yassine] 

Am Indian Friendship Centres website ............... 

St. Clair 




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Marketing Workshop Touches 
on Design Fundamentals 


Arts Editor 

There laid an array of dean and crisp¬ 
ly designed posters on the table, just as 
how there were messy and clutteredex¬ 
amples as wdl 

The lobby area of the Capitol Theatre 
acted as the setting for a rrarkting 
workshop on the earfy evening of Feb 
16, Described as a poster show and tell 
by Windsor Symphony Orchestra mar¬ 
keting coordinator Shdtey Sharpe, the 
one hour event aimed to analyze and 
critique a series of posters which would 
essentially pave the way for the general 
public to learn a thing or two when it 
comes to visual designs made to pro¬ 
mote a service or event 

*TAfe want to he^p everybody fed good 
about the event that they're promoting 
and do a better fob at getting the word 

out there and draw people to moresuc- 

Some of the examples of good design 
highlighted by Sharpe included a sense 
of concision and a visual hook to lidp 
draw in people who may passvdy walk 
by a poster. She stressed how a poster 
should never have too much informa¬ 
tion, as people usually don't iookat an ad 
for longer than roughly seven seconds. 
It must ckariy and effectively answer 
whai Sharpe finds to be the three most 
important questions: Is there personal 
interest in the event, when it wiB hap¬ 
pen, and where more information can 
be found 

The workshop is part ofaseries direct 
towards user and community groups 
who wish to promote their events in 
and around the dty By having a pn>tip 
workshop such as this one, Sharpe be¬ 
lieves it can lead to a reinforced commu¬ 
nal bond 

Tf were aide to do that for people 
downtown, it builds a stronger busi¬ 
ness community!’ Sharpe said It builds 

a stronger performance and orituraJ 


Numerous good and bad examples of poster designs lay on a table at the Captiol Theatre Marketing Work¬ 
shop which occurred Feb. 16. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine} 

Street Fighter V — A Complete 
Review of an Incomplete Game 


Arts Editor 








Theres a heightened level of investment 
when it comes to the “Street Fighter” 
franchise, for it can evoke feelings be^ 
yond the enfoyroent of avideo game As 
someone who prefers the single pl^rer 
experiences this medium has to offer, 
no other series is unable to unleash a 
competitive spirit which pushes me to 
succeed in the multiplayer landscape 
The series is demanding in this regard, 
as youB spend hours upon hours per¬ 
fecting combos* counters and studying 
tiie nuances ofyour opponents. The air¬ 
tight fighting mechanics and aiguahfy 
perfected roster encourages you to con¬ 
stantly break your skill ceiling and strive 
to become a formidable competitor 

It is for these reasons, which made 

“Street Fighter” such an immaculate 
fighting series, and the torch is* more or 
less, passed on accordingly with “Streel 
Fighter V 

The core game play is as strong and 
tightly controlled as ev er. Il makes a cou¬ 
ple of major alternations and numerous 
Me adjustments off the fighting en¬ 
gine of its direct predecessor. The EX 
meter for specials remain intact which 
is paired with a new V-Trigger gauge 
which can up the ante up attacks and 
lead to more intense and varied rounds. 
The game carries a default roster of 16 
characters. You have the iconic such as 
Ryu and Cammy, as wdl as some fresh 
feces like the literally electrifying Nash 
and tiie gusted Arabian prince Rashid 

Some of the newer characters are orig¬ 
inal designs with others being devia¬ 
tions from past roster raembas who 
are absent this time around While the 
cast is considerably shorter compared 
to 'Street Fighter IV; each of the 16 
fighters are exceptionally well varied, 
canying diversified move sets aD while 
maintaining a proper balance of depth 
and accessibility. No fighter gives you 
an unfair advantage, biding to match¬ 
es where the one who wins is the one 

who makes the smartest decisions and 
glorious while the defeats are crushing 
From newcomers to veterans, the satb- 
(action remaim the sameL The sensation 
of playing against friends or online foes 
keeps to the intensity and heart-pound- 
ing moments the series Is famed for. 

Piair this with die games vibrant and 
sporty visual design, and you have a 
fighter for the ages. The core game play 
is everything yodd want and expect it 
to be, and you can imagine it creating a 
solid foundation where lasting appeal is 
more than apparent. However therein 
Iks the games biggest issue, for Cap- 
com decided to release the game with a 
staggering amount of missing features, 
which are commonplace to the genre 
In all feimess, they initially revealed this 
beforehand, noting how more features 
will sfowfy be added in the gune follow¬ 
ing its release. But whafs surprising and 
frankly disappointing is in finding out 
just how much is indeed missing. 

For starters, the story mode content is 
extremely thin. On average, a fighter^ 
stray segment carries two single round 
figfrls, which cm be finished literally in 
seconds since there are no difficulty set- 

puter Al The actual story aspects aren’t 
even worth noting, ks it relies on basic 
illustrations, which are tied with goofy 
diaracteri 2 ations and plain bad voice 
acting. Arcade mode, whkh is consid¬ 
ered a genre staple, is completely absent 
and seemingly replaced by the survival 
mode which carries a set of difficulty 
modifiers and objectives. Also, while 
a trainirg mode is present, the combo 
sessfom frtHn "^reet Fighter IV*" are ^ 
nate as itwas a good way for newcomers 
to leam the ropes. 

So aside from a laughable story mode 
and survival, theres no other piece of 
singje-pkyer content oirrentiyavaM^fe 
This decision outright alienates new¬ 
comers who may notwari the game for 
its online component, whkh in itsdf Is 
abo missing features such as friend lob¬ 
bies and match spedatorship. Ife bizarre 
as to how some of the most basic genre 
features are nowhere to be seen in whafe 

faked upon as an fig hte* - lfi& 

also infuriating for Capcom to blatant¬ 
ly release an unfinished product with a 
$70 price tag. Especially upon consid¬ 
ering how these features were present 
in “Street Fighter IVT no excuses can be 
made in this manner. 

Yet despite this, I can't stop playing. Whh 
tire online being the games main draw; 
Capeom knocked it out of the park due 
to the core game play and the solid net 
code. To a certain degree, you may fed 
like you’re getting your moneys worth, 
but this is ifyou get the game almost ex¬ 
clusively for this component Knowing 
more features will be added on through¬ 
out the yrarl^in^ocHTifort to tiie situa¬ 
tion But until ft actually arrives, ifs diffi- 
cull to recommend this gime to anyone 
who cherishes his or her singfo-piayer 
content, for it is way too hollow in this 
regard But for those really itching to 
compete online and stake thdr daim to 
virtual glory, then perhaps you needn’t 
lock any further, for the king of filters 
has arrived 


2Guys4Wheels 1 Cause Host 
Spinathon for Huntington Disease 


News Editor 

The dynamic duo, know as 2Guy$- 
4Wheebl Cause, hosted a spinathon 
this past week to raise mcmey for mem¬ 
bers of the local community with Hun¬ 
tington Disease 

The two members of die duo, Marty 
Denonville, 63, and Jim Stewart* 62, 
have been planning to bike cross-Cana¬ 
da and on M way they have been 
Lng across supporters to host events with 
them The spinathon event came as an 
outside suggestion for the two guys but 
they said they are very grateful for the 
community support 

"Laura opened up for us this looming 
and weVe having three sessions for peo¬ 
ple to jump inT said Denooville “Some 
of them have been going for four hours 
and others are just joining for a bit but 
to raise the awareness and funds that we 
have today is something amazing.” 

DenonviDe said Stewart had come to 
him last summer about biking across 
Canada for fun* but dedded to put a 
cause to the occasion after finding out 

his three nieces had Huntington Dis¬ 

“There is no cure for Huntington and 
its something that effects people in dif¬ 
ferent ways because its a neurological 
disease*' said Denonvfik 'The people 
coming out is amazing and its making 
a real difference tor people Wecoukfrft 
ask for anything mom.” 

Huntington Disease is hereditary and 
thane b a 50 per cent chance of getting it 
if a patient is a carrier* It can be the cause 
of emotional turmoil cognitive toss, and 
pirysical deterioration. There is no cure 
for the disease and it is very fetal 

‘Theres a mix of people today. Ordinary 
people^ cydists - everyone came out to 
support* 1 * said Denonvilfe 

Local Muskoka [roman 703 contestant 
and worid-dass cydist, Bond Sanders* 
was at the event and also came out to 
show his support 

DenortviUe said they set exit to raise 
$10,000 but he has no doubt they will 
surpass that number: 

Laura Ryan, owner of Pursuit Massage 
Therapy and Sport Recovery Gentry 
who hosted the event* said she reached 
out to 2Guys4WhedslCause because 
she loves to hdp out where she caa 

“Its overwhelming to have the response 

said Ryan Tm just doing what I can to 
support the great cause? 

Ryan said toe cyding and triathlon com- 

“Were getting people out of their base¬ 
ments and exit to events that are making 
a difference, 11 said Rym 

2Guys4WheeblCause ts planning to 

start their oxtid-to-coast rrrp in jVky 

They will be hosting a kick-off part May 
1 at the Royal Canadian Legion Brandi 
255, For more information* visit two- 


that we have and Fm very gralefiJ for munity is very tight-knit so the event 

Jim and Marty for all that iheyiedatagT kicked off as soon as it was announced 

Three Minute Thesis Registrations 

Open to Grad Students 


Arts Editor 

Those writing a dissertation, thesis or 
ma jor paper may want to take thdr con ¬ 
tent onto a more competitive scale 

Registrations for the 4th annual Three 
Minutes Thesis are offidaDy open to 
graduate students who are active during 
the winter semester r Ihe academic 
competition, which originated in 2008 

by the University of Queensland in Aus¬ 
tralia, involves students condensing the 
objectives and impacts witliin a doctoral 
dissertation, research paper or masters 
thesis towards a laymans audience in 
three minutes or less. 

By piadng an immense amount of re¬ 
search content in a compact form* the 
competition serves as a lesson in provid- 
mg an efficient oral presentation. 

Tts a professional development oppor¬ 
tunity? said Graduate Studies dean Dr 

Patricia Weir: “If you've ever heard of a 
two-minute elevator pitch where you 
have two minutes to ride up in an eleva¬ 
tor and tell somebody what it is thai you 
dot Ms b similar to that“ 

Weir noted the criteria employed 
originates from the standards used at 
Queensland The three aspects judges 
will be looking for are communication, 
comprehension and engagement Since 
part of the competition involves pre¬ 
senting the content to a non- specialized 

audience, the oral reciting of the thesis 
must dearfy identify the main pants of 
the topic being discussed as wdl as why 
\£s important 

Participants will be allowed to accom¬ 
pany the speech with a single slide, but 
Weir staids the visuab are for the audi - 
ence above all else. 

The speaker should not be focusing 
solely on the slide, because if its not 
there, the speaker should be able to de¬ 
liver the talk the same wayf Weir said 

The competition heats will go from 
Mar 22 to 24 at Katzman Lounge, 
with the Mat 30 finals being held at 
the Ambassador Auditorium- Mae in¬ 
formation on the Three Minute Thesis 
can be found on the Graduate Studies 
website: Competition finalists will be 
awards cash prizes, with the top finisher 
dindiing a spot at the pitwindal qualifi¬ 
er of Wilfred Lanrier University on Apr. 
14 The competition will be completely 
open to the public 

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News Editor 

Windsor has one of the highest unem¬ 
ployment rates in Canada - with that* 
Windso r also has one of the most help¬ 
ful communities in Canada according 
to the executive director of Windsor's 
Downtown Mission 

The Coldest Night of the Year event 
is held rsatkmwide at die same time 
around Canada and raises money to lo¬ 
cal missions who feed and house com¬ 
munity members and families in need 
Windsor's downtown mission joined 
die cause four years agp and lias been 
making thdr mark in Windsor through 
die event ever since; 

'There are almost 10O missions across 
Canada that walk at die exact same 
timeT said Ron Dunn, executive direc¬ 
tor of Windsors mission, "The goal is 
to raise $4 million nationwide but the 
biggest part is the awareness we raise 
atoi^skie thatT 

Dunn said the goal for Windsor was 
$40,000 and he thinks they met and 
surpassed it 

This means beds for the folks who 
come to the mission and sleep on the 
flootf said Dunn, This year was dedi¬ 
cated for that We're super excited - we 
had over 250 walkers, 50 to 60 volun¬ 
teers and we did a fot of good' 

The mission deckled to acquire new 
beds for individuals who need them 
Dunn said the ability to service so many 
new people is a huge accolade for the 

The kitchen cooked while the walkers walked Fek 20 in order to keep the hungry fed 

lPhoto by f/Caleb Workman] 

mission and wiB benefit many in need 

"Last year we set a goal of $25,000. This 
year, we set a pretty aggressive goal of 
$40*000, but as always, Windsor Essex 
has come through and made the dif¬ 
ference,” said Dunn, Tfe not like people 
were coming out and dropping $10,000 

or $20,000, For the mast part ife people 
coming out and chipping in $10 or $15 
where they canT 

Dunn said this is a huge step towards 
better serving the homeless and under¬ 
privileged in the community 

Volunteers also spent their day at work 

out in the streets and in the kitchen to 
make sure people walked safely and to 
make sure people were fed adequately 

Jerry Walls, the kitchen supervisor, said 
the staff and volunteers work hard and 
w^ik happy 

“Were told to smile but I honestly don't 

think thats something that needs to be 
told,” said Walls, "Were always happy 
to make a different here and to better 

peoples lives” 

As of Beh 21, the event raised 84 per 
cent of thdr national goal of $4 million, 
which is about 3.4 million. 

jfbn Meadcait hotted funny Friday fora nuttier round ojhtuud-up comedy at kpekhead Pubs Comedy 
(/uarry Feb Every Friday and Saturday the Cmnedy Quarry holds shows featuring local, provincial 

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saw the CAW Centre transform into an 
area of fun and games. The campus 
carnival had a steady influx of students in 
the commons area as thev found 
themselves engaged in mini-putt, ring toss 
and sumo wrestling amongst many other 
activities. Those who didn’t play lined 
up for some popcorn and cotton candy, 
essentially acting as a way for students to 
ease back into the grind following reading 
week. The event was hosted by Xinfused, 
an event production company who 
focuses on providing interactive 
entertainment though unique elements. 

[Photos by / / Hani Yassine) 


Men’s Hockey Exit Playoffs After 
Heartbreaking Overtime Loss 

Tyson Ness of the Windsor Lancers battles Guelph Gryphons centre Nick Trecapelli during game two of the first round of the QUA men’s hockey 
playoffs at South Windsor Arena Fek 20. Windsor battled back from a 1 -0 series deficit to win game two 5-2 before ultimately dropping game 

three in overtime 3-2* 

Sebastian Beauregard of the Windsor Lancers scores on Andrew DAgastini of the Guelph Gryphons at 
South Windsor Arena Fek 20. Windsor forced a decisive third game with a 5-2 victory but fell in overtime 

3-2, ending their season, 

[Photo by//Kevin Jarrold] 

das and guys who were contributing 


Sports Editor 

"Hue Lancer mens hockey team was 
dimimted from the post season after a 
heart breaking 3-2 overtime loss to the 
Gudph Gryphons in game three during 
the first round cfthe OUApkyofik 

A barnburner would be the least you 
hibited ferocious determination and wifi 
to advance to the OUA West semifinal 
series against the Ryeraon Rams, Lancer 
head coach Kevin Hamlin called it one 
of the best gimes he& ever been a part of 
at the university levd 

1 couldrit be more proud of my guys. 
To play a game like that with eight first 
year guys in the lineup and to compete 
the way we did was very gratifying,” 
Hamlin said *What we’ve known about 
tins league aB along is that ifs a \ f rieran 
league but having veterans come bade 
is not as important as hungry veterans 
coming back and its going to be really 
important our guys to remember how 
this fctt and channel that into a positive 

Special teams were the story ofthe game 
as four of the five goals were scored with 
the man advantage. The Gryphons got 
on the board first when Robert Lepine 
took a pass from Nick Trecapelli and 
fired the puck past Lancer goakender 
Mike Doan less than five minutes into 
the game to take a one goal bad. 

The Lancers responded with a pair of 
goals to take a 2-1 lead at the midway 
point of the frame, beginnii^ with Jus¬ 
tice Dundas wtio scored his second of 
the post season at 11:49, Tyson Ness 
would go on to tk the game when 
he jammed the puck behind Gryphon 
goaitender Andrew DAgastini to gwe 
the Lancers aonegoal lead heading into 
the break 

After both teams battled throughout the 
second period a power play goal with 
one second ^naming on a Julian Lu~ 
dani penalty by Gudpfts Scqtt Stevens 
tied the game with 7:03 remaining : n 
the second Dylan Denomme had the 
Lanms best chance to take the lead in 
be third period with a breakaway but 
ivas denial by DAgostini, sending the 

game Into overtime. 

The extra frame was just as intense as 
regulation as die teams continued to 
battle down both sides of the k& Just 
past the midway point of the period 
[>epine scored his second of the night 
to win die game and advance the Gry¬ 
phons into the west division semi-finals. 

Both Doan and DAgastini had solid 
nights between the pipes for their re 
spedive teams, with Doan finishing the 
night with 36 saves while his counter¬ 
part ended the night with 31 

Lancers assistant coach John Nelson 
was more then appreciative of die effort 
both teams put into the game on Face- 

“Unbdievable effort by both teams,* 
Nelson wrote *Thi$ Lancer coaching 
staff is very' proud of this group of guysT 

Headed forward, Hamlin said he is 
looking forward to seeing the develop- 
ment of Windsors returning players as 
new recruits come into the program for 
another at varsity glory. 

"HopeMy this will inspire us to be bet¬ 

ter next yean Hamlin said. T really like 
the promise of some of our first year 
guys like Tyson Ness and Justice Dun- 

members of our team dial because of 
numbers that didn't get much of an op¬ 

portunity. fm hoping they come in with 
a renewed energy and knowing what it 
takes at this level” 


Lawrence Wins OUA Women’s Hockey 
Scoring Tide In Final Game Of Season 

Krysttn Lawrence won the OUA women's hockey 2015-2016 regular season scoring title wilth 31 points on 13 goals and a league-leading 1$ 
assists, “Its a great accomplishment especially only being in second year* Lawrence said . “But obviously it wouldn’t be possible without my 

teammates, Ifs hard to get to the top but its even harder to stay there . The work never stops so the offseason is going to be a grind as we are 

hoping to make a playoff run next season “ 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

Windsor Lancers forward Shawna Lesperance finished second in league scoring with 50 points and ted the 
league in goals. After transferring to Windsor from the Univeristy of Maine, Lesperance was the spark plug 
who lit the lamp 19 times in just 24 games this season and alongside Lawrence and Noseworthy formed an 
almost unstoppable line that almost got Windsor within a playoff berth with their second half production 

alone . 

[Photo by // Kevin jarrold] 

er% next year as Noseworthy* Windsor’s Eeam<MKeagamm20I6-i7afongridea 


Sports Editor 


Going into thdr final game of the teg¬ 
ular season, the Windsor Lancer worn - 
eris hockey team knew one of their three 
dynamic scoters would win the league 
scoring tide and they sure made it inter¬ 
esting leading up to the final bu22er 

In the end, second-year forward Krystin 
Lawrence finished the regular season 
first overall with 31 points, registering 
13 goals and a league-high 18 assists to 
take home the honor - although nipping 
at her beds however were line-males 
Shawm Lesperance and Erinn Nose- 
worthy, who finished with 30 and 29 
points respectively 

‘T definitely didn't want to end my sea¬ 
son like this and itb a great accomplish¬ 
ment especially only being in second 
yearf Lawrence said “But obviously it 
wouldn't be possible without my team- 
mates* M hard to get to the top but its 
even harder to stay there* The worknev- 
er stops so the offseason is going to be a 
grind aswe are hoping to make a playoff 
run next season 5 

Lesperance scored twice in the final 
game but M one point drat of Law¬ 
rence, finishing second with 30 points 
and leading the league in gsak After 
transferring to Windsor from the Uni¬ 
versity of Maine, Lesperance was the 
spark plug who lit die lamp 19 times in 
just 24 games and alongside Lawrence 
and Noseworthy, finished third over¬ 
all with 29 points and second in assists 
with forming a nearly unstoppable 
line that almost got Windsor within a 
pbyoffberth with thdr second half pro¬ 
duction afone* 

“What us three have accomplish just in 
one half of the season is crazy. Were a 
dangerous threat together and Vm sure 
teams already see featf said Lawrence, 
who was also an all-star goalkeeper in 
varsity soccer ‘Tiopdully with us all 
coming back next year with this ac¬ 
complishment and having new recruits 
come in* it will even make us that much 
better and I carit wait for whal the three 

Windsor did not earn their first win in 
regulation until thdr 11th game of the 
season but then went on to win seven 
of thdr next 10 to get themsdves with¬ 
in striking range of the e^hth and feral 
playoff spot Unfortunately the Lancm 
would drop thdr final four contests ml 
finish the regular season outside of the 
pkyofis with an 8-15-1 record 

T think fee most the team learned this 
season is feat it takes heart and hard 
work every garnet 1 Lawrence said “Not 
just one or two but every single game 
and if we don't then what happen to us 
first halfwill happen again." 

Windsor assistant coach Chris Lean¬ 
ing said fiie first half wasn't pretiy and 

fherefc a lot of work to do but there were 
also several questions that definitely got 
answers as the Lancers look forward to 
next season. 

‘In the second half we starting to come 
around as a team and began competing 
in gam es which gave us opportunities 
to win. Statistically we improved in ev¬ 
ery category and even finished wife the 
2nd best power play in fee league! 1 said 
Leaning. "We also had fee top three 
scorers in fee league as well as the sec¬ 
ond highest scoring defenseman Natalie 
Barnette who had 17 points in 23 fsgimes- 
Astde from those four we lacked sec¬ 
ondary scoring and ifs difficult to win 
that way!* 

The Lancers also suffered a huge loss in 
the lineup when Jiliian Rops broke her 
collarbone in a game against the Nipiss- 
ing Lakers. The next afternoon Wind¬ 
sor foiled to win a pivotal gime against 
the Laurentian Voyageurs, which began 
a 2-6 slide to end the season, 

"Not only was she one of our captains, 
shes our hardest working player every 
night who blocked shots, killed penal¬ 
ties, and played big minutes shutting 
down our oppositions top lines!* Lean¬ 
ing said ‘Moving forward to next sea¬ 
son we have some recruits coming to fill 
holes in our lineups but still have some 
needs to address. Therek a lot of work 
to do and we definitely need to take a 
dffferent qjproaeh as to how things are 
dealt with.” 

Potential is certainly high for die Lane- 

captain and high-valued veteran plans 
to return for a fifth season to lead the 

healthy Rops and her high-power line^ 
mates. lector in Barrette on defense and 

Ingrid Sandven in net, the Lancos have 
solid nucleus to build around for the 
2016-2017 season. 


Women’s Volleyball To Battle McMaster 
Marauders in OUA Playoff Match 


Sports Editor 

The Lancer womens volleyball team 
are headed to the OUA quarter-finals 
against McMaster on the road as they 
look to make a move to the leagues fi¬ 
nal four and compete for a provincial 

*t>ur seniors really wanted this match¬ 
up because they felt they let the last one 
Sp away* Lancers head coach Lucas 
Hodgson said “Mac is a team wtfwhad 
some success against but we couldn't 
dose it ouL As a coach that gives me 
confidence No one is rolling over us 
and were rolling al the right time' 

Windsor finished the season with an 
11-8 record and a third place finish in 
the OUA west division and fifth-year 
setter Lauren Stirling said she has M 
confidence in the teams ability to take 
this quarter final game team McMaster 
despite their 16-3 regular season record 

"We lost both games to Mac this sea¬ 
son however looking at the progress we 
made between the first time we played 
them to the last was reaBy great to seeT 
Stirling said "We made adjustments 
and grew as a group and reaDy pushed 
Mac to the brink taking them to five 
sets. Were going to have to buM off that 
apin and will need some key piayeis 
to really step up to lead us through this 

Stirling believes it will bevery important 
for Windsor to stay together and sup¬ 
port each other since there are only a 
few veterans who have played in a play¬ 
off setting before. 

*Our team feeds off each others energy 
and whenwe play together we can hdd 
our own with any opponent," Stirling’ 
said 4 *We will really need to keep our 
cod and lead by example for the young¬ 
er players who haven't been there yet” 

The Lancers dosed out the OUA reg¬ 
ular season with a pair of road losses to 
the person Rams and second-ranked 
Toronto Varsity Blues over the week¬ 
end Fust, the Lancers were swept 3-0 
by scores of21-25,19-25 and 17-25 by 

the Rams before falling 3-1 with scores 
of 17-25* * 25-21,14-25 and 17-25 to the 
Blues the next night Against the Rams 
Feb, 19, the Hue and gold were led by 
Jade Zkbarth with 13 kills while Shan¬ 
non Dean finished the game with six 
kills to complete her season with 215 
total and a 378 hitting percentage De¬ 
fensively, Emma Wylie and Emily Du¬ 
rand finished the g^me with nine digs. 

After dropping the first set against 
the undefeated Varsity Blues Feix 20, 
the lancers came back to earn a hard 
fought 25-21 set win to hand the Hues 
only their third set loss of the entire sea¬ 

“Toronto hasn't lost a set since Hallow¬ 
een so itwas impressive to see the aiergy 
we had from that alone,” said Hodgson. 
“Did we play our best? No But they are 
a great team. We have great defensive 
players and we finished the season dose 
to where we wanted to be but threw 
away two games. Despite entering the 
playofls on a three-game losing streak 
were playing weB and our big test was 
Toronto The/ve beaten everybody 3^0 
and for us to take a set is bsgT 

Durand and Carieigh Bailey each had 
very strong defensive games with 18 
and 17 digs, respectively In her final 
regular season game, Dean once again 
led the way for Windsor; finishing the 
game with 10 kills, 12 points and two 
solo blocks. 

The Mustangs and Marauders finished 
tied for first with identical 16-3 records, 
and had their positioning determined 
via tiebreaker. Dean said whomever 
Windsor aids up playing they need to 
be foaisalffthepvait toadvancetothe 
OUA final Four 

“I& going to come down to what we 
do on our own side of the net As tang 
as we stay calm and play together well 
be fine,” Dean said "Were a sntaUer 
scrappy team and as tang as we remain 
relentless and use that to our advantage 
I think well do really wdT 

The match will take place in Hamilton 
in McMasters Bunidge Gymnasium 
with first serve coming at 630 pm Feb. 

Windsor Lancers Shannon Dean will need some big swings this weekend when her squad goes on the road 
to battle the McMaster Marauders in the opening round of the OUA women's volleyball playoff Feb. 26 , 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

Windsor Lancers Shannon Dean wilt need some big swings this weekend when her squad goes on the road 
to battle the McMaster Marauders in the opening round of the OUA women's volleyball playoff Feb, 26, 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 


Men’s Volleyball Excited About 
Potential Of Returning Core Players 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer meris volleyball 
team ended the QUA regular season 
outside of the leagues playoff race with 
a 7-12 record this year but thanks to the 
example set by their seniors the squad 
has a lot of reasons to be optimistic look¬ 
ing toward the future. 

The Lancers were hampered by a slow 
start to the season and needed to win 
their final two matches against the Ry- 
erson Rams and Toronto Varsity Blues 
as well as have the CIS top-ranked 
McMaster Marauders defeat the York 
Lions to dinch the seventh and final 
seed in the OUA playoffs. Last season 
the Lancers clinched the 7-seed in their 
second last match of the year and rode 
thdr late season push to the programs 
first appearance in the OUA Final Four 
in over a decade. 

Head coach James Gravdles ever-resii- 
ient squad pulled off an upset over Ry- 
erson in the opening round that would 
not be the case this year however, as 
York upset McMaster 3-1 and Windsor 
dropped a 3-0 dadskm to the Rams by 
scores of 25-17,25-23 and 25-17 at the 
Maflamy Athletic Centre Feh 19. With 

went into thdr match with the Blues 
with a lineup hill of young talent led 
by freshman Roland Bouchanfs dght 
Mils on 13 attempts. Second-year setter 
Doug Ingjis dished out 20 assists and 
had a team-high eight digs with first 
year Date Civieto chipping in six assists 
as well 

ll was the final match in the careers 
of three fifth year Lancer seniors Af¬ 
ter a number of years away from the 
program, Josh Edwards came back to 
Windsor to finish his education and 
used liis final year of eligibility to play the 
sport he loves. The 6 T 8” middle blocker 
was dominant in stretches throughout 
the 20 match regular season and fin¬ 
ished second overall in the league with 
a 392 hitting percentage and 174 total 
kills. Shawn Resume came from local 
catholic high school Sl Thomas of Vil- 
lantyva in LaSalle and finished his five- 
year tenure with 279 kills along with418 
digs and 52 combined blocks¬ 
'll was great to have Josh back, he ofr 

Despite a 7-12 record this year, the Windsor Lancer men's volleyball has reason to be excited for future with a number of young talent develop¬ 
ing before head coach James Gravelled eyes , 

[Photo by // Matt Azevedo] 

feted a lot of calm and focus and also 
humor which was really good far the 
room and hr the young guys to go 
along with a tonne of offense,” Gravdle 
said ‘‘Shawn has been the hardest work¬ 
er on our team day after day Anytime l 
needed something done off of the court, 
h& always said yes so tberes a big place 
in my heart for him" 

Blase Wasser finally got his chance to 
pky setter far Windsor alter he played 
left side and Ifaero aver his first four sea¬ 
sons, The Burlington native finished the 
season with nearly 500 assists and 123 
digs to round up Ins career total to 577, 
After a victory on home court overYork 
Feh 7 Graveik spoke with sincerity and 
emotion speaking about what having a 
player like Wasser has meant to him. 

“"Blase was a first year in my first year 
as an assistant coach so I fed like weVe 
come up together and hes special to 
me,” said Gravdle. 

Looking ahead to the future, the Lanc¬ 
ers boast a core of young talent First 
year outside hitter Brad Gyemt finished 
the year asWindsors top offensive play¬ 
ers with 176 kills and his absence from 

First year outside filter Brad Gyemt finished the year as Windsor's top offensive players with 176 kilb 
and his absence from the starting lineup early in the season hindered their attack from the outside. With 
the development oflibero Matt Pe Benito, Bouchard , Inglis and Giviero well underway t head coach James 

Gravelle is in the midst of building a contender: 

[Photo by // Matt Azevedo/ 

the starting lineup eariy in the season wdl underway, Wasser ism the midst of the next levd in volleyball “More esdt- 

hindered thefrattadtftt^ building a contender. ed to see what the future of those guy's 

and the program is going to be like, I 

With the development of Ubero Mart Tm really looking forward to the fa- ^ incredibly fortunate aifo lucky that I 

PeBenito Bouchard Ir^is and Gviero tuneT said Wasser, who plans to pursue chose Windsor” 


Lancers Basketball Surging Towards 
Playoffs After Wins Over Western 


The Lance Contributor 

it was a day of triumph and revenge 
for the Lancer womens and metis bas¬ 
ketball teams, as both overcame open- 
ing-day losses to their perennial OUA 
West rival counterparts # the University 
ofWestem Ontario this past weekend 

With identical 13-5 records, the Wind¬ 
sor womerfe team downed the Mus¬ 
tangs 76-64 on their home court at 
Alumni Hall in London Feb. 20 and is 
now tied for first place in the division. 
The Lancer mere team also exacted 
a hard earned 78-72 victory over the 
'Stang* the same afternoon 

Womens head coach Chama! Vallee 
said she was very pleased with her team 
alter the win because it was a wry phys¬ 
ical and trying game. 

T am very impressed by my basketball 
team right nowf Vaflee said 'After very 
long week of practice, following the 
rough loss to Queens, we had to have a 
turning point Because we reafly had a 
soft performance against theGadsr 

When these two teams met earlier in 
the season Western prevailed over the 
Lancers 64-60, limiting Windsor to 
their second lowest scoring total of the 
season. However, it was the Lancers on 
this occasion who prevailed with a 35 
- 32 edge after the first half and then 
outscored the "Stangs 41-32 in the sec¬ 
ond to walk away with a resounding 
double-digit victory. 

Despite Windsor outscoring West 
em in every quarter and winning by 
12, there were 10 ties and nine lead 
changes throughout the match. Both 
teams struggled to shoot the three but 
the Lancers sank over 50 per cent from 
within the are and also out rebounded 
their resilient opponent 41-23. 

Lancer co-captain Emily Prevost was 
also proud of the squad and said it was 
a great team wire 

"We bounced back to queens and 
played with a lot of energy, extremely 
physical, and we had funT Prevost said 
“We also achieved file small goals we 
had set for oursdves, so were all quite 
happy with the win. We know what 
were capable ot“ so we plan on keeping 
on this path as we work towards play¬ 
offs, Next weekend will be anofiier pair 
of goodg^mes to order to makefile next 

Prevosti 20 point and 10 rebound dou- 
ble-doubie prochictkHi 
Lancer power forward Cheyenne Rog¬ 
ers e/en more dominant 26 point, 10 
rebound doubk-douHe performance. 
Lancer guard Cady Steer almost 
reached double digits in two categories 

as well scoring 12 points and hauling in 
eight rebounds. Rot the Stangs, Mack¬ 
enzie Puktkz poured in 23 points while 
teammate Maddy Horst dkked for 17. 

Windsors starting point guard Steer 
said it was a very physical and competi¬ 
tive game on both skies of the ballwhich 
made it an even bigger win coming off 
ofthdr toss to Queerer 

“As we lead into the end of the regular 
season I think this game proved fiiat we 
are peaking and will be ready for the up¬ 
coming ptayo&T Steer said 'Without 
AK [Andrea Kiss] weal! have to step up 
and perform, ft really is a team effort to 
try and make up for everything that she 
did on the court." 

Vallee agreed with her point guard but 
admitted she really wamt sure how 
they were going to respond to that loss. 
Thanks to a lot of solid performances 
fro m her younger players, her mind was 
eased early in the game 

"Although we only have four true vet¬ 
erans back fiiis year, several of our 
rookie players really showed iqsagfinst 
Western and it was like we had eight 
veterans," Vallee said “Kayiee Anagnos- 
topoulos in particular is one of the most 
competitive players I have ever coached 
She was one of the only players that 
really competed against Queerft. Bui 
thankfully this week many of our pky- 
ers matched her competitive intensity 

The 12-6 Lancer metis team scored a 
redemptive win over the 9-9 Western, 
having been swamped by the 'Stangs 
83-63 in the first game of the season at 
home in the St Denis Centre. Riding a 
seven game win streak interim Lancer 
head coach Ryan Steer said it was a big 
divisional road win which dinettes the 
regular season OUA West division title 
and also secured a home playoff game 

'Our guys showed diaracter and heart 
in grinding out the wire" Steer said 
"Fortunately we got contributions from 
all file guys on the defensive end and we 
also rebounded well as a team. Weneed 
to contin ue to focus one game at a time 
and prepare for Lakehead at home next 
week as there are playoff implications 
on the fine.” 

Windsor outscored Western in 3-of-4 
quarters, but the ‘Stangs featured the 
gamds two high sobers in Peter Schoftes, 
who had 27 points, and Greg Morrow; 
who had 2D points. The Lancers had 
a mudi-baianced attack however, as 
four players reached double-figures. 
Fifth year senior Alex Campbell fed the 
way with a24 point, nine rebound ex¬ 
ample CampbelFslead was followed by 
Lsiah Osbornes 19 points -13 scored in 
first quarter alooe - as well as 14 fro m 
Tyler Posuad while point guard Mike 
Roeca had eight points. 

Windsor Lancer men's forward lsiah Osborne drives to the basket during pre-season competitan against the 
University of Indianapolis Greyhounds at the St Denis Centre in Aug, 2015. This past weekend t Windsor 
took down their rivals of the Western Mustangs for their seventh straight vicotry after beginning the season 
5-6. Osborne had 19 points, none bigger then a rousing dunk to seal the deal in the final minute ofplay 

[Photo courtesy of} 

Kaylee Anagnostopoulos pushed the ball up floor against the Western Mustangs during the opening game 
of the regular season at the St Denis Centre Nov . 13,2015 . This past weekend, Anagnostopouhus and the 
Lancers scored a double-digit win over the Stangs to push their record to 13-5 and move into a tie with 

Western for first place in the OUA West division. 

[Photo by //Edwin Tam] 

Rocca spoke at Idigfii of how proud 
he was of his teammates for the effort 
that has been put forth in these last few 
weeks ofbasketbalL 

"I cant remember the tost time Windsor 
has started fire season 5-6 and it would 
have been easy for us to turn on each 
other" Rocca said “But since our culture 

is so strong this 

severe We still need to take care of the 
ball and limit turnovers ... if we want to 
be# the best teams. 

Although Western went down fighting 
by trying to dose the gap and possible 
play for the win in overtime, it was Os¬ 
borne who sealed the win for Windsor 
with a rousing dunk in the dosing mo¬ 
ments of the game to put an exclama¬ 
tion poimm another rivalry 

Along with the women, the men pky 
their final two games of the season this 
weekend beginning agfinst Lakehead 
Fdx 27 and ending the regular season 
while honoring their graduating senkra 

the next night against Algoma at the St 
Denis Centre. 

"We understand the importance of 
these last two games and we will need 
all 13 players to continue in there giv¬ 
en rote to finish the season the way we 
envisioned it finishing,” Roeca said'We 
know fiiat Lakehead isift the same team 
we played back in October and we are 
ready to accept that challenge" 


Lancers Chasing Team Tides At OUA 
Track and Field Championships 


Sports Editor 

The nationally ranked Lancer track 
and field program has their eyes on file 
OUA Championships at the St Denis 
Centre this weekend after they dosed 
out the regular season portion of their 
competition schedule at the Hillsdale 
Tune Up. 

Tlie Lancers once again sawa number of 
standout performances, including Brett 
Boersmafe silver medal performance in 
die mens shot put His distance of ld41 
meters moves him into third in Canada 
in the event, heading into the provincial 
championships. It was a personal best 
for Boersma but lie said he was more 
excited about the entire series of throws 
asa whole than the individual distance. 

"[Lancer throws] coach Cdine Gibb 
and I have been working afl season try¬ 
ing to fix certain things to get iTK>re con- 
sistenibut Hillsdale was fire first time all 
year it came together and I was abb to 
throw well” Boetsroa said “But Irn way 
more excited about how the team looks 
heading into OUAk and CIS than with 
any individual performance T had* 

Along with teammates Eli Pawiiw, who 
is ranked fourth and Andrew Vmuette 
who is ranked seventh, the Lancers have 
plenty of depth in the merfe throws de¬ 
partment as rookie Brando n Dobson 
alsokxkstosolklifyhis top 12 ranking 
in the weight throw and secure his spot 
at the CIS championships at York Uni¬ 
versity Mar 10 - 12 The mens team 
is ranked first in the country and has 
at least one athlete or relay team in the 
top 12 CIS rankings in aD 16 events. 

Windsor lancers heptathlete Mitch Long competes in the tong jump 
during men's competition Fek 12 during Windsor Lancers Team Chal¬ 
lenge at the St. Denis Centre, Long finished the men's heptathlon in 
third place with 4,485 points after competing in seven events - 60 metre 
dash, long jump, shot put , high jump, 60 metre hurdles, pole vault and 
l,000 metre run . 

[Photo by // Kevin farrold] 

The OUA track and field championships wilt be hosted by University of Windsor at the $L Denis Centre be¬ 
ginning Feb 26 and continuing the next day The men's team is ranked first in the country and has at least 
one athlete or relay team in the top 12 CIS rankings in all 16 events . There fop competition comes from the 
Guelph Gryphons, wfio are perennial rivals to Windsor The Toronto Varsity Blues hold the top bill in the 
women's national ranking with the Guelph Gryphons a firm second seed. If the fifth-ranked Lancers are to 
make a push to thejpodium, t h eyll ne ed to surpass t he and always-tough Western Mustangs . 

Their top competition comes from the 
Gudph Gryphons, who are perennial 
rivals to Windsor. 

At last seasons CIS championships at 
the St Denis Centre it came down to the 
final race before Windsor secured the 
mem team titfe Ibis year's OUA meet 
on home track could be a repeat atlair. 

The womens squad is ranked fifth in the 
OUA but captain fill Van Damme said a 
team medal is always a goal at Windsor 

“We’ve suiprised a few people with 
some of the performances and rfs al¬ 
ways a day of event, all about who shows 
up that dayT Van Damme said ‘Thais 

part of the excitement going into a meet 
like GUi& You never know whm going 
to knock offwho in what event fora big 
point swing," 

The Toronto Varsity Blues hold the top 
bill in the womens national ranking 
with the Gudph Gryphons a firm sec¬ 
ond seed if Windsor is to make that 
push to the podium, theyll need to sur¬ 
pass the York Lions and ahvays-tough 
Western Mustangs but Van Damme be¬ 
lieves her team can make some noise on 
home track with ail of the support theyll 
get from friends, families and alumni 

"Weve been training realty hard and 
we’ve been a pretty young team the last 

ooupk years so it will be exciting to con¬ 
tinue to see some of the developments 
pan outT said Van Damme, T think 
weve been preparing really weD and 
that can definitely help us when it comes 
time to budde down and put the results 

The OUA championships begin Feb. 
26 at the St Denis Cdnta with opening 
ceremonies set for430pni followed by 
the men and womens heptathlon and 
pentathloa The duration of the meet 
continues the next day beginning with 
the men and womens weight throw 
events and concluding with tire rekys 
and team awards in the evening. 



i lance 



@uwindsor lance 

& K? 


Windsor Spitfires Bounce Bulldogs Twice 
To Keep Up In OHL West Division Race 


Sports Editor 

Oh, what a difference a week makes in 
the Ontario Hockey League 

Coming off of a five game losing streak, 
the Windsor Spitfires swept a home- 
and-home series with the Hamilton 
Bulldogs on consecutive nights Ibe 
Spits now head into the seasonk 23rd 
week one point back of the Sarnia Sting 
in the race for top spot in a hotly contest* 
ed West Division 

The Spitfires began their week with a 
disappointing 4-1 km to fixe Soo Grey¬ 
hounds at the WFGU Centre Feb 18 
but snapped a nagging five-game losing 
skid with a4-1 win over the Bulldogs at 
the First Ontario Centre Feh 2D* 

Hayden McCooi netted his 12th of the 
year to opened the scoring late to ihe 
first period as he beat Connor Hicks 
with ail assist to Tyler Nother. After Lo¬ 
gan Brown scxired his 11th ofthesrasoa 
he and Christian Fischer hooked up to 
make it a 3-0 game at 16:15 of the sec¬ 
ond period, executing a picture perfect 
give-and-go on a 3-on-I rush. MacK~ 
enzie Entwistte got Hamilton on ihe 
board with just over one minute to (Jay 
in the middle frame, cutting the lead to 

Windsor Spitfires forward Christian Fischer shields the puck from a defender during OHL action against the Soo Greyhounds at the WFCU 
Centre Feb. 18. The Spits played on the eighth anniversary of the death of their captain forever, Mickey Renaud, who passed away from an unde- 

tected heart ailment, 

[Photo by // Kevin JarroldJ 

Mads Biter of the Windsor Spitfires looks to tip a shot past Brandon Halverson of the Soo Greyhounds 
during OHL action at the WFCU Centre Feb. 18, The Spits dropped a 4-1 decision to the Greyhounds but 
bounced back to defeat Hamilton twice to snap a five-game losing streak, 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

3-1, MartoCulina took over from there 
and made a key save cm a breakaway 
to maintain Windsors two-goal lead 
headed into die third Culira took the 
win alter an 18-save effort in goal while 
Aaron Luchuk put the ^meon ice with 

his 23td of the yearwhen he picked up a 
rebound and snuck it around Hides, 

Prior to the second-game ofthehome- 
and-home the next afternoon in Wind¬ 
sor, Spitfires assistant coach ferrod 
Smith said Gulina has been solid when¬ 

ever he has had his number called and 
was given his second start in as many 

'Tie was really good on a couple pen¬ 
alty kills and made some saves off of 
deflections he was able to react to so 

we thought why not ride the hot hand’ 
Smith said ’Tie made some big saves 
for us on breakaways and 3-on-Fs, Hes 
playing wdl and we’re confident with ei¬ 
ther guy in net” 

Windsor would fall down 1-0 to the 
Bulldogs 5:46 into the first on a marker 
by Nick Petti before Spitfires forward 
and Hamilton native Cristiano EfiGia- 
onto found the back of the net for the 
first time in 16 gpmes to ignite a large 
home crowd of 5,436 at the WFCU 
Centre Feh2L 

From that point on it was the line of 
Christian Fischer, Brendan Lemieux 
and Logan Brown who combined for 
nine points on their way to a resound¬ 
ing 6-2 victory over the Bulldog Fisch¬ 
er scored a pair of goals and added an 
assist while his line mates both picked 
up three helpers in thdr first game 
bade together after head coach Rocky 
Thompson had juggfed his lines in re¬ 
cent weeks. 

Fischer has exploded in his first season 
in the OHL after he was selected by the 
Arizona Coyotes in the 2015 NHL draft, 
his pair of goals pushed his season total 
to 29 to go alongwith 43 assists for a 72 
point total Fischer has been on fire in 
February, compiling 17 points in just 
three weeks. 

*1 think the focus I have coming into 
games has been to get pucks on the net 
and it seems to be working out” Fischer 
said. T haven’t put too much thought 
into the pros but my goal would be to 
make Arizona next year But weve got a 
month left here and playoffe, so in terms 
of goal-setting I think the first thing is 
trying to bring a Memorial Cup hem” 

Despite file pair of fosses the Bulldogs 
remain in the eighth and final play¬ 
off spot in the OHIs eastern confer¬ 
ence, Hamilton head coach and general 
manager George Burnett said he likes 
the competitiveness his team has and 
file responsibility his players have taken 
so fer this year. 

’The plan was to remain competitive 
and weve done that,” said Burnett *T>e- 
spite a significant amount <rfiquries<^ 
players have reponded and want to 
piay big minutes.” 

The dub will hosting OHL sniper Kevin 
Lebanc and the central division leading 
Barrie Cote at home -with a 7:05 pm 
puck drop Feb 25, before visiting a pair 
of division rivals in a very short time 
fame, Windsor will first cross the bor¬ 
der to battle the Flirt Firebirds Feb. 27 
bdbre traveling thrraighdut the night to 
battle the Soo Greyhounds with a 107 
pm the next afternoon 


Coach Bill Jones Triumphant In Return 
To Windsor Express Sideline 


Sports Edttcx 

The sheriff is bade in town and the two- 
time defending NBt Canada champi¬ 
ons are hoping the return of thdr head 
coach from a 20-game suspension wOI 
piopd them to a third straight league 

Windsor Express head coach and 
vice-president of basketball operations 
Bill Jones had been serving a yearlong 
suspension, resulting from an incident 
with the Halifax Rainmen prior to ^me 
seven in last seasons league final, whkh 
Led to Windsor being named champi¬ 
ons via forfeit In a release Feb, 20 the 

league ruled Jonesk suspatston would 
be reduced to 20 games in the 2015-16 
season after the Express filed a success¬ 
ful appeal to NBL commissioner David 
Magley and president Vito Frijia. 

A 97-93 victory over the Niagara River 
Lions Feb, 19 was Windsors 20th con¬ 
test, allowing Jones to return to the side¬ 
line after almost 10 months, accumu¬ 

lating a win-foss record of 96-56 since 


"Its means a lot to me tobe on the side¬ 
lines, basketball fe my life,"' lories said 
“After being here in Windsor for three 
years then having to $ft out the first half 
of die season [is tough]- But I had to 
take my punishment, I understood the 
rationale and reason for it and now Fm 
better and I just need to move forward 
and direct the Express on die right path” 

Alter droppir^ a t^ht contest to the 
Ijondon lightning two nights earlier 
on the road, Windsor rode the wave 
of emotion provided by thdr leaders 
return to a 91-88 wtn at the WFCU 
Centre Feb. 21, thdr fourth over the 
league-leading lightning this season. 

Brandon Robinson led the Express 
in scoring with 23 points, followed by 
Chris Commons with 22 points. Alex 
Johnson had another double digit scor¬ 
ing performance with 17 points and five 
assists, Tony Bennett had a game high 
13 assists and said with Jones bade at the 
helm along with his brother Tony, who 
led the team to a 10-10 record as inter¬ 
im head coach and will now serve as an 
assistant, the Express are a dangerous 

“Both of them are geniuses when it 
comes to this game This definitely 
makes us stronger going into the second 
haifT Bennett said“Bill brings a different 
kind of fire from a leadership standpoint 
and for me personally h& like a mentor 
so thate huge for me. Chris Commons 
and 1 were talking and we know some 
guys don't know how i& going to be. 
The intensity of a lot of things are go¬ 
ing to change and Tm happy to see him 
bade doii^ what he loves to da 

Rookie ShaquiBe Keith was in the start- 

Windsor Express head coach Bill Jones motivates his team during his first game back on the sideline against the London Lightning at the WFCU 
Centre Feb. 20, Jones served a 20-game suspension and will coach alongside his brother Tony, who was given the interim tag while Bill was away 

and led the team to a 10-10 record. 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

ing five once again for Windsor and put 
die Express on the board with a three 
pointer to open the game The light¬ 
ning would struggle to take care of the 
basketball, as numerous turnovers led 
to as many transition points and the 
Express finishing the first quarter with a 
28-17 lead Windsor would extend their 
lead by as much as 17 points with an 
8-2 run to begin the second frame and 
into halftime with a 48-36 advantage. 

Commons led all seems at half with 14 
points and finished the game with 21 

The Lightning battled back in the sec¬ 
ond half and tied the game at 65-65 with 
less than two minutes left in the third on 
a basket by Ryan Anderson Both teams 
exchanged points but it was Johnsons 
three point play and a Robinsom jump¬ 
er near the end of the third which gave 
Windsor a five point edge headed into 
the final frame. 

After Windsor took a 73-65 lead both 
teams exchanged soaring opportuni¬ 
ties Nick Okories jump shot for Lon 
dan brought the score one point with 
one minute remaining before Robinson 
made two free throws to extend Wind¬ 
sors lead On the final defensive stand, 
once agpin it was Commons making a 
play blocking a three-point attempt 
bf Akeem Wright with time winding 
down and seal the win for Windsor 
with a pair of free throws for a hard- 
fought 91-88 victory 

Stephen MaxwdI had a double double 
for tfe Lightning, with 25 points and 13 

Brandon Robinson of the Windsor Express drives to the basket past Ryan Anderson of the London Light- 
ning during NBL Canada regular season action at the WFCU Centre Feb 20. Robinson led the Express to 
a 91-88 victory over London by scoring a team-high 23 points followed by Chris Commons with 22. Alex 
Johnson had another double digit scoring performance with 17points and 5 assists while Tony Bennett had 

a game-high 13 assists, 

[Photo by //Kevin Jarrold] 

pdxjunds. Warren Ward had 18 points 

The Express are back in action at the 
WFCU Centre Fdx 26 to host the Or¬ 
angeville As with a 7:30 pm tip-ofEThe 
As have struggled this year but have 

scored two dose victories over Windsor 
this year. Of thdr 10 losses, four have 
come by a single point 

“My broths did a heck of a job coach¬ 
ing this team under the diuimstanoes 
but now its my job to come here and 

teach these guys what diamptooship 
levd basketball Is, what Express pride 
isf Jones said ‘Tiopefolly we can trans¬ 
form that onto he court and win some 
of those dose games which wiB hdp us 
achieve our godT 


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Application deadlines are as follows: 

• Summer Semester - March 15 

■ Fall semester - Early Bird applications will be accepted 
March 18 to 21 and additional applications will be accepted 
in the summer semester until July 15 

• Winter Semester - November 15 

Log on to mySuccess for more 
information or to apply now. 

Career Workshop 


Breaking Down the Dillon Hall Room 36c 

Career Decision Making 1 

Finding a Summer Job 1 Essex Halt, Room 237 


March! 10 am 

March? H :30.3m 

interview Skills that Get | DiUor Hall Room 351 
You Hired 

March 11 n 30 am 


Need help with your resume? Current University of Windsor students 
can drop in to our Peer Resume Clinic where a trained student 
will review your resume and provide you with feedback or give you 
information to get you started. 

W1MTER SEMESTER 2016 SCHEDULE (until April 8,2016) 

Mondays: 10:15 am -1:45 pm. International Student Centre 
[Laurier Hall) 

Wednesdays: 10:15 am -1:45 pm, Leddy Library, Comfy Seating Area 
(first floor behind cafe) 

Thursdays: 10:15 am - 1:45 pm, The Bookstore Meeting Room 
(near back of the Bookstore, CAW Student Centre) 

Check the Career Events Calendar in mySuccess for changes or additions 
to the hours or locations. 

1.30 pm 

Breaking Down the 
Career Decision Making 

Dillon Hall Room 3S1 

March K 

2:30 pm 

Insider Job Search Tips 

Welcome Centre, Room 1Q7 

March 17 

2:30 pm 

Cover Letters and 
Resumes that ROAR 

Welcome Centre, Room 107 , 

March 21 

1130 am 

Interview Skills that Get 
You Hired 

Essay Hall, Room 217 

March 22 

10 am 

Insider Job Search Tips inter nation at Liuden? 

Centre tLaujftet HalU* 
Room 204 

Cover Letters and Eduction Bui'dmg, 

Resumes the ROAR Room 1123 

March 31 11 !Q am 

Advanced registration for workshops is recommended, but drop-ins are always welcome. To register, go to mySuccess 
click on Career Events, and visit the Career Events Calendar 


Job searching * Career planning * Work experience • Career preparation workshops * Personal appointments * Resume critiques 
Mock interviews * Interest testing and assessments * Job fair and networking opportunities * Volunteer Internship Program |ViP| 

Co-op, Career and Employment Services www.uwindsorxa/ctes r mySuccess. htlpsj/ @CCES_UWfndsor D facebookxom/CCESUWindsor 

Career and Employment Services supports University of Windsor students and alumni. Our services are not available to the general public. 






As they head into the Ot/A find 

Ihc |VSO welcomed dancers c*tt 

Lx id bikers nmoi mmey far ihc 

four, out Lancers basketball 

their stage once ogam for what was 

Humane Satiety in an vffmita bneflfc 

program has won five, alt-star 

a utitiptt and perfect pairing Uns 

the ffigims many htnm on hiker gongs 

awards this week 


02 -» 

lhe CAW caklkmted mulh- 
cukymlism hist week with the 
annual Cddmtwu of the NationL 



News Editor 

The UhiveisiryofWindsor bdd itsyear- 
ly open house to attract prospective stu¬ 
dents to its pimiise 

The day filled the umvosity and had 
potential students spread out about the 
grounds learning about programs* resi¬ 
dence and much more The guides gave 
them a tour showing them the ins and 
outs of the university and gave them tips 
on how to make their experience the 
best possible 

This year, according to provost and VP 
of Academic, Douglas Kneale, the uni¬ 
versity sent out two busses to the GTA 

andhad tfraill^wjkjxxste yrant 

ing to come check out the campus. 

*T& been an awesome day and theres 
record numbers for this years March 
Opai House, 11 said Kneak. ‘This is sudi 
a team effort and everyone is doing an 
outstanding jobT 

Kneale said they used to have it on Fri¬ 
days but my moving it to a Saturday, 
they woe able to get more people out 
and parents could come as wdL He said 
it makes it a bit easier for people from far 

Zachary O'Gorman guided a small group through the university and gave them the ins and auts of UWindson 

[Photo by/J Caleb Workman} 

"We have great school spirit, an out¬ 
standing premise and we have an in¬ 
credible number of undergraduate 
and graduate programs^ said Kneale 
“Those are just some of the reasons 
UWtndbor is the best” 

Guide for the day and HK student 
Zachary OGomiaa gave tips to stu¬ 
dents about residaice among many 

other things. 

"Residence can get a tat pricey but after 
first year there are pkntyofhousing op¬ 
tions in the area,” said OGormaa ‘Any¬ 
time you’re saving money at the Univer¬ 
sity is a good time” 

Otk>rman said the studente all seemed 
very interested in what the University 

has to offer and it looks like there is a 
prumiang amount of students coming 
in this next year 

“The university in terms of human 
kinetics* has some of the best feculty 
members Fve ever met; 1 said OGor- 
mm “They actually care about the stu¬ 
dents, were not just a number and thals 
something a lot of students should con¬ 

sider when dioosirg a school” 

Kitchener local Paige Muitheh* guest 
at the open house, said the day was fun 
and aO the questions she had were an¬ 
swered She said she was looking at the 
sodal work program with honors in 
disabilities studies, Windsor, according 
to her, being the only one that offers the 
dud degree in the country 

Tm really interested in what the Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor has to offer and I 
have family in the area so rts a good 
choke especially with the spedfic degree 
Fm looking at being available here,” said 

Check out uwindsorca for more open 
house dates, 







TEXT 226-350-2582 FOR NO COVER! 



Concert Raises Funds for 
Windsor Essex Humane Society 


News Editor 

Hie Bad Examples baker comnuonity 
held a charity concert for the Windsor 
Essex Humane Society last weekend 

The concert featured a Rush tribute 
band and ACDC tribute band among a 
few others. The show took place at the 
WaScerville Theatre and special guest 
Justice the dog, current face of die hu¬ 
mane society, made an abearance. 

President of The Bad Examples, Jeff Le- 
fracots, said they saw die ad with Justice 
and they wanted to support than how¬ 
ever they ceaJd- 

“The humane society is sdf-funded and 
they need a lot of hdpT said Lefiancok 
“Therds no outside fondii^ so we came 
to the rescue and are trying to hdp them 

He said they're aH animal lovers at the 
Bad Examples and fbey picked up the 
idea and ran with it He said they’ve 
been supportir^ them for a whik but 
this concert is the fet btg thing they've 
done for them 

"We do a lot of charity work for different 
organizations in the community^ said 
befeaco& "This was great timing tor 
them and we were feeling very strongly 
to hdp diem ouL Everything worked 
out great” 

Leftacois said the group of bikers ate all 
just regular, family-lovn^guys who love 
to ride. 

Wete just a bunch of guys trying to 
hdp out," said Lefoancois. Were not 
fooking for the glory were not lookup 
for the fame. We just like to hdp out” 

Two Thirds of the Rush tribute > Mad Spy Machine pose for a photo in the greenroom of the Walkerville Theatre, 

[Photo hy//C(Ueb Workman] 

Drummer for Mad Spy Machine, the 
Rush tribute band Tim Scott said die 
cause is great and as soon as they heard 
about the event, they said yes. 

"The rause is great and we love doing events coming up arKlwete hoping they munity is great and The Bad Examples “They really go all the way when they 

what we can in the communityf said aOgothfcwdT wentail out with this and did morethan put on events and rfc great to see what 

Scott We have sane other charity Scott said die response tom the com- he could have expected theydoforthdreonimunityi said Scott 


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Academy Fundraiser Goes 
Leg Deep in Irish Dance 


Arts Editor 

With green being the predominant 
dothing and lighting color, the night 
was almost a prologue to St Patricks 

It was a celebration of Irish culture, or 
more specifically Irish dancing during 
the Ardan Academy pub night fund¬ 
raiser on the evening of Mar 4 'the Vo¬ 
ters Edge event centre served as a fitting 
way for patrons to be treated to some 
traditional Irish muse, complete with 
an inspired pub menu and, of course, 
culturally enriched dance performances 
from Ardan Academy students. 

With adance hall originally in Livonia, 
Mkh^an, the night marked a 30-year 
anniversary of toe academy's Windsor 
residence Among the teachers of the 
academy was Shannon Thoms, who 
said her mother was responsible for toe 
Windsor location, noting how its been 
growing pruvtorially ever met, 

I was going to classes in Michigan, and 

she just though 1 that Windsor should 
have itsown Irish dance school” Thoms 
said **Therds so many schools now 
from here to Toronto than there ever 
used to be^ whkh is niceT 

According to Thoms, toe age group for 
dancers usually fells anywhere between 
tore^aFd2Z noting how some do it fcr 
fun whik others treat it as a competition. 
Among those who orforace Irish danc¬ 
ing for the latter is 18-year old Morgan 
Muzzatti, whefe currently attending the 
Umveisfty of Windsor as a visual art 
magw with honors, 

Muzzatti has been dancing for ar least 
12 years, qualifying in both Canadian 
and North American championships. 
While sHefe dabbled in other forms of 
dance such as hip-hop and lyrical she 
finds herself nwre invested in the nu¬ 
ances of the Irish style. 

"You don’t use your aims, the dresses 
are very’ extravagant and different from 
ballet, lyrical or anythk^ like that, and 
its strictly leg and core strength!' Muz- 

Muraafti also ratfed how Irish dandng 
isn’t without seme fierce CDmpetititm, as 
they have thdr own regional national 
and world championships. She essen¬ 
tially related it more to ballet on princi¬ 
ple, saying theres plenty of fine-tuning 
and dedication towards what she ref¬ 
eree! to as a sport 

“Pretty mudi perfection is the essence^ 
Muzzatti said You need to train like 
you're in toe Olympics, and I find it re¬ 
ally drives me to do betted 1 

All proceeds from the fundraiser will 
go towards the dance halls competitive 
touring runs across the continent 

The senior group of Ardan Academy perform a routine during a fundraiser at Water’s Edge on the evening of Mar 4. 

[Photo by // Hatti Yassine] 


Canada’s Poet Laureate Comes to 
Windsor to Share Works and Words 


News Editor 

University ofWindsor professor; Marty 
Gervais, held a self-named event to pro¬ 
mote spoken word poetry; music and 
short stories, 

The event, hekl at Ateleir Viigjniaiine, 
brought out some local talent as well as 
Canada Poet Laureate, George Elliot 
Clarke, from Nova Scotia. The small 
venue was filled up and brought out 
mote than 80 people, a large portion 
from the University ofWindson 

Ckrke was the last performer of the 
night and shared work from liis books 
tf Wyiah Falk, Black and The Motor¬ 
cyclist; .'Viter hk performance, Ckrke 
dialed his thoughts on his appointed 
position of Poet Laureate and some of 
the things he wants to do that no one 
has done before, 

‘The Poet Laureate has always been a 
very background position and people 
have chosen to not do a totf said Qaike. 
Td like to be able to interact with differ¬ 
ent art projects across the country and 
hdp fond them in partnership with dit 1 

Parke said he is given money to fond 

projects but it isn’t enough for him to 
reach the goab he has set 

T think it would be something worth 
chasing to get Canadian poetry put on 
the back of Canadian coins and bilk,” 
said Clarke “The main thing k, I dorit 
want to be sitting at home, I want to be 
getting things started" 

Qaike said some of his other goals are 
getting poet maps put together to show 
off where Canadas poets have come 
from and creating a better art culture for 
Canada asawhok 

Oarices next work will be a true story- 
based off the life of Canadian Charles 
Spurgeo n Fletcher 

Gervais, University' of Windsor profes¬ 
sor, host and talent for the amt, said 
its amazing that they were able to get 
someone like Clarke to come out to the 
event but they were also really' excited 
for ail the Windsor talent who came out 
and took part, and assures there will be 
additional events like this in the near 

“We have so much talent in the area and 
the fact we can fill out a room like this 
is great to see” said Gervais. “Now that 
we know we have this much of a draw, 
we can start booking bigger venues and 
inviting more people.” 

A crowd of more than SO people gathered at the Aleteir Virginianne to listen to poetry ; music and short 
stories performed by local artists and Canadian Poet Lauriei, George Elliot Clark. 

[Photo by/fCaleb Workman] 

Marty Gervais, host and emcee of the event> shared multiple of his works including one of Canadian Poet Laurie t, George Elliot Clarke , shares from his book ofpoems, u Wylah 

the wed-responded to, “Praying and Peeingf Foils] 1 at the Marty Gervais presents event 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] [Photo by//Caleb Workman] 


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Foundry Show Pays Tribute 
to the Discontinued 


Arts Editor 

For curator and visual arts student Bri- 
ea-Qaskin Gay, its a matter of feding it 
in your hands, seeing the craftsmanship 
and the character, which comes with it 

“People understand paints and colored 
pencils, but they doht understand alu¬ 
minum and bronze and metal” Glaskin- 
Qay said ‘'When you see something, 
most people just see the final process, 
but they don't see all the beautiful work 
dial goes into it” 

From Feb. 29 to Mar 4 di e LeBd 
building's SoCA Gallery was home to 
the second annual Foundry Art Show 
Roughfy two-do^en works were on dis¬ 
play with the bulk of them showcasing 
the melting and molding of aluminum 
casts and other mataials to encompass 
a meiailk sculpture 

For Glaskin-Clay and fellow curator 
Becky Listo foundry arts distinction 
comes from how it prides itself on tex¬ 
ture and imperfection. They said cre¬ 
ating a sculpture, whkh in itself is an 
extensive process, never turns out the 
way youd expect through this meth¬ 
od Yet when a piece hits its final stage, 
you learn to accept the inevitable dews, 
which come with it 

'The great thing about those processes 
is each niistake is not actually a mistake 
its your own workmanship, its your 
own hand and it helps make your piece 
unique,” Lisk said 

From instrumental replications to intri¬ 
cate busts, there were a variety of sculp¬ 
tures on display, which demonstrated 
how the students put the foundry to 
use. One sculpture which found itself in 
the middle of the gallery was "Point and 
Shoof from student Evdine Csomor. 
Itk a design, whkh is thematically on ihe 
nose, but no less effective. The sculpture 
consists of the body of a camera com¬ 
bined with the body of a rifle, winch 
doubles as the cameras lens. 

Csomor created the sculpture for a proj« 
ect she ended up Ming, yet she said 
upon including the work in the gallery, 
it sparked a fair share of conversation. 

The story can go both waysT Csomor 
said "All it takes is one shot to 'make £ 
but there are a few conversations Fve 
had about the other side of % where 
sometimes people dorit want to have 
their photo taken.” 

In what is a celebration of the foundry 
is also a bit of a send-off as well With 
the impending move to the downtown 
core from LeBd dated for 6112017, the 
foundry will be a resource excluded 
from the new building, replaced with a 
3D modeling and printing system lisk 
said there were attempts in petitioning 
to keep it and finding an alternative 
casting process for the new building but 
she said a lot of the concerns 61 wfthin 
border safety. 

*We tried pushing for it, but it really 
just came down to the emissions of the 
new building,” lisk sakL Tedinotogy is 
making its way 3D printing is evolving 

*Point and Shoot" from Eveline Csomor is on display during the second annual Foundry Art Show from 
Feb. 29 to Mar 4 at the LeBei buildings SoCA Gallery „ 

[Photo by//Hani Yassine] 

and thafr the nextstep for soilpture.and eringhowftwasalsoavailabte makes this art sdioddi^iiictinjtsdf 

that can be exciting into own sense." members and local artists for a fee. 'Xc^outonthatkindf^histor>;i6a 

A«ordii^toljEkll«onJyotherfbund- Be it an exceeded emission cap or oth- Me bit depressing,” Glasicin-C3ay said, 

ry in the province is located in TorontOs erwise, daskm-Gay feels the university "We’re trying to just remember what 

York University, and believes i£ a gem will regret the exclusion a year or two it was about and really portray all the 

being thrown away, especially ennsid- down the toad, losing a part of what lxautify sculptures dial crane out of it” 

My Journey to be the Very Best 


News Editor 

There are few games that reach out 
and have the ability to make you want 
to spend countless hours on them and 
there are even fewer that stand the test 
of time. 

In my journey through gaming, both 
casual and hardcore, theres only one 
game where I can switch from genera¬ 
tion to generation at any time and still 
enjoy it as mud* as when it first came 

Originally released in 1996, “Pakemotf 
stole the hearts of children around the 
world inducting my own, I started play- 

mg a few years later but"Fokemon Red 1 
was the first one I ever picked up and 
started playing 

My experience with Red was countless 
hours of nothing dse but training my 
one starter Ttokemon 1 - Giarizand, 
obviously - and rushing through to beat 
the champion and my rival of whom I 
named fbohead The experience - riv¬ 
eting die battling - amazing and my feel 
of aoDomplishment - nothing to com¬ 
pare to. 

I took the concept of “FokemorC that 
being to catch them all and completely 
ignored it but still enjoyed rcsy experi¬ 
ence to what I thought at the time was 
the fullest 16 funny how as you grow up 

you team more about everything, even 
fifing you thought you knew years aga 

Since my initial play through when I 
was five, I have gone bade and played 
Red multiple times, I still have the same 
cartridge. On top of that, Fve gotten to 
experience “Fokernon” six more times 
with all the new generations, spin-offs 
and iterations of each game. 

With these new generations and replays 
of many, I have learned a lot about the 
g^me whkh I Lgraned initially such as 
'catching them all breeding, individual 
values, effort values and so much more 
that the gime has to offer. 

In terms of living a life in a garner 
TbkemfHi ’ is the game that most in¬ 

spired people to want to be in that 
world and live that life It looks like 
people might actually get the opportu¬ 
nity’ to live that like with the upcoming 
“Pokemon Go” but tha6 another story. 

From Generation 1 to Generation 6,1 
have not missed one and the experience 
is changing but I will say it has always 
stock true to what it is, evsi if theres 
lacklustre with the designs. 

Many people complain the series lacks 
originality and the compel fector that is 
required for people to play but to that I 
say as tong as new Fokemon are bang 
released as long as new experiences are 
available and as tong as the Pokedex is 
ever evolving and changing, "Rtenon" 

wfll always be a major player in the Irves 
of many 

Vs a game where you can be as casual 
or hardcore with. There are no Unfits to 
how far you can go, other than 99, but 
even then theress always more to expe¬ 

w Pokemon” has been and will always 
be something I can go back to and en¬ 
joy. Bfc not by any means my favourite 
game but no other game has ever had 
the drawback factor that this series has. 

I took forward to the future of 
Tbkemon" and the release of the 
upcoming tides “Ftokemon Go” and 
M Fokemc3n Sun and MoonT 


UWSA General Elections Candidates 2016 













































start go anywhere 

MARCH 10 2016 * UW1NDSORUNCE CA ff 7 

Nursing Group Hosts Pediatric Safety Talk 


Arts Editor 

Room 203 of the Toldo building was 
filled with nursing students and fecuity 
alike for a recent medical seminai: 

The Seaibdt of Healthcare was held on 
the chilly morning of Mat 2. It aimed to 
highlight file direct link between nurses 
and patient safety in the profession of 
pediatrics and beyond As the title sug¬ 
gests* nurses are referred to as seatbelts 
of health care due to the extensive time 
they spend with a patient compared to 
other medical staff 

“We are ihe patient advocates, but we 
are also the last people before the patient 
receives care, so we are the protectors 
of the patienC said fourth year nursing 
student and Patient Safety Champions 
member Larissa Sdmmi 

The featured speaker of the event was 
Annette Scott, who serves at the Uni¬ 
versity of Michigan^ childrens hospital 
as a dinical nurse specialist in pediatric 
intensive care The objective of her talk 
was to discuss the role of her job from 
the medical insight to the day-to-day 
duties and responsibilities. 

1 am next to the frnrrtiine workers, and 

today fd like to share a little bit about my 
journey of quality and safety Scott said. 
“The reason I choose a seatbdt theme is 
because trauma is my expertise and ba- 
sis of my thesis? 

The talk is part of the Patient Safety 
Learning series from the student-nurs¬ 
ing group Patient Safety Grampians. 
The PSC tend to act as Tote mod&s” 
of patient safety, accorefing to member 
and fourth year nursing student Padma 
Rad. They host numerous seminars 
pertaining to a variety of professions 
and topics related to medicine, all while 
trying to engage any issues or inquiries 
brought forth by students, 

“We are the liaisons? Raei $akL “Stu¬ 
dents at a particular level who come 
across some dinkal issues related to 
patient safety they can come and tdl us 
and we try to work with them and make 
the system safer? 

For the PSQ the essential point from 
this talk is to underline how patient 
safety is a mandatory action and how 
nurses are the first line of defense when 
it comes to contending with it 

“Because youVe so present with the pa¬ 
tient all file time and you re taking care 
of them, they express to you ihat the/d 
like more inftMrnation,” said PSC mem¬ 
ber Hannah Sweilem 

Gi#esl speaker Annette Scott speaks to nursing students at the Seatbelt of Healthcare seminar at Rm 203 of 

the Toldo building Mar. 2. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine) 

The Oscars in Review 


The Lance Contributor 

Oscars season has come and gone once 
more, leaving in its wake equal parts 
controversy and celebration 

Despite the #OscarsSo White boycott 
calling out the Academy for its dear 
lack of diversity in nominated artists, 
the 88th Academy Awards carried 
on as always, Chris Rock hosted the 
evening—whether accidentally or in¬ 
tentionally remains a mystery for now, 
and made sure the issue stayed in the 
forefront of die audiences mind with 
his monologue, (Although his tasteless 
jabs directed at Asian-Americans M flat 
with basically everyone.) 

Im making it my goal to see every film 

thatfs ever been nominated for an Os¬ 
car, Kind of a bucket list thing, nibe 
starting with this yearfc and working 
backward Luckily, Fve got afewalready 
checked off my list 

That being said, ithand to form any 
opinions on who “deserved* an Oscar 
this year without seeing all the work 
from die nominees I got a little caught 
up in the hype (as I often do) and man, 
was my Facebook feed a mess the night 
of the Oscars, People were so, so ob¬ 
sessed with the possibility of Leo getting 
theOscar, I fed like hes liad work thats 
deserved the award in the past, but as 
far as “The RevenanT goes, HI have to 
watch it and form my own opinions I 
mean, the trailer looked really good 
when I saw it, and it did win the Oscars 
for Cinematography and Directing, 
so praise is obviously deserved either 

way Fve heard mixed opinions on 
whether or not Leo deserved his win for 
Best Actor, but baskaliy everyone seems 
to agree Tbm Hardy diouldve won an 
Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. To 
be honest, I was hoping Nto Damon 
would win Best Actor because 'The 
Martian” was really incredible; Im not 
normally a Damon fanatic blit he with¬ 
out a doubt killed it in his rote. 

On to the movies I have seen from this 
years nominations. 

As I mentioned. The Martian.” Wow. I 
give partial credit to the feet that it was 
adapted from Andy Weirs novel of the 
sametiile. Hemustbearealgpodwrit- 
er at the very least because the story was 
incredible. The casting was amazing 
too; not a single actor felt out of place or 
unbelievable I really wish it had won al 

feast one award 

Tnskfe Out? Pixarfc 2016 dnematic hit 
and winner of the Oscar for animated 
feature film Absolutely deserved The 
concept in itsdf is really interestir^ to 
wateh unfold in a femily film ^ touches 
m mental iDiteSs/unrest vdien the 
character begins to descend into what 
appears to be depression. Its a really 
beautiful real look at the struggle 

Artistically, Pixarisstillat thetopofthdr 
game, Really happy with thdr win, 
though in my mind nothing else stood 
a chance 

“Mad Max: Fury Road” I cannot praise 
this movie enough 1 really cant Itwas 
a total ride from start to finish and in ray 
opinion, deserved every single Oscar it 
won. I really wish the Academy could 

give out more than one Oscar for each 
category because “Mad Max 1 deserved 
basically all of them Ihaveritmetasin- 
gfe person who disliked the movie, with 
good reason; the acting is incredible* the 
atmosphere is phenomenal, and artisti¬ 
cally it is an absolute masteipteee Tore- 
cap it won Oscars for Costume Design 
Fdm Editing, Makeup and Haiistyling* 
Production Design, Sound Editing and 
Sound Mixing, If you haverft seen it, I 

I look forward to watchii^ the rest that 
is for certain. As for the future, YU be 
baking for and hoping for more diver¬ 
sity in upa>ming roles and more nom¬ 
inees from all backgrounds, because in 
my opinion theres no reason why in 
2016 #OscarsSoWhite should’ve even 
beeoathing. Congratulations to all the 
nominees and winners! 

'what m yboy may dick\ 



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Arts Editor 

The coocat at the Capita Theatre on 
the evening of Mar. 5 was headlined 
as collaboration between die Wind¬ 
sor Symphony Orchestra and HNM 
Dance, a contemporary dance compa¬ 
ny based in die dty While the collabora¬ 
tion did indeed happen as promised, it 
really didn't factor in until the veiy end, 
essentially encompassing only a traction 
of the evening^ two-hour program 
The bulk of the concert belonged to 
die works of two composers: Johannes 
Brahms and Jean Sibelius, Those ex¬ 
pecting a greater emphasis on dance 
could have waited out tuidenfldidined; 
yet there was an unexpected charm in 
the event being classically classical 

Some of the Symphony's previous 
shows have placed a larger emphasis on 
musical and stage variety. This concert 
instead tones it down and largely detiv- 
ere a purdy r musical concert performed 
with the utmost predsfon and care. The 
night began with Brahms' “Serenade 
no, 2 in A major” a piece consisting of 
five movements mainly possessing a 
light-hearted spirit Both string and 
wind performers were the only mu- 
adam on stage during this portion, 
weaving dirough the serene, joyous 
melodies arranged by the composer 

With fewer musicians on stage than 
usual, it fed to an oddly refreshing ex¬ 
perience as it provided the indination 
to pay extra attention to the notes heard 
The Brahms arrangement was a fun 
one, with the exception of “Adagio non 
troppoT which balanced light and dark 
tones with contrasting tempos. Between 
die constant rising and defusing actions, 
it carried a contemplative atmosphere 
all while keeping to the fabric of the 

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra collaborated with Windsor’s HNM Dance during a concert Man 5 at the Capitol Theatre 

[Photo by II Hani Yassine] 

movements pnxeedingarHlsucreeding 

Mowing the intermission, the stage 
was rearranged for the Impending 
ence of die HNM Dance group. Before 
they took the stage however; there was 
still Sfodhis “Pdkas et Mrfisande” to 
deal with, an eight part arrangement 
telling a tragic love story This section 
featured the induston of brass and 
drum instmments, and in between the 
segments performed, conductor Robert 
Franz filled the audience in as to what 
was going on (hiring each piece and 
how the musical tones reflected the sto¬ 

ry. Ks a wdl-appredafed bit of insight as 
“Pefieas et Mdisande” is feiriy plentiful 
in variety by relieving and applying die 
audience with muskal pressures which 
underscore die narrative, keeping this 
going until the final piece: “The Death 
ofMdisande” Despite Franz* playful de¬ 
scription of the finale, ife certainly tragic 
and harrowing by design. 

Finally, there was the headlining act 
Twelve performers from HNM Dance 
book the stage to perform to Bohuskv 
Martinus “Toccatae due Canzone' 
gest piece of the program, but the most 

unusual It didrifc move at any struc¬ 
ture or convention, which reflected the 
dancing on stage. Truly dressed in noth¬ 
ing but tattered rags, HNM had all eyes 
on them as they interpreted the auditory 
dements, which lay before them. 

The experience was fascinating, but also 
a bit frantic As they frequently bounced 
around on stage, wM in mannerisms, 
they sometimes acted as a coflective 
while other times they were fragmented 
in their performances With interpretive 
dance, thefts always extensive room for 
ambiguity Yet with no details pertaining 
to the piece or the style of dance being 

conducted, it was occasionally difficult 
to raimprehend just what was being 
conveyed, almost as if it were an act of 

Regardless, the dancers did exhibit 
remarkable control taking over the 
stage in a near effortless way Instead of 
sprinkling the performances in between 
other parts of the program, the show 
saved it for last wfth a near 20-minute 
performance, ensuring the dance is the 
last thing people remember upon leav¬ 
ing the Capitol Theatre. For better or 
worse, you end up getting exactly what 
you expect 

HNM Dance perform their routine during their concert with the W$G at the Capitol Theatre 

Man 5 . 

[Photo by II Hani Yassine} 

HNM Dance took the front of the stage during their performance at the Capitol 

Theatre Man 5, 

(Photo by II Hani Yassine] 

MARCH 10 2016 » UW1NDSORLANCE CA // 9 

International Women’s Day Brings More 
Than 450 Women to Fogolur Furlan 


News Editor 

VVfomen of Windsor celebrated Inter¬ 
national Womens Day with style at the 
Fbg&ir Furfan with a night of dinner, 
raffing, speaking and fashion. 

The main evert of the night featured a 
ikshion show by SEAA Couture, a new 
local doching line. Ihe event brought 
out over 450 people and ail proceeds 
went to the Our Lady of Guadalupe 
Home which houses mothers who have 
difficulty supporting their diikiim 

Diane Bortotm, organic for the event, 
said'she was more than overwhdmed 
by the community response this year 

It just keeps getting bigger and bigger 
and wete almost having a hard time 
keeping up with everything," said Borto 
tia “The women of this dty and county 
are amazing and having a night like this 
help® recognize erne another and have 
some fun while doing it' 1 

'Hie evert was held March 4 ahhot^h 
International Womens Days tails on 
Maidi 8 this year. Bcrto&i said this is so 
they could bring cwt as many people as 
they amid an the weekend 

“The cause were doing this for is truly 
one needed in our dtyT said Bortolia 

• iyiiritiitwiiiiiii 

the child they either have had or are 
goir^ to have We supported them last 
year and were continuing to support 

Guadalupe Home teaches women how 
to cope with any lifestyle changes af¬ 
ter having a child and he^s them with 
schooling and anything dse they may 


Paula Sovran-Cdkvino, the owner and 
creator of 5EAA Couture, showased 
her new business for the to time at the 

1 asked if the group would allow me to 
hold the fashion show for die evert after 
the New Yeaif said SovranCbUavina 
*1 didn't have any product at the time 
when 1 asked but they agreed and I 
took the challenge oa It turned out bet¬ 

ter than I could have thought" 

Somn'Coflavino said her dothing 
business works in all sizes and does cus¬ 
tom works as welL 

"International Wamexfc Day b some¬ 

thing that hdps vrtjmen be rrcognized 
for everything that they doT said Sovran 
Cotkvina "Bdng a stay-at-home modi- 
er is a job in itself and tonight hdps por¬ 
tray that and reward the women who 
do that" 



Arts Editor 

Within a three in a half hour window, 
it could be safe to say the CAW Com¬ 
mons area was under the banner of 

Flag? waived high and with pride when 
the Celebration of Nations kicked off 
its ninth annual ceremony Mar. 3. For 
anyone who walked to the CAW Cen¬ 
tre throughout the afternoon* they were 
subjected to a truly grandiose display of 
numerous performances, which were 
inherent to an immense variety 1 of cul- 
tuieSv fust about every continent was 
covered during the celebration, high¬ 
lighting the univeratyfe glowing distinc- 
tion in being a diversified campus. 

YXir university, because of so many 
people hoe, of so many different back¬ 
grounds, really lias the opportunity to 
send a message that the world can do 
things in a different way* said President 
Akn Wikieman in his address, 

A growing UWmdsor tradition, this 
years celebration featured an influx of 
hundreds of students of countless back¬ 
grounds. On top of being a celebration 
of Internationa] unity; it was a celebra¬ 
tion of campus diversify as well 

'"Here at die University of Windsor, we 
have hundreds and hundreds of inter¬ 
national students thar come every se¬ 
mester, and we want to make sure they 
feel at home*' said Amy Bui emcee and 
volunteer coordinator of this years cd- 

There was plenty of singing and dane- 

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of Windsor 

Theflags were out m full force during the opening ceremony of the Celebration of Nations, which occurred at 

the CAW Centre Mm X 
{Photo by // Hani Yassinej 

North American* and in many of our "Obviously the CAW’S open space til¬ 

ing on display bom nations including 
Pakistan, lebanon and China But on 
top of this were a series ofbooths struc¬ 
tured as a horseshoe in front of the stage, 
providing education on the cultures 
and traditions of countries around the 
world From Afghanistan to Slovakia, 
students represented their nations with 
the purpose to highlight their individual 

“What really stands out tor us is the tra¬ 
dition we have, and the culture is very 
diflerenC said Sam Had] regarding the 
African nation Libya 'The traditions 
that we follow now are from those we 
Mowed a thousand years ago!’ 

Arnoi^* the national booths on display 
was Serbia, located between central and 
southeastern Europe, previously part 
of communist Yugoslavia. One of the 
students behind the booth was Vuk 
Zubic, who wished to highlight Serbia® 
contribution to the world stage, partic¬ 
ularly through scientist and alternating 
current inventor Nikola Tesla On top 
of finding the focal community to be 
tight knit with an emphasis on heritage, 
Zubic believes its a nation which has 
done so much out of a population so 

"A Jot of people have heard about our 
athletes, they 1 hear about one of our bril¬ 
liant scientists, and people sometimes 
forget to realize that were a country' 
with a population of only 7 seven mjffioa 
Thafs not a lot of people!* Zubic said 

With all the countries showing thdr 
banner, one gpup, which may laid to 
be ov^edodked are the ones who Initially 
inhabited this continent Russell Nah¬ 
dee is part of the Aboriginal Education 

Centre, which aims to provide support 
to aboriginal students and begin dis¬ 
cussions when it com© to campus in- 
digenization With a booth set up along 
with many others, Nahdee wanted 
people walking away knowing first na¬ 
tions people are part of the international 
stage* as puffy shown in the drum aide 
which occurred in the beginning of the 

cultures, what we caD North America is 
Turtle Island" 

The event was an amazing display of 
unify and individuality, at least accord¬ 
ing to UWSA student senator RJ DAgu- 
ikr. With the reception undeniably suc¬ 
cessful it also led to a rather cramped 

corporates windows and whatever else, 
but the Ambassador Auditorium has 
a more linear space!’ DAguilar said. 
“Thered be a lot of center space, Youd 
have a horseshoe on one side and the 
stage area, and then yoiii have the entire 
open space in the middle!' 

With that in mind, and this year’s cele¬ 
bration completed, the University will 
look forward to ridtf yestfs celebration, 
as the overall message of cultural diver¬ 
sify resonates on campus. 


"People realty lake it for granted in some 

way or maybe also they don’t know that 
we're part of the fabric of tiffs country!' 
Nahdee said “We consider ourselves as 

environment* as there was little breath¬ 
ing room to operate in and around the 
commons aim One thing DAguilar 
beBeves could improve the event for its 
10th anniversary is a larger space* com¬ 
ing with a suggestion at hand 


An aboriginal drum circle is the first of many performances at the Celebration of Nations Everyone in the CAW commons area had that eyes drawn to t)ie stage during the 

Mar 3. Celebration of Nations Mar 3. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine) (Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

A Chinese interpretive dance was performed at the Celebration of Nations Mar 3. 

(Photo by U Hani Yassine] 

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Crystal Bowl Meditation 
Provides a Path to Acceptance 


Arts Editor 

Tracey Rogers, the owner of White 
Feather Hofistic Arts, said then; are es¬ 
sentially only two chokes. 

"You can either accept what & or strug¬ 
gle apinst what isT Rogers said 

Thiswas the basis ofthe Crystal Singing 
Sowi Meditation, which she hdd at har 
arts centre on the evening of Mar. 2. The 
lights inside the filed with the likes 

of healing aysfcak, tarot cards, healing 
hooks ami jewdry were dimly lit as a 
small, yet focused group of people par* 
tidpated in a meditation of acceptance, 
Rogers said holding this session was a 
simple matter of intuition, which is also 
influenced by the lessons of spiritual 
teacher and heater S latl Kxihn 

M I& been helping me out in my own life 
sol thca^it l would try to find a way to 
take some of those teachings and kind 
of (vi them into a medition so that 
other people codd gain that peace and 
sercniyr Refers sail 

Rogers served as the meditation prac¬ 
titioner, emitting the noise from each 
of die seven crystal bowls which laid in 
foot of her while everyone eke dosed 
their eyes and drifted Each bowl is said 

to reflect the seven chakras, which are 
in relation to specific body parts. The 
st^e was more or less set for what was 
a moment to find an inner calm* which 
paired will an intense auditory experi¬ 

With eyes firmly dosed and te^ and 
arms uncrossed the meditation begins, 
with theetemenfcs to guide you bdng the 
echoed tranquility from the bowls and 
Rogers’ narrations. It projected those 
engaged into a river where they simply 
flow wfth the stream, constantly moving 
forward and never bade It served as a 

dear metaphor for removing.the weight 
cf our personal pressures 

Every day in a persons life, theres a 
struggle to endure or an obstade to 
overcome, and a lot ofthe times we do 
this without thinking about it so con¬ 
ceptually These struggles can some¬ 
times cause stress and a degree of sad¬ 
ness. The meditation conteixled withaD 
these fotots, wishing to highlight while 
a person may have a variety of strug¬ 
gles, accepting them may be better as 
opposed to letting them be a source for 

Like the river, a person continues to en¬ 
dure through whatever hardships ky 
before them. One key concept to take 
away from the meditation is the strug¬ 
gles will eventually be overcome when 
they need to be In short, its a matter of 

The lights were dimly lit in White Feather Holistic Arts during the Crystal Bowl Singing Meditation on the 

evening of Mar 2, 

[Photo by//Hani Yassine] 


Tf were sad, bdng with that H'were joy- 

fid, being with thaC Rogers said “What¬ 

ever in this moment right now being 
with that is what IsT 

Perhaps its a l 

er, while there will always be some sort 
of struggle in life, these dements can 
tally be amplified or mulled depend- 

ing on how you decide to chanrad diem. 

Lancer Hoops Rack Up Five All-Star 
Awards Prior To OUA Final Four 


Sports Editor 

fl is conference all-star award season 
for OUA winter sport athletes and this 
past wed, the Windsor Lancers bas¬ 
ketball program hadthebotxiuroftwo 
men and three women bdng selected 
as dther a first-team all-star or to the 
aU-rookfe team for the 2015-16 regular 

The Lancer mens lone aB-star reripieni 
was thdr filth war senior captain and 
dynamic leading scorer Akx Campbell, 
who was sdected as a first-team OUA 
all-star at guard alter averaging over 21 
points per game in the ngukr season, 
Windsor native freshman guard Isiah 
Osborne was named OUA rookie of 
the year and a member of the afl-rook- 
ie team afro 1 he became an immediate 
contributor in his freshmen season, 
averaging 15 points and nearly five re¬ 
bounds per game while starting in afl 20 

confers and shooting 36 per cent from 
beyond the three-point tine 

Campbell further legitimised liimsdf as 
one ofthe best players in the OS wtet 
he registered 70 points. 15 rebounds, 

seven steak and two blocks over the 


course of two playoff victories last week 
against the Latirentian Voyageuis and 
McMaster Marauders Aiguabty one of 
the best oonditiofied athletes in the GS 
as well, Campbells dominance on the 
floor was a much-needed presence in 
the playofis and resulted in head coach 
Ryan Steer atfowir^ his star to play in aU 
but three minutes of those two games. 

"(it has a lot to do wkhf game-day 
preparations on all of our coaches part 
and coach Steer pitting us in great 
portions to be successful in games’ 
Gampbdl said "But ukirrmely in those 
moments ft is up to us to execute on the 
court and rise to the occaskmT 

Ihe Lancers wfll now travd to Toronto 
to battle the host Ryerson Rams at the 

Mattamy Adiletic Centre in the second 
semifinal of the OUA Wibon Gap Final 
Four. Windsor handed Rymon one of 
thdr two losses this season and will look 
to subdue the MAC oowd early and 
truly earn a road victory against the top- 
ranked hosts. With a victory, Windsor 
would guarantee themselves an OUA 
medal but also a berth in the OS Final 8 
tournament at the University of British 

"(This opportunity] definitely means 
a tot , especially under all the circum¬ 
stances we've had to foe," Campbell 
said *We were here last year and to 
know that we have the opportunity to 
redeem oursdves is a blessing’ 

Representing the Windsor womens 
hoops squad on the OUA all-star team 
this season are Lancer co-cspaim 
Cheyanne Roger and Emily Prevost, 
who both averaged over 14 points per 
game and shot over 49 per cent from 
the fidd over the oourse of a 15-5 regu¬ 
lar season whkh culminated in another 

OUA West division regular season tide 
for the program and head coach Chan- 

li is the second consecutive season Rog¬ 
er is a first-team all-star selection alter 
leading the conference with 40 blocks 
and was top 10 in league scoring with 
147 points per game while converting 
an 75.4 per cent ofher free throws. Rog¬ 
er is a third-year human kinetics major 
and also finished ninth in the confer¬ 
ence with 8.6 rebounds per pie 

Alter three seasons in Windsor Prevost 
k now' an OUA all-star for the first time 
in ha* career. The human kinetks ma¬ 
jor finished die season dgfrth in two 
categories * field goal percentage at 493 
and rebounds per game with 9Ll white 
the Montreal native also averaged 143 
points per game and played in all 20 
regular season contests Windsor would 
qukWy move on to win a pair of playoff 
games over the Lamkr Golden Hawks 
and Carteton Ravens thk past week and 
headed into the inaugural Critelli Cup 

Final Four* Prevost and the Lancers 
dear focus is reaching the QS womens 
drampiQnsfaip hosted at the University 
of New Brunswick 

Tm obviously'very proud of fmy team- 
mates], they're hard workers so its nice 
to see that pay off* Prevast said. "Now 
its time to take all that hard work and 
put it towards Friday's game and the 
chance for us to qualify for nationals," 

Alter earning a starting role during her 
freshman season and her contributions 
to Windsors success, Kaytee Anagnos- 
topoulos was selected as the Lancers 
representative on the aU-rookie team. 
The Waterloo native finished the season 
averaging 6.1 points per game on 84 
percent shooting and 23 rebounds per 

"Its been great playing with hesf team 
captain Prevost said ‘"She brings a lot of 
energy with her hard work and any¬ 
one feeds off of it Its contagious” 


Lancers Diggi n g Deep To Bring Home 
CIS Track and Field Championship 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Lancer mens track and 
field team and the program^ interim 
head coach liave received OUA major 
awards this week after winning their 
23 rd indoor track and field champion¬ 
ship in the past 26 seasons. 

Mem team captain Corey Bellemore led 
the way for the hometown Lancet and 
was named the OUA Track MVP tor 
2015-16 ibr performance this season 
Bellemore, a crinftnoiogv and sociology 
student-athlete, won gold in the 4x8CX) 
metre relay and three silver medals in 
the 600 metres, 1,000 metres and 4x400 
metres relay at OUA inside the Dennis 
FairaH Fieldhouse Fdx 27. Bdlemorc 
is the the 10th student-athlete from 
Windsor since 2000 to be named MVP 
but said he was more exnted about the 
potential of his leant to win a CIS team 

"We have a great group and once again, 
have a family like environment with¬ 
in die team,” Bellemore said “Dennis 

lancers interim head coach Brett Lum- 
fey was named Bob Vigars Cbadi of 
the Year after leading the Lancers* mem 
team to their 23 rd provincial champi¬ 
onship in the past 26 seasons. Lumley 
joined the Lancers in 1998 asa part-time 
assistant and was hired fulltime in 1999 
to coach the jumps and mufti-events. 
This is Ins first OUA Mens Coach of 
the Year aw r ard After a dominant OUA 
meet and the men running the table as 
the OS top ranked team, Lumlev has 
full confidence in his squad at CIS, not¬ 
ing they are sharp and in good liealth 
which is always important 

“Were strong and we are healthy so 
well put ft out on the track and see what 
happpensT Lumley said 

Once again this year, Windsor ran away 
with the meA OUA tftk by racking 
up 174 points, 31 points ahead of the 
second place Guelph Gryphons who 
finished with 143 points and the West¬ 
ern whoplai^d diirtl with 96 

points. On the womerifc side, the Lanc¬ 
ers finished fifth overall at OUA with 
77.5 points. 

Matt McLaughlin of the Windsor Lancers is a member of Windsor's 4x400 metre relay team which w 4B took 
to strike gold at the CIS track and field championships at the Toronto Track and Field Centre Mar. 10 -12. 
The Lancer men are ranked first headed into the three-day meet while the women are ranked sixth , 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold) 

[FairaE] has always said team spirit can 
gst you at least 10 points so we plan on 
expressing those words this weekend 
al York, fts been an impressive year for 
everyone. [From} school records to big 
personal bests and an OUA champfon- 

The Lancers took home only four gold 
medals on day two of the competition 
and proved once again team work is the 
key to winning champfordfripsasabal- 
anced team effort was the key to locking 
up the OUA tide, courtesy of fhe 4x200 
meter relay team offaiden Brown, Chris 
Kramer, Shavon Harding and Bdemaro 

BonnambaJam who raced their way to 
first place in a time of 1:28.74. 

Windsor earned top three finishes in 
five events at the meet, indudir^ Co¬ 
rey Bdlemore and Alex UEman in the 
mens 600 metres, Taylor McArthur and 

Padjamkofwskiinthe 1,500 metres and 
Qim Waugh and Milos Savic in the 
pole vault. Brendan Wilhelm eaptureda 
silver medal in the higjh jun^ while the 
4x400m relay team also brought homea 
silver in thdr final race of the day. 

Lancer captain Eli Pawiiw and team¬ 
mate finished 1-2 in the mens shot 
put and are ranked 3rd and 4th in the 
evert headed into fire OS champion¬ 
ships hosted by Yotk University. Over¬ 
all Lancer throwers combined for big 
points for both the men and women 
and throws coach Celine Gibb said she 
was very' proud of my athletes and the 
fantastic job they did 

'% is right where we need to be heading 
into OS. The field side of things really 
picked up a lot of points,” said Gibb, 
who is the Lancer womens shot put re¬ 
cord-holder. "It wifl be interesting to see 
what the other conferences can put to¬ 
gether and see what the rankings are but 
everything is looking good so feiT 

Lumley was also appreciative of the 
points productions from the teams 
throwers and gave Gibb full credit as a 
young coach for getting the most out of 
ho - athletes. In total nine throwm will 
represent Windsor at OS with eyes on 
reaching the podium. 

"Cdine has really put that program to¬ 
gether;* Lumley said “She was taught 
under Mike Miller who was a fantas¬ 
tic throws coach and she has taken 
fire reigns and made that program lier 

For fiie Lancer women, the 4x40Q 
metres relay team of Mamh Wilson, 
Tichina Jones, Stephanie Shaw and Em¬ 
ily Graahen placed third overall with 
a time of 3:5529, while Sarah Milton 
brought home silver in the shot put 
with a throw of 15.20m. Virginia Mc- 
lacftiin also captured a sOver medal in 
the womens 60 meter Ambulatory race 
with a time of 10.10 Caftlin MdCforkin 
won the OUA bronze medal in wom¬ 
ens tong jump with a seasons best 5.80 
metre perforniance and said ft was a 
long time coming but die feds it was 
well-deserved after years of dedication 

“Tve put in a lot of work for this and 
there are still OS to come so anything 
can happen,” McOuridn said Tm ex- 
dted to go compete for the first time and 
Tm definitely looking forward to it. 

The OS track and fidd diampionshqjs 
begin Mac 10 at the Toronto Track and 
Fidd Centre and will conclude after a 
three-day meet Mar. 12. 

ships, we plan on ending the season on 
a very high note ; 

The Windsor Lancers women's track and field team are ranked sixth headed into the CIS track and field 

championships in Toronto Mar. 10-12 • 

[Photo by // Kevin farrold] 


Women’s Basketball Move On To Play For 
Inaugural Critelli Cup in Nation’s Capital 


The Lance Contributor 

The Lancer womens basketball team 
earned the progtian&ei^Tfo consecutive 
trip to the QUA Final Four and a chance 
to carve their name on the newly-mint¬ 
ed Critdli Cup with a pair ofplayoff vic¬ 
tories over the Laurier Goidm Hawks 
and Carieton Ravens this past week 

Head coach Chanial Vailee and the 
Lancets began their playoff run with 
an 82-76 win over the Laurier Golden 
Hawks, defeating them for the third 
time this season and silencing the OUA 
West rivalry until nest season That 
victory earned the sixth-seed Lancers a 
rematch on the road against the third- 
seed Carieton Ravens, who scored an 
top-sided win over Windsor early in 
die year. This time foe Lancers used a 
dominant second half perfomianoc to 
come out on top of foe rough and tough 
Ravens 60-48 in Ottawa Mar 5* 

VaBee said she told her players when 
ttey first started out this season the 
teams realistic goal was to simply be 
a top-6 team. But now that they have 
earned foefr way into the OUA Final 
Four, their original realis£ic§palhasna£- 
uraHy evolved as welL 

“[Carieton] was a very hard win for us 
We had to |day very hard and play very 
wdl in order to beat foem? VaBee said T 
am especiallyvery proud of my veteran 
players, who have been seen before as 
role players, but have since grown tobe- 
come team leaders I am also impressed 
by foe degree of growth of my rookies* 
whom I 

athlete* but have now growing as dite 
athletic performers” 

Lancer co-captain Roger, who had the 
games only double-double with 17 
points and 10 rebounds said her team 
knew it would be tough game but never 
once gave up, 

**We knew we oould do it as toi^ as we 
performed worked hard and followed 
our game planT Roger said. "Our vets 
definitely had strong performances 
both offensively and defensivdy Yet 
our rookies Tyra [Blizzard] and Alyssa 
[Cerino] also came in and gave us some 
great minutes, so it was a great team ef¬ 

From foe opening tip-off Carietoris 
top-ranked defense was tested and ul¬ 
timately would not be enough to deny 
the Lancers on this day. Windsor raced 
outto a 8-4 lead earfy in foe tint quar¬ 
ter before foe Ravens fought back with 
a 6-0 run to stop foe bleeding. At the 
end of a low-scoring first haK foe home 
team held a 26-24 lead. But in foe third 
quarter itwas foelancers who came out 
gunning offensively with Emily Prevost 
leading foe way inside foe paint and 
Carfy Steer dro^^5-pc^bdnbs be¬ 

yond foe arch. Roger held court defen- 
fody for the Lancers and finished foe 
contest with five blocked shots. 

Prevost also a team co-captain, finished 
a strong two-way game performance 
with 17 points and nine rebounds to 
help secure the vital win Steer finished 
the g^me with 19 poiitts ate knocking 
down five triples. 

“We knew it wasn't going to be an easy 
game, but we persevered through the 
bumps and finished strong,” Prevost 
said 'Were very excited to have another 
week of basketball preparation for foe 
Final Four” 

Ravens forward Heather Lindsey was 
ultimately on foe bench with four fouls 
midway through the fourth quarter and 
the Lancer^ exploited her absence on 
foe offensive gbsa. Prevost and Roger 
exchanged baskets while Steer con¬ 
tinued to knock down big foots fiom 
the perimeter Ate bang down by as 
much as 17 points, 1he Ravens finally 
suoaimbed by 12 points ate a sea¬ 
son-low 48-point offensive output 

While Lancer starting guards Caifiyn 
Langmuir and Kaytee Agnostopo- 
lous did not put up 1% numbers, they 
moved and distributed the ball to thdr 
scorers while also keeping foe Ravens 
off the scoreboard The Ravens foot 
25 per cent from foe field as a result of 
Windsors defensive pressure and al¬ 
though they converted on 14-15 free 
throws, none of the Ravens scored fin¬ 
ished m double figures. 

In other OUA quarterfinal gam®, the 
top-ranked Ottawa Gee Gees handily 
beat Guelph 55-43, while MacMaster 
defeated Queens 65-55 and foe sec¬ 
ond-ranked Ryerson Rams completed 
foe semi-final brackets by knocking off 
Western out of foe pky-offs 80-64, Hav¬ 
ing upset Carieton, the Lancers will now 
tip-off against the Rams, who Windsor 
defeated in an eariy-season contest at 
the St Denis Centre, 

“[This] is going to be a big one,” Roger 
said. 'Were matched up against Ryer- 
son which is great We beat them our 
fourth game of the season and we are 
now a completely different team. Our 
vets have lots of experience in these 
types of games so therefc no added pres¬ 
sure, since we have a lot of time to pre¬ 
pare We just have to show and get it 

The Lancets now return to Gttawas 
Montpetit Hail to battle Ryerson in the 
first of two semifinal games with Me- 
Master feeing foe host Gee Gees after¬ 
ward The winners ofboth games faring 
off in the Critdli Cup final and will have 
punched their ticket for a tr^p to the na¬ 
tional CIS Final 8 tournament in New 

VaBee said she has reminded her young 

Windsor Lancer women's senior guard Caitlyn Longmuir drives past a Laurier Golden Hawks defender 
during OUA basketball first-round playoff action at Dennis Fairall Fteldhouse Man 2. The Lancers their 
rivals from Kitchener 72-69 and advanced to the OUA Final Four in Ottawa Mar 11 after dominating the 
Carieton Ravens in the second half of their second-round match-up in Ottawa Mar 5,63-48* 

{Photo by // Kevin Jarroldj 

Windsor Lancers forward Emily Prevost cuts through two Laurier Golden Hawk defenders and scores a 
basket during first round playoff action of OUA women** basketball at the Dennis Fairall Fteldhouse Mar 
2. Prevost and the Lancers beat Laurier 72-69 and then went on the road to defeat the Carieton Ravens 63- 
48 to advance to the OUA Final Four in Ottawa Mar 1L 
[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold} 

players not to worry about letting down show up not only as athlete, but as perhaps even their own p^conceived 

foeprogmnjhovreve^asshefedsthae healthy people who have now found human limitations I too must fully 

are much bigger stakes on foe line than success in the most stressful situations,” show up as a teacher/ coach, to embody 

provincial or national foamptonship& yallee said "Having met afl of foe oth- the lessons I have impressai upon them 

f^herpfeymandfe CT goals and deadlines and even have come game day For that I need a little 

“Whats more important is that they exceeded foe expectations of most - prayer from back home at tunes, 1 


Campbell Leads Men’s Basketball 
Team Back To Wilson Cup Final Four 


The Lance Contributor 

The overlooked and underrated Lanc¬ 
er mem ba&etbdl team were kd by 
fpaduating senior Alex Campbell and 
overcame the odds to win two straight 
p^Hrffbaskrtbali games and daw their 
way bade into the OUA Wilson Cup Fi¬ 
nal Four, 

A wild week for interim head coach 
Ryan Steer and the Lancers began 
with a 82 - 73 win over the laurentian 
Voyageurs in the preliminary round of 
the OUA playoffs at the Dennis RuraD 
Fiddhouse Mar, 1 Three days later* 
Windsor knocked off the Off fifth- 
ranked McMaster Marauders, 79-78, 
in Hamilton for file teams l Lth straight 
victory. Windsor now advances to the 
final four* hosted by file Ryerson Rams 
at the Mattamy Athletic Centra in 
downtown Toronto Mar, 11 and 12, 

For Campbell who scored 37 points 
against Laurentian and followed up 
with 33 over McMaster, getting bade to 
file find four was a statement to the rest 
of the OUA 

“Ultimately; it was about revenger 
Campbell admitted “They counted us 
out once again with the toss of a couple 
players and our head coach. But we con¬ 
tinue to throy|ji^^^ f .ati^| 
out important games, 16 a good feding’ 

In their opening game* Windsor got 
a career-high 37-point, 10 rebound 
double-double outburst from Camp¬ 
bell but struggled against Laurentian 
ball screens, whkh forced second half 
defensive adjustments for the Lancers, 
who trailed 36-37 at the half The Voya¬ 
geurs, who were file 12 fii seed in the 
provindak, racked up 16 points in the 
paint with seven second chance points 
and four points off of turnovers in the 
first 20 minutes of pky atone 

“For the team it was a matter of more 
team building, because for a tot of our 
younger players fifis was their first play¬ 
off win so 1 was excited for themf said 
Campbdl “Our offense fell flat in the 
2 nd half so as a fifth year senior the 
weight fell on my shoulders to hdp us 

Campbell scored 21 of the Lancers 36 
points in die first half and went on to 
score 16 more in the second but fortu¬ 
nately for Windsor, point guard Mike 
Roccas alkymop dunk pass to Isiah 
Osborne to open the second half woke 

up the home town crowd and began 
to swing the momentum in fevor of 
the Lancers, After 14 lead changes, 
Rocca drained a three-pointer in the 
fourth quarter to stop a Laurentian run, 
giving them a nine point kad and the 
cushion needed to cruise to victory, 

Rocca finished with seven points and 
five rebounds while an additional 18 
points came from Osborne with 12 
points fiom Tyler Persaud and eight 
from Marko Kovac The most import¬ 
ant statistic for file Lamm was their 19 
- 21 performance from the free throw 
line, which was instrumental in secur¬ 
ing the win, David Aromolaran scored 
25 points to lead three other Voyageurs 
who scored in double figures. 

After his first career OUA playoffvicto¬ 
ry, Steer foreshadowed Windsor would 
need a gutsy effort to pull out a victory 
over Mdvtaster and thafe exactly what 
he got three days later. From the open¬ 
ing tip, the Lancers rebounded well 
and ran with McMaster in transition, 
radr^; out to a 23-15 first quarter lead 
McMaster was abk to torn the tables 
on Windsor mid-way through' the sec¬ 
ond quarter and eventually pulled them 
into a 40-40 tie at halftime. 

The second half saw the two teams bat¬ 
tle back and forth, trading baskets and 
defensive stops on each possession. Al¬ 
though McMaster made their push, the 

ranked Marauders from tMng the lead. 

Windsor held a seven-point lead with 
two minutes remaining* and although 
they committed some ill-timed turn¬ 
overs in the final minute, the Lancers 
hdd on for the one point victory 

Once ^am, Campbdl led file way with 
33 points to lead all scorers, Osborne 
scored 18 points and Kovac scored 
10 points in the victory while Persaud 
achieved an important 11 -point and 
a 10 rebound doubie-double perfor¬ 
mance, Leon Alexander and Troy 
Joseph scored 18 and 10 points respec¬ 
tively as the only two players to reach 
double figures for the Marauders. 

Rocca said the most important factor in 
Windsors vktory over Mdvlastar was 
the simple feet they played with heart 
and wanted it more, 

“Tha 6 what it comes down tooT Rocca 
admitted “We executed our game plan 
to make them beat us in the half court 
and limited their transition points, Fni 
so proud of each player for the sacrifices 
they made all year and now i& pacyii^ 
off Nobody believed in us except for us 

Windsor Lancers leading scorer Afex Campbell scores at the basket during OUA first-round playoff action 
at the Dennis Fairall Fiddhouse Mar. 2, Campbdl scored 37points in an 82-73 win over Laurentian before 
leading Windsor to victory over the McMaster Marauders with 33 points in a 79-78 triumph 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

and it feds amazingT 

When the game dust settled the Lancers 
walked away with not only a redemptive 
upset but extended their season by at 
least two games and a shot at an OUA 
medal First and foremost. Steer said his 
squad needs to get rested after playing 
four games in less than one week. From 
that point on - ifs all business. 

fii 5 tgame*fitatistheonlywaywea»i- 
trot our fete in getting to the CIS Final 8 
tournament,” Steer said“We know both 
mateh-ups are against good basketball 
teams and we need to be ready for an- 
other spirited effort from start to finish." 

The lancers will bank the host Rams in 
their OUA semi-final game Man 11 at 
8 pm, while the earlier contest features 

the Ottawa Gee<kes and Carieton Ra¬ 
vens, The OUA bronse and gold medal 
games will be played the following eve¬ 
ning at 6 and 8 pm White the Lancets 
have already beaten the Rams early in 
the 2015-16 season, both teams are very 
different and are much improved 

As for what now Bes ahead, Camp¬ 
bell, the Lancers “silent assassin" said 
nowthat his first major goalofthesea- 
soo has been adiieved, the opportunity 
to return to the MAC to face Ryenon, 
Ottawa and Carfeton is something he 
does not take for granted * 

"This definitely means a lot, especially 
under all the druimstanoesweVehadto 
face? Campbdl said tr We were here last 
year, and to know that we have the op¬ 
portunity to redeem ouisdves is a bless¬ 
ing. I am very exdted with the opportu¬ 

nity to kngfiien our streak even more 1 ’ 

16 notable that although the Carieton 
Ravens have won 11 of the last 13 na¬ 
tional M*^3ee CIS Champfomhips, the 
notorious Ravens head coach, Dave 
Smart has taken sabbatical and the 
last of his five year proteges in Phil and 
Thomas Scrubb are not longer in the 
Carieton fold neither. If ever there was a 
seasonal moment that the University of 
Windsor was poised to wm ifs first na¬ 
tional championship in decades - this 
may be that moment in time. 

It can only hdp that the ament coach 
at tte helm of the Lancer brigade was 
the starting guard for their last pro¬ 
vincial dianiptonship in 2008 and like 
Campbell has more than just a missed 
opportunity at the provincial level on his 

Guest Lecture Provides Insight on Dog Fighting 


Arts Editor 

ft is a culture,whkh can be baked upon 
as oueL distorted and even depraved 

Part of the Animals for Sport and En ¬ 
tertainment course; guest lecturer Dr 
Stephen Zawistowski spoke to students 
about the history and disturbing ca¬ 
maraderie associated with dog fighting 
inside room 204 of file Toldo building 
on the morning of Mar, 3. The course 
has been around for the past few years 

with Professor Beth Daly acting as in¬ 
structor, Given the extensive credentials 
Zawist 0 wsld has in this particular field, 
Daly found him tobe an ideal fit to raise 
awareness on the subject 

1 met him when he was a keynote 
speaker at one of my anthro- 2 odogy 
conierences, and I had several meetings 
wifii him m New York when he was still 
with file ASPCA, and as my luck wuld 
have it, he retired to Michigan," Daly 
said “I try to have a guest speaker every 
year, so its really terrific'' 

Zawistowski served time as a science 

advisor hr the ASPCA and is also an 
adjunct professor at New Yorks Hunter 
College He began his lecture ai a broad 
scope and slowiy worked towards more 
specific details. Animal fighting, he not¬ 
ed, has been around for centuries with a 
variety ofanimals all over the woridlna 
for example, cock fighting is not only 
legal but is considered a sport He also 
said humans tend to alternate the men¬ 
tality of animate in order to make them 
more aggressive, 

“What we start to see is people becom¬ 

ing more and more involved with the 
entertainment and desire for animal 
fighting if we start attenuating some of 
their natural behaviors,” Zawsstowski 

With dogs bang domesticated ani¬ 
mate, there lends a stronger reflection 
between the animal and its owner Za- 
wistowski highlighted how dog fighting 
was legal for years* with policemen and 
firefighters acting as top practitioners. 
He examines the logistics of the fighting 
itself and how a dog will tend to keep 

According to Zawtstowskf calling a dog 
“dead game” is the single greatest com¬ 
pliment one can receive in the world 
of dog fighting, as its a label for those 
vriRsng to fight to the death. Couple with 
the do^ usually being raised undo-re¬ 
markably poor conditic^ 
to the depravity within those who par¬ 
take in the activity, 

"You've got to think about the sort of 
culture and mentality that they're look¬ 
ing for in terms ofa dog thatwill do that, 
and the presumption that this dog is do¬ 
ing it for you,” Zawistowdti said 

16// MARCH 10 2016 » UW1NDSORLANCE.CA 

Men and Women’s Hockey 
Ready To Reboot In 2016-17 


Sports Editor 

A disappointing season for both the 
men and womens Windsor Lancer 
hockey programs did not end in varsi¬ 
ty triumph and glory but according to 
their coaches the future is very bright 
with youth, skill said untapped potentiaL 

Although the womens team did not 
qualify for the post season, their year 
definitely ended on a positive note with 
three Lancers sweeping the OUA scor¬ 
ing race podium. Windsor's high-octane 
top line of Krystin Lawrence, Shawna 
Lesperance and Erinn Noseworthy fin¬ 
ished in foe top three positions in overall 
scoring. Lawrence led the way with 31 
points while Lesperance finished with 
30 and Nosewrthy registering 29. Les¬ 
perance also led the league in goals with 
19, while Lawienceplaced first overall in 
assists with 18 and Noseworthy was sec¬ 
ond in assists with 16. Natalie Barrette 
was the leagues second-highest scoring 
defenseman, registering 17 points while 
sdidifying the blue line for Windsor 

Looking bade on file regular season, 
Lawrence admitted it was hard to be¬ 
lieve what she and her Sine-mates were 
able to accomplish in the second half of 
the season after head coach Jim Hunt¬ 
er needed offensive production alter 
Windsor went winless until their sev¬ 
enth game of the year 

"We’re a dangerous threat us three to¬ 
gether and hopefully with us ail coining 
back next year [along] with this accom¬ 
plishment and having new recruits 
come in, it wiB even make us that mudi 
bettetf Lawrence said. "I can’t wait for 
what thethreeof us do next” 

Lancer mere head coach Kevin Hamlin 
had as many as nine first-year players 
in file roster as Windsor pushed the 
Gudph Gryphons to the brink in game 
three of their opening-round playoff 
series. Windsor knocked off the York 
Lure in overtime to finish their regular 
season with a 14-13-1 record and earn 
the fifth-seed in the OUA West division 
No Windsor players were found to the 
top-five of any regular season statistical 
category but the offensive leaders were 
Dyla i Penomme and Justice Pundas, 
who both collected 29 pewits and regis¬ 
tered double-digit goals in file Hue and 

Krystin Lawrence of the Windsor Lancers won the OVA women’s hockey regular season scoring title for 2015-16, finishing with 31 points on 13 
goals and a league-leading 18 assists. The Lancers finished the regular season outside of the OVA playoffs but have the potential to 

return their entire roster. 

[Photo byH Kevin Jarrold] 

Fust-year gpahendere Hake Richard 
and Mike Doan both performed ad¬ 
mirably for the Lancers this season The 
two net-minders split time during the 
regular season and had similar num¬ 
bers in sorts, wins, total goals against, 
goals-agamst-average and save percent¬ 

Hamlin said hopefully the earty-exit in 
the playoff, will inspire the Lancers to be 
better next year and likes the promise of 
some ofhis first and second year players 
who were contributing members of the 
team but didn’t get much of an opportu¬ 
nity due to numbers. 

Tm hoping they come in with a re¬ 
newed energy and knowing what it 
takes at this level,” said Hamlin. "What 
we’ve known about this league all along 
is that its a veteran league but having 

veterans come back is not as important chrjstou skaies t f, e up ice against the Laurier Golden Hawks during OUA men’s hockey regular 

as hungry vetaans coming bade and i& season action at South Windsor Arena earlier this year. The Lancers finished the regular season 14-13-1 

» b, in* 0 R». our gup bu, b.n*J a in <h'optnlng ro.nJ. f*,OVApl.,off> .fur luting game 3 In oyer time t. 

to remember how this fdi and diannd [Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 

that into a posits *............ . . 


Hodgson Headlines Lancers 
Volleyball OUA Award Recipients 


Sports Editor 

Four manbens from each team in the 
Windsor Lancm volleyball programs 
have been recognized by the OUA for 
their aca>mplishments during the 201S- 
16 season this past week 

Lancer womens head coach Lucas 
Hodgson was awarded the OUA West 
division coach ofthe year after he led his 
squad to an 11-7 record in the regular 
season after finishing last season with 
a 6-13 record and missing the postsea¬ 
son. Hodgson previously won die award 
in 2008-09 when he was the head coach 
of the Brock Badges and becomes the 
first head coach at Windsor to win the 
award ance 1996. 

After a season which saw her finish 
third overall in kills, Lancer senior mid¬ 
dle blocker Shannon Dean was named 
to the OUAs first all-star team whik 
setter Lauren Sliding was named to the 
second team. First year Jade Ziebarth 
was recognized for her contributions 
with an OUA all-rodde team nod 

ing the league in total points with 2855 
on 215 totalkills and a.378 hitting per¬ 
centage through 19 matches and also to¬ 
taled 27 solo Hocks and 31 service aces 
this season. The fourth-year develop¬ 
mental psychology major; also named 
on die aU-roofcie team in 2012-13, has 
now been named an OUA ail-star for 
the third time in her career. 

Moving forward. Dean believes Wind¬ 
sor wifi be weD equi^ed for next sea¬ 
son, as more girts on the team have 
experienced what its like to be a starter. 

T put a lot of work into this season 
and set a lot of small goals for mysdf, I 
really wanted it to be die best season of 
my career” Dean said T fed as though 
l accomplished that and the first team 
all-star is just the cherry on top for me. I 
couldntask ior a better end to my career 
here as a Lancer and to have two of my 
teammates and coach recognized with 
me 1 think is huge for this program and 
the progress weVe made together this 
year. They know what it will taker 

After transtbring to die University 
of Windsor this season to pursue her 
masters degree in human kinetics, 
Lancers setter Lauren Stirlii^ did not 

From left. Brad Gyemi was selected the QUA’s all-rookie team, Josh Edwards was rewarded with a 
second-team all-star selection while John Moate also finishd on the QUA all-rookie team. 

[Photo courtesy of golancers.caj 

Dean was ranked in the OUA Top 5 for miss a beat and was selected to an OUA 
a number of statistical categories. Lead- all- star team for the fourth time in her 

career. Stilling was a welcome addition 

From left. Shannon Dean, Lauren Stirling and Jade Ziebarth were honoured their regular season success 
with OUA all-star selections this past week. Dean was a first team all-star, Stirling a second-team all-star 

and Ziebarth named to the all-rookie team. 

[Photo courtesy of] ^ 

the Lancers, as she totaled 565 assists 

iitan average ofSJi per seL Above all 
other intangibles Stirlings leadership 

and skills were a crucial component to 
the Lancers regular season success and 
playoff run. 

An Ottawa native, Ztebarih had a stand¬ 
out rookie season with the Lancers, 
playing in all 19 games and becoming 
a go-to offensive player as the regular 
season progressed In total, Ziebarth 
notched 131 kills and 450 attacks for a 
total of 157 points. 

The Lancer mens vdteybafi team 
earned three OUA all-star nods of their 
own after winning die regular season 
under head coach James GraveDe with 
a 7-13 record Middle blocker Josh 
Edwards was named to the OUA sec¬ 
ond-team all-star team after returning 
to the Lancers after a few years off and 
finished Ifts career with a successful sea¬ 

Edwards finished second in the con¬ 
ference in hfttir^ pereaitagp while also 
earning a third place finish for solo 
blocks with 27. Tlirougjtout the season, 
Edwards experience and maturity were 
key 7 for the young Lancer squads devel¬ 
opment and success this year. 

As humble as he is athletic and power¬ 
ful, Edwards graciously appreciated the 

recognition but said he fobs the true 
reward is playing the game of volley¬ 
ball itself and believes Windsors pair of 
all-rookie team selections will be a key 
factor in the immediate success of the 

TVeB deserved selections;" said Ed¬ 
wards of Gyemi and Moate 'With ded¬ 
ication to increasing strength and skills 
in the offseason, there is nothing stop¬ 
ping lhar potential on the court With 
experiencing diaBenges of position and 
line up tweaking tlirough the season 
and developing humility through a lot 
of tough fosses, I fed the cohesion will 
be very high next season with tills a syn¬ 
ergy in support and rratuniy will lead to 
a lot of success” 

lancer rookies Brad Gyemi and John 
Moate round out file accolades as they 
were named to the OUA all-rook¬ 
ie team. Gyemi and Moate each had 
strong freshman seasons for Windsor, 
as Gyemi led the team in total kills with 
176and had 85 digs fiuough°ut the sea- 
sore Moate fin^hed the season with 110 
total kills, 24 digs and was second over- 
all on the team with a kill percentage of 

A More Centralized Way for OSAP 


News Editor 

Recently; Canada^ government an¬ 
nounced the elimination of tuition fees 
to families who make under $100,000 
a yea l 

Something that has also happened 
alongside this is the changing of OSAP 
and how its becoming more centralized 

and easy. One of the biggest changes 
with OSAP will be the elimination of 
tuition and education tax credits, whidi 
will begin Sept 1,2017. 

Marian Doll, student award and fi¬ 
nancial aid, said OSAP is looking to 
combine about three different funding 
grants into one Ontario Student Grant 

"In terms of the amount of assistance 
students are going to receive, I dorft 
think its goii^ to be much different than 

what they are already 7 recavii^ under 
the current program," said DoE “There 
will be some students who benefit more 
from tiliis structure and it will be less dis¬ 
advantageous overall.” 

Doll said litis is separate from the Lib¬ 
eral governments new schooling idea 
of free tuition for certain families but 
she sad there are some things with that 
which people should keep mindful of. 

“The changes could possibly bring 

file net tuition zero but ifs not free in 
the seme of the word,* said DHL 'The 
granting will cover tuition and the 
school is still gettii^ paid per head, fam¬ 
ilies making under $100,000 might see 
the free 1 aspect ofit though.” 

HESA blogger, Alex Usher, tuition is 
only free in terms of net’ tefttfoa 

“Fees are the same as they always were, 
and offsets are reasonably similar, tooT 
said Usher Tn most cases, students ar- 

ent getting a whole lot of new moneyf 

Usher said in his blog, students in fam¬ 
ilies over the $110,000 range are slightly 
worse oft* due to the disappearance of 
tax credits, 

rt A lot of these concepts have been run¬ 
ning around for years, 1 * sad DdL U A 
lot of the changes OSAP has made are 
made from student consultation and 
careful studying of the current works." 


Spitfires Fall To Frontenacs As 
End Of OHL Season Looms 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires dropped two of 
three contests this past weekend sand¬ 
wiching a victory over the North Bay' 
Battalion between losses to the Sarnia 
Sting and the Kingston Frontenacs. 

Windsor b^an die last thre«Fgame in 
three-night stretch of the year with a 2~ I 
setback to the rival Sting on the road at 
the RBC Centre in Samk Mar 4. The 
spitfires pnxxvded to travel back home 
and doubled-up united 
lalion 4-2 the next day, setting up a na- 
tionally-tdevised showdown with the 
Eastern conterence leading Frontenacs 
infrom d" over 6,200 fens in attendance 
at the WFCU Centre Mar & 

Spitfires centre Logan Brown had three 
points with one goal and two assists and 
Windsor would register 46 shots on 
goal and score three power play goals 
against the leagues best penalty-killing 
link - but ft would not be enough on this 
dby a^inst the CHIi 8th-ranked major 
ntntorhodrey dub The Frontenacs saw 
six different players score timdy goals, 
sending die Spitfires to a6-3 km 

Despite the loss Spits head coach Rocky 
Thompson said he liked the way his 
team played with dbdpiine but could 
not overcome a solid goal-tending per¬ 
formance from Kingston^ Lucas Pcrres- 
ini, who mack 43 saves. 

'We generated a tot of shots and a tot of 
scoring chances but we weren’t able to 
bear down^ Thompson said ‘Whether 
it was ffie gnaltender or us just not get¬ 
ting puck up when we needed to m 
certain situations. Our power pfcty was 
good - they are the best power play in 
the league and we were able to genaate 
three goals which is definitely tare* fd be 
surprised to see they have given up that 
many in a game before. But five-on-five 
we were good tocT 

Kingston stormed out to a 2-0 lead at* 
ter the first period before Logan Brown 
put the Spitfires on the board with a 
poww play marker ai 5J6 with assists 

Windsor Spitfires defenceman Misha Sergachev circles back into his own zone during OHL action against the Kingston Frontenacs at the 

WFCU Centre Mar. 6. Windsor out shot Kingston 46-28 but fell to the 
Frontenacs 6-3* 
lPhoto by // Kevin jarrotdj 

from Christian Fischer and Brendan 
Lemkux. The Fronts would then score 
two goals within a two minute span 
when Los Angeles Kings prospect 
Silencer Watson scored Kingston^ third 
goal of die game before Ryan Verbeek 
ended Spits goalie Mario Gulinas night 
when he scored just past the nine min 
itte mark in the second Culina gave up 
four goals on 14 shots before Mike DtP- 
teteo took over in net and finished with 
12 saves in relief 

Lemieux would score his 32od goal of 
the year on a power play shortly after 

the goalie change but Kingston^ Ryan 
Cranford scored unassisted to maintain 
the three-goal lead headed into the final 
frame. It lode Windsor nearly 11 min¬ 
utes before Brad Latour tallied on the 
powa- play to cut the deficit to two but 
the Spkfires could score no more, even¬ 
tually Hling 6-3^^ 

credited to Julio Lammikko rounded 
out the scoring* 

Mistakes proved costly Id the Spitfires 
in the contest as Hayden McGool noted 
Kingston superior ability to finish plays 
when taking advantages erf' Windsors 


‘Tt$ hard to pinpoint certain things but 
sometimes were just not getting the 
bounces our way; McCod said “But 
thals part of hockey; 46 shots is a lot of 
slicrfs in a game and its tough not getting 
a tew more goat but by bearing down 
and having a good net presence these 
shots will start going in for usT 

With only five games remaining in the 
regular season schedule, Thompson 
and his crew wifi now tom fiteir atten¬ 
tion to their next battle against the Sling 
a! the WFCU Centre Mar 10, Windsor 

overage forward Connor Chatham said 
they will take the good with the bad 
from their loss to Kingston but the Spit¬ 
fire mind set is simple when it comes 
to their final games and eventually die 
OHL playoffs. 

“We*ve been playing playdfhockey now 
for the past month ever since Samia 
started gaming on us so its mrthing new 
to u$T Chatham said "Rocky doesn't let 
us take any days off so the intensity for 
other teams is ramping up and getting 
better but we've been bringing the same 
effort for a while nowf 

Film Review - Kung Fu Panda 3 


The Lance Contributor 

The panda with panache for martial 
aits returns once again in "Kung Fu 
Panda 3** Directed by Jenifer Yiih Nel¬ 
son and Alessandro Carioni this third 
iteration oflfo (Jack Black) still manages 
to stay strong by depicting a meaning¬ 
ful narration meam for aU ages. This 
time around Kai (JJC Simmons), a yak 
has transcended into the mortal realm 
by stealing Master Oogways (Randall 

Puk Kim) chi and has fonnulated a ne¬ 
farious plan to create his supernatural 
army by defeating all the other kung fu 
masters and finally confronting Bo> the 
dragon warrior. 

'Hus is a personal journey for lb as he 
meets his biological father and finds out 
that there are other pandas like him. The 
late of China is m Fos hands as he along 
with his Master Shifii (Dustin Hoff¬ 
man) and his friends* Tigress {Angelina 
Jdtek Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy 
Liu), Crane (David Cross) and Monkey 

(Jackie Chan) must face Kai and restore 
peace to the land. 

With each sequel "Kong Fu Panda" 
has managed to retain its charm and 
only gets better every time. The ani¬ 
mations are stick and the visuals beau¬ 
tifully compliment the characters and 
the worid they reside ire ffo might be 
the least intimidating dragon warrior 
who stumbles in Ks demeanor every 
now and then, but that aspect is what 
has made these films special The film 
evoks themes of responsibility and the 

evolution of Bo and that works in the 
films favor. 

Like the predecessors, this film too is 
abom ft* discovering his true potMkl 
and what he is capable of as a dragon 
warrior Regardless of that feet, it is an 
enjoyable experience and never has a 

dull moment 

With an unparalleled gusto, ‘TCung Fu 
Panda T propels itsdf even further to- 
wards greatness and in no way has it lost 
its sheat Bo still has many tricks up his 
sleeve or should I say the Wnd finger 
hdd to enchait the audiences. 


Express Hope To Get Boost From 
Kansas Alumni Sherron Collins 


Sports Editor 

After healing the rival linden light¬ 
ning blit then dropping consecutive 
games to the Niagara River lions and 
Orangeville As this past week, the 
Windsor Express are hoping the addi¬ 
tion of a former NCAA champion and 
NRA-kvd guard will give them the bade 
court depth needed to win a third con¬ 
secutive NBL Canada championship, 

An inconsistent week from the Express 
be^n with their fifth victory over the 
Ughtning, a game fitted with dou¬ 
ble-digit comebacks and multiple lead 
changes. Windsor puDed out a 119-112 
final score at the WFCU Centre Man 
3. The next night the River lions came 
to town and took it to the two-time de¬ 
fending league champs after a tight first 
quarter and puBed away with a 1Q4-S! 
on Windsors home floor during Mili¬ 
tary Appreciation Nigh* at the WFCU 
Centre Mar. 4. 

Two days later, fire Express travelled to 
the Aihkte Institute in Orangeville to 
try and get bade on the winning track 
but ran into a squad on their A game. 
Alien a tight illst qtMEtwi die A& quickly 
ran out to a 19 point lead in the second 
before taking a 5745 lead at half The 
ExpreSs ww lesOient in the second half 
and had four scorers finish the game 
with over 17 points but ultimately fell 
victim to kte turnovers and fatigue in a 

106-104 loss. 

Head coach Bill Jones said he told his 
players that as professional they need 
to be able to pull out victories in games 

Chris Commons of the Windsor Express faces up on Niagara River Lions forward Logan Stutz during NBL Canada action at the WFCU Centre 
Mar 4 Windsor held a four-game winning streak but were blown out by Niagara 104-81. 

{Photo by // Kevin Jarrald} 

From left ; Logan Stutz, Windsor Police Chief Al Friedrich ; Larry Costello and Chris Commons stand at 
centre court of the WFCU Centre during Heroes Night Mar. 4 . Along with Costello , who was honoured at 
halftime for his service and dedication to his country were other local military members as well as local 

police , BMS and firefighters in attendance , 

[Photo by // Kevin larrold] 

such as those this past weekend but ad¬ 
mitted his faults in tinkering to find a 
winning formula as weft 

H As a professional and as a coach it b 
my job to get you guys motivated and 
job of that,” Jones sai d They didn't un¬ 
derstand the motor that Niagara has 
^ against Orangeville it was the same 
thing. No matter if they played the night 
before or we had to tiavd - they came 
out and beat us They outworked us, 
outhustted us and that was the result-” 

One bright spot over the weekend was 
file play of Brampton native and Ex¬ 
press rookie Shaquilk Keith as wdl as 
the steady contributions from Brandon 
Robinson and Chris Commons, who 
are NBL Canadas second and fourth 
highest scorirg players in history; re¬ 
spectively Over the weekend, Keith hit 
tlie 20-point plateau twice in three con¬ 
tests and for the fourth total time this 
season Over his short career Keith said 
he has teamed that winnii^ in stretch¬ 
es in professional basketball is mostly 
about overall team fatigue. 

iC We went and beat the league best 
team (London) and a lot of players left 
it all out there; Keith admitted "Going 
and transitioning to another game {the 
next night) is always going to be tough 
and it takes a deep, deep grit Inside of 
you to bring it out every night This 
weekend we had a lack of energy but 

we just need to bounce back just like it is 
any other game,' 1 

Windsor fens and staff alike are hop¬ 
ing the injection of 28 year-old Sher- 
im Collins, a former Kansas Jayhawk 
of the NCAA and Charlotte Bobcat of 
the NBA, will give than the energy and 
deprth they need al the point guard po¬ 
sition to win dose games as the Express 
train gains steam and heads into prepa¬ 
ration mode for the 2016 pkyoflk Col¬ 
lins was a spectator for two games be¬ 
fore seeing his first playing time against 
the As Mar. 6, putting up six points and 
three assists in 16 minutes* 

Collins owns a playing resume whkh 
includes an NCAA Division T merfe 
basketball championship with the Kan¬ 
sas Jayhawks, an All-American selec¬ 
tion, the Big 12 Conferences sixth Man 
of the Ifear in 2008 and a finalist nomi¬ 
nation for file John R Wooden Award 
in his senior season, whkh given to the 
most outstanding mens and womens 
college basketball players. He began his 
professional career with a 20-game stint 
with file Qwfotte Bobcats in 2010-11 
and most recently played with the Dal 
las Mavericks NBA D-League affiliate 
the Texas Legends, 

The Express wifl hit the road for a pair 
of games against Niagara Mar. 9 and Or 
angevilkMar 11 before returning to the 
WFCU C&itre for a rematch with the 
As, Mar. 13 with tip-off at2pm 



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Career Workshop 


Breaking Down the 

Career Decision Making 

Dillon Hall. Room 3£3 

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Finding a Summer Job 

Considering Further [ JfekbmeC ' n r | March * j r 30 am 

Education i I 

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You Hired 

Cover Letters and 

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1 Resumes that ROAR 

Breaking Down the Crtlon Hall Room 35 1 

Career Decision Making 

rzr H 30 am 

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Need help with your resume? Current University of Windsor students 
can drop in to our Peer Resume Clinic where a trained student 
will review your resume and provide you with feedback or give you 
information to get you started. 

WINTER SEMESTER 2016 SCHEDULE (until April 8 , 2016 ) 

Mondays: 10:15 am - 1:45 pm, International Student Centre 
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Wednesdays: 10:15am-1:45 pm, Leddy Library, Comfy Seating Area 
[first floor behind cafe) 

Thursdays: 10:15 am -1:45 pm, The Bookstore Meeting Room 
[near back of the Bookstore, CAW Student Centre) 

Check the Career Events Calendar in mySuccess for changes or additions 
to the hours or locations. 

Advanced registration for workshops is recommended, but drop-ins are always welcome. To register, go to mySuccess, 
click on Career Events, and visit the Career Events Calendar. 


universiiy Job searching * Camer planning » Work experience • Career preparation workshops * Personal appointments • Resume critiques 

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March 3 T 

Co-op. Career and Employment Services: I mySuccess: https://success.uwmdsor.c3 @CCES_UWindsor (Q 

Career and Empbyment Sendees supports University of Windsor students and alumni. Our services are nof available to the general public. 


Arts Editor 

It was the early evening of St Patricks 
Day when the seats of Mare Nostrum 
were being Med by numerous candi¬ 

Rock die Vote Mar. 17 was the decisive 
day’ for who was going to embody the 
UWSA for the coming year Following 
weeks of eanipaigrerig, nerves were ap¬ 
propriately heightened as they tensdy 
waited forthe results to be read off posi- 

Ahmed Khalifa was among the can¬ 
didates running for a senator position. 
Upon waiting for the results, he said 
he never felt better, but acknowledged 
there was some sacrifice at play as file 
campaigning served as a time manage¬ 
ment lesson 

“You’re adding so much to your sched¬ 
ule,” Khalifa said ‘TVe barely seen my 
family fids week, and I didht do too well 
on some of my assignments.” 

The sacrifice seemed to pay' off as Khal¬ 
ifa was one of three senators elected 
along with Amber Shaheen and Chase 
Tribble The Board of Directors posi¬ 
tions were the first to be named off as 
eight different representatives were to be 
elected or re-elected 

Representing the Faculty of Law, Justin 
Binkley was up for re-election, but lost 
his seat to Ha^r Elsayed with over dou¬ 
ble the amount of votes. As the dust set¬ 

tled Binkley was humble in defeat 

“I saw it coming,” Binkley said T just 
knew it It wasn't a surprise’ 1 

Naturally, the announcements for the 
executive branch were saved for last 
with the vote allocations proving deci¬ 
sive victories for each of the four pos¬ 
tals up for grabs, Vuk Zubic won Vice 
President of Finance with a more than 
300-vote lead over opponent Richard 
Osagie. The rakofVP Stedent Services 
went to Danid Papa) as he was el ected 
with 1,148 vote, and Matthew Dunlop 
was successful in his re-dection cam- 

But the man of the hour was none other 
than Moussa Hamadani, who edged out 
Rf 44 SouLTrairi 1 Sivanesan in becoming 
the new president of the UWSA Cur¬ 
rently a Board of Directors member for 
FAHSS, Hamadani was overcome with 
emotion as he was named president for 
the next academic year 

‘Words cannot describe ftT Hamadani 
said "It was the most fulfilling moment 
in my life, and IVe been living for almost 
21 years!* 

A third year international relations and 
development studies student Hama¬ 
dani initially didn't have any plans for 
a presidential run, but found liimsdf 
sucked into the organization which he 
will soon become the face o£ He senses 
a great path with the team hell be work¬ 
ing with and while a long road is ahead 
It© ready and hopes to form a stronger 

Moussa Hamadani celebrates his win as he’s elected the new t/WSA president Man 17 at Mare Nostrum . 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine} 

bond between the university and the 
students connected with it 

“We need to have a common base, we 
need to have the school spirit I know 
its something common that everyone 
runs on, but I think during my experi¬ 
ence as a board, I was able to pick up on 
what causes that void and lack of school 
spirit," Hamadani said *1 believe in the 
student movement, I believe in the stu¬ 
dent body I believe in our voice and the 
stronghold we have as a unified student 
body 1 

On top of the election results, the long 
enduring UTfass referendum also 

passed with 1,706 vote in favor. This 
announcement has been years in the 
making for some as the initial proposal 
for the referendum dates back to rough¬ 
ly 20 years ago according to Pat Dei- 
more, die executive director for Transit 
Windsor The passing of the referen ¬ 
dum will allow students to subscribe to 
a Transit Windsor bus pass for a rate of 
roughly $65 per semester The passing 
of UPass was paved to an overwhelm¬ 
ing reception 

“Its good news for the university stu¬ 
dents, j& good news for the dty of 
Windsor, and & great news for Transit 

Windsor!’ Ddmore said 

This years election saw a substantial 
increase In voter turnout at 36 per omt, 
which UWSA CRO April Adams was 
very satisfied with Adams wasn't con- 
oemed with one of the voting days land¬ 
ing on St Patricks Day as die believed 
allowing campaigning being done on 
verting days to serve as an eventual ben- 

“Each year it gets higher and higher' 
Adams said "I think we reached 20 per 
cent one time and its always been in the 
20s, so getting 36 per cent turnout is fan¬ 

uinwoR’s SICCEST 





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2 // MARCH 24 20 1 6 • UWINDSORIANCE.CA 

Making Our Mark in the Community 


News Editor 

Charity in Windsor is at an all*time 
higjh with so many initiatives wanting to 
do so many good things and its one of 
die most amazing thin^ a community 
can da 

As a oo-founder of a non-for-profit or¬ 
ganization, you see and hear so many 
stories and you really learn about the 
need of community Although 
Windsor has so many charities, there 
Lv stiO a great need for than and its ever 

The organization my partner, Hailey 
Treafout and l run is (me based off 
the core values of axeptir^ on© self 
accepting others ami mental health 
awareness. Since True Reflection - A 
Celebration of Differences' beginning, 
we've seen the need for just these core 
items alone - and its huge. 

The biggest purpose True Rdkrbons 
serves is to be a centre where people 
can come and talk and be accepted as 
is * we call ourselves a judgment free 
zone. Whether it be online or at one of 
our local events here in Windsor* we 
make sure to make H dear that it' some¬ 
one opens up they are accepted To do 

this*, we hold events such as open mk 
nights where anyone can come out and 

These events give people the chance to 
perform in an environment where they 
can fed free and weto had many first 
time performers come out to do this 
and not only that but they come b^k 

Mental health is something so hush- 
hush by people who struggle ^vith it and 
even more so Ijy people who don't Its 
a topic that escapes a lot of radars and 
even if we think were raising enough 
awareness with a fol of individuals in 
pop-odtore and articles written that are 
spread like wildfire. 

Our latest event hdd March 18* was 
smaller and more intimate, but it was 
also one of the most powerful ones we 

One of our regular performers came out 
and told the crowd a story about how a 
song had helped her cope through life 
and then played the sor^ We also had 
first torn performers come out and 
share about themsdves and thdr strug¬ 
gles in life 

Ife not just us making a difference out 
there though There are amazing orga¬ 
nizations out of the university itself such 
as Jadtorg, which are student based 
and fight for mental heahh awareness. 

There are countless of other dubs in foe 
university and dty looking to make a 
difference any way they can and this is 

Never in history have there been so 
many people fighting for other people 
and it's making such a positive effect in 
the wrid Whether you're saving ani¬ 
mals* saving lives or raising money for 
get someone a new leg roure making a 
difference and that's something to hold 
dose to your Ircart and never let go. 

Whether you ran a charity or help out 
causes* you are making a difference 

Review: 10 
Clover field Lane 


The Lance Contributor 

First and foremost* lets set the reaped 
straight on the name no, the film isn’t 
a sequel or prcqud to the original "Gfo- 
verfidkT - accoftling to producer JL J. 
Abrams* it is instead what ym can con¬ 
sider a“blood relative" in terms ofhow it 
relates to its predecessor 

Thai being said what a ride this movie 

Set intte smaB-town American south* 
Michefle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) 
awakes from a car crash stripped to her 

underwear and chained to a pole in a 
damp, dim basement Her captor, How- 
aid (John Goodman) shows up sewtQl 
minutes bret informing Mkhdle she 
has been in a crash and he rescued her* 
bringing her back to his doomsday 
bunko: When she tefis him she needs 
to get in contact with her loved ones to 
let them know shes alright, Howard tells 
her she cant leave and there has been an 
attack on the whole area 

Aeoeading to him, everyone she knew 
or foved is gone He shows her around 
the bunker and introduces her to their 
other guest, Emmett (John Gallagher 

Jr.), When they’re alone he reveals he 
helped Howard build the bunker and 

that sent him running there in a panic 

Michefle isn’t so sum For one, when 
fookti^ out the only window in the door 
ot the bunker, the air and surround¬ 
ings look totally normal Whafe more, 
she has reason to bdteve die was kid¬ 
napped, not rescued Emmett begins to 
come around to her reasoning Togeth¬ 
er, they start plans to get away and find 
out for themselves whats really going on 
outside the bunkers walk 

Unsettling, intriguing and totally en¬ 

tertaining* *10 (Toverfiekt Lane” has 
twists (ifki turns um will keep its viewers 

every way it caa 

Goodman absolutely nails his role* 
while Winstead and GaEagber Jr pro¬ 
vide strong supporting roles. For such 
a restricted set, the film team really 
pulled off a complicated storyline and 
squeezed out every bit they could from 
what they were given. 

Honestly, unless you really hate thrillers/ 
mysteries* I would absolutely' retom 

rntTid’seeit^m^mfo, t was < 

susp^aiseful experience, and personally 
I find it hard to get that feeling from a lot 
of modern-day filmmaking The last 
movie I experienced it with was "The 
Martian," and the filming and acting 
style are similar in that regard—it will 
completely keep you on the edge of your 



UWSA 2016 General Election Results 










































































- NO 




- NO 




































Faculty of Science Welcomes 
Canadian Newcomers 


Arts Editor 

ft was shortly before 9 ajTL when a 
school bos parked itself outside Vankr 
Halt carryii^ youths from diversified 

The Faculty of Science welcomed 40 
youth members of Windsors immi¬ 
grant and refugee community to engage 
inacaimexpk)ra!ionday2vIaii 16. The 
day began inside Kaizman Lounge 
when the kids registered to participate 
In die day. From there on, they toured 
around the campus and partook in a 
variety of scientific courses including 
chemistry; earth and environmental 
cancer biology and computer science. 

“The key is to help with their career 
chokes,” said Dr Zian Kobtf who di¬ 
rects the computer science program 
and also acted as a tour guide for the 
section, so in the process they get to see 

die onrversty with a tour; and also get 

hands-on experience 

While the Faculty of Sdence has idled 
out the welcome before, this is the first 
time they’ve collaborated with the local 
YMCA in making die project happen, 
Kobti said the collaboration stemmed 
from the two parties connecting during 
a previous unbersity-hosted event 

Fifteen -year old Mareo Dayh was one of 
the youth present Bom in Iraq, he has 
lived in Canada for the past couple of 
years, and has been engaged with YM~ 
C& English teaming program. 

T want to know how die university 
worksT Dayh said about the field trip. 
“I usually go to the youth centre for the 
YMCA, and they told us about the trip” 

Recruiting die youth for the event 

was the YMCAs key role according to 

Hugo Vega, the organizations general 
manager of settlement and community 
services. When it comes to newcomers 
with permanent residency the YMCA 
aims to get the people strutted when ft 
comes to settlement and mainstream 
concerns, such as health cam Four vol¬ 
unteer members of the Y accompanied 
the trip as liaisons while others sewed as 

Vega ultimately hopes the kids walk 
away with a priority on university ed¬ 
ucation, as well as keeping in mind the 
welcome mat is there to stay, 

"The university was the one that initiat¬ 
ed this,” Vega said "They're opening the 
doors and saying we vrant to engage, we 
want you to be part of this institution. 
This I think Is the biggest thing? 

Forty young Canadian newcomers prepare for a trip around the university hosted by the Faculty of Science, 

starting at Vanier Hall Man 16. 

[Photo by//Hunt Yassine] 



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EMS, Police and Fire Fighters 
Battle it out Sliced Style 

The event judges took turns critiquing the dishes after each round verbally. The judges were (from left) Jimmy Jaques t Stefanie Masotti and John 


[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 


Mews Editor 

The Windsor Police Force, Teoimseh 
Fir Service and Windsor Essex Emer¬ 
gency Medical Services sliced and diced 
thdr way to be number one at the Third 
Annual Sliced Ccsmpeiitioa 

The event, hosted by the Windsor Essex 
County Health Unit and Devonshire 
Mall, pitted these three units to create 
the best healthy food item possible in 
an allotted amount of time. The event 
featured guest judges and a M crowd 
of people outside ofThe Bay at Devon¬ 
shire Mall 

Heather Nadon, registered dietitian and 
organizer, said the event was to promote 
national nutrition month and healthy 
eating styles at home She said the event 
showed people how to make healthy 
and ddidous meals at home 

"Noone competing here has any formal 
training on how to cookT said Nadon 
It shows everyone how easy it is to eat 

healthy and that it doesn't take formal 

eefticatiart or training to make things 

taste good* 

Nadon said she hopes people realize 
how easy it is to make healthier choices 
with anything on hand 

"Anyone can do thisT said Nadon iC ft 
might take a little practice ai first but 
its not difficult to take ingredients and 
make something.” 

The theme of competition was small 

changes, Nadon said healthy eating is all 

about taking it one stop at a time. 

"ft may be changing a certain ingredient 
or spice or considering portion sizes” 
said Nadon “A lot of kids aren't getting 
the education about food that they use 
to so ife up to families to come togeth¬ 
er and make the decision to eat heathy 
and have thdr kids eat healthy” 

Guest judge and head chef at Moxies 
Grill and Bar, Timmy Jaques, said, with a 
laugh, the judges gat ihediance to prove 
who could intimidate who more with 
thdr judging. 

make allergies a non-issue* 

Jaques said it’s important to be mindful 
ofhcw other people are eating and to do 
your best asachefto make the best pos¬ 
sible option in terms of taste and health. 

Teoimseh Fires team of Chad Mactier 
and Mike DXloisio won the eompeti- 

"We had a great time andgat the chance 
to show people how easy it is to eat 
heJthyf said PAloisio. “I hope every- 

Tfe a really fun event and it teaches a 
lot of people the importance of healthy 11 
said faques. “At my restaurant I always 
make sure to see what I can substitute to 
make healthier and what I can charge to 

“So many people underplay the impor¬ 
tance of healthy eating but hopefully 
through events like this were able to 
bring ft to the forefrontT said jaques. 

one took away something from today 
because Fm just a normal guy cooking 
nothing special to ft.” 

Windsor Essex EMS prepares their beans for the final round of the Sliced event 
[Photo byf/Caleb Workman] 

Tecumseh Fire Services smile on after winning the Sliced title, 
[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 


Under the Sea 


Arts Editor 

Through drawings, photographs and a 
series of mixed medk* the SoCA Gal¬ 
lery was temporarily transformed into 
an oceanic environment 

Julia Leperas "Depths" became foe latest 
exhibit to occupy foe Lebd building's 
SoCA Projects Gallery from Man 14 to 
18. This exhibit was the first one held 
by the fourth year visual arts student 
which she described as a learning ex¬ 
perience, but nonetheless proud of the 
diverse body of work she had on display 
She finds hersdf particularly alhired to 
foe sea and the wildlife beneath* pre¬ 
senting sea creatines and landscapes in 
a variety of unique forms. 

The base floor of the gallery truly en¬ 
compassed the sea level but there was 
one element of foe gallery, which made 
it both a celebration and education on 
the matter, 

T started become more aware with ray 
research about how much pollution af¬ 

fects the ocean, so I just got a little more 
interested and 1 realized a lot of other 
people areht really interested, or they 
just don’t knowf Ijepera said 

A key element of the gallery was cen¬ 
tered on foe ceiling Lingering above 
all the visual displays was a Luge fishnet 
tangled with several pieces of garbage. 
Plastic bottles, bag* and other objects 
littered the net as an expression of pol¬ 
lution. If the floor of the gallery was the 
sea* then the cdlir^ acted as the shore 

Lepera said foe exhibit took roughly six 
horns to set up, and used the fishnet to 
add in to the overall effect with being 
under the sea. With Are net up abom 
it becomes nearly impossible to ignore. 
Thus foe art is used to express greater 
awareness of oceanic pollution towards 
whoever enters the exhibit 

Tt was a good opportunity to express 
how the ocean is an important part of 
our world and that we need to make 
sure to keep it dearC Lepera said T just 
want people to make sure that they pay 
attention to their carbon and pollution 
footprint, and just be aware of the plas¬ 
tics and foe garbage youre usingT 

Numerous plastic bottles connect with a large fishnet, part of the “Pol¬ 
lution* display at the “Depths' gallery front Mar , 14 to IB. 
(Photo by // Hunt Yassine] 

“Picasso* a fish bowl is located at the centre of the “Depths'* gallery, which ran from Mar. 14 to 18 at the 

SoCA Gallery . 

[Photo byf/Hani Yassine] 

Attendees examine “Squid” a charcoal drawing featured at the “Depths” gallery** dosing reception Mar. 18. 

[Photo by// Hani Yassine] 

New Librarian to Start Mid-April 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor's Leddy Li¬ 
brary will be bringing in a new face to 
oversee foe processes of the Library 

Pascal CaJarax from the University of 
Waterloo,wiB be telting over as the uni¬ 
versity's librarian rffective April 18, He 
saved as associate university librarian 
and research and digital discovery ser¬ 
vices at Watedoo since 2011, 

Dougfas Kneafe, provost and vice pres¬ 
ident academic for the University of 
Windsor, said Caiarco has 20 years of 
professional experience in both public 
and private academic research libraries. 

‘As a member of the Universfty of Wa¬ 

terloo Librarys senior executive, he 
managed several dqpartments and pro¬ 
grams^ said Kneak. “He understands 
the Ontario po^secondary educational 
landscape and brings a depth of experi¬ 
ence in collaborativeservkeand afecus 
on student outcomes that wifi serve the 

Leddy Library and the universitywell" 

Kneak said he looks forward to foe 
incumbent librarian and extends his 
oongratulatiora to Calareo as he takes 
over the position at the University of 


UWindsor Group Sponsors Walk 
for Down Syndrome Day 


News Editor 

The day was cold but the walkers were 
ready this year at the annual Down Syn¬ 
drome Day 2016 waikathou 

Supporters, family members and mem¬ 
bers of the university's Disability Studies 
Student Association gathered together 
to raise awareness and funds for Up 
About Down - Windsor Esses. The 
wdkathon cost S10 and 80 per cent 
of the funds went towards Up About 
Downs program for individuals with 
down syndrome 

Laura Chubb president of the DSSA, 
said it was the third annual event and 
their goal was to bring together the 
community to get to know eadiother 
and to hdp one another out 

“I think its very important to stay in¬ 
volved with your community said 
Chubb "We try to promote a vibe of 
accessibility awareness with everything 
we do. We recognize many disabilities 
throughout She school year but this one 
stands out to us because of how great 
toe pwpk U^About Duwu m 

Windsor Essex are” 

w w w.up 3b out flow 

V' t* 


Chubb said the funds from the day will 
help with programs for the individuals 
who are involved with Up About Down* 

“We love groups that advocate for great 
causes like ours,” said Chubb. “We sup¬ 
port and work with a lot of other groups 
on campus and we 1 re atways looking to 
work wtth more!' 

The supporters of Down Syndrome Day 2016 gather for a shot in front of the Detroit River March 2L 

[Photo by H Caleb Workman} 

Suzanne Cyi» president of Up About 
Down - Windsor Essex, said the sup¬ 
port means so much and to have the 
University ofWindsor put thb together 
in thdr name means a lot to them* 

TO toe of the things we did this year was 
wear crazy sodcs; said Cyc “Ihe rea¬ 
sons being that if people came up to us 
and asked uswhy we wearing ridiculous 
socks, wecould teO them about die day 
and inform them of the cause we are 

supporting! 1 

Cry said the feet the DSSA ran the event 
allowed for different aides to be intro¬ 
duced to it aid come exit 
going oa 

“Were hoping to get some cooking 
classes and different classes from the 
monqf said Cyr “Whatever the need 
is, this money wffl be going towanis that 
and it will make a lot of people happvr 

A group of DSSA members and Up About Down Syndrome members led the march with their banner 
raising awareness for Down Syndrome Day 2016 March 21. 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

One of the university groups walks down riverside to raise awareness for 
down syndrome and advocate to celebrate the friends they have with down 

syndrome , 

[Photo by // Caleb Workman] 

8 fl MARCH 24 2016 • U WIN DSQR LAN CE.C A 

UWindsor Marketing Campaign 
Asks Students “Why UWindsor?’ 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor is looking 
far new ways to recruit students so 
they have gone to the professtonak and 
posed them wih the questions “Why 

The task ai hand lias a marketing firm 
from Taranto, Scot! Thomky and 
C company figuring out what about the 
Uhiverefty ofWindsor attracts students 

and keeps them there They will be ask¬ 
ing for input from students, tkuity and 
staff orer the coming months, 

“The goal of the campaign is toteS the 
stories of UWinrkor without relying 
on independent sources to do itT said 
Chyton Smith Dean of Students and 
Provost. ‘One ofthe big stories oftheU 
ofW is that tact its a big campus but ak > 
a small one at the same timeT 

Smith said students can join the small 
and intimate programs in both under¬ 
graduate and eaduaie tidies and get 

what the/rc fookii^ for that way but 
ffsey can also find the large campus hfe 
with the amount of students that oon^e 

4 Whatever students arc baking far 
tram a post-secondary instittifksa it 
can be found here at die University of 
Windsor said Sutih. “Ite atmosphere 
b something dse here toa Someone can 
literally walk in to an office and talk with 
whomever they need to talk to most of 
the time. Not a lot of univmitks are like 

Smith said that goes to show how at the 
my DMA Jevd of the university staff 
and faculty are here fear the students 

John Coleman, director of pubik rda- 
tfans and conuminications for the Uni- 

been underway since the fell of last year 
and ife the step they're in is very exciting 

“What were doing with the marketing 
group is just talking to people, learning 
what ii is about the university that keeps 
students and attracts them in the first 

place,* said Cofaman Theres so many 
different reasons and so many different 
people so we get to hear a fat of thirds 
and leam a new dimension^ 

Coleman said almost anybody you can 
think of has been poached and talk¬ 
ed to hear their story of thdr journey 
through the university 

**We also get to kam how to take the 
university to the next level; said Cde- 
maa li We want to hear everyone* ideas 
and see to make the experience hoe the 
best possible” 

FAHSS Shadow Days Clear 
Path for Prospective Students 


News Editor 


The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and 
Sodai Sciences provided upcoming 
high school graduate a look inside the 
day-to-day routines of a university at¬ 

Prom Mar 14 to II, students interest¬ 
ed in emolifag in the FAHSS program 
are digMe to partake in shadow days, 
which atfow them to attend a university 
factum ^>eak with professors and even 
get a tour around the campus through 
accorr^anying themselves with one of 
the des^n^ed ambassadors. 

The time spent on campus varies be¬ 
tween each interested student, but one 
of the objectives of the project is to get 
future graeratiora acquainted with the 

“1 just presented itsdfas another option 
to come to campus, because we have 
!md some great turnout from the fell 
open house and the spring opcnhouseT 
sad Manum Token-Murtfy FAHSS 
student recruitment officer. 

Seventeen-year old Alexi St Denis b in 
her final year at Vincent Massey H^h 
School With pbra to major in either 
political science or international nda- 
tkm she shadowed an ambassador for 
a few hours on Mar. 15 and found the 
experience to be both enjoyable and 

M My shadow gave me really good ad¬ 
vice about studying and keeping good 
grades and not getting distracted, so 
taking that away was really good? St 
Dous said 

According to Tokon-Murtty over 2,400 
invitations were sent out for the shadow 

days, reaching out to students all across 
Ontario who have applied to a FAHSS 
program. With the stresses in choosing 

a post-secondary major, she believes 
the shadow days can hdp students fig¬ 
ure out what subject matter they have a 
deep axmeotion ta which would ulti¬ 
mately lead to a more confident position 
in choosing a major. 

“ft really helps especially if they apply to 
several different programs, and some¬ 
times just siting in on a class is reaBy 
what hdps them make their dedaonT 
Tolson-Murtty said 

Tokon-Murtty said the shadow days 
will happen next year around the same 
time, expressing those who would like 
to volunteer as an ambassador can have 
it included in thdr a>-airricular tran¬ 

Enter to Win 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor b encour¬ 
aging prospective students who come 
to the campus for open houses or 
shadow days to enter to win a tree first 


'Hie draw, taking place until May 23, 
has multiple prizes to be won but the 
main one being advertised b the paid 
for first semester of tuition - some¬ 
thing new the university is tfaii^ to 
promote prospective sCuderiEstaoome 
out Id the campus, take a look around 
and ask my quedtons they may have 

The main rules of the competition re¬ 
quire foal you baa registered as a new 
incoming student far the 2016/2017 
year, the prize must be used for first se¬ 
mester tuition and the award must be 
dafrned by June 30, 

Douglas Kneale, prows and vice 
president academic for the University 
ofWmdsor, said they re wry excited to 
give students Ms opportunity 

Tisa huge gjft from the university and 

it can really help with a students deci¬ 
sion,” said Kneale. 'The univefsfcy is 
really gasngall out this year for recruii- 
raent People are starting to see how 
great UWindsor is through things like 

A few weeks m* at the March Open 
House far the University of Windsor, 
Kneale said they ve been doing their 
best to get students here from out of 
town as wdL The Univenaty lud sent 
oui two busses to the GTA and Kneale 
said they tilled up almost inunediateh' 

“Theres a lot ofopportunity at the uni- 
verstty here and we hope to be able to 
least show all students the cations and 
opportunity there ishercT said Kneale. 

The only step required to take when 
yem gp to an open house or shadow 
day is that you answer a skill-testing 
question. Once answered youfl be el¬ 
igible forthe grand prize among many 

For more information on bow to at¬ 
tend a shadovy day or when the open 
houses are, contact info^aiwindsocca. 
You can also contact them for more 
information regarding the Enter to 
Win competition 


24/7 ACCESS 



UWindsor Says No to Heinz Ketchup 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor has made 
the switch and it now supporting 
Frenchs ketchup as opposed the re¬ 
nowned Heinz name in the area, 

Paolo Vasapolli head chef for the Uni- 
veraty of Windsor* said the change was 
something they’w been thinking about 
for a kmg time It wasn't a decision made 
influenced by anything else to 


Tve been personally following the 
whde issue for a long time and I think 
t& important to support our local form* 
eisT said Vasapolli "We didn’t make it 
pubhc for a while but we were probably 
one of tiie first universities in Ontario to 
make the switdiT 

Vasapolli said the university, collectively, 
is a huge supporter offocal goods. 

If we can just do a small part to hdp 
and brii^ back the jobs in Leamington, 
the economy as a whole will be dianged 
and well be making a difference in 
many peoples livcsT said Vasapolli 'Hie 
whofe process was just a matter of time 
The entire food industry is shifting to 
the idea of supporting local 1 ’ 

Hie Frendfc name has been around 
for a while for its mustard but recent¬ 
ly made iL\ name Jocaliy when U was 

announced they are buying tomatoes 

from Leamington, the tomato capital of 
Canada This was after Heinz dosed its 
doors for good in Leamington in 2013. 

Since then, many grocery stores and 

Paolo Vasapolli, head chef for the University of Windsor t stands next to the newly appointed French* ketchup station in the Marketplace March 


[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

restaurants have been making toe 

switch to French* keeping Heinz away 

as nmh as possible 

“Every day were hearing something 
new about supporting focal, whether it 
be new growers or businesses popping 

up vuti Vkapuft. |k* in**ifura be¬ 
cause consumers look for this too We 

have to recognise the hard work put in 
byourfermos! 1 

Vasapolli said the university is looldng 
more and more to support focal on a 


“Tliere are going to be special projects 
Launching soon to the local suppliers 
and businesses together to work as one 
and be completely locaT said Vasapolli. 
“VWr haw so much produce available to 

us Imrand we have tn use a. 1 

Vasapotii said it was a tag move Sir the 
university to junip aboard the trends 
train and he said they will continue to 
work to grow the local support 

Theatre Review: SpainEcho42 


Guest Writer Local Actor 
and Director 

There ism theatreopuq^anyytiu should 
support more in this dty than Joey 
Ouellettes Purple Theatre Coirtpany 
over at MacKmzk Hall TTie realms are 
endkss: He podoces origiraily-wrttten 
scripts. He actually pays his actois-- little 
known feet most actors work for free in 
this town - you should actually inquire 
with a theatre company' about whether 
or not toey pay their actors bdbre pur¬ 
chasing a tkkei -- His soiptsm* always 
soMy-written. And so ore.. 

But one of the best reasons for support- 
ing him is the fact that Joey Oudktte is 
not afraid to take risks. No one in this 
town has broken more pound than 

Nothing exampUfies this better than 
his bies x pfay, fl SpamEch042r Science 
fiction has, of course, done very writt in 

movies, TV and boob - but live the¬ 
atre particularly, local live theatre, wont 
touch it with a ten-foot barge-pole 
Which means, of course, Joey couldn’t 
resist trying it owl 

As if that wasn't a great enough risk, hes 
also using one the most unique meth¬ 
ods of staging. Most of the play tabs 
place in almost total darkness. You can 
still see whaft going on because char¬ 
acters on stage turn on toe occasional 
flashlight or the screen from a laptop is 
even used as a flghtsource, Butifsavery 
dark shadowy show. 

The reason for toe gloominess ^because 
’toe entire play takes place on a space sta¬ 
tion in toe future that has had to paws' 
down to conserve energy, Theni been 
an inlegalactic war of some sent Earth 
and its asoociated colonies appear to 
have been defeated Basically wdvebeen 
invaded by aliais. "^paineEcho42 w is a 
remote base that* for whatever reason, 
wasn’t destroyed The play follows the 

lives of the surviving crew’ as they deal 
with toedtaiki^es cf remaining alive in 
space and trying to do somethin about 
defeating tlx enemy. 

One of science fiction^ greatest sins is 
that it can, sometimes, alienate its audi¬ 
ence by r dealing too heavily with abstract 
ideas. But well-written sd fi does the 
otact opposite It enhances toe Human 
Condition in a way that no other genre 
can “SpainEdio^r falLs under the biter 
calory. The starknek of the setting 
forces toe personalities of the crew to 
come to toe forefront Thanks to Joeys 
magnifident writing we foil in love with 
all these characters in our own special 
way. We cheer for them when they con- 
<|uer adversity and fod for them when 
the obstacles are too big to Lwercorne: 

But its not just the writing that impress¬ 
es The acting is sfcdlar 
when you coasider that were watching a 
group of shadowy figures interact in toe 
gjoom. Amazing enough, the staging 

technique gets us to fed the emotions of 
each diaracter all the more succinctly 
But the technique wouldn't have suc¬ 
ceeded if foey liadn’t assembled die 
most solid team of actorc this dtyhas. 

leaving complimented toe cast so high¬ 
ly, I will say there was one periormer 
who managed to capture my heart just 
a little bit better than the others. Kevin 
Doak as "Fork" (a nickname toe char¬ 
acter garneredbecanse of his Um food) 
actually reduces you to tears a bit Fork 
was separated from his family when 
the invaders struck and is sure they are 
dead He is a broken man who wants 
to die But his position on toe station Is 
ton crudal to the survival of the rest of 
the crew. So he rductandy keeps himself 
alive: There is a tangible melancholy to 
Doaks portrayal that never becomes 

(mxstatod We see it best every time he 

takes a stolen moment to stare at a pic¬ 
ture ofhts family. 

Again, everyone does a spectacular job 
in this play - but Fork will tug at your 
heaistnngs that little hit more, Joey 
coddrft have cast a better person for toe 

IVe seen my fair share of live tiveaixe in 
dm town, but 1 think “Spainlkho'ir' 
might just qualsfy is the coolest show 
ever. If you're not a fen of sdence fic¬ 
tion, the sheer i nnovation of this play 
will leave you spdbcmd If you are a 
legitimate geek then you sfaxild be 
ashamed if you miss this. 

The show doses this weekend so make 
sure you contact the Purple Theatre 

10 // MARCH 24 2016 • UW1NDSORLANCE.CA 


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Inside the Pink Room 


Arts Editor 

By merging allure with disgust, the 
current exhibit hosted by Artdte Inc 
b a fascinating display whether you rc 
inside the gallery walls or just passively 

*Our opening night we had a lot of folks 
off the street, more so than usual be¬ 
cause the work is very inviting and we 
try to program work thats very inviting” 
said Artdte program coordinator An- 
drea Slavik 

At first glance, its almost macabre in na¬ 
ture, with pieces of internal body parts 
rhngling around the gallery as if it were 
the designs of a serial killer displaying a 
victim The density of the precis uplift 
the usual no touching rule commonly 
associated with art exhibits. But on top 
of the "Pink Room T gallery being 
open to intjerpretatksi, among the core 
dements of the exhibit ties its interac¬ 

Viewable since its Mar 1 i opening re¬ 
ception, “Pink Room T is the work of 
Toronto-based artist Shannon Scanlon, 
effectively maricii^ her Windsor debut 
Wishing to enooadi on the viewerase- 
ite of Tyjn-spedfte bodily processes by 
playing with the concept of interaction 
within a gallery it hdps rcdnforee her 
objective in juxtaposing between two 
contrastiiig peremptions. 

“Making space that might be alluring 
because maybe it looks comforting with 
the right colours and toe soft fabrics, 
but then also depicting something that 
could look slimy; or a bodily i nterior you 
wouldn't want to toudiT Scanlon sakf 

Scanton noted the gallery is a more re- 

Artcite Inc. 

[Photo by//Hani Yassirtej 

alized veiskm of the one she presented 
while doing her thesis atYork University 
The majority of the pieces are conjoined 
with a combination of febric, foam, pil¬ 
low filler and beads among other ingre¬ 
dients. Scanlon said the smaller pieces 
can take an average of 30 hours to com¬ 
plete. With all the logistical intricacies at 

hand, toe gallery itself took a fiiil day and 

Another component accompanying the 
exhibit is a video, which leaves Me to 
mystery, A panting woman plays over 
a series of dips showing stitched orifices 
and female genitalia, which is admitted¬ 
ly hdngfondled Even as you walk about 

the gallery without seeing the imagery, 
the encompassing andio demonstrates a 
dear sexual nature^ something which b 
fer from lost on Scanloa 

Tts sort of like a light-hearted depiction 
on that side,” Scanlon said “fts about 
gender, fluidity, sexuality, and people 
were sort of giggling at it” 

She ultimately hopes people walk away 
with a heightened perception of their 
own body, and essentially come to more 
accepting terms with fc imperfections 
and all 

“Pink Room 2” runs at Artdte Inc until 
Apt 22 The gallery schedule is Wed to 
Sat from noon to 5 pm 

A portion of the H Pink Room 2" exhibit, which runs at Artdte. Inc until Apr. 22. 
[Photo by // Hani Yassincj 


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most challenging £ rewarding. The board oversees the operations of the organization. 

Positions fndude: Chairperson. Treasurer, Records Keeper. Staff Liaison, Campus 
Liaison , Community Liaison. Pro vine id Represenfu/n v, Volunteer Coordinatorpirn 
Coordinators for the foihwmg portfiriios: Environmental, Social Justice. 

Anti-Oppression. Potte}' d£ Development Communications, Events Planning. 

Deadline for Nominations is Wednesday March 30 % 4pm 
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OP1RG House at 372 California 
Mondays through Thursday 10am to 4pm 

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Window Exhibit Merges 
Artistry with Science 


Arts Editor 

Where many art pieces allow them- 
sdves to be open to interpretation* this 
particular exhibit amplifies the ambigu¬ 
ity through an unlikely partnership. 

T^ht as a Feather” is an exhibit with a 
round file dock display at the windows 
of One Ten Park. Officially launched 
Man 7* the exhibit was dubbed a sd- 
art coliaboration as the visual design 
of the pieces are hided with a scientific 
thought and structure, 

For this project, One Ten owners and 
artists CoDette Breeders and Susan Odd 
collaborated with Kewy Janisse, wlio re¬ 
ceived her UWindsor uixfergraduate in 
visual arts and biological sciences just a 
few years ago. With an intent focus on 
light and color it leads to a gallery with 
meticulous detail 

‘Things are installed in a place for that 
place, so ife not like a regular, conven ¬ 
tional exIiibC Gold said 

iridescent plumage in bird species. In 
other words, examining luminous col- 
ors upon the patterns and arrangements 
of bird feathers and how the odors can 
change depending on where youre po¬ 

A bik of the visual portion is formed 
with baibules carrying mdanosomes. 
With the accompanied golden colors, 
the pieces can be visually linked to the 
likes of a beehive or honeycomb This 
component is then tied with specifically 
placed scanning election microscopes 
in the embodiment of petri dishes. 
These dishes help sync light and color 
reflections to something, which is as vi¬ 
brant as it is mysterious, 

‘The cod thing about fins is that peo¬ 
ple take different things from iC Janisse 
said ‘When lights hit these pigments, it 
will reflect off of them, and then when 
ifs unorganized, you get a Hack, brown 
or reddish colorWhen you are standing 
and perceiving it in the exact right way, 
then you can actually see these really 
bright vibrant colors." 

Boffi Breeders and Gofo sakl fixe cofl^ 
oration and project iisdfwent smoothly 
with the help of frequent conversations 
and matching work ethic. Where the 
amount erf'scientific information could 
prove to be intimidati ng for some, Bn> 
eders found it to be informing above all 

“This is the first time weve collaborat¬ 
ed with an artist with a scientific bade- 
ground^ Breeders said Tsven though 
our backgrounds are artistically divene, 
we were able to create somethin very 

Tight as a Feather'* is viewable at One 
Ten Park until Mar, 31, 

A piece resembling a crown accompanies the Light as a Feather exhibit, which is viewable at the windows of One Ten Park until Mar 31. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

A portion of the Light as a Feather exhibit is on display at One Ten Park Man 18. 

[Photo by /i Hani Yassine} 


Co-op Office Relocates 

to Better Serve 


News Editor 

The coop office for the Universay of 
Windsor has mewed to the first floor of 
Lambton Tower and said they're really 
exdted for the move. 

Kristen Marris, acting manager of the 
oo-opeiative edLK^tioo services, sa^ 
new space it much more txmvcnient for 

4t Theres a lot more foot traffic here and 
students will be able to walk in and not 
be confused because we arcnlt sharing 
the office space anymore," said Morris, 
**ft was sometimes out of the way and 
inconvenient to get to the basement of 
Mion but were wary excited to tie able 

The office has tost moved so they are still 
in the process of putting up the signs so 
it may be heard fco see at first but the new 
office is located rigf* next to the office of 
open leamir^ on the first floor ofLamb- 
ton Tower Room 1101. 

“Co-op is a great option to hdp stu- 
dents further their education and now 
that we're more accessible, were hoping 
more students wiD utilize the opportuni¬ 
ty said Morris. "For students who don’t 
know what we offer, we essentially hdp 
students get practice before they hit the 
peal worid We want to prepare them as 
much as possible before they go out to 

Morris said they are always looking to 
expand to new faculties and to create 
new opportunities for students. 

Currently the coop office services en¬ 
gineering, kinesiology Odette School of 
Business and Science. 

Gina Alb secretary to the director, said 
they have a lot of stating opportunities, 
especially the one with Ford 

"TheyHae come back and hired from 
hereT said Alb, "The co-op opportuni¬ 
ties are very promising and we encour¬ 
age all students to come out and see 
what they on takea Aot at" 

Alb said one thing they want to encour¬ 
age students to do mo^ 
thar co-ops. 

"We have a loft of opportimities out west 
and in the States," said A!h “Some stu¬ 
dents are intimidated to move but its 
a great opportunity and a lot of places 
want these students for future hires’ 

For more information, contact exes# 

Kristen Morris (left) and Gina Alb pose for a photo in their new office space in Lambton Tower March 16. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman) 

The first look into the offices is quiet and the office is still being moved into its new location in Lambton Tower but they are full functional 

lPhoto byf/Caleb Workman / 


Windsor Spitfires Record 40th Win 
To Round Out Regular Season 


Sports Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires are flying high 
headed into fhdr opening-round On¬ 
tario Hockey League playoff series with 
the Kitchener Rangers after winning 
their final three games of the regular 
season andscoringa combined 18 goals 

in the process, 


fifties overage forward Connor Cha- 
tham said the three wins and 18 goals 
were a good way forWindsor to gener¬ 
ate some momentum headed into the 
OHL playoffs, 

"We took care ofbusiness which is nice 
and hopefully we can keep that going in 
this series against Kltdienerf Chatham 
said “Were confident going into the se¬ 
ries, we think its going to be a tough out 
for anyone against us in seven games so 
were excited Practice will be specific 
to thing? we need to work on from the 
game before, but the weather's getting 
nicer; the arenas are going to be packed 
and its an excfcing time right nowf 

At the end of the 2015-2016 regular 


his first season behind the bench in the 
OHL after stints in the AHL with the 
Oklahoma City Blazers and in the NHL 
with the Edmonton Oilers. The Spitfires 
will now focus their efforts on the Rang¬ 
ers, who finished fourth in the OHL 
Western conference and whom Wind¬ 
sor defeated 64 in a playoff preview at 
the WFCU Centre Mar. 17. 

Christian Fischer registered a pair of 
gods while Logan Brown and Mikhail 
Sergadiev each had multi-point games, 
as Windsor defeated Kitchener for the 
third time in four contests during the 
season series. The two dubs will now 
begin their Western Conference quar¬ 
terfinal series at the Memorial Audito¬ 
rium, where the opening two games of 
the season will be played Mar 24 and 

Mar 26 with puck-drop at 7 pm 

The next night saw Fischer reach the 
40-goal plateau in his season in the 
OHL during a 6-1 route of the Saginaw 
Spirit a the Dow Event Centre in ML, 
Mar 18. Gabriel Vilardi scored a pair 
against the Spirit and finished with 17 
goals and 21 assists for 38 total points in 
62 games played this year The Kings* 
ton native said the Spitfires were trying 
to keep it simple in their find game of 
tlie year against the Sting, a 6-3 victory 
which featured a pair of goals scored 
by Windsors second-line centre Aaron 
Luchuk who finished the season wish a 
career-high 27 gods and 53 points while 
Chatham capped off his OHL career 
with a four-point performance 

“We knew they had a bunch of guys 
resting and we did too sowe just wanted 
to keep doing the things we've been do¬ 
ing during the regular season and bring 
them into the playoflk We dorit want to 
slack oft we just want to keep playing 
hard and play the right way going into 
the playofik We dorit want to get away 
from what Rocky has done especially 1 
headed into a big playoff series against 

Vilardj said there weren't really any sur¬ 
prises during his rookie season and was 
more geared toward looking forward to 
his OHL playoff run with the team who 
selected him second overall in the 2015 
OHL priority sdection draff 

"[My rookie year] has had it's ups and 
downs but I fed like ife gone pretty wdl 
and it& crazy how fast the season has 
gone bjf Vilaidi said. "But Fm looking 
forward to the playoffs with the guys 
after a great year and hopefully we can 
continue that and keep it going.” 

If necessary game five will be played in 
Kitchener Apr, 1 with puck-drop at 7:05 
pm while game six would be back in 
Windsor for a matinee game Apr 3 at 
2 pm An omnipotent do-or-dte game 
seven would take place back in Kitchen¬ 
er for Apr 5. 

Christian Fischer of the Windsor Spitfires registered his 40th goal of the regular season against the Sagi¬ 
naw Spirit in the final weekend of OHL regular season play . Fischer finished his first year in the OHL with 
50 assists for a total of 90 points in 66 games played. 

[Photo by // Kevin farrold] 

Windsor Spitfires captain Patrick Sanvido dears the front of the net as goaltender Mario Culina makes a 
pad save against the Kitchener Rangers at the WFCU Centre Mar 17 L Windsor will host game three and 
four of their opening-round playoff series with Kitchener Mar 28 and 30 with puck drop on both nights at 

7:05 p.m. 

[Photo by // Kevin farroldj 

By: L A. Bonte 




Aueus.r &eueve 






For more comics and animations visit 

I 6 // MARCH 24 2016 * UW1NOSQRLANCE.CA 

Windsor's Isiah Osborne was the first ever recipient in program history to be honored as the CIS rookie of 
the year for men’s basketball. Osborne averaged 15 points and nearly five rebounds per contest in Windsor’s 
20-game regular season before helping to lead the Lancers to their fourth straight OUA Final Four appear¬ 
ance * 

[Photo by//Kevin }arrold] 

Head coach Ryan Steer led the Lancers to a 14-6 regular season record before earning a spot in the OUA 
Final Four and had plenty of compliments for CIS rookie of the yean Isiah Osborne . "Isiah has exceeded 
our expectations as coaches s and continues to improve every day in practice and games. His hard work and 
competitiveness has propelled him into a top player at the CIS level in only his first year’ 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold] 


Sports Editor 

Lancer mem basketball standout Isiah 
ketbail rookie of the year this past week 
at the annual Canadian Intemmversty 
Sport awards banquet in Vancouver. 

A Windsor native, Isiah is the son of 
former mem basketball head coach Pat 
Osborne and is the first Lancer to be 
awarded the Dr, Peter Mullins Trophy 
as CIS rookie of the year smoe it was first 
presented in 1988, 

feds reaOy good knowing that I won 
it, it was a goal from the beginning of 
the yearT Osborne said ‘1 didn’t think 
it would be easy to achieve but Fm just 

happy that 1 did” 

Osbornes talent was showcased from 
their first exhibition game against the 
University of Indianapolis Greyhounds 
and throughout his rookie campaign as 
his size and skill made him one of the 
toughest players to match-up agai n st in 
the entire country, A starter in 19 of 20 
league games, the 6-fcot-5 human ki¬ 
netics student was second on the team 
in two key categories - minutes played, 
averaging 32.5 per game and scoring 
15-plus points. Osborne also grabbed 
nearly five rebounds and two assists per 
contest to help the Lancers finish first 
in the OUA West division with a 14-6 
record under interim head coach Ryan 
Steer and the programs fourth consecu¬ 
tive tr^ to the OUA Final Rsur 

Isiah has exceeded our expectations as 
coaches, and continues to improve ev¬ 
ery day in practice and games. His hard 
wosk and ownpetitivenesshasp 
him Tito a tap player & the CIS level in 
only his first yearf said Steer "He was 
asked to step into a major role for us 

and is always up to the challenge With 
team success come individual awards 
and this recognition as CIS rookie of the 
year proves that as his game has elevated 
throughout the seasoa so has our teamfe 
pky and success. I am proud ofisiah as a 
basketball player, student-athlete and an 
all- around great person.” 

Osborne said the toughest part of his 
rookie season was adapting to the phys- 
icality level of the CIS but said with the 
guidance of graduating senior and OUA 
first-team all -star guard Alex Campbell 
along with head coach Steer, he was able 
to karri how to play' smarter and read 
opposing defenses in order to play to his 
offensive strengths. 

“Alex is agreat player, taught me a lot, al¬ 
ways pushed me to be better in practice. 

1 think he should have been [an Afl-Ca- 
nadian] this year for sure,” Osborne said 
"Alter this year we have huge potential 
in the next couple of years, fts not going 
to be easy but if we stay together I think 
well be a very good team” 

Lancer teammate and Osbornes dose 
friend Marko Kovac said the fellow 
Windsorite is undoubtedly foe new 
fece of foe program and lias cometo the 
court with a killer's mentality since the 
first day he stepped on campus. 

"Its amazing to see him play like a fourth 
or fifth year player in his first year? Ko- 
vac said "Be will lead this team to raise 
a banner without a doubt in my mind 
We call him fo e golden boy of our pro¬ 
gram for a reasoa Guys will have to pick 
up there game for sure but hefc the cento' 
Of foe 1*122^ 

With nearly foar entire roster digjbfeto 
return next season and another sum¬ 
mer of devdopment in the immediate 
future, Kovac said it is an exdting time 

to be part of a Lancer mens basketball 
program in search of first Wilson 
Cup OUA champfonship banner since 
2007-08 when Steer was point guard 
undo: head coach Chris Olira who 
is set to return to foe Windsor sideline 
from a one-year sabbatical 

"Its definitely siting to get back in the 

gym but also excited to see what roles 
guys indudii^ mysdf step IntoT Kovac 
said 'Were going to be a young team 
again in the eyes of the OUA. We always 
have to fight for our respect, nothing 
new but I think we embrace it more 
now since nobody believes in us other 
then us and thafs something coach Steer 

preached foe entire year? 

The other nominees from foe oth¬ 
er three conferences included guard 
Jordan Aquino-Serjue of foe Dafoou- 
sie Tigers of foe AUS> forward Abdul 
Kamane of the Bishopfc Gaiters in the 
RSBQ and forward Brody Clarke of foe 
Alberta Golden Bears of Can West 


Women’s Basketball Team Poised 
To Return to CIS Final 8 in 2017 


Sports Editor 

The Lancers womens basketball team 
traded in the Bronze Baby trophy for 
the OUA bronze medal in 2016 and 
were unfortunately left outside of the 
OS Final 8 but head coach Chantal Val¬ 
les and CIS all-rookie selection Kaytee 
Anagnostopoukcs are both confident 
Windsor will be back in the national 
tournament next season. 

Alter matching a record of five consec¬ 
utive QS championships, the Lancers 
were tripped up early in thdr regular 
season but rallied after the holiday break 
to finish strong with a 15-5 record good 
enough for top-spot in the OUA West 
drvisioa Cheyanne Roger and Emily 
Prevost both led the Lancers by averag¬ 
ing over 14 points per game each and 
were subsequently selected as OUA 
first-team all-stars. 

A pkyoff victory on home court over 
the Laurier Golden Hawkswas followed 

Ravens in the quarterfinal which sent 
file Lancers in contention for the inau¬ 
gural CriteHi Cup at Mbnfcpetit Hail m 
Ottawa. In theOUA semifinal game,the 
Lancers fell short to the eventual OS sti¬ 
ver medalist Ryerson Rams, 79-62 and 
Windsor was relegated to battle forpno- 
vtndaJ bronze A 68-58 victory over the 
McMaster Marauders earned the Lanc¬ 
ers a^x>t on the OUA podium, but they 
were ultimately nipped from file CIS 
wildcard bath by the Alberta Pandas, 

Gradous in defeat as well as victory VaL 
lee said Windsors bronze m edal victory 
over Mac was a mature way to end the 

“Weve been in the OUAfinal four every 
year since 2009 and thats the first time 
we haven’t been to nationals since then 
so ifis not a step back at aft” Vallee said 
“We lost to a team that was very good in 
Ryerson and we Lost to a team that was 
better than us. Hid we not played Ryer- 
son at that time maybe we would have 
went to nationals or if we had played a 
bit better Ryerson exposed our weak¬ 
nesses and ifs too bad we weren't able to 
perform better in drat game*' 

One of the many bright spots return¬ 
ing to the Lancers season is freshman 
guard Kaylee Anagnostopoulns, who 
was named to the CIS womem basket¬ 
ball aihrookk team* as announced by 
the league at the annual awards banquet 
in Fredericton Man 16. The Waterloo* 
QnL native had a fantastic freshman 

season and finished the year averaging 
6.1 points per game on 84.4 per cent 
shooting, an d 23 rebounds per game, 
en route to being named to the confer¬ 
ence all-rookie team as wdL 

Vallee said the national selection was 
also a point of pride for the coaching 
staff and program, as the Lancers have 
had at lost one player selected as an 
All-Canadian or named to the CIS 
all-rookie team the past seven seasons. 

'Thats the sign of a great program and 
the constant recruiting that we do so 
were very happyT Vallee said ‘'But thats 
also a sign of Kaylees ability to step into 
the role that is very difficult - therdeofa 
starting poi nt guard' 

Aiiagnostopoufos admitted the tran¬ 
sition from high school to university 
was difficult, as the pace of a university 
basketball game is much taster but she 
quickly acclimated to foe pace of game 
and was soon Vaflera starting point 

“For a long time this season we debated 

aboui who should be our starting point 

guard and we wen t through all of fiiemT 
Vallee said “We have four players who 
can play the point but Kaytee emerged 
as the most consistent and she filled 
some very tough shoes and did it weft 
Were very happy that she earned this 
and can put it upon her wall saying she 
can an AH-Canadian and ifk very well 
deserved on her part!’ 

Anagnostopoulos admitted that tailing 
to qualify for nationals was disappoint¬ 
ing but now that ilk officially the offsea¬ 
son, the focus of the Windsor Lancers 
womens basketball team will remain 
solely on themselves and working to¬ 
wards a berth in the 2017 QS Final 8 
championship tournament hosted by 
UVIC - not on the accomplishments of 
the Rams, who finished with aGS silver 
medal finish this past weekend 

"Unfortunately we can’t gp bade and 
change the past - so the next step is to 
look forward to next year!’ Anagnost- 
opoulos said u At this point the focus is 
on us. Ryeison winning or losing has 
nothing to do with the work were about 
to put in during ihe off-season. We took 
forward to improving and giving it an¬ 
other shot next year. Personally I am 
confident in my team and I am excited 
to start next season and battle all the way 
to Victoria’ 

All Lancer athleteswill now lock toward 
the program^ athletic banquet Apr. 5 at 
the St Clair Centre of file Arts in down¬ 
town Windsor. 

Lancer freshman guard Kay fee Anagnastapvutos w«jt named in the CIS women s basketball all-rookie team , 
as announced by the league at the annual awards banquet in Fredericton, Mar. 16, The Waterloo , Ont 
native finished the year averaging 6. 1 points per game on 84.4% shooting and 23 rebounds per game, en 
route to being named to the OUA conference all-rookie team as well 
[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold} 

The Windsor Lancer women's basketball team captured the OUA bronze medal following a 68-58 win over 

the McMaster Marauders in Ottawa Mar: 12. 

[Photo by // Greg Mason] 

| 8 // MARCH 24 2016 * UWINDSORLANCE.CA 

Shoot For The Cure Initiative 
Reaches $1 Million Plateau 


Sports Editor 

A humungous milestone was reached 
by the OS womens basketball coaches 
association in the fight against breast 
cancer this past week thanks to coach¬ 
es like Chanta! Vallee of the Windsor 
Lancers and the support from commu¬ 
nities sudi as Windsor^Essex, 

The Shoot for the Cure 
began just nine years ago, has already 
surpassed the $l-miHion plateau for 
funds raised in support of the Canadi¬ 
an Breast Cane©' Foundation. Since the 
initiative was launched in 2007-08 to 
raise awareness and money to fight the 
deadly disease, the OS womero bas¬ 

ketball coaches association fed by Jeff 
Speedy of the UNB Varsity Reds have 
amassed a grand total of$L 01L 283*60* 

‘A few years ago when we started rais¬ 
ing money we knew it was such a great 
cause; 1 said Vailee “Apart from a few 
coaches who are male, we are aD women 
and it's important that we support each 
other in the fight against something like 
breast cancer Weve got some coaches 
in the CIS and m the OUA who have 
suffered from breast cancer and head 
coach of McMaster [Theresa Bums] b 
a two-time survivor whkh b practically 

For the fifth straight season, ail 47 QS 
womens hoops programs participat¬ 

ed by holding numerous fundraising 


games or activities over the course of 
the campaign and Womens Basket- 
ball Coaches Association proudly an¬ 
nounced thb past weekend the orga¬ 
nization had raised $98,775,90 for the 
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 
in 2015-16 thanks to the ninth edition 
of its annual Shoot For The Cure ini¬ 
tiative An additional $25336.86 was 
amassed by schools to elected to do¬ 
nate their funds to Local or provincial 
organizatioos, bringing thb seasons 
Shoot For The Cure overall total to 

The amount was unveiled at halftime 
of the championship final of the Arce¬ 
lorMittal Dofesco CIS Final 8 at the 

University of New Bixmswkks Richard 
J, Currie Centre, Speedy, project man- 
ager for Shoot For the Cure presented 
a cheque to Mis. Gillian Zinck senior 
development officer from the Canadian 
Breast Cancer Foundation and thanked 
all of the other 46 CIS womens basket- 
bail head coaches and their student-ath¬ 
letes for helping make thb year's Shoot 
For The Cure another success, 

“It b fantastic that we had 100 per cent 
participation once again and also very 
spedai that we were able to edipse the 
$1300,000 mark in total money rabed 
over the nine years of thb InitiatTveT 
^>eedy said "I am not sure what our 
next goal or milestone will be but I am 
anxious to find out and get started” 

Every dollar rabed in the fight against 
any form of cancer b another point for 
human in the basketball game of life. 
Thanks to the massive contributions 
made by the CIS womens basketball 
coaches association and their partner¬ 
ing communities, the ball b now firmly 
in our court and \fclfee believes its time 
to finally shutout cancer for good 

“Thb is for players from former teams 
who haverit been able to successfully 
beat caraoerr Vaflee said “Some of our 
players mothers are in the same boat 
and its just a great initiative and I hope 
we never stop doing to and! hope we 
can continue to support die research of 
the illness,” 

CJAM’s Top 30 // Albums 

Charts by Murad Erzinclioglu 
Music Director. CJAM 99.1 PM 

More Info? & 

* Indicates Canadian Artist 

1 CHARLES BRADLEY - Changes (Daptone) 

2 I HE CAVE SINGERS - Banshee (Seif-Released) 

Sc / \ & 

WTNTERSLEEP* - The Great Detachment (Dine Alone) 

4 THE 427'S* - Mavericks (Stingray) 

I 5 THE BESNARD LAKES* - A Coliseum Complex Museum (Jagjaguwar) 
[^VARIOUS^^anadaNow. CanadaMaintenant. - 15 Songs From Canada {Self-Released) 

8 YUCK - Stranger \ hings (Self- Released) 

10YESSICA WOAHNEIL* Cheekbone (Self-Released) 

I n SEE THROUGH 5* - Utilities (All-Set!) 

12 BUTTONFLY* - A Map of This City (Self -Released) 

13 HOLDING HANDS’* - EP? (Self-Released) 

14 JUNIOR BOYS’ - Big Black Coat (City Slang) 

15 CHARLOTTE CORNFIELD* - Future Snowbird (Consonant) 

16 YOU SAY PART Y* - You Say Party (Paper Bag) 

17 REDRICK SULTAN* - Fly as a Kite (Inky Records) 

18 All RERKOk* - Never Got Lost For Long (All-Set!) 

19 THE PARTY ON HIGH STREET* - At Yer Place (Self-Released) 

20 DAMIEN JURAIX) * Visions Of Us On The Land (Secretly Canadian) 

21 TY SEGALL - Emotional Mugger (Drag City) 

12 JOE DRISCOLL & SEKOU KOUYATE - Monistic Theory (Cumbancha) 

I 23 LA SERA - Music For Listening To Music To (Polyvinyl) 

24 ANOUSHKA SHANKAR - Land of Gold (Universal) 

25 THE JEZABELS - Synthia (Self-Released) 

26 LILY & MADEl EINE - Keep It Together (New West) 

j 27 ROK1A TRAORE - Ne So (Nonesuch) 

28 LITTLE SHALIMAR - Rubble Kings: The Album (Mass Appeal) 


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UWindsor Students Collaborate With Fitness 
Community Leaders To “Push It For A Cause” 


Sports Editor 

What began as a dass pittedbecame a 
Me more personal for a group of Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor students this past 
weekend as they organized and partic¬ 
ipated in a day fall of workouts to raise 
fands for The Heart and Stroke Foun¬ 

UWindsor students Katdyn Toms, Jaid- 
en Brawn, David McDuffie and Cartie 
Poulin wanted to raise awareness about 
the benefits of fitness Id those in the 
community and quickly found a col¬ 
laborative partner in PUSH FT Fitness 
owner Kksten Hs^und They created 
the concept of‘Tush It For A Caused a 
fitness-a-thon to raise money for The 
Heart and Steoke Rnindalion of Cana¬ 
da The Foundation is a source of infor¬ 
mation about stroke* heart disease, sur¬ 
geries and treatments with a mission to 
prevent disease, saw lives and promote 

Winnipeg, MB LI years used the 
memory of a dose friend's father as a 
sobering nxitivator during the event 
after she had learned of his unfortunate 

passing due to a heart attack short!)" 
before she left home for the event that 


“When you hear about thin^ like that 
if gives you all the more reason to do 

stuff like this? Haghmd said ‘There 
are so many everts like this, used far so 
many thin^, but I fed that some of the 
forgotten* It is so important far all of us 
because we all need our hearts and our 
health. Having young people and uni¬ 
versity students leading this will allow if 
to continue as future generations come 
and it will get better and better? 

Four, 45 minute classes were offered 
from 830 am -1230 pm Mar. 20 in¬ 
side the Maximum Training Centre lo¬ 
cated at 3090 DougaU Ave, for a variety 

of workouts induding boxing, zuniba 
and a stretching class to finish the day 

f\ju!tosakifan wasthe underiyii^tone 
for her at the fitness-a-thon, admitting 
die had to take an occasional break 
from the workout simply because she 
was laughing too much. 

Tt was just a lot of fan with great people 
motivating each otherwith a lot of team 
work!' Poulin said “A fot of people dont 
work out because they don't think it is 
fan but once you find something with 
great people surrounding you and being 
supportive ft can be a tot of faa* 

Participants were encouraged to take as 
many classes as they'd like with a dona¬ 
tion of $15 encouraged for each ticket 
A subsequent raffle ticket was given to 
each person for their donation with the 
opportunity of acquiring more raffle 
tickets to increase your chances of win- 

donated from a rangeoffocal businesses 
induding Boston Pizza, MIC Windsor 
and PUSH FT Fitness, 

football team, said the goal of the event 
was to provide an enlightening fitness 
atmosphere where everyone could fed 
comfortable while bringing awareness 
to heart and stroke. Currently" there are 
an estimated 1,6 million Canadians liv¬ 
ing with heart disease or have suffered 
a strobe, which is up to 80 per cent pre- 

every seven seconds, 

T& a big issue in Wkwisor-Essex and 
fitness is one of' those things that could 

explained McDuffie. "We had a lot of 
people right here from the beginning 
and stayed all tile way through and it 
was a good turnout considering it was 
our first fitness-a-thon so its something 
to build oa 1 didn't expect to sweat this 
much but they witipped me into shape 
pretty quickly!' 

further donations to The Foundation, 
an organization that lias been working 
to induce the tofi of heart digram #nd 
stroke and tangibly improve the health 
of all Canadians since 1952, 

Over this near 55-year period, the car¬ 
diovascular death rate in Canada has 
declined by more than 75 per cent 
thanks to research advances in suigkal 
procedures, drugtiieraptes and preven¬ 
tion efforts. The Foundation has played 

ning throughout the day Prizes were ventabk and takes one Canadian life Nearly $700 was raised by “Push It For asjgn&anlpa^ 



Sports Editor 

The Windsor Express erased a 22 point 
second-half deficit to force overtime 
and eventually defeat the Saint John Mill 
Rats this past weekend ai the WFCU 

In die only appearance by die Mill Rats 
in Windsor during the regular season, 
Express head coach Rill Jones used 11 
of his 12 players to wear down Saint 
John, who are arguably the top team in 
the National Basketball League of Can ¬ 
ada but were playing their fourth game 
in fives days and ran into a well-rested 
Windsor tom who had last played Mar 
13. After forcing overtime, the Express 
out-willed thdr opponent in a 116-104 
overtime victory'. 

Regardless of the dreunistances, Jones 
said it showed a lot of resolve for his 
team to be able to pull off a 22-point 
comeback against a Mill Rats team that 
features two of four NBL Canada league 
MVP recipients in Gabe Freeman and 
Anthony Anderson, the leagues all-time 
leading scorer 

“That is a very good team that has 
played four gimes in less than five daysT 
said Jones. “They played Wednesday, 
Thursday traced Friday played in 
Orangeville the next night and then 
had to come up here for a 2 pm jpme 
- tha& tough, and it showed We were 
able to wear them down a bit when we 
put on our foil court press and forced 
some turnover, whkh got us bade into 
the game After being down by as many 
as 22 we forced overtime did the right 
things and we were suasssfoT 

Windsor fans saw a game-high 25-point overtime. 

performance from guard Brandon 
Robinson * who is seco nd in NBL ca¬ 
reer scoring - dosdy followed by Tony 
Bennett who added 23 points of his 
own. Express rookie and Bram^on, 
Out native Shaquille Keith came off 
the bench and put up 18 points while 
providing a big-boost of energy along 
with teammate Maurice Bolden, whose 
hi gh li g ht red dam dunks drew thun¬ 
derous responses from the near 1300 
fens in attendance 

The Express and Mill Rais alternated 
baskets in an offense-filled first quarter 
featuring 55 combined points bul in the 
second Saint John went on a KM) run 
midway through the second to distance 
themselves from the home team and 
eventually took a 10, 49-39 leader at 

The third quarter saw the Express con¬ 
tinuing to struggle, allowing the Mill 
Rats to take a 22 point lead with less 
than five minutes to go in the frame 
before Windsor would made its big¬ 
gest play of the game at that point when 
Keith lobbed an alfeyroop pass over to 
Bolden who threw it down to cut the 
deficit to 15 but more importantly ener¬ 
gize the crowd at the WFCU Catte as 
the two teams entered the fourth 

2015 NBL Canada finals MVP Kirk 

Williams Jr soiled consecutive buckets 

to start off the final quarter before Rob¬ 
inson hit a pair of free throws with 6:44 
kft in the game to trim the deficit to sin- 
gte digits. After the Express continued 
to pressure the Mill Rais into untimely 
turnovers and missed open lodes, Ben¬ 
nett would drive to the basket and score 
to tie the game at 98 with LlOkftinthe 
game before eventually being sent into 

Saint John Mill Rats guard Doug Herring Jr. dribbles up the sideline past Brandon Robinson of the Windsor 
Express during NBL Canada action at the WFCU Centre Mat\ 20 L Herring Jr scored 18 points far the Mill 
Rats but Robinson scored a game-high 25 points in a 114-104 Windsor victory . 

[Photo by // Kevin Jarrold} 

Anderson split a pair of free thwwm to 

start off overtime, giving the Mill Rats 

their only lead, 102-101 but itwasall Ex¬ 
press from that point ore Keith finished 
a drive at the net with a lay-in and the 
Express take back the lead, 103-102 be¬ 
fore Robinson hit a big three-point shot 
with just over one minute remaining, 
ultimately sealing the deal The Express 
finished overtime wiffi a win, 116-104 

Tve said it before and HI see it again - 

there is a k* of character cm this team? 

Bennett said ‘The coaches and the 
organization have brought together a 
good g touap of guys who have a lot of 
character Sometimes we argue, bideer 
and fight but at the end of the day, we 
go to war for one another S took a lot 
of energy out of us but fiiatk what this 

the game” 

Doug Herring Jr, put op 19 points for 

the MU! Rats who dropped to 17-11 
while forward jean-Rkhard Voky add¬ 
ed 18 points of his own, including two 
free throws with under five seconds left 
in regulation whkh forced overtime. 

The 16-13 Windsor Express will be 
back at the WFCU Centre Mar 24 to 
host the Niagara River Lions and Mar 
26 to host the London Lightning Both 
games are scheduled for a 7:30 pm tip 


School of Information 

Tony Bennett of the Windsor Express splits two Saint John Mill Rats defenders during NBL Canada action 
at the WFCU Centre Mar. 20. Bennett scored 23 points as the Express mounted a 22-point comeback during 

a 116-104 overtime victory. 

[Photo by It Kevin Jarrold) 




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This is our final issue for 
Volume 88! Be sure to keep 
an eye on our website, for 
updates on Volume 89, 
coming to you in September. 
For mow, make sure you flip 
through this issue to see what 
contributing to The Lance 
has done for our employees 
and volunteers. 

Mayor DwwDilkcm came to ihe 
UWmsfew campus last week, check 
out what he had to say. 


A language dies <3 l/WfatBOF 

hns itdprd audttttis undtrstmul tin 
imfxiruntcr of learning communkalttm 


Resident students took fundraising 
to a whok nr>v level baking up 
theirfellow peers for 12 hours to 
mist funds far LukcimUi 



Sports Editor 

Respect is a far more powerful motiva¬ 
tor than tear. 

Hazing or the practice of initiation 
rituals aren't just dangerous, they're 
counter- productive ami thals the les¬ 
son neariy 70 Windsor fencer athletes 
took home to their respective teams af¬ 
ter attending the 'Transforming Team 
Bonding to a Safe and Positive Experi¬ 
enced seminar in the Human Kinetics 

^ ■ - i B — 

Jeff Masson is a fourth year Bachdor of 
Commerce - Honors Easiness Admin- 
istration Go-op student and plays tight 
working alongside fellow coaches and 
team leaders to eliminate hazing was a 
very beneficial session and die lessons 
taught by UWindsor kinesiology pro¬ 
fessor Margery Holman and professor 
Jay Johnson of the University of Marti- 
tobas Faculty of Kinesiology and Recre¬ 
ation Management was well-received 

"The goal of a varsity' sports team is 
to win, and hazing lias no way of im¬ 
proving your chances of reaching that 
goal? Masson said "Team outing and 
positive experiences create strong team 
bonds which is much more likdy to 
lead to a wire We were taught how to 
approach hazing if it occurs, how to 
step in, and how to prevent it in the first 

Along with Masson, six other Lancer 
football players - Randy Beaidy, Travis 
Duiodier, Tank Bonas, Lekan Idowu, 
Dave McDuffie and Joe latzko - took 

part in the presentation which described 
the traditions, risks and gendered nature 
of hazing and helped shed some light 
to the athletes on exactly what hazing 
is, how to dearly define it and separate 
right fom wrong* 

“Having seven guys go was good but 
I ted like it is proportional to the num¬ 
ber of guys we carry on our team and 
it sets us up to prevent and avoid those 
kind of situations to ensure rookies are 
respected and comfortable on the team? 
Masson said 

Dl Holman and Johnson discussed 

how there air towHs at haztricr ranging 

from having rookies set up for practice 
or tear down, to the more extreme dr- 
cumstanoes like forced alcoholism or 
public embarrassment Dr. Holman 
added hazing rituals can be humiliating 
and create resentments which hinder 
trust and <rooperafion between team- 

“Besides the emotional damage, its just 
plain counter-productive, dividing rath¬ 
er than uniting teams? said Dr Holman 
“The intention is that these team leaders 
will share the information with their 
teammates to create new traditions? 

The basis of any successful sports team 
is respect and Masson said when there 
are upwards over 50 or more on a foot¬ 
ball team with a singular goal of victory' 
of trying to get better for the program, 
there isn't any room for hazing 

"It is hard to force someone to do some¬ 
thing inappropriate or haze them if you 
have a pre-existing bond or relation¬ 
ship? noted Masson “Things like team 
bonding activities like bowling or esc^e 

Jeff Masson, Drnid McDuffie, Travis Dumber , Matt Gayer and Randall Beardy of the Windsor Lancers 
football (mm are bringing more leadership qualities to the locker room thanks to an anti-hazing workshop 
in the Human Kinetics building Man 28. More than 70 Lancer athletes and coaches attended 'Transform¬ 
ing Team Bonding to a Safe and Positive Experience 1 " presented by [/Windsor kinesiology professor emeri¬ 
tus Dr Margery Holman and professor Jay Johnson of the University of Manitoba. 

[Photo by // Brett Hedges} 

rooms, allow for a relationship to form 
between rookie players and veteran 

The group also engaged in some open 
discussions while mixing in alternative 
activities aimed at creating a positive 

team bonding experience for all. In one 
activity, Lancer athletes strategized in a 
team-building exercise to predict how 
many people they can pile on balloons 
witho ut popping any. 

‘The comments from the students 

were wry positive, as were those of the 
coaches,” said Dr* Holmm “We got 
some good insights in their feedback for 
a topic about which most are reluctant 
to talk? 










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UWill Discover Hosts 
Undergraduate Research Conference 


News Editor 

The University ofWindsors UWill Di$- 
cover group brought students and fac- 
ulty together to discuss tnopen format 
peoples passions and research. 

The all-day event brought forth the 
many ideas being talked about and re¬ 
searched within die university mainly 
amon^t uruieigraduates but it over¬ 
flowed into all reaches and groups of the 
university. This years theme was Border 
Culture and wiiat it means to be a bor¬ 
der aty in many senses of the term 

One of the main events of the day, the 
keynote panel, discussed on how to 
transcend and get passed the idea of 
borders and take advantage of together¬ 
ness raiherthan separation. 

The panel consisted of six members - 
Alan Wildeman, president of the Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor* Wiliam Anderson 
horn the Goss Borders Institute of the 
University of Windsor* Michael Dar- 
roch from the School of Creative Arts 
of the University of Windsor* Ruseell 
Nahdee, Director of Turtle Island and 
University ofWmdsor professor; Jaydee 
Tarpeh, president of the UW5A and 
Jerry Herron, Dean from Wayne State 

The panel for research day presents their topics regarding borders and Windsor March 29. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

^Ihe panel was a peat opportunity to 
bring people together from different 
perspectives to talk about bonders," said 
Wildeman. Tn Windsor; borders are 
very important to people!' 

Wildeman said it was a good day to in¬ 
troduce the different meanings of bor¬ 
ders to people as wdL 

"There are a tot of barrios we set up 
with borders but therek also a lot of op¬ 
portunities,” said Wildeman. T think 
the big thing for me was how important 

the arts are when trying to understand 
the borders. Bordets are one of the pil¬ 
lars- in our strategic research plan so we 
really care about what came from the 
day as a whole." 

Herron, during the pand, brought the 
prospective of the Michigan side of the 
border and talked about the fireworks. 
He said this b an important occasion 
everyyear because it brin^ two nations 
together to admire the fireworks and 

one another's nations, 

“Do Canadians fed about living on the 
frontier the same way Americans dof' 
asked Herron in his presentation. “The 
frontier gives us the idea of this Ameri¬ 
can dream- The biggest border that we 
have is this notion of the frontier, we just 
cant live without it I dforit knowiftherefc 
arch a thing as the Canadian dream that 
can relate to what we have.” 

Tarpeh said he wanted to focus in on the 

relationship between borders and the 
access and benefits from them 

Tfs a good and bad thing to be here in 
Windsor next to Detroit" said Tarpeh. 
* Anything that happens in Detroit good 
orbadjWe^dinedlylinkEd toit I find 
we are the real South Detroit” 

Tarpeh said ifs important for Wind¬ 
sor to buikt its own reputation around 
the nation and the world, but having a 
passive rdatfonship with Detroit is also 


"Windsor is such an easy place to ex¬ 
pand from because of the neighboring 
Detroit and American market’' said 
Tarpeh. ‘Airy idea you have* any busi¬ 
ness you start has unlimited potential 
because of the idea of this border? 

The Windsor-Detroit border is one 
which wifl continued to be discussed to 
the academic world and will be expand¬ 
ed by on both sides. 


Sports Editor 

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Final Thoughts From Our President 

Jay dee Tarpeh’s Final Address 

UWSA President Jaydee Tarpeh sits outside the University of Windsors CAW building Apr .; 4 with Just 

under a month left in his presidential position. 

[Photo by // Jotene Perron} 

fcaiTtfy to the students who have made enough to sftback and <romplain behind 

our accomf^merts possible this year* dosed door^ it is no longer enough to 

without ymm mi yt«r support, iu« hr? la tmX Ida mat believe 

that any student is "apathetic'"; however, 

I would first and foremost like to thank 
you for the mandible opportunity you 
have |pven me this year to serve as your 
president If I have not had the pleasure 
of meeting you this year, my name is 
Jaydee Tarpeh and I have served as pres¬ 
ident of UWSA 2015/2016. 

Being president is not an easy task. 
There are long days, tough conversa¬ 
tions, and harsh criticism but it is a re¬ 
warding one. Waking up and knowing 
that you can advocate for your fellow 
students, be a listener, a comforter and 
many things to many people you would 
never have known makes it worth ev¬ 
ery single minute. Over the last year, 
you have all been part of the process of 
shaping up the oiganizalioa picking up 
hum where the previous executive team 
left off and continuing to move in a pos¬ 
itive direction Bravo! 

In my eyes, a president and as a leader 
in this capacity it has been an absolute 
pleasure being of service to you. Serving 
in this role, I have had the opportunity 
to connect with many of you and you 
have provided me with many unforget¬ 
table moments and 1 can only hope that 
I have done what 1 can to make the life 
of each student and your experience on 

fust over a year ago. I said that electing 
me and putting your feith in me had 
pul me in a position to accomplish all 
that I hoped to see for the average stu¬ 
dent of the University of Windsor, i 
think this year we have done our best 
to make that possible, I also acknowl¬ 
edged that bringing everyone on board 
was the only way to move forward and 
make our University and the student 
experience better. This is why we have 
accomplished so much this year, espe¬ 
cially being the first executive tom to 
work for a M year under a completely 
new set of by-laws. With the support 
of our UWSA staff, cooperation from 
adirdnistration and our other partners, 
we have honoured our commitments. 
Just to highlight some implements 
this year; here are a few things we have 

managed to achieve: 

A Universal Bus pass (Fall 2016) to en¬ 
sure that transportation is accessible to 
every student no matter your economic 
status, A UWSA Bike share Program 
(Launching in May) to provide alterna¬ 
tive ways to travd across campuses. 

The UWSA Hub, an online interactive 
portal to connect the campus through 
dubs and societies and to give students 
access to information about all that is 
happening on campus* Advocating 
for and expanding work-study to in¬ 
dude international students for fairness. 
Dropping the $5 debit minimum be¬ 
cause students should not be restricted 
when they are making purchases on 

We came into the office with three 
amazing employees and we are leaving 
with a full, functional, and effective of¬ 
fice with more than eight emptoyees. 

We finalized the devefopment of the 
Lancer Lounge, a fl exible lounge space 
that meets the needs of every student 
as well as student groups (Prelected to 
open September 2016). Waking on a 
brand spanking new UWSA website 
that improves students access to in- 
formation and their experience. This 
board pefcssed new UWSA pdkies that 
give guidance to how the organization 
should work in the interest of students, 
and these are just to name a few 

In retrospect, through fcnuing partner¬ 
ships and strengthening relatfonships, 
bringing everyone on board has been 
the foundation of our success this year 
From the executives, Sukhjot Matthew; 
Tofunmi, Rajiv, all who have put in 
countless of hours of dedicated work 
and tireless effort, to the University ad¬ 
ministration who have been willing 
and eager to work with us> to our fel¬ 
low student unions who Jiave always 
stood by us, to the custodial staff who 
make sure we can weak in a dean en¬ 
vironment, and to the extremely hand 
working and passionate UWSA staff 
who are the fuel of this organization and 
the student movement Most impor- 

of this would have even been remotely 

Now let me turn your attention to where 
we go from here. Asastudert unk>a our 
purpose is to respect and be foe voice of 
all students, but also to protect the un¬ 
heard and oppressed voices. We have 
been working for more than 40 years to 
accomplish our mission of representa¬ 
tion, advocacy and services. Let me be 
honest with you, most times our dknb 
is steeper in accomplishing these things 
if you the students are not involved We 
as students have an incredible amount 
of power in our hands and we need to 
take advantage of this power. We do not 
need pemtisston from anyone to take 
back the power Be it from the hands 
of the administration or the hands 
of UWSA influencerx it is do longer 

students simply may not have the plat¬ 
form to make their voices heard St\ 1 
encourage you to build that platform if 
it does not exist Push the boundaries, 
have an impact in your community and 
have an impact on the individuals that 
you meet daily. The student movement 
needs your energy and your momen¬ 
tum to accomplish anything. 

In short, we need to get involved in our 
student union and be active on our 
campus You need to make sure that 
your voice is heard loud and dear, what¬ 
ever your perspective and point of views 
may be. We as a student union will 
continue to encourage your freedom 
of speech and productive dialogue. We 
also need to protect and be the voice of 
thevoiceless and oppressed This is why 

we have such a wide variety of services 

focused towards these grewps and their 

to encourage conversation and protect 
freedom of speech. We have come to 
a place in our university where some¬ 
times the lines seemed blurred 1 am 
giving you acali to action to get active in 
your student union, get active on your 
campus, your thoughts, and make 

our campus vibrant You need your stu¬ 
dent union, but roost importantly; your 
student unton needs you! 

Jaydee Tarpeh 


News Editor 

My stay at the Lance has been some¬ 
what of a busy one. M a full-time 
student, a musician, a volunteer, an 
extraoirricubr extraordinaire and a 
founder and owner of a non-profit 
you learn how to balance - and by 
balance I mean take everything day 
by day. 

The Lance has been almost an escape 
from the business. Vs something I love 
doing - getting out there, meeting 
amazing people wfth amaring stories 
and then writing about H The Lance 

is less of a job than it is a pleasure and 
I was always told growing up 4 *Do 
something you fove and youB never 
have to wotka day in your life.” Here at 
The Lance, I fed ami five these words. 

Thais not to say 16 been all fun and 
games, fve learned a lot but this year 
has definitely been a step forward in 
my career, m my fife and towards the 
ultimate future I hope to achieve. 

There is not mudi negative to say 
about the year but if there were one 
tiring, it would be parking As some¬ 
one who works for the university it 
is at times frustrating 1 have to spend 
money for parking every time I come 

out and f m in and out multiple times 
every day so it definitely adds up. 

That being said Fve worked with the 
most aanazing staff who has your back 
all the way. They are all very’ support¬ 
ive, UTKierstanding and most definite¬ 
ly fagivtog. 

I, being the baby of the writing crew; 
have learned a lot from the staff here, 
its betn a Family and Fm giad to have 
met and learned so much from these 
iiKihnduals, not just about work but 
about life as wdL 

Thank you so much hr the great year 



Heart and Stroke Foundation 
Benefit from Great Soup Kitchen 


News Editor 

St Clair Goflegdk Centre for the Arts 
was home to the 30th Great Soup Kitch¬ 
en to raise money and awareness to the 
Heart and Stroke Foundation, 


rants and celebrities to cook and serve 
different soups for people to aifoy Ev¬ 
ery soup was unique and different and 
the event filled out the mom as many 
gathered to support the cause. 

Holly Kirk McLean, area manager for 
the Heart and Stroke Fbundadoa said 
she was very happy with this yeare turn¬ 
out and grateful for die partnerships 
they have maintained for foe 30 years 
foe event has been happening 

‘Its really a refebrabore said Kkk Mc- 
Lean “hfot only for what foe Heart and 
Stroke Foundation does but also for foe 

generosity and support we get from the 

Kirk McLean said she really hopes to 
educate young people on the impor¬ 
tance of knowing what it means to live 
an active and healthy life, 

"We are very much proactive in our 
venture and encourage people to stay 
fit and exerciser said Kirk McLean, 4 We 
also have a lot of healfo-savii^ drugs 
and treatments foal make a true dif¬ 
ference and impact in people and thdr 
families because of the research and test¬ 
ing were able to do from foe funding of 
events like this.” 

She said foeyVe done a lot of research in 
the past year and foe have found ways 

Soup was served hat from different restaurants and organizations all day and served by heal celebrities, 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 

#v. ; m. imvii iiwwwwwfliN 


to oil death and permanent disability 
from strokes by half, but they have to 
educate people on what a stroke is for 
this to happen and they use events like 
this to do so. 

A1 Frederick, chief of police forWindsor 
Folke Service, was one of foe celebrity 
servers for the day and said & import¬ 
ant for the community to support one 
another and events like this are foe per¬ 
fect opportunity to do it 

“Every family has been aflkt by heart 
and stroke problems in some way an d 
its such a trig thing in the woridT said 
Frederick. “it is a little way ofhdpingoul* 
serving for foe event, and giving hack to 
foe community. It such an incredible 
cause and we’re happy to be here,” 

Drew Dilkens, Windsor's mayor ; and Heart and Stroke Foundation’s area manager Holly Kirk McLean, 
pose for a photo at the Great Soup Kitchen March 31. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 


Circulation Manager 

m admit thatwhen I first took foe joh 
I was expecting it to be super easy: boy 
was I wrong. Not only do you have to 
know every single businesss hours to 
deliver to them, but also attract new 
businesses and make sure peoples 
voices and opinions are heard You 
basically play the role of customer ser¬ 

vice for anewspaqper and I grew to love 
it over dine, as I got better. 

What I love about the job is that it al¬ 
lowed me to see parts of foe dty that 

tion feels like a different community 
with different personalities that never 
seem to overlap, ft even showed me 
some of my now favorite food spots 
in the dty, like Walkerville Tavern and 
little White Kitchen Bakery, 

What made each trip rewarding was 
seeing people read and interacting 
with the paper, ft always felt good 
knowing foal something you did con¬ 
tributed to people liking foe n&teriaL 
even tf it was a simple “Thank You" 
when you drop off foe papers. This 
was a very rew*aiding)ob to me in foal 
respect and I urge Mow students to 
try their hand at it at least once. 

RS- Be nice to cops and custodians. 
They wffl hdp you out if you da 


Social Work Graduates Present 
Research from Experience in the Field 


News Editor 

The University of Windsor gave social 
work masters students the opportunity 
to present research they compiled on 
their own in relation to their studies at 

room and school setting in bigger areas 
and in hunt of boards one day. She said 
she believes the university program has 
taught ha- a lot and there are a lot of op¬ 
portunities for many students because 
ofthe quality of the program at UWind- 

their placements last week 

The event took the ideas of the gradu¬ 
ate studies and applied it to ideas and 
suggestions they would present to their 
placements on how to improve things 
introduce new ideas and how to think 
about things differently The event gave 
students tile opportunity to expand on 
their knowledge, converse with one an¬ 
other and team new ways of dunking in 
thekige Md of social work 

"We live in an age of information and an 
event like this does more than the Inter¬ 
net could ever do for youT said Wilson. 
"You can walk around talk to people 
and team not only on the topics present¬ 
ed but also about die experiences the 
people who wrote them had" 

Taytor Fast, a graduate student fromso 
dai work said the opportunity to pac- 
tiee the implementation of new ideas 

into the work place gave students a taste 

student, said the posters they created 

helped bring their learning from the 
placements students were at to a new 
level because instead of just doing work 
for an agency, they got to expand and 
think of new ideas for it 

"*We did things such as evaluation as¬ 

*T worked for the addiction centre at 
Hold Dieu-Grace Hospital and I was 
able to team a lot about chronic reper¬ 
cussions horn the use of drugs,” said 
Fast a A lot of people dorit want to take 
substances because of the substance 

sessments, improvement suggestions, 
teaming devdopment and much more,” 
said Wilson. 1 did an evaluation on the 
needs of mental health patients with 
dud diagnosis and how to better serve 

abuse that can from it, so my idea is the 

introduction of differed complementa¬ 
ry medidnes that help patients control 

their pain managementswithout drugs.” 

East said the opportunity for students is 

them in institutions othealtii' 

a very good one and she hopes people 

Wilson said her placement at a hospital keep coming out to support the stu- 
has taught her a tot and she hopes to dents" efforts and research throughout 
pursue her ideas presented in a class- the years. 

Taylor Fast, MS W student, shared her ideas on alternate routes for chronic pain in hospitals rather than 

just medication. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman] 


The Lance Contributor 

Writing for The Lance has been ev¬ 
erything I wanted it to be and more It 
has given me the opportunity to write 

abwit my favorite hobbyr washing 
movies, The Lance has allowed me to 
get my veto out into the {fohlk forum 

and to start building a portfolio of 
review work that will hdp me once I 
leave die University. 

Talking about movies and entertain¬ 
ment is something Im hoping I can 
turn into a career and working as a 
volunteer forThe Lance is just the first 
stepping stone in hdping me adikve 


I am beyond thankful to my edftors 
who have given me this opportunity 
and I carft wait to continue producing 
great oentent for our oomiminty of 
readers, To describe it in one word, my 
time writing for The Lance has been 



Arts Editor 

The evoit served as a iairiy innovative 
art exhibit whidi was partly fueled out 
of friendly corapetitiaa 

Initially opened Mar 1(X the Revitalized 
art exhibit held its dosing reception on 
the evening of Apr. I at the Walker- 
viile Artists Co-op. On display were 15 
pkces of woik from 13 different artists 
who created sculptures entirely out of 
found and recyded materials. On top 
of highlighting a level of craftsmanship 
the exhibit doubled as a contest where 
$600 was to be distributed among due 
top three displayed works. 

With the reception of the exhibit being 
strong, WAC manager Chris Ford sees 
it as the start of something fresh. 

"We decided when we woe going to do 
dils, we would do it in a big wayTFmd 
said 'We i n tend on making tills an an¬ 
nual event Weve been pleased with the 
first years offerings!’ 

Michad Karel Ondrovdk was among 
die artists who had their work on 
display A metal smith by trade, Gn- 
drovdkfc piece was called ‘Txang ViralT 
which he said was made out of drift¬ 
wood found in Lake Erie. The piece is 
part of a running series of driftwood 
works from the artist. He said he lets the 
projects "run tree,” as they find a way to 

T just got this idea of a virus of an ani¬ 
mal, and it wasrit even a virus until the 
end, and if you look at pictures of mi- 
crosoopte creatures, you come out with 
thirds Bke that sometimesT Ondrovdk 

The first, second and third place win¬ 
ners were to be awarded $300, $200 and 

An engine sculpture, courtesy of James Kerr, was one of IS pieces of display during the Revitalized exhibit from Afar. 10 to Apr I 

[Photo by l/Hani Yassine] 

$100 respectively The eventual winner 
went to Rod Scholey for his soapstone 
carving. A retired woodworker; Sdidey 
started working with stone recently and 
made thewinning piece over the course 

oftwo days in January out of what he de¬ 
scribed as complete boredom. However* 
the project also helped him gain a stron¬ 
ger appreciation for strong amings. 

"Its satisfying, 1 * Schdey said T get a kick 

out of carving the stone more than I do 

As for what he plans to do with the prize 
money SdioJe/s answer was simple. 

“Dinners for the kids and the wife and 

maybe a bottle of wineT Sdidey said 

The Wdkmille Artists* Co-opfe next 
exhibit will be a Teen Art Show, which 
wiS run from Apr 8 to 27. More infor¬ 
mation can be found on their website 






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Class Teaches Fundamentals 

of Sign Language 


Arts Editor 

Roughly 30 people attended an American Sign Language class at Erie Hall Apr. 1. 

[Photo by l} Hani Yassine] 

Nu chapter of the Ddta Zeta sorority, geared towards the deaf and hard of herself finding the skiilset will not only 

hearing Royle hopes the dass will help open doors for her career, but also do 

ft was roughly one year ago when Taylor 
Smith said she began volunteering as 
an American Sign Language instructor. 
The reason fordoing so was personal, as 
she herself b hard of hearing resorting 
to hearing aids on a M time bask 

t£ It was really difficult to decipher what 
people were saying to roe, and some¬ 
times Fd be relying purely on non-verbal 
eemmunkation and with that you need 
contedf Smith said 

Smith decided to share her knowledge 
on campus by teaching a two-hour 
American Sign Language class in Erie 
Hall Apr. V. Over 30 peopk had signed 
up for the course, where they were to 
grasp the fundamentals of language in 
the visual form, touchk^ on matters 
of syntax, grammar and vocabulary. 
While Smiths personal experience with 
hearing aids felt like “an entirely new 
world opened upT shds also aware they 
dont work on everybody, leading the 
dass to aim for a more practical under¬ 

“My hope is by the end of this lesson, 
people wilt be comfortable in the skills 
that they 1 ve learned to go ahead and ini¬ 
tiate a conversation with one that speaks 
and uses sign language primarilyf Smith 
said Tl may make a difference in some- 
on^ life” 

Hie dass was presented as a philan¬ 
thropic effort by UWindsors Qmkron 

According to philanthropy chair Kkra 
Royle, all proceeds from the dass wili 
go towards GaHaudet Unrversfty, which 

contribute to making Windsor a bit 

die same for those with muted hearing. 

*Xh ir nattonal phiknthro^ 

and hearing, so a lag need that we found 

was theres be more accessibility in sign 
language rather tlian just raising money 
for hearing aklsf Royfe said “Hearing 
aids don’t work for everybody, so we 
shouldn’t just focus on technology^’ 

more accessible. As a second year so- 
is the only post-secondary institution dal work student, RoyieisleaniiiTg ASL 


Arts Editor 

When 1 joined The Lance roughly a 
year and a half ago, k was admitted- 
fy for selfish reasons, Fedixig like my 
Journalism diploma was goir^ to 
wasfe 1 went in with the priority to 
establish a portfolio and improve my 
craft Nothing else. While it definite¬ 
ly succeeded in providing these two 
benefits, this past year gradually be¬ 
came about something much more 
For what could possibly be for the first 
time, I found mysdf truly involved in 
the community, be it the campus or 
the sunoundlng dtyscape, 

Fve lived inWindsor for ihe better half 
of my life Theres a difference between 

living in an enviKminent, and 
koowingand understanding its nooks 
and crannies. When I started working 
at The Lance, I realized just how little 
I knew about my own home. Theids 
so much more that goes on here than 
meets the eye, and tends to be dther 
oveiiooked or taken for granted IF 
you search hard enough you can find 
a community dial carries a sense of 
pride and generosity Its not without 
cracks, and you can certainly make 
a case for it currently undergoing an 
identity crisis. But never should it un¬ 
dermine the genuine good hdd in this 
town, and how deeply enriched it is 

Theres no single vwrd to express my 
gratitude towards what this modest, 
yet passionate and effective publica¬ 

tion has done for me Fm extraordi¬ 
narily lucky and privileged to say my 
job included sedi^ the wide variety of 
works and innovations this commu¬ 
nity has to o2k Like any fob, it had 
its headaches and fhistrations* and an 
assignment here and there fek like a 
sfog. But it was never the same week 
twice, ft was always something differ- 
eni Something exciting, I already look 
forward to starting it back up again 
come die next academic year. 

The lock and key has been placed on 
what fd like to believe was a strong 
year for us, and posona% this year 
also greatly moulded mv thoughts 
and fedings of the dty Fve come to 
greatly appreciate, warts and all 

Tve learned so much, and I intend on 
keep learning. 


Legendary Trumpeter 
Collaborates with UWindsor 

Trumpeter Alien Vizzutti headlines the University Jazz Ensemble's cabaret concert at the Waters Edge Event Centre Apr\ Z 

[Photo by // Hani YassineJ 

“If you’re not talking about multi-niil- 


Arts Editor 

A! the Waters Edge Event Centre; there 
were few seats left in the house 

It was on the snowy evening of Apr. 2 
when the School of Creative Arts hdd 
their annual Jazz Ensemble cabinet con¬ 
cert within the central walls. There was 
no shortage in musical flavor as the con¬ 
cert dove deep into entidng jazz tunes, 
which were effectively reuvforced by the 
big band arrangement. 

The main draw, however; had kss to do 
with the big band arid more to do with a 
single, small-framed trumpeter. 

"He has raised the standard for trumpet 
players all around the worfcC said Rob¬ 
ot Fazecash, UWindsars Jazz Ensem¬ 
ble (director 

The musical CV of Allen Vizzutti can¬ 
not be overstated As the evenings spe¬ 
cial guest and the latest artist to take 
UWindsor residency, Vizzuttjs skills as 
a trumpeter iiave allowed him to trav¬ 
el aonss the dobe, performing with 
groups thorn the NBC Tonight Show 
band to the rather elusive Budapest Ra¬ 
dio Orchestra. HA made contributions 
to countless fil ms including " Bade to the 
Putore” and “Star TftkT and his sounds 
can evsi be found within the virtual 
realms of “Hakf and ‘World of War- 

Vizzutti said recording music remains 
one ofhis favorite activities to date; not¬ 
ing there are few processes as healthy as 
die creative one. 

"Take it for what ft tef Vimitti said “The 
creative part is so healthy, when you 
play for people you actually make them 
more healthy physically. Its brain chem¬ 
istry and that alone is great motivation 
to keep going.” 

Stylistically, Vizzutti describes himself 
as versatile, as he can show five differ¬ 
ent pieces, which would seem they’re 
all being performed by different people. 
Prior to the concert at Waters Edge, Viz¬ 
zutti also performed with the University 
Wind Ensemble on top of headlinh^ a 

master class for students. 

Performing for over 40 years, Vizzut¬ 
ti finds himsdf ramping up his trav¬ 
els, with up to 20-hour workdays and 
adapting to what he describes as a par¬ 
adigm shift Given his time in the in¬ 
dustry, hes seen the distribution make a 
large migration from the tangible to the 
digital While hes iiad sites like Youtube 
to tliank for recognition from a younger 
generation, the rapid changes iiave kept 
him on the road in order to sustain him¬ 
sdf as an artist 

lion dollar marketing for pop music; 
then you’re talking about the rest of us, 
and theres super-high quality stuff out 
there thals barely getting by because 
of file-sharing and streaming,’ 7 Vizzutti 
said ‘The rates are too lcnV 

kk with these fluctuations where to an 
aspiring student musician, Vizzutti rec¬ 
ommends carefully eonsidernig the re¬ 
alism of a successful music career. 

"To make a livir^ (m an aenustk instru¬ 
ment is really difficult, almost impos¬ 

sible;’ Vizzutti said. “It takes different 
income streams such as teaching, and 
then you have to be, realistic ofhow you 
actually stack up to the world” 

Vizzutti however is grateful to be healthy 
enough to find himsdf still touring all 
over the world as it always comes back 
to the music. One of the ways he tries to 
up the artistic ante is by playing more 
musically with every performance. He 
emphasizes integrity, and finds emo¬ 
tional feedback to the audience to be 
most ideal, as even when lies playing a 

piece for the umpteenth time, therAthe 
goal in making it as potent and unique 
as possible. 

‘These performances are like sunsets 
and rainbows, Isrit that corny?” Vizzutti 
jests "But the thing is every rainbow is 
a rainbow but they’re different Every 7 
sunset is a sunset hit they're aD different 
The performances are made of person¬ 
alities and a time in history where you 
fed a certain way so even though rfe the 
same technically, its different muskallyf 


The Lance Contributor 

Another year for The Lance coming 
to a dose! The time has absolutely 
flown by since September and its hard 
to believe this is our last issue until the 

This has been my third year contrib¬ 
uting to The Lance. I started out in 
2013 fen' exposure and the chance to 
be published with a background in 
journalism, it was a very important 

step I needed to take. Alter the first 
couple of pieces, contributing quiddy 
turned into writing for the fun of it 
The aits beat is one I didn’t think fd 
end up wanting to do* but after jump* 
inginto it, ife hard to imagine writing 
about anything dse. 

Looking back* this was a year of 
branching out and embracing some 
new projects, like opinion pieces/edi - 
toriak I was nervous at first, but now 
that the pieces have been put out there, 
Fve definitely found a love for a writ¬ 
ing style] previously considered to be 

a pacing fancy. Whcxi want to read 
my take on something? 

To my delight, ourEdilor-in-Chief en¬ 
couraged me to take some ideas and 
run with them, and 1 couldn't be more 
grateful It was really exciting and I ab¬ 
solutely hope to do many more pieces 
like them in the futijae* in addition to 

And with that, Fd like to thank both 
our audience and our staff for the 
honor of allowing me to write for you 
once again Have a great summer, and 
well see you in the ML 


Hundreds Attend Milk’s Reopening Night 


Arts Editor 

'fhe exterior of the building has re¬ 
mained intact, but beyond die long 
standing walk laid a fresh design 

The tucked door of Milk Coffee Bar 
was open once more as it held its official 
reopening on the evening of Mat 31. 
FoJlowing a month and a half of reno¬ 
vations, an influx within the hundreds 
attended the bars return, taking in the 
familiar nuances while coming to terms 
with the new ones. 

Jesse Baker, who previously worked at 
the establishment, attended the reopen¬ 
ing She was one of seemingly many 
who found the revamp, at least aesthet¬ 
ically to be a step in the right direction. 

”1 like the walls, they're so much deanetf 
Baker said "There are still some things 
that need touching up, but for a student 
it's great" 

The structure of the bar retains the fa¬ 
miliarity, but the walk and furniture 
help pave the way in giving the new 

Milk a sleek* modernized design. Musk 

promoter David Tidwell contributed 
to die night by bringing in local talents 
Talking Violet and Meandergreen to 
perform. Having brought shows to Milk 
prior to the renovation, he found there 
to be a significant improvement in die 

*T& a lot more spacious, and the aoousr- 
lies sound way better, ilk not all duttered 
up Tidwell said 

Owner and fourth year business stu¬ 
dent Arsh Bhfltia warts the new Milk 
to serve as a dean slate for the future He 
said he has every intention on keeping 
the bar’s regulars, all while drawing in a 
new crowd who may not have known 
much or anything about it in the first 

Meandergreen is the first hand to take the stage during the reopening of Milk Coffee Bar Mar 31. 

(Photo by // Hani \assine} 

place. One ofthe ways he plans on mak¬ 
ing this a reality is by having a different 
theme for every night This can include 

far? nights, a mmedy <&ow and perhaps 

even a dance party. 

T know people want apiace downtown, 
especially after Loop dosed, to go danc¬ 
ing Ehats not like the stufftha&onOueL 
letted Bhaiia said 

Bhatia found die nights reception to 
be generally positive, but also acknowl¬ 
edges a few people fdt the opposite way 
While he knows he can't please every¬ 
body, hes kx>king to engage in com¬ 
munity feedback in order to help build 
character upon what he$ viewing as a 
newly Hank canvas, 

“I tried my best to listen to their con¬ 
cerns and what they wanted and that's 
ultimately my end goal to give the peo¬ 
ple what they wanC Bhatia said 

A portion of the Milk Coffee Bar's new design, complete with fresh painted walls, new furniture and dis¬ 
played artwork as shown during its reopening Mar 31. 

[Photo by// Hani Yassine] 

f J Sj* 



Advertising Manager 

This year as the Advertising Manager 
for The Lance has been an amazing 

I wanted to work for The Lance be¬ 
cause we hav^ similar values. The 
Lance is known as the official stu¬ 
dent newspaper for the University of 
Windson Being a fellow student here, 
I care about the student body. This was 
a role where I could use my mariceting 
skills to book advertisit^ ^ia^fordL 

arts tliat would, suit student needs. 

I bode advertising space in the paper 
for dients within and outside of the 
Windsor arnmunity, I provide dients 
with information about the paper and 
book thdr contracts. 

Everyone here shares the same values 
of providing students with the storks 
that they need and waiUtoenfoy My 
co-workers are amazing and Fve en¬ 
joyed working with everyone 

Being Advertising Manager lias kept 
me on my toes, I had to work with 
bi-weekly deadlines, multitape man¬ 
age multiple clients at once and orga¬ 

nize accordingly 

fve learned so much and it can all 
be summed up in one word perse¬ 
verance I have been told 'ho” many 
times Ibis year However, I did not let 
that get me down IVe had to take dif¬ 
ferent approaches - rethink my pitch 
to clients, highlight different aspects 
of what our paper has to offer and to 
literally' think outside the box to bring 

A life lesson that I will take from this 
role is to not give up very easfyv There 
are many ways to succeed at a taskand 
eventually me of them will work 


Patriotism nas an full display this past weekend as thousands of athletes, coaches and team representatives took pari in the CARHA World Cup 
opening ceremonies Apr, X A dimer and opening remarks at Caesars Windsor kicked off the week long tournament »*idt will take place across 

three regional memo* — 

[Photo 6y// Tim Cornett] 

ourbstkkk at the cm because werenot tive Sum “The Islanders” hotkey team 
the youngest team. The first womens from Vancouver Island, EC and was 
division was four years ago in the Soo exchanging stories with Steven Higgjm 


Sports Editor 

The CARHA World Cup is well un¬ 
derway and patriotism was on M dis¬ 
play this past weekend as the opening 
ceremonies at Caesars Windsor kicked 
off the weekfong tournament featuring 
over 130 teams across 20 age divisions. 

The official welcoming ceremony for 
all participants in the CARHA Hockey 
World Oip and took place inside the 
Augustus Ballroom at Caesars Wind¬ 
sor Apr. 3, The festivities induded a 
hot and cold buffet, welcome speeches 
from CARHA president Mike Peski 
and Windsor mayor Drew Dilkens and 
was followed by a parade induding over 
2^00 players horn 14 different countries 
marching down Riverside Drive 

'Fhe parade ended in an outdoor street 
party held on Ouellette Ave. between 
(Chatham and Park street providing 
teams the chance to make new friends 
and re-connect with dd ones in true 
Canadian fashion while enjoying live 
entertainment, interactive activities - 
and of course, thdr favorite adult bev¬ 

Lode Springall and Danidle Marehand 
are both members of the womens hotk¬ 
ey team, the Canadian Beavers, from 
Sauft Ste, Marie, Ont and said it was a 
rare opportunity, wfakh they treated like 
the Olympics Games, Marehand said it 
was a privilege and an honor to partic¬ 
ipate as Canadians as she donned the 
teanft beaver mascot costume. 

+ ¥s die Olympics of adult recreational 
hockey, thaft how CARHA promotes 
it and thafs how it feds because of the 
four-year eyefe” Springail said ''Its ex- 
dti ng to be around so many people 
from around the world and to be here in 
Windsor. For some of us this m^hl be 

and weVe been hooked since. We said 
we would gp to the next one and thafs 
what we did and our jerseys are going to 
be the best in the tournament” 

Susan Grant is a CARHA represenfca- 

frora Great Britain, who said he traveled 
for 30 hours along with his teammates 
and was excited to finally visit Windsor. 

“This is absolutely a wonderful expe¬ 
rience” Grant said "You get to meet 

people from all over the worid and its 
just a great group of people and i& an 
exciting and wonderful week and were 
very happy to be in Windsor and its a 

The dosing ceremonies will be hdd at 
Caesars Windsor in both the Augustus 
Ballroom and Colosseum where ath¬ 

letes, guests, volunteers and organizers 
will come together to edebrate the suc¬ 
cess of the event Apr. 9 at 6 pm After 
the dosing ceremonies are complete 
everyone is invited to attend the af¬ 
ter-party which will aBow participants 
to choose the atmosphere that best suits 
them in one Caesar’s five different bars 
and lounges. 

City Windsor mayor Drew Dtikens addresses participarm during the CARHA World Cup opening cere¬ 
monies at Caesar's Windsor Apr X 1he expected economic input from the tournament featuring over 130 * 

teams from across the world wiU approximately he $15 million. 

[Photo by// Tim Cornett] 



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CARHA president Mike Peski hoists up the championship trophy for the CARHA 
World Cup tournament taking place in Windsor from Apr. 3 to I Oth. At the opening 
ceremonies at Caesar's Windsor, thousands of athletes an over 130 teams across 20 
divisions will take part in the tournament. 

(Photo by // 77m Cornett f 

Lorie Springall and the Canadian Beaver (Danielle Marchand) were pull of 
patriotism ahead of the CARHA opening ceremonies at the Caesars 
Windsor Apr. 3. The Canadian Beavers are a women’s team from 
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. and are one of over 130 teams across 20 divisions 
competing m the week long tournament. 

(Photo by ff Brett Hedges} 

The CARHA World Cup opening ceremonies took the streets of Windsor Apr. 3 after the ceremo¬ 
ny left Caesar's Windsor earlier in the night. The CARHA World Cup is hosted every four years 
and many of the athletes involved consider it to be their Olympic Games. 

[Photo by H 77m Cornett} 



Windsor Mayor Talks with 
UWindsor Alumni About Windsor 

Mayor of Windsor, Drew Dilkens, talks about why Windsor is great and how to improve the outside outlook 

on it through the university March 30. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workmanj 


News Editor 

The University erf Windsors Ahimni 
Association had die opportunity to 
come out to the university and sit down 
for fundi and listen to the mayor of 
Windsor, an alumnus of the University 

Mayor Drew Dilkens took the opportu- 
nity to talk to the ahimni of UWindsor 
about how great Windsor is and how 
much opportunity it lias to became 

“A lot of people who don’t live in Wind¬ 
sor have a really outdated knowledge of 
our dty and one that may be negative” 
said Dilkens. Tine thing we've been 
trying to do is bring peoptec^ 
cause that's the best way to show them 

how great Windsor is. Iti all part of a 
major rebranding of the dty so people 
can see the waterfroiit, see the facilities 

and see i^eiythir^ dse we have to offerf* 

Dilkens said these arc a kit of good 
things happening in Windsor and the 
only thing left to do b to start talking 
about th^e thirds and letting people 
outside of the ammunity know. 

"We have to be our own best friends* 
our own advocates and promote our 
dty how it deserves to be promoted," 
said Dilkens. “We think the university 
is a key pillar in the dty and thad why 
I wanted to come out hoe and share. 
The people in here arc our future and 
to make the dty even better reties a lot 
on them.” 

He said the university reflects the dty 
in that it is small and personable at the 
same time as being large with a lot to 

do and thatk one of the best things of 

Association, said they really wanted to 
engage the ahimni of the university to 
care about thdr dty and go out and brag 
about all it has to offer, 

“Thercfr so much going in the dty right 
now and the university is directly Inter¬ 
twined with thaC said Reru n id. “ft was 
really good to get Mayor Dilkens per¬ 
spective on everything today and hear 
what he has to say about the growth arid 
future of the mstituhon and its place in 

Renaud said Windsor has a bright fu¬ 
ture and the growth of the university is 
in direct relation to that of the dty. He 
sakl people can hope for the area to only 
get better. 

Winclaire filled out as alumni gathered to eat and listen to Mayor Drew Dilkens discuss about Windsor and 

how to make it better 
[Photo by//Caleb Workman} 

Caesar’s Windsor Looks 
to Assist Students With 
Their Futures 

Caesar's Casino came to the University of Windsor to talk about 
placements and job opportunities available to students while at 


Anthony Lucas from human resources at the casino said the 

and casual opportunities available. JJe said e Verythingfrom HR to 

dealing was being promoted and students could see if they were a 

good fit 

“We really care about our employees and make sure they have the 
best experience while at Caesar'sf said Lucas. “We provide our 
dealers with paid for training we train on-site for students. We 
treat our employees the way they should be and that's why we want 
to be here to present the opportunities/ 1 

Lucas said students should really think about Caesar's because of 
the number of available jobs there are in so many different sectors. 

“It's not just a casino you deal with,” said Lucas. “There's the hotel 
the restaurants and so much more.You can realty learn a lot about 
everything here and we hope students see that," 

p i— ■——i j 


Theatre Review - The Double Dealer 


Arts Editor 

The year 1693 seemed to be a time 
where you coukirifc trust a scud. At least it 
seems this way upon experiencing WU- 
ikm Congreves The Double Deakif a 
period comedy where douUe-aosses 
are met with a dash of deceit Tl^e final 
production of University Players' 57th 
season finds itsdfddving deep into high 
society with a wide array of privileged 
and pompous characters being repre¬ 
sented by what seems to be the majority 
of the School of Dramatic Arts graduat¬ 
ing class. To a degree, a path is set out to 
allow the actors to go out with a bang, 
and both separately and collectively they 
leave all their efforts on the stage. But 
due to components out of their control, 
the result is less of a bang and more of a 

Taking place over the course of a single 
night; “The Double Dealer*’ essentially 
centers on Meflefcnt, whos played solid- 
]y by Callum Gunn. Set before signing 
his marriage documents to be with his 
beloved Cynthia, MaUetont needs to 
contend to the scheming plots of one 
Lady Touchwood and uses his dear 
friend Maskwell as a component to de¬ 
mise the issue, not btowu^MaskweD b 

plotting a scheme of his own by trying 
to steal the love crfhis wife to be 

Ym have these two characters wanting 
Cynthia* Outside of this are subplots of 
other royal characters with similar moti¬ 
vations, Lady Touchwood wants Mefle- 
font, despite being related Then theres 
lord and Lady Froth* with the tatter 
wanting one Mr. Brisk, Then thereS Sir 
Paul and Lady Pyiant, wMi the latter 
wanting to be with Mr, Careless. Basi¬ 
cally everyone is running aoon on each 
other, which may sound good on paper 
But it also plays a role in having the plot 
buckle under ik own weight 

With the amount of characters dou¬ 
ble-crossing each other, the act of decep¬ 
tion becomes increasingly weakened It 
just ends up showing how two-feced 
a lot of these characters are, making it 
difficult to take anyones side. Perhaps 
it was the intention, but the narrative 
doesn’t do the production many favors 
as it operates off a disjointed structure. 
This only becomes doubled (no pun in¬ 
tended) with the diafogue, which sticks 
mighty dose to the English Restoration 
style. Its presorted by mixing the occa¬ 
sionally cryptic English dialect with rap¬ 
id-fire delivery 

Its hand to fault the production for 
sticking dose to the material but it can 
be difficult to folly comprehend what 
each character is saying, YouTJ catch on 

to moments of fine humor* but at the 
expense of fading one note as the pro¬ 
duction keeps to the excessively snooty 
tone throu^out The long winded dia¬ 
logue deliveries also go from meaning¬ 
ful to meandering qukkly for on a few 
occasions 1 questioned what the scenes 
involving the Pyiants and Froths had to 
do with the centra] plot Following the 
curtain caHJ was stLD leftwondering. 

The production is said to take place in 
the galleries and rooms of the Touch- 
wood home, but the set design makes 
it challenging to project you onto the 
environment. A large, wide dickered 
platform encompasses the stage, whkh 
is inclined and emptied out to allow the 
actors greater reign when it came to per¬ 
forming meticulous movements. The 
last part is mere speculation, for while it 
gels the job done, it lacks the lavish and 
intense detail youd usually find in a UP 
set, whkh is strange ance those entities 
were nailed down and then some when 
it came to the period costuming. 

The one aspect whkh prevents the pro¬ 
duction from going completely off the 
rails is in the ensemble performances, 
Billy Chandler is highly effective as the 
decdtfiil Maskwel while Ciarisse Reid 
admirably channels the venomous 
Lady Touchwood Ryan Iwanidd goes 
beyond delight with his performance as 
the carefree lord Froth, and therefe great 
chemistry to be found between Bren¬ 

Natalia Bushnik and Isaiah Kolundzic perform a scene from 'The Double Dealer* which is running until 

Apr. 10 at Essex Hal! Theatre. 

[Photo by // Doug Made flan! 

dan Kronen and Robin Ixickwaldt Ross 
as they play Mr, Brisk and Lady Froth 
respectively I& the actors on stage, who 
ultimately make the production worth 
watching, whkh is unfortunate because 
it could have been so much more. 

Those wht >ve experienced “The Dou¬ 
ble Dealer" before may find the plotting 
easier to stomach But the fading of fire 

production going on longer than war¬ 
ranted is one, which cannot be shaken 
off In what could have been a strong 
finish ends up being a blemish on an 
otherwise stellar seasoa and I can’t hdp 
but fed the strong group of actors de* 
served something a bit better. 

’The Double Dealer" runs at Essex Hall 
Theatre until Apr, 10. 

University Players, 2016- 
2017 Season Review 

While their current year is still coming to a complete close , Urn- 
versify Players is wasting no time in announcing their lineup for 
the 2016-2017 Season . Bath returning and prospective subscribers 
may want to keep an eye out for the following productions theyTl 
present to the local campus and community upon the next aca¬ 
demic year. 

Sept, 23 ~ Oct. 2, 2016 

Ken Ludwig’s “The Three Musketeers” Adventure Comedy 

Ocr 21- j &, 20 i o 

“The Clean House* by Sarah Rhut Quirky Comedy (Audience 

Nov. 25 - Dec , 4> 2016 

a Queen Midi of Galt by Gary Kirkham Romantic Comedy-Drama 
Feb , 3 - 12, 2017 

“Blue Stockings” by fesska Swale Thought-Provoking Drama 
Man 3-12, 2017 

“Lion in the Streets * 1 by Judith Thompson Powerful Drama (Stu¬ 
dent Choice) 

Mar. 31 - Apr. 9 ,2017 

“Bedtime Stories " by Norm Foster Light Adult Comedy 


Sports Editor 

This year at The Lance lias produced 
more growth and production then I 
ever imagined was possible 

From a development standpoint. The 
lance has been tostmrnentei in my 
maturation as a sports journalist and 
a professional to all aspects of my life, 

I have progressed to my bask fon- 
damental skills like conducting thor¬ 
ough rnt£Tview% taking effective notes 
and editing to CP style while main¬ 
taining a quality focal sports news 
product week-in and week-out 

The ability to wrfte about aD of the 

local sports teams for The Lance has 
been a very* rewarding experience. 
When coverii^ as many as nine sep¬ 
arate teams at onc^ I was able to ap¬ 
preciate the everyday grind of sports 
once again. 

As a former athlete visiting the battle¬ 
field with a pen insteadofaswordthe 
ability to see athletes give everything 
they have simply for the name on their 
jersey has been truly humbling 

As the brother of a deceased sist** 
who was a former Lamer Track ath¬ 
lete - Kari (Hedges) Yeboah - bdng a 
part of the Lancer Family has hdped 
me grow more than the readers of 
The Lance wil ever know: 

I am very proud of the athletes and 
teams who I have covaed in my tkne 

as a journalist because the relation¬ 
ships I have established through my 
work at The Lance have turned into 
countless friendships. As a whole, [ 
value these ffienckhjps and acquain¬ 
tances beyond anything I accrued to 
my time witii this paper 

Ive been on both ends cf the am- 
tional spectrum while doing this job 
- a statement many in the field of jour¬ 
nalism can mate The difference be¬ 
tween what others do and what w do 
at Tte Lance is simple - werehun^iei: 

Hungry to provide the troth at aD 
costs, hungry to uphold the puHid 
right to know and hunpy to mate 
oursdves better far the people on 
campus and throughout the commu¬ 
nity who bdteve in wh^ we da 


■ I > 

The International Crashworthiness Symposium will be held at the Centre for Engineering Innovation all day Apr 1 J. 

{Photo by // Hani Yassitte] 

sium will pave the way for plentiful op- 


Arts Editor 

The Centre for Engineering Innovation 
will soon be acting as a host for a highly 
unique conference. 

All day on Apr: 11, the building will be 
home to the Inteniational Crashwor¬ 
thiness Symposium. Well over a dozen 
talks vriB occur at the event between 9 
am and 6 pm where automotive pro 
fesstomls and academic researchers will 
hdp ignite a discussion on providing in¬ 
novative measures in fuel efficiency and 
vehkte safety. 

The day will also act as a collaboration 
agreement between UWindsor, the 
University of Waterloo and the German 
f AS^Sce ISSearcfr Centre tin "Spof 
kick startingwhat he believes to be a piv¬ 
otal discussion, organizer and engineer¬ 
ing professor Dr Bill Aitenhof thinks 
the event will help put a.spotlight on the 
campus' own engineering program. 

“We want to show them we have the 
necessary talent as well as the research 
tods to do some very interesting work,” 

According to Aitenhof one of the ways 
the conference plans on touching on 
fud efficiency and vehide safety is by 
proposing greater utilization of lighter 
weight materials. He notes die econom¬ 
ic burdens of car accidents are “phe- 
nomenaT as billions of dollars are spent 
annually on the matter* whkhdfectiv^ 

compounds with injuries and a possible 
loss ofiife through these acddenis. 

As there are seldom any conferences 
specifically touching on this particular 
matter, Akenhof believes the sympo¬ 


^We are at the automotive capital of the 
world basically and the sad thing is that 
there are very few symposiums or gath¬ 

erings of this type in our neighborhood 
or within our vicinity 1 Alenhof said 
“Even if we make a real, real small con¬ 
tribution, it would translate possibly into 
very, wy large savings” 

More than 80 people have registered for 
the conference. While there currently 
few spots available due to budgeting, 
those interested in attending can send 
an e-mail to aash^uwindsorca- 


The Lance Contributor 

Recently I got die opportunity to 
work for the The Lance newspaper 
as an intern writer and also as a vol¬ 
unteer. Being actively involved wMi 
covering various stories and pouring 
my thoughts cm paper aided me in 
enhancing my writing skills and also 
getting a taste of working for a medi¬ 
um whkh oooveys information to the 
people by toe voice of the stodeitis. 

'file irony of working with such a 
fonn of media changed my percep¬ 
tion ofhow things work within an en¬ 
vironment imbued with constricted 
deadlines and the materials being pre¬ 

sented to the public The staff of The 
Lance are dedicated towards the sto¬ 
rks theywant to share with the people 
and I experienced that mysdfbecause 
of my passion for writing. Whether it 
be art related stories or stories express¬ 
ing social awareness, the experience 
of it all has been valuable in my own 
progression as an aspiring writer 

The ailminatfon of all these involve¬ 
ments have so for aided me in eval¬ 
uating my own position in society 
and cultivate my ability to formulate 
stories m order to reach out to people. 
The Lance lias gpven me that oppor¬ 
tunity to imbue my writing style to it 
and so far, it has been quite a journey. 
I believe every person who happens 

to have a pendiam for writing and 
needs a pktibmi for his/her voice to 
be heard, sudi established mediums 
like newspapers, magazines, internet 
and TV help to make that happen and 
in my case, learning how things work 
in The Lance gave me an insight as to 
how the process of publication devel¬ 

Morexwer, I would Hke to add that the 
people I met whether ft be artists or 
sodal workers, every one of them had 
an interesting motive behind what 
they were doing and that motivat¬ 
ed me to give a voice to their actions 
through the power of the press and I 
thank The Lance and its staff mem¬ 
bers for giving me that chance 


Workshop Highlights Social 
Justice Through Art 


Arts Editor 

As art generally encourages its viewer 
to try to think a little ditierently* a recent 
workshop used this as a platibmi to cre¬ 
ate a dialogic on sck^ justice 

Ashes Transformed: Sodal Justice 
Through Ait encompassed the third 
floor of the Art Gallery of Windsor on 
the afternoon of Apr. 2. The event was 
co-hosted by the AGW and the Teach¬ 
ers for Global Awareness, which began 
with an indigenous round dance and 
proceeded with the workshop and a 
curator talk 

“Art is really attached to our emotions* 
i& inspirational and that is a very easy 
link with using art to get people to think 
and become aware of issuesT said Amy 
TesoBre co-chair of the Teachers hr 
Global Awareness. “It captures your 
attention a lot better than someone just 
talkin g about it It really challenges the 
person to look at it from thdr own an- 


The event served as a tie-in for Y 68:01! 
an ediM within the gallery whkh was 
set up by Iraqi-American artist Watia 
BilaL The exhibit is a series of connected 
bookcases several feet long Many of the 
shelves a re vacant* while those; whkh 
are occupied wholly consist of books 
rdated to arts and culture* 

The showcase was in reference to a mo¬ 
ment in 2003 where over 70,000 books 
in the Umveraity of Baghdad's library 
were engulfed in flames* part of Iraqi 
ongprt^ history of vwlence towards cul¬ 
tural institutions. Donations were being 
accepted in the gallery in an effort to re¬ 
place the lost works* leaving die exhibit 
itself ' to be a shining sample of the kind 
of social Justice, which can be accom¬ 
plished through artistic methods, 

“Here in Canada* were lucky we have 
so many cultural institutions, and we 
cm take t hem for granted," said AGW 
rantemporary art curator Srimoyee Mi- 
tea. “Even though these institutions have 
been damaged, theyVe always rebuilt 
them. Thais what we wanted to focus 
on here* that history of not just arrival 
but also a commitment to rebuilding 

Teachers for Global Awareness co-chair Amy Tesolin speaks during the social justice through art workshop 

at the Art Gallery of Windsor. Apr. 2. 

[Photo by // Marti Yassine] 

Theresa Sims , right, leads a round dance to being the social justice through art workship at 

the Art Gallery of Windsor Apr 2. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 

The exhibit *168:01* by Iraqi-American artist Waffa Bilal was on display during a social 
justice through art workshop at the Art Gallery of Windsor Apr 2. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine] 


The Lance Contributor 

My time at the Lance was brief 1 was 
there for only a week to fill in for a 
friend who was on vacation. How¬ 
ever, despite my contribution being 
short* the list of tilings I learned and 
accomplished is not 

T completed a total of seven articles 
di ning my work perkxi I know sev¬ 
en doesn’t seem like a lot but my av¬ 
erage before then was about one a 
week because I would only do them 
for my heal reporting dass at school 
Writing was and still is something I 
love but my preferred method of news 
reporting was TY broadcast Howev¬ 

er, my week atThe Lance renewed my 
passion hr the written word and Tve 
done almost nothing but print since 

Working for The Lance also gave me 
a taste of the reaLwcdd industry My 
only experience in journalism so for 
had come from school 1 am about to 
graduate from journalism at Si Pa ir 
College and* although the program is 
great and gives a good ideaof the work 
world* it was stilla shock to be thrown 
into tile industry so quickly. I had to 
qukkiy learn and adapt to be able to 
go from one article a week to severe 
Time management is something I 
have always been good at but. in only 

that one week, I became even better. 
Receiving feedback oo my work from 
outside of school was also hugely ben- 
efiriat because it provided a different 
perspective and hdped me grow as a 
writer and a journalist 

So, while my week at The Lance 
wasn't perfect, it was st ill an amazing 
experience to have had I learned so 
much about the journalism industry 
and myself lm very grateful to have 
received a message one day that said 
“can you do me a fevorT because 
thatk the reason I had the wundertu! 
opportunity to work with The Lance 
and the people who bring it to life ev¬ 
ery week 

| & 1 / APRIL 7 2016 ■ UW1NDSORLANCECA 


News Editor 

There was a lock-la which took place 
last week at the University of Windsor 
and its cause may be one that surprises 

Rodent assistants fom die univer¬ 
sity kicked themselves in Vania- Hall 
to raise money for leukemia research 
and advocacy last week for 24 hours. 
Students could come out to Vanter to 
punish them or reward them by donat¬ 
ing money. The punishments included 
handcuffing people to one another, pies 
to the face and much more, 

Martine McDankI and Robyn Scott 
resident assistants at MacDonald Hall 
and or^nizers of the fock-ln event said 
the annual event was altered this year 
because of the death of someone very 
dose to them involved with residence 
life from the university earlier in the 
school year 

"My RA. who died from leukemia was 
the inspiration behind putting on this 
ev ent and raising the mooryf said Scott. 
"1 wanted to take this on because I know 



McDankI said he mother was diag¬ 
nosed in October with metastatic lym¬ 
phoma and it really drove her passion 
for the event 

<f When the opportunity presented itself 
to step up in the event we took iC said 
McDaniel “Some of the punishments 
may be a tele much but were having 
ton. were driving thmujji the24homs 
and were raising a lot of money?* 

The group raised more than l^QOGand 
said when they surpassed last year^ total 
they cook a moment and realized how 
proud of the event they were. 

1 was very surreal and unexpected be¬ 
cause we were so caught up in the event 
itsdC said McDaniel "Its defiiiitdy giv¬ 
en me a new outlook on the students 
to residence and on the RAs and how 
motivated they can be to make a difier- 

Scctt said the biggest thing she took 
away was how much the students cared 

"Being in a leadership rok on campus 
f*tfs you in a spot where you deal with 

a lot of people and sometimes a lot of 

Hie R.A.s sit patiently as the clock time on their 24 hour stay dwindles down and their impending freedom 

come near 

[Photo by/fCaleb Workman} 

prised by not only how many people Sort! said its easy to have mtscoooep- The group said they were happy with 
aifported the cause* but alsowhothose tiara ofpeopte and to the whole eveni and hope it cs cuntm- 

p<5pf?vlvf^ 1 m 

Feminist Research Group Discusses 
Positive Changes in Community 


News Editor 

The Feminist Research Group of the 
University afWindsor held their annual 
conference to discuss the different topics 
and issues on campus, in Windsor and 
in the country. 

The conference brought to different 
speakers from the fidd of feminism and 
positive initiators from feminist back¬ 
grounds to talk about feminism, what 
it means and how to positively portray 
their messages to other people It also 
gave mdividuais from the community 
a chance to come out and see what the 
evert and feminism was all abort for 

Michelle Krieger. PhD candidate stu- 
dat and member and oeganirer of the 
research group, said they also get to 
highlight graduate student work that 
comes from a feminist background 

1 think its important graduate ^uderts 
get the chance to present their work and 
get a caste of the real world before they 
go ert into die read woridT said Krieger 
"fe also important to showcase the great 
feminist work that comes out of the uni- 


The topic of the day was totasedionai 
and its impact on society. Kheger said 
the topic is very refevart and is becom- 
ing more commonly discussed. 

"The idea of feminism is becoming 
more a»nmoiily discussed positively 
and negatively around the worlds said 
Kheger. "I think what people need to 
know is that w don't want anything less 
for other people, were just advocating 
for our rights. We don't hate anyone, we 
just want to work together with other 
groups to make the wodd a bit better 

Keynote speaker for the event and as¬ 
sociate professor at the University of 
Waterloo, jane Nicholas, talked about 
the history of the freak Show in Canada 
and how they still affect Canadian soci¬ 
ety today. 

> lot of children in history faced an 
uphill batik because of the idea of the 
Freak Show and how itportrayed young 
people with disabilities said Nicholas. 
“A lot of the stereotypes from that exist 
in people today and 1 hope to fry and 
eliminate as much of the stereotype as 
possible in my research. 1 * 

Nicholas said its important for people 
to see the reseanrfi feminists dtx not just 

Hie Feminist Research Group organizers pose for a photo at their soda! following the day events April 2. 

[Photo by//Caleb Workman) 

because they re feminists, but because groups, conversations because it moves every- 

they do really wart to improve the lira one further and helps us get over mis- 

of people and not just argue with other Us important to have the challenging cotKeptionsT said Nfchdas 


Seminar Helps Local Non-Profits 
Stay Ahead Of Fundraising Curve 


Sports Editor 

Non-profit organizations are tireless¬ 
ly seardiing for new ways to generate 
sponsorship and dhraftlying revenue 
hut thanks to a seminar this past week, 
dozens of local groups have a teg up on 

Benue Cotanmn is the managing 
partner ofThe Qrtre of Excellence for 
Public Sector Marketing in Ottawa, an 
otgaiuzation dedicated to advancing 
the maiketir^ discipline in the public, 
professional association and non-profit 
sectors. Gaftennan led dozens of focal 

represematim during a seminar at the 
Windsor international Aquatic and 
Training Centre Mar. 31 and through¬ 
out file afternoon, he elaborated on 
IWrwTKe & dd way" of doing things is 

customers and leverage the property's 
brand and build loyalty. 

“We're here to teach them how to be 
more effective at developing their fund- 
raising programs for your organization,” 
Colterman saki “We talked a lot about 
the principles of marketing and spon¬ 
sorship and how they integrate together 
to help non-profit oiganizafiora be ef¬ 
fective in what they aredoing." 

Tlie first half of the session explored 
the five trends in ^onsorchip and 
explained what non-profife not to do to 

keep pace with file changes and position 
your oipntoaEjon as a serious player in 
the sponsorship game. Amber Hunter 
is the executive director ofTransition to 
Betierness and said anything that may 
generate new ideas regarding fundrais¬ 
ing is well worth listening to. 

"Anything that hdps generate pleas and 
come up with donor initiatives is always 
wekomer Hunter said Were always 
looking to expand our repertoire of 
wh^tf were dotng. Non-profits have to 
constantly try new things and seminars 
like this am give us a surge of energy!* 

The second half of the session focused 

on Tfon-Profit Branding,” Cbiterman 
explained the key stages of a brand anal¬ 
ysis* how marketing is charing and the 
impact of these changes from a spon¬ 
sorship perspective, what you need to 
do to make the shift from fundraising to 

^nsorship and effective s teps to man- 

—-—- r — * - A am 


Bob Williams, director of Windsor 
Pride, said the skills learned ftooi Col- 
tenuan will be great tools to hdp keep 
up with modem methods and stay 
relevant in a region with countless 

*1 think these are important because 
trying to stay ahead of the curve is so 
important especially in this communi¬ 
ty Williams said 'The wtefl is only as 
deep as it can be and were all dipping 
into that same wdl and I think ife im¬ 
portant that those who donate or are 

Member of the non -profit organization Transition to Bettemess took part in a seminar at the Windsor 
International Aquatic and Training Centre Mar, 31. Dozens of representatives were taught how to diversify 
their fundraising models and increase their brand awareness . 

(Photo by // Brett Hedges} 

Bemie Colterman instructs a group of representatives from dozens of heal nonprofit groups during a sem¬ 
inar at the Windsor /nferweifiona/ Aquatic and Training Centre Mar 3T Colterman is managing partner of 
Vte Centre of Excellence for Public Sector Marketing an organization dedicated to advancing the market¬ 
ing discipline in the public, professional association and non-profit sectors. 

(Photo by // Brett Hedges} 

sponsoring have a great return as wdL" 


Layout Manage* 

Fve been with The Lance for two years 
now and ife been one hell of a rkk 
Year one was a struggle for me, J had 
spent the entire year balancing study¬ 
ing Media Convergence ftifl time, 
miliary here, working a part time job 
dsewhere and balancing my passion 
of performing comedy. It helped me 
create a strong work ethic and helped 
me foam to really manage my time. 
But that was year one, thb is supposed 
to be about year two. 

Working here gave me a really big op¬ 
portunity I was aWe to quit my other 
part time job and spend three months 
working on my passion for comedy 
and photography I was also able to 

hdp change the design a bit by work¬ 
ing with foiene to change the oofours 
and a few small choices in the overall 
des^n I had made the year before. 
When 1 studied Journalism I found 
I didreallywdlwjtlil^^aiidDe- 
sign, and I used my abilities to work at 
die college paper, which hdped lead to 
working here 

The Lance has taught me a lot how 
to balance time, the benefits of hard 
work and dedication and how not all 
pkfcxs actually fee) like work It new 
felt like a rejKHisisltty forme, 1 would 
come in, pul on Spctify and spend 
the next couple of hours putting 
fifing into place like I was working 
on several puzzles, ft almost fdl like 
a gpm sometime -but if the people 
in charge of hiring for the lance are 
reading this, it totally felt Hke work So 

stressful - Okay now that they're gone, 
txniestly it was a total blast 

I met a lot of talented vtxing journal¬ 
ists who I can call friends, not col¬ 
leagues, Seeing them Improve week 
after week and produce high quality 
wT^rk was ata'ays amazing. Every' story 
I put into die paper made me realize 
how talented the staff and interns are 
here. Overall lifts was an experience 
Pm glad I lock part in and Pm fi^anfo 
ftil for all the people Tve met along die 

ftH be weird putting this into this years 
final paper, chances are PH see ft and 
reread it If that does happen, future 
Chris, don’t forgot to tape the season 
finale of Walking Dead Thanks for 
one hefl of a year, hopdiilly youTl see 
more of me in the future 


Creative Writing Gala Packs Green Bean Cafe 


Arts Editor 

Whereas most galas consist of fancy, 
black-tie recejSsons, this one was bw 
key and more intent on the sharing of 

This year's Creative Writing Gala had 
the Green Bean Cafe nearly filled to 

dents, ranging from second year to the 
masters’ program, were each given two 
minutes to perform just a sample of the 
work they’ve penned over die past year. 

Among the perfenmers was secoiKi 
student Nathanya Bamdt, ^vho was also 
die winner of this Marchs Windsor Po¬ 
etry Slam alPhogLou^ 
to take the stagewith a sound poem and 
traditional one at hand While slie also is 

the brim as almost every seat was tak- in her third year, cbHibfemiyortrigmm- 

en on the waring of Mar 30, More gjishanddiama.BametifowndheTsee- 

than 40 creative writing workshop stu- end year in creative writing to become 

Atexa Bosimier reads one of her work samples at the Creative Writing 

Gala Mar: 30. 

[Photo by // Hani Yassine} 

wry hdpfu] when it came to distilling 
her poetry 

“My poetry is often very wordy so it 
helps distilling it down to the essentials 
and sort of editing out and turning off 

'^^T^ning ifiaf JcSiTrJSEerfTSrT!^ 

The gala was structured the same as the 
ones which preceded it One significant 
difierence however, was the creation of 
'The Box Set” fora the masters* stu¬ 
dents, ilk common for later students to 
createa small diatbook, which conges 

a collective sample of work “The Box 
Sef is different as it was a faE-fledged 
book whkh ended up bdng a whole 
semester in the making between the 
editing and publishing process. Twen- 

at the gala 

T titink ifis ftin fcrthemT said Dr Susan 
Holbrook, who instincts the masters 
das* “A kx of them will go on to be ed■ 
iters and. publisher* and so this is more 
in that vdn as well, so ift kind of exciting 

On his way in finishing the first year of 
the masters" program, Alex Dmmm 
was among those reading directly from 
the book while also serving as the events 
emcee. He said hes pretty proud ef how 
*e book .turned oufe and uitiinareJy 
bound the skill and editing ofhis peers to 
lead to a rewarding academic year. 

"Dr, Holbrook has bear an amazing in¬ 
structor and leader in it, and each of die 
students brif^ that* own unique flair to 
the table thats been really beneficial to 
the whole writing seminar? Dmmm 

Theatre Review - Dead Man’s Cell Phone 


Arts Editor 

A Jingle goes off from a cell phone in 
a cafe The owner of the device, Gor¬ 
don, doesn’t respond to it, and instead 
remains still with his eyes dosed, as if 
hes in a trance. The only person near* 
by is Jean, wbofe increasingly becoming 
annoyed by the insistent ringtone. “Are 
you ill? Are you deaf?" asks Jean out of 
frustration. But not tong after, she real¬ 
izes theres a good reason why Gordon 
isn’t answering his phone hes dead, 

The opening scene of Korda Artistic 
Productions rendition of “Dead Mam 
Cdl Phone" sets the foundation for 
whats to come; Almost immediately 

hrving up to the title, Jean finds hcradf 
tangfed in mystery arei family dysfunc¬ 
tion as she takes possession of Gordons 
cdl phone and begins o>mmunicating 
with those within the contact list She 
chips away at the kind of person Gor¬ 
don was, from the minute details to a 
startling revdation. The result is a play 
which Ls nch in deadpan, arid even crass 
humour, but at tie expense of having 
unwarranted diameter HKitivafions and 
themes whkh are as subtly expressed as 
a semi-truck coUisiofL 

Its a mixed bag whkh mostly pays off 
The play, originally written by Sarah 
Ruhl shines greatly when it comes to 
Jean pulling the thread on a life lost, 
getting snippets of information about 
the recently deceased &om former lov¬ 
ers and family members. Theres con¬ 

fidence within the direction and the 
performances, as they make efficient 
use of the stage and the limited scenic 
resources at their disposal ft also man¬ 
ages to keep a rather mysterious aura 
throughout whkh adds to 
and encourages you to stay to the aid 
Simply put, the cast and crew make ihe 
most with what they have, leading the 
issues to be more inherent to the script 

As there are a fair share of twists and 
turns, spoiling the story* would be a 
disservice. But some plot threads mote 
vdoped and almost fora the start Jeara 
motivations never really seem justified 
Its not long after Gordons death when 
she begins filling lies about his final 
hours. Ai first its to make other char¬ 

acters fed better and more at peace, but 
then she begias going out of her way to 
lie and essentially serve the interests of 
a person die had no legitimate invest¬ 
ment ia so it hard to reaDy empathize 
with her in any meaningful way. 

Another critical issue Iks in the subtext 
It aims to be a thought provoking play 
which b respectable and appreciated 
The problem is how badly it wants the 
audience to know this Without any real 
organic precedent, charadmwillgD off 
on tangents, whkh serve as commen¬ 
tary' about the Digital Age, particularly 

irtfo their cellular devices. Not once does 
it bother to express these views in a 
natural or implicit manner, leaving you 
with something beating you over the 
head with its message. Only' the more 
times you’re hit, the less impactful it 

There^ still some enfoymem tobe had in 
the play and by the endyouU likely find 
the experience to be worthwhile. But 
bike a ringtone whkh is being excessive¬ 
ly heard perhaps its best to just set the 
device on vibrate 

“Dead Maris Cdl Phone” runs at the 
KoniaZone Theatre until Apr 10. 

how everyone nowadays is too plugged 


Canadian Pro Basketball Players Find 
Their Home With Windsor Express 

BRETTH EDGES terabout)mirnatk>mlit) , r Johnson said 

Sports Editor ‘Tberes a lot of Canadians who didn't 

__ _ _ get the opportunity to showcase their 

skills. Ohi Famutimi, Erick K3bi* Tramar 

Hie National Basketball Le^jcofCan* 
ada hosts a bevy of domestic talent and 
no one knows this more than the two- 
time defending champions, die Wind¬ 
sor Impress, 

As per league mandate, each teamis 
roster must have a minimum of tour 
players with Canadian dfeenship. Alex 
‘"Superman" fohnson, Thao Davis, 
Shaquiile KdtJi and Denny McDonald 
represent the domestic talent put on 
display at the WFCU Centre through- 
out the NBL Canada regular season 
with tlie Express. Johnson, a former 
first overall pidc in the NB1 draft by the 
former Ottawa Skyhawks. believes its 
voy important for Canadians to be able 
to play professional basketball in their 
home country 

Sutherland are just a few that come to 
mind. The ratio would definitely help 
because they would have to pfeyT 

McDonald a 6-foot-6 forward who 
played in tire Canadian University sys- 
tem witii the Trinity Western Spartans 
of the CanWest ccinference and said the 
league is right to promote the devdop- 
ment of domestic talent coming out of 
the OS and slid lie was excited for tlie 
opportunity to play in Windsor after 
spending time in New' Brunswick with 
(he Saint John Mill Rais. 

'When I played in the OS, I saw that 
the league was growing and I always 
imagined mysdf playing there** said 
McDonald "fts important to embrace 
our professional athletes, we want to see 
our Canadians doing well and continue 

to strive for that and make a name for 
ourselves in tins league” 

“I think it would be race if the Canadi¬ 
ans had multiple opportunities to show 
tlie league we am playT Johnson said 
‘‘Maybe if we had more Canadian own¬ 
ers and caches in this league this could 
- be IVT^Sdal 1& thinking but 
imyix «oe day «c ««y Uvt a Uuifr ihm»ute»UK SsiU. 

-J mi is ter '!»); aBanwl fqch other or -pi a j*H J »q »a e lil ) ' a F | m i .l i m Mwy 

Now as the regular season winds down, 
Johnson and McDonald both agreed 
the final g^mes of the year will be used 

to hdp fine-tune thdr skills and dearty 

the AmerkamT 

Johnson pb>ed oolkgjale for the KC 
State Wolfpack of the ACC* arguably the 
toughest contbence of the NCAA* and 
while he believes the league is a great 
platform for talent devdopment, having 
six Canadians on ea± squad instead of 
four would help NBL Canada grow 
brand and become more. 

Canadians can play this game and if 
you can play this game it shouldn't mat* 

“I fed Ive transitioned to the pro game 
pretty good I didn't have much of an 
opportunity in Saint John but I fed fin a 
better fit herd’ McDonald said Tm still 
tntnsitkioing and bang just three hours 
from heme in Mississauga is big for me 
and all of my hard work has already 
started to pay off.Fm just going to build 
from there I know what they expect of 
me and Fm just going to push forward 
and make sure l keep doing that” 

6-foot-10 center Theo Davis is one of four Canadian talents on the Windsor Express roster looking to 
solidify their role under head coach Bill Jones. Davis, along with Alex Johnson, Shaquille Keith and Denny 
McDonald provide a nucleus of Canadian talent unseen across the eight-team league , 

[Photo by // Kevin JarroldJ 



As my second season with The Lance 
comes to a dose* 1 canY he^> but stand 
bade in disbdkf What my staff and I 
have aoDtOTffehcd in just tw years 
time, what we have overcome - its 

Fve always been a writer and photog¬ 
rapher; I enjoy talking with people 
and being the front-runner Bor the 
first year, 1 was able to do this a bit but 
the paper needed hdp in other areas. 
So this year Fve taken a big step bade 
behind the scenes, X took myself out of 
the front lines and sent ray three ed¬ 
itors and all our vofonjeen* out to be 
the has otThe Lance while I managed 
the business, coached our Editors and 
volunteers, took time with our adver- 
using manager and dfents, and really 
let my three Editors run the show 

The results hare been phenomenal J 
couldn't ask fora better team of writers 
tn this office The final result in this is¬ 

sue, c o mpared to the initial content of 
our first issue - its comparing apples 
to oranges at this point Fve enjoyed 
being abJe to sit down with each of 
them, mold them from budding 
young H wnalists to Imowfodge^le 
professionals. Week by week Fve 
watched my Editors improve thdr 
writing and ffihanoe thdr photogra¬ 
phy skill Ihe/ve gone from generic 
quotes in thdr stories to showily true 
emotion Iran Jhdr sources. Fve been 
able tn assist Shanke in tracking down 
advertising dtents, hdp her with her 
persuasiveness and safes pitches and 
teach her more about the print Indus 
try, Fve been abfe to sit bade and watch 
Chra enhance our hjrouL making ojt 
bold bfoe and gold colors show. All uf 
this has only been possible Ixcauseuf 
my amazing team, and I couldn't be 
more proud 

The print industry is charing, and 
we are moving to each up Going into 
our 89th season, my team and 1 want 
to make changes and see this paper 
continue to progress. The Lance has 
been around since Assumption Uni- 

versiy stood where UWndsor stands 
today. ft is one of the oldest news 
sources in Windsor, and we continue 
to be committed to bringing out stu 
dents coverage of thdr ifvems week 
after week 

Fve teamed much more in this pm* 
bon than 1 wtaiU have ever dreamed 
to I was a budding young journalist 
mysetf two years agc\ without any sub¬ 
stantial management experience. The 
LaiKehiLsalknredme to grow a fitter 
from the business standpoint and to 
assist my team in thdr journeys as 
wdl and I coukfoft be mure Ignored 

i look forward to seeing lire Lance 
progress into ilk 89th season, and 
many more alto that and I thank the 
students, faculty and staff at the Uni¬ 
versity of Windsor for giving us die 
opportunity to do what we fore every 
day. But most importantly I want to 
thank my staff for always having my 
bade Bor committing to publishing 
great articles, and for always rising up 
mesofTI kL ance and lam proud lo 
cal! them my colleagues 



Sports Editor 

The Windsor Spitfires suffered a five- 
game dd^ in the opening rourdot the 
OHL playoffs to the Kitchener Rangers 
but are taking the experience gained 
from 40 regular season wins forward 
into a potential Memorial Cup bid in 

First year head coach Rocky Thomp- 
son led the Spitfires to 40 regular season 
wins and has the nudeus of a strong 
dub moving forward to next year but 
said there is always a biller taste in their 
mouth at the end of a season. 

‘This is always a tough day at the end 
of the year, thends dbap]x>irtfmentf ad¬ 
mitted Thompson. “But from where we 
started at the beginning of the year to 
where we were at the end - we were real¬ 
ly proud of thera I think you can judge 
a team by how much fight they have left 
in diem and our guys fought right down 

in his first season behind the bench 
of an OHL squad head coach Rocky 
Thompson proved to be a competent 
leader flanked by associate head coach 
Trevor Letowksi and assistant coach 
ferrod Smith, Thompson said hb first 
season in the GHL was eye opening. 

different dynamics at the levels which 
you coach and you leam so much. This 
was a great experience* I have the best 
staff with Trevor and Jenod and to have 
the support from Warren Rydid was 
such a good environment to walk into 
and it really helped me bring the things 
that fm good at for this teamT 

Amor^ some of the highlights the Spit¬ 
fires enjoyed over the prwea 40- 
goal campaign from Christian Fischer 
and the emergence of rookie gpaitender 
Mike DiPfetro as a future OHL star. 
DiPietro an Amhersfourg native, be¬ 
came the first Spitfire to take home the 
EW Dinty Moore trophy as the leagued 
rookie goaltender with the lowest goals- 
against average since its inception in 

Russian sniper defensem en Mikhail 
Sergachev. 6-foot-7 skilled centre Logan 
Brown and hulking biue-liner Logan 
Stanley all played up to their potential 
and will almost certainly be chosen in 
the first round oi the NHL draft Brown 

* I L 1_|A iL. Cn4r£rw**c «4^k 

fsSUO Ifre *!%? WI1V KW’ TfTr rTWfiCT ifref 

season gives them a lot of confidence 
moving forward as the franchise looks 
to secure the berth to host foe Memorial 
Cup in 2017- 

T think we got foe train track on track 
here in Windsoif Brown said- “My first 
season was not what we wanted and it 

"This league is so talented and then; are fek good to get 40 wins under our bdt 
so many good coaches in this league,” Its a big plateau we were trying to reach 
Thompson said Tt takes great prepa- and were really successful during foe 
ration, 1 coached in the NHL with Ed- regular season and i& just too bad we 
monton last year and there are so many couldrit puli it off in the end” 

Its never easy to see the major junior 
hockey careers of overage players end 
but the futures of Brad Latour, Connor 
Chatham and Mads flfer are certainly 
bright Chatham is a New Devils draft 
pickwhile Latour went to training camp 
with the Toronto Maple Leafs last sea¬ 
son so the prospect of AHL or ECHL 
hockey is a big possibility Eller, brother 
of Montreal Canadiens forward Lars, 
was making flight arrangements to re¬ 
turn to his native Denmark and try out 
for the national team. 

The next question the Spitfires need to 
answer is who keep around and who 
to let ga With a bevy of young talent 
liaving gained a valuable year of ex¬ 
perience, captain Patrick Sanvido said 
saying good-bye to foe overage players 
is always tough but thinking about the 
potential of the team moving forward is 
even harder to ignore. Add in foe possi¬ 
bility of a Memorial Cup fun and things 
are downright exciting again for Wind¬ 
sor Spitfires fens, . 

“Nextyear is our year and we have some 
really special players coming bade San* 
vido sakL “We have guys who are going 
high in foe draft and even some young¬ 
er players that are going to go high In 
next years draft Its an exciting time!' 

The Ontario Hockey League priority 
seieetioo draft is Apr 9 and will feature 
301 picks over 15 rounds. For the ninth 
straight year foe first three rounds will 
be aired live on foe OHL Priority Selec¬ 
tion Draft Show banning at 9 am. 

Mads Eller sits in die Windsor Spitfires dressing room for the last time as players From left - Oistiano DiGiaanto and lagan Brown chat during their team exit meetings at 

deantd out their lockers of file WFCU Centre Apr 2 , The Spitfires lost their open ~ the WFCU Centre Apr Z DiGiaanto is a Tampa Bay Lightning draft pick while Brown is 

mg round OHL playoff series to the Kitchener Rangers 4- L rated a high first round pkk m this year's NHL draft . 

[Photo by// Brett Hedges / (Photo by//Brett Hedges]